St. Raymond Parish - St. Raymond Catholic Church
St. Raymond Parish - St. Raymond Catholic Church
St. Raymond Parish St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2015 Our Mission: “To Know Christ Better and to Make Him Better Known” Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2015 Join Us for Compline Service All Saints, November 1st 9:00 pm Compline Service is brought to you by the Music Ministry at St. Raymond MASS SCHEDULE HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday……….……………………………...8:30AM & 12:15PM Saturday……………………………………………………………...8:30AM Saturday Vigil (English).…………………………………………..5:00PM Sunday…7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 Noon, 1:30PM Spanish, 6:00 Youth Holy Days…………………………………...8:30AM, 12:15PM & 7:00PM Parish Office……………………………………….…………828-2460 Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM Sunday 8:30AM - 1:30PM 11555 Shannon Avenue, Dublin, CA 94568-1376, Phone: 925-828-2460, FAX: 925-828-8610 E-mail: Website: Visit us at Page 1 St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints PASTORAL STAFF November 1, 2015 DIRECTORY Cont. Reverend Lawrence D’Anjou …………….................................Pastor………………....……………574-7401 Pastoral Council….Mitas Cuenca, Bruce Patchin, Martha Victoria, Andrew Walker, Rob Falco, Chuck Haupt, Renee Perko, Eric Hom Reverend Bob Mendonca .…………………….….……Parochial Vicar………………..………………...574-7402 St. Vincent de Paul Society.................................................574-7456 Deacon John Archer ………………… Deacon Bill Henderson …… Deacon Emeritus Joe Sicat ………..………… Eric Hom ……………..……………………………….Business Manager …….…………………………...574-7408 Maggie Ringle ……………………...Director of Religious Education…………….………………….574-7413 Knights of Columbus Jim Rasmussen, Grand Knight……………………… ................................................................................................………..206-661-3761 Tom Nealon, Membership……………………...…………………………...925-640-0652 St. Raymond School, K - 8…………………………………….828-4064 Monday - Friday 7:45AM - 3:30PM Catherine Deehan……………..……………………….School Principal Shannon Rogers……….…..Coordinator of Youth & Young Adults………………...…………….. 574-7410 School Board .................................................. Julie Kent, President PTG ..............................................................Leslie Lynch, President Rob Lappa …………………………………………....Director of Music ……………..………………….574-7447 SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION DIRECTORY Jacqueline Garcia………...………...……...Adm. Asst. Parish Office………...………………………828-2460 Vicki Patchin……………………………………………………..Finance………….………………………..574-7406 Susy Cano………………………… Adm. Asst. Religious Education…………………………………574-7414 Sophie Keshi ……….……… Junior High Coord./Admin. Assistant…… ……...….………………574-7411 Brian Whitaker…………………………………...Head of Maintenance…………...………………...574-7450 Collection Statistics Sunday Plate: 10/25 Weekly EFT Total $13,672.64 $2,800.00 $16,472.64 Oct Total $72,280.28 Oct Goal $80,344.96 Visit us at Anointing of the Sick For individual anointing contact the Parish Office. Sacrament of Baptism Registered and active parishioners (for at least 3 months), contact Parish Office or visit our website. Sacrament of Confirmation Preparation for teens begin in Grade 9, call the Youth Ministry Office for information. Adults, contact Parish Office. Sacrament of Matrimony Registered parishioners (for at least 6 months); preparation time takes 12 months prior to wedding; contact Parish Office or visit our website. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays................. 3:30PM - 4:30PM and by appointment. RCIA ................................ Contact Parish Office at 828-2460 Building Our Future Together Campaign Update Thank you for your continued support and generosity for our Capital Campaign. Campaign Goal: $2,319,000 Pledged to Date: $2,118,137 (91.3%) Reminder: Your monthly, quarterly or annual pledges can be sent into the Parish office. Please be sure to put your check in an envelope marked Capital Campaign before dropping into the collection basket. Page 2 St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2015 From Father Lawrence, The Importance of a Good Example Growing up as the fifth of seven children in Oakland I was exposed to varying family situations among my friends and classmates. Some kids got the latest toys for Christmas. Others got even less than we had. As a child I was constantly comparing what we got or didn’t get with the other kids. One kid was able to stay out until 10pm any night of the week. I used to