4th Sunday of Easter - Our Lady of Peace Catholic Parish
4th Sunday of Easter - Our Lady of Peace Catholic Parish
1 Serve One Another In Prayer and Action Our Lady of Peace Parish Our Lady of Peace Church and School April 17, 2016 - Fourth Sunday of Easter ,1&21&(57 285/$'<2)3($&(&+85&+RQ)ULGD\$SULODW30 701 PLAINFIELD ROAD • DARIEN, IL 60561 630-323-4333 Ministry Offered By: The Marians of the Immaculate Conception 2 Writings from Fr. Walter… Meet Our New Principal Tony Wilkinson I want to first say how excited I am to be the next principal of Our Lady of Peace Catholic School. I have heard so many wonderful things about the children, parents, and staff, as well as about the school and vibrant parish community. My wife, Laura, and I will celebrate our eighteenth wedding anniversary this summer. Laura is a 4th grade special education teacher in Northlake. We have thirteen year old twin daughters, Abigail and Katherine, who are in the eighth grade. My family and I have been members of St. Joseph Parish in Downers Grove for the past seventeen years. I am a member of the Knights of Columbus and serve as a Eucharistic Minister. Laura has served as a Religious Education teacher for the past eight years. I have over seven years of experience as a principal or an assistant principal. This past school year, I served as principal of St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradley. Prior to becoming an administrator, I was a teacher for fourteen years. In this role, I taught middle school social studies, science, and language arts. I also coached boys’ basketball and softball while I was a teacher. As an administrator and teacher, I have always believed in expecting excellence from myself and from all of those with and for whom I work. I believe that if you don’t expect excellence, you will never achieve this goal. I will always push myself to be a better person, father, husband, and school leader. I also push our children and their teachers to be better and to grow every day. Being a Catholic School principal means the world to me. I have been a public school principal and decided a few years ago to make the change because my faith means that much to me. I enjoy sharing my faith with my students, their parents, the staff, and other parishioners. As I was contemplating the move to Catholic schools, I was listening to the Gospel reading (Matthew Chapter 15) one Sunday. You may recall that in this Gospel reading, a man gives his servants talents. Two of them increase their talents and the third hides the talents given to him. At that time, I determined that I needed to share my talents at a Catholic school. I believe that the most important roles that every administrator takes on, especially a Catholic school principal, are those of communicator and collaborator. As the new principal of Our Lady of Peace, I look forward to working with each of you to help make Our Lady of Peace an even better place for our children than it already is. As a person, I believe the best role that each of us must serve in is as a positive role model for others to follow. If I were to use a couple of words to describe my personality, I would include the words positive, energetic, and child-centered. I am easy to talk to and am always open to ways to improve myself and our school. Again, I am extremely excited to become the next principal of Our Lady of Peace Catholic School. I look forward to working with everyone to make our school an even better place for all of us to grow in our faith and as individuals. If you would like to meet me I will be speaking after all of the Masses the weekend of April 23 & 24! 3 LITURGICAL ROLES LECTOR SCHEDULE April 23 5:30 P.M. - L. Wieczorek 6:30 P.M. - G. Farganus April 24 7:00 A.M. - K. Sheridan 8:30 A.M. - A. Manz 10:15 A.M. - P. Kenny 12:00Noon - J. Jakosalem OFFERING COUNTERS April 25 Vivien Michalski Maureen Kallen Maria Klump Marlene Neidlinger DAILY MASS: MONDAY-SATURDAY 7:30 A.M Congratulations Deacon Frank & Rose Bina!! (D) Frances Grady ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TUES: 4/19 (D) Cynthia Levin _____________________________________________ WED: 4/20 (D) Conaghan Fam. ______________________________________________ THURS: 4/21 (D) Bernadette Lewandowski ______________________________________________ FRI: 4/22 (L) Deacon Frank & Rose Bina 68th Wedding Anniversary ______________________________________________ SAT: 4/23 (D) Milton Steinke 5:00 PM (D) Raymond Segert 6:30 PM (D) Lloyd/Jane Heim SUNDAY: 4/24 7:00 AM (D) Renee Kenny Msgr. Jim Fr. Walter ________________________________________________________ Fr. Walter _______________________________________________________ 8:30 AM Fr. Ron (D) George Wojciechowski ________________________________________________________-_____________________________________________________________________ 10:15 AM (D) Vilma Plesko _____________________________________________ 12:00 Noon (D) Jack Ryan Msgr. Jim Fr. Ron For Further Information, please contact the Parish Office on 630-323-4333 