March 1, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
March 1, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
CHURCH OF ST. JOSEPH Garden City, N.Y. 11530 RECTORY 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 Rectory Fax No. 746-0719 Rev. Msgr. James P. Swiader, Pastor Rev. Gregory Breen, Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph Scolaro, Associate Pastor Deacon John J. McKenna Deacon Andrew Ciccaroni PARISH MEMBERSHIP We welcome those who are new to our parish and ask them to call the Rectory for registration information. If you are moving, please notify the Rectory. SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Evenings: In Church at 5:00 PM Sundays: In Church at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 11:45 AM, 1:00 and 5:30 PM; in Auditorium at 10:00 AM except July & August Weekdays: 8:00, 9:00 AM Monday through Friday with 12:10 PM on First Fridays. Saturdays: 8:30 AM Holy Days: See printed announcements prior to the Holy Day for Mass Schedule. Monday evenings: 8:00 PM with Miraculous Medal Novena in Convent Chapel, except legal holidays. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING THE SICK The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick takes place on the first Saturday of the month immediately following the 8:30 morning Mass. You may also call the Rectory to arrange for anointing and Holy Communion for the homebound. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 1:00 to 2:00 and 6:00 to 6:30 PM Also, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturdays of the month 9:00 to 9:30 AM Eves of Holy Days and First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Sister Kathleen Corr, O.P., Director 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 MUSIC AND LITURGY Mr. Joseph Cangialosi, Director 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Anna Maria Sirianni, LMSW, Director 120 Fifth Street 747-7120 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CCD Mrs. Susan Mirabella, Director 121 Fourth Street 741-7787 SCHOOL Dr. Eileen Kilbride, Principal Mrs. Regina Cioffi, Assistant Principal 450 Franklin Avenue STEWARDSHIP Sister Louise Cullen, RSM, Director 121 Fourth Street 741-5632 YOUTH MINISTRY Mr. Philip Malloy, Director 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament is celebrated every Sunday at 2:30 PM. Please note: there are no baptisms on the fifth Sunday of the month. Registration is necessary prior to the date of Baptism. Instruction is required for parents of first children. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance. Weddings may be celebrated Fridays: 5:00 PM, Saturdays: 11:00 AM, & 3:00 PM, Sundays: 3:45 PM THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION RCIA is a process welcoming new members into the Roman Catholic Church. Anyone who is not baptized or is baptized in another Christian Church and wishes to become a Catholic, or is baptized in the Roman Catholic Church but seeks the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, should call the Rectory at 747-3535. 747-2730 Season Date 3 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY PRAYERS FOR THE SICK MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, March 1 (Second Sunday of Lent) Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 7:30am James Law 9:00am Jane Weirth 10:00am(Aud) Paul Gilvary 10:30am Evelyn and William Hoglander 11:45am Carol Wessel 1:00pm Parishioners of St. Joseph Parish, Paul DelSardo 5:30pm Jeanne and Joseph Onorato “If anyone is sick among you, ask the community to pray” Please pray for: Joseph Kovach-Anta, Lisa Adams, Ann Altman, Ana M. Alvarez, Vladimir Alvarez, Felicitia Alvarez, James J. Ashe, Deborah Auricchio, Joanne Auricchio, Robert Auricchio, Teagan Baralo, Adelina Bera, Lauren Dittrich Bilyeu, Jennifer Blake, Baby Alexa Boylan David A. Brown, Victoria Bunone, Kathy Burns, Lorraine Cagliostro, Theresa Camoia, Patrick Cancroft, Joan Cashman, Francesca Consolazio, Dominick Consolazio, Petra Dehler, Jean Doherty, Sheila Dollard, Daniel Hogan Cheatham, Joseph Erugellis, Sarah Ewing, Edward Flaherty, Jack Gearns, Michele George, Joseph Gottlieb, David Galison, Jane Heinsse, Ron Hildreth, Edward Johnson, Carlin Kenny, Chris Lamendola, Jane Leonard, Vincent Lodato, Anne H. Logan, Olivia Macchio,Joseph Martens, John Joseph McCarthy, Marie Martin, ayne McGratty, Maureen McElwreath, Bob McGuire, Vinko Mender, J ames Mulhearn, Joe Oliva, Rose Occhini, Cecelia Ortiz, John Ormond, Barney Rinaldi, Brian Rey, Elodia Rich, JoAnn Russo, Maria Pashayan, Rita Scaglione, Kathleen Smith, Thomas Smith, Frances Klein Sneath, Alan Sorrentino, Emma Tynan Quinn, Stephanie Ryan, Liz Sarno, Julia Schwartz, Carol Schwinn, Filomena Stubel, Mildred Tyszka, Josephine Van De Water, Monday, March 2 Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 8:00am Michael Demme 9:00am Edna Silvestri 12:10pm James Kircher 8:00pm Novena Mass Tuesday, March 