March 6, 2016 - St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church
March 6, 2016 - St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Jude Seder Supper A Passover Celebration Saturday, March 19, 2016 6:30PM - Ministry Hall “There is no doubt that the most evident dimension of the Eucharist is that it is a meal. The Eucharist was born, on the evening of Holy Thursday, in the setting of the Passover meal. Being a meal is part of its very structure. “Take, eat... Then he took a cup and... gave it to them, saying: Drink from it, all of you” (Mt 26:26, 27). As such, it expresses the fellowship which God wishes to establish with us and which we ourselves must build with one another.” (Mane nobiscum Domine, Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II for the Year of the Eucharist, 2004-2005) When Catholics gather to commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Christ, the celebration begins by recalling Christ and his Apostles at the Last Supper, which was the Passover Seder Meal. You are cordially invited to join us when we replicate the Seder Meal and examine the scriptural basis for this Holy Eucharist. $18.00/person / RSVP required Not recommended for children under age 7. The supper will last approximately 2.5 hours. Please register online at or complete a reservation form at the parish office or in the church vestibule Please sign up to volunteer: March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Fourth Sunday of Lentof Lent Fourth Sunday March Page 2 6, 2016 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT “Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. ” 2 Corinthians 5:17 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Lent; Monday: Ss. Perpetua and Felicity Tuesday: St. John of God Wednesday: St. Frances of Rome Friday: Abstinence HOLY FATHER'S PRAYER INTENTIONS MARCH 2016 Universal: Families in Difficulty That families in need may receive the necessary support and that children may grow up in healthy and peaceful environments. Evangelization: Persecuted Christians That those Christians who, on account of their faith, are discriminated against or are being persecuted, may remain strong and faithful to the Gospel, thanks to the incessant prayer of the Church. MASS INTENTIONS Mass Cards are available through the Church Office. Please come in person or send your request in writing. We suggest a minimum stipend of $10 per Mass. You are invited to list those who are to be remembered at Mass in our book of prayer intentions. All names and intentions will be acknowledged during the celebration of Holy Mass. ALTAR FLOWER DONATIONS To honor or memorialize a loved one with a gift of altar flowers, contact Pat Barnard at or 404-538-3151. Special donations are available for Easter and Christmas. Look for envelopes in the church vestibule. 3 March Page 6, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, March 7 7:30AM Ann & Jack DeCicco t 6:00PM Jim Boldt t TUESDAY, March 8 7:30AM Christopher Murad 6:00PM Wally Dietrich t WEDNESDAY, March 9 7:30AM Anne Nolan t 6:00PM Lori & Richard Wright THURSDAY, March 10 7:30AM Nell Bunn t 6:00PM D.X. LaRocca & Family FRIDAY, March 11 7:30AM Christum Leonard t 6:00PM Fred Valz, Jr. t SATURDAY, March 12 8:30AM Jenny Maiola t 5:30PM Beulah Appleby t SUNDAY, March 13 7:00AM Betty Robert t 8:30AM People of the Parish 10:00AM Dr. Margaret Sweeney Riedinger t 11:30AM Tony McCarver t 1:00PM Gustavo Hernandez t 5:00PM Gray Davis t 7:00PM Em Português PRIEST VISITS TO HOSPITALS AND ASSISTED LIVING HOMES If you would like to receive communion or sacraments from a Catholic priest, please contact our parish office at 770-394-3896. Please provide your name or the name of your family member along with the name and phone number of the hospital or assisted living facility. OUR PARISH PRAYS For those who are sick: Ron Allen, Barbara Anderson, Barbara Ashworth, Shirley Baker, Nan Boldt, Mary Ann Brown, Marilynn Castana, Sara Creech, Grace Crogen, Robert Decraene, Angela Diffenbach, Laurie Foley, Dorothy Galligan, Jack Harte, Teddy Knott, Scott Lamar, Clem Lisi, Karissa Lohman, Tiffanie Lohman, James Hudson McGee, Ramiro Montenegro, Christopher Murad, Bobbie Norton, Oliveiros & Dirce Petracca, Carol Reynolds, Dave Rossin, Jerry Shepherd, Sheila Stubbs, Catherine Thomas, Albin Turbak, Matthew Vassil, Tim Vassil, Camille Ward, William Watson, Maureen Whitner, and Barry Wiener. For those who have died: Owen Grogan [stepfather of Kathy (Charlie) Cayce] and Rosie Haas [mother of Brian (Molly) Haas]. March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 3 Pray for our CRHP Attendees Take Home the Elijah Cup Please pray for the men of our parish who are attending the Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat this weekend. May this renewal weekend bring