Working Bulletin 7
Working Bulletin 7
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 1093 in the Gather Book November 8, 2015 “We are a Sunday People renewed in Christ, gifted and sent.” National Vocations Awareness Week As Catholics, we firmly believe that God has a plan for our lives! He calls some to marriage, some to the priesthood, and others to religious life or to live as generous single people. Fully living our own vocations-and teaching young people how to discern God’s call-is a serious duty, but also a joyful one. Today ends National Vocations Awareness Week, which was instituted by the US Bishops in 1976, and is now celebrated the first week of November. This year, the beginning of the week fell on All Saints Day—a happy coincidence, because a vocation, in its fullest sense, is our path to heaven and sainthood. Please pray about how God is calling you to live your vocation more deeply. Encourage the young people in your life—children, grandchildren, students, and friends—to be open if God calls them to priesthood or religious life. Pope Francis says “A vocation is a fruit that ripens in a well cultivated field of mutual love that becomes mutual service, in the context of an authentic ecclesial life. No vocation is born of itself or lives for itself. A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people, in the experience of fraternal love.” “Have you sometimes heard the voice of the Lord through a desire, restlessness, inviting you to follow him more closely? Have you had any desire to be apostles of Jesus? Ask Jesus what he wants from you and be brave!” Pope Francis’ Prayer For Vocations God our Father, you made each of us to use our gifts in the Body of Christ. We ask that you inspire young people who you call to priesthood and consecrated life to courageously follow your will. Send workers into your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with love, the suffering are comforted, and your people are strengthened by the sacraments. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Worship Word Service Community P.O. Box 38 (1402 Route 209, Gilbert) Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania 18322 Church Office: (610) 681-6137 Fax: (610) 681-6139 Parish Website: Like Us on Facebook: Our Lady Queen of Peace Church O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P EACE C HURCH N OVEMBER 8, 2015 Stewardship of Faith Mass Schedule Daily Mass Monday through Friday: 8am and 12:10pm Saturday: 8am Sunday Obligation Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am; 10:30am; 12:00 Noon 1:30pm Spanish Mass Confessions Monday: 6:30pm to 7:00pm (Monday Confessions are held in the main church behind the choir.) Saturday: 4:00pm to 4:45pm Regional Sunday Mass at 7pm at St. Matthew Parish in East Stroudsburg, PA Every Sunday except Christmas and Easter. ALL ARE WELCOME!! Habra misa en Español cada domingo-1:30pm. Todos invitados-Anuncien esto a sus amigos y otros feligreses de la parroqua. Tambien invitamos a todos a nuestros grupos de oración 7pm el viernes. Por favor únase a nosotros. T HIRTY S ECOND IN O RDINARY T IME Notice concerning some “spiritual” practices: In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, (# 2116) we find the following paragraph: “All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.” For Christians, the only mediator needed is Jesus himself as Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Wedding Banns 3rd Banns Michael Iannotto & Teale Nattress United In Christ Lord God, Source of all love, Your providence has brought this couple together. As they prepare for the sacrament of marriage We pray for your grace upon them, That, strengthened by your blessing, They may grow in respect for one another And cherish each other with sincere love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Eucharistic Adoration every Friday in the Daily Chapel after 8am Mass until 7pm. Recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm. Evening Prayer and Benediction at 6:45pm. Jesus waits for you!! O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P E ACE C HURCH Stewardship of Prayer This Week’s Mass Intentions Saturday, November 7 5:00pm James Joseph Weir Jr./Weir Family Sunday, November 8 8:00am Evelyn Hawk/Eric & Kim Hoffman 10:30am Jane & Jack Smith/Esther Keinzl 12:00pm John Martin/Bill & Beverly Lewis 1:30pm Denise Bilotti/husband & sons Monday, November 9 8:00am Claudette & Raymond Lawlor/family 12:10pm George Molnar/Helen Molnar Suswal Tuesday, November 10 8:00am Lawrence