3 Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 8:00am Brian L. Gray 9:00am Robert Lehnert 12:10pm Edward Lawlor DECEASED Wednesday, March 4 Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 8:00am Kathleen Dunphy 9:00am Raymond Shuhet 12:10pm Intentions of Yolanda Contrelli . Thursday, March 5 Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 8:00am Robert Franz, Jr. 9:00am John Ferrara 12:10pm Austin Kilburn We pray for the repose of the souls of: Raymond M. Loew Christopher Vincent Glianna, Jr. Florence D’Angelis BAPTISMS Haley Elizabeth Martens Chloe Rose Meditz Hayes Preston Ogullukian Mason Michael Pietro Emma Rose Reiy Kimberly Anne Viola Friday, March 6 Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 8:00am Virginia Gallagher Nugent 9:00am (Missy) Maura Murphy 12;10PM Intentions of the Rosary Altar Society Saturday, March 7 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 8:30am Raymond Cook 5:00pm Mary and Arthur Scalise, Adelaide Pacula, Catherine Walsh, Elba Schwartz, George Hopkins, Rose Mary McCarthy March 1, 2015 Weekend Mass Celebrants Saturday, March 7 5:00pm Fr. Cronin Sunday, March 8 7:30am Fr. Scolaro 9:00am Fr. Breen 10:00am (Aud) Msgr. Swiader 10:30am Fr. Kettelberger 11:45am Fr. Kettelberger 1:00pm Fr. Cronin 5:30pm Fr. Scolaro This schedule is subject to change to meet the needs of the Parish. Sunday, March 8 (Third Sunday of Lent) Ex 17:3-7/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 7:30am Robert Gorman 9:00am John F. Mckay (10th anniv) 10:00am(Aud) The Parishioners of St. Joseph Parish 10:30am Raymond Cook (10th anniv) 11:45am Pushpa Sharma 1:00pm Brian O’Mara 5:30pm Mary O’Donnell 2 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY March 1, 2015 three sections , the two towers on either end built upon underground chapels that survived from an earlier Crusader building were dedicated to Moses and Elijah, with the central section reserved for Christ. (Barluzzi had a great respect for history and made it a point in his designs to incorporate foundations or stonework from previous structures. His aim was always to preserve and build upon the past.) The interior of Tabor is dominated by a great mosaic over the sanctuary depicting Christ in glory with Moses and Elijah. Originally, the roof was constructed of alabaster, which glowed golden in the sunlight. The edifice truly reflects the glory of the Transfiguration. In the Basilica of the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives, Barluzzi again uses light – or more accurately, darkness to present the event of the Agony. The windows are glazed in deep blues, purples, and grey tones, to create a perpetual semi-darkness, evoking the night of Christ’s spiritual struggle. In that church, the centerpiece is the Stone of the Agony, on which, by tradition, Christ prayed on the night before he died for the strength to accept his Father’s will. This year we pilgrims were fortunate to celebrate Mass at both sites, Tabor and Gethsemane. Both were moving and inspiring experiences, each with its own special grace. Through the years, I have always associated Tabor and Gethsemane with each other, not just because they were built at the same time by the same architect, but because in the gospel accounts of both the Transfiguration and the Agony, we are told that Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him, and they went off by themselves. The two experiences, I believe, are complementary; one is incomplete without the other. The glory can be dazzling but ultimately shallow unless it prepares us for the moments of darkness and doubt. The struggle in the night is meaningless without the hope of eventual exaltation and victory. I believe Peter, James, and John were privileged to witness the awesome Transfiguration to strengthen them for the rigors of the Agony. In our own lives we are no strangers to both experiences: great joy and intense sorrow. Moments of exultation sustain us through the sufferings that are part of every individual’s and every family’s life. During Lent especially, let us draw closer to Christ in his acceptance of the Father’s will in Gethsemane so we may share with him the triumph of Easter. March 1, 2015 Dear Parishioners, In the ten days that the pilgrims from St. Joseph travelled in the Holy Land a month ago, the name Antonio Barluzzi quickly became familiar. I have made no secret of my admiration for this remarkable man who used his skill as an architect and his faith as a devout Catholic to build eight shrine churches throughout the lands where Jesus lived, suffered, died, and rose. I wrote about Barluzzi in this column two years ago, during my study weeks in the Holy Land. I return to him today because of the gospel, the account of the Transfiguration according to St. Mark. But first some personal background: Antonio Barluzzi was born in Rome in 1884 into a middle class family who had worked for the Vatican for generations. His paternal