THIS WEEK AT SJN... - Saint John Neumann Catholic Community
THIS WEEK AT SJN... - Saint John Neumann Catholic Community
ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA FEBRUARY 16, 2014 PARISH STAFF (NOTE: Please use the 703 area code for all numbers.) CLERGY Pastor: Rev. Thomas E. Murphy, OSFS 860-8510 x143 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Donald J. Heet, OSFS Rev. Robert A. Mancini, OSFS 860-8510 x157 860-8510 x145 In Residence: Rev. William N. Dougherty, OSFS 860-8510 x144 Permanent Deacons: Deacon Dennis A. Holley Deacon John A. Wagner 860-8510 x222 860-8510 x321 ADMINISTRATION Administrative Assist. Office Secretary Office Secretary Hispanic Coordinator Bulletin Editor Accountant Parish Nurse Facilities Manager Custodian Custodian Sandra McCarthy 860-8510 x159 Beth Farmer 860-8510 x511 Maria Tumolo 860-8510 x140 Celia Sandoval 860-8510 x353 Ludy Rauber 390-2353 Email:* Pat Rau 860-8510 x142 Susan Infeld, RN 390-2349 Email: Mark Gosselin 860-8510 x343 Sylvia Payne 860-8510 x307 Douglas Alvarado LITURGICAL MINISTRY Director of Music C J Capen Coordinator of Liturgy Patty Bartnick Secretary Pat Gilbertson 390-2352 860-6151 860-6150 FAITH FORMATION Director Pre K-8 Youth Minister 9-12 Secretary Secretary Mary B. Lyons Laurie Hertneky Doug Johnson Silvia Bustamante Patty Kwapniewski 860-2815 390-2340 390-2345 860-6141 390-2348 860-6147 OUTREACH Director of Outreach Young Adult Ministry Sue Colyer 860-6149 Jordan Gorzalski 860-8510 x171 COUNCIL CHAIRS Pastoral Council Finance Council Jackie Garcia 860-8510 x312 Email: Patricia Maloney 860-6310 Email: PASTORAL CARE INFANT BAPTISM: Call to register for the Baptism Class, offered monthly. English 703-860-8510; Spanish 703-860-8510, x353. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA): Please call Mary Lyons, 703-390-2340, to inquire about becoming Catholic. MARRIAGE: Begin preparation with one or our parish priests at least six months before the desired marriage date. SICK: Please call the office if you know of someone who is hospitalized, seriously ill, or home-bound. *Please Note: Material for the bulletin must be submitted no later than Thursday, ten days prior to the intended publication date. THIS WEEK AT SJN... SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 No RE Classes Sunday Coffee: 8:30am; Auditorium ARE Adults: 8:30am; Auditorium RCIA Dismissal: 10:00am; Conference Room Shawl Ministry: 2:00pm; Conference Room Spanish Prayer Group: 2:30pm; B1 Young Adults Saints Study: 4:00pm; Conference Room High School Teens: 6:15pm; Auditorium MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 No RE Classes Presidents’ Day Holiday No Scheduled Activities No 12:10 Mass Parish Office Closed all Day TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 No RE Classes French Conversation: 9:30am; A2 Hypothermia Prevention: 7:00pm; Conference Room Legion of Mary: 7:30pm; B2 RCIA Catechumenate: 7:30pm; A1, A2 RCIA Inquiry: 7:30pm; Bridal Room Knights of Columbus Social: 8:00pm; Auditorium WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 No RE Classes Paul of Tarsus With Father Bob: 10:00am; Auditorium Angel Choir: 5:00pm; Music Room Children’s Choir: 5:30pm; Music Room JustFaith: 7:00pm; A1/A2 Legión de María: 7:00pm; B4 Paul of Tarsus With Father Bob: 7:00pm; Auditorium Finance Council Meeting: 7:00pm; Conference Room THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Life After Sunday: 7:00pm; B1 Zumba 101 For Divine Love Chapel at Niño Jesús: 7:00pm; A1/A2 Pro Life: 7:30pm; B4 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Mothers’ Group Bible Study: 10:00am; Conference Room Zumba For Divine Love Chapel at Niño Jesús: 6:00pm; A1/A2 Spanish Young Adults: 6:30pm; Bridal Room Young Adults Movie Night: 7:00pm; Youth Room SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Brown Bag Sunday Car Raffle Ticket Sales After Mass Spanish Prayer Group: 6:00pm; de Sales Chapel SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 RE Classes Brown Bag Sunday Car Raffle Ticket Sales After Masses Sunday Coffee: 8:30am; Auditorium RCIA Dismissal: 10:00am; Conference Room Youth Catechumenate: 10:00am; Youth Room Newcomers’ Tour #1: 10:30am Newcomers’ Tour #2: 12:30pm Confirmation Commitment Meeting: 1:00pm; de Sales Chapel Spanish Prayer Group: 2:30pm; B1 Young Adults Saints Study: 4:00pm; Conference Room High School Teens: 6:15pm; Youth Room THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DEAR PARISHIONERS: Recently the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child took the Church to task in a very public