Liturgy Schedule Wedding Banns


Liturgy Schedule Wedding Banns
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Liturgy Schedule
Monday, July 25
8:00am - Richard Smith - Children
Tuesday, July 26
8:00am - Deceased members of the Hugo-Schraff
Family - Barb Schraff
Thursday, July 28
8:00am - Linda Diedrick - Frank & Hilde Mohr
Friday, July 29
8:00am - Tammy Kazmierczak - Family
Saturday, July 30
3:30pm - Confessions
4:30pm - Rose Mary Dietz - Family
Sunday, July 31 - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30am - Clem & Josephine Klingshirn - Bonnie
11:00am - Frank Magalski - Family
Pray for the Sick: David Blackburn, Betty Kuepfer, Jose'
Magiste, Steve Fialkowski, Sandy Vasbinder, Tami Lynsky,
Betty Kirsch, Leon Denomme, Mike Wilson, Pam Jenkins, Jim
Hempfling, David Myers, Dave Wilson, Henry Husk, Kathy
Borowy, Shirley Livchak, Jason Thorman, Reggie
Kirsch, Kenneth Schroeder, Gerry McNamee, Debbie Hutnyak,
Ben Garrity, Evelyn & Nickolas Paskert, Kevin Breese,
Dorothy Buzas and Mary Jane Ruckart.
Please call the Parish Office 440-926-2364 to have a
name of a friend of relative included in this list.
2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28
Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:
Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18;
Mt 13:44-46
Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53
Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27
or Lk 10:38-42
Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31,
33-34; Mt 14:1-12
Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17;
Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21
Page 2
PLAN NOW! In addition to the big parish festival
August 4, 5, and 6 there will be a parish weekend on
August 27th and 28th. This parish weekend will be a
kickoff to the fall season when many of the parish
activities resume after the summer. Highlighting the
weekend will be Michael James Mette. Michael is a
Catholic musician and speaker who travels the
country with his wife Michelle and their six young
children. His music is a modern reflection of his
faith, blending alternative rock with faith based lyrics.
The concert on Sunday, August 28th will be at 3:30pm
and will be 90 minutes that includes lights, video,
music and testimonies by Michael and Michelle. It is
a free concert. Michael will also be speaking at all the
masses on the weekend.
The Parish Picnic will be Saturday, August 27th
following the 4:30pm Mass. You will have a chance
to meet Michael and his family. It will be a time to
give thanks for the many volunteers who worked the
festival and for all the community support for the
festival. And it will provide an opportunity to come
together for an evening of fun and relaxation. Set
aside this weekend now and watch for future updates.
Ministers, Servers, Lectors and Greeters are asked to
submit their special request forms for the next
scheduling period (September - November 2016). For
the youth involved in our ministries please submit a
form if you no longer will be able to fill your position,
even if you verbally informed Father or Mr. Andrews.
Request forms need to be received by Monday,
August 1st. Those in special ministries please submit a
form with specific dates you would like to serve.
PARISH COUNCIL: Two members of the council
will be completing their term of service at the
September meeting and two new members will begin
serving on council at the October meeting. The
commitment to council is for two years and a person
can serve for two terms. Parish Council meets on the
first Thursday of each month with a break in August.
If you are interested in being on Parish Council please
see any one of the current members whose names are
listed on the front of the bulletin or to contact Fr.
Wedding Banns
I– Nathan Wyant & Samantha Walter
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 3
PASTOR’S CORNER: Among other things the gospels the past few weeks have all touched on hospitality
and in seeing Christ in those we encounter/entertain. This week’s gospel will go a step further in calling us
to intercede for one another in prayer. Jesus uses the example of a friend who goes to another friend and
says “Friend lend me three loaves of bread , for a friend of mine has arrived at my house from a journey and
I have nothing to offer him.” We are that person who goes to ask for help for a friend who has come to us
and we have nothing to offer him. In our prayer we go to God to intercede for those in need. And our
prayer of interceding for others then leads to action as we are fortified in prayer to go back and help.
Today, we open our doors to five families who are homeless and we will be providing hospitality for them. We will
not only be offering food, shelter and activities but also a face of mercy that tells these families that someone cares. It is
hope that we bring to them. Through prayer we pray for those who are homeless and those who will be volunteering.
But also through prayer, as we intercede for them, we are empowered to action. Whether our action will be with
Family Promise, or in some other way, God is calling us to be the face of mercy to others.
The parish festival is quickly approaching. We are offering to the larger community a place to come and have fun
and relax. Yes, it is also a fund raiser for the parish but we can’t lose sight of the invitation to come and see what we
are about. The face of Our Lady Queen of Peace is the face of welcome whether it is at Family Promise, in the local
neighborhood or at the parish festival. In showing hospitality we are entertaining angels as well as inviting them to
come and see who it is that makes us what we are. As always we can still use more volunteers for the festival. And we
can use the help of everyone’s prayers and your invitation to family and friends to come enjoy the festival.