great-grandfather had been secretary to Pius IX and followed him into exile. His father had been the keeper of the State Archives, organizing and recording the Vatican’s correspondence with foreign governments. On his mother’s side, he was descended from a long line of architects. His maternal grandfather had been in charge of the maintenance of St. Peter’s Basilica. The young Antonio considered entering the seminary, but on the advice of his spiritual director, and at the urging of his older brother Giulio, he undertook a degree in civil engineering. He graduated university in 1908 and entered the army to fulfill his requirement for military service. When Giulio was approached to design and build a missionary hospital in Jerusalem, he suggested Antonio instead. That began Antonio’s association with the Holy Land. However, he had still not dismissed the possibility of the priesthood. His family arranged for an interview with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XV, who encouraged him to pursue his devotion to the Holy Land as a lay man, to use his architect’s skills to restore the sacred shrines so close to the heart of the Catholic faith. He received his first commission from the Franciscans of the Holy Land in 1928. The commission was twofold: to build a church on the top of Mt. Tabor to commemorate the Transfiguration and another in the Garden of Gethsemane, the site of Jesus’ Agony the night before he was crucified. Work on both proceeded simultaneously, with Barluzzi commuting between the Tabor site overlooking the Jezreel Valley in Galilee and Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives, overlooking the Kidron Valley just outside Jerusalem. Both churches were completed in 1931. Barluzzi’s plan for the basilica on Tabor fulfilled Peter’s suggestion that he erect three tents on the mountain. The façade of the church is divided into Msgr. Swiader 3 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY March 1, 2015 St. Joseph Parish Directory Rectory: 516-747-3535 Rectory Office / Receptionist ...................................................................... Ext. 10 Pastor: Reverend Msgr. James P. Swiader ........................................................................................ Ext. 13 Associate Pastor: Reverend Gregory F. Breen ................................................................................... Ext. 11 Associate Pastor: Reverend Joseph Scolaro ………... ……………………… ………………………….Ext. 20 ....................... Deacon Jack McKenna………………………………………………………. ……………………..516-747-3535 Deacon Andy Ciccaroni…………………………………………………………………………...…516-747-3535 Adult Faith Formation: Sr. Kathleen Corr, OP, Director .................................................................... Ext. 12 Music and Liturgy: Mr. Joseph Cangialosi, Director .......................................................................... Ext. 29 Youth Ministry: Mr. Philip Malloy, Director ...................................................................................... Ext. 30 Bulletin / Parish Registration: Mrs. Adrienne Kuczwaj ...................................................................... Ext. 27 Executive Secretary: Mrs. Barbara Stay............................................................................................. Ext .16 Facilities’ Manager: Mr. Frank Mondo .............................................................................................. Ext. 18 St. Joseph School: Dr. Eileen Kilbride, Principal..................................................................... 516-747-2730 Mrs. Regina Cioffi, Assistant Principal Religious Education: Mrs. Susan Mirabella, Director ............................................................ 516-741-7787 Parish Social Ministry: Anna Maria Sirianni, LMSW, Director .............................................. 516-747-7120 Stewardship: Sr. Louise Cullen, RSM, Director ...................................................................... 516-741-5632 Parish Trustees: Mr. Michael White • Mr. Thomas O’Brien Pastoral Council: Mr. Christopher Adams • Mrs. Maria Franco• Mr. Gregory Hesterberg • Mr. Joseph McCarthy • Mr. Neil McGoldrick • Mr. Thomas Scaturro • Mr. Richard Russell • Mrs. Dorry Tompsett • Mrs. Maureen Wallace Emergency Anointing number (when Rectory Office is closed): 516-434-1516 Parish Mission Statement The parish of St. Joseph celebrates the Good News of Jesus Christ by giving witness to His real presence in our midst We express our faith through prayer, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacraments. We continually form and strengthen our faith by embracing and teaching the Word of God and trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We comfort and give hope to the sick and the grieving and reach out to those in spiritual or material need with compassion and love. We offer hospitality and warmly welcome all people to share the joy and peace of Jesus. Founded