Saint Ignatius of Antioch The final victory belongs to the Lord… and


Saint Ignatius of Antioch The final victory belongs to the Lord… and
The Roman Catholic Church of
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
June 19, 2016
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“I am the wheat of God. I must become the pure bread of Christ.” St. Ignatius of Antioch
Msgr. Joseph A. Pellegrino, Pastor
715 E Orange Street
Tarpon Springs, Florida 34689
Mass Schedule:
Saturday…….4:00 and 6:30 p.m.
(Fulfills Sunday Obligation)
Sunday……...7:30, 9:00, 11:30 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. Life Teen
Weekdays…..7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
Saturday…….9:00 a.m.
Schedule of Confessions:
Saturday…….3:00– 3:45 p.m.
and after the 6:30 p.m. Mass
Main Office ext. 201
Msgr. Joseph A. Pellegrino, Pastor
ext. 209
Rev. Brian Fabiszewski, Parochial Vicar ext.207
Rev. Kevin Molloy, in Residence
ext. 208
Deacon Samuel Moschetto
ext. 210
Deacon John Edgerton
ext. 222
Ron Appel, Parish Manager
ext. 215
Katherine Creamer, Office Manager
ext. 201
Lorna Moffitt, Parish Mgr. Assistant
ext. 203
Eldean Jenkins, Facilities Manager
ext. 201
Anne Harman, Music Director
ext. 206
Rev. Brian Fabiszewski, - Director
Fran Morin, Pre-K—8th Grade
Katie Napolitano
Evangelization and Spirituality
Laura Margarella, Caritas
ext. 207
ext. 220
ext. 224
ext. 221
Bart Kovacic, Life Teen
High School Ministry
Jen McIlveen, Edge
Middle School Ministry
ext. 246
ext. 210
Sharon Stokely, Director
ext. 225
Mrs. Mary Stalzer, Principal
Mary Caesar
Miraculous Medal Devotion:
Before 9 a.m. Mass each Wednesday
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
The final victory
belongs to the Lord…
and to us!
Thursdays after 9 a.m. Mass until 10:15 a.m.
First Friday of the Month 9:30 a.m. until 9 p.m.
Baptism: Please call the Parish Office
Marriage: Please call the Parish Office
at least 6 months in advance.
Holy Orders: Please call
Rev. Carl Melchior at 345-3338
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JUNE 19, 2016
Har Megiddo
I want to begin by talking about an event that took place when I was a teenager. This was
the assassination of president, John F. Kennedy. Now, I know that history has shown that President
Kennedy was not all he was made out to be. He was pretty immoral in his private life. Perhaps some of
this flowed into his public life. He also made some decisions as president that history has shown had
horrible effects on the future of the country.
But none of that could be known back on November 22, 1963 when I was a sophomore in
high school. For me, and for most of the country, John F. Kennedy was a wonderful, dynamic young
man whom we all looked to and admired. He told us to “Ask not what our country could do for us,
but ask what we could do for our country.” He met with John Glenn after Glenn became the first
American to orbit the world in space, and then said that before 1970 an American would walk on the
moon. Neil Armstrong did exactly that in 1969. Besides everything else, John F. Kennedy was a
Catholic. He was proud of his faith. When during the election he was asked if the Vatican would run
the country or he would, Kennedy responded that he would serve as president of the country. The
Vatican would not rule the United States. “But, what if the Pope gave you a direct order?” some
reporter asked. “Then I would leave the presidency before I would leave my faith.”
I was sold on this man. We all were. And then, suddenly, he was gone. Most people my age
can tell you exactly where we were when we first heard the grim news from Dallas. Just like most of us
remember exactly where we were when they heard the news of the airplanes striking the twin towers
on 9-11. Like on 9-11, when the President was assassinated our nation literally closed shop and went
into a long period of mourning. All work stopped. Everyone watched the funeral on TV. Everyone
bawled when 4 year old John-John saluted his father’s casket.
