St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community


St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community
St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community
3000 North Lompa Lane, Carson City, NV 89706
Phone: (775) 882-1968 ∙ Fax: (775) 883-7063 ∙ Emergency: (775) 882-1968
E-mail: Website:
Photo by Cecilia Hackman
Parish Mission Statement
We, the Catholic Community of St. Teresa of Avila, are a people who journey together in prayer and service, nourished
and unified at the Word and Eucharist, and under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We are called to love one another
and to share our gifts of time, talent, and resources to welcome and to bring our faith to all people!
Parish Staff & Ministries
Fr. Chuck Durante, Pastor
Fr. Hermes Binlayo, Parochial Vicar
Sr. Marie McGloin, S.A., Pastoral Associate
Senior Citizens, Hospital, Visitation of the Sick
Patrick Klekas, Seminarian
Dn. Bob Evans
Dn. Gil Coleman, Baptism Class Preparation
Deacons Michael Johnson & Joe Garcia, Prison Ministry
Dn. Dennis Schreiner, Centering Prayer
Dn. Craig LaGier, St. Vincent Advisor and Homeless Ministry
Delia Rodriguez, Office Manager
Karina Muñoz, Part-Time Receptionist
Norma Porter, Part-Time Receptionist
Roland Fournier, Finance Manager
Religious Education
Fax 775-883-7063
Kari Anderson, CRE: 1st-5th Grade Ext 113
Grace Kengle, CRE: 6th-High School Ext 111
Tina Akerley, Pastoral Assistant Ext 107
Delia Rodriguez, Pastoral Assistant Ext 114
Youth Ministry
Jorge Negrete Chavez, Ext 101
RCIA — Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults and Children 775-882-2130
Kari Anderson, Adult Director Ext 113
Terri Domitrovich, Children Director Ext 112
Carol Tate, Pastoral Assistant Ext 106
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Terri Domitrovich, 775-882-2130 Ext 112
Facility Maintenance
Roland Fournier, Supervisor
Jeff Warnar Ext 117
St. Teresa School
Peggy Burger, Principal
Bonnie Silsby, Assistant Principal
567 S. Richmond Ave. Carson City, NV 89703
Office (775) 882-2079 Fax (775) 882-6135
Child Development Center
Cindi Supko, Director (775) 283-0261
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Mass Schedule:
Sunday Vigil: Saturday 4:00 pm
Sunday: 7:45 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am
1:00 pm - Bilingual Mass and 5:00 pm - Youth Mass
Weekdays in the Chapel:
Mondays: 7:00 am Scripture - Communion Service
Tuesdays - Fridays: 7:00 am Mass
T.V. Catholic Mass: Sunday at 9:00am Channel 8
Baptism: Parents preparing for baptism must call the
office to set up a welcome interview prior to attending a
baptism preparation class. Godparents must be confirmed
and regularly attending mass, registered in a parish, and
attend a baptism class.
Marriage: The Catholic parties must be a registered and a
practicing member of the parish. Please call the parish
office and set up an appointment with a priest at least 6
months prior to your desired wedding month.
Reconciliation (Confessions):
Saturday: 2:30 - 3:30 pm or by appointment.
Anointing of the Sick: The Sacrament of Anointing of
the Sick should be celebrated when someone is seriously
ill, going in for surgery, or at health risk. Please call the
parish office.
April 2nd/3rd, 2016
Page 1
Happy Easter!!! Today we conclude the Octave of Easter. These first 8 days of the Easter
Season are considered as one great feast day. It is as though the resurrection of the Lord is too
big to contain or to celebrate in just one day and so it is extended for eight days. The Paschal
Candle is lit every day during the Octave and will now remain at the ambo and be lit for every mass for the
entire Easter Season, the longest season of the Church year.
Fr. Hermes left for the Philippines on Monday and will be home visiting his family until Saturday, April
23rd. A well-deserved break for him and important time to connect with his mother, other family and friends.
This Sunday Fr. Norm King is helping out with a couple of masses so please give him a hearty St. Teresa
welcome. Fr. Norm was assigned to St. Teresa's many years ago as an associate so some of you will no
doubt remember him. He retired last July and has been helping out in parishes in our area as needed.