Fr. John
“THE JOY OF LOVE” is Pope Francis’ apostolic
exhortation which draws on the conclusion of the Synod
of Bishops, which gathered over the course of two years
to discuss challenges to the family. You can download
the entire statement from the Vatican website, Copies are also available at local
bookstores. I would encourage you to read for yourself
this statement but some of the highlights will be printed
each week in the bulletin over the summer.
Ch 4 Love in Marriage:
• (Commenting on, “Love endures all things” 1
Cor. 13:7): This ‘endures’ involves not only the
ability to tolerate certain aggravations, but
something greater: a constant readiness to
confront any challenge. It is a love that never
gives up, even in the darkest hour. (#118)
• The strong person is the person who can cut off
the chain of hate, the chain of evil. (#118)
• Marriage is the icon of God’s love for us. (#121)
• A love that is weak or infirm, incapable of
accepting marriage as a challenge to be taken up
and fought for, reborn, renewed, and reinvented
until death, cannot sustain a great commitment.
It will succumb to the culture of the ephemeral
that prevents a constant process of growth.
• Love opens our eyes and enables us to see
beyond, all else, the great worth of a human
being. (#128)
• In the family, three words need to be used. I
want to repeat this! Three words: Please, Thank
you, Sorry. Three essential words. (#133)
• A love that fails to grow is at risk. (#134
SPECIAL INVITATION: Sometimes all it takes is an
invitation. God is already at work in moving people to a
deeper relationship with him and sometimes all it takes is
our inviting them to come and join us. People usually
need a little nudge to respond to what God is already
doing in their lives. If you know of someone who you
think may be thinking of joining the Catholic Church,
why not ask them. Or let Fr. John or Sr. Kathleen know
and they will ask. The RCIA process for those seeking to
learn more about the Catholic Church begins in
September. Contact Sr. Kathleen or Fr. John for more
committee invites you to attend “A Loving Release” on
Monday August 15th at 6:30pm. This is an opportunity to
remember loved ones with a release of a Painted Lady
butterfly. Butterflies are a suggested donation of $10. Visit
the butterfly tent at the festival to purchase your butterfly.
The butterfly release will take place around the water
feature. Following the butterfly release, celebrate the Feast
of the Assumption Mass at 7:00pm. Continue the
celebration with refreshments after mass provided by the
Ladies Guild. Butterflies can also be purchased from
liturgy committee members.
BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: Mass for the Solemnity of
the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is Monday,
August 15th at 7:00pm. Liturgical ministers are needed.
Please sign up in the St. Joseph’s room if you are able to
Our Lady Queen of Peace
6th Annual Home Days Festival
August 4th - August 6th, 2016
Win the BIG Raffle!
Come join us at this year’s church festival and don’t
forgot to buy your tickets for a chance to win
$10,000 or a “Trip of your Dreams” worth $10,000
plus other cash prizes.
♦ Tickets are 1 for $5.00 or 3 for $10.00
♦ Remember to get your raffle tickets to sell in the
Gathering Area at the end of this weekend’s
♦ The seller of the winning ticket will receive
We still need volunteers for many of the other events that will be a part of
the festival. Please help us make this year’s festival the best we’ve ever
had! Sign-up sheets are in the Gathering Area after all masses.
Other Events Include:
5K Run & 1.25 Mile Fun Walk
Car Show
Bingo & Instants
Casino Games
Beer Garden
Texas Hold’em Tournament
Silent Auctions
Bike Rodeo
Kid’s Games
Other Great Attractions
For questions on the festival or to volunteer please call the
church office at 440-926-2364
Just 3 weeks away from the 6th Annual Our Lady Queen of Peace Home Days Festival. Food, entertainment and
more. Raffle ticket sales are going strong now. We are slightly behind last years totals, so let’s keep up the great
sales. And don’t forget FIREWORKS on Saturday Night..
Our Lady Queen of Peace Home Days Festival August 4 - 6th, 2016
Yes, I can help Set-Up
_____ Monday _____Tuesday _____Wednesday _____Thursday
Yes, I can volunteer at the Festival. I would like to help (circle one or more):
Main Tent (sell car raffle tickets)
Instant Tickets
Betting Wheels
Bake Sale
Beer Garden
Children’s Games
Ride Ticket Booth
5K Race
Car Show
Bike Rodeo
Ground Maintenance
Main Tent Announcer
Parish Nurse
I can volunteer:
_____ Thursday
_____Friday _____ Saturday
Yes, I can help take down on Sunday, August 7th at 1:00pm
Phone # _______________________________
(Please return in the Sunday collection basket)
CASINO TENT (Sponsored by The
(Sponsored by General Plug and
Unicorn Restaurant): Our gaming tent will
be open from 7:00pm - 11:00pm Thursday
Manufacturing Co.): Back again this year is
thru Saturday. And join us for our Texas
American Fireworks who will be presenting the
Hold em tournament Saturday night with registration
2016 Fireworks Extravaganza.
Enjoy an
starting at 5:00pm.
amazing fireworks display with the entire family on
Saturday, August 6th @ 10:00pm. Don't miss this festival
RIDES: Great Lakes Expo will again be favorite presentation!
providing the rides for the festival.
