May 24 - Our Lady Queen of Peace Church
May 24 - Our Lady Queen of Peace Church
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Church “We are a Sunday People renewed in Christ, gifted and sent.” A message from the Pope: A fundamental element of Pentecost is astonishment. Our God is a God of astonishment, this we know. No one expected anything more from the disciples: after Jesus’ death they were a small, insignificant group of defeated orphans of their Master. There occurred instead an unexpected event that astounded: the people were astonished because each of them heard the disciples speaking in their own tongues, telling of the great works of God (cf. Acts 2:6-7, 11). The Church born at Pentecost is an astounding community because, with the force of her arrival from God, a new message is proclaimed — the Resurrection of Christ — with a new language — the universal one of love. A new proclamation: Christ lives, he is risen; a new language: the language of love. The disciples are adorned with power from above and speak with courage — only minutes before they all were cowardly, but now they speak with courage and candour, with the freedom of the Holy Spirit. Thus the Church is called into being forever: capable of astounding while proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ has conquered death, that God’s arms are always open, that his patience is always there awaiting us in order to heal us, to forgive us. The risen Jesus bestowed his Spirit on the Church for this very mission. Take note: if the Church is alive, she must always surprise. It is incumbent upon the living Church to astound. A Church which is unable to astound is a Church that is weak, sick, dying, and that needs admission to the intensive care unit as soon as possible! Some in Jerusalem would have liked for Jesus’ disciples, frozen in fear, to remain locked inside so as not to create confusion. Even today, many would like this from the Christians. Instead, the risen Lord pushes them into the world: “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you” (Jn 20:21). The Church of the Pentecost is a Church that won’t submit to being powerless, too “distilled”. No, she doesn’t submit to this! She doesn’t want to be a decoration. She is a Church that doesn’t hesitate to go out, meet the people, proclaim the message that’s been entrusted to her, even if that message disturbs or unsettles the conscience, even if that message perhaps brings problems and sometimes leads to martyrdom. She is born one and universal, with a distinct identity, but open, a Church that embraces the world but doesn’t seize it; she sets it free, but embraces it like the colonnade in this Square: two arms that open to receive, but that don’t close to detain. We Christians are free, and the Church wants us free! -From Pope Francis at the Angelis last year. Worship Word Service Pentecost Sunday May 24, 2015 Today’s Readings: 990 in the Gather Book. Monday, May 25, 2015 Memorial Day Mass will be offered at 12:10pm. The Church Office will be closed. Community O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P EACE C HURCH M AY 24, 2015 Stewardship of Prayer This Week’s Mass Intentions Saturday, May 23 5:00pm Marion Saitta/Friends Sunday, May 24 8:00am Frances Kearney/Robert & Susan Anderson 10:30am Catherine Kubasta/Sal Sacco 12:00pm Angela Anselmi/Antonio Anselmi 1:30pm Marlvina Candian Leborgne/Diane & Ed Iandoli Monday, May 25 Memorial Day 12:10pm For our New Parishioners Tuesday, May 26 8:00am Francis J. Scharf/wife Wednesday, May 27 8:00am John Martin/Nancy & Jim Matsko Thursday, May 28 8:00am Todd Ritchie/friends Friday, May 29 8:00am Todd Ritchie/Ritchie Family Saturday, May 30 8:00am Communion Service 5:00pm Matthew Martin Tucker/June & Leo Weir Sunday, May 31 8:00am Michael Komraus/family 10:30am Philomena & Dominick Piccolo/Piccolo Family 12:00pm Vito Galati/family 1:30pm Carol Falcone/Piekarski Family For those in need of Hope, Healing and Health Dominick DiMichele, Ann Manfre, Ron Bohacki, Lisa Galiza, Ralph DiPietro, Maria Grazia-Freni, George Mason, Angi Bremer, Ian McGoldrick, Ashlee Murray, Annaya Murray, Ayanna Murray, Edward Iandoli, Kevin Oldroyd, Brian Meyers, Cheryl Morse, Connie Rega, Deb Mooney, Nunzio Forte, Marianne Hinrichs, Ashley Bagosy, Mary Ann Triola, Brian Boyce, Hank Foertsch, Mary Amundsen, Harriet Packer, Paul Romano, John Matthew Russell, Shawn Everett, Christine Dafcik, Robert Corby, Victoria Guaracci , Frank Guld, Gladys Guld, Steven Hill, Deborah Gehr, Donald Hiemenz, Judy Yarka, Joe Yarka, Susan Zieberski, Denise Zieberski, Kim Price, Stan