them closer to God, provide them with spiritual growth through their prayer and personal reflection and build fellowship and friendship among them. May they be blessed in all they do. Our women’s retreat is scheduled for the weekend of April 16-17. Register at Pray for vocations! Take home the Elijah Cup for a week and pray that men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life. We need parishioners to sign up during the months of April and May. To sign up for the Elijah Cup, please visit Stations of the Cross Join us every Friday night in the Church during Lent for Stations of the Cross. This devotional unites us with Jesus’ sufferings, and the final hours of His life. The Stations of the Cross are celebrated in English at 6:30 p.m., in Spanish at 7:30 p.m., and in Portuguese at 8:30 p.m. Easter Lilies Would you like to honor a beloved family member or special friend this Easter season? Please consider donating towards the Easter lilies that will adorn our altar. You can donate online, use the March 6, 2016 flower donation envelope in your packet, or the Easter envelopes in the church vestibule. On Easter Sunday, the names of all those remembered with donations will be printed in our parish bulletin. In order to have your loved one’s name included, donations must be received no later than Sunday, March 13. Lenten Regulations - Fasting and Abstinence Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics ages 18 to 59. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full, meatless meal. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but are not to equal a full meal. Liquids are allowed at any time, but no solid food should be consumed between meals. Catholics from age 14 onwards are bound to the obligation of abstinence. For all other weekdays of Lent, we strongly recommend participation in daily Mass and a self-imposed 8:30AM 11:30AM 1:00PM: 7:00PM: Elijah Cup Volunteer Schedule Sunday, March 6, 2016 The Sims Family The McAbee Family The Calle Family Christiane Iglesias NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome the following families to our parish Mr. and Mrs. David Lively and Family Ms. Mary Jo Luczak Mr. and Mrs. William Madinger Mr. Maseka Matia and Dr. Nicole Perrotte and Family Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Matichak and Family Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McNamara and Family Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Morton and Family Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pohl Ms. Deborah Quibell Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quinn and Family Ms. Rene Raschbaum and Family Ms. Mary Kim Sawicki Mr. and Mrs. William Schmaltz and Family Ms. Marli Silva Ms. Nathalia Silva and Family Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Soto-Labrada and Family Ms. Valeria Camila Sousa and Family Ms. Briana Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Tibola and Family Mr. and Mrs. David Trettin and Family Mr. Victor Vera Mr. Jerry Von Hendy Page 4 Fourth Sunday of Lent CHILDREN AND YOUTH FAITH FORMATION The Saint Jude Girl Scout Troops thank you for purchasing cookies last month. Proceeds will help fund troop activities. Help Feed Our Teens! We need parents to help with Life Teen and EDGE meal preparation this semester. Meals are an important part of our ministry because, just as Jesus shared a meal with his friends and disciples, so too, would we like to share a meal together! A sign-up genius can be found at which includes the suggested menu for the evening. Thank you for supporting our ministry! WANTED: EDGE Core Members Our EDGE Middle School Program needs young adults interested in serving our youth. Will you help them fall deeper in love with Jesus? EDGE meets each Sunday after the 5:00PM Mass. To learn more or to volunteer, please contact Jessica Williams at or 678-252-5682. Connect with Youth Ministry Website: Twitter: @STJ_Lifeteen Instagram: STJA_LifeTeen EDGE Middle School Ministry Jessica Williams - Life Teen High School Ministry Caitlin Stuermer– March 6, 2016 March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 5 PARISH LIFE Baskets of Blessings Collection - TODAY! Baskets of Blessings is a program that provides Easter baskets to children living in transitional housing. This year, our St. Teresa’s Circle ministry will be making Easter baskets for children living at the Drake House and Interfaith Outreach Home (IOH). Donation boxes are located in the church vestibule and parish office this weekend. Items needed include stuffed animals, books, coloring books, crayons, games, toothbrushes, blankets, candy and snacks. For information about Baskets of Blessings, please contact Siobhan Finnegan at or Libby Gillins at Financial Peace University Sundays - Begins TONIGHT! We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, invest