Thursday night is Family Night and there
BEER GARDEN (Sponsored by Wolfey’s
will be special pricing for wristbands. Rides
Bistro & Pub): Make sure you stop by the
will be open Thursday thru Saturday from 6:00pm beer garden during the Sixth Annual OLQP
11:00pm. Look for discount coupons in the Rural-Urban
Home Days Festival. There's plenty of good
and Chronicle Telegram good for Friday and Saturday.
things in store in this year's garden.
RAFFLE TICKETS (Sponsored by
Laubenthal-Mercado Funeral Home):
OLQP Volunteers will be selling raffle tickets
$10,000.00 or a “Trip of Your
Dreams” (worth the same amount) Grand Prize after all
masses this weekend. If you need raffle tickets or want to
purchase tickets, please contact the parish office. Tickets
for the Grand Prize are $5.00 each or 3/$10.00. It's
important that everyone take part in selling tickets this year
to help make this year's festival a success.
CAR SHOW: Okay all you classic car
owners, drive those classic beauties to the
festival on Friday, August 5th for our Annual
Car Show. Parking will begin at 5:30pm with the show
running from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Award presentations will
be at 7:30pm. Dash plaques will be available for the first 50
registered classic cars. Awards will include top 10 and
Father John's pick. Entry fee is $10. And why not stay
around after the show and listen to some Motown, R&B,
jazz, funk, rock and soul horn band sounds of the 60's, 70's
and 80's performed by the Swizzle Stick Band.
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Page 4
Thank you for your generous support of our Parish, and
your help with the needs of the community through your
ongoing participation in our various ministries.
Sunday, July 17: $ 10,627.25 $ 9,000.00
Sunday Y-T-D : $ 29,334.45 $ 27,000.00
$ 1,627.25
$ 2,334.45
Raffle Tickets:
$ 11,290.00 $ 35,000.00
CAMP CHRISTOPHER'S: September Song is an
excellent choice for anyone age 50+ who enjoys meeting
new people, spending time outside and making new
memories. Throughout the day, campers are offered a
variety of activities from which to choose: daily Mass or
prayer services, swimming, crafts, canoeing, hiking,
riding the zipline, or simply relaxing on the beach.
September Song campers can be as active or as relaxed as
they choose. September Song 2015 begins Sunday,
August 14th and ends Friday, August 19th. The cost is
$300 per person, which includes lodging, meals, and all
entertainment and activities. Financial assistance is
available from Friends of Camp Christopher,
For more
information or to register, see
program/camp-christopher-september-song or call
Catholic Charities at 330-762-2961.
SCRIPTURE STUDY: Our study of the Book
of Revelation has been very exciting as we are
engrossed in the symbolism and our
meaningful Faith. We invite you to join
anytime to discuss with us GOD’s WORD. We will
meet in the church for lesson Six (Revelation chapters 15
-18) on Thursday, July 28th at 7:00PM. Study books are
available in the Church office or contact Rick Gallaher
(440) 458-6335 for a book or questions. You will enjoy
increasing your knowledge and appreciation of your faith.
Hope to see you there.
BLOOD DRIVE: The Life Share
Bloodmobile will be at Our Lady Queen of
Peace Hall on Sunday July 31st to receive your
donation to save the lives of others. The
Blood Bank is in critical need of all blood
types, so join the latest 16 member Donor Honor Roll
from June 5th and let’s get back up to our goal of 25
donations. We really need your donation this time of
year. Contact Rick Gallaher 458-6335 if you have any
FIRST FRIDAY FORUM, August 5, 2016:
The Ethics Between Rigorism and Laxism
An Evaluation of the Reasonableness of the Moral Law
Rev. Don Bosco Darci
Moral Theologian
Doctoral Candidate
Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
Throughout its history, one of the basic tasks of the
Church has been the cura animarum, the care of the
souls. In recent years, this pastoral task has been
heavily influenced by postmodern cultural pluralism,
marked by rapidly changing moral trends within
westernized societies. Therefore, pastoral ethics is
often crushed between the rigorist positions of the
official magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church,
aiming at orthodoxy, and the laxist interpretations
in certain issues. This presentation aims at
developing four aspects; and, finally, assessing which
approach (gradualness or epikeia, applying the
relevant moral norm to concrete situations in a
prudent manner ) is the better option for pursuing a
morally good life in all kind of pastoral situations.
