Saint Aloysius Catholic Church
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church 21 Cherry Street, New Canaan, CT 06840 Handicap Accessible Don’t miss this very special event that will set our hearts on fire with the love of God! November 3, 2013 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Wednesday, November 6 9:00 am Mass & Rosary in the church followed by Brunch and Talk in Stapleton Hall Father Ian Jeremiah will present a “do-it-yourself” retreat in preparation for a Consecration to Jesus through our Blessed Mother based on Michael Gaitley’s book “33 Days to Morning Glory” All Women of the Parish Invited Sponsored by Our Lady’s Guild Our Knights of Columbus will hold a Marian Prayer Service on Monday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel before the beautiful icon of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception moves to another site in the country. All are invited to join the Knights as we pray to our Mother in Heaven. PARISH OFFICE 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 Phone: 203 966-0020 Fax: 203 972-7691 Richard Phelan - Business Manager Marie Pelletier - Administrative Assistant Email -, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Phone: 203 966-4555 Fax: 203 972-7691 Marie Pascale - Director Email - MUSIC MINISTRY Phone: 203 652-1180 Fax: 203 972-3359 Thomas Marino - Director Email - YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY Phone: 203 652-1154 Fax: 203 972-7691 Chris Otis - Director Email - PRIESTS/CLERGY Rev. Msgr. William J. Scheyd, Pastor Rev. William G. Carey, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ian M. Jeremiah, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ralph Segura, Parochial Vicar Permanent Deacons Deacon Stephen W. Pond Deacon William A. Santulli The St. Aloysius School Autumn Auction Website is now available and bidding will begin on Monday, November 4th. Please go to staloysiusschool and check out the amazing items that are up for auction. There are over 200 items, many of which are available online only. The auction format features "buy it now" items, as well as items that can be bid on and the bidding will continue at the Auction Party on Saturday, November 16th. All are welcome to help support our school by buying items on the website and/or attending the Party. For more info, please call Sue Oates at 203-921-6556. St. Aloysius, our parish patron helping a victim of the plague SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF THE PARISH SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil for Sunday 5:30 pm. Sunday 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am and 5:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon., Wed., Fri.: 7, 9 am, 5:30 pm./ Tues., Thurs., & Sat.: 7:00 am & 5:30 pm. BAPTISM Celebrated each Sunday at 12:45 pm. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism class, held the 2nd Monday of each month at 8 pm in the Maple St. Meeting Room. To schedule a Baptism and register for the class, call the Parish Office. RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00 – 5:00 pm, 7:30—8 pm and by appointment. Every First Friday one half hour before each Mass. MARRIAGE Call the Parish Office at least nine months prior to the wedding date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK If someone is ill at home or in the hospital, please call the parish office to arrange for Communion and administration of the Sacrament of the Sick. PLEASE PRAY FOR: PARISH WEBSITE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM July and August 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 2nd Saturday 9:00 AM -12:00 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HOURS Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 3:30; closed Friday July and August - closed PARISH STAFF Financial Office Rita Rainone, Financial Religious Education Annemarie Jardon, Confirmation Coordinator Kathleen Redman, Grade Level Coordinator Mary Karen Keneally, Administrative Coordinator Music Cidalia Alves,, Dir. of Youth Choir Angelo Natalie, StAY Choir/ Praise Band Maintenance Willie Roeder ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL 33 South Avenue; Phone: 203-966-0786 Principal, Dr. Donald Howard Secretary, Karen Iaco Gabriel Simon Aljalian Marie Bartolutti Gary Benway Gladys Borodich John Borodich Louise Borzumato Ellen Brakeley Theresa Butler Beverly Buonaiuto The Campano Family Tony Cantone Fr. William Carey Isabella Caruso Marie Castry Mallory Chila Rose Chopek Sheila Civale Anne Cleary, Teresa Costello Frank Cristello Patricia Dailey Ellen & Julio Delatorre Louise DePalma Frank DiMuzio Jean DiPanni Larry DiPippo Eileen Dolan Kathleen Dooley Mara Douglas Melissa Fagen Mario Fanone Susan Fay Ryan Fitzpatrick Janina Formencini Michael Fratina Scott Gordon Tony Granata Chris Griffin Angelo Gesualdi Joseph Haas, Sr. Corinne Harrison James Heffner Len Henriksson Gwen Howsie Walter Jaykus Danny Joosten Mary Katawa Ronnie Lazzaro Father Bernie Keefe Nancy Kelleher Donovan King Kelly Krauser Knott Christopher Kotos Helen P. Kuzlik Alice Landry Thomas Lloyd Betty Lovastik Don Lynch Mary Maher Donald McQuid Jane Michon Linda Milazzo Jacqueline Minio Yvette Morena Howard Morrin Jon Morrison Anne Z. Murray Isabelle Nunez Alex Newton Gene O’Callaghan Domenick & Julia Palladino Mary