parish ministries - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
parish ministries - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
St. Michael The Archangel Catholic Church 2281 State Road 580 Clearwater, Florida 33763 Phone: (727) 797-2375 Fax: (727) 791-8287 Website: Welcome to our Community Fr. Gregg Tottle, Pastor Fr. Theodore Costello, Associate Pastor Fr. Joseph. Hertel, OFM, Assisting Fr. C. Ross Finlan, Assisting Pastoral Assistants: Sr. Thérèse Carolan, OSC, ext. 229 Sr. Therese Dugan, SND, ext. 224 Administrative Assistant: Eileen Woodbury Ext. 221 Director of Religious Education: Katie White, Ext. 243 Director of Music: Elizabeth Lyons, Ext. 237 Maintenance Supervisor: Mel Orange, Ext. 234 Youth Director: Tim Burke, Ext. 244 Chairman of the Parish Council: Kathleen Dupuis, Chairman of the Finance Committee: Nancy Ridenour Guardian Angels Interparochial School Mrs. Cindy Malinski, 799-6724 ORATORY MEDITATION CHAPEL HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri: 8:30 am to 7:00 pm Wednesday: 8:30 am to 8:00 pm Saturday 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesdays from 8:30 to 8:00 PM in the Oratory Vocations Holy Hour with Benediction from 6 until 7 PM Parish Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Friday: 9:00 am to noon. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm English Sunday: 8:00 am, 9:30 am and 11:00 am Domingo: 3:00 pm Misa En Español; Confesión 2:00 pm Monday to Friday: 8:00 am Saturday: 8:00 am w/Anointing of the Sick SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday: 3:00-4:00 pm and after the 4:00 pm Mass; also after the 8:00 am Mass on the Thursday before the first Friday of each month. BAPTISM: Arrangements are made six weeks in advance. \ MARRIAGE: Six months formation program is required. MISSION STATEMENT: To engage our Parish Family in continuing the loving and reconciling ministry of Jesus Christ through Worship, Witness and Works. PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers: Adult Spiritual Formation: Baptism Preparation: Chancel Choir & Junior Choir: Christian Initiation of Adults: Vince Bauer— Sr. Therese Dugan, SND Ext. 224 Sr. Therese Dugan, SND Ext. 224 Liz Lyons – Ext. 237 Paul Koppie 785-2684 For unbaptized adults or adults interested in learning about the Catholic Faith Contemporary Choir: Sherri Willms and John Peterson Community Care Ministry: Temporary services for our “shut-in” parishioners. Home and Hospital Visitation: Sr. Thérèse Carolan, OSC – Ext. 229 EM to Sick/Homebound: Betty Taylor Eucharistic Ministers at Mass: Sr. Therese Dugan, SND - Ext. 224 F.A.S.T. (Faith & Strength for Action) Betty Taylor 734-1071 Grief & Bereavement Support: Sr. Thérèse Carolan, OSC – Ext. 229 Hospital Visitation: All area hospitals have Catholic chaplains for the ordinary Sacramental care of Catholic patients. Parish visitation upon request. Lectors: Don and Pat Kantner 692-1612 or 492-1845 Liturgy Committee: Darren Vermost Nursery (for ages 1-4): Open - 9:30 AM Mass only Infant Chapel: Available at all Masses for families with infants (located near Choir area) Parish Vocation Enrichment Team: Sr. Margaret Harig, SND 733-1045 Prayer Line: Meg Fucillo – 734-4552 Religious Education: Pre-K - Grade 1: Sunday 9:30 AM (September - May) Grades 2-8: Monday 6:45 – 8:00 PM Evenings and Sundays Phone 797-7083 Katie White – DRE – Ext. 243 Hospitality: Larry Hogan Sacristan: Tracy Marshall Ushers: Pete Daly Welcome Committee: Richard and Kathy Clark ORGANIZATIONS Alcoholics Anonymous: Arts & Crafts: Bingo: Council of Catholic Women: Hispanic Association: Knights of Columbus: Legion of Mary: Respect Life: St. Vincent de Paul Society: Weekdays at Noon and Thursday 8:00PM - #6 Marie Bronson Stanley Karnyski Toni Montevago 420-2070 Gladys Vargas Gerry Morneau 580-8586 Lucy Napoli 796-5616 Donna Selkey Mel Hartman — Ext. 217 Where there are no telephone numbers listed, please call the Parish Office for referral (797-2375) Guardian Angels Catholic School - 2270 Evans Road, Clearwater, Florida 33763 (727) 799-6724 Principal: Mrs. Cindy Malinski Why not become a Parish Volunteer? Third Sunday in Ordinary Time From January 11th to Jan.14th, our pastor and five St. Michael’s parishioners traveled to our sister parish, Sangre de Cristo, in