for your future, and spend and save wisely. Our workshop will be led by St. Jude parishioners Fred and June Isaf. Sessions will be held Sundays 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. from March 6 through May 15. The workshop is limited to 30 participants. Please register in the news section of our website. Ladies of the Evening Circle 21 Mass for Deceased Members Monday, March 14 The Ladies of the Evening Circle 21 is a long-established women’s group at our parish. Activities include guest speakers and the annual Bridge Marathon. Proceeds from the event are donated each year. Please join the group for a special Mass for their deceased members on Monday, March 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Patty Hene. Monsignor Joe will be the celebrant. Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch Saturday, March 19 Our annual parish Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch will be held on Saturday, March 19 at 10:00 a.m. on the playground (Stapleton Center if raining). A potluck brunch will follow in the Stapleton Center. If you are interested in volunteering for this fun event or have any questions, please contact Melissa Hagerty at St. Teresa’s Circle Monthly Meeting Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues Wednesday, March 9 Begins Wednesday, April 13 All mothers of the parish are invited to join us for an Easter egg “stuffing” party in the Stapleton Center on Wednesday, March 9 at 9:30 a.m. Please bring candy, small toys, stickers and erasers to fill the eggs. The eggs will be used at our parish Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 19. Please RSVP today to and include the number of children who need child care. Please contact Lindsay Moon at 404-219-3179 with any questions. Join Father Robert Barron for this seven part DVD program about the Seven Deadly Sins, those great spiritual blocks that prevent us from growing in our relationship with God and each another. This study, which will be facilitated by parishioner Alix Shattuck, begins on Wednesday, April 13 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Stapleton Center. The cost is $18/person and includes a study guide. For more information or to register, please visit our website: March Page 6 6, 2016 Fourth FourthSunday Sundayof ofLent Lent MarchPage 6, 2016 7 AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Embrace Ministry Outdoor Stations of the Cross Friday, March 11 Special Second Collection Catholic Relief Services All Masses This Weekend After all Masses this weekend, we will have a special second collection for Catholic Relief Services. This collection provides funding for Catholic Relief Services; the USCCB Offices of International Justice and Peace, Migration and Refugee Services, and Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees; relief work of the Holy Father; and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network. Please use your parish envelopes and drop them off either in the offertory, at the parish office, or you may donate online. Monthly Second Collection for SVdP All Masses - Next Weekend - March 12-13 The second weekend of each month St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) volunteers will be at the church doors to collect donations for our local chapter. You can give directly to those volunteers or you can set up an online giving schedule on our website. Please make checks payable to St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you! OUR PARISH OFFERTORY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 For the week ending February 28, 2016 This Week Total Weekly Collections $41,316 Year to $2,032,362 Date Total Weekly Budget $48,493 $1,894,170 Over/Under Budget ($7,177) $138,192 Come experience the Stations of the Cross in a new way with meditations related to prenatal and postnatal loss. Join Embrace, a ministry that supports families through miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death, on Friday, March 11 at Saint Andrew Catholic Church in Roswell, for a beautiful self-guided Outdoor Stations of the Cross on the Chattahoochee River. The Stations will be open from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. with guide books available for adults and children. After Stations, enjoy St. Andrew's Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, held from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 675 Riverside Rd, Roswell GA 30075. Volunteer and Lay Minister Training Saturday, March 12 Interested in companioning with families through miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss? This day-long training provided by Embrace will provide the insight and tools necessary to start or join an Embrace Ministry at your parish. Learn to be Christ's