I am recalling these incidents this week due to a phrase found at the conclusion of the first
reading for this Sunday from the Book of the Prophet Zechariah. The reading tells about the coming of the
Messiah. It then says that they shall look on him whom they have thrust through and mourn for him
as one mourns for an only son. “On that day,” the reading says, “the mourning in Jerusalem shall be as great
as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the plain of Megiddo.”
The mourning of Hadadrimmon in the plain of Megiddo. What was that about? What
happened is that a great young leader, the hope of the Nation of Judah, was killed. It was worse than
the assassination of President Kennedy. For years the Kingdom of Judah had suffered the tyranny of
the most wicked king in its history, the terrible King Manassah. Manassah was so bad that some of
the ancient recorders of history even refused to mention his name. However, when Manassah died,
he was succeeded by his eight year old son, Josiah. Josiah grew up to be completely different from his
father. He destroyed all the forms of pagan worship that his father had inflicted upon the people.
He put an end to the immorality the people were forced to join. Josiah was good. Josiah was kind.
Then, in about the year 609 BC disaster struck. Young King Josiah led the army against the invading
Egyptians. On the plains of Megiddo near the city of Hadrimmon, Josiah was killed. And the weeping
for Josiah was like the weeping for Kennedy.
Overlooking the plains of Megiddo, where Josiah was killed, there is a mountain, Mount
Carmel. This mountain is extremely significant, extremely important in the Bible. It was on
Mount Carmel that the Prophet Elijah defeated the forces of evil in the battle of the prophets.
The Hebrew people believed that a day would come when the forces of good would have the final
victory over the forces of evil. A day would come when the forces that gave Elijah victory on
Mount Carmel would defeat the forces that destroyed Josiah on the plains of Megiddo. It would be
the day when the power of God seen on the mountain, or in Hebrew, Har, would win the final victory
of Megiddo. This final battle would be called the battle of Har Megiddo, Armegeddon.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Leading this battle would be the Messiah of God. He is the one who
will give the final victory of good over evil.
"Who do people say that I am?" Jesus asked His disciples. "Some say
John the Baptist, some say Elijah or one of the prophet." "Now, who do you
say that I am," Jesus asked again, "You are the Messiah of God," Peter replied.
Jesus is not just a famous preacher. He is not one of many famous people
who have lived. He is wholly different than Buddha or Mohammed. He is
unique. He is the Messiah of God, the Son of God.
Jesus will conquer, but His conquest will come after His suffering and
death. All will look upon the One whom the people of the world have thrust
through and mourn for Him. Jesus would not be the only one who would die.
His disciples will conquer, but first they will have to follow in their Master
steps and lose their lives for His kingdom.
We will conquer with Jesus; but first we will have to lose our lives, at
least those parts of our lives which would destroy the Life of Christ within us.
We have to actively oppose immorality in our country, our families and our
lives. This demands real suffering. It means being mocked because we value
life over the convenience of abortion. It means being excluded because we are
not going to get drunk or take drugs at a party. It means drawing a line so that
all our relationships might be wholesome.
We have to have an attitude in life that is thoroughly opposed to the
mind set of the world. We have to be more concerned with others than with
ourselves. We have to put the needs of the poor and the powerless before our
own desires. We have to join the Lord in dying for others.
It is serious business being a Christian. The Second Battle of Megiddo
is being waged even as we speak. We are part of the forces of the mountain,
the forces of God. The enemy is the egocentricity of the world that has no
need of a Redeemer and has therefore rejected the Work of God. The enemy
is fierce. But we go to battle with the Messiah of God as our leader. He is
winning. And we are winning.
We need to carry on the Battle for Christ. Jesus Christ is calling us
to battle. From the top of the mountain, Har, the Lord is calling us to join
Him on the plain of Megiddo. Har Megiddo. Armageddon. “Come to
Armageddon,” He says. “Come and join the battle of good against evil.
Come and fight for the Kingdom of God.”
Do not surrender to evil. Do not give up hope.