Ext. 17 Cindy Diedrich John Michalski MASS INTENTIONS April 18 - April 24 MON: 4/18 PARISH REGISTRATION It is with joy, admiration and with sincere friendship that we announce the upcoming 68th Wedding Anniversary of our Deacon Frank and Rose Bina. You have graced our parish with your devoted service, loyalty and love for our Church and its parishioners. May the Lord’s richest blessings and grace surround you both always. ALTAR SERVERS April 18—April 22, 2016 N. Randazzo, E. Bares Saturday, April 23 7:30 AM: N. Randazzo, E. Bares 5:00 PM: L. Duffy, P. Fleming, V. Demaio 6:30 PM: None Sunday, April 24 7:00 AM: A/N Momchev, A. Josipovic 8:30 AM: M. Bicek, S. Abbott, J. Rivera 10:15 AM: A. Didio, S. Mettle 12:00 B. Brown, V. Esposito MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY: Please help the less fortunate with a charitable gift. Your donation allows us to supply the needy with food from week to week. The recipients graciously thank you and God continues to bless you. 4 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Your prayers have been a tremendous source of healing, empowerment, enrichment, and prophecies for all of the sick of Our Lady of Peace, especially those listed below. Join us daily by sharing your spirituality and prayer devotions for the sick. Stewardship is What I Do After I say, “I Believe.” Sunday Budget: $22,000 In Gratitude, We Announce! April 3: $24,076—Surplus: $2,076 April 10: $19,537—Short: $(2,463) Please pray for the joyful rebirth into the eternal celebration of God’s love for the departed. For the Deceased of our parish Andrew A. Spera, Jr. Cynthia Marie Lanski Alex Aguirre Maria Duffy BAPTISMS Through the Saving Waters of Baptism, we WELCOME the following: Frank Annicks, Alan Amann, Patricia Aylward, Nick Bensfield, Joseph Bielaga, Dcn. Frank Bina, Bill/James Bleacher, Scott Bocek, Donna Bogda, Sam N. Bologna, Chris Burgner, Fran Brindac, Linda Bronsteader, Sandie Jeziorski -Brown, Celeste Bucci, O.F.C., Kim Coreylie, Barb Cowell, Nancy Cheske, Ann Cristofaro, Teresita Dela Cruz, Marilyn DiFoggio, Carol Domabyl, Brooklynn Drab, Steven Duffin, Anne/Ellie Deutsch, Fran Goodell, Valerie Grawle, Laura Hearn, JoAnne Hug, Scott Ingram, Helen Jurasek, Erma Kieback, Sylvia/John Krones, Ann Lewenski, Rev. David Lord, Jaime Marquiez, Ronald Molfese, Joan Novak, Matt Osinski, Lucas Paoletti, Rose Marie Pedryc, Helen Peschel, June Pincuspy, J. Pisarczyk, Geri Ploskonka, Stanley H. Ploskonka, Anne Raymond, Joan Ritzert, Roger Rodriques, George/Laura Rossano, Charles Sanders, Martin/Mary Saso, Cruz Serrato, Karlton Smith, Joan Sobocan, Marylyn Sobun, Patricia Soukup, Andrew/Marilyn Stanley Cindy Thompson, Elaine Vassallo, Martin Viau, Brian Williams, Patricia Wolf, Patricia Wrenn, Ernest Zegadlo Micah James Piaovski WEDDING BANNS It is with Joy that we announce the Upcoming wedding(s) of: (To Be Announced) Meet our new school principal, Mr. Tony Wilkinson who will be speaking at all of the Masses on April 23 & 24. Spend a few minutes talking with him after all of next weekend’s Masses! 5 Younger Than Ever Seniors meeting will be held on Monday, April 18 at 12:00 Noon at the Sportsplex. Join us for a game of Bingo Tickets available for the “Cinco de Mayo” Celebration. Luncheon Tickets: $10.50. Tickets must be purchased in advance. The Younger Than Ever Seniors of Our Lady of Peace Church is Sponsoring A Trip to Memphis/Graceland September 11 to 17, 2016 $599 Double Occupancy - $824 Single $100 Deposit Required We will be staying at a Casino Resort. Great place for gaming! Included: 6 Breakfast and 4 Dinners. Tours of Sun Studio, Graceland and a guided tour of Memphis. Just to name a few that we will be touring. Questions: Please contact Jim and Charlotte Napoleon at 630-964-4422. 6 Strengthening the Church at Home The Annual Catholic Home Missions Appeal Notice from the Diocese of Joliet Please See Page 12... REPORTING SEXUAL ABUSE: Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or other Church personnel is urged to report the matter immediately. To inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Mrs. Judith Speckman (Victim Assistance Coordinator) at 815-263-6467 or write the Diocese of Joliet, 425 Summit Street, Joliet 60435. To inform civil authorities call DCFS at: 1-800-252-2873 or call the office of the local County State's Attorney. It is important that all parishioners know how to report abuse and to whom reports are to be made. For further information about the issue of child safety contact the Diocese of Joliet, Office of Child and Youth Protection at 1-815-722-6606 Ext. 257. The supporters of “Our Lady of Peace Food Pantry” thank the “Great American Bagel” staff at 353 W. Ogden Ave., Westmont for their weekly donations to our food pantry. We also ask our fellow parishioners to support the Great American Bagel establishments. Bless all those who support the program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²%LVKRSRI-ROLHW 7 8 Sunday Evening Mass is Returning! Beginning, Sunday, May 8th, Our