Ad maiorem Dei gloriam - For the greater glory of God


Ad maiorem Dei gloriam - For the greater glory of God
Most Rev. Gregory John Hartmayer,OFM,Conv.
Bishop of Savannah
830 Poplar Street | Macon, Georgia
478-745-1631 | 478-745-2254 (FAX) |
Monday through Friday
9:30AM–Noon and 1:00PM-4:30PM
December 16, 2012
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam - For the greater glory of God
11:00AM: PREP (SJS)
11:00AM: Coffee & Conversation (SH)
11:00AM: Confirmation Meeting (YR)
2:00PM: Weeblos (BSH)
6:15PM: Youth Meeting (YR)
7:00PM: Midnight Mass Choir (LOFT)
No Coffee & Conversation
6:15PM: Decorating Committee (CH)
Saturday Vigil: 4:30PM
Sunday: 7:45AM; 9:30AM*; 12:10PM*; 5:00PM*
Extraordinary Form High Mass: 2:00PM
(First Sunday of Each Month)
Monday through Saturday: 8:00AM
Holy Rosary follows Daily Mass
Perpetual Miraculous Medal Novena 5:00PM
Extraordinary Form Low Mass: 5:00PM (Tuesday)
Dear parishioners,
A week from tomorrow (Monday) will be Christmas Eve! We will have Masses for
the Vigil of Christmas (Monday, December 24th) at 4:30 PM, which is the most
crowded Mass we have and please remember the saving of seats will not be
tolerated. I don’t want to referee seating riots that can break out and which are
very distracting prior to a religious service to both the priest and the congregation.
Don’t come to the 4:30 PM Vigil Mass if you can help it!
The 6:30 PM Mass is the Solemn Family Mass which includes the children’s
Christmas Pageant as a prelude.
The Prelude to the Midnight Mass begins at 11:15 PM with the Choral Carol
Prelude, and then Mass of Christmas Day at Midnight begins on Tuesday at
12:00AM. The most comfortable, peaceful Masses of Christmas are the Mass at
Dawn at 8:00 AM and the Mass During the Day at 10:00 AM. If you can avoid the
4:30 and 6:30 Vigil Mass, consider one of the two morning Masses by all means.
Today is Gaudete Sunday and the priest is wearing rose color vestments. Even in
the midst of misery and anxiety, the Church calls her faithful to rejoice in the Lord
always, in good times and in bad times; no matter what. Of course we can’t do it
on our own, we must rely upon the grace of God that we merit by attending Mass
every Sunday or even every day and by the private prayers and devotions we offer
to God daily as well as our good works. “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say
*Nursery Available
God bless you this Advent Season!
Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM
Saturday: 3:00PM - 4:00PM
Your pastor,
Fr. Allan J. McDonald
Saint Joseph Catholic Church is a community of the people of God that hears and responds to the call of Our Lord
Jesus Christ to “love one another as I have loved you.” Strengthened by the Sacraments, inspired by the Word of God and united in Tradition, we live our faith and
morals in our everyday lives. We identify, develop and utilize our time, talent, and treasure for the service of God and our neighbor.