hands and feet by providing specific support to families experiencing grief. Join us on Saturday, March 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Catholic Church of Saint Monica, 1700 Buford Hwy, Duluth. Register online at Embrace For more information go to Newsletter Correction In our most recent newsletter, we printed an article about our Journey of Hope ministry for divorced Catholics. In that article, Saint Jude parishioner and Annulment Case Sponsor, Warren Stoughton, was quoted as saying that “when a Catholic divorces, he or she is not excommunicated, unless the divorced person is living with someone else or remarries without the annulment progression in place.” His quote should have said “…without the annulment process complete.” This is an important distinction, and we apologize for any confusion. Warren will be hosting an informational session regarding annulment, with a representative from the Archdiocese Tribunal present. The date/time for this will be announced soon and will be published in the bulletin and on the parish website. March 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 7 INFORMACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Ministerio Hispano Misa Dominical: 1:00 p.m. Fr. Jaime Rivera: 678-252-5669 ó María E. Allen: 770-394-3896 ó Lunes a viernes 8:30 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Actividades Rosario: Domingos después de Misa en la Gruta de Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe. Adoración Nocturna Parroquial: Primer viernes del mes, a las 10:00PM en la iglesia Misa de Quinceañeras: Hablar con el sacerdote seis meses antes de la fecha. Erika Andrade - 678-283-7938 Movimiento de Schoenstatt: Grupo Señoras Viernes: Aida 404-213-8684 Grupo Juvenil Femenino 13 a 20 años: Julia 678-793-1791 Grupo Señoras Sábados: Sylvia 404-457-5615 Renovación Carismática: Jueves 7:00 p.m. Heriberta Cisneros 678-508-0971 Presentaciones: Para la bendición durante la Misa, hablar con el sacerdote una semana antes de la fecha ó antes de la Misa. Talleres de Oración y Vida: Beatriz Martinez 404 -553 -3097 Sacramentos Bautizos: Llamar a la oficina para reservar la fecha. Preparación: Primer sábado del mes 4:00 p.m. - Salón Csótano de la Iglesia. Confesiones: Domingos antes de la Misa de 1:00 p.m. ó con cita. Matrimonios: Hablar con el sacerdote seis meses antes de la fecha planeada. Inés Umaña - 678- 634 -3629 Ministerios Catequesis-RICA: Cielo Pava 786-454-7321 Copa de Elías: Milagros Jacome - 470-219-2446 Coro: Lucy Malave 757-871-7530 Concejo Pastoral: Gustavo Adolfo Romero 404-514-4383 Bautizos: Carlos Marroquin 571-379-1348 Lectores: Milagros Jacome - 470-219-2446 Ministros de la Sagrada Comunión: Martha Martinez 678-448-7077 Monaguillos: José Dolores Gallegos - 678-330-7442 Sacristía: Magdalena Navarrete 404-643-0464 Ujieres: Perla Nuñez 404 -483-3410 Orbelin Montufar 770-899-8561 San Vincente de Paul San Vicente De Paul en St. Judas es una organización internacional de San Vicente de Paúl, y es una organización de laicos católicos. Los Miembros están dedicados a servir en silencio y discretamente a personas en dificultad extrema o de angustia, con la asistencia práctica, personal, y en un espíritu de compasión. La organización de San Vicente de Paul sirve a la sociedad y a los necesitados en nuestra área local. Cualquier miembro de nuestra comunidad en necesidad financiera puede contactar a San Vicente de Paul llamando al: 678-990-2969. Horarios de oficina son las martes y jueves de 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. y los sábados de 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Invitamos a todos los parroquianos a hacer sus donaciones monetarias ya que tenemos nuestra colecta para recaudar fondos el Segundo Domingo de casa mes después de la Misa de 1:00 p.m. en español. Pueden traer donaciones de ropa y depositarla al lado de la Gruta hay uva caja de metal color azul. También puede donar muebles, automóviles, etc. Para obtener más información o para ser voluntario, póngase en contacto con la oficina de la parroquia de San Judas o visitando la página web de: Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul Via Crucis En inglés a las 6:30PM En español a las 7:30PM En portugués a las 8:30PM March Page 8 6, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lentof Lent Fourth Sunday 3 March Page 6, 2016 INFORMAÇÕES EM PORTUGUÊS Como celebrar o Ano da Misericórdia Ministério Brasileiro Ler e mediar a Palavra de Deus, especialmente o Missas: Domingo às 07:00 p.m. e as 1as Sextas-feiras do mês às 8:00 p.m. Confissões: Quarta-feira das 06:00 07:00 p.m. e Domingo das 5:30p.m. às 6:30 p.m. ou por agendamento. Evangelho de Lucas; Fazer pelo menos uma peregrinação a uma porta Santa; Dedicar momentos a oração; especialmente, às 3hs da tarde; Confessar-se