in Faith Growing in Hope Serving with Love 4 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH March 6th, the First Friday of March, is a day of prayer for peace for the people of our parish. Masses for First Friday are at 8:00 & 9:00 AM & 12:10 PM. Confessions will be heard on Thursday, March 5th from 4 to 5:00pm. March 1, 2015 Vacation Bible School NOCTURNAL ADORATION is calling All Adults Our Nocturnal Adoration Society invites all parishioners to visit the church anytime between the hours of 9:00 PM on Friday and 8:00 AM on Saturday. to help climb The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration throughout the night, and Benediction will take place just before the 8:30 AM Mass on Saturday. For more information contact either: Terry Tener at 747-5713 Jack McGowan at 741-8420 “Everest” [ EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Could You Not Watch One Hour With Me? To reach the summit requires teamwork Come be a part of the Team! (Mt 26:40) We also want to give parishioners the opportunity to pray before our Eucharistic Lord during the day. On March 6th, the Blessed Sacrament will be ex-posed in the loggietta (the “crying room”) from 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon. At 12:00 noon the Eucharist will be reposed to the Tabernacle, and our regular 12:10 PM Mass will begin. *Please note: on First Fridays when we have a Funeral Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will not be exposed during the day. We need 30 Adults who are interested to help run this year’s VBS. Without the adult volunteers this amazing program cannot take place. For more information and to volunteer call the Religious Education Office 741-7787 or contact Tina at _______________________________________________________ All classes will meet as scheduled. FIRST COMMUNION NEWS Banner Kits are available in the Religious Education Office during regular office hours—Monday through Thursday from 9:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 pm to 3pm. PARENTS MEETING FOR CONFIRMATION A meeting for all parents of children who are receiving Confirmation this fall, who did not attend the meeting on February 11—will take place on Tuesday, M arch 3rd at 7:30pm in the School Auditorium. 5 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY March 1, 2015 STEWARDSHIP A Way of Life Stewardship Reflection If you have had the opportunity for a time away where the stresses and concerns of daily life could be silenced, you can relate to the Apostles who want to stay on the top of the mountain. The disciples see Jesus in His glory but soon enough they have to return to their daily routine. So it is with us. We may feel God’s closeness in prayer or at Mass or with a conversation with a friend. These experiences give us the grace to continue on the journey of life. We have to learn to say “it is good to be here” no matter where that here may be. Sr. Louise Cullen RSM Stewardship Coordinator We salute and thank our Adult Servers, who offer their services at our weekday Masses. Join us for the Lenten Season: Mom’s Faith and Life Sharing We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month from 9:30 to 11:30AM in the St. Agnes Room. Meetings will be on Feb.26th, March 5th, and March 19th. Children are welcome to come and play or stay with mom. Any questions: Contact: Sr. Louise - 741-5632 or Deanna O’Connor - 214-6430. Mom’s Sharing Group in the Evening Some mothers work or have other responsibilities and cannot make the morning meeting. You are welcome to join us. It is the perfect way to meet new friends and share your concerns in a supportive atmosphere. Our next Meeting will be on Feb. 24th. If interested, call Sr. Louise (741-5632) or Lynn Ryan 741-8028 “Men and Women Who bring the light of Hope to others” Pope Francis In the last day or so you received in the mail a letter from our Pastor, Monsignor Swiader, soliciting your kindness in pledging a gift to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. The need is so great and so many of your catholic brothers and sisters are looking for your help in these trying days. We hope you have not put this letter aside and will give this matter serious consideration. A gift to the Appeal may be made by: 1. Check payable to CMA for the full amount of your pledge. 2. Paying for your gift in Four or Six installments. Return the pledge card to CMA with the first monthly payment enclosed. CMA will bill you directly for the balance. 