Father Allan J. McDonald, Pastor
Fr. Dawid Kwiatkowski
Parochial Vicar
Msgr. John Cuddy, Retired/MDS Chaplain
Deacon Donald Coates
Deacon Thomas Eden
Lay Pastoral Staff
Dr. Kaye Hlavaty, School Principal
Mrs. Candia Michela,
Director of Religious Education
Ms. Christina Cambre,
Director of Youth/Young Adult Ministry
Ms. Nelda Chapman,
Music Director/Organist
Mr. Harold McManus, Assistant Organist
Important Information and Resources
Misa Semanal en Espanol:
Saint Peter Claver Church: Sunday, 1:30PM
Holy Rosary: Following Weekday 8:00AM Mass
Mr. Steven Mastrangelo,
Director of Parish Administration
Mrs. Patti Stinson, Bookkeeper
Mrs. Cindy Zilaro, Receptionist/Secretary
Mrs. Debbie Martin,
Bulletin Specialist
Mrs. Stacey Herrera,
Nursery Coordinator
Mrs. Marie Binion,
Hospitality Coordinator
Mr. David Rubbo
Maintenance/Custodial Supervisor
Mrs. Jamie Rubbo
Deanery Ministries
Family Advancement Ministries
Mr. David Held, President
Mount de Sales Academy
MONDAY, December 17, 2012
Genesis 49:2, 8-10
Matthew 1:1-17
Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Adoration Chapel
TUESDAY, December 18, 2012
Sacrament of Baptism:
Jeremiah 23:5-8
Matthew 1:18-25
11:00 AM each Saturday, after consulting with
Call the parish office to register for class.
Parents must be registered and attending Mass
each Sunday.
WEDNESDAY, December 19, 2012
Judges 13:2-7, 24-25a
Luke 1:5-25
Sacrament of Confirmation:
THURSDAY, December 20, 2012
9th grade, preparation begins in 7th grade
Isaiah 7:10-14
Luke 1:26-38
Sacrament of the Sick:
Call parish office with seriously ill & hospitalized
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Must be registered and attending Mass each
Sunday. Contact priest no later than 4 months
prior to setting a date. Do not set a date prior to
speaking to the priest.
Sacrament of Holy Orders: Contact Priests
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
Interested in becoming Catholic, contact Jerry
Schmitt at
Youth and Adult Religious Education:
Administrative Staff
Sunday 11:00 AM - 12 Noon, Mid-August - May
Also note bulletin
FRIDAY, December 21, 2012
Song of Songs 2:8-14
Luke 1:39-45
SATURDAY, December 22, 2012
1 Samuel 1:24-28
Luke 1:46-56
SUNDAY, December 23, 2012
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Micah 5:1-4a
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45
Children’s Liturgy:
Kathy Blackwell- 475-5491
Emily Gilchrist- 254-6633
Pastoral Council:
Derek Wright, President:
Bookstore/Gift Shop: 478-743-9224
First & Third Monday: 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Tues - Sat: 2:30 - 4:30PM
Saturday following 8:00AM Mass
Fish Fries
The Knights of Columbus Fish Fries
will resume in January. Beginning on
Friday, February 15th, they will be
held every Friday of Lent with the
exception of Good Friday.
To report Sexual Abuse of Minors and
Diocesan Policy: 1-888-357-5330
Phone Numbers and Websites:
Nursery - 745-1838
Saint Joseph School - 742-0636
School Fax - 746-7685
Mount de Sales Academy - 751-3240
Family Advancement Ministries - 745-7165
Alternatives to Abortion-1-800-848-LOVE
Mass Times for Travelers:
Resisting Pornography:
Troubled Marriage:
New English Mass Translation:
Bulletin Deadline:
At 3:00PM on Thursday for the next weekend.