Lady of Peace will be offering the Holy Eucharist at a 6:30PM Mass. This is a wonderful opportunity for people who work late on Saturdays or Sunday mornings. It is perfect for college students home for the summer and families that have early morning obligations. Therefore, we need many people to come forward to make it a joyful, prayerful and vibrant liturgy. We need Eucharistic Ministers for both species. We need lectors, greeters/ushers, artists, and enthusiastic singers and musicians and a musical director. If you have college kids coming home for the summer, please let them know. If you have been in a high school band or choir, please join us. We will start training and rehearsals soon. Please email Pat Kenny at Patkennyolp@gmail.com and spread the word. Please see future bulletins for details Saturday, April 30 will be the LAST Mass for our Saturday 6:30PM Mass. All Mass Intentions scheduled for the 6:30PM Saturday Mass will be transferred over to the Sunday 6:30PM Mass. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We ask that you prayerfully remember the efforts of those dedicated in making this Mass a successful option for our parishioners and non-parishioners alike. May the Lord bless you and your day! Men’s weekend is 4/23 & 4/24. Questions: Call Pat Kenny at 708-567-5788. 9 10 11 12 13 MARIAN COMMUNITY Rev. Walter Dziordz, MIC - Pastor 630-323-4333, Ext. 14 Rev. Ron McBride, MIC – Parochial Vicar Ext. 29 rmcbride@olopdarien.org Rev. Al Micka, MIC - Pastor Emeritus Rev. Anthony Kelpsas, MIC Clergy: clergyolop@comcast.net __________________________ Msgr. Jim Burnett— Assistance Email: jburnettolp@gmail.com DEACONS – 630-323-4333 Frank Bina – 630-789-9521 Paul Brachle – Ext. 24 Larry Fudacz – Ext. 20 lfjf7930@prodigy.net Dennis Stolarz – Ext. 19 dstolarz@olopdarien.org PARISH Kathleen Curinka – Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor 630-323-4333, Ext. 10 kcurinka@comcast.net For Bulletin Submissions olpbulletin@yahoo.com Raye Ann Durr - Receptionist/Clerical Assistant, Ext. 17 radurr@comcast.net Kellie Moore – Business Manager/Parish Administrator 630-323-4392 kmoore@olopdarien.org John Berardi - Music Director 708-828-2138 berardijohn@hotmail.com Jim Serrato, Maintenance Department 630-880-4392 – jserrato@olopdarien.org SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.olopschool.org Dr. Marian Stockhausen – Principal 630-325-9220 - mstockhausen@olopdarien.org Secretaries: 630-325-9220 Eileen Gray egray@olopdarien.org Barbara Sweeney bsweeney@olopdarien.org PARISH WEBSITE www.olopdarien.org PARISH COUNCIL EMAIL parishcouncil@olopdarien.org 14 EUCHARISTIC LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday Evening Masses: 5:00 & 6:30 PM Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:15 AM & 12:00 Noon Morning Mass: Monday-Saturday 7:30 AM HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Vigil Mass (Evening before Holy Day) 7:00 PM Holy Day: 7:30 & 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM CONFESSIONS Immediately Following Saturday Morning Mass PARISH REGISTRATION Visit on-line: www.olopdarien.org Click On: Welcome & Registration Or Call Office: 630-323-4333 Ext. 10 or 17 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Jeanne Waliczek – Coordinator 630-986-8430 – jwaliczek@olopdarien.org Dc. Larry Fudacz – RCIA & Marriage Prep. 630-674-0356 630-323-4333 – Ext. 20 – lfjf7930@prodigy.net Rissa Loucks, Young Adult Ministry Coordinator 630-487-1507; rloucks@olopdarien.org RECTORY FAX 630-323-4354 SCHOOL FAX 630-325-1995 BUSINESS OFICE FAX 630– 323-0379 To schedule an Anointing of the Sick or a priest visit only, please call our answering service at 630-323-4391. Calls will be returned in a timely manner, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:30 PM, based on priest availability, and arrangements will be made to assist your request. No other calls will be handled by this service. Thank You. DIOCESE OF JOLIET WEBSITE www.dioceseofjoliet.org/ MARRIAGE: Our Parish is a wonderful setting to celebrate your Sacrament of Marriage. Couples must make arrangements at least 9 months to 1 year before your proposed wedding date to allow for ample time for Marriage Prep. Please contact Deacon Larry Fudacz at 630-323-4333 Ext. 20. BAPTISM: We ask that the parents be registered members of the parish. First time parents must attend one hour (plus) of Pre-Baptismal instruction held on 2nd or 3rd Tuesdays of February, April, June, August, October and December at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Hall. The Pre-Baptismal class may be taken before the birth of the child. Call Fr. Ron McBride for more information and to schedule, at 630-323-4333 Ext. 29. EUCHARISTIC HOME AND HOSPITAL VISITATION MINISTRY: Our PASTORAL CARE MINISTERS are available to bring Communion to Shut-Ins at home, in hospitals and nursing homes. Request CARDS for PASTORAL CARE VISITS can be found in the Church Lobby and may be placed in the weekend collection basket OR, please contact Deacon Frank Bina 630-789-9521.