Do not give up the faith. Do not give up. Remember,
it is impossible for the new Josiah to lose. The final
victory belongs to the Lord.......and to us.
Yours in Christ,
You are invited to make a gift
towards our Altar Flowers
in memory of,
in thanksgiving for,
in celebration of or
in honor of a person or event.
The donation is $50 for the
weekend floral
arrangements. This dedication
will be printed in the bulletin
for the requested week.
If interested, please come
by the Parish Office
between 9 - 4 on
the weekdays.
Lord, grant eternal rest to the
souls of our dearly departed,
especially for
and for all those
we hold
in our hearts
who have died,
may they rest in
the arms of God.
Page 4
First Friday of Adoration & Benediction
“Before beginning to pray and while praying before the Blessed Sacrament,
let your interior glance rest on the One who is there and should you be distracted,
renew your glance. Keep reminding yourself that Jesus is looking at you and you are
looking at Him.” (St. Teresa of Avila)
Sr. Briege McKenna, OSC, the world renowned missionary and faith healer
who gave us our Lenten Mission, reminded us that Jesus in the Tabernacle, in
the Sacred Host, is not a dead person but a real person, the Risen Jesus, His real
humanity and His real divinity as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. What an
awesome gift we have as Christians called to be Catholic (universal). While we can pray to Jesus anytime
and anywhere, the only place we encounter Jesus in His humanity and divinity, His personhood is at
Mass or in prayer before the Tabernacle or during Exposition of the Sacred Host.
Sr. Briege, in her book, “Miracles Do Happen” spends three hours a day praying before the
Sacred Host exposed in her convent tabernacle. In her book, she says: “When I go to the chapel, I
spend time praising God. I find in my own prayer time, that praise brings me out of my distractions of
everyday life and helps me to open up to the Spirit. Then I just sit there and talk with Jesus. The first
thing a person does when speaking to another person is to look at him. St. Teresa, in speaking of
recognizing the Lord’s Presence said the failure to recognize that someone is there, that God is there,
lies in the root of all our problems in prayer. We will do with Him what we expect others to do when
they speak to us—to look at Him.”
Very few prayerful Catholics can spend three hours in prayer as Sr. Briege
but we all can spend one hour each month at First Friday Adoration in our Chapel
to come and “Look At Him” in the Sacred Host and talk to Jesus,
(prayer is a conversation between two friends), pray the rosary,
listen to Him in Spirit of His everlasting Word in the Gospels.
Come visit Jesus this July 1st from 9:30 a.m. ending at 9 p.m. with Benediction in our Chapel.
What a wonderful way to begin the Fourth of July weekend.
Scripture & a Slice
Peters Pence Collection
Join our Edge Middle School Youth Ministry
at Sunset Beach for some
Scripture and a Slice of Pizza!
Tuesday, June 21st from 5-8 p.m.
For more details contact
Jen McIlveen at 727-492-8652.
The weekend of June 26th,
our diocese will take up the
Peter’s Pence Collection.
The Holy Father uses these funds to
carry out his charitable works
around the world.
The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged:
victims of war, oppression, and disasters.
Join our Holy Father as a witness of charity to
those who are suffering.
Happy Father’s Day
A Father’s Day Prayer
Pope John XXIII
Saint Joseph,
Guardian of Jesus,
you passed your life
in loving fulfillment of duty.
You supported the holy family of Nazareth
with the work of your hands.
Kindly protect those who trustingly
come to you.
You know their aspirations,
their hardships, their hopes.
They look to you because they know
you will understand and protect them.
Assure those you protect
that they do not labour alone.
Teach them to find Jesus near them
and to watch over Him faithfully
as you have done.
Page 5
Crafts & Rosary Makers
Join in
on Monday mornings
from 9:30 a.m.—12 noon
in the hall.
This Month’s Food Drive
Our next Food Collection for our
Community Life Ministry will be
June 25th & 26th
Place non-perishable food items in the containers
in the Church.
Some suggested items:
Financial donations welcome.