Submissions should be emailed to:
Wonderful Wednesday
There will be no Wonderful
Wednesdays during the month of
SJS Restaurant Nights
The next SJS Restaurant Night will be
on Tuesday, January 15th at
Michael’s on Mulberry.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
11:00AM: PREP (SJS)
11:00AM: Coffee & Conversation (SH)
11:00AM: Confirmation Meeting (YR)
11:00AM: PREP (SJS)
2:00PM: Weeblos (BSH)
6:15PM: Youth Meeting (YR)
7:00PM: Midnight Mass Choir (LOFT)
Monday, December 17, 2012
5:00PM: Miraculous Medal Novena (CH)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
No Choir
5:00PM: Latin Mass (CH)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
No Wonderful Wednesday
7:15PM: Midnight Mass Choir (LOFT)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Noon: Organ Interlude/Lunch (CH/SH)
7:00PM: RCIA (SH)
7:00PM: Penance Service (CH)
Friday, December 21, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
SATURDAY, December 15, 2012
8:00AM: Maude Miller Waxelbaum+
4:30PM: Reggie Bradley+
To submit a non-published prayer
request for our parish Prayer Chain,
SUNDAY, December 16, 2012
7:45AM: James Shaheen
9:30AM: Martin Burt
12:10PM: Linda DiHorne+
5:00PM: Pro Populo
We ask you to pause a moment
to offer a prayer for the sick of
our parish, especially:
MONDAY, December 17, 2012
8:00AM: Tony Tamboli+
TUESDAY, December 18, 2012
8:00AM: Geraghty Family
5:00PM: Lina McDonald+
WEDNESDAY, December 19, 2012
8:00AM: McIntyre Family
THURSDAY, December 20, 2012
8:00AM: Angelo DeMichiel+
Sunday, December 23, 2012
No Coffee & Conversation
6:15PM: Decorating Committee (CH)
Monday, December 24, 2012
Office Closed
No Novena
4:30PM: Vigil Mass (CH)
6:30PM: Solemn Family Mass (CH)
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Office Closed
No Pastoral Council
12:00AM: Midnight Mass (CH)
8:00AM: Christmas Mass (CH)
10:00AM: Christmas Mass (CH)
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Office Closed
No Wonderful Wednesday
No Choirs
FRIDAY, December 21, 2012
8:00AM: In Thanksgiving
SATURDAY, December 22, 2012
8:00AM: Karl Guthrie+
4:30PM: Mr. & Mrs. Clemens Unger+
Please pray for the repose of the souls of:
Phillip McMahon, son of Martha Stewart,
who passed away on December 2nd.
Charles Barnes, brother of Florence
Simmons, who passed away on
December 1st in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Sanctuary Candle is lit today for the
special intention of:
Fr. McDonald
The Adoration Candle #2 is lit today for
the special intention of:
The Sequeira Family
CH– Church
SH– Social Hall
CTR– Center
UR– Upper Room
LOFT– Choir Loft
SJS– St. Joseph School
KCH– Knights of
Columbus Hall
BSH– Boy Scout Hut
FAM-N: FAM High St.
FAM-O: FAM Orange St.
MCR: Mercer University
YR: Youth Room
RR: Resource Room
If there are special dates that you would
like envelopes for, please call Donna
Bushey at 478-361-0226.
William Leatherwood
Al Hlavaty
Vivian Younis
Names will remain on the above list for 30
days. Please notify the office if additional
time is needed.
We ask you to pause a moment
to offer a prayer for all those in
the military, especially:
US Air Force
Captain Amy Bates
Msgt. Gregory Currey
SRA Irene Faulds
SRA Kevin Faulds
Lt. Col. Neil Holder
Lt. Col. Bayne Meeks
Lt. Rebecca Gleason
Maj. Richard Ray
Captain Kyle Stramblad
US Army
Maj. Kevin Clarke
SPC Christopher J. Barry
SFC Marlon Faulds
Sgt. Brian Godwin
PFC Ian Hayward
Col. James R. Macklin, Jr.
Capt. Sean Michaelson
Pvt. Josh Scroggins
SPEC . Forces Derek King
1st Lt. William A. Myers
US Army Reserves
Sgt. Alonza Richardson
SSG Kenneth Aguiar
US Marine Corps
2nd Lt. Andy Blum
PFC. David H. Dixon, Jr.
Ssgt. Josh Howe
Cpl. Joseph W. Roets, Jr.