manner, and in a way never done to any other country on any issue affecting children. There is no doubt the criticism of the Church in regard to the protection of children in the past is warranted and there is much hurt left behind in the lives of many who were impacted by Church people. The condemnation of this U.N. committee makes no mention as to what the Church has been doing in the last decade to remedy the situations caused by its failed approach in the past. I would say there is no other agency or group doing what the Church is presently doing to protect children. This failure to mention the remedial approach of the Church to these terrible acts of the past is a blatant attack on the past as well as the present. While it is deserved for the past, the dismissal of present actions of the Church reflects a strong bias against the Church by those who compose membership on this committee. Several officials of the Vatican testified before them to identify the actions taken by the Church to address these concerns, yet not a word of recognition of this was given in the committee’s final report. To me this type of bias clouds the deserved criticism by shrouding it in a position incapable of recognizing some of the positive consequential actions taken. Not only did the committee address the specific concerns in regard to the welfare of children, but it called for a doctrinal change in regard to the Church’s position on contraception, abortion, sexuality, etc. To me this proves the committee overstepped its bounds and entered into doctrinal areas of the life of the Church that are inappropriate for this committee’s purview. Some faithful Catholics have adopted positions contrary to what the Church teaches in regard to these areas and that is not the issue; the issue is how a political entity could feel they have a right to demand the Church change its position on areas considered part of the official teaching of the Church. The coming Synod on Family Life in the Fall of this year will undoubtedly call us as Church to reflect seriously about our positions on many areas affecting Family Life, but that is a discussion for the Church and no international political body has the right to make such demands on us. I believe we need to read the signs of the times but that does not mean that what is culturally acceptable should be the basis on which we build our belief structure. Father Tom WE PRAY for those who have died, especially Ruthanne Lodato; and Jay Snyder, husband of Jane and father of Kirk and Hellie. Prayer and Liturgy WE WELCOME those who have recently entered into our faith through the waters of Baptism: Jack Baker Chevalier, son of Brian and Lauren; Margaret Rose Dean, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth; Grayson Matthew Walsh, son of Matthew and Kristin. THIS SUNDAY’S READINGS: Sirach 15:15-20; Psalm 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34; 1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Matthew 5:17-37 Today the Responsorial Psalm tells us “Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord.” St. Francis de Sales elaborates on this intention: How do we “follow the law of the Lord” so as to live well? First, we must purify all our intentions as far as we can. We must make a firm purpose to use the day well for the intention of living as best we can in conformity with God’s ways. Anticipate what tasks, transactions and occasions for serving God you may meet today. What temptations will you be exposed to, such as anger, self-centered love, or some other irregularities? Carefully prepare yourself to avoid, resist, and overcome whatever might hinder you from authentically living Jesus. To follow the law of the Lord, first make a holy resolution to grow in the love Jesus exemplified. To prepare yourself to put this resolution into practice, ask our Savior to help you make the best use of the means available to you to grow in holy love, and serve Him. Admit that you alone cannot carry out your decision to avoid evil and do the good that God desires of you. Hold your heart in your hands, and offer it with your good desires to Our Savior. Ask Him to take your heart under His protection and strengthen it so to grow in His authentic love. To follow the law of the Lord, train yourself to pray. Receive the sacraments often. As you perform the important tasks of your vocation, never forget to practice humility, gentleness, patience, and simplicity, virtues that grow like flowers at the foot of the Cross. As you care for your family with all the diligence required, bring these souls