R. Yozwiak/Donna & Larry Yozwiak 12:10pm Angelo Filomena & Ann Farda/Joe Farda Wednesday, November 11 8:00am John Balas/Susan Balas 12:10pm Kenny Tadrzynski/Leo & June Weir Thursday, November 12 8:00am Anthony & Beatrice Fugazzi/family 12:10pm Norman Cassella/Rosemary Cassella Friday, November 13 8:00am Jerome Hudson/wife 12:10pm Ross Castagna/family Saturday, November 14 8:00am Jean Kratzer/Hamilton Family 5:00pm Todd Ritchie/Mom & Dad Sunday, November 15 8:00am John Martin/Doerbecker Family 10:30am Diana Still/Cathy Aitken 12:00pm M/M Louis Romano/Paul & Stephanie Romano 1:30pm Thomas Thurgood/Perweiler Family PAGE For those in need of Hope, Healing and Health Crawford Smith, Joseph Schmelzle, Richard Gray, Rich Rizzo, Susan Balas, Rebecca Mitchell, Peter Sebastionelli, Robert Hasselbach, Robin Stier, Michael Kelly, Mary Lippincott, Steven Farina, Frances Scott, Robert Corbi, Elliot Castillo, Sister Janice, Frances Conway, Mackenzie Getz, Francis Olier, Joseph Iannacone, Mark Natoli, George Mason, Nancy Schrader, Edmund Stets, Sean Foley, Brian Meyers, Barbara Holm, Sandy Heller, Carol La Mont, Hank Foertsch, , Cheryl Morse, Tom Mastruzzo, Carmen Becceril, William Perez, Lisa Galizia, Ron Bohack, Vincent Crusco, Frances Kelly, James Kelly, Ralph DiPietro, Maria Grazia-Freni, Mary Ann Triola, Paul Romano, Christine Dafcik, Victoria Guaracci, Frank J. Guld, Gladys Guld, Steven Hill, Deborah Gehr, Judy Yarka, Joe Yarka, Susan Zieberski, Denise Zieberski, Kim Price, Stan Swiecicki, Russ Schwartz, Carol Lamont Please call the office if you would like to add yourself or a family member to our prayer list. We will renew this list each month. For the Military: If you would like to place yourself or a family member on this list, please call the office and provides us with name and rank. Devin O’Connell PO3 USN GySgt Thomas J. Howard Sr. Sgt Mark A. Bumbulsky Airman Anthony J. Bumbulsky Airman Howard Stevens Lt Jonathan Galgoci USN SPC Jordan Walters 1st Lt Alexander Walters PV2 Dennis Stanhope Jr CPT Tim Carlin SSGT Edward J. Drozd SSGT Gary M. Gassman 3 PVT Nicholas Garaguso SR Nicholas Kolment LtCol Tanya Dear, Air Force Major Keith Billman Spc. Larissa Lopez Chief Justin C. Melody Ensign Scott Douglas Captain Matthew Meckes USMC Cpl Matthew J Stevens Andrew Larregui Airman Ralph Lucchese Sgt Eric McCausland US Army Sgt Phillip J. Sever Sgt Joshua R. Sever LtCom Greg Crosby CPT Lauren De Jesus PFC Stefan De Jesus CPT Matthew DeSabio Major Stephen Pletchan PVT ToniAnn Valdner M.P. LCpl Matthew Smith USMC Cpl Matthew Tucker USMC Spc. Kevin R. Booth O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P E ACE C HURCH Spirit-Filled Evening for Women: Advent by Candlelight Our “IMAGES OF LOVE” Advent program on Sunday, November 29th from 5:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. in McCawley Hall. This is a wonderful evening of The Word, music, prayer and fellowship to help you prepare your hearts for the Advent season before the holidays get into full swing! Please call Marge at 570 9777784 if you would like to be a Table Hostess. Call Martha at 570 992-2567 if you would like to attend but are new to the parish and want to join us as a guest. We will be happy to find a place for you at one of our tables. There is no charge for this event…However, a Donation of a New or Nearly-New Blanket for the PVEN would be appreciated. ALL LADIES ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US. Be sure to call for reservations today. Altar and Rosary Craft Fair Calling all the wonderful bakers at Queen of Peace to help with baked goods for our Bake Table at our craft fair on November 28, 2015. This year we requesting sugar free and gluten free baked items, along with regular baked goods. Please bring your goodies to McCawley Hall anytime on Friday, November 27th up until 7 PM. Altar and Rosary Society Meeting Due to the Arise program the regular meeting for Altar & Rosary will be held on THURSDAY, November 19, 2015 at 6:30 pm. Please try and attend this meeting as it is the last meeting before our crate fair and there will be things to finalize. Notice Regarding Sexual Abuse of a Person Under Eighteen Years of Age by Ordained or Lay Personnel of the Diocese of Scranton Such an act should be reported to the Diocese by calling the Victim Assistance Coordinator (570 3445216) or the Chancellor (570 207-2216) or the Vicar of Priests (570 207-2269). Upon receiving a report of this kind, the Diocese of Scranton is committed assisting victims or survivors of sexual abuse