SGT C. William Stanford
Lt. Burnes Brown
SN David Bushey
MMFN/SS Brandon
MM3 Corey Gardner
Capt. Reggie M. Howard
Lt. Wrenn Landers
PC2 T. Michael LeMaster
Airman Mills Misinco
PO3 James A. Palmer, III
Sgt. Scott Johnson
LTJG Christine Marie
Ens. Nick Maskell
We ask you to offer a prayer for
our parishioners with child:
Mandy Lee
Paula Smith
Laura Terry
Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying-#819
Confiteor-Missalette p. 4
Kyrie – SMH #124
Profession of Faith – Missalette p. 8
Holy, Holy –SMH #127
Memorial Acclamation C– SMH #130
Lamb of God-SMH #132
Antiphon: “Arise, Jerusalem, stand on
the heights; behold the joy that comes
to you.”
The Advent of Our King-#775
Visit the Bookstore!!
The Bookstore now has a very nice Gift Bible from Our Sunday Visitor that was
just published this month. This Catholic Bible would be a very thoughtful way of
celebrating a special occasion, such as a birthday, wedding, Confirmation,
graduation, First Communion, new conversion, or “just because” for that special
This stunning gift edition of the New American Bible, revised edition, includes
complete Old & New Testaments and has an easy-to-read font size. The warm
beige simulated leather cover features embossed accents and the richness and
beauty of this Bible, along with gilt-edged pages, truly sets it apart from other
gift Bibles.
When shopping for kids, consider our great selection of children’s books. A new
shipment of Prayer Pillows (including the much requested Guardian Angel
Pillowcase) are in stock. As always, we have a fabulous selection of rosaries,
medals, and statues. Come and shop the bookstore. Quality gifts are abundant
and prices are reasonable. Merry Christmas to everyone and thank you for your
support this year!
St. Joseph School Casino Night
People Look East-#712 vs. 1,3,4,
Save the date! St. Joseph’s Catholic School is hosting Casino Night on
February 2, 2013. You will not want to miss this evening of food and fun. We
are currently accepting sponsorships and auction items. Tickets will be on sale
in December. For additional information, contact Ann Beall at or call 478-737-6299.
Organ Interlude
The Third Thursday Organ Interlude
will be December 20th. See page 5
for more information.
Christmas Masses
The schedule for Masses at Christmas
can be found on page 6.
Golden & Silver Jubilee
The Golden and Silver Jubilee Mass
will be held in February. See page 6
for more information.
Awaken Your Catholic Faith
Sometimes important things get away from us—things like faith.
Is this you?
-Too busy? Not been to church in awhile.
-Children asking questions about faith that you’re not sure how to answer?
-Looking for an opportunity to explore your faith?
Awakening Faith may be just right for you. This six-session series includes topics
such as “Spirituality: What’s the Buzz?”, “Can I Accept God’s Mercy?”, “Can the
Mass Make My Life Meaningful?”, and “The Church and Me.” You can learn and
ask questions….all in a friendly and confidential setting with other Catholics.
St. Joseph Catholic Parish invites you to six Awakening Faith sessions on
Tuesdays from 7PM-9PM beginning on January 8th, 2013. There is no charge to
attend. Go to for more information or contact the
parish at 478-745-1631, or by email to receive your
personal invitation with all the details.
Music Notes
For information about any of the items below, please contact Nelda Chapman
at 745-1631 ext 120 or email
Sounds of Christmas at St. Joseph This Week
Please join us this Thursday at Noon for our Third Thursday Organ Interlude and
Lunch. St. Joseph Music Director and Organist Nelda Chapman will present a
program of Advent and Christmas music for organ. This is a wonderful
opportunity to reflect on the season, surrounded by the beauty of the church and
its pipe organ, and then to enjoy lunch with friends old and new in the Social Hall
following the 30-minute concert.
Midnight Mass Choir
Remaining rehearsals are: Sunday, 12/16 at 7:00PM, and Wednesday 12/19 at
Bulletin Submissions
All bulletin submissions should be emailed to! The
bulletin submission deadline is 3:00PM on Thursday the week prior.
Bulletin Deadlines
Please make note of early bulletin
deadlines during the Christmas
season. Please have your
announcements submitted by the
deadlines listed below.