Swiecicki, Russ Schwartz. Please call the office if you would like to add yourself or a family member to our prayer list. We will renew this list each month. P ENTECOST S UNDAY For the Military: If you would like to place yourself or a family member on this list, please call the office and provides us with name and rank. SPC Jordan Walters 1st Lt Alexander Walters PV2 Dennis Stanhope Jr CPT Tim Carlin SSGT Edward J. Drozd SSGT Gary M. Gassman SR Nicholas Kolment LtCol Tanya Dear, Air Force Major Keith Billman Spc. Larissa Lopez Chief Justin C. Melody Ensign Scott Douglas Captain Matthew Meckes USMC Cpl Matthew J Stevens Andrew Larregui Airman Ralph Lucchese Sgt Phillip J. Sever Sgt Joshua R. Sever LtCom Greg Crosby CPT Lauren De Jesus PVT Stefan De Jesus CPT Matthew DeSabio Major Stephen Pletchan PVT ToniAnn Valdner M.P. PFC Matthew Smith Corporal Matthew Tucker USMC Spc. Kevin R. Booth We welcome to our Church family through the Sacrament of Baptism: Siena Greco Daughter of Louis and Dessiliaua Cecilia Ariel Daddea Daughter of Michael and Rachel 2nd Wedding Banns Theresa Anne Basile & David Harold Shoup O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P EACE C HURCH Stewardship of Faith The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a way of welcoming, forming and initiating new members into the Church. The RCIA process helps to lead those considering the faith on a journey from inquiry to enlightenment and ultimately, commitment by a combination of storytelling, discussion, prayer and teaching. In fact, throughout this process, the entire parish community acts as teacher and learner, growing in its own faith as a result of sharing it. Sessions run from September to Pentecost, meeting weekly. Any adult seeking information about becoming Catholic, or who has not yet received the sacraments of the Eucharist and/or Confirmation, is invited to become part of the RCIA experience. The implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is addressed to the following groups: 1. Unbaptized adult converts. 2. Unbaptized children of catechetical age. 3. Baptized but not catechized adults and children of catechetical age 4. Catholic or Non-Catholic preparing for Confirmation and Eucharist. 5. Baptized Christian (Non-Catholic) candidates for reception in the full Communion of the Catholic Church. For more information contact the Church Office. Quo Vadis? Where are you going? Date: June 28th to July 1st Location: Misericordia University, Dallas PA Register: Diocese of Scranton Office of Vocations Phone: (570) 207-1452 Email: Quo Vadis Days 2015 is a camp for young Catholic men in High School to: deepen their faith learn more about all vocations better discern God’s call in their lives Dynamic talks, prayer, games, sports activities, and music. PAGE 3 Mass Schedule Daily Mass Monday : 12:10pm Tuesday-Friday: 8am Saturday: 8am Communion Service Sunday Obligation Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am; 10:30am; 12:00 Noon 1:30pm Spanish Mass Confessions Monday: 6:30pm to 7:00pm (Monday Confessions are held in the main church behind the choir.) Saturday: 4:00pm to 4:45pm Habra misa en español cada domingo-1:30pm. Todos invitados-Anuncien esto a sus amigos y otros feligreses de la parroqua. Tambien invitamos a todos a nuestros grupos de oración 7pm el viernes. Por favor únase a nosotros. Eucharistic Adoration: Every Friday after 8am Mass until 7pm. Divine Mercy Chaplet 3pm We are in need of adorers during these hours. P.O. Box 38 (1402 Route 209, Gilbert) Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania 18322 Church Office: (610) 681-6137 Fax: (610) 681-6139 Parish Website: Like Us on Facebook: Our Lady Queen of Peace Church O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P EACE C HURCH P AGE 4 Stewardship of Time and Talent Altar Severs are a very special group of young people in our parish who have answered God’s call to ministry. We thank them for their time and dedication. Ann Marie Albanese Olivia Altman Jason Barrios Giuseppe Carbone Megan Chechel William Chechel Victoria Colich Nicholas Colombo Briana Dilger Peter DiMichele Shavaughn Frank Donald Freeman Leah Freeman E. J. Iandoli Olivia Izzo Andrea Janak Brendan Kearns Kieran Kearns Kory Kearns Mychal Kearns Dale Knowles Delia Knowles Courtney Krechel Ryan Krechel Matthew Kreciewski Morgan Krueger Elizabeth Larregui Gabrielle Larregui Moses Larregui Annie Lenway Drew Lenway Kate Lenway Victoria Lindner Shannon Lozier Elizabeth Lucchese Joshua Lucchese Annamaria Mollica Joseph Mollica Michael Mollica Steven Nale Tina Onubogu Connor Pandolfo Ryan Purgar