March 6, 2016 - St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center
March 6, 2016 - St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center
1738 W. University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32603-1839 WEEK OF March 6, 2016 | (352) 372-3533 | Fax (352) 378-9010 Parish Office Hours : M-F 10am-5pm Home of the The fourth Sunday of lent (Laetare Sunday) YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR SEDER SUPPER TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2016 6:30PM IN THE LOUNGE MASS TIMES Sunday 9:00am Family Mass 11:30am 1:30pm (Spanish) 5:30pm 7:30pm Mon.-Fri. 12:00pm | 5:30pm Saturday 5:30pm Vigil LITURGY OF THE HOURS Vespers: M-F 5:00pm Sun 4:45pm RECONCILIATION: M-F 4:30pm-5:20pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Monday Wednesday Friday 6:00-7:00pm 4:30-5:20pm 8:15-9:15am FIRST FRIDAY: 5:30pm Mass of the Sacred Heart and Eucharistic Adoration ROSARY: Monday-Friday 11:25am Welcome New Members: To be a member of our parish requires registration and participation in worship, sacraments, the life of the parish, and regular financial support of the parish. This is a basic consideration when requesting marriage, baptism, or to act as a godparent/sponsor. Register in the front office or on-line. TICKETS - $12.00 at and in the parish office (limited number) Children under ten eat for free. TO VOLUNTEER for set-up, serving the meal, take-down call the parish office (352.372.3533) Mass Intentions AND SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF march 6, 2016 The Tabernacle Candle is being sponsored this week is in thanksgiving by Emma Labrador. Sunday, March 6 – Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare) 9:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word 2:30pm Cafecito 3:00pm Spanish RCIA 3:00pm Hispanic Advisory Council 5:30pm RCIA 6:30pm Introduction to Ministry Formation The deceased are indicated by a cross in front of their names. Masses said for the living are for their special intentions. Sunday, March 6 - The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) Jos 5:9a, 10-12 | 2 Cor 5:17-21 | Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Or, for Year A - 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a | Eph 5:8-14 | Jn 9:1-41 9:00am 11:30am 1:30pm For the Parish 5:30pm 7:30pm Monday, March 7 - Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs Is 65:17-21 | Jn 4:43-54 12:00pm 5:30pm Tuesday, March 8 - St. John of God, Religious Ez 47:1-9, 12 | Jn 5:1-16 12:00pm 5:30pm Wednesday, March 9 - St. Frances of Rome, Religious Is 49:8-15 | Jn 5:17-30 12:00pm For families with special needs and world peace 5:30pm Clark Russ by the Weber family Thursday, March 10 - Lenten Weekday Ex 32:7-14 | Jn 5:31-47 12:00pm Tommy Weber by the Weber family 5:30pm Michelle Marie Perez by her parents Friday, March 11 - Lenten Weekday Wi 2:1a, 12-22 | Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 12:00pm Connie Fitzgerald by the Schilling family 5:30pm Saturday, March 12 - Lenten Weekday Jer 11:18-20 | Jn 7:40-53 5:30pm Maria Lourdes Martínez by Liliana Fernandez Monday, 7:30am 10:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:30pm St. Augustine Church The Catholic Student Center Father Marek Dzien Parochial Vicar Father Anthony Eseke Seminarian Wilson Colmenares Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Gail Fitzsimmons RCIA & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator Sabrina Sy Liturgy & Music Director Doug Ghizzoni Religious Education Coordinator Anne Vieira Hispanic RCIA Coordinator Sr. Teresa Gomez, HMSS Facilities & Operations Manager Mary T. Wise Bookkeeper Sara Geiser Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor Julie Schilling Housekeeping Rosa Nakamatsu Director of the Catholic Student Center Father David Ruchinski March 7 Men’s Book Group Staff meeting Exposition and Holy Hour Music Ministry Jam Session High School Confirmation class Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Ultreya Coalition E-Board Tuesday, March 8 4:30pm Student choir rehearsal 6:15pm Newman Club Dinner Wednesday, March 9 4:30pm Confession and Exposition 6:15pm Adult Confirmation class 7:00pm Lecture on Abortion Healing 7:00pm Via Crucis 7:00pm Middle School Religious Education 7:00pm Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Cursillo 9:30pm Ministry Formation Thursday, March 10 12:00pm Mass on the Grass @ UF Plaza 6:00pm Upper Room 6:00pm Knights of Columbus 6:15pm CSF 7:00pm Spanish Bible Study 7:30pm Spanish Choir rehearsal Friday, March 11– No Confession or 5:30pm Mass today! 8:15am Exposition and Holy Hour 12:00pm Noon Daily Mass 6:15pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Soup and Bread Supper Clergy & Staff Members Pastor Parish CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Saturday, March 12 5:30pm Vigil Mass RCIA Contact Sabrina Sy at SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Call the office for information on First Reconciliation/First Communion, High School Confirmation, & Adult Confirmation preparation. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Campus Ministers Couples should meet with a priest at least eight (8) months prior to the wedding. We follow the requirements of the Diocese of St. Augustine in our marriage preparation program. Contact Gail Fitzsimmons at Ext. 113 or Ashley D’Emo | Sandra DeTeresa SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism Preparation is required and both parents should attend our monthly preparation class and coordinate with the parish secretary. Please call the parish office to arrange for Baptism and preparation, preferably before the baby’s birth. Daniel Conigliaro, Campus Ministry Assistant FOCUS Missionaries (Fellowship of Catholic University Students} Katelyn Miller | Ariadna Ruiz | Nolan Schmidt | Joseph West 2 WEEK OF March 6, 2016 Around the parish MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE HOLY WEEK TRADITIONS! From the liturgy team LENT SERIES: MERCY AND FORGIVENESS One cannot speak of one without the other for it is in having mercy that we can forgive. We are told that there are certain things that we must learn in life, in other words we are not born doing them as it is to breathe, see or hear. Mercy and forgiveness are learned traits, taught to us since childhood. A mother or father will teach the child to be gentle, to care for little hurt birds or bury them. They teach us how to love and be loved, and so we learn to be gentle, loving persons when we grow up. Pre-Palm Sunday Workday Saturday, March 19, 9am Holy Saturday Workday March 26, 9am Tasks for everyone! Inside the church and on the grounds! Today’s reading focuses on those learned traits of love, caring, forgiving and being merciful. Lent and the Year of Mercy touch our minds and hearts in remembering the goodness of God towards us. God waits for our return, not wanting to hear the wrong, which has been forgiven already; it is the humbling soul that looks for God’s tender love and understanding to be considered into the family once more. Let us continue our Lenten journey and be mindful of Mercy and Forgiveness. Sister Teresa Gomez, HMSS St. Augustine + Burkina Faso Three Facts to Consider Three facts: 1. Please follow the Liturgy Team on Facebook at 2. Renew Your Heart 3. Florida Eucharistic Congress Friday, March 11– Saturday, March 12, 2016 Prime Osborn Convention Center 1000 Water Street, Jacksonville, FL For information visit Our Church reminds us of our moral responsibility to treat people in other lands as our brother and sister. Our brothers and sister in Burkina Faso suffer with a poverty rate of nearly 50%, political unrest, and recurring food shortages due to cycles of drought and flooding. On April 9, our parish will have a special opportunity to help the people of Burkina Faso in two ways: we will package and ship over 10,000 meals AND we will help fund job training and community building programs. Learn more at: and at To register and/or donate, go to: Continuing Grace Our parish continues to feed the homeless at Grace Marketplace, four Mondays each month. You can help fund our efforts by dropping a check for $10 or so at the parish office or in the collection basket, making the check payable to the parish, with “Grace” on the memo line. You can also give through E-Giving, under special collections. We can always use more help with preparing the food (any Monday from 2:00-5:00 p.m.) and/or serving the meals (any Monday, 5:006:30 p.m.). For details, contact Bill at 352-378-4946 or The Women’ Book Discussion Group will meet off-site this month on Sunday, March 20 at 9:15 a.m. This is a week early due to Easter. Palm Sunday weekend this year coincides with the Feast of St. Joseph, so we will be reading “Joseph, the Just Man and Pioneer of a New Fatherhood” by Aaron Milavec and the gospel of Matthew. Please contact Janet Allen at for information. 3 fourth Sunday of lent (Laetare Sunday) Stewardship Stewardship Masses on February 27-28, 2016 Third Sunday of Lent Collection totals were not available at press time. See next week’s bulletin for figures. Graphic courtesy of: for Lent 4 STEWARDSHIP SPOTLIGHT – FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT (LAETARE SUNDAY) Today’s gospel is one of the most well-known and loved parables – the prodigal son. We all know how it goes: the greedy, selfish son takes his inheritance and squanders it in a sinful life (probably a Las Vegas equivalent), but then falls on hard times. He repentantly returns to his father willing to be a hired hand, but the father welcomes him back with celebration. One of my favorite lines from a homily, which I remember after more than 36 years, is how the father caught sight of the prodigal son while he was still far off. Was this just by chance? No. The father was anxiously waiting and hoping