Advent Penance Services
Given the uncertainty about what
may be tax deductible in the coming
year and afterwards, consider giving
your gently used children’s clothing
to FAM before the end of 2012. We
are in great need of clothes for the
low-income families we serve. Bring
your clothes to our ministry and you
will get both a receipt for your
donation and the satisfaction of
knowing that you have helped clothe
your brothers and sisters.
Warriors of the Word
Christmas Party
Our Christmas Party will be TODAY,
December 16th. In addition to a White Elephant
game (bring wrapped gifts $5 or less), and a tacky
sweater contest, we will participate in Operation
Shoebox which sends items to our military
overseas. Visit for a
full list of suggested items.
Bake Sale
The Youth Group is sponsoring a bake sale after all
Masses THIS WEEKEND for our trip to Washington
D.C. next month. Please stop by and support the
teens in their mission to stand up to assaults on life
and human dignity. Thank you!
Thursday, December 20th at 7PM
St. Joseph, Macon
The Hobbit
January 6th Bulletin
Thursday, December 20th at 3PM
Family Advancement
(6th-12th Grade)
Monday, December 17th at 7PM
St. Patrick, Kathleen
December 30th Bulletin
Monday, December 17th at 3PM
Please contact Debbie at if you have
any questions!
The Sounds of Christmas
at St. Joseph
Thursday, December 20th at Noon
3rd Thursday Organ Interlude
All members of St. Joseph’s Youth Group and Altar
Servers are invited to attend “The Hobbit (3D)” on
December 17th at Amstar in Macon. With our
group, tickets should be cheaper (around $10)
please have money with you. We will leave from
the church parking lot at 5:20PM.
Newsletter Mailing List
If you would like to be added to the mailing list to
receive our e-newsletter, email Christina at:
March for Life
March for Life plans are in the works! We will be
traveling to Washington D.C. January 23-26, 2013.
Email Christina at: if you
are interested in attending or chaperoning. This
trip is open to youth in grades 9-12. We will travel
by motorcoach. Highlights of the trip include
Holocaust and Smithsonian museums, monument
tours, Arlington NationalCemetery tour, and of
course, the March. Initial cost is $362. Please call
the office if you would like to sponsor a trip.
“To stay at Your feet, O hidden God, is the
delight and paradise of my soul.”
-St. Faustina Kowalska
Please consider committing to a weekly
Holy Hour in Adoration of our Risen Lord.
If you are interested in committing to an
hour in our Adoration Chapel, please
contact Jiji Agayo at 478-742-5683
Today’s Gospel provides a blueprint for good
stewardship: “Let the man who has two coats
give to him who has none. The man who has
food should do the same.”
-See Luke 3:11
Christmas Mass Times
The Mass schedule for Christmas
is as follows:
December 24th
4:30PM: Vigil Mass
6:30PM: Solemn Family Mass
December 25th
12:00AM: Midnight Mass
8:00AM: Christmas Mass
10:00AM: Christmas Mass
Sacrificial Giving
(Yearly Offertory Budget: $1,329,120)
Weekly average needed:
Golden & Silver Jubilee
Children’s Collection (12/9)
Health Ministry
...what is it, what it isn’t, and what it’s
like. Coffee & Conversation TODAY
December 16th at 11AM in the Social
Hall will be a special presentation on
Hospice Care. Two nurses from the
Health Ministry will offer a different
perspective on this topic. One being a
Hospice nurse, the other, a utilizer of
Hospice care. Did you know one of the
founders of Hospice was Dr. Josefina
Magno, a devout Catholic, immigrant
from the Philippines, and a member of
Opus Dei? Refreshments will be
provided. Contact Sheila Shah at
335-5765 or for
more information.
Weekly Reminders
-Please turn off cell phones and pagers
during Mass.