Kendyl Ramsay Kyli Ramsay Josh Rivera Julianna Rivera Ariana Rivera Christopher Rodgers Ronald Salvi Sophia Salvi Mark Tichy Erin Tortora Anthony Tucciarone William Reid Warnken Joseph Zaleski Philip Zaleski Thank you for sharing with your parish what God has given you!! Weekly Offertory - $11,738.50 Ascension - $2,381.00 Online Giving- $690.00 Catholic Communications - $1,830.00 Our Lady Queen of Peace Stewardship Prayer Generous and loving God, you gather us together as one family in our Catholic faith. Help us to proclaim your Kingdom by our words and actions. Guided by the Holy Spirit and with the help of Blessed Mary, may we share our time, talents, and treasures and abundantly return these, our gifts, to You. Amen Do you know someone in our parish who is a good steward? Our Lady Queen of Peace Church is a special parish because so many parishioners volunteer their time. Please let us know if there is someone you feel could be our next Steward of the Week! Tear off this coupon and put it in the collection, Suggestion Box or bring it to the office. Name______________________________________________________ Why you think that he/she/they is/are a good example of Stewardship ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Submitted by_____________________________________________________ O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P EACE C HURCH Concise Minutes from the May 4th Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Opening Prayer: followed the oral reading of the Mission Statement Approval of Minutes: Minutes Approved Diocesan Dialogue on Pastoral Leadership ~ presentation on the regional meeting with Bishop Bambera was given by those in attendance at the meeting. In review of the information presented, members discussed their feelings about the future of our diocese including our parish. We discussed some of the issues regarding the church today plus the effects of culture and Sunday Liturgy on the attitudes of priestly vocations. We discussed what can be done, within the laws of the Church that will help us prepare for a future situation where we are without a permanent parish priest. Options, like Lay Ecclesial Ministry, and other views were shared that would transfer some administrative burden from the shoulders of the parish priest. These discussions will continue in the following months. As a Catholic we have faith that the hand of God is present in our difficulties and will show us His will in this and every issue. With confidence in our Creator we shall not doubt or fear because as Bishop Bambera reminded us, He will be with us always. Parish Pastoral Plan ~ in order to align with the Servant Leadership guidelines of the Diocese of Scranton, we are changing the names of Pastoral Life Ministry areas ~from~ Spirituality, Faith Formation, Evangelization, and Stewardship ~to~ Word, Worship, Community, and Service. Mission Statement ~ Months of deliberation have developed a new Mission Statement for our new Parish Pastoral Plan, compact to memorize and filled with purpose. Our discussions took a deep and careful look at each word and its meaning. Each part of the new mission statement points to one of the four ministry pillars of our parish, as written below: P AGE 5 Mass Greeter Schedule for May 30/31 5pm: Judy Baldwin, Mary Ann Cloos, Dave & Lisa Adrian 10:30am: Meg Carpenito, Joyce Castillo, Marge McCauley, Adamaris Marcial, Kathy Fisher 12 Noon: Martha Smith, Joan Rinker, Marie Greene, Suzie Farley, Erin Picciano, Veronica Gorczyca If you would like to be a Mass Greeter please contact the Church Office. Church Cleaner Schedule May 30 J. Cardello, D. Ezro, T. Aguilar, S. Farley Thank you for cleaning our Church! For more info about this ministry, ~ We are a Sunday People, renewed in Christ, gifted and sent. ~ please call Diane at 570 Parish Pastoral Council New Member Discernment ~ Nominee Invitation 629-4185. Weekend, May 9/10, last call for parishioners interested in Parish Pastoral Council Ministry Communication Skills Series Workshop ~ Consensus & Collaboration, Appreciative Inquiry, Pastoral Planning Process will explore key elements of parish group work with additional elements that apply to our parish, Office of Parish Life, September 12th 9am -4pm @ St. Ignatius Parish, Kingston. Decisions Made: Mission Statement PPC Meeting Dates Confirmed Attend Workshop in September in lieu of Meeting Next Steps: Next Coordinating Council Meeting: May 19th at 10 am PPC Nominee Information Meeting June 1, 2015 @7-8 pm, Conference Room Next PPC Meeting: June 1, 2015 @ 8-9 pm in the Conference Room June Opening