Jinotega, Nicaragua, in Central America to attend the dedication of the new parish building which St. Michael helped to fund. Our two years of fund-raising activities by our Twinning Committee, the St. Michael’s Council of Catholic Women, and your donations to Bishop Herrera-Gutierrez upon his visit here last year made this building possible. The building will serve as a rectory, a gathering center for delegates (lay mission leaders who travel once a month from the 22 remote mountain missions serviced by Sangre de Cristo), and a library with religious instruction materials for children and adults. Words cannot express the gratitude of the people of Jinotega for making their dream come true. The first thing we saw when we entered was a large banner thanking St. Michael parishioners. When the bishop cut the ribbon, several hundred parishioners, adults and children, poured joyfully into the new building to witness his blessing of the facility. Children re-enacted the Gospel and performed folk dances. Women served a box lunch to all who attended, and some of the men formed a mariachi band, creating a totally festive atmosphere. We experienced first-hand the devotion of this community. People came down from the mountains to be at the ceremony, starting their journey early in the morning in the rain. No matter how long or hard their walk, men, women and children put on their best clothes and shoes to walk the rugged roads to attend Mass. It is difficult to convey the poverty level of the people: one-room homes with corrugated tin roofs with a single light bulb hanging over a dirt floor. Scarce employment consists mostly of the seasonal cutting of coffee beans on local plantations. Some of the men cut wood from the rainforest on the high volcanic mountains, load it on donkeys and bring it down to sell as firewood during these cold winter months. Women cultivate small vegetable gardens and bake bread in mud ovens for sale out of their homes. Their meager resources do not prevent them from donating as generously as they can to the common good and to attending Mass on a regular basis. The Church is the center of their lives. Page 3 Our hope is that our next mission help will consist of a medical brigade. This time, among other practical necessities, we took toothbrushes, toothpaste, and reading glasses. A big THANK YOU to all at St. Michael’s. The people of Sangre de Cristo, our fellow Catholics, will not easily forget all whose work, money, prayers and support have made their life so much richer before Contributed by Janice Andrews, Twinning God. Committee Chairperson, and Sr. Therese Dugan, SND RIBBON CUTTING 1/13/13 AT OUR SISTER PARISH SANGRE DE CRISTO JINOTEGA, NICARAGUA The Parish of Sangre de Cristo receives with joyful thanks our brothers and sisters from the Parish of St. Michael (from left: Ron Willms, Fr. Rudryc Sovalbarro, Sr. Therese Dugan, Janice Andrews, Bishop Carlos Enrique Herrera-Gutierrez, Fr. Gregg Tottle, Norma Mabandos and Dr. Juan Falla). photo courtesy of Norma Mabandos St. Michael the Archangel Church January 27, 2013 ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary to commemorate a special occasion, please contact our Head Sacristan, Tracy Marshall, at 432-0128. BIBLE STUDY Bible Study begins this week with Sister Therese Dugan. There will be eleven sessions focusing on the Gospel According to Luke which is the Sunday Gospel for 2013. Groups will meet Tuesday nights with repeat sessions on Thursday mornings. Sessions begin: Tuesday, Jan. 29 7:00 -8:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan 31 10:30 a.m.-Noon (Repeat of Tuesday session) All sessions are held in St. Michael Library, Room 13. REGISTRATION: Please call the parish office to put your name on the list. A fee of $20 per person, payable at the door, will cover the books and the handouts. “HAPPY HEARTS HELPING HOSPICE” Fashion Show and Luncheon Sat. 2/16 11 AM to 3 PM Espiritu Santo, Safety Harbor $18/ticket includes chicken cordon bleu luncheon. All proceeds to benefit Suncoast Hospice. For tickets, contact Susanne Papa at 784-7887. The St. Vincent de Paul volunteers extend sincere thanks to all who contributed last weekend, helping them to continue to help those most in need with food, rent and utility assistance. God bless