June 5, 2016 - Church of Saint Joseph
OF ͷͻ ǡ ǡ ͷͶͽͶ; Parish Office ..... 914-337-1660 Fax ..... 914-337-1342 Web .................................. www.saintjosephsbronxville.org Email ..........................saintjosephsbronxville@gmail.com ChurchofStJoseph@aol.com ͻǡ Ͷͷͼ Fr. Peter McGeory Pastor Fr. Dawson Ambosta In Residence Fr. Stephen Ries Parochial Vicar Fr. Augustine Badgley Chaplain to Lawrence Hospital Deacon Robert Schimpf Pastoral Associate Sister Florence Mallon, S.C. 337-1660, ext. 120 Pastoral Associate for Special Ministries Mrs. Antoinette Gilligan ...........................337-6383 Director, Parish Religious Ed., Youth Ministry Mr. John Strybos ...................... 337-1660, ext. 129 Director of Music and Scheduling Ms. Margaret Alexis Kazan, Principal 30 Meadow Avenue, Bronxville, NY 10708 Phone: 337-0261 | Fax: 395-1192 Saturday Evening....................................................................................................5:00 pm Sunday Morning....................................................................... 8:00, 9:30 & 10:45 am Sunday Afternoon .................................................................. 12:00 noon & 1:15 pm Sunday Evening .......................................................................................................5:00 pm Vigil Mass....................................................................................................................5:00 pm 6:45, 8:30, 10:00 am & 12:00 noon ......................................................................... 6:45, 8:30 & 12:00 noon D Daily Morning Prayer ........................................................................................... 8:15 am Miraculous Medal Novena........................................................... Monday, 8:25 am (Confessions) Weekdays following the Noon Mass Saturday ........................................................................................................ 4:00 - 4:45 pm Prospective parents should call the Rectory no later than the sixth month of pregnancy to begin the process of preparing for their child’s baptism. Necessary information will be given at that time. Two meetings are mandatory for first time parents. Call 337-1660, ext. 133. Since Catholic marriage requires a time of preparation. Arrangements should begin at least six months before the proposed date of the wedding. Parishioners who are registered and participating can make arrangements of date and time only after speaking with one of the parish priests. You are requested to come to the Rectory to register. Ȁ D Call anytime, 337-1660. 7(17+681'$<,125',1$5<7,0(-81( www.saintjosephsbronxville.org From The Desk of Fr. Peter McGeory: Deacon Bob Schimpf is celebrating his 10th year as Deacon at our Parish of St Joseph, today June 5th 2016. He also will be celebrating his 18th year of ordination on June 6, 2016 (D-Day). This Week’s Second Collection: Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa - Through the Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa the Subcommittee on the Church in Africa provides grants to finance pastoral projects that support the maintenance and growth of the Church in Africa. Funded projects include outreach programs, schools, evangelization, and education of clergy and lay ministers. Next Week’s Second Collection: We have a collection in support of our utility bill for air conditioning during the hot summer months. Eucharistic Ministers The new schedule will go into effect from the first Sunday in July, up to the Sunday before Christmas. The following 9 New Eucharistic Ministers will be installed at the 12:00pm Mass, today, Sunday, June 5, 2016 by Fr Peter McGeory: Frances J Bergold, Kate Corey, Allison Coyne, Sandra Dwyer, Michael Duffy, Sheila Gerard, Mary Angela Kennedy, Mary Lemanski and Dawn McMahon. Religious Education The