Prayer Leader: Councilman Martin Ritchie Attend Gallup Workshop on May 23rd, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm PPC Discernment Meeting July 7th @ 7-8 pm, Café PPC Member Meeting July 7th @ 8-9 pm, Café Attend Communication Workshop, September 12, 2015 Respectfully submitted by Linda Carbone, Secretary Complete version available on the website ~ “Organizations” ~ “Pastoral Council” Nuestra Senora de la Paz Horario Para La Palabra De La Sagrada Escritura Encargada de Los Lectores: Maria Diaz 570 972 4421 May 24 Maria Elena Yepes Y Luisa Bereavement Support Group If you have lost a loved one you are welcome to join us for healing and fellowship. Our next meeting is May 24 at 1:30pm in the Café. All are welcome. O UR L ADY Q UEEN OF P EACE C HURCH P AGE 6 Stewardship of Time and Talent Memorial What’s Happening Mass of Flea Market Bake Sale Members of the Market Bake Sale Team are looking for Remembrance Flea parishioners to bake goodies for the bake sale. Team members will be in the church Tuesday, atrium on May 30th and May 31st. Stop by May 26 our tables and sample some of the delicious goodies that will be for sale at the Flea Marat 7pm ket. Sign up sheets are in this bulletin and will also be avail- All are welcome as we gather together to remember our loved ones in this special liturgy. Please come early to sign our book for your loved one. At the conclusion we will gather in the Atrium for refreshments and fellowship. Basket Donations Needed: Our Parish Flea Market will be hosting a Basket Raffle at our Flea Market on June 19, 20 and 21st We are seeking new donations for the Baskets listed below. With the outstanding support of our parishioners we were able to make 20 HUGE baskets to raffle off last year. Thank you so much Gardeners Dream Basket Hand Tools, Seeds, Flower Pots, Plant Markers, Etc. Wine Not? Bottle of Red, Bottle of White, Perhaps a Bottle of Rose instead...You get the hint!! Please bring items to the Church Office. Office of the Aging Monroe County Chestnuthill Senior Gathering Time and Lunch Where: Zion Lutheran Church Brodheadsville When: Every Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 1:30pm Cost is $2.00/person per day. Call to register 570 420-3735 able for parishioners to complete on May 30th and May 31st. Free Concert Tribute to Veterans! Sunday May 24th at 5pm Chestnuthill Park 221 Rt. 715 Brodheadsville Featuring Leigh Lombardo-Cole, and Chris Eckert and the music of Neil Diamond, Lee Greenwood, the Band Perry and many others. Free refreshments for all veterans!! Bring Lawn Chairs, blankets and bug spray. Concessions Available! It’s almost TIME for the FLEA MARKET to start!! Parish donations start May 29, 2015. Please hold onto your furniture & other large pieces until the week of June 8th. We could also use the following: Please HELP sort & price donations from May 27-June 14 LEND us your box trailer or carport DONATE cases of soda for our Food sales. Any kind! CONTRIBUTE packing tape or poster board If you have any questions, call Kelli Krechel 610-381-2642 or Lynn Smith 570-350-2704. Checkout the church website for more Flea Market information! Trip to Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster. Tuesday November 17 for the Christmas Show. Leaving at 9:15 am from St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish Lunch: Hershey Farm Restaurant Please mark you calendars. For more information please contact Marianne Hajduk at or 570 643-1293 Construction Begins This Spring ... New Mausoleum Garden at Cathedral Cemetery Pre-Construction Discounts of 10% until July 1, 2015 Additional above-ground entombment options are available at comparable or less than traditional burial costs. Visit or call 570-347-9251. THE 14KT OUTLET STROUDSBURG GRANITE CO DAVID H. PIERCE, D.D.S., P.C. 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Casey T. Weiss, DVM 2040 ROUTE 209 • BRODHEADSVILLE, PA 18322 • 570-730-2271 GOWER Funeral Home & Crematory ~ Donald N. Gower ~ 610-681-4848 Route 209 · Gilbert, PA FISHER'S Attorney at Law Heating & Air Conditioning LLC. 1854 Route 209 Brodheadsville, PA SALES-SERVICE-INSTALLATIONS 570-992-2424 Treating All Kinds of Water Problems Sales • Service • Installation Family Owned and Operated for Over 27 Years 610-588-3338 DAVID A. MARTINO Liberty Water Conditioning Fully Insured Free Estimates 570-977-1937 610-681-4654 A No tree too small or too tall, one call does it all. Parishioner Christopher Beck, Tree Surgeon DUCTLESS AND CENTRAL A/C HEATPUMPS / FURNACE SERVICE Rt. 115 - Effort, PA MR. 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