October 28 Celebrating our - St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church
October 28 Celebrating our - St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church
Feast of St. Jude ~ October 28 Celebrating our Patron Saint St. Jude, known as Thaddaeus, was a brother of St. James the Less, and a relative of Our Saviour. St. Jude was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus. Feast of St. Jude - Sunday, October 28 We will pray the Novena to St. Jude at all Masses starting on Monday, October 20 in honor of our patron saint. Ancient writers tell us that he preached the Gospel in Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Lybia. According to Eusebius, he returned to Jerusalem in the year 62, and assisted at the election of his brother, St. Simeon, as Bishop of Jerusalem. He is an author of an epistle (letter) to the Churches of the East, particularly the Jewish converts, directed against the heresies of the Simonians, Nicolaites, and Gnostics. He is said to have suffered martyrdom in Armenia, which was then a subject of Persia. The final conversion of the Armenian nation to Christianity did not take place until the third century of our era. Jude was the one who asked Jesus at the Last Supper why He would not manifest Himself to the whole world after His resurrection. Little else is known of his life. Legend claims that he visited Beirut and Edessa; possibly martyred with St. Simon in Persia. Jude is invoked in desperate situations because his New Testament letter stresses that the faithful should persevere in the environment of harsh, difficult circumstances, just as their forefathers had done before them. He is considered the patron saint of desperate cases and his feast day is October 28. Join us for a special Mass in Spanish that day at 7:00PM. October 26, 2014 Most Holy Apostle Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor who delivered your beloved Master into the hands of His enemies has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of... Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly <here make your request>, and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O Blessed Saint Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. AMEN. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 October 26, 2014 PARISH INFORMATION MASS SCHEDULE PARISH SERVICES SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: Vigil Mass 5:30PM Sunday: 7:00AM, 8:30AM, 10:00AM, 11:30AM 1:00PM en Español, 5:00PM (Life Teen) 7:00PM em Português WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Friday: 7:30AM & 6:00PM Saturday: 8:30AM Civil Holidays: 10:00AM Only Special Mass Schedules during Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Holy Days of Obligation. ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Monday of the month immediately after the 6:00PM daily Mass. AVE MARIA SHOP Open after all Sunday Masses and by calling the parish office on weekdays. BAPTISM For children under the age of 7 a parent preparation class is held on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 3:00PM to 4:00PM in the Library. CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER HOTLINE Any woman who is pregnant and in need can find the help she needs. Advice and Aid Problem Pregnancy Center: 404-763-HELP (4357) DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION Thursdays after the 6:00PM Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION From 8:00AM - 6:00PM Tuesdays during the school year. LOST & FOUND Located in the Ministry Building during the church renovation. On the last Thursday of the month, we will donate ALL items not claimed to the Community Assistance Center. MARRIAGE Contact a parish priest or deacon at least 6 months in advance of your planned wedding date for required marriage preparation. MINISTRY TO THE SICK Priests or lay ministers bring communion to hospital patients on weekdays. Lay ministers visit the home-bound on Sundays. NURSERY Open during the 8:30AM & 10:00AM Masses on Sundays in Rooms B & C during the school year. Children age 3 months to 4 years are welcome. NOCTURNAL ADORATION On the first Friday of the month, from 9:00PM to Saturday at 7:00AM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. ROSARY After the 6:00PM Mass on Wednesdays. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Our Spiritual Director is available by appointment to help guide you on your spiritual journey, whether you are just beginning or looking for new ways to enliven your faith. Please contact Martha Smith at 678-252-6119 or msmith@stjudeatlanta.net RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE Wednesday Morning: 8:00AM Wednesday Evening: 6:30PM Saturday Morning: 9:00AM Saturday Evening: 4:00PM or anytime by appointment CONTACT INFORMATION 770-394-3896 MAIN NUMBER Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30AM to 4:00PM SCHOOL www.saintjude.net PRESCHOOL Angela Rahn, Director arahn@stjudeatlanta.net CLERGY Rev. Msgr. Joseph Corbett jcorbett@stjudeatlanta.net PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. João Gualberto jgualberto@stjudeatlanta.net Rev. Tim Hepburn (in residence) thepburn@archatl.com Rev. Adam Z. Ozimek aozimek@stjudeatlanta.net Rev. Jaime Rivera jrivera@stjudeatlanta.net PERMANENT DEACONS Rev. Mr. Robert G. Riddett briddett@stjudeatlanta.net Rev. Mr. James A. Tramonte jtramonte@stjudeatlanta.net 770-394-2880 678-252-5981 ext. 226 ext. 259 Are You an Active Catholic? ext. 528 ext. 239 ext. 237 For parish verification, required for baptisms, marriages, religious