to love God by infusing good inspirations into their hearts. Great opportunities to serve God rarely present themselves but little ones are frequent. As you carry out your responsibilities so that they give glory to God, all your activities, even eating, drinking, sleeping or recreation, will be done in the name of God, who leads you to authentic wholeness through Jesus Christ. (Adapted from the writings of St. Francis de Sales) ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA FEBRUARY 16, 2014 CARE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL CHURCH SATURDAY 5:00pm SUNDAY 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am 1:30pm 5:00pm MONDAY 9:00am FEBRUARY 15 Milagrosa Rodriguez Chico † FEBRUARY 16 Bernie and Leanna Kelly †† Warren Ambrose † Vincent de Paul Kane, Jr. † People Of The Parish John and Edna Pfeifer † FEBRUARY 17 Robert Gould † No 12:10 Mass TUESDAY FEBRUARY 18 6:30am Patrick Burke † 9:00am Luke McGuire † WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 19 9:00am Katherine Stevens † 12:10pm Margaret Genovese † THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20 6:30am Herb Harms † 9:00am Barbara Wozney † FRIDAY FEBRUARY 21 9:00am Barbara Wozney † 12:10pm Dennis McArver † SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 5:00pm Jere Richardson † SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23 7:30am Ann Toussaint † 9:30am Art Donovan† 11:30am Grace Braidy † 1:30pm People of the Parish 5:00pm John O’Hara † UPCOMING SPECIAL LITURGIES Sunday, February 16th 9:30am Baptism Sunday, February 16th 11:30am RCIA Rite of Reception 5:00pm Baptism Saturday, February 22nd PRAY FOR A PRIEST DAILY We continue our daily prayers for the priests in our diocese by praying for: February 17th Reverend Tarsicio Buitrago February 18th Reverend Jason C. Burchell February 19 th Reverend Richard T. Carr February 20 th Reverend Mark F. Carrier February 21 st Reverend Thomas B. Cavanaugh February 22nd February 23 rd Reverend In Joon Chung Reverend Kenneth Cienik, S. A. Could each of us pitch just a little bit to help maintain the order and cleanliness of our church? As a reminder, there is to be no food, drink or toys in the church, with the exception of the nursery or cry room. After Mass has ended and before you Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord, please take a quick look around and replace any worship aids you may have used in the hymnals, put the hymnals back in their slots and remove any bulletins or other items that might be in your pews. This will ensure that the people who come to worship behind you will find the church in the same condition you expect it to be when you arrive for Mass. Thank you for your cooperation. PLEASE PRAY for those who have asked for our prayers: Larry Clandorf; Rosalie Iadarola; and for all who are sick. When you call to add a name to our prayer list, please leave your name and number as a contact and let us know what the illness is. Before calling, please be sure you have spoken to the person or a member of the family about adding their name—we do not want to inadvertently disregard someone's desire for privacy. Names of those who are sick or injured will be kept on the list for three weeks unless you specifically request a shorter period of time or call to ask that the name be removed. Boldface type is used for names that are new to the list this week. NEXT WEEKEND’S READINGS: Next weekend we celebrate The Seventh Sunday Of Ordinary Time. Please prepare for Mass and the Homily by reflecting on these texts from God’s Word: Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-1 Because Israel belongs exclusively to the God of the covenant, its morality must conform to the holiness of God. The community of the Lord is founded upon mutual respect and love. Hatred, vengeance and rancor are banned. Psalm 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13 The Lord Is Kind And Merciful Even among the people of Israel love of neighbor and forgiveness were essential to observing the law. The model of forgiveness, the psalmist reminds us, is the Lord Himself who “forgives all your iniquity.” 