“Whatever you do for the least of
your brothers you do for me”
Spanish Mass beginning August 27th!
Help get the word out to our Spanish speaking neighbors.
Beginning on August 27th we will have a Spanish Mass on
Saturday evenings at 7 p.m. in our Fr. John LaTondress Chapel.
Misa en español todos los sábados
a las 7 p.m. en la Fr. John La Tondress Chapel
a partir 27 de agosto.
Para información 727-934-4163
If you are interested in helping with the Spanish Mass
please contact Fr. Brian at 937-4050 ext. 207
Page 6
June’s Ministry Spotlight
Our Men & Women’s Groups of St. Ignatius
These groups help support our parish in a variety of ways.
The Women’s Council
All women of the parish are invited to join in on Monthly Lunches,
Guest Speakers, Fall Craft Bazar, Valentine Card & Game Party, Retreats and
much more. The Women’s Council Mission Statement:
To support and nurture the women of St. Ignatius Parish
in Spiritual, educational and social endeavors.
For more information please contact Patti, W.C. President, at 727-938-8510.
The Knights of Columbus
Our Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to
making our community a better place, while supporting our Parish.
Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of
giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference.
For more information please contact the Grand Knight, Joe Gerek at 727-935-4216.
Brothers in Christ
Our group meets every Wednesday at 6:00 a.m. in the hall.
All men of the parish are invited to attend weekly sessions and delve deeper
into a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Church He founded.
Come explore the wonders of the Catholic faith in a fresh new way.
Coffee & Donuts are served.
For more information contact: Jim Edmiston: 727-642-9555 or Geoff Kirby: 813-728-2082
Lay Carmelites
Plea for Volunteers
As Carmelites we live our life of allegiance to Jesus Christ
and to serve Him faithfully with a pure heart and a clear
conscience through a commitment to seek the face of the
living God, through prayer, through fraternity, and through
service. These three fundamental elements of the charism are
not distinct and unrelated values, but closely interwoven.”
If the above quote describes a life you are longing
for, we invite you to “Come and See”
for yourself at one of our meetings.
For dates, times and more information contact:
Barbara Westcott – 727-842-5058 or
Pat Mermelstein – 727-862-6138
Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center
needs you!
Please consider serving God by helping pregnant
women and families in need and by
protecting our most precious preborn infants.
We need: Client Advocates, Office Assistants,
Fundraising, Ultrasound Nurses or Technicians.
(Nurses can also be trained to provide ultrasound).
For more information:
Diane Pecchie727-550-4236
or at
DOSP Catholic Charities Ministry
distributed this week at
Florida Hospital North Pinellas
by Caritas Volunteers were
donated by Anne Morocco
wishing all the dads
of our parish a
Happy Father’s Day!
Page 7
Welcome Inactive Catholics
We welcome any Catholics
who have been inactive in
the practice of their Faith,
for any reason,
to open-end meetings on
Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in classroom 6.
Plenty of opportunities for discussions.
If you know someone you think might be
interested in coming, just invite them.
St. Ignatius Early Childhood Center…
Farewell to Our VPK class that is moving on to Kindergarten.
ECC would like to wish all our families a safe and happy summer.
School resumes August 10th!
Ages 2-5 & Free VPK
Call 937-5427
Pick up applications for next year in the parish office and/or schedule a tour.
Stop by the school and see what makes our early childhood center outstanding!
Page 8
We are seeking an experienced part time
Janitorial worker for morning duty
four days a week (which will include Sunday)
with the ability to work flexible shifts as needed.
Qualified applicants must have general knowledge
and experience in facility cleaning and standards;
be able to operate cleaning equipment and have
the physical capability of lifting up to 50 lbs.
Must have a friendly attitude, able to identify,
repair and supply needs and communicate and
coordinate completion of projects/requests with
other departmental staff. Must have good
communication skills and be a self-starter.
Position requires an active driver’s license,
ability to read and write English, successful
completion of level 2 background screening
and attend a Safe Environment training.