education class participation and Catholic school admittance, a person MUST be registered in the Parish, attend Mass regularly, and be involved in discipleship (time, talent, and treasure). Participation in our Parish offertory is the primary means we have for this verification. Please use offertory envelopes or online services to ensure that your financial contributions are recognized. If you are unable to contribute financially, please make a notation of your prayerful support on your envelope and place it in the weekly offertory. We will then be aware of your continued participation and you will not be moved to inactive status. October 26, 2014 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Tuesday: Friday: Saturday: Page 3 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Priesthood Sunday; National World Youth Day (U.S.) Ss. Simon and Jude Halloween All Saints; First Saturday ALTAR FLOWER DONATIONS To honor or memorialize a loved one with a gift of altar flowers, contact Pat Barnard at pabarnard05@aol.com or 404-538-3151. Special donations are available for Easter and Christmas. Look for envelopes in the church vestibule. PRIEST VISITS TO HOSPITALS AND ASSISTED LIVING HOMES Federal laws prohibit us from receiving information about Catholic patients or residents in hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. If you would like a visit from a Catholic priest, or would like communion on Sunday or other sacraments for your family member, please contact our office at 770-394-3896 with your name (or family member name) and the hospital or assisted living information. We can also add you to our prayer list. ELIJAH CUP Volunteers are needed each Sunday to help our parish pray for vocations! Take home the Elijah Cup for a week and pray for our clergy and that men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life. To sign up for the Elijah Cup, please visit www.stjudeatlanta.net/elijah The password to access the sign-up page is Elijah. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK If you use Facebook, please like us! Our Facebook page www.facebook.com/stjudeatlanta is a great way to get updated information on parish events and activities. MONDAY, October 27 7:30AM Mary Perez t 6:00PM Rose & Giuseppi Iozzi t TUESDAY, October 28 7:30AM Ann & Jack DeCicco t 6:00PM Eileen Gibbs 7:00PM Pro Populo WEDNESDAY, October 29 7:30AM Ann & Jack DeCicco t 6:00PM Daniel de Olano t THURSDAY, October 30 7:30AM Frances Mary Wobbe t 6:00PM Bill & Liz Oliver and Family FRIDAY, October 31 7:30AM Andy Calia t 6:00PM William E. Appleby, Sr. t SATURDAY, November 1 8:30AM Otis Hickein 5:30PM Peter Akumabor t SUNDAY, November 2 7:00AM All Souls Novena 8:30AM Felice Voss Oliver t 10:00AM People of the Parish 11:30AM Larry Hammond t 1:00PM En Español 5:00PM Andrea Diaz t 7:00PM Em Português MASS INTENTIONS Mass Cards are available through the Church Office. Please come in person or send your request in writing. We suggest a stipend of $10 or more per Mass. We also have a book of prayer intentions located by the Tabernacle and you are invited to list people to be remembered at Mass. All names and intentions listed will be remembered during the celebration of holy Mass. OUR PARISH PRAYS For those who are sick: John Bart-Addison, Linda Benoit, Marie Bond, Joe Brogan, Cathy Cahill, Marilynn Castana, Joycelyn Catlin, Donald Coker, Joseph Daniels, Angela Dieffenbach, Donald Duncan, Pat Farley, Beth Foley, Todd Follmer, Andrea Fricano, Rita Greaber, Jack Jennings, Angela Krogh, Jose Antonio Magalhaes, Terrill Mallory, Ramiro Montenegro, Andy Nigro, Kim Nguyen, Jae Oden, Lisa Peterson-Braun, Dirce and Oliveiros Petracca, George Saad, Marion Schladt, Margie Snow, Al Turbak, Bill Tweed, Josephine Webster, and Lori Wright. For those who have died: Especially Bea Ollinger (former St. Jude staff member) Page 4 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 OUR PARISH OFFERTORY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2014 For the week ending October 19, 2014 WEEK AT A GLANCE OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 1 Sunday CGS - 9:40AM or 11:20AM - D’Youville Ctr. Hispanic PSR - 11:00AM - Various Rooms St. Jude School Open House - 2:00PM - School VIRTUS Training - 2:00PM - MH Portuguese PSR - 5:30PM - Various Rooms EDGE - 6:00PM - SC Life Teen - 6:00PM - YR Monday Men’s CRHP - 7:00PM - YC RCIA - 7:00PM - SC Portuguese Prayer Group - 7:30PM - Church Tuesday Preschool Jack n Me - 6:00PM - MH Quick Journey Through the Bible - 7:00PM - Rm. 229 Women’s CRHP - 7:00PM - SC Respect Life - 7:00PM Wednesday Youth Choir Rehearsal - 6:00PM - Choir Room Choir Rehearsal - 7:30PM - Choir Room Matthew Bible Study - 7:00PM - SC Portuguese Bible Study - 7:30PM - Rm. 233 Thursday Hispanic Charismatic Group - 6:00PM - Rm. A Walking With Purpose - 7:00PM - SC Friday Men’s Bible Study - 6:30AM - SC Hispanic Charismatic Group - 7:00PM - Rm. A Saturday Prayer and Life - 8:00AM and 4:30PM - SLC Legion of Mary - 9:30AM - Church Hispanic Baptismal Preparation - 4:00PM - Rm. C See our website and calendar for more details MH - Ministry Hall, SC - Stapleton Center, SLC - Spiritual Life Center, YC - Youth Center This Week Year to Date Total Weekly Collections $76,042 Total Weekly Budget $39,618 Over/Under Budget $36,424 $706,438 $654,882 $51,556 Have You Returned Your Commitment Card? All parishioners should have received a mailing with a letter from Msgr. Joe about stewardship renewal, a copy of our ministry catalog, and a commitment card. Earlier this month at Mass, we asked you