NEW required registration form for the 2016-2017 are available on our website www.saintjosephreligiouseducation.org . The registration form must be completed in full. Students are not automatically registered. You must re-register your child for next year. Spaces are limited and based on a first come first served basis. We are looking for volunteers for next year’s Religious Education Program. Please consider sharing your faith with the children of Saint Joseph’s Parish. If you are interested please contact the office at 914-337-6683 or stjosephreled@optonline.net . Children’s Ministry The Sunday Family Liturgy at 9:30am is looking for Families to get involved. We are looking for family volunteers to bring up the offertory as well as youth lectors. Anyone who is in grades 3-12 is eligible to be a lector. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Bridget Lockwood in the Religious Education office at 914-337-6383 or stjosephreled@optonline.net Youth Ministry There will be a youth ministry meeting Tuesday, June 7th at 7pm in the Scott Room. Members of Youth Ministry will be assisting with Anointing of the Sick Mass and luncheon on June 11th. Any high school student or parent that would like to be put on the youth ministry email list, please contact Antoinette Gilligan at stjoesym.gilligan308@gmail.com Visit St. Joseph’s Men’s Club website: Learn more about the St. Joseph’s Men’s Club and their programs at www.stjosephswarrior.com. St. Joseph’s Men’s Club: : Annual Fishing Trip – Friday, June 17th --- 6:30 to 10:30pm There is absolutely no better way to spend a Friday evening in the early summer than enjoying a fishing trip, together with a boatload of friends, leaving from Glen Island in New Rochelle at 6:30pm.! The cost is $55 per person and there is only room for about 45 people…so get on board now! Contact Mike VanDeLoo if interested – Michael.vandeloo@AndersenTax.com Truly an evening not to be missed! The 2016 SJMC Picnic and Softball Outing. Our upcoming picnic and softball outing will take place on Friday, June 24th, at Redmond Field in Yonkers! Enjoy an evening of recreation, friends, beverages and a barbecue. Festivities begin at 5 p.m. with a friendly kids' softball game, field games, a pie-eating contest and relays, leading into the main event: a friendly, adult co-ed softball game starting at 6:30 p.m.! Register online now at www.stjosephswarrior.comto reserve your spot! The cost is $50 per family and $25 per individual. Questions? Contact Pete Costanzo at pcostanzo68@gmail.com. Hope to see you all there! St. Joseph’s Arts & Leisure Club: The Arts and Leisure Club will meet at Fogarty’s Restaurant in Bronxville on June 13th, 2016 at 12:30pm. Seniors both men and women are welcome. If interested please call Sister Florence Mallon at 914-337-1660, ext. 120. Members and friends of Brenda Mahoney are invited to attend a memorial Mass in her memory on June 10, 2016 at 10:45am in St Joseph’s Church, Bronxville. In conjunction with Upper Class, reservations are still available to Brooklyn: Old and New on June 22, 2016 including lunch at Chadwick’s Restaurant, a neighborhood favorite. Call The Upper Class for further details at 914-725-5640. Please inform them that you are from the Arts and Leisure Club in Bronxville. The Ladies of Charity: will hold a planning meeting for ‘The Babies Brunch’. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 8th at 10:00am in the Scott Room. All members are invited to attend. DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO MIGHT CONSIDER BECOMING A CATHOLIC? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which unbaptized or non-Catholic baptized adults learn about the Catholic Faith, and culminates in reception of the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass. It is also for Catholic baptized adults needing to complete their Sacraments of Initiation. If interested, call Ray Belair at 914-771-6063. CATHOLIC QUESTIONS Do have questions you would like to ask about the Catholic faith? Or would you like to share your faith with others? Do you have a friend who might be interested? Or would you simply like to listen to listen to conversations about Catholic matters? If so, you are invited to join us in the Scott Room on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. ***Church Calendar*** It is time to prepare the master calendar for September, 2016 through August, 2017. All ministries need to submit requests for dates to John Strybos by July 11th. When scheduling events in the Parish Center, please remember, the gym is not available on Wednesdays until after 8:30 p.m. With an anticipated enrollment of over 800 students in the CCD program, all available space in the school, Parish Center, McCann Hall and Scott Room will be utilized until the dismissal of the final CCD classes on Wednesday evenings. Please submit everything in writing and leaveThe it atbeautiful the church office, or book, send it“The to Mr. Strybosofbythe e-mail (attachments should be WORDatdocuments) coffee table Windows Church of St Joseph” is available the Rectory.atIt is $50. JPStrybos@aol.com. The following organizations should submit requests: Arts and Leisure Club, Baptism Ministry, Girl Scouts/Brownies, Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts, Contemplative Prayer Study Group, Christmas Giving Tree, Homebound Helpers, Hope Food Pantry, Hospital Ministry, H.O.P.E., Ladies of Charity, Legion Of Mary, Men’s Club, Moms & Tots Group, Mother’s Club of St. Joseph’s School, Music Ministry, Parish Nurse, R.C.I.A., Religious Education, St. Joseph’s Auxiliary, St. Joseph’s School, Van Ministry, Youth Ministry & Youth Sports. Legion of Mary: – Mother of God Praesidium - St Joseph’s Legion of Mary meets each Monday at 12:30pm in the Msgr. Scott Room. All are welcome to stop by and meet the members and to pick up information about the organization. The Legion of Mary was founded in Ireland in 1921 by Frank Duff, who wanted to see a particular focus of evangelization and conversion by cooperating with the Blessed Mother for the good of the Church. Meals on Wheels: A Season to Share – Meals on Wheels 10708, Inc. needs volunteers to deliver hot meals to household elderly, ill or disabled members of the community. Whatever time you can share will be greatly appreciated. Please call 787-3027 for details. The Catholic Widows & Widowers of Yonkers: St Ann’s Church - Fr Anthony Hall 31 College Ave Yonkers NY 10704. Info. Call (914) 423-5331.Our next meeting will be on Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 1:00pm. New members welcome. A free 6-Week Employment Networking Support Group – sponsored by The RDC Center for Counseling & Human Development, is being offered on May 2, 9, 16, 23 & June 6 & 13 from 6:30-8pm, at The new White Plains Education & Training Center, 303 Quarrapas St, White Plains. This workshop is for persons who have lost their jobs recently or who want to re-enter the workforce. To register or for more information call Pat Sheridan, WCSW 798-1103 or google the WP Education & Training Center and register on line. 0($/621:+((/6, ,QF 3UHVHQWV %$5*(086,& 3HUIRUPLQJ 6FKXPDQQa%HHWKRYHQa6KRVWDNRYLFK 1H[W6XQGD\-81(30&KXUFKRI6W-RVHSK 7LFNHWV6HQLRUV6WXGHQWV 5HVHUYDWLRQV 7LFNHWVPD\DOVREHSXUFKDVHGDWWKHGRRU $OOSURFHHGVEHQHILW0HDOV2Q:KHHOV,QF 5DIIOHWLFNHWVIRUZRQGHUIXOSUL]HVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHDWWKHFRQFHUW MASS FOR THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK IN MARK’S GOSPEL WE READ: JESUS SUMMONED THE TWELVE AND BEGAN TO SEND THEM OUT TWO BY TWO…THEY EXPELLED MANY DEMONS, ANOINTED THE SICK WITH OIL, AND WORKED MANY CURES. (Mk 6:7-13) The Church today continues this healing ministry of Jesus in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. WHO MAY RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK? Those who are seriously or chronically ill or weakened by old age A common sense understanding of “serious” is all that is required. You do not need doctor’s lines. Do you have a need in body, mind, or soul for Christ’s healing touch and the prayers of the Church? Then please make a special effort to come and share this celebration with us. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Will be administered at a special Mass This Saturday, June 11th at 12:00pm The Archdiocese of New York takes the stewardship of your donations and its resources seriously. If you have knowledge of financial misconduct or suspect that it might be occurring, please report your concerns via a toll free hotline, at 877-820-0541, or on the internet, at http://www.reportlineweb.com/ADNY. Both are available 24 hours per day Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by priest, deacon, religious or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212-371-1000 x 2949 or Deacon George J. Coppola at 917-861-1762. Both may also be reached via e-mail at victimassistance@archny.org . Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, www.arch.org . In keeping with the Archdiocesan policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “‘O Lord, my God, let the life breath return to the body of this child.’ The Lord heard the prayer of Elijah, the life breath returned to the child’s body and he revived….The woman replied, ‘now indeed I know that you are a man of God. The word of the Lord comes truly from your mouth.’… ‘A great prophet has arisen in our midst’ and ‘God has visited his people.’” We use many expressions related to our breathing. We ‘run out of breath’, we experience ‘heavy breathing’ and sometimes when surprised ‘lose our breath. CPR is employed to restore a normal breathing process. We read that Jesus breathed on the apostles, when He gave power to forgive sins. We recall a few weeks ago, the Spirit came upon the church at Pentecost. The first story of creation finds God offering His breath, the ‘ruah Yahweh’ when God gave Adam his living soul. Today the Word of God reveals two widows, now suffering the loss of their sons. The compassion of the prophet and the concern of Jesus, restores life to the lifeless bodies. Both are returned to their mothers. Did you ever wonder how they related their experience to their mothers, like the popular book of our time. Jesus continues to restore life through the healing in the sacraments of reconciliation and the anointing of the sick. Both are viable signs of His mercy, offering health, strength and resistance to evil. HIS WORD TODAY BY REV. WILLIAM J. REILLY A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGS CANDLE OF REMEMBRANCE An excellent way to remember a special loved one is to memorialize our Easter Candle. The Paschal Candle is lit during every Sunday Mass from the Easter Vigil Mass through Ascension Thursday. It also burns brightly at every Baptism and at every Funeral Mass. The Easter Candle for 2016 will burn throughout the year thanks to Pino and Katherine Kinkella in memory of Grace Kinkella “Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry” - Padre Pio Pope Francis Intentions for June 2016 Universal: Human Solidarity That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find—even within the huge cities of the world—opportunities for encounter and solidarity Evangelization: Seminarians and Novices That seminarians and men and women entering religious life may have mentors who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them wisely for their mission. REMEMBER THE SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS: Barbara Schimpf, Barbara Galpin, James Smith, Linda Bravo, David Gross, Casmira Stricker, Mia Carroll, Andrea