Thank you Fr. Norm! Next Sunday we will welcome Fr. John Corona for the 7:45am mass.
This coming Friday evening, April 8th, will be the annual Diocesan Recognition Banquet held in Reno
each year. This is a wonderful gathering from all the parishes in the diocese, each choosing one or two
outstanding volunteers from their parish. Every year it is a challenge to choose from among the many good
people we have giving freely of their time in our parish to help in various ministries. I like to call them
disciples. This year we have chosen Deacons Joe Garcia and Michael Johnson to be honored from our
parish and Jim and Evelyn Larson from the school. Deacon Joe has given of his time ministering at St.
Teresa's since 2003. Being bilingual, he was a great help in preaching when we first began mass in Spanish
and has assisted in many, many liturgies over the years. Until a couple of years ago he would perform the
group baptisms in Spanish every month and helped with quinceaneras regularly. He also directed the prison
ministry for a number of years, going each Saturday and Sunday morning to Warm Springs Correctional
Center and Northern Nevada Correctional Center to offer Scripture Communion Services and spiritual
support to the inmates there. At 87 years old, Deacon Joe leads a Scripture Communion Service every
Tuesday at Sierra Place assisted living facility and still often goes to the prison with Deacon Michael.
Deacon Michael likewise has been a model of service in our parish since his ordination. He served on our
parish Pastoral Council for two terms, was part of the founding Leadership Council of ACTIONN and has
assisted at weekend masses. However his biggest contribution has been taking on the prison ministry from
Deacon Joe and growing it into an outreach of evangelization and prayer, regularly giving 30-40 hours every
week to be with inmates through Scripture Communion Services, Bible and Catholic faith studies, rosaries
and even a sort of RCIA for them. These two men are powerful witnesses to service in our parish and the
greater community and it is a joy to honor them. Please be sure to give them a word of thanks and a pat on
the back for the good ministry they have done and continue to do in the name of the Lord! I will share a bit
about Jim and Evelyn Larson, our honorees from the school, in next week's bulletin.
The first reading this Sunday speaks of the power entrusted to Peter and the other apostles as they
walked and talked among the new believers and the people wanting to learn more about the risen Jesus
Christ and, perhaps more likely, wanting to heal their sick and troubled family members. The Scriptures say
that "they were all cured." Healing comes in many forms and facets. I have found the power of prayer and
the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to be of great comfort to the sick person and her/his family
members alike. In the sacrament we pray for healing and for whatever is to come. It is a powerful reminder
that the risen Lord Jesus is with us in a special way in times of illness for he has a special place in his heart
for those who suffer, as we read over and over again in the gospels. The appropriate time to receive the
Anointing of the Sick is when one is suffering from any serious, chronic illness, life-threatening illness or
when facing surgery requiring general anesthesia. This sacrament unfortunately is still called the "Last Rites"
by some, stemming back to a time when the priest was called when the sick person was on her/his very last
breath. It is very important to see to it that, if at all possible, seriously ill people receive this sacrament when
they are alert and able to enter into the prayer, not when they are, literally, drawing their last breaths. If a
loved one enters the hospital with a serious condition (particularly if they entered through the ER) it is very
helpful to call the parish office to let us know that the person would like the Anointing of the Sick. Privacy
laws often prevent hospital visitors, including Sr. Marie or one of us priests, from knowing someone is in the
hospital. Let us all remember to pray for the sick and reach out to them in the name of the risen Christ.
Blessings to you all this Second Week of Easter!
Fr. Chuck
Second Sunday of Easter
Page 2
Mass Intentions for the Week
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Catholic Home Missions Appeal answers great
needs around the world, including the United States.
Many dioceses here at home face challenges due to
priest shortages, lack of funds, remote geography or
impoverished parishes. Forty-two percent of all
dioceses in the United States, including our own,
receive Catholic Home Missions support with grants
for projects to strengthen the faith of the people.
With your contributions, the Catholic Home Missions
Appeal can continue to provide catechesis, lay
leadership training, funding for seminarian education
and other pastoral outreach. I ask that you please
support this collection to help build up our Church at
Thank you and God bless you.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Randolph R. Calvo, Bishop of Reno
Our community changed lives this Lent, and
CRS Rice Bowl wants to say THANK YOU!!