for his son’s return. Then the steadfast brother is angry over his brother’s treatment. It’s a good exercise to place ourselves into each of these characters. No matter who we choose, we’re stuck with some discomfort. Of course, we would never be so bad as the prodigal son, would we? But we are all sinners, and Jesus chose a particularly brazen sin to make the point of God’s infinite love and mercy. We shouldn’t be so quick to pat ourselves on the back for not living up to the terrible example, for we rely on the Father’s mercy as much as the most terrible sinner. Then there is the oh-so-human son who always obeyed his father but failed to share in the joy of his brother’s salvation. Most of us find it easy to identify with this guy because we would like to think of ourselves as the good son and having our righteous indignation. However, this son sinned against his brother and his father by wishing ill of his brother (perhaps he should have been treated like a hired hand) and disrespecting his father’s love and mercy. Finally, and most difficultly, is the father. Clearly he represents our heavenly Father and his infinite love and mercy. How could we be him? Because we are called to be the loving presence of God among his people and in his creation. We must be merciful as he is merciful. The measure with which we measure will be used to measure us. Every time we say the Lord’s Prayer we say, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” There are two ways to look at this. Forgive us because we forgive others or forgive us in the same way that we forgive others. Either way, we are either liars or setting ourselves up for harsh judgment if we are not also infinitely merciful. What does this have to do with stewardship? We are the stewards of God’s love and mercy bestowed on us. We are good stewards in this case when we share it with our brothers and sisters, even those who sin against us. It is the Year of Mercy. May we all live it every day. Paul Gulig, Chair of Stewardship Committee 4 Catholic student center and parish WEEK OF March 6, 2016 Message of mercy for march From the Office for Vocations A quote from scripture… March 6, 2016 - Fourth Sunday of Lent Ephesians 2:4-7 - “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, brought us to life with Christ (by grace you have been saved), raised us up with him, and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” God welcomes us home with extravagant love. Let the call to holiness draw you home into a deeper relationship with God. (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32). If you have a question about a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, contact Father David Ruchinski, Vocation Director, at (904) 262-3200 ext. 101, or email Carta a los Efesios 2:4-7 - “Pero Dios, que es rico en misericordia, por el gran amor con que nos amo, precisamente cuando estabamos muertos a causa de nuestros pecados, nos hizo revivir con Cristo ustedes han sido salvados gratuitamente, y con Cristo Jesus nos resucito y nos hizo reinar con el en el cielo. Así, Dios ha querido demostrar a los tiempos futuros la inmensa riqueza de su gracia por el amor que nos tiene en Cristo Jesus.” From the Justice and Peace Commission “Work so that the world becomes a community of brothers who respect each other, accept each other in one’s diversity, and take care of one another. We are all children of one heavenly father. We belong to the same human family and we share a common destiny.” - Pope Francis, New Year’s Eve 2013 Something new and beautiful for Easter...Hydrangeas join the line-up with the traditional Easter lilies for this year’s Easter celebration. You may purchase your plants on-line at or by check/cash by taking this form. with your payment to the parish office. Plants are $15.00 each. Your name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Plants: ____________Placed in honor of or for_____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Thank you! 5 fourth Sunday of lent (Laetare Sunday) Miinisterio hispano Equipo de liturgia Cursillo de Cristiandad Cursillo, en espanol quiere decir “curso pequeno” o “corto.” Es de tres días para hombres y mujeres de cualquier edad. ¿Deseas tener un encuentro real con Cristo? Es una experiencia maravillosa. ¿Deseas ser parte de una comunidad Cristiana comenzando desde tu propio hogar? SERIE CUARESMAL: MISERICORDIA Y PERDÓN Uno no puede hablar de uno sin el otro pues es en teniendo misericordia que uno puede perdonar. Se dice que hay ciertas cosas que tenemos que aprender en la vida, que no nacimos sabiendolo hacer como lo es de respirar, el oír, comer, etc. La Misericordia y el Perdon es un aprendizaje en la ninez. El padre o la madre, ensena a su nino/a como ser tierno y carinoso con los animalitos, especialmente si estan heridos, o de enterrarlos si es que mueren. Los Padres les muestran amor y son amados y desde ahí aprendemos ser