Olenius, Bridie Rogan, Colleen Locher, Lucy Shively, Joseph DeLillo, Kathy Eiflen, Bernard Becker, Margaret Stevens, Maria Lopes Estevao, , Mollie Lydon, Deacon Bob Schimpf, Bob Crawley, Diana Pernicano, Robert Rock, Debra Loeb, Andrew Blum, Anthony Camerota, Robert Genent, Lucas Emmanuel DelMundo, Anna Gardella, Giuseppe Aversa, Franklin Rosado, Kevin McGrath, Alessandro Stravato, Anna Herrera, Nancy Furlong, John Smith, Terry Aragona, Margaret Chadwick, Lorraine Slingerland, Anne DiGraci, Rose Pucci, Julianne Shirley, James McCarthy, Patricia Healy, Natalia Stachowicz, Ann Androvett, John Naughton, Joan Lynch, Carmel Cannon, Mary Brady, Gloria Cioti, Alexandra E & Germaine & Alexandre Laurent, Camillo Santonero, Cathy Slingerland Chomiak, Sophia Pinto, Elena DiLeo , James McFadden, Fiorenzo Catauro, Betsy Madaio, William Hagendorn, Mary Glennon, Andrea Dente, Eddie Belliveau, Kevin Ambosta, Joseph & Joan Kelly, Alex Jelilian, Margaret Mulligan, Ellen Nicktern, Dorothy Farello, Alberto Orsini , Maria Kelly, Anthony Madaio, Roseanne Nuzzolo, Kathleen Edwards, Ruhsar Ozdemir, James Moore, Mona McDermott, Claire Bellucci, Sr Eucharia Maria, Rosa Maria Santos, Eileen McLoughlin, Madeline Dalton, Carmine Greco, Cosmas Fernandes, Sheila McGarry, Olga Long, Fortunata Focella, Paul Gomprecht, Joseph & Liam Crean PLEASE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF THE RECENTLY DEPARTED Virginia Cappelli, Elizabeth Savastano, Frank Polese, Ronald P Sullivan, Robert Genet, James P Connors, Richard M Pereira, Nora Plantoni, John George Nicholas, Dennis J Keohane, Gloria Duffy, Edmund A. Rafalko, Frank Farello, Veronica A Harvey Delaney, Secundino Delgado, Harry Duke Sr., Gussie M Dougherty, Francis X Flannery, Gia DiBello, Mary Alice Seybert, Louise Montalto, Theresa Rotante, Michael LaBadia, Richard Celentano, Heraldo Quinones, Witold Sulimirski, Lydia Sclafani, Rory McGonigle, Aurea E Sanchez, Frederico Kowarick, Louis V Vallach, Fernando DeBonis, Jack Reilly, Dominic Sinopoli, Michael R Lazzaro, Agnesa Damiano, Anthony Postighone, Madeline DePaola, Sylvia Bucciarelli, Dorothy Strauss, Charles Maspero, Dolores Strauss, Brenda Bridget Mahoney, James Shanley, Marguerite Doris, Robert Giuffra, Paul Reilly, James E McCann, Mary T Hamilton, Margaret Igoe, Emily Dragonetti, Rose, Leone, Leo Walsh, Rita Capasso Seventh Sunday of Easter June 11-12, 2016 Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Celebrant Sat – 5:00pm Sun– 8:00am 9:30am 10:45am 12:00pm 1:15pm 5:00pm Fr Peter Fr Tim Kilkelly Fr Tim Kilkelly Fr Peter Fr Gus Fr Stephen Fr Stephen Marilyn Begley / Dan O’Flynn Elizabeth Cleary / Margaret Reilly Kay Cassidy / Michael Wrotniak Jane Kavanagh / Nancy Waters Monica Magner / Michael Finnegan Muriel Cavanagh / Igino Di Paolo Kim Derbin / Paula Greco-McTigue _______ Servers Pamela Fortini Alice Searles Family Mass Frank Ironside Barbara Bender Cortes DeRussy John Gildea St Thomas Volunteer St Bridget St Theresa St Patrick St Joan of Arc St Raphael Sanctuary Lamps or Bread & Wine remembrances may be made each week. Please visit the Rectory between the hours of 9:00am and 3:00pm Mon - Friday The requested donation is $25. for either the Sanctuary Lamps or the Bread and Wine. Remembrances for the Week of June 5-11, 2016 In Memory of Zeta Losey By: Vicki and Joe Martin In Memory of Constance & Leonard Weireter Sr. By: Sheryl & Bill McCafferty MASS INTENTIONS for SUNDAY June 12, 2016 8:00am Joseph Rio 9:30am For the People of St Joseph’s Parish 10:45am Rita & Neil Finnegan 12:00pm Sarah Carey Burns 1:15pm Antonio Rossi 5:00pm Helen & Frank R Walsh PLEASE REMEMBER…….. Both in life and in death, we belong to the Lord (Romans 14) Please remember St Joseph’s church in your will If you are interested in a way to electronically contribute each week to St Joseph’s – Visit: www.parishpay.com or call 1-866-PARISH1 Please