in their pursuit of emotional and spiritual well-being. P AGE 4 Veterans Day Wednesday November 11th “We enjoy great freedoms in the United States. Let us never forget the men and women who have laid their lives on the line to defend and protect our precious liberties. The annual celebration of Veterans Day invites us to remember those killed in the line of duty, those still suffering the effects of their generous response in times of national need, and, of course, everyone who has retired from active duty. We cannot forget the sacrifices of so many. We sense an obligation to express our gratitude, and we certainly remember them in our prayers." Archbishop Broglio Archdiocese for Military Services, USA Donations Needed for Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets for those in need in our community. Please bring donations of hams, turkeys, and fixings (stuffing, gravy, canned vegetable, instant potatoes) to the Church Office. If you or someone you know is in need of a basket this holiday season, please call or email the Church Office at or 610 681-6137 Mass Greeter Schedule for November 14/15 5:00pm: Dave & Lisa Adrian 10:30am: Jinny Swan, Meg Carpenito, Kathy Fisher, Adamaris Marcial, Rivera Family 12 Noon: Judy Baldwin, Martha Smith, Erin Picciano, Suzie Farley, Marge McCauley If you would like to be a greeter, please contact the office. Church Cleaner Schedule November 14 A. Pechkis, L. Cangialosi, C. Martin, D. Hicks Thank you for cleaning our Church! For more info about this ministry, please call Diane at 570 629-4185. Nuestra Senora de la Paz Horario Para La Palabra De La Sagrada Escritura Encargada de Los Lectores: Maria Diaz 570 972 4421 November 8: Maria Elena Y Luisa November 15: Alvaro Y Janette November 22: Maria Elena Yepes Y Luisa O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P E ACE C HURCH Pastoral Staff PASTOR - Rev. Michael F. Quinnan (ext. 112) ASSISTANT PASTOR-Rev. Seth Wasnock (ext. 126) DEACON - Robert A. O'Connor Jr. (ext. 148) DEACON- Ralph Weichand (ext. 149) Business Manager - Kim Hoffman (ext. 111) Director of Faith Formation- Jacki Douglas (ext. 114) Parish Secretary– Debbie Trivett (ext. 110) Music Ministry - Lindsey Blundetto (ext. 127) Youth Ministry- Dori Hurley (ext. 117) PreSchool Director- Margaret LaFiura (ext. 118) PreSchool Teacher-Rebekah Larregui (ext. 132) Our Parish is very concerned about the environment and the effects of water extraction on our local water table. With that said, last weekend, letters were placed on the windshields of cars in the parking lot during Mass. Please note that no official in our parish wrote the article, we had no notice that the article would be distributed as it was, and we cannot be responsible for the content of that article. Along with whoever wrote this article, we share concern for the environment and we encourage everyone involved to become educated on this important local concern. Come and relax at the Blue Ridge Estates Vineyard & Winery and listen to a motivational talk “Living Your Life To Its Fullest Potential And What Really Counts”, given by Randy Detrick. Please join us on Saturday, November 14th from 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm. The cost is $25.00. Wine tasting and souvenir glass, hors d’oeuvres, a silent action and door prizes! Come out and support your local Food Pantry. Please contact PVEN at (570) 992-3136 to reserve a seat. P AGE 5 Preschool Corner Help us to help local families for the holidays Blessed Beginnings Preschool 5th annual Stuff the Turkey Box Food Drive st November 1 thru November 23rd Our “turkey” box will be located in the preschool hallway Our goal is to STUFF the turkey all the way to the top. With : frozen turkeys, stuffing, box potatoes, can veggies, chicken broth, canned yams, gravy or any non-perishable holiday food Boxes will be made and given to local families in need of food for the holidays. We welcome to our Parish Family, through the Sacrament of Baptism: Isabella Marie Anthony Daughter of David and Brittaney A Baptismal Prayer Heavenly Father, In your love you have called us to know you, led us to trust you, and bound our life with yours. Surround this child with your love, protect this child from evil. Fill this child with the Holy Spirit and receive this child into the family of your church, that this child may walk with us in the way of Christ, and grow in the knowledge of your love. O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P E ACE C HURCH P AGE 6 Steward of the Week Diana Raia would like to nominate Christina Lenway as Steward of the Week for the beautiful song that she wrote for the choir, "Just For Today". She has been gifted with an amazing talent and we are blessed that she chooses to share it with us. Nominate our next Steward/s of the Week! Send the name of your nominee and why you nominated that person or group to or call the Office. 