3. Using your credit card. Return the pledge card to CMA with the Credit Card information on the reverse side. 4. By asking your employer to make a matching gift to your gift. Call CMA 379-5210 for information. We hope that every family will make a gift and urge you in this season of Lent to give in accord with the many blessings He has bestowed on us. 6 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY March 1, 2015 Eucharistic Minister and Lector Training Are you able to devote your time to be an Extraordinary Minister or lector? Some people feel that they are not holy enough to perform these ministries, but Christ makes up for our limitations and gives us the grace we need to be instruments of His love. We especially need Extraordinary Ministers for the 1:00PM and 5:30 PM Mass on Sundays. Please consider offering your time for these ministries. For more information, please call Sr. Louise 741-5632. TIMES AND PLACES FOR MINISTRY TRAINING: In Nassau: Extraordinary Ministers ‘A’ Session and Lector Training Sat. April 18, 2015; 9 AM—1 PM Kellenberg Memorial High School, Uniondale “B” session for Extraordinary Ministers Sat. May 16 9 AM—1 PM Kellenberg Memorial High School, Uniondale EVENING SESSIONS for Extraordinary Ministers and Lectors, at St. Elizabeth, Melville. Session “A” – Wed. May 6th, 2015 7:30—10 PM Session “B” for Extraordinary Ministers – Wed. May 20th, 2015 7:30—10PM Lector Training: Kellenberg High School Sat. Apr. 18, 2015 St. Elizabeth’s Melville Wed. May 6, 2015 7:30-10PM ****Please contact Sr. Louise at 741-5632 or for more information 7 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY March 1, 2015 NEWS FROM ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL Congratulations to our 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Math Bee winners; First Place: Michael White Second Place: James Dionisio Third Place: Anthony Randazzo ( Congratulations to our 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Spelling Bee winners: First Place: Joseph Brugellis Second Place: Maria Santos Third Place: Bella Guerra The following Band members, including graduates, have been selected by the Paul Effman Music Service to participate in the Honor Band. These students represent the “best of the best” musicians from area schools served by Paul Effman Music. They will perform on Saturday, March 7th at 5:30pm at St. Anthony’s High School. Christina Biscardi* Cassandra Holcomb Melissa Biscardi* Daisha Howard Elizabeth Bracht Shefran Louhis Hannah Collis Thomas Randazzo* Gregory Curley Mikayla Wilson* Frances Curley Jack Wilson Jonathan Desravines Raymond Horvath* Erin Donnelly* * denotes Wind Ensemble, a select group from within the Honor Band. There will be a School Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 3, at 7:30pm in the Faculty Room. Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, March 5 from 6pm to 8pm and on Friday, March 6 from 8am to 12pm. The Parent- Teacher Conferences on Friday will be followed by a Faculty Meeting for all teachers. Teachers will be working on our Middle States Reaccreditation Report. 8 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY 9 March 1, 2015 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY March 1, 2015 EASTER BASKETS Once again Mary Ann Matteini and Ronnie Tracey will be assembling Easter baskets for distribution to children who are guests of the Interfaith Nutrition Network (INN). If you want to participate, donations of items to be included in the baskets would be appreciated. Suggested Donations: NEW Easter baskets Small, individually wrapped packages of candy (“peeps”, Hershey kisses, chocolate eggs or miniatures etc.) Jelly beans Individually wrapped chocolate bunnies (6”-10”) NEW children’s story books, coloring books, crayons, paint sets and chalk Small NEW, UNUSED toys such as yo-yos, bubbles, puzzles or sand toys (pails and shovels) NEW “plush” Easter bunnies/animals (7”-12”) ---- one will be included in each basket “Easter grass” Cellophane “gift basket bags” [ Monetary donations are also welcome. (Checks may be made out to Mary Ann Matteini) *All donations should be brought to the CCD office lobby before Wednesday, March 25. For further information, please call Ronnie Tracey (741-7692). Thank you for taking the time to consider this opportunity to help our less fortunate neighbors here on Long Island. Msgr Seidenschwang & St. Joseph/Bishop Baldwin K of C Councils present: Tommy Sullivan Of the Brooklyn Bridge Saturday March 7, 2015 7PM $45 per person Includes full hot buffet Soda, coffee &dessert Beer and Wine will be available for purchase St. Anne’s Auditorium 35 Dartmouth St. Garden City A PERFORMANCE FOR YOUR LISTENING & DANCING PLEASURE Proceeds to support Knights of Columbus Charities For more information (516) 670-5632 10 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY March 1, 2015 ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH LENTEN PROJECT 2015 Human trafficking – A global problem – Our Christian response On this Second Sunday of Lent, we consider the history of the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer, who are the recipients this year of our Parish Lenten Project. Around the world, the Sisters work with victims of human trafficking. Msgr. Jose Maria Benito Serra, OSB, has been described as “monk, missionary, bishop and founder.” He was born in Spain in 1810 and after completing his basic