If you haven’t turned in your CRS Rice Bowl
yet, please drop off at the collection area in the gathering
space or in the parish office.
Monday, April 4th:
7:00am Scripture/Communion Service
Tuesday, April 5th:
7:00am Mike Borda (d) by John Borda
Wednesday, April 6th:
7:00am Vradenburg/Dials (d) by Family
Thursday, April 7th:
7:00am Chickie Oxoby (d) by Dan & Darlene
Friday, April 8th:
7:00am Raymond Kamar (d) by Richard &
Catherine Currevi
Saturday, April 9th:
4:00pm For the People of St. Teresa
Sunday, April 10th:
7:45am Marty Herz (d) by MaryKay Kinne
9:30am Ellen Shafer (d) by Family
11:15am Rita Tumbusch (d) by Ed & Maureen
1:00pm Trinidad (d) & Raul Rangel (d) by
Andrea Botello
5:00pm Jack Wolfe 98th birthday by Annita &
Ed Gaffney
Monday, April 11th, 2016
after the 11:15 Mass
Bring your favorite dish to share and join friends for
an afternoon of good food and fellowship!
Program: Ryan Russell, Attorney; Joel Locke,
Attorney; Trusts and Wills
St Teresa Women’s Society will meet Saturday,
April 16th, 2016 at 9:00am in Chartz Hall. After the
meeting, about 10am, Kari Andersen will present a
mini retreat, until approximately 1:00pm.
Call Carol Sheeks at 882-4234 for more information.
Please pray for the repose of the souls of
Rose Denton, Bernardo Lopez, Bob Lee and
all parish deceased.
Please pray for Bob Glass, and all ill in
the parish, military, law, fire protection
and their families.
Thank You! It is through your CSA pledges that Bishop Calvo meets the huge needs of this
diocese, such as education and formation of seminarians, Catholic Charities, diocesan led areas
such as Religious Education, mission to college students and many others. CSA also helps St.
Teresa parish with our needs by returning all funds in excess of our parish goal. Parish Goal for the
Diocese is $160,068.12.
Number of Gifts Received to Date
Total Amount Pledged to Date
$ 3,726.50
Total Cash Received to Date
$ 83,473.25
$ 75,480.50
$ 7,992.75
Ministry in Action
This is Fair Trade Coffee,Tea &
Chocolate Sales weekend. Sold at cost,
your purchase helps Catholic Relief
Services to promote Catholic Social
Teaching on Environmental Stewardship.
March 26th/27th, 2016
School Second Collection—————–——–- 255.00
Holy Thursday—SVDP————————— 1,557.91
Charity————————————————— 75.00
Good Friday/Holy Land—————————2,721.37
Priests’ Relief Collection—————————-475.00
Good Friday Interfaith Service———————814.12
School Mass—SVDP——————————–--41.03
In gratitude for the gifts we have received, our
parish family and friends made a joyful return to the
Lord of $25,635.34 and to special outreach of
$5,684.43 We have over 2000 registered families.
What Happens to Bake Sale Proceeds?
The St. Teresa of Avila Women’s Society will
be holding a Bake Sale after all Masses on
April 30th and May 1st. We would like to
thank all our parishioners for their support in
buying items from the Bake Sales. From our
last bake sale your purchases helped us
contribute to the following ministries and
*Easter food baskets for the homeless through
Deacon Criag LaGier
*Donations to St. Vincent dePaul
*Donations to students in Transition for shoes
for needy children.
*Monetary gift as thanks to Terri Bond for her
long music ministry
*Monetary gift as thanks to Kevin for his years
of work for the parish.
*Donation for purchase of Youth Bibles
through Grace
*Donations of food baskets for needy families at
Thanksgiving and Christmas
*Contributions to Carson City Circles
Plus monthly contributions from Women
Society members to the Carson High School
Nurse for needy students and to the Ross
Clinic for help with medical supplies.
Thank You for your continuing support.