you! A SINCERE THANK YOU to all who made the flea market last week such a tremendous success: to those who donated goods and to the many shoppers who scooped up our fabulous bargains. Special thanks to the Women’s Club, Legion of Mary, and the many others who donated their time and efforts. We couldn't have done it without you! P.S. Start saving your cast-offs for our next event. SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 2013 Offertory Envelopes Used Attendance Building Emergency $ 17,211.44 656 2548 $ 497.00 Thank you for your generosity Page 4 CANDLEMAS Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Saturday, February 2nd BLESSING OF CANDLES AT 8 AM MASS BLESSING OF THROATS SATURDAY, FEB. 2nd. AFTER 4 PM MASS and SUNDAY, FEB. 3rd AFTER ALL MASSES St. Michael's 13th Annual Father/Daughter Dance Friday, February 1, 2013 7-10PM FATHERS & FATHER-FIGURES: Buy your tickets TODAY. It’s not every day that you can spend an evening with your daughter(s). We invite Fathers and “Father-figures” to bring their daughter of ANY AGE to spend some quality time together and experience an evening of dance and fun! Our event has become a big success thanks to the participation of so many volunteers. We are again requesting volunteers to send in trays of baked goodies. That night, there will be a D.J. and souvenir photos will be available for purchase. To volunteer selling tickets, assisting on the decorating Committee or helping us the evening of the dance, please call Clara Moll at 727-637-7217 as soon as possible. Tickets are on sale between the Masses on Sunday THIS week. You can also purchase tickets by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope with payment to: Father-Daughter Dance Tickets, c/o St. Michael the Archangel Church, 2281 State Road 580, Clearwater, FL 33763. Cost of each ticket is $5 per person, with a maximum of $15 per family. Checks should be made out St. Michael the Archangel Church. You will pick up your ticket the night of the dance at the door. We feel God has truly blessed this dance and thank all of you in advance for making it a “wonderful memory” for all. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP How strong is your faith? Can your faith take a surprise, a really BIG surprise, one that could change the direction of your life? Come to Youth Group this week to learn about a person whose life was changed dramatically by a big surprise. We meet from 6:30-8:00 in Room #8. MOVIE AND PIZZA NITE Fri., 2/8 7-10 PM All middle school and high school youth are invited to a night of fun, food and a great movie in Room #8. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time BABY SHOWER and LUNCHEON to benefit Kimberly Home Wed.. Feb. 6th 10 AM Cenacle hosted by the St. Michael’s Women’s Club Please bring an unwrapped baby gift or a cash donation. All women of the parish 18 yrs. and older are welcome! CDs and pamphlets in Narthex/English and Spanish ROSARY AND CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY Monday thru Saturday after 8 AM Mass /ORATORY #5635 JFK COUNCIL, 1251 San Christopher Dr. will be hosting complete baked and fried fish dinners every Friday beginning 2/8/13 thru Good Friday from 4 PM until 7 PM. $8 includes free coffee, tea and dessert. Tickets at door or call Mike Mills: 365-2582. USHERS NEEDED (2) for 11 AM Sunday Mass. Contact Pete Daly, Head Usher, at 460-2615. 2013 Catholic Men’s Conference featuring Father Larry Richards Saturday Feb 9th, St Lawrence Catholic Church Higgins Hall, Tampa. Bishop Robert Lynch will celebrate Mass at 8:30. Doors open at 6:00 a.m. Limited seating available. Suggested donation is $30 includes lunch. Register at COLUMBIETTES AUXILIARY FORMING in affiliation with the Knights of Columbus St. Michael the Archangel Council #11295 All Catholic women age 17 and older are invited to join and become a charter member. First meeting: Tues., 2/05, 6 PM in Room #13. We are the women you see every day, women just like you, striving to better ourselves, our families, our parishes and our communities through and by our Catholic faith. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Diocesan Youth Ministry Catholic Girls Retreat “Victorious In Christ” With God, You Can Be Victorious Over Any Challenge! K to 3rd Grade, Day Retreat , 2/16/12, Cost $15 4 to 8th Grade, Weekend Retreat, 2/15-2/17/12, Cost $35 Location: Wai Lani Camp, Palm Harbor Registration & details online: GirlScoutsStPetersburg or email: Page 5 WEEKLY EVENT SCHEDULE Sunday, January 27 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 12:30 PM Noon 6:30 PM Breakfast Confirmation Class Religious Education Nursery Open Junior Lectors’ Training Parish Library Open Youth Group Meeting Cenacle #11 #2 ,3 & 7 #1 Church #13 #8 Noon Noon 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM BINGO AA Meeting Junior Choir Hispanic RCIA Religious Education 10:00 AM Noon 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Group AA Meeting Bible Study Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Monday, January 28 #5, 6 & 7 #4 #13 All Classrooms Tuesday, January 29 #12 #5, 6 & 7 #13 #6 Wednesday, January 30 9:00 AM Noon 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM MCCW Arts & Crafts AA Meeting Hispanic Religious Education English for Spanish Speakers RCIC RCIA Chancel Choir Practice Knights of Columbus Meeting Hispanic Adult Choir Practice Contemporary Choir Practice 10:30 AM Noon 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Bible Study AA Meeting Legion of Mary Hispanic Evening Prayer Group AA Meeting 9:30 AM Noon 7:00 PM Parish Library Open AA Meeting Father/Daughter Dance #12 #5, 6 & 7 #2 & 3 #7 #5 #13 #4 Cenacle #11 Church Thursday, January 31 #13 #5, 6 & 7 #3 #12 #6 Friday, February 1 #13 #5, 6 & 7 Cenacle Saturday, February 2 \ PRAY FOR VOCATIONS BREAKFAST IS SERVED in the Cenacle from 8 AM until 11 AM every Sunday. Come join fellow parishioners and enjoy the best-priced meal in town. New parishioners are requested to register at the Parish Office. St. Michael the Archangel Church January 27, 2013 Sunday, January 27 8:00 AM Sarah Gullage 9:30 AM David S. Ross 11:00 AM Our Parish Family Monday, January 28 8:00 AM Sr. Mary Clare Bernier, H.M. Tuesday, January 29 8:00 AM Minnie Torge Wednesday, January 30 8:00 AM Vocations Thursday, January 31 8:00 AM James Bremkamp Friday, February 1 8:00 AM Richard Decker Saturday, February 2 8:00 AM Patricia Turner 4:00 PM Billy Deeley Sunday, February 3 8:00 AM Our Parish Family 9:30 AM Denis Kleinrichert 11:00 AM Eleanor Santeramo JUBILEE MASS OF THANKSGIVING with Bishop Lynch honoring couples in the diocese who will celebrate 25th, 50th or more years of marriage during 2013. SUNDAY, MARCH 3rd St. Catherine of Siena, Clearwater. A reception with light hors d’oeuvres will follow. You must pre-register by contacting our Parish Office no later than Monday, 2/11. MAKE A GIFT THROUGH AN IRA CHARITABLE ROLLOVER Normally, a distribution from your IRA is taxed as ordinary income. However, “fiscal cliff” tax legislation just enacted extends the opportunity throughout 2013 for individuals 70½ or older to make a direct distribution from your IRA to a qualified charity, such as your parish, the Annual Pastoral Appeal, the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of St. Petersburg, or another diocesan institution. For more information on IRA charitable rollovers, contact the Catholic Foundation at 374-0220 or visit Page 6 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Rejoicing in the LORD must be your strength (Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10). Psalm — Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life (Psalm 19). Second Reading — In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body (1 Corinthians 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]). Gospel — The Spirit of the Lord has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives (Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 98:1-6; Mk 3:22-30 Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 Friday: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Sunday: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Cor 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30 Monday: Tuesday: WALLET FOUND No money inside but priceless pictures and notes to Dad from Susan and Pam in the 1950’s/60’s and a photo of one-year old baby Tim in 1960. Claim in the Parish Office. LADIES ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS ANNUAL DANCE Sat., Feb. 2nd 7-11 PM Fraternal Order of Police Lodge, 550 Commerce Dr., Largo