think that was so cool. He had privileges that I didn’t have. How great to be able to go out at night and do whatever you felt like doing. But I also noticed (and so did everyone else) that this kid had the hardest time with his grades and he had the worst behavior of all the kids by far. He was constantly getting into fights and was a distraction in the classroom and on the playing field. With a few years of life I was able to understand that that kid’s parents really didn’t have his best interest at heart. Letting him stay out late was more than likely a by- product of a chaotic household or treat the infirm; with tender care an exaggerated perspective on and attention. Who benefits from catering to him. this care and attention? The infirm for sure, but also, don’t we? We His situation comes to mind as I do! We become the compassion think about the new assisted of God – of Jesus – when we show suicide law in California. It may such care to the less fortunate seem like a good, but is it? Good around us, no matter what their laws lead to good behavior, and circumstances. the opposite is also true. Does the recent law permitting assisted St. Augustine in his work, “City of suicide in California enhance our God” does an exposition of the humanity or detract from it? Will contrast between God’s way and it lead to better behavior or the way of Man. The more the worse? Time will tell, but I suspect way of Man asserts itself in our that it will contribute to a greater laws and culture, the more our devaluing of human life, its innate efforts to practice God’s way will dignity and its appreciation. stand in stark contrast. And that is the happy message to hold on to In our recent pilgrimage we as we practice God’s way of stopped at the Shrine of Our Lady compassion and become an of Lourdes. In Lourdes you can’t example of goodness to others. help but be struck by the compassionate care of the infirm. God bless you and know of my They have priority for the bath’s prayers for you. curative waters. Young people volunteer to take care of them for Sincerely In Christ, an entire day. It is something to Fr. Lawrence D’Anjou behold! It warms your heart. Lourdes is how God desires us to Visit us at Page 3 St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2015 Parish News! based on: the times we live in, special challenges for adults who want to stay Join us for coffee, donut and fellowship in true to their faith. We'll examine some of Moran Hall after the 7:30am, 9:00am and the ways popular culture is misleading us, how our faith addresses these challenges, 10:30am Masses. Hosted by: Hispanic and explore ways that men can support Charismatic Prayer Group. each other in living an authentic faith life Music Ministry Offers Compline that is both joyful and purposeful. Come and be part of the retreat! All of the men Service st of the parish are invited. Sign up by Nov 1 at 9:00pm emailing Bruce Patchin at On Sunday, November 1st at 9 pm, the St. The cost is Raymond Music Ministry will offer its first $35.00-cash or check. Includes a Compline service. Compline is the final continental breakfast and a great lunch. church service of the day in the daily Parishioner Social liturgical cycle, prior to going to sleep. November 8th @ 10:00am The English word Compline is derived New! Donut Sunday from the Latin completorium, as Compline is the completion of the working day. The word was first used in this sense about the beginning of the 6th century by St. Benedict in his “Rule.” This spoken and chanted liturgy lasts about 30 minutes. Date change. The entire staff and Welcome Committee would like to invite all new parishioners who have joined our St. Raymond community to a hosted breakfast in the Kids Klub room on Sunday at 10am to meet the staff, enjoy breakfast and learn more about our All Souls Mass Parish community. The entire family is Nov 2nd at 7:00pm welcome to attend. Please call the parish The Parish community of St. Raymond will office to RSVP. celebrate a special Mass on Monday, New! Parish Day Hike on November 2 at 7:00pm with a reception Saturday, November 14 to follow in Moran Hall. There will be a table placed in the sanctuary where you We're starting the Fall season with a may place framed pictures of your nice hike at Pleasanton Ridge Park. beloved dead. The table will remain up Please join Fr. Lawrence, Deacon John until Monday, November 16. and fellow parishioners for an St. Raymond's 7th Annual Men's intermediate-level 5 mile hike on Saturday, November 14th. Meet your Fall Retreat fellow hikers at the Foothill Staging Area Saturday, Nov 7th, San Damiano Retreat parking lot at 10 a.m. Remember to bring Center your own water and snacks. For those 8:00 AM to 3:00PM that are interested, feel free to bring a Father Lawrence will be our Retreat picnic lunch to enjoy at the end of the Master and his presentations will be trail. Rain cancels the event. Visit us at Directions: Take 680 South, exit at Castlewood Drive and go west. Turn left (south) onto Foothill Road, towards Sunol. The Foothill Staging Area is about two miles from Castlewood Drive, on the right. 