tiernos, amables y carinosos. Los cursillo seran en espanol. HOMBRES: Febrero 11 al 14, 2016 #117 MUJERES: Febrero 18 al 21, 2016 #116 No olviden de Reservar en su calendario la fecha del Encuentro Regional que es: Las lecturas de hoy se enfocan en ese aprendizaje de amar, perdonar y ser misericordioso. La Cuaresma y el Ano de la Misericordia tocan nuestros corazones y nuestro espíritu en recordarnos de la grandeza de Dios hacia nosotros. El aguarda nuestro regreso, sin tener que escuchar el mal que hemos cometido, eso, ya lo ha perdonado; El espera ver el ser amado que humildemente lo busca para ser admitido de nuevo a la familia con esa ternura de amor y misericordia. Continuemos esta jornada de cuaresma llevando en mente la Misericordia y el Perdon. Sister Teresa Gomez, HMSS Abril 22 y 23 del 2016 y esta Diocesis es la coordinadora de este evento. Y los proximos Cursillos de este ano son: Octubre 13 al 16 Hombres 2016 #119 Octubre 20 al 23 Mujeres 2016 #118 Para mayor informacion comunicarse con: Awilda Merced (787) 448-7968 o Angela Chiriboga (352) 331 -7616. Por favor siga el Equipo Litúrgico por Facebook en Cantar es Orar Dos Veces Nuestro coro - sigue creciendo y otorgando a la Misa en espanol la musica que mas nos acerca a Dios. Siempre se buscan y desean nuevos miembros. Si quiere unirse al coro, por favor comuníquese con Doug Ghizzoni. El coro ensaya a las 12:30 p.m. cada domingo en la biblioteca de la iglesia. Cafecito y dulces Se les invita a pasar al salon de la iglesia cada domingo despues de la Misa de la 1:30 p.m. para compartir amistad y cafecito. Vengan y conozcan mejor a sus hermanos en Cristo. Si desean, pueden traer donaciones de galletas o bebidas. Círculo de Oración Carismática El Círculo de Oracion Carismatica en espanol se reune todos los lunes a las 7 p.m. en la iglesia para orar, leer la biblia, y alabar al Senor con canticos. No necesitan inscribirse. Los esperamos. Para mayor informacion, llamen a Wilson Colmenares (561) 260-3422. Adoración del Santisimo Adoracion esta ofrecido el tercer jueves de cada mes en la parroquía. 6 WEEK OF March 6, 2016 The diocese and greater Gainesville Please help us in our journey to educating pregnant women by donating your gently used baby and maternity items. Phone: 352.224.6424 Address: 1707 NE 9th Street, Gainesville Caring Choices provides baby and maternity items to those in need through our Earn While You Learn program, which teaches valuable parenting skills through videos and homework. Cribs and Mattresses Strollers Baby Books and toys The 3rd Annual Clint Lacinak Shamrock 5K Walk/Run Bassinets Clothing (Newborn to 24 months) Infant Car Seats Maternity Clothing ( S to XXL) Diapers and Wipes is March 19, 2016! Online registration is now open and sign up early to get the best prices for t-shirts as well registration price. Walk, run or roll through the beautiful Duck Pond neighborhood starting at 9:00 a.m. from St. Patrick Interparish School. 100% of the proceeds benefit the school and lots of food, music and fun along with great prizes make this an event you don't want to miss! Go to our website or call 352-562-2824 for more information. the St. Vincent de Paul Society March 6 – Fourth Sunday of Lent In today’s Gospel, Jesus is quite clear in his message: “bear fruit or be cut down.” This Lent we are called to cultivate and fertilize our spiritual lives through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that together we can help the suffering and poor. For assistance, call 352-2220588. Knight’s Corner Want to Join the Knights? Yes, Our St. A’s parish has its own Knights of Columbus Council and you can become a member if you are a practicing Catholic male over 18 years old. Please contact our Grand Knight, Bradley Nartowt at “Abortion Healing in the Year of Mercy” A public awareness presentation on the psychological effects of abortion. Keynote speaker Maureen Curley, PhD. Psychiatric nurse, professor & researcher - University of Florida Wednesday, March 9th at 7:00 pm St. Augustine Parish Hall A Woman’s Answer Medical Center (local area crisis pregnancy center), Project Rachel (the Post Abortion Healing Ministry of the Diocese of St. Augustine), and the Fiat Center of Gainesville (house of prayer) are working together to develop and bring post abortion healing services to the greater Gainesville community. Project Rachel is a confidential network of Catholic priests and licensed mental health professionals, who have been trained and approved by the diocese to minister to those who seek healing after abortion. We will gather at the 5:30pm Mass to pray for the success of this ministry in Gainesville. A potluck dinner will follow the Mass at 6:15 pm; the presentations will begin at 7:00 pm. Please bring a food item to share at the potluck dinner. All interested persons are welcome and encouraged to attend this informative workshop! 7
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