Please submit a cover letter, resume and
a list of three professional references to:
Ron Appel, Parish Business Manager,
715 E Orange St, Tarpon Springs FL 34689
Fax: 727-943-0676
Bethany Shoppe Summer Hours:
Open every third Sunday for
June, July & August
from 8:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m.
Regular hours will resume on
Sundays and Tuesdays
beginning September 11th.
Autism Support Group
A diagnosis of autism
for a family member
becomes a walk in faith,
a journey supported by the Lord.
Mike Laverty, a 20 year parishioner,
is seeking to form a support group for families
in our parish who face the challenges
of this disorder.
As a parent of a 16 year old son with autism,
Mike has conducted extensive research in autism
and earned a doctorate to better learn how to
recognize the hidden blessings of these children.
Please call Mike at 727-992-5111
or email at either
if you are interested in attending a meeting.
We will meet the second Tuesday of each month
beginning September 13th in classroom 2.
Polo Shirts & T–Shirts with our
St. Ignatius Crest on the Pockets
are now available!
White or Light Blue 100% Polyester
T– shirt sizes XS-XL $15 XXLG $18
Men and Women Polo Shirts S-XLG $25 2X $26.50 3X $27.50 (up to 5x)
Place your orders with Edmar Outfitters
740 N Pinellas Ave Tarpon Springs, 34689
Cash, check or credit card accepted.
Pick up at the store or $5.95 Shipping & Handling per shirt.
Delivery 7-10 business days from receipt of order.
If you wish to have a Mass said for special intentions or for deceased family members or friends
please stop by the parish office between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. weekdays.
Saturday, June 18
4:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m..
Sunday, June 19
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m..
11:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
12th Sunday Ordinary Time
Zechariah 12:10-11,13:1
Galatians 3:26-29
Luke 9:18-24
+ David Witeck
+ Agnes Bruno
+ John Landis Hess
For the People of Our Parish
+ Beth Janick Seman
+ Charles Randolph
6:00 p.m.
Life Teen Night in the hall
Monday, June 20
2 Kings 17:5-18
Matthew 7:1-5
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
+ Judith Jankowski
+ Jackie King
Vacation Bible School c6 –10 & hall
Tuesday, June 21
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
2 Kings 19-9-36
Matthew 7:6-14
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
+ Jude Kenny
+ M. Elayne Shaffer
+ Martin Lodovico
Vacation Bible School c6 –10 & hall
5:00 p.m. Edge Scripture & a Slice- Sunset Beach
Wednesday, June 22
Sts. Paulinus, St. John Fisher
& St. Thomas More
2 Kings 22:8– 23:1-3
Matthew 67:15-20
7:30 a.m.
Thursday, June 23
2 Kings 24:8-17
Matthew 7:21-29
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Vocations to the Priesthood &
Religious Life
+ Edward & Marguerite Junge
9:00 a.m.
Special Intentions of
Laura Margarella
+ Kathleen L’Abbate
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
+ Sheila Gracy
+ Fred Dulac
Saturday, June 25
Lamentations 2:2-19
Matthew 8:5-17
9:00 a.m.
For An End to Abortions
Saturday, June 25
4:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m..
+ Richard Kloczko
+ Barrry Harper
Friday, June 24
Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Isaiah 49:1-6
Acts 13:22-26
Luke 1:57-80
Sunday, June 26
13th Sunday Ordinary Time
1 Kings 19:16-21
Galatians 5:1-18
Luke 9:51-62
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m..
11:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Inactive Catholics Meeting c2
Vacation Bible School c6 –10 & hall
Vacation Bible School c6 –10 & hall
7:00 p.m.
Boy Scouts c2-4
Food Pantry Drive this Weekend
+ Olive Ransier
For the People of Our Parish
+ Patricia Wiater
+ Tony & Carol Griffith
Don’t Miss an Event!
Vacation Bible School c6 –10 & hall
6:00 p.m.
Life Teen Night in the hall
Keep in Touch!