7th Annual Tom Grywczynski Memorial Blood Drive The Knights of Columbus are proud to present the "7th Annual Tom Grywczynski Memorial Blood Drive" on Saturday, November 14, 2015 in Moran Hall 8:00am - 2:00pm. Knights will be present outside of all weekend masses throught November 7 & 8 to help set up an appointment for you. If you have any questions, please email or NEW! Angel Tree Come join the Women’s Guild at our Meeting this Tues. Nov. 3rd when we will be preparing the Angels for the Angel Tree. Remember if you or someone you know can be helped through the Angel Tree please contact the Church Office. All names are kept confidential. NEW! WINGS – The Year of Mercy The WINGS group at St. Raymond invites all women to join them for fellowship and spiritual enrichment. Please join them each Wednesday morning from 9:15 – 11:15 in Moran Hall. Drop-ins always welcome. Childcare is provided. Speaker for Nov 4: Mary Ann Weisinger - The Year of Mercy. For more information, call: Valerie McNamara: 925-551-5827. Page 4 St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints Catholic Daughters of the Americas in Action Faith Formation Members of Court Saint Raymond #2057 held a Baby Shower in September where parishioners donated cash and baby gifts benefitting Birthright Children’s Faith Formation Classes for Grades 1-5 are offered on Tuesday 4:00PM - 5:30PM or Wednesday 4:00PM– 5:30PM & 6:00PM - 7:30PM Pre-K Sunday School Meets Sunday during the 9:00 am Mass during the school year Thanksgiving FOOD BASKETS November 1, 2015 of Livermore. According to their website, Birthright helps women with unplanned pregnancies, and believes that “it is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth, and the right of every child to be born.” Birthright focuses on loving the mother, reminding her that there is hope and ensuring she is not alone. At Birthright Livermore 2015 State Conference, Mair Moran, Director of Marketing received the check for $1,000 and baby gifts from Court Saint Raymond’s financial secretary Tess Chiampas. St. Raymond Church November 18 @ 7pm FOR AN EVENT THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE REBOOT! LIVE! The Thanksgiving Food Drive for the needy is underway! We are in need of: $10 gift cards from Safeway, Lucky and Smart & Final Canned Yams Canned Gravy French Fried Onions (canned) Canned Vegetables/Canned Fruit Canned Pumpkin Filling/Boxed Desserts Peanut Butter/Jelly Tuna Soups Please bring items to the vestibule of the Church or the Faith Formation Office Visit us at With internationally renowned speaker and author, CHRIS STEFANICK And special musical guest, JON NIVEN Reboot! Live! is the fun, inspiring and practical experience of applying the beauty and genius of the heart of the Gospel to every aspect of your life. From prayer and spirituality, to work, dating, marriage, parenting, health and more! There is no part of your life that will be left untouched! Tickets Now On Sale in the Parish Office: $19/person. Join us for Reboot! Live! Visit: Childcare will be provided Page 5 St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2015 d n o y e b d n a … e s e c io D e th Around NEW! Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving Masses The Cathedral of Christ the Light 2121 Harrison St., Oakland Bishop Barber will celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of Christ the Light at 10:00 am on Wednesday, November 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day. He will also celebrate the Thanksgiving Mass at 10:00 am on Thursday, November 26. NEW! Vietnamese Martyrs and Anniversary Celebration Sunday, November 22, 12:00 pm St. Anthony Parish, 1535 16th Ave., Oakland Catholics@Work invites speakers to share their missions with fellow Catholics during a monthly breakfast presentation. The speaker series takes place during the second Tuesday of the month at the Crow Canyon Country Club in Danville. Cost is $20 for members and $25 for nonmembers. Please register online at De La Salle High School Open House