to turn in your commitment card. If you have not yet returned your commitment card, please prayerfully consider how you can best use your time, talent and treasure at our parish. Please return the completed card to our offices in the envelope provided or signup online at www.stjudeatlanta.net If you did not receive the mailing, please call the parish office at 770-394-3896 and we will get a replacement to you. Thank you in advance for helping make St. Jude a vibrant and active faith community. Electronic Giving Open Your Heart Without Opening Your Checkbook St. Jude is happy to offer electronic giving. One-time and recurring contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. You can also create a secure profile to modify or stop recurring payments and track your payment history. Electronic giving is convenient for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for our parish. There is no cost to participate and registration is very easy. Learn more or sign-up today at www.stjudeatlanta.net/giving or contact Kathleen Woods at kwoods@stjudeatlanta.net or 678-252-6112 for more information. October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 M-Cats Fall Trip St. Teresa’s Circle - Ministry for Moms Tuesday, October 28 Monthly Meeting - Wednesday, November 12 M-Cats is our ministry for active senior parishioners who are young at heart! Please join us on Tuesday, October 28 as we travel to St. Luke’s Church for a tour of their stained glass windows and a pipe organ concert. Lunch will follow at Mary Mac’s Tea Room. We will leave St. Jude at 8:45AM and travel by van to downtown. The cost will be determined by the number of people attending. For more information or to RSVP, please call Lillian Mandyck at 770-393-4289. Please join us for our next St. Teresa's Circle meeting on Wednesday, November 12 from 9:30AM-11:00AM at the home of Michelle Lane. Our parish spiritual director, Martha Smith, will be talking with us about detangling "The Spider's Web" and how to balance our faith and priorities while juggling motherhood, marriage, volunteering, and spiritual life. Martha is an amazing resource and we are so fortunate to have her speak to us! Come connect with other moms and learn from Martha's insight! Childcare will be provided during the meeting, so please RSVP with the number of children needing care to STC@stjudeatlanta.net Please contact Jen Fowler at 404-219-6379 or Lauren Gomes at 404-663-1116 with any questions. We look forward to seeing you! Welcome Brunch Sunday, November 2 All new parishioners are invited to a Welcome Brunch with Monsignor Joe on Sunday, November 2 at 11:15AM in the Ministry Hall. Invitations have been mailed to all families who have recently joined the parish. Come meet our clergy and staff, ministry heads and other new parishioners. This is a great way to learn more about our parish activities and programs. If you are a new family to our parish and did not receive an invitation, need additional information, or to RSVP, please contact Lourdes Davis at 770-394-3896 or ldavis@stjudeatlanta.net Enrichment Day for Married Couples Saturday, November 8 Our Marriage Ministry will be hosting a marriage enrichment day - “MARRIED AND IN LOVE… Most of the Time!”on Saturday, November 8 from 9:00AM until 3:00PM in the Ministry Hall. We nurture our children, our families, our jobs, and we also need to nurture our marriage relationship. Join us for this day to renew our dreams and our passion for our marriage. The day will include strategies for keeping our marriage growing, healthy and happy, including couple decision making and couple prayer. Cost is $20 per couple including lunch and program materials. Child care is available for $25 per child or $40 per family. Visit www.stjudeatlanta.net/marriageministry to register. For more information, please contact Deacon Jim and Stephanie Tramonte at 770-396-2132 or jtramonte@stjudeatlanta.net CRHP Alumni Dinner Saturday, November 22 All CRHP alumni and their spouses are invited to attend an alumni potluck dinner on Saturday, November 22 at 6:45pm in the Stapleton Center. Following dinner, parishioner Martha Gaynoe will speak on “Blessing of the Eucharist- Power of Thanksgiving.” This is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with others who have participated in a CRHP retreat. Friends who are considering making a CRHP weekend are welcome. You are asked to bring your own beer and wine if desired, and a dish to share as follows: A-H: entrée; I-P: dessert and Q-Z: salad or side dish. Please RSVP by November 16 to www.stjudeatlanta.net/ crhpalumni with the number of guests and what you will bring. We look forward to this special evening, as we gather to thank God for His blessings on our parish, especially through Christ Renews His Parish. SAVE THE DATE PARISH ADVENT MISSION LED BY FR. TIM HEPBURN November 30 - December 3 Page 6 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Upcoming Book Studies Register Today! We have two new book studies starting next month. To register, visit www.stjudeatlanta.net For more information please contact Martha Smith at msmith@stjudeatlanta.net or 770-394-3896. There is no fee for the class. Please purchase your book in advance. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis Mondays - 7:00PM - 9:00PM - St. Jude School Starts Monday, November 3 (4 week class) A masterpiece of satire, this classic has entertained and enlightened readers the world over with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life from the vantage point of Screwtape, a senior tempter in the service of "Our Father Below." At once wildly comic, deadly serious, and strikingly original, C. S. Lewis gives us the correspondence of the worldly-wise old devil to his nephew Wormwood, a novice demon in charge of securing the damnation of an ordinary young man. The Screwtape Letters is the most engaging and humorous account of temptation and triumph over it ever written. Anointed for a Purpose by Mary Sharon Moore Tuesdays - 9:30AM - 11:30AM - Room 233 Starts Tuesday, November 4 Why do you and I, baptized and confirmed as we are in the Holy Spirit, do what we do? Why do we pray and strive to pray well? Why do we engage in relationships with the hopes of bringing dignity and worth to a life shaped by such relationships? Why do we strive to discern God's calling throughout the course of our lifetime? Perhaps we long to succeed, or we intuitively seek our place upon the larger stage of life. But we do what we do because we are impelled by the Holy Spirit who calls out to each of us. We have been anointed for a purpose beyond what any of us can imagine. Anointed for a Purpose by Mary Sharon Moore will help you more fully understand your own sacramental anointing and how this can help you become fully integrated as a human being in God. The author was one of the presenters at our Called and Gifted workshop this past January. To learn more, visit her website at www.marysharonmoore.com Missionaries of The Poor Concert and Dinner For the past three years, St. Jude has sent missionaries to serve alongside the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) as they minister to the destitute in the ghettoes of Kingston, Jamaica. MOP is a religious institute of brothers and priests founded by Fr. Richard Ho Lung. Concert Father Ho Lung and Friends will be performing “The Messiah” at the Gwinnett Performing Arts Center on November 7 at 7:30PM, November 8 at 2:00PM and 7:30PM and November 9 at 1:30PM and 6:30PM. All proceeds will go to homeless and abandoned children. Tickets on sale after all Masses on the weekend of November 1-2. Pot Luck Dinner The weekend before on Sunday, November 2, Martha and Steve Smith will be hosting a pot-luck dinner with the Brothers of MOP at their home from 6:30PM 9:00PM. All friends of MOP, former participants, and interested parishioners who might be interested in meeting some of the Brothers are welcome to attend. It will include a short film of the MOP Brothers' work, Father Ho Lung, and mission of the MOP. Please bring a dish to feed 6-8 people or a beverage to share. RSVP to the Smiths at 770-393-1148 or smithsewanee@comcast.net October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 Novena Of Masses For Our Deceased Loved Ones Priesthood Sunday November is traditionally a time of remembrance for our loved ones who have died. Beginning on November 2, All Souls Day, we will celebrate our annual All Souls Novena of Masses. This is a very special series of Masses offered over nine days for our loved ones, family members or friends who have died. If you would like to have family or friends remembered at this year’s novena of Masses please pick up a special remembrance envelope at the church, the office, or from your weekly offertory packet, and either drop it off at the office or in the Sunday offertory basket on or before November 1. Today is Priesthood Sunday, a special day set aside to honor priests in the United States. It is a call for parishioners to honor Christ as Priest and the men who were called to be his priests on earth. It is also a day to honor all religious and to focus on the importance of vocations. We will have a special blessing of our priests at all Masses this weekend. All Souls Novena Begins Sunday, November 2 7:30AM Daily Mass (except Saturday, 8:30AM) 7:00AM Sunday Mass O God, glory of the faithful and life of the just, by the Death and Resurrection of whose Son we have been redeemed, look mercifully on your departed servants, that, just as they professed the mystery of our resurrection, so they may merit to receive the joys of eternal happiness, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Envelopes available in the church vestibule and parish office if you wish to make an offering. Feast of All Souls Mass Monday, November 3 The St. Jude Parish Family will celebrate the Feast of All Souls with a Memorial Mass on Monday, November 3 at 7:00PM. During the Mass, a candle will be lit and a bell rung in the memory of parishioners who have died this year. If you have lost a loved one this past year please join us. Monsignor Joe and the priests of St. Jude will host a reception in the Stapleton Center immediately following this Mass. Prayer for Priesthood Sunday Father, you sent your Son Jesus Christ to be our High Priest, and you gave us the gift of the priesthood to continue his saving work. Bless our priests, and give us more of them. Make them holy. Strengthen them to proclaim the Gospel of Life, and to defend the rights of all, especially the unborn. Bring us, your priests and people to the life that never ends. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. Respect Life Ministry Adoration and Meeting - Tuesday, October 28 Our Respect Life Ministry will gather for Adoration on Tuesday, October 28 at 7:00PM in Room 233. New members always welcome! We currently are looking for a ministry leader to head up this important group at our parish. Duties include coordinating Respect Life events in October and January For more information about this ministry or to volunteer, please contact Fr. Adam at aozimek@stjudeatlanta.net or 770-394-3896. Mass for Deceased Clergy Monday, November 3 The annual Mass for the deceased bishops, priests, and deacons will take place on Monday, November 3 at 10:30AM in the priest section at Arlington Memorial Park. The Mass will be celebrated by Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory, Archbishop of Atlanta. All parishioners and friends are invited to attend. Page 8 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto Brick Sales First Eucharist 2015 Parent Meetings Our Hispanic community is once again selling bricks for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto located next to the Ministry building. A brick makes a wonderful and lasting Christmas present! The cost is $60/brick. To purchase one, please contact Aida Ayala at aidaiayala@yahoo.com or 404-213-8684. Parent orientation meetings for children preparing to receive First Eucharist in 2014 will be held on the following dates: Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00PM, Thursday, November 13 at 9:00AM or Saturday, November 22 at 9:00AM in the Ministry Hall. This meeting is for parents only and you only need to attend one of the three scheduled. We will be reviewing program requirements, the preparation calendar and will answer any questions that you have. For more information, please contact Martha Robert at mrobert@stjudeatlanta.net or 678-252-5676. Ignatius House Retreat Thursday, October 30 - Sunday, November 2 Are you being called to a deeper walk with The Lord? Consider taking the much-needed time for yourself, be open to an encounter with Jesus,… here in the silence of Ignatius House. Sitting high atop the shores of the Chattahoochee River, many spaces, indoors and out invite one to a sacred place of quiet and peace. You are invited to a 3 night retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius on October 30 - November 2. You are provided an opportunity through a variety of types of prayer to quiet down and examine where God is at work in the world and in your life. To register, visit www.ignatiushouse.org or call 404-255-0503. Religious Education Class Schedule Changes VIRTUS Training Today Faith and Life, Littlest Angels and SPRED Religious Education classes will not be held on Sunday, October 26 because of the St. Jude School Open House. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) classes will meet as scheduled. Training for VIRTUS – Children K-12 Safe Environment Training will take place TODAY Sunday, October 26 from 3:00PM - 4:30PM. Information has been sent home with all PSR students. St. Jude School Car Wash Fundraiser GRACE Scholars Program Sunday, November 9 Help Support Catholic Education Help support St. Jude School's Odyssey of the Mind program. St. Jude students have participated in this educational program for the last four years - sending teams to the World finals each year. We will be washing cars Sunday, November 9 during all morning Masses. Drop your car off in front of the Ministry Building before you go to Mass and pick up your sparkling clean car after Mass. Donations will be accepted. Thank you for your support. The GRACE Scholars program has benefits for both for families needing financial assistance in order to provide a Catholic education for their children and for taxpayers who redirect a portion of their state tax liability to this program. Thanks to the gracious support of our 2014 participants, St. Jude School received over $200,000. The redirection of 2014 tax liability made quite a difference in the lives of five students who joined our school family last August. Early bird registration is quickly filling up for the 2015 tax year. Please consider participating this year by redirecting a portion of your 2015 tax dollars to GRACE for the benefit of St. Jude School. We are asking you to pre-register on-line now! Go to www.gracescholars.com to complete your form. It takes 10 minutes and your check isn't needed until March. Thank you for your support of Catholic education. Faith on Tap Atlanta Catholic Singles (ACS) invites you to join them on Thursday, October 30 for a musical evening featuring Kara Klein, a six-time award winning Catholic artist, including “Best Female Vocalist” in 2008. The event will be held at Manuel’s Tavern, 602 N. Highland Avenue. Fellowship from 6:45PM - 7:30PM, with the program starting at 7:30PM. Suggested donation is $5/person. To learn more about other ACS events, visit www.atlantacatholicsingles.com October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9 St. Jude School Open House TODAY! St. Jude School, our Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, invites you to join us for our Fall Open House TODAY, Sunday, October 26 from 2:00PM-4:00PM in our school cafeteria. Prospective families and students will have the opportunity to tour our school, meet our teachers, speak with current St. Jude parents and students, and learn about our program. Our Principal, Mrs. Childs, will give an informative presentation at 2:00PM. Please visit our website www.saintjude.net for additional information or contact Mrs. Aileen Leahey, Director of Admissions at 770-394-2880 x423 or admissions@saintjude.net St. Jude School Book Fair Monday, October 27- Tuesday, November 4 It's time for the St. Jude Scholastic Book Fair. The Book Fair will be open during school hours Monday, October 27 through Tuesday, November 4 in the School Media Center and after Mass on Sunday, November 2 from 10:30AM -1:00PM. Our fall theme Sir Readalot's Castle: Enter the Kingdom of Books offers