Page 3
March 19th/20th, 2016
Votive——————————–-————–—– 275.32
Coffee & Donuts—————————————- 2.25
School Second Collection—————–——–- 298.00
St. Vincent de Paul———————————- 993.00
Ash Wednesday/Eastern Europe—————— 1.00
Easter————————————————– 750.00
Good Friday/Holy Land—————————--340.00
Home Missions—————————————- 25.00
Priests’ Relief Collection—————————-682.00
Holy Thursday—SVDP——————————–70.00
$2,691.63 online giving.
In gratitude for the gifts we have received, our
parish family and friends made a joyful return to the
Lord of $19,408.08 and to special outreach of
$2,111.00 We have over 2000 registered families.
Weekly Budgeted Expense Category
Salaries——————————————– $ 8,867.10
Health/Benefits/Education———————– 3,013.98
Maintenance—--————————————– 75.00
Utilities—————————–—————— 1,436.92
Church /Office Supplies———————— 2,080.19
Diocesan Assessments——--—–————–1,886.71
Insurance-Prop.,Liability & Worker’s Comp— 455.69
Liturgy/Parish Events—————–————–- 394.23
Improvements ———–—————–——-— 359.62
School Subsidy & 2nd Collection————– 1,230.77
Miscellaneous————————————- 1,639.98
TOTAL——————————————- $22,240.19
Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is
most appropriate that Child Abuse Prevention Month is
held during the Easter season. There is no better time
than Easter to celebrate the protection of our most
valuable gift from God—our children. For information
on how you can become more informed and involved in
keeping our children safe, please call: Jane O’Connor,
Safe Environment Coordinator at 775-326-9445 Source:
The diocese is offering a program for Lay Ministry
Formation and Leadership beginning this August.
An Information Session will be held Wednesday
night, April 6th at 6:30pm at Our Lady of the Snows
Parish center. Interested? Intrigued? Please join
us and get your questions answered! Call Dr.
Lauri-Anne Reinhart for questions, 775-326-9431.
St. Teresa of Avila, Carson City, NV.
Please contact Kari at 882-2130 x113 if you have any
questions or cannot attend. This is an important meeting
with some “decision-making” concerning your child’s
First Communion. There will also be a presentation on
the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Please bring a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate,
if you have not already done so.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o no puede asistir a la reunión,
por favor llame a 882-1968. Ésta es una reunión
importante con algunas “decisiones que hacer” acerca de
la Primera Comunión de su hijo/a. También habrá una
presentación del Sacramento de Reconciliación.
Favor de traer una copia del certificado de bautismo de su
hijo si no lo ha hecho.
Come join us at the only Catholic High
School in Northern Nevada and help make a
difference in the lives of our students!
Bishop Manogue Catholic High School is
currently seeking a Head Boy’s Basketball
Coach and a Head Boy’s Soccer Coach for
the 2016-2017 School Year. For additional
information and the complete job description,
please visit our web site: http:// or email
Please join the Catholic Professional & Business Group
for breakfast on Thursday, April 14, from 7 to 8:30 am
at the Silver Legacy as we welcome Anne Hendershott,
Professor of Sociology and Director of the Veritas
Center at Franciscan University in Steubenville, and
noted author. Mrs. Hendershott will explain the "End of
Comfortable Catholicism," the challenges we Catholics
face as our faith is being attacked and the hope that our
faithful leaders and laity give. For additional information
and to make reservations visit or call Jeremy McNeil at
775-250-2888 with any questions.
Page 4
Upcoming Parish Events
Monday, April 4:
7:00am - Scripture Communion Service, Chapel
4:45-6:45pm - Adoration, Chapel
6:00pm - Centering Prayer, Music Room
6:30pm - Charismatic On-going Formation, Chapel
Tuesday, April 5:
7:00am - Mass, Chapel
5:30pm - Women's Bible Study, Chartz Hall
7:00pm - Hispanic Prayer Group, Chapel
Wednesday, April 6:
7:00am - Mass, Chapel
7:30am -1:00pm Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament, Chapel
9:15am - Centering Prayer, Nursery
Thursday April 7:
7:00am - Mass, Chapel
8:30am - School Mass
6:30pm - Bible Study - Spanish, Chapel
Friday, April 8:
7:00am - Mass, Chapel
12:00pm - Women's Faith Sharing, Chartz Hall
5:00pm - Quinceañera Classes, Chapel
7:00pm - Baptism Class, Chartz Hall
7:00pm - Charismatic Faith Formation, Chapel
Saturday, April 9:
10:00am - Martin Strickland Funeral Mass - Chapel
4:00pm - Mass in Church
Sunday, April 10:
7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 1:00pm and 5:00pm –
Mass in Church
11:15 - First Communion for St. Teresa School
will meet at the fireplace in the Gathering
Space at Noon on the following dates:
April 8,22; May 6, 20; and June 3,17. No
meetings during July. Any questions
may be directed to Cheryl Rotter.