Great live Irish music by Tommy Goodwin and Sharon For information, call Maureen Hunt: 784-3174 You are invited to the Month's Mind Mass Thursday, January 31st, at 12:15 p.m. in the Chapel of the Resurrection. Those persons who have been laid to rest since last month's Mass will be remembered by name during our General Intercessions as we lift up our prayers for them and for all who are interred at Calvary Catholic Cemetery, 5233 118th Ave. N, Clearwater, FL SPIRIT FM~ Your Diocesan Station~ 90.5 FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED Our Church’s Loop System is compatible with hearing aids equipped with a tele-coil of T-coil. Simply set the T-coil to the ‘on’ position. SUNDAY BRUNCH – 10-3 Corner of Alt. 19 & Florida Ave. Corner of Tampa Rd. & U.S. 19 787-5588 787-8472 5 $ 00 OFF TOWARDS YOUR PURCHASE OF $25 OR MORE. May not be combined with other offers. Not valid during holidays or any other special event. Valid at all GrillSmith Locations. Parishioner FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE HOME 5% Discount on all Repairs W/Ad Scheduled Maintenance Complete Auto Repairs NEW AMERICAN CUISINE WG Albert N Docobo Owner/Parishioner St. Paul RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 813-884-1815 James Gardner PARISHIONER Agency Principal Linebacker Management Inc. Gary & Mike’s Auto Clinic General Auto Repairs 935 Douglas Ave. Dunedin Allstate Insurance Company 26238 US Highway 19 North Clearwater, FL 33761 727-441-3054 24 Hour Customer Service Auto, Home, Life, Retirement 733-3348 BENCHMARK ROOFING 572-8888 Lic# RC0042011 514233 St Michael the Archangel (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 MOSS FEASTER Memorial Park FUNERAL HOMES & C R E M AT I O N S E RV I C E S 1320 Main Street Dunedin Chiropractic First Cornerstone Bank Dr. Ann Bost 3320 East Bay Drive Chiropractic Physician 1277 San Christopher Dr. Dunedin, Fl 34698 (727) Serenity Gardens 562-2040 Largo, FL 33771 736-2274 (727) 530-7900 (727) 724-8611 Countryside • Clearwater • Dunedin • Largo • Trinity Parishioner CHARGER ELECTRICAL SERVICES ALL WORK PERFORMED BY THE OWNER 727-937-5999 Tony Caligiuri, Parishioner St. Ignatius Rose Garden” Physical Therapy Back, Neck, or joint pain? Personal Attention (727) 784-6088 29605 US 19 N. Ste. 360 Clearwater DAVE HEINOLD’S UPHOLSTERY Furniture . . . . . . . . . Auto 1230 Lady Marion Lane Dunedin 734-3273 A Wide Selection of Fabrics $10.00 OFF ANY SERVICE ST. VINCENT de PAUL THRIFT STORE Now Open Till 6pm 446-8355 Lic. # CF033850 409 N. FT. HARRISON Now Open 23399 US HWY 19N CLEARWATER LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER (North of NE Coachman Road East of US 19) Quality used clothing, jewelry, furniture, housewares and more SHOP OR DONATE! 10 am-6 pm Monday-Saturday 727-442-5306 Licensed & Insured Lic. # ER13013648 “We Help People” Susan S. Roper, M.D. HANDYMAN Countryside Dermatology & Laser Center Dedicated to the Pursuit Of Excellence! 727-791-1411 (727) 278-0824 Skin Disease & Acne, Skin Cancer, Skin Surgery, kennygaulin@ Skin Rejuvenation, Laser, Thermage®, Actice Fx™, THOMAS M. MILLMAN, D.D.S. Botox®, Restylane®, Mohs Micrographic Surgery FAMILY DENTISTRY 1201 County Road One Dunedin, FL 34698 Parish Member for 10 years, Our Lady of Lourdes 727-734-3321 Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning Taxation & Probate Steakery & Fishery Salad Bar Banquet Facilities Available “Sturgeon Memorial FOUNDATION 29750 US Hwy 19 N., Suite 101 Clearwater, FL 33761 727-785-4447 * Parishioner Price Donoghue Ridenour Has a New Name & Location (across the street from our old office) JOSEPH J. SOROTA, JR., P.A. Attorney and Counselor at Law Parish Member 29750 US Hwy. 19 N. Clearwater, Florida Telephone 727-785-9994 449-1244 GLENN RISOLO DREW STREET BARBER & STYLING 1600 Main St., Dunedin 1891 B Drew Street Clearwater, FL 33765 733-7024 Dr. Frank Averill and Associates Sleep • Allergy • Lung • Weight Loss A Christian Medical Practice INSURANCE FOR YOUR NEEDS Local Service. It’s Our Policy. FRANK NACLERIO INSURANCE AGENCY 1340 Pinehurst Rd., Dunedin (727) 736-2929 located less than 4 miles south at: 802 N. Belcher Road, Clearwater Parishioner 727.447.3000 514233 St Michael the Archangel (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240