a journey back to medieval times with knights, dragons, swords and more. Please visit the Book Fair for a fantastic selection of fun, engaging books that children and adults like to read as well as great gift items. All proceeds benefit the St. Jude Library! We will be collecting gently used books for the Christ Child Society. Stop by after Mass or any other time we are open. For more information contact Natalie Uebelacker at theubs@comcast.net St. Jude School Volleyball Champions! The St. Jude School 7th and 8th grade volleyball team won the Catholic Metro Volleyball League tournament on October 5 and finished the season 15-1. Congratulations to Carli Bowen, Abby Brown, Florencia Cloitre, Annie Echemendia, Madelyn Jardina, Lauren Killeen, Sarah Marsden, Isabelle Nassar, Bridget Woods and their coaches, Brandon Brown and Greg Killeen. Youth Choir Inaugural Performance Today- 11:30AM Mass Our new youth choir has been practicing each week and will have their inaugural performance at the 11:30AM Mass today Sunday, October 26. We hope you can join us to hear these young voices as they help celebrate our Mass with song. Catholic High School Open Houses Blessed Trinity Sunday, October 26 - 1:00PM - 3:00PM www.btcatholic.com St. Pius Sunday, November 2 - 1:00PM - 4:00PM www.spx.org Marist Sunday, December 7 - 1:00PM - 4:00PM Presentations at 1:00PM & 2:30PM www.marist.com EDGE Middle School Ministry All 6th-8th grade students are invited to join us after the 5:00PM Mass for dinner and our program focused on this Sunday’s readings. Bring a friend! Page 10 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Coffee and Donuts Hosted by the Nocturnal Adoration Society MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT Nocturnal Adoration The Nocturnal Adoration Society provides an opportunity for parishioners to spend an hour on the first Friday of each month with the Blessed Sacrament in both silent and group prayer using a special prayer book based on the Liturgy of the Hours. Each team meets monthly at an assigned hour, starting at 10:00PM. The last team finishes at 8:00AM Saturday morning. Teams are available for English, Spanish, and Portuguese speaking participants. Spending time in meditation, prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is a wonderful opportunity to experience grace in one’s life. We invite you to join us in the Church for the hour of your choice next Friday, November 7. For more information, please contact Danny and Amelia Grant at nocturnaladoration@stjudeatlanta.net Tuesday Eucharistic Adoration Cancelled Eucharistic Adoration will be cancelled on Tuesday, October 28 because of the St. Jude School Field Day. It will resume on Tuesday, November 4. THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37 LIVING GOD’S WORD It is difficult to love, especially when we have been hurt by others. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring you the “fire of God’s love.” Call on the Spirit to deepen your awareness of God’s love for you, shown by giving us life and the gifts of faith, hope, and love. Copyright © 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. HOLY FATHER'S PRAYER INTENTIONS NOVEMBER 2014 Lonely People: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Mentors of Seminarians and Religious: That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. October 26, 2014 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Vacancy We are seeking an energetic candidate to serve as our full-time High School Youth Minister. The person selected will work closely with the Pastor, Director of Religious Education, and Middle School Youth Minister to provide a positive environment for our parish youth to grow and flourish within our community. This position will include direct leadership for the parish’s high school youth ministry program, including Confirmation. You must have a positive attitude and a willingness to become an active member of our parish community. The selected candidate must: Be an active Catholic, fully formed in the teachings of our Church, and have a visible commitment to living his or her life according to those teachings. Degree in theology or equivalent education needed. Have a passion for youth ministry and a commitment to growing a vibrant youth ministry program where youth are engaged and actively live their faith. Be able to effectively provide leadership, vision, and a spirit of evangelization for the ministry. Work with parents, staff and volunteers in an effective manner. Show leadership in recruitment, training volunteers, and outreach in the community. Envision, plan, promote, and carry out life nights, bible studies, retreats, mission trips, service projects, and special events. Possess the leadership skills required to lead our youth in worship and formation, and possess knowledge and understanding of Life Teen and the liturgy of our church. Be self-motivated, organized, responsible, creative, and outgoing with excellent written and verbal communication skills and an ability to work in a multitasking team environment. Be proficient in current technology, Microsoft Office, social media, and be able to create and post content for our on-line website. Please send cover letter (with salary requirements) and resume to: Marquita Richburg, Department of Human Resources for the Archdiocese of Atlanta at catholicjobs@archatl.com October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Adult Faith Formation Altar Servers Annulment Case Sponsors Atlantans Building Leadership for Empowerment (ABLE) Art & Environment / Flower Guild Ave Maria Shop Baptismal Preparation Boy Scouts Centering Prayer Christ Child Society Community Assistance Center Cooking for Clergy (C2) Cub Scouts Cursillo/Ultreya EDGE (Middle School Ministry) Elderly Care Elijah Cup Eucharistic Adoration Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist Finance Council Funeral Ministry Gardening Helping Hands/Funeral Ministry Interfaith Outreach Home Jaguar Sports Association Ladies of the Evening Circle Lectors Legion of Mary - Queen of Apostles Life Teen Band Liturgy Committee Loaves & Fishes Marriage Ministry Men's Club MCATS Ministers to the Sick Mission Ministry Music Ministry Natural Family Planning Nocturnal Adoration Nursery Pastoral Council PATH (Post Abortion Treatment & Healing) Pax Christi Religious Education Respect Life Returning Catholics Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Sacristy Special Religious Education for the Disabled St. Jude Preschool St. Teresa’s Circle St. Vincent de Paul Ushers Wedding Coordinators Welcome Ministry Women of Saint Jude Young Adult Singles Ministry Youth Ministry Martha Robert Chuck Sliker Warren Stoughton Ev Howe Pat Barnard Barbara Still Tom Boyle Phil Vance Maggie Winfrey Patty Decraene Janet Greene Dawn Moran Sam Still TBD Danielle Spitznagel Chris Gnanapragasam Nancy Nadolski Bridgett Calia David Price Sarah Dekutowski Pat Egan George Scesney Joy Russ & Nan Boldt Angela Cohen Kevin Gaffney Jeanne Nardiello Alix Shattuck Shirley Goldman Christopher Vigil Deacon Jim Tramonte Carol & Jerry Tiarsmith Deacon Jim & Stephanie Tramonte Greg Long Lillian Mandyck Chris Gnanapragasam Steve Smith Alan Brown Kelly Castleberry Amelia Grant Ashley Crunk Mary Pat Davis Mary Ann McNeil Joe & Mary Jean Goode Martha Robert TBD Charlie Cayce Martha Robert Renee Torina Pat Tweed Angela Rahn Jen Fowler & Lauren Gomes Jerry Veltri Bob Nadolski Kristi Cassell Shirley Franklin Holly Monahan TBD Martha Robert 678-252-5676 770-671-0045 404-255-6120 770-395-1545 404-538-3151 678-252-6116 770-993-3319 770-597-1401 404-717-6815 770-512-8784 770-390-9418 770-394-3029 678-691-4132 770-394-3896 678-252-6113 770-394-3896 404-252-2964 770-820-7863 404-502-6444 404-550-1101 404-822-9329 404-252-4651 770-698-9154, 404-255-2216 404-668-3693 770-823-0205 770-993-2753 770-846-1456 678-773-4376 678-777-4195 770-396-2132 404-217-3818 770-396-2132 678-920-3723 770-393-4289 770-394-3896 770-393-1148 678-252-5688 678-438-5431 404-313-0231 404-900-8376 404-697-1232 404-717-5557 770-396-5902 678-252-5676 770-394-3896 770-393-0785 678-252-5676 504-715-8678 404-451-0060 678-252-5981 404-219=6379, 404-663-1116 678-990-2969 404-252-2964 770-390-9010 770-395-6706 770-853-1026 770-394-3896 678-252-5676 Page 11 Page 12 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 INFORMACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Ministerio Hispano San Judas Tadeo, Apóstol Misa Dominical: 1:00PM Fiesta: Lunes 28 de Octubre - Santa Misa 7:00PM Fr. Jaime Rivera: 678-252-5669 or jrivera@stjudeatlanta.net María E. Allen: 678-252-5984 or mallen@stjudeatlanta.net Lunes a viernes 8:30AM a 4:00PM 770-394-3896 - Teléfono de la Oficina Principal Oración: Concédenos Señor, por medio de tu santo apóstol San Judas Tadeo, la gracia de dedicar nuestra vida, nuestras cualidades y nuestros esfuerzos a hacerte conocer y amar y, al final de nuestras vidas, lograr, como él, un puesto junto a ti en el cielo. Actividades Rosario: Domingos después de misa en la Gruta de Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe. Adoración Nocturna Parroquial: Primer viernes del mes, una hora a partir de las 9:00PM. Misa de Quinceañeras: Llamar a la coordinadora seis meses antes de la fecha planeada. Movimiento de Schoenstatt: Grupo Señoras Viernes: Aida 404-213-8684 Grupo Juvenil Femenino 13 a 20 años: Julia 404-492-1166 Grupo Señoras Sábados: Magdalena 404-643-0464 Renovación Carismática: Jueves 7:00PM Claudia Alicia Ramirez 678-499-2430. Presentaciones: Anotar el nombre del niño después de misa, con uno de los ministros Lectores, al menos una semana antes de la fecha deseada. Talleres de Oración y Vida: Beatriz Martinez 404 -553 -3097 Sacramentos Bautizos: Llamar a la oficina para reservar la fecha. Preparación: Primer sábado del mes 4:00PM - Salón Csótano de la Iglesia. Por favor llamar al Ministerio Hispano. Confesiones: Domingos antes de la misa de 1:00PM o con cita. Matrimonios: Llamar al Ministerio Hispano por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha planeada. Ministerios Catequesis-RICA: Cielo Pava 786-454-7321 Coro: Alfredo Martinez 404-603-6814 Concejo Pastoral: Alí Silva 404-402-9107 Bautizos: Carlos Marroquin 571-379-1348 Lectores: Julia Grimaldo 404-492-1166 Matrimonios, Quinceañeras, Ministros de la Sagrada Comunión: Martha Martinez 678-448-7077 Monaguillos: Elizabeth Morales 678-663-3448 Sacristía: Blanca Durón 404-803-8132 Ujieres: Perla Nuñez 404 -483-3410 Orbelin Montufar 770-899-8561 Venta de Ladrillos Para La Gruta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Aproveche ahora la oportunidad de adquirir su ladrillo para la gruta. El costo es $60.00, con 3 líneas de impresión de 21 caracteres cada una, y el mensaje que usted escoja. Para ordenar, puede contactar a Aida Ayala - 404 -213 - 8684 ó aidaiayala@yahoo.com Exámenes de Salud GRATUITOS Iglesia Católica de Saint Jude 15 de Noviembre del 2014 9:00AM a 3:00 PM (IMPORTANTE: La registración termina a las 2:30PM) Se ofrecerán los siguientes exámenes de Salud: Colesterol y Glucosa – No necesita estar en ayuna (la prueba se hace en el