-Please notify the rectory, at 745-1631,
of hospitalized patients & their room
Participating Catholic Tuition
St. Joseph Parishioners who have
children in Catholic Schools and who wish
to receive the parish participating tuition
rate must be endorsed by Steve
Mastrangelo. A participating parishioner
is one who attends Mass on weekends
and Holy Days of Obligation, participates
in the sacraments, participates in activities of the parish, and who contributes to
the offertory collection in a recognizable
way by using envelopes or checks as a
means of verification of attendance.
Contact the parish office for more
Collected (12/9)
Same Time Last Year
Budgeted Year to Date
Collected Year to Date
Immaculate Conception
Religious Retirement
Please remember St. Joseph Catholic Church
in your will.
Online Giving
Couples who will be celebrating
their 25th or 50th wedding
anniversary (married in 1988 &
1963) will be honored at Mass on
Sunday, February 10th, 2013 at
11:30AM at the Cathedral of St.
John the Baptist in Savannah.
Registration forms are on the
tables in the church and deadline
to register is December 31st.
Contact Sr. Pat Brown at
912-201-4058 if you have any
Active Parishioner
We receive many requests for
parishioners to qualify for
weddings here, or to be
godparents or sponsors for the
Now that we are approaching the one year
Sacrament of Baptism and
anniversary of offering Online Giving, we want
Confirmation, and to rightfully
to send a heartfelt “thank you” to the 166 of you enjoy the number of services at
who have contributed online over $300,000 to St. Joseph. Part of that request is
to be able to verify that a person
all of our benefactors. As the liturgical year
is an “active member” of the
begins, we encourage all to prayerfully consider Parish. Because of the nature of
increasing your contribution in support of all of our congregation, having so many
visitors, it is difficult to know
our local, national, and international ministries.
everyone. An “active member”
of the Parish is one who:
God bless you.
-Is properly registered and on the
parish rolls.
–Faithfully attends Mass on
Campaign Corner
Sundays and Holy Days
-Participates in Parish activities
when possible
As of December 5th:
-Uses the Parish envelope system
Campaign Goal: $4.7 million
While assessment of an inquirer’s
Total Pledged: $3,410,821.80
status will be made individually,
Total Paid: $1,584,873.54
the above are the main factors
that will be considered in making
that determination.
This is a wonderful Christmas Eve tradition in some eastern European countries (one of them being Poland) to which
Fr. Dawid has introduced us. Please read about it below, and if you are interested in doing this with your family, pick up a bag of Oplatki at the
church tables and try it. It could become a wonderful tradition for your family!
The tradition of the Oplatki originated in Poland during Early Christian times. This Christmas Custom began with a simple white wafer, baked
from flour and water. The wafers are wonderfully designed to display Christmas images, such as the Nativity. The Oplatki are enjoyed by
families, typically right before the Christmas Eve meal. Generally the eldest member of the family will begin the ritual by breaking off a piece of
the wafer and passing it to another family member with a blessing. This blessing can simply consist of what you desire for your loved one in the
upcoming year – whether it be good health, success, or happiness. The purpose of this act is primarily to express one’s unconditional love and
forgiveness for each member of his or her family. The significance of the Oplatki Christmas wafer is in that it shadows the Eucharistic meal that
Catholics participate in at each Mass. Just as we share in the Eucharist as one family in Christ and receive Christ’s love through the Eucharist, the
Oplatki allows for one’s immediate family to come together and share the love they have for one another. Although this tradition is primarily
enjoyed by the human members of the family, even the family pets can partake in this meal. Whereas the wafers are generally white in color,
there are colored Oplatki made especially for pets. Although both colors are edible by people. Traditionally, this corresponds to the animals that
were present at Christ’s birth. However, in current times, this can also represent the important role that pets play in the family. The Oplatki
tradition is one that is easy and fun to introduce to the family at Christmas time. All it requires is a simple wafer paired with love and affection,
and the willingness to share it. This is a heartwarming tradition that will complete your family’s time together during the Christmas season.