610 681-6137 Stewardship of Treasure Thank you for sharing what God has given you! Offertory: $11,566.00 Online Giving: $1,073.00 All Saints: $2,350.00 All Souls: $1,940.00 Our DDA Goal $62,000.00 194 our of 2597 families 7.47% Total Raised 56.88 % of our goal! $34,643.00 Needed $27,357.00 Our Lady Queen of Peace Stewardship Prayer Generous and loving God, you gather us together as one family in our Catholic faith. Help us to proclaim your Kingdom by our words and actions. Guided by the Holy Spirit and with the help of Blessed Mary, may we share our time, talents, and treasures and abundantly return these, our gifts, to You. Amen We thank Eurotek Automotive for their continued support of our parish bulletin. Please patronize our sponsors. If you would like to advertise in our bulletin, contact Connie Poremba at 1-800 364 0684 ext. 88 QOP FLEA MARKET -- As you change your wardrobe from summer to winter, if you have clothing that you don't plan to pack away for next year, please save it for next year’s Flea Market. Men, women, teens, and children – all types of clothes, including shoes. If you have any questions, call Lynn Smith 570-350-2704 or Kelli Krechel 610-381-2642. The fundraiser will be held on June 24-26, 2016. Thank you! O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P E ACE C HURCH P AGE 7 "For in the sacred books, the Father who is in heaven meets His children with great love and speaks with them; and the force and power in the word of God is so great that it stands as the support and energy of the Church, the strength of faith for her sons, the food of the soul, the pure and everlasting source of spiritual life." Chapter VI, paragraph or verse 21 From November 15–21, 2015, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invites families, parishes, schools, and other Catholic groups to participate in National Bible Week in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum. This year's theme, "The Bible: A Book for the Family," builds on this year's Synod of Bishops on the Family and Pope Francis's visit to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families. All are invited to bring their family bibles to Mass on the weekend of November 14 and 15. Please place your bible in the sanctuary in front of the altar. They will be blessed during Mass and you may retrieve your bible at the end of Mass. Enthroning the Bible in the Family To show that God is at the center of their lives, many families enthrone the Bible, the Word of God, in a visible place in their homes. By placing the Sacred Scriptures in a prominent place decorated with flowers and art, and by gathering at this spot for daily prayer, families show that God is present and active through his Word. A special prayer service to enthrone your bible in your home is available that the Bishop’s Website.. The newly created ORPHAN OUTREACH Ministry, under the direction of Sandie Flannery, wants to thank all of the parishioners, families and merchants who donated items or helped to make our Tricky Tray a success. We are looking forward to many more opportunities to support orphans. Did you know that there are over 125 million orphans world wide?! Our goal is to do what we can to make a difference and we know we can not help save them all but will do what we can do to help those that we can. If you are looking to get involved in this exciting new Ministry opportunity, please contact Sandie Flannery at 570/350-9652 and please check next weeks bulletin for our meeting time and location. Remember: "We can not all do great things; but we can do small things with great love." (Mother Teresa) QOP Youth Ministry Teens of Peace Tues Nov 10 (7-8:30pm) 5:30pm: Core Meeting Cooking for CSS Living 4:12 Wed Nov 11 (6-7:15pm) Cooking for CSS November 13, 14 and 15 Youth 2000 Retreat! O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P E ACE C HURCH P AGE 8 O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P E ACE C HURCH P AGE 9 O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P E ACE C HURCH P AGE 10 THE 14KT OUTLET STROUDSBURG GRANITE CO DAVID H. PIERCE, D.D.S., P.C. 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