dedo) Presión Arterial/Peso Médico (Promedio Digital) Análisis de la Composición Corporal (tecnología infraroja/bicep) Examen de Osteoporosis (Examen de Rayos X de su mano) Riesgo de Cáncer (Información de múltiples tipos de cáncer) Calidad de Sueño (Preguntas para Determinar la necesidad de un estudio completo de sueño) Perfil de Riesgo Coronario (Evaluación de riesgo cardiaco; discusión de los resultados de la prueba de colesterol) FECHA LIMITE PARA REGISTRARSE: 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2014 PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN PUEDE LLAMAR AL: (678) 363-3079 Ó belisa@serfam.org October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 13 INFORMAÇÕES EM PORTUGUÊS Ministério Brasileiro Um Pouco da História de São Judas Tadeu Missas: Domingo às 07:00PM e 1a Sexta-feira do mês às 8:00PM. Confissões: Quarta-feira das 06:00PM as 07:00PM e Domingo das 5:30PM as 6:30PM ou por agendamento. São Judas Tadeu era natural de Caná da Galiléia, na Palestina. Sua família era constituída do pai, Alfeu (ou Cléofas) e a mãe, Maria Cléofas. Eram parentes de Jesus. O pai, Alfeu, era irmão de São José; a mãe, Maria Cléofas, prima irmã de Maria Santíssima. Portanto, Judas Tadeu era primo irmão de Jesus. O irmão de Judas Emeio a tempestades: Ancorados no Senhor! Tadeu, Tiago, chamado o Menor, também foi discípulo de Jesus. A Bíblia trata pouco de Judas Tadeu. Mas aponta o importante: Judas Tadeu foi escolhido por Jesus, para apóstolo (Mt 10,4). É citado explicitamente nas Escrituras pelo evangelista João (Jo 14,22). Na ceia, Judas Tadeu perguntou a Jesus: "Mestre, por que razão hás de manifestar-te só a nós e não ao mundo?" Jesus lhe respondeu afirmando que teriam manifestação dele todos os que guardassem sua palavra e permanecessem fiéis a seu amor.Após ter recebido o dom do Espírito Santo, Judas Tadeu iniciou sua pregação na Galiléia. Passou para a Samaria e Iduméria e outras populações judaicas. Pelo ano 50, tomou parte no primeiro Concílio, o de Jerusalém. Em seguida, foi evangelizar a Mesopotâmia, Síria, Armênia e Pérsia. Neste país recebeu a companhia de outro apóstolo, Simão. A pregação e o testemunho de Judas Tadeu impressionaram os pagãos que se convertiam. Isto provocou a inveja e fúria contra o apóstolo, que foi trucidado, a golpes de cacetes, lanças e machados. Isso, pelo ano 70. A brevíssima Carta de São Judas, que está na Bíblia, é uma severa advertência contra os falsos mestres e um convite a manter a pureza da fé. Nos versículos 22-23 propõe pontos fundamentais de um programa de vida cristã: fé, oração, auxílio mútuo, confiança na misericórdia de Jesus Cristo. A imagem de São Judas tem o livro, que é a Palavra que ele pregou e a machadinha, com a qual foi morto. Os restos mortais, após terem sido guardados no Oriente Médio e na França, foram definitivamente transferidos para Roma, na Basílica de São Pedro. Fonte: Santuário São Judas Tadeu Jabaquara, São Paulo Ministérios e Responsáveis Catequese: Glauciane - 678 -349-8403 Escola da Fé: Rosana Szvarca 404-795-1445 Liturgia: Leidiane Coelho 404-219-3964 Minist. Eucaristia: Angélica e Claudio - 770- 256-2886 Preparação para o Batismo: João e Carla Doná 678-640-9362 Preparação para Adultos (RICA): Gilberto Szvarca 404-795-1445 Dia 28 de Outubro - Festa de São Judas Oração a São Judas Tadeu São Judas Tadeu, apóstolo escolhido por Cristo, eu vos saúdo e louvo pela fidelidade e amor com que cumpristes vossa missão. Chamado e enviado por Jesus, sois uma das doze colunas que sustentam a verdadeira Igreja, fundada por Cristo. Inúmeras pessoas, imitando vosso exemplo e auxiliadas por vossa oração, encontram o caminho para o Pai, abrem o coração aos irmãos e descobrem forças para vencer o pecado e superar todo o mal. Quero imitar-vos, comprometendo- me com Cristo e com sua Igreja, por uma decidida conversão a Deus e ao próximo, especialmente o mais pobre. E, assim convertido, assumirei a missão de viver e anunciar o Evangelho, como membro ativo de minha comunidade. Espero, então, alcançar de Deus a graça que implore confiando na vossa poderosa intercessão. (Faça o pedido da graça a ser alcançada…) São Judas Tadeu, rogai por nós! Amém! Palavras do Nosso Papa Francisco “Não se cansem de trabalhar por um mundo mais justo e solidário”! Parishioner Hearing Aids - Hearing Testing TV Ears - Swim Plugs Maureen Cassidy Riski, Au.D. • Audiologist Over 20 years experience 5730 Glenridge Connection, Ste. 220 Atlanta, GA 30328 770-751-7437 www.northsidehearingcenter.com No Obligation— 14 DAY TEST DRIVE On Hearing Aids Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Blessed Art Thou Mother, Lady, Mystic, Queen Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni Hardcover book $39.95 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. 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Kelly Markillie Cortez, EdS LPC Licensed Professional Counselor 770-500-3184 FREE DELIVERY Dunwoody 1155 Mt.Vernon Hwy. 770-913-9399 Sunday Dine-in Special: FREE Large House Salad When You Buy Any Large 1-Topping Pizza (good until 3pm) Bring in Ad For Special 483440 St Jude the Apostle Church (B) INDIVIDUAL, COUPLES, & GROUP THERAPY 678-468-1166 Parishioner www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 ADVERTISE IN THE CHURCH BULLETIN 800-432-3240 Karen Brookmire Marketing Director Local Parishioner The Waters Organization is certified as a women’s business enterprise through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the U.S. 335 Hammond Drive, N.E. 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