education, entered the Benedictine order. He was ordained a priest in 1835. A zeal for missionary work led him to Australia in 1846, where he was later named Bishop of Perth. In 1862 he presented his resignation as Bishop to the Holy Father and returned to Madrid where he engaged in various pastoral activities. Here he became deeply troubled by the situation of women who were victims of poverty, deprivation and exploitation. Msgr. Serra said, “It is too painful for me to have contemplated them and remain calm. I want to save these women and if all the doors are closed, I will open one for them where they can be saved.” Msgr. Serra enlisted the help of Antonia Maria de Oviedo Schonthal, who had been a governess to the daughters of the Spanish Royal Family. Initially she resisted the idea of being engaged with the women and expressed the misgivings being voiced by others who did not understand Msgr.’s intent or concern. In reply he stated “…if nobody helps me, I will do it alone like the One who carried the lost sheep on His shoulders.” Eventually Antonia said ‘yes’ and became a collaborator in the effort to help the women. On June 1, 1864 in Ciempozuelos, Madrid, the first refuge for the women was opened; on June 7, the first two residents came to live in the house. On February 2, 1870 what began as a charitable effort became the congregation of the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer. On the same day, Antonia made her religious profession and became the first Oblate Sister. She took the name Antonia Maria of Mercy. Before her death she asked those who would follow her “…to see in them (the women) the image of the Redeemer.” Msgr. Serra died on September 8, 1886, finally at rest from his labors to provide for those whom society renders marginalized and invisible. 150 years after the foundation of the first house at Ciempozuelos, the Oblate Sisters continue to embody his passion to seek, to find and to care for the lost sheep. Spirituality The Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer describe their spirituality as one of incarnation and redemption--to be the presence of mercy and solidarity on the frontiers. They participate in the liberating mission of Jesus—“walking in his footsteps, look(ing) at the examples and actions of His life and becom(ing) like Him.” Mission The Oblate Sisters commit themselves to work in partnership with girls and women in situations of exploitation and trafficking, and to assist them in developing the conviction that transformation is possible for them. IT’S ABOUT HOPE. IT’S ABOUT A FUTURE IN FREEDOM “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 FOOD DRIVE NEXT WEEKEND! MARCH 7 and 8, 2015 Please remember to bring a non-perishable food item with you to Mass. All donations benefit our neighbors in need. Thank you! 11 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY March 1, 2015 The St. Joseph Altar Server Ministry is an important part of our vibrant faith community. Being an altar server is a wonderful opportunity to serve at the Lord’s Table and grow in our Catholic faith. We invite you to become a server. It’s an honor and privilege to serve, but also a great responsibility. In order to make sure that you receive proper training so that you can serve at the altar to the best of your ability, Father Scolaro and Deacon Jack will have a series of training sessions. Our Initial meeting will take place on Monday, February 23 at 4:00pm. Our training sessions will be held in St. Joseph Church on the following Monday afternoons from 4:00 pm to 5:00pm. Monday March 2 Monday March 9 Monday March 16 Monday March 23 nd th th rd [ We look forward to working together with you to enrich our parish liturgies. Father Joseph Scolaro 516-747-3535 Deacon Jack McKenna BOOK TALK: Come hear Msgr . J ames Swiader speak on Catholic themes in liter atur e in his talk ‘“I Shall Die of Having Lived’ Willa Cather’s Death Comes for the Archbishop” in the library at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday afternoon, March 15th, at 2 pm. No registration is required and refreshments will be served.. Library at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception (on the fourth floor) 440 West Neck Road Huntington. NY11743 631-423-0483 ext 141 12 Second Sunday in Lent Church of St. Joseph, Garden City, NY March 1, 2015 We Are Proud of Our High School Seniors Class of 2015 As ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH INVITES OUR SENIORS TO ATTEND TWO SESSIONS: SUNDAY, MARCH 8 – 5:30 P.M. MASS SATURDAY, APRIL 25 – 5:00 P.M. MASS Mass, Dinner, Dessert and Conversation! Navigating College and Remaining True to My Catholic Faith Hosted by Father Joseph Scolaro (Chaminade Class 2006 and University of Notre Dame Class of 2010) A fun evening ….. open questions and answers forum… discussing relevant topics to help our seniors navigate their freshman year in College…. an exciting, memorable evening shared with friends. 13