com frequência (de preferência, todos os meses); Realizar no mínimo uma obra espiritual ou corporal de misericórdia todos os dias; Rezar pela paz e vivência de nossa irmandade com nossos irmãos judeus e islâmicos; Rezar a Via Sacra regularmente; Preparar-se para celebrar a Páscoa e a Festa da Misericórdia; Ler o diário de Santa Faustina e outras leituras que nos ajudam a compreender e viver a Misericórdia; Viver uma verdadeira conversão. “Precisamos sempre de contemplar o mistério da misericórdia. É fonte de alegria, serenidade e paz. É condição da nossa salvação. Misericórdia: é a palavra que revela o mistério da Santíssima Trindade. Misericórdia: é o ato último e supremo pelo qual Deus vem ao nosso encontro. Misericórdia: é a lei fundamental que mora no coração de cada pessoa, quando vê com olhos sinceros o irmão que encontra no caminho da vida. Misericórdia: é o caminho que une Deus e o homem, porque nos abre o coração à esperança de sermos amados para sempre, apesar da limitação do nosso pecado.” A peregrinação é um sinal peculiar no Ano Santo, enquanto ícone do caminho que cada pessoa realiza na sua existência. A vida é uma peregrinação e o ser humano é viator, um peregrino que percorre uma estrada até à meta anelada. Também para chegar à Porta Santa, tanto em Roma como em cada um dos outros lugares, cada pessoa deverá fazer, segundo as próprias forças, uma peregrinação. Esta será sinal de que a própria misericórdia é uma meta a alcançar que exige empenho e sacrifício. Por isso, a peregrinação há-de servir de estímulo à conversão: ao atravessar a Porta Santa, deixarnos-emos abraçar pela misericórdia de Deus e comprometer-nos-emos a ser misericordiosos com os outros como o Pai o é connosco. Ministérios e Responsáveis Catequese: Edna: 678-689-7787 Escola da Fé: Rosana Szvarca 404-795-1445 Liturgia: Leidiane Coelho 404-219-3964 Minist. Eucaristia: Galdino 404 - 579-1346 Preparação para o Batismo: João e Karla Doná 678-640-9362 Preparação para Adultos (RICA): Gilberto Szvarca 404-795-1445 Grupos de Oração Água Viva: segundas-feiras às 7:40 p.m. na Igreja SJ. José Humberto: 770-572-2805 NS de Fátima: sextas às 8:00 p.m. na região de Alpharetta. Maria Bel: 404 - 697-3152 NS Aparecida: segundas-feiras às 8:00 p.m. na região de Mariettta. Claudio: 770-256-2886 Divina Misericórdia: segundas às 7:30 p.m. na região de Alpharetta. Cris: 404-543-2169 Missão Paroquial para o tempo de Quaresma The Meal and the Man - A Refeição e o Homem Pregador: Dr. Allen Hunt Horário: 7:00 p,m. às 8:00 p.m. Dia 29 de Fevereiro: A refeição compartilha o poder e a beleza da Eucaristia Dia 01 de Março: As ações do Homem Jesus e Sua singularidade com o foco sobre a Ressurreição Dia 02 de Março: Confissões "Você e eu somos parte da colônia do céu. No momento, estamos aqui na terra, mas nosso passaporte indica que nossa cidadania é no céu. Estamos na terra, mas não somos da terra". ( Dr Allen Hunt ) Vigílias durante o Ano Santo da Misericórdia Todas as vigílias irão iniciar às 10:00 p.m. até às 4:00 a.m. Haverá confissões e missa às 3:00 a.m. Dia 12 de março (Quaresma) – Saint Jude Dia 14 de maio – (Festa de Pentecostes) - Saint Jude Dia 08 de outubro - (Novena de NSAparecida) - Holy Family Fourth Sunday of Lent Fourth Sunday of Lent March Page 106, 2016 9 MarchPage 6, 2016 PARISH INFORMATION MASS SCHEDULE PARISH SERVICES SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: Vigil Mass 5:30PM Sunday: 7:00AM, 8:30AM, 10:00AM, 11:30AM 1:00PM en Español, 5:00PM (Life Teen) 7:00PM em Português WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Friday: 7:30AM & 6:00PM Saturday: 8:30AM RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE Wednesday Morning: 8:00AM Wednesday Evening: 6:30PM Saturday Morning: 9:00AM Saturday Evening: 4:00PM or anytime by appointment CONTACT INFORMATION 770-394-3896 MAIN NUMBER 770-399-7866 FAX NUMBER Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30AM to 4:00PM CLERGY Rev. Msgr. Joseph Corbett, Pastor PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Jaime Rivera Rev. João Gualberto AVE MARIA SHOP Open after all Sunday Masses. Please call the parish office to schedule your weekday visit. BAPTISM A parent preparation class for all children under 7 years of age is held on the 3rd Sunday of the month in the Ministry Building Library from 3:00PM until 4:00PM. COUNSELING SERVICES Consulting a qualified, professional therapist to assist in overcoming life’s problems can be an important decision for you or your family. For appointments and referrals, please call 404-920-7745 (English and Espanol) Counselors meet with parishioners in the Ministry Building. Sliding scale fee available. CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER HOTLINE Any woman who is pregnant and needs support can contact the Pregnancy Aid Clinic: 404-763-HELP (4357). DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION Thursdays after the 6:00PM Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Tuesdays from 8:00AM - 6:00PM during the school year in the Church. ext. 226 LOST & FOUND Located in the Ushers Room. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the Community Assistance Center on the last Thursday of the month. ext. 239 MARRIAGE Contact a parish priest or deacon at least six months in advance of your planned wedding date for required marriage preparation. ext. 259 PERMANENT DEACONS Rev. Mr. Ray G. Egan Rev. Mr. Gary Schantz Rev. Mr. James A. Tramonte SCHOOL Patty Childs, Principal ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Monday of the month immediately after the 6:00PM daily Mass. MINISTRY TO THE SICK Priests or lay ministers bring communion to parishioners on weekdays. Lay ministers visit the home-bound on Sundays. NURSERY Open during the 8:30AM & 10:00AM Masses on Sundays in Rooms B & C during the school year. Children age 3 months to 4 years are welcome. NOCTURNAL ADORATION On the first Friday of the month, from 9:00PM to Saturday at 7:00AM in the Church. ROSARY Weekdays after the 6:00PM Mass. 770-394-2880 PRESCHOOL Angela Rahn, Director 678-252-5981 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Our Spiritual Director is available by appointment to help guide you on your spiritual journey. Please contact Martha Smith at 678-252-6119 or ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Any parishioner in need of financial assistance can contact St. Vincent de Paul at 678-990-2969. Hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00AM 3:00PM and Saturday from 10:00AM - 1:00PM. Parishioner Hearing Aids - Hearing Testing TV Ears - Swim Plugs Maureen Cassidy Riski, Au.D. • Audiologist Over 20 years experience 5730 Glenridge Connection, Ste. 220 Atlanta, GA 30328 No Obligation— 14 DAY TEST DRIVE 770-751-7437 On Hearing Aids Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators Hollie’s Nail Salon 20% Off for our Church members until March 30, 2016 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA S AV E U P T O 5 0 % O N E N E R G Y ! P o l l e n , M o l d a n d P o l l u t a n t s B o t h e r i n g Yo u ? 0% FINANCING NOW AVAILABLE Subject to credit approval. 10% 6342 Roswell Road, Suite B10 Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: nt Parishioner Discou Mention this Ad 404-459-4280 Spray Foam Insulation can help take care of all these issues! Improved Indoor Air Quality • Increased Sound Control • Maximum Energy Conservation Open Cell Insulation • Closed Cell Insulation • Certified Home Energy Rated The ICYNENE INSULATION SYSTEM Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient Albert P. Nordone, D.D.S. Parishioner, St. Brigid $25.00 off initial exam with copy of bulletin 770-393-9450 C a l l u s To d a y ! BBB Rating: A+ As of 10/27/15 770-519-0861 Residential • Commercial • Industrial Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes email: Call Ronna Simons 800.432.3240 CHECK IT OUT TODAY! 483440 St Jude the Apostle Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Kevin A. Doyle Attorney at Law SJS Parent - Parishioner, St. Andrew Injury Cases - Insurance Matters Business Litigation Lokey, Mobley and Doyle, LLP (770) 640-9441 GALLA’S PIZZA Chamblee 4849 Peachtree Rd. 770-500-3184 FREE DELIVERY Dunwoody 1155 Mt.Vernon Hwy. 770-913-9399 Sunday Dine-in Special: FREE Large House Salad When You Buy Any Large 1-Topping Pizza (good until 3pm) Bring in Ad For Special PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Respect. Value. Simplicity. Announcing a New Direct Primary Care Practice The world’s largest network of funeral, cremation & cemetery services. One Doctor. One Patient. No Interference. Sandy Springs Chapel Funeral Directors Arlington Chapel Funeral Directors Sandy Springs, GA 30328 136 Mount Vernon Highway N.W. Sandy Springs, GA 30328 404-851-9900 404-255-8511 173 Allen Road N.E. Kelleen Fitzgerald, MD Parishioner since 1999 1100 Johnson Ferry Rd., NE, Ste 235 Bldg I, Sandy Springs, GA 30342 Arlington Memorial Park 201 Mount Vernon Highway Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Please call 404.956.1501 or go to for more information 404-255-0750 Visit our Calvary Section for Catholic Families 100% Service Guarantee • Prearranged Services (Nationally Transferable) 24 Hour Compassion HelplineSM 483440 St Jude the Apostle Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Jeana Soga-ang Owner Direct: 404.207.3170 Email: Karen Brookmire Marketing Director Local Parishioner The Waters Organization is certified as a women’s business enterprise through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the U.S. 335 Hammond Drive, N.E. 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