St. Teresa School
is celebrating the Sacrament of
First Communion on April 10th at
the 11:15am Mass.
Silver Salute to Nevada’s Sterling Roots
Saloon doors open at 5 o’clock at BMCHS
Supports tuition assistance for BMCHS scholars.
St. Teresa of Avila, Carson City, NV.
Page 5
St. Teresa's would like to invite all young adults into the organizing and creating of a young adult group that
will allow a deepening of faith and community. The goal is to bring in more energy and excitement to benefit
our parish community.
If you are being called to a sense of fellowship with other young adults please contact Karina in the parish
office at 882-1968 or for more information.
The Nevada Clergy Association requests your
presence at the 2016 Interfaith NEVADA
PRAYER BREAKFAST “United In Peace” on
Tuesday, April 12th, 7 to 9 AM in the Grand
Ballroom of Atlantis Casino in Reno.
Please RSVP by April 6th. Tickets: $30 or $35
at the door. For more information call
775-786-1800 or
Centering Prayer Workshop
We would like to invite you to an Introduction to Centering
Prayer Workshop on Saturday April 23rd from 9:00 am to
2:00 pm at Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Parish Hall, 1200
Arlington Avenue, Reno, NV 89509.
Participants should bring a brown bag lunch.
To assist in planning please call Ann at (775) 762-3115. For
more information on the contemplative outreach spiritual
network visit
Women’s Society, Co-Presidents, Carol Sheeks 882-4234 and Martha Nichols 883-6658
Boy & Girl Scouts, Marty Schwedhelm, 883-0570
Altar Servers, Carol Tate, 775-224-2685
St Vincent de Paul Society, Barbara Sweeting, 882-1968
Knights of Columbus, Chris Thompson 220-0380
Lay Carmelite Community, Marlene Pearson, 882-6293
Exciting Updates from the St Teresa Religious Articles Store
We are almost done with the store remodel, please pop in and see!!! We have received our “First Communion Remembrance” gift
packets ($10). These precious packets contain a remembrance booklet (in English or Español), rosary, scapular, and lapel pin. We
also have picture frames, children’s bibles, children’s prayer books, rosary bracelets, and children’s wall crucifixes. If you have the
need for something special for your First Communicant please check with the gift store or Cheryl Rotter. We use, and Feel free to check out these websites and we can get lower prices for you. Any special
ordering will need to be completed by mid April. St. Ignatius cards are now available and we have also received four copies of the
wonderful daily reflection book: A Year of Mercy with Pope Francis. ($10)
Hay artículos religiosos nuevos en la tienda Santa Teresa casi!! tenemos artículos para primera comunión, recuerdos, paquetes de
regalo a ($ 10). Folletos (Inglés o Español), rosario, escapulario, y broches. También tenemos imagines de santos, Biblias para niños,
libros de oraciones, pulseras de rosario y crucifijo de la pared. Si usted tiene la necesidad de algo especial para su primera comunión
comunicarse con Cheryl Rotter. Tarjetas de San Ignacio ya están disponibles. También hemos recibido copias del libro reflexión
diaria. El Año de la Misericordia del Papa Francisco. ($ 10)
Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10;
Lk 1:26-38
Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21
Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21
Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13;
Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14]
Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Sal 40 (39):7-11;
Heb 10:4-10; Lc 1:26-38
Hch 4:32-37; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
Miércoles: Hch 5:17-26; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Jn 3:16-21
Hch 5:27-33; Sal 34 (33):2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36
Hch 5:34-42; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
Hch 6:1-7; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21
Domingo: Hch 5:27-32, 40b-41; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6,
11-13; Ap 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14]