patronize our advertisers and tell them that you appreciate Their support of Saint Joseph’s Church MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK June 5 – Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am 9:30am 10:45am 12:00pm 1:15pm 5:00pm Horace Powers & Deceased of the Powers Family Gertrude Netrosio Michael P Norton Living & Deceased of the Mangan, Maher Families Lawson Kasshanna (Living) Manuel DosSantos June 6 - Monday Weekday St Norbert, Bishop 1 Kgs 17:1-6 / Mt 5:1-12 (359) 6:45am James Gaughan / Ellen & Walter O’Brien 8:30am Julia Sullivan Wetmore 12:00pm Brendan Griffin June 7 - Tuesday Weekday 1 Kgs 17:7-16 / Mt 5:13-16 (360) 6:45am Nello Fabrizi 8:30am Sister Florence Hernon O.P. 12:00pm Gomprecht, Welch, Schmauder Families CHURCH CALENDAR June 5 – Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2:30pm Baptisms 8:00pm AA (McCann Hall) June 6 – Monday 12:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Legion of Mary (Scott Room) Scouts (SJS Cafeteria) AA (McCann Hall) Parish Council (Scott Room) June 7 – Tuesday 9:00am SJS Kindergarten Graduation (Parish Center) 12:30pm Reconciliation (Church) June 8 – Wednesday 12:30pm Reconciliation (Church) June 8 - Wednesday Weekday 1 Kgs 18:20-39 / Mt 5:17-19 (361) 6:45am Laura & Frank Skeffington 8:30am Bader / Keeler Families 12:00pm Clifford A Theiss June 9 - Thursday Weekday St Ephrem, Deacon & Doctor of the Church 1 Kgs 18:41-46 / Mt 5:20-26 (362) 6:45am Francis Keane 8:30am Catherine Burns 12:00pm Clifford A Theiss June 9 – Thursday 12:30pm 12:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm Reconciliation (Church) Blood Pressures Taken (Scott Room) SJS 8th Grade Graduation Dinner AA (McCann Hall) June 10– Friday 12:30pm Reconciliation (Church) 5:30pm SJS Graduation Mass and Ceremony June 10 –Friday Weekday 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16 / Mt 5:27-32 (363) 6:45am For the People of St Joseph’s Parish 8:30am Mary Cashin 12:00pm Eugenia Garland Zaleski June 11 – Saturday Noon 12:30pm 1:00pm 4:00pm Mass for the Anointing of the Sick Reconciliation (Church) Luncheon (Parish Center) Reconciliation (Church) June 11 –Saturday St Barnabas, Apostle Acts 11:21b-26, 13:1-3 (580) Mt 5:33-37(364) 6:45am John George DeRussy 8:30am C Richard Walter 12:00pm Bridgid Higgins 5:00pm Helen & John W Brown Looking Ahead: June 12 - 3:00 PM Barge Music (Concert for Meals-On-Wheels) (Church) General Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry (914) 337-7270 PONDFIELD ! FAMILY DENTAL P.C. DR. VITO F. FOTO • DR. FRANCIS A. TURTURRO RESTAURANT / DINER TAKE-OUT & CATERING · PRIVATE BANQUET ROOM T 914-961-8855 · F 914-961-1165 BEST DINER (S) In The Tri-State Area - Spotlight Magazine BEST BREAKFAST In Westchester County - Westchester Weeky Magazine 465 WHITE PLAINS ROAD · EASTCHESTER, NY 10709 Est. 1972 Studio One Hair Designer John Cola • President St. Patrick's Home Rosie's Bistro Italiano Join Us After Church Offering Regional Italian Cuisine In a Relaxed Atmosphere Serving 7 Days a Week Private Party Room Available • Bronxville NY 10708 10 Palmer Rd., Bronxville 914-793-2000 914-337-0088 Studioone102@gmail.com Our Father ..., Hail Mary ..., The Apostles’ Creed. Then, on the OUR FATHER BEADS you will say the following words: Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. On the HAIL MARY BEADS you will say the following words: For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world. In conclusion THREE TIMES you will recite these words: Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. RORY DOLAN’S RESTAURANT, 914-337-3354 BAR & CATERERS 94 Pondfield Road Bronxville, NY 10708 0F/HDQ$YHQXH Yonkers, NY 10704 www.langesofbronxville.com 914-776-2946 www.rorydolans.com Open 7 Days A Week 365 Days Of The Year Catering For Up To 400 People Weddings, Showers, Christenings, Benefits, Retirements, Memorial