November 1st De La Salle celebrates 50 years of Lasallian Education. Visit them during their Open House on Sunday, November 1st from 10:00am to noon to learn more about the school. applications are due Friday, December 4. Apply online at opportunity to find the perfect Fair Trade nativity scene. The curated collection of Fair Trade nativities reflects various countries’ depictions of Christ's birth. Take the opportunity to come in and find the perfect way to bring Christmas Home. The Fair Trade Global Nativity Market will take place Thursday, November 12 until Sunday, January atThe Cathedral of Christ the Light, The Cathedral Shop. For information, visit CathedralShop Role of Parents in Confirmation Office of the Bishop One of the concerns that has come up during the Synod is continuing the Catholic faith on to our future The Vietnamese Community of the generations. In this video, Bishop Barber Diocese of Oakland will celebrate the explains the role parents play in this Vietnamese Martyrs and their 40th process, especially those who have anniversary in the Diocese on Sunday, Catholic Underground Bay Area enrolled their children in Confirmation November 22 at 12:00 pm. Very Rev. George Mockel, Vicar General of the Catholic Underground is a two part event classes throughout the Diocese. diocese, will be the presider, and Bishop for young adults in the Bay Area. The next Listen to Bishop Barber in this video: Emeritus John S. Cummins will also be Catholic Underground will take place at present. A procession will begin the St. Mary Magdalen Parish in Berkeley on Eucharistic Liturgy. For more information, Saturday, November 7 at 7:30 pm. The please contact Sr. Rosaline L. Nguyen 510 meeting will start with Eucharistic -628-2153 or Adoration followed by a showcase different Catholic artists. The featured New! Catholic@Work Breakfast Tri-Valley Prayer Breakfast artist will be Amanda Vernon. She has SAVE THE DATE! and November Speaker recorded four studio albums, performed November 7 at 7:00am at events such as World Youth Day and Monday, November 23 football games. For more information, Fr. Wahba, who has been the pastor of 7:30am—9:00am you can visit St. Antonius Coptic church in Hayward or contact Steven Lewis 510-267-8394 since 1989. He was born in Egypt, and Doubletree by Hilton Hotel was ordained there in 1962. Breakfast begins at 7:00 am, followed by Fr. Wahba’s presentation. Mass will be offered at 6:30 am at the same location. Fair Trade Global Nativity Market Fair Trade Global Nativity Market is an Pleasanton at the Club 7050 Johnson Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 Visit us at Page 6 St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2015 Youth and Young Adult School News St. Raymond School School Auction – The Roaring 20s Tickets can still be purchased for $85/ person for the school auction that will take place on Saturday, November 21st. Ticket price includes Silent and Live Auction, dinner, drinks, and entertainment. Don’t miss this fun event! New! Young Adult Ministry St. Raymond is starting a young adult group. Adults ages 21-35 are invited to join in! Text the word “joy” to 84576 for more information. Youth from St. Raymond volunteered with Open Heart Kitchen to serve meals to the elderly at Ridgeview Commons. It was a moving experience for our young people to be able to serve our neighbors just down the road in Pleasanton. We look forward to volunteering here more regularly. Youth Ministry – High School St. Raymond teens have started the "One" Catholic Club at Dublin High. If you attend Dublin High school, you are welcome to join us on Wednesdays during lunch. Contact youth ministry with questions :) Like us on Facebook to stay connected. Youth Ministry – Middle School JUMP - All 6-8th graders are welcome to join us for our once a month service/ social Saturday. Come join us in living out the Catholic faith in the local community. EDGE - All 6-8th graders are welcome to join us for our youth group meeting on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm. Readings for the Week! READINGS FOR THE WEEK / LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday/Lunes: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Tuesday/Martes: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday/Miercoles: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday/Jueves: Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Friday/Viernes: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday/Sabado: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday/Domingo: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:3844 [41-44] Visit us at SAINTS & SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: All Saints; Daylight Saving Time ends; National Vocation Awareness Week Monday: Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) Tuesday: Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time; St. Martin de Porres; Election Day Wednesday: St. Charles Borromeo Friday: First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday Page 7 St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints Scripture Reflections The Church celebrates many famous Christians on their individual memorials, but today Scott Hahn Reflects on the Solemnity of All Saints she praises God for all His “holy ones,” His saints. That is the title The first reading focuses us for St. Paul preferred when he today’s solemnity. In the Book of addressed his congregations. Saints, Here and There Divinized by baptism, they were already “saints,” by the grace of God (see Colossians 1:2). They awaited, however, the day when they could “share in the inheritance of the saints in light” (Colossians 1:12). Revelation, St. John reports “a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue” (Revelation 7:9). This is Good News. Salvation has come not only for Israel, but for the Gentiles as well. Here is the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham, that by his seed all the nations of the world would bless themselves (see Genesis 22:18). And so do we, as the Scriptures give us reasons for both celebration and hope. In our second reading, St. John tells us that to be “saints” means to be “children of God”—and then he adds: “so we are”! Note that he speaks in the present tense. Yet John also says that we have unfinished business to tend. We are already God’s children, but “what we shall be has not yet been revealed.” Thus we work November 1, 2015 QUESTION OF THE WEEK Who are the saints among your family and friends, living or deceased? out our salvation: “Everyone who has this hope based on him makes himself pure, as He is pure” (1 John 3:1-3). We do this as we share the life of Christ, who defined earthly beatitude for us. We are “blessed,” he says, when we are poor, when we mourn, when we are persecuted for his sake. It is then we should “Rejoice and be glad, for [our] reward will be great in heaven” (Matthew 5:12). Until then, we pray with the Psalmist: “Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.” Salvation has come through Abraham’s seed, but it belongs to all nations. For “the Lord’s are the earth and its fullness; the world and those who dwell in it’ (Psalm 24:1). Source: St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology We are very fortunate to be able to extend our food program, so if you or someone you know is in need of a Food Basket anytime during the year, please provide your name and number to our Parish Office by calling 828-2460. Your information will be kept confidential. We look forward to helping you! Si usted o conoce a alguien con la necesidad de una canasta de comida, por favor escriba su nombre y numero de telefono a nuestra oficina parroquial, 828-2460. Su información mantendrá cial. Gracias, y Dios le bendiga! Visit us at Page 8 St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints welcome Please welcome our newly baptized into our community Look who joined our Parish in August & September... Mr. & Mrs. Sweeney Ms. Nephtha Woods Mr. Hubert Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Szela Mr. & Mr. Juan Rocna Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Omega Ms. Josefina Romo Mr. & Mrs. Jose Romo Mr. & Mrs. Greg Perez Mr. Nancy Walsh Ms. Rezah Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Thommen Korah & Family Ms. Racquel Jocson & Family Ms. Kellie Manzone & Family Mr. & Mrs. William Weed & Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kwon & Family November 1, 2015 Raymond Valdez Mr. & Mrs. Russell & Tanya Pisa Mr. & Mrs. JD Segura & Family Mr. David Bryant & Family Mr. & Mrs. Armando Macias Ortega & Family Ms. Gertrudis Gamiao Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Zamora & Family Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Daco & Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Orolin & Family Mr. & Mrs. Antonius Widiarto & Family Mr. Erick Salas & Mrs. Rita Lechuga & Family Mr. & Mrs. Eric Neuner Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Murphy Matteo Wong Isabel Vinluan Wong Samuel Seymour Addison Fell Aliyah Lechuga Clare Marie Rogers Job Networking & Job Search Support Group We