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 Hatred divides people. The clawing dependence of individuals on any particular preacher or teacher can destroy the cohesiveness of the Christian community. We find our unity in Christ alone, the supreme wisdom of God. Matthew 5:38-48 There is a justice higher than the law of revenge, a joy greater than simple fulfillment of one’s obligations, a love broader than concern for one’s friends. Jesus calls us to the perfect and all-encompassing love of the heavenly Father. THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WE NEED YOUR BLESSED PALMS! The ashes that will be used to mark your forehead with the Sign of the Cross on Ash Wednesday come from burning the blessed palms that you received and saved from Palm Sunday last year. A very large basket labeled “Palms” will be in the narthex from Saturday, February 22nd through Sunday, March 2nd. Please bring your palms from last year so that we can include them in the burning. RCIA RITE OF RECEPTION This is a very special weekend for Christopher Porter and his family and a joyful occasion for our parish. Chris will be received into the Catholic faith through the Rite of Reception into Full Communion of the Catholic Church this Sunday at the 11:30am Mass. Chris and his wife, Laura, are the parents of Noah and are expecting another child this spring. Previously baptized in another Christian faith tradition and thus already one with us in the Body of Christ, Chris will now make a Profession of Faith in the Catholic Church and receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Skipp Maiden has accompanied him for the past several months as he has deepened his understanding of the Catholic faith and become more involved in the life of our community. Let us pray for Chris and all our current catechumens and candidates and help them to continue to find love and support in our parish. Parish Information PARISH LENTEN MISSION Please mark your calendar and plan to attend our Parish Mission on Sunday, March 16th through Wednesday, March 19th at 7:30pm. More information about the mission will appear in the bulletin in the coming weeks." BROWN BAG WEEKEND IS COMING! The Cornerstones van will be in our parking lot next weekend, February 22nd - 23rd. If each of us would bring just a few non-perishable food items we will help stock the Cornerstone Pantry for the weeks ahead. Thank you for your continuing generosity. NEWCOMERS TOUR Are you new to our parish, with questions about our community that you would like answered? We will hold an informal discussion and a brief walking tour of our facility next Sunday, February 23rd after the 9:30 and 11:30am Masses. We will begin our tour in the Narthex outside the de Sales Chapel doors. Sue Colyer and Wanda Cooke will acquaint you with our building and answer questions. Please come that we may welcome you, and feel free to bring your children! Contact Sue at 703-860 -6149 or PAUL VI HIGH SCHOOL ANNOUNCES HONOR ROLL! Nine St. John Neumann parishioners have been named to the second quarter honor rolls at Paul VI High School. Drew Boland, Olivia Marcey, Kevin O’Callaghan and Katelan Young were named to the Principal’s Honor Roll. Among those named to the Honor Roll are parishioners Patrick Gyenis, Meredyth Marcey, Haley Tacogue, Mitchell Walton and Christopher Walton. Congratulations to these hard-working students; we are very proud of your accomplishment. BETTER GET THIS SPECIAL WEEK ON YOUR CALENDAR! This summer's Vacation Bible School will be held Monday, July 7th - Friday, July 11th from 9:00am to 12:00pm. The theme is Weird Animals, Where Jesus’ Love Is One-of-aKind, and we want you to join us! Camper registration (rising 1st grade through rising 8th grade) and volunteer registration (rising 9th grade through adult) will begin in March. Block this week off, and stay tuned for more information about registration. COOKIE BAKERS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY “For I was hungry and you gave me food . . . in prison and you visited me” (Matthew 25:35-36) Parishioners who will take part in a four-day retreat beginning Monday March 3rd for inmates at the Powhatan Correctional Center, a men’s prison near Richmond, need your help bringing Christ to this prison. They are looking for cookie bakers willing to help them reach their goal of 200 dozen to add to the 3,000 total needed for the retreat taking place from March 3rd - 6th. Families, individuals, RE classes, other SJN ministry groups can help these imprisoned men know they are not forgotten through this small but very powerful good deed. The cookies are needed no later than Friday, February 28th. For more information and specific directions for cookie baking (they have to be done a certain way!) or for making posters reminding the prisoners of God’s love and forgiveness, please email or call Bill Eager at (703-899-4304), or Pat Schambach at (571-218-9787). All help will be gratefully accepted. You might also consider praying throughout that week for all the participants at the retreat. Please don’t underestimate how powerful a prayer or a dozen cookies are in the life of an inmate. What you do often is the first sign of God’s love that an inmate has experienced. Everything matters! ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA FEBRUARY 16, 2014 NEW BEREAVEMENT GROUP St. John Neumann is offering an eight-week bereavement support group for people coping with the loss of a loved one beginning Wednesday, March 26th. This support group will be interactive, focusing on the tasks of mourning. The group will meet from 7:00 - 8:30pm in the Conference Room. Group size is limited to eight participants; materials will be provided. For additional information and registration, please contact Kathleen Sebek, MSW , at HEALTH MINISTRY CORNER Last Sunday afternoon, we served 21 parishioners at our first Blood Pressure Screening of 2014! It was a pleasure to serve these individuals and confirms that our parishioners are indeed concerned about their heart health. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us as we hold additional screenings on May 18th, August 24th, and November 9th. Each screening will be announced in a bulletin close to the screening date. We will be waiting for you! GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER (GIFT) IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS In early December, we introduced you to GIFT, a ministry created specifically to address a concern that surfaced in our parish CARA Study, where due to our size, parishioners expressed feelings of “being lost in the crowd” or unconnected. The goal of this new ministry is to establish parish groups within the neighborhoods in which you live. This aims to be wherever parishioners are—including Ashburn, Centreville, Chantilly, Herndon, Leesburg, Oakton, Potomac Falls, Reston, and Vienna—wherever registered parishioners live. The initial meeting of each group has a social agenda and introductions. The group may then decide if they wish to continue to meet and for what purpose. GIFT is currently being piloted with volunteer hosts and facilitators. Based on the volunteers’ neighborhoods, parishioners are invited by postcards from the parish to come to a social gathering, with a request for an RSVP to the host/facilitator. The pilot is expected to end in March and plans are to expand the process into many more neighborhoods with many volunteer hosts and facilitators. If you have questions, please contact Mary Lyons at or 703-390-2340. Fellowship ONGOING FELLOWSHIP As we work through this seemingly never-ending freezing cold weather, ice, and scattered snow showers remember that as we turn a page each day on our calendars, our annual Mardi Gras is coming closer. Did you already put Tuesday evening, March 4th on your calendar? Once again, the High School Teen Ministry is teaming up with the Knights of Columbus to tickle your palate, beginning at 5:30pm in the Auditorium. Get ready for some pre-Lent fun! SJN: Sunday Coffee Join us for coffee, juice, muffins, and fellowship each Sunday from 8:30—11:30am. All are welcome! 9:00am Daily Mass and Fellowship: Following Mass in the Chapel, join us in the Bridal Room for coffee and cookies. Mothers’ Group: Join us for weekday or evening/ weekend playgroups, nights out, and more. Membership is open to all caregivers of small children. Membership is free, and participation is voluntary in all group activities. The Membership Coordinator is Michelle Bergstresser, who can be reached at or 703-424-1862. Young Adults: If you are in your twenties or thirties and are looking for a community to socialize, do service and pray with, then come join us! For more information, email Jordan Gorzalski at Knights of Columbus: Are you a male, age 18 years or older and a practicing Catholic, and wish to embark on a journey that emphasizes faith, fraternity, and fellowship with a real commitment to service in our community? If so, please consider becoming a member of the K of C Family of Man Council #7566. Take that first step and contact us at Shawl Ministry: On alternate Sunday afternoons we gather to pray, talk, and create beautiful handmade shawls for those who are ill or grieving. Contact Teresa Westhues at 703-969-8430 to join or request a shawl. “I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we only will tune in.” George Washington Carver 50+ CLUB ACTIVITIES: The 50+ Club will start the new year with some very interesting events, for which more information will be provided in later bulletins. For now, you might want to make note of these