Events, Birthday Parties (Sweet 16’s) From the Diary of the Servant of God Sr. Faustina Note Book I, p 197 IMPRIMATUR: + Joseph F. Maguire 1RYHPEHU %LVKRSRI6SULQJ¿HOG0DVV BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE Midco Accounting Services, Inc. 24 Hour Emergency Towing 1075 Central Park Avenue • Suite 205 • Apple Bank Plaza Scarsdale, NY 10583 • 914-723-8500 Collision & Insurance Repair Specialists 26 Milburn Street • Bronxville, NY 10708 • 914-337-0343 www.meritautobody.com BRONXVILLE AUTO COLLISION.COM 24 Hour Towing JOHN Collision Specialists All Insurance Claims Settled 29 MILBURN STREET · BRONXVILLE · T 914-346-8732 · F 914-346-8733 Quality Diagnostic Imaging with a Personal Touch WHITE PLAINS MRI CENTERS 3.0 Tesla & Open Sitting MRI 244 Westchester Avenue White Plains, New York (914) 946-5390 www.whiteplainsradiology.com Michael J. Di Costanzo Sr. • Michael J. Di Costanzo Jr., CPA Midco@midcotax.com • www.midcotax.com Saturday & Evening Appointments Available J. C. Fogarty's Town Tavern Lunch • Dinner • Cocktails • Catering 60 Kraft Ave. • Bronxville 337-1122 MATH TUTORING John Halwagy Michelle Sayegh HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL THROUGH AP CALCULUS PSAT ~ SAT ~ ACT ROGER V. CAPPUCCI, TUTOR 914-337-2743 Gino's 914.337.2123 78 Kraft Avenue • Bronxville, NY 10708 Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 7am-4pm Wed & Sat: 7am-3pm Sunday: 8am-1pm Dinner Thursday: 5:30-8:30pm Special Dinner Menu ~Ask About Our Catering Menu~ 3 PONDFIELD ROAD WEST • BRONXVILLE NY • 914-337-5221 914-961-7460 Sammy's Downtown www.ginospizzas.com www.ginoscatering.com Bistro • Bar Serving Lunch & Dinner 7 Days Outdoor Dining Available CONSTANTINA BACOPOULOU, DDS 3 course Sunset Special menu $22.95 T 914-337-3863 · F 914-337-1321 Mon thru Thurs, 4pm to 6pm Email: cbakdds30@gmail.com www.cnbdental.com 914-337-3200 50 PONDFIELD ROAD WEST BRONXVILLE, NEW YORK 44 Pondfield Road · Bronxville, NY 10708 Yannantuono Burr Davis Sharpe Funeral Homes “Serving You & Your Family With Integrity & Compassion” ~ Family Owned & Managed ~ 699-9700 ANTHONY J. GUARINO 584 Gramatan Avenue · Fleetwood 033B (EM) - St. Joseph, Bronxville -Contact Admissions Office66 Van Cortlandt Park South Bronx, N.Y. 10463 Website: www.stpatrickshome.org Catering For All Events - Online Ordering THE CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY (For private recitation on ordinary rosary beads) •Short-term Rehabilitation • Long-term Care •Palliative Care •Memory Support Unit •Wound Care Management •Physical, Occupational & Speech therapy, Spiritual Care and many Other Services T: 718-519-2800 F: 718-304-1817 Lange's of Bronxville Jubilee Year of Mercy for the Aged and Infirm "Where it all began" Carmelite Sisters serving the aged since 1931 Parking Attendant On Duty: On 2nd floor of Municipal Lot on Broad Street 699-4010 GUIDO CICCHETTI Eastway Acupuncture PC For Your Health Easter Yi, MSAOM, L.Ac. Licensed Acupuncturist, Oriental Medicine • Herbalist 1428 Midland Ave ., Suite 4 • Bronxville 914-573-1069 info@eastwayacu.com For Advertising Information Call: (800) 364-0684 BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside FRED H. McGRATH & SON INC. FUNERAL HOME 20 Cedar Street at Kraft Avenue - Bronxville, N.Y. 10708 337-6770 %URQ[YLOOH V¿UVWRQO\)XQHUDOKRPH6DPHIDPLO\RZQHUVKLSVLQFH ~ Pre-need Counseling available ~ CONTINENTALE HAIR DESIGN GABRIEL BUNDSCHUH & ASSOCS INC. 3RQG¿HOG5RDG%URQ[YLOOH1< Helping Our Neighbors With Their Insurance Needs Since 1944 TEL: 793-4198 • 793-4281 • BUSINESS • HOMEOWNERS • AUTO • LIFE & HEALTH • LONG TERM CARE Look Your Best From Head to Toe With The Finest In Continentale Beauty Care S MITH-C AIRNS F ORD -L INCOLN -M AZDA-S UBARU 900 C E NT R A L P A RK A V E . • Y O N K E R S , NY 10704 T EL . (914) 377-8100 • F A X . 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