meet every Monday evening at 7:00PM in the Music Room at St. Raymond Church, 11555 Shannon Avenue, Dublin. For more information, contact: Gene Nokes at (510) 821-1726, or Have you moved? Changed your phone number? Changed your e-mail address? Help us keep our records up to date and save us some money on our communication expense. Notify the parish office of any changes, 925-828-2460. Visit us at Contact Tony & Melanie – Ministry of Care We welcome all who have suffered the loss of a beloved person: spouse, parent, child, or friend. St. Raymond's Ministry of Care Grief Support Group meets on Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in Kids Klub. Call Matt Troiano, 925-493-1137, Page 9 St. Raymond Church Solemnity of All Saints SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MASS INTENTIONS Nov. 1 – Nov. 8, 2015 For the Week of Nov. 2 – Nov. 8, 2015 Monday, November 2 All Souls Mass All Souls Reception Job Link St. Ignatian Spiritual Exercises Women’s Cursillo Team Meeting RCIA Church Hall Music Room MR 1, 2, 3 MR4 & 5 Kids Klub Tuesday, November 3: St. Ignatian Spiritual Exercises Religious Ed Youth Ministry – Edge Hispanic Young Adult Prayer Grp Women’s Guild MR 1, 2, 3 Hall Hall Church Kids Klub Wednesday, November 4: WINGS Hispanic Young Adult Music Ministry – Adult Religious Ed Knights of Columbus Sunday, November 1: Intentions of the People of St. Raymond Monday, November 2: In Memory of all our Faithful Departed Tuesday, November 3: 8:30AM ~† Anna Van Le 12:15PM ~ † Phillip R. Tolentin Wednesday, November 4: 8:30AM ~ † Theresa Hoa Nguyen 12:15PM ~ † Sara McAleer Hall Chapel Music Room Hall Kids Klub/ Kitchen Thursday, November 5: Cursillo Alpha Music Ministry – Spanish Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group MR5 Hall Music Room Church Friday, November 6: Adoration Kairos FCI – Meeting Church Kids Klub Saturday, November 7: Youth Ministry - JUMP Ministry of Care Hall Kids Klub Sunday, November 8: New Parishioner Reception Youth Ministry – Confirmation Mtg Kids Klub Hall November 1, 2015 Thursday, November 5: 8:30AM ~† Tai & Ngan Truong 12:15PM ~† Dorothy Ross Friday, November 6: 8:30AM ~† Anna Van Le & Anna Gan 12:15PM ~† Isabelle Woo Saturday, November 7: 8:30AM ~† Dong Tran 5:00PM ~† Adelino & Maria Farinha Sunday, November 8: 7:30AM ~ † Adolpho & Alfonsina Belmessieri 9:00AM ~ † Joachim Thai 10:30AM ~ ~ † Gino Belmessieri 12:00PM ~ † Joseph Pereira 1:30PM ~ † Able Machado 6:00PM ~ Intentions of the People of St. Raymond For those we love… Please pray for all who are ill, especially: Bonnie Gurzell, Debbie Gurzell, Teresa Gurzell, Dillon O’Leary, Diana Keller, Stacy Roman, Stephanie Roman, Rosie Pinkela, Tommy Quinn, Noreen Kane, Geraldine McAteer, Larissa, Drago Milovich, Andres de Lao, Frances Young, David McDermott, Bonnie Pando, Barbara Gower, Maria Luisa Chavez Chavez, Artie Johnson, Eva Martinez, Helen Martin, Mary Harrington, Michelle Brown, Kristine Fruguglietti, Nannie Dutrieuk, Andres & Nancy, Maureen Hyde, Debi Butler, Mike Nolan, Earl & Paula Lorain, Salvador Mendoza, Heriberto Castro, Bruce Mayhood, Irene Bacani Bradbury, Michael Allen, Jack Daniel, Mary Peterson, Cruz Norton Hiner, Gloria Minard, Casaara Family, Frank Rodriguez, Nina Tolentino, Jodi Soriano, StanBernatowicz, Rachel Rosas, Noelyn Dimayuga, Evangeline A. Williams, Jasmine Avila, Mateo Rivas-Espinosa, Joana Balon, Austin Conway, Enrique Ponce, Joan Lohr, Andres Avila II, Matt Troiano, Carl, Ofelia De Vera, Maruja De Vega, Cesar Roasa, Sr. Mary of the Eucharist, Romie Cambaliza, Mike Brown, Bill Dennis, Diane Kau, Cathy Zoffada, Caren Carlough, Betty Ching, Amy Wheeloch, Frank Mirabella, Donna McWilliams, Joan McGradyBeach, Miriam Pasqual, Cathy Valente, Nancy Ramsey, Linda Back, Armanda Pereira, Daniela Chang, Juan & Cellsa Muniz, John Corsaro, Erika Gonzalez, Miguel Lopez Jr. , James Kelly, Alicia Sanchez Hagerty, Patricia Bantley Please pray for all who have recently departed, especially: Nenette Elders, Able Machado, Mike Magee, Patricia Millard, Kathryn Hickel Visit us at Page 10
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Pastoral Council….Mitas Cuenca, Bruce Patchin, Martha Victoria,
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St. Raymond Parish - St. Raymond Catholic Church
Pastoral Council….Mitas Cuenca, Bruce Patchin, Martha Victoria,
Andrew Walker, Rob Falco, Chuck Haupt, Renee Perko, Eric Hom
St. Raymond Parish - St. Raymond Catholic Church
Pastoral Council….Mitas Cuenca, Bruce Patchin, Martha Victoria,
Andrew Walker, Rob Falco, Chuck Haupt, Renee Perko, Eric Hom