dates on your calendars. MARDI GRAS IS GETTING CLOSER AT Wednesday, February 26th: We will head north to visit the H. P. Rawlings Conservatory and Botanical Gardens of Baltimore. The conservatory was opened in 1888 and has distinct greenhouses with varied environments, allowing the growth of plants from every part of the world. Following our visit, we will gather at the Eicherkranz Restaurant, where we will enjoy a German lunch. (continued) THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 50+ CLUB ACTIVITIES (CONT’D) . PAUL Wednesday, March 12th: Today we will drive into the District of Columbia to participate in a tour of the Washington National Cathedral, dedicated to serving people of all faiths and perspectives. Later we will visit one of our favorite lunch spots, the Old Ebbitt Grill, Washington’s oldest bar and restaurant. Friday, March 21st: This evening we will co-host the Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper. Wednesday, March 26th: With expectations for weather a little warmer, we will travel to Harper’s Ferry, WV. Harpers Ferry is located at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers. At the Historical National Park, we will learn more about the rich history of this area. Our luncheon venue will be Gavin’s Tavern at the Cliffside Inn, featuring a fantastic view of the river. October Mediterranean Cruise There are still a few vacancies available for the October 30th - November 13th Rome and Western Mediterranean Cruise Tour. Join with many of us as we begin our cruise in Rome and visit other sites in Italy, Monte Carlo, France, Spain, Sicily, and Tunisia. If you are interested call Fran and Ed Grace at 703-620-9488 or email them at OF TARSUS: With Father Bob Mancini, OSFS St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles: his background, an introduction to his letters, and his theology. This series is being offered on Wednesday mornings (at 10:00am) and evenings (at 7:00pm) in the auditorium on February 19th, and 26th and March 12th, 19th, and 26th. CENTERING PRAYER Centering Prayer is the name given to an ancient practice of meditation within he Christian tradition. In Centering Prayer you move beyond words and images to a form of interior prayer beyond thoughts and senses. The purpose is to open yourself up to the presence of the God who is both within you and transcends you. Facilitators are Deacon Dennis Holley and parishioner Frank Sasinowski. Sessions will be held Thursday March 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th, in the church. You may attend any or all four of these evenings. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY (AGAPE) Doug Johnson 703-860-6141 For more information on upcoming events, call Ed Geiger at 703-620-0659 or Pat Bossie at 703-620-3747. UPCOMING HIGH SCHOOL TEEN EVENTS Faith Formation Sunday, February 23rd - High School Teen Night: 6:15pm; Auditorium Mary B. Lyons, Director 703-390-2340 “WELCOME CATHOLICS HOME” FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEEN NIGHT RETURNING Thinking about returning to the practice of the Catholic faith? Do you have questions or concerns about what to do next or whether this is where you belong? WELCOME HOME is a sixweek parish series to assist you in this process. Brochures are in the hallway; all are welcome. Contact Mary Lyons. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Are you feeling at home at St. John Neumann? Interested in becoming a Catholic? Do you have questions? A group of Inquirers meets on Tuesday evenings at the parish. This is an opportunity to share questions and to find out what it means to be Catholic. If you are interested in joining the Inquiry phase of RCIA, contact Mary Lyons. Join us Sunday, February 23rd, for food, fellowship, faith sharing, meeting new friends and having lots of fun! This will be a great opportunity to learn more about our Catholic faith and values, share snacks, and enjoy fellowship. All high school teens and their parents are welcome to join us to continue our faith journey together. Bring a friend; friends do not have to be members of our parish or Catholic. If you have not yet registered for the High School Teen Ministry, a registration form is available on the parish website at or at the Faith Formation Office. You don’t need to be registered to attend. SJN HIGH SCHOOL TEEN MINISTRY E-MAIL LIST: Contact Doug Johnson at if you wish to be placed on the SJN High School Teen Ministry e-mail list. This is a great way to learn the latest information on events, programs and opportunities to serve in our high school youth program. ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA FEBRUARY 16, 2014 PRESIDENTS’ DAY WORD SEARCH Find the hidden names of U.S. Presidents. See if you can find them all! THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Around the Diocese BISHOP LOVERDE ADDRESSES VIRGINIA’S MARRIAGE LAW Subsequent to Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring’s decision not to defend Virginia’s marriage law, Bishop Loverde and Richmond Bishop Francis DeLorenzo issued a joint Op-Ed originally featured in the “Virginian-Pilot” newspaper. The “Arlington Catholic Herald” of February 6th also carried this article. If you missed it and are interested in what the bishops had to say, you can find the article at this site: http:// www.c atholic /categor y/bis hopscolum ns/ browse.html. LIVE JESUS 2014 St. Francis de Sales wrote, "I have wished to engrave and inscribe on your heart this holy, sacred maxim: Live Jesus!' Pope Francis has said, "Being a Christian means having a living relationship with the person of Christ, it means 'putting on Christ', being conformed to Him." Two men, one the Father of Salesian Spirituality, the other a Jesuit, living more than 400 years apart, sharing the same vision of how we should live our lives! They have more in common than just their names! How perfect, then, that this year's “Live Jesus” event will showcase these two individuals who are so important in the history of our church. How can we find a meaningful and game-changing way to live the Gospel in today's world, using the advice of St. Francis de Sales and Pope Francis? Come and learn more during this Lenten Morning of Reflection at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church on Saturday, March 15th beginning at 8:00am. The main presenters will be Reverend Peter Folan, SJ and Reverend Kevin Nadolski, OSFS. The second presentation will feature two brothers from Toledo, Reverend Michael Newman, OSFS (ordained in 2009) and Reverend Joseph Newman, OSFS (ordained in 2013). The morning will conclude with Mass. Please register online by visiting http// and clicking on the Live Jesus icon. OUR THANKS TO MR. WINDOWS, LLC MRWINDOWSLLC.COM FOR SPONSORING AN AD IN OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN FIRST EUCHARIST CLOTHING DONATION PROJECT St. Mark’s Girl Scout Troop 2670 will be collecting gently used and new First Eucharist dresses, veils, blazers, dress slacks, ties, and girls' and boys' dress shoes to support the First Communicants at St. Martin of Tours parish in Washington, DC. St. John Neumann is willing to support this drive. A donation box will be located in our parish hallway from February 15th until March 15 th. Please direct questions to Karen Clerici at or (703)795-4257. FALL PILGRIMAGE TO SWITZERLAND AND FRANCE Join Father Mike Gallagher on September 2nd13th, visiting Geneva, Annecy, Avignon, Lourdes and Paris. For a full itinerary and registration brochure visit: or call Caroline at 1-800-334-5425. Those who register before March 1st will receive a discount of $200.00. 2014 CATHOLIC CHARITIES BALL This year, the theme for the Arlington Diocese Catholic Charities Ball is “Light The Way, Twilight in Argentina”, reflective of the light of hope that the spirit of charity brings to people in need of support and assistance. To honor Pope Francis and his desire to serve the poor, the ball will have an Argentinian theme with a special menu, dancing, and raffle prizes. For the first time, the live auction prizes at the ball will include a trip to Rome and many other unique items. The Ball will be held on Friday, February 21 st, at 7:00pm, at the Ritz-Carlton, Tysons Corner. For more information about sponsorships, the raffle or to register for the event, visit THE 2014 DIOCESAN SCIENCE NEEDS JUDGES Individuals with a FAIR science background are needed to judge seventh and eighth grade student research projects for the 2014 Science Fair on April 12th from 8:00am to 12:00pm at Paul VI High School in Fairfax. These projects encompass botany, health, chemistry, zoology, behavioral science, engineering, physics, math and other areas of life and physical science. If you are interested, contact Janet Vetrano of the Office of Catholic Schools at 703-841-2560. SJN Weekly Stewardship STEWARDSHIP REMINDER This time of year, many of you are printing your annual stewardship statement for tax purposes. Please remember you need to put your envelope number on your checks in order for us to accurately credit you for your donations. Thank you.
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