Lorain County Community College
Spitzer Conference Center in Elyria, Ohio
Luncheon Buffet: 11:30 am ▪ Speaker: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
$18.00 per reservation
PARENTS OF CHILDREN: Registration for next
year’s faith formation classes (GLFF) have begun.
To assist in the adequate preparation for the fall,
please complete a new registration for each child that
will be attending classes. Registration forms can be
found on the counter by the Gathering Area or on
the parish web site. In addition, if anyone is
interested in helping with the religion classes as a
teacher or aide to please contact the parish office.
FESTIVAL PARKING: For Masses during the
festival you will be able to park on the field and there
will be a “people mover” if you need assistance in
getting to the church. There also will be limited
parking spaces on the pavement near the church for
handicap and the elderly. Festival Volunteer parking
will be by the Town and Country grass area across
from the Chapel.
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Sunday, July 24, 2016
This Week in the Parish:
Sunday, July 24
8:00am - Family Promise (Parish Hall)
Monday, July 25
8:00am - Family Promise (Parish Hall)
Tuesday, July 26
8:00am - Family Promise (Parish Hall)
Wednesday, July 27
8:00am - Family Promise (Parish Hall)
Thursday, July 28
8:00am - Family Promise (Parish Hall)
7:00pm - Scripture Study (Church)
Friday, July 29
8:00am - Family Promise (Parish Hall)
1:30pm - Keystone Pointe
Saturday, July 30
8:00am - Family Promise (Parish Hall)
4:30pm - Welcoming Weekend
Sunday, July 31
8:30am - Blood Drive (Parish Hall
8:30 & 11:00am - Welcoming Weekend
first time I saw Michael was at a
youth rally. The stage lights came up,
music started, he hit the stage and the
music was rocking! This was not
“Kumbaya” folks- the music hinted at
a cross between Depeche Mode and current pop
music, it was interesting, once you listened to the
lyrics it was faithful, and he LOOKED rock n’ roll. I
kept wondering, who is this guy? Then I realized he
was the person who played beautiful and religious
music at the Mass earlier in the day. Once he
started his talk it was clear he has a deep faith and
reverence for the Lord. I can confidently say this is
a type of faith experience that many of you have not
had before. Come and see on August 28th.
This week’s spotlight is our “Bike
Rodeo”. Calling all children ages 2 - 12;
bring out your decorated bike on
Thursday, August 4th at 7:00pm and test
your skills on our obstacle course. We
will also conduct a maintenance check on your bike.
A prize for every participant and there will be a
raffle to win 1 of 3 big prizes. Cost to enter is $5 for
1st child, $3 for 2nd child and $2 for 3rd child and
Page 6
† Weddings: Couples need to make arrangements at least six months
prior to the wedding date.
† Baptism:
Baptisms are celebrated at a mutually convenient time.
Please call the office to make arrangements.
† Ministry to the Sick:
Please notify the office for visits to parish-
ioners in the hospital.
† New parishioners:
Are asked to register as soon as possible at
the Parish Office or by phone.
† Inquiry Classes in the Catholic Religion: Persons interested in becoming Catholic are asked to contact the Parish Office for information about
the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, RCIA.
Kayaking- July 24th, Findley State Park (Wellington),
pizza after 11:00 mass, leave church at 1:00pm, return
approx. 4:30pm. Friends always welcome! If you are
going or have questions contact Jen Filipiak at 440-2251971.
The FEST- August 7th, Wickliffe (Borromeo Seminary),
free outdoor concert with this year's performers: Lauren
Daigle, Matthew West, Michael W. Smith, & the
Newsboys. For more info go to
Youth Group events are for students grades 7-12. Friends
always welcome!
The highlight of summer!! Every year after
The FEST, we receive a ton of emails from
those who were there telling us how much
they enjoyed our Annual Catholic Family
FESTival and how it was the ‘highlight’ of
their summer. Don’t miss out on Sunday, August 7th as
we come together for The FEST from 12 noon until 10
pm at the CPL (28700 Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe).
Come hear great music (Newsboys, Michael W Smith,
Matthew West, and Lauren Daigle) along with great
activities and displays.
Check out Marc’s Mom’s
Relaxation Station with over 200,000 give away items for
busy moms. Junior high students can visit the Catholic
Youth Summer Camp area filled with fun, engaging and
faith-filled activities. It’s the perfect family day. There’s
plenty of parking (see the video at and
affordable food (thanks to Executive Caterers and
Marc’s). Come and get a braut off the world’s largest grill
while watching your kids learn lessons of faith and family.
It’s all FREE. Go to: for details,
parking instructions, and a complete schedule of the day.

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