M. Pelletier Lori Perkins Carol & Robert Pinard Walter Pojasek Al Poole Mila Quini Carole Quinn Iracema Galvani Quinete Sherry Rafferty Jessina Rodriques Dean Rohrer Al Romano Jane Rowland Rita Stilton William P. Schupler Dominick Sciarretta John Smith Angela & Roderic Stock David Sullivan, Jr. Thomas Sullivan James Thoile Joe Tighe Caiden Toores Joseph Toppin Anna Totaro Kerry Patrick Tracy Eileen Vetter Ryan Joseph Willen and the sick & suffering known only to God. We also wish to pray for our service men and women: Sgt. Thomas Aldrich; SPC Andrzej Blazejczyk, PFC Daniel Carpino; Cptn. Elizabeth A. Condon; Sgt. Joseph Coppo Jr. ; Capt. Michael Gonzalez; 1st Lt. Michael Howard; Lt. Col. Lon Karl; Lt. Todd J. Kniffen, U.S. Navy, Spec. 3rd CL Thomas Lally; LCPL Thomas Miller; Captain Christopher Morgan; CMDR Patrick A.Piercey; Lt. Col. Christopher Schilling; PFC Steven Vasko; Lt. Cmdr. Stefania Sigurdsson; Cptn. Kyle Weaver Parish Finance Council - - - David Molloy - Chairperson - Email: Parish Advisory Council - - - -- Christine Ayoub - Chairperson - Email: MISSION STATEMENT: We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ striving to proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed. Through worship, evangelization, formation and service we invite our brothers and sisters to know the Lord. St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan CT Page Three MASS INTENTIONS Monday, November 4 7:00 Bruno Preli 9:00 Josephine and Peter McGlade 5:30 John Grogan Tuesday, November 5 7:00 Deceased Members who died in October 5:30 William McCarthy Wednesday, November 6 7:00 Deceased Members of St. Aloysius Parish 9:00 John Hilpl 5:30 Ralph Belmonte Thursday, November 7 7:00 Vincenzo DiFrancesco, Antonio Concetta DiMuzio 5:30 Marcelle Johnson Friday, November 8 7:00 Thomas Gerald Fallon 9:00 Paul McKeever 5:30 Eileen Barnett Saturday, November 9 7:00 Peggy Orfei 5:30 Frank Luberti Sunday, November 10 7:00 Carmine and Philomena Braccia and Family 8:30 Deceased Members of the Catholic Daughters and the Knights of Columbus 10:00 St. Aloysius Parishioners 11:30 Maria, Nancy and Antoinette Casciari 5:00 John G. Lynch PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Thomas Sirico from Nov. 1 - Nov. 7 The Sacred Heart Sanctuary candle for Lee Gillespie The Mary Sanctuary candle Linda Koch (L) The Chapel candle for Carol Pavia SANCTUARY CANDLES burn WE WELCOME Our new parishioners: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Greig Next Friday, November 8th, a talk entitled “God and the Big Bang: Faith and Science Look at Cosmic Origins” will be given at St. Mary’s in Ridgefield. What does science say about the cosmic origins, and what does faith tell us? Discussion, q & a and wine & cheese. Contact Marie Pelletier at 652-1140 if you are interested in attending. jÉÜwá FROM OUR BISHOP Dear Friends in Christ, This is a time of great transition for the men and women who serve our country in the United States Military. Those deployed endure adversity, sacrifice and danger in the face of a determined enemy. Those back home confront a major life adjustment. With such hardships, they rely on Catholic chaplains for spiritual guidance and support. How can we, as witnesses to the Gospel, be there for those who put so much on the line to defend our nation? With no military or government funding, the Archdiocese of the Military Services relies wholly on the generosity of the American Catholic Community to operate its many programs and services. The national Collection for the Archdiocese of Military Services, USA, held the weekend of November 9-10, will ensure that all Catholic men and women in the military will have access to the sacraments. A priest from this diocese, Reverend Lt. David Daigle, is currently serving as a chaplain in the United States Navy. In common with all military chaplains, he not only conducts worship services but is available to offer spiritual guidance and support to all those facing personal or emotional difficulties. The funds raised from this national collection will insure that chaplains will be available to all our military, wherever they serve. For all of them, your support is truly a blessing. Sincerely yours in Christ, YÜtÇ~ ]A Vtzz|tÇÉ Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano Bishop of Bridgeport St. Aloysius – A Tithing Parish TITHING MEANS ONE-TENTH: FIVE % TO MY CHURCH + FIVE % TO CHARITY SUNDAY, October 27, 2013: $21,917.00 Online giving for the week: $2,130.00 October 27, 2013 TOTAL OFFERTORY: $24,047.00 LAST YEAR: $21,863.00 We thank you in advance for your generosity in our second collection next weekend for the Archdiocese of Military Services! Page Four November 3, 2013 Grades 1-6 All Religious Education classes will follow their regular schedule this week. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 IS ELECTION DAY, however because New Canaan Public Schools are in session, we will be holding religious education classes. FAMILIES OF 5TH GRADE STUDENTS who attend SUNDAY CLASSES only are asked to attend the 11:30 MASS AND THE CHURCH TOUR ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10. This will take the place of your regular 8:45 a.m. Sunday Mass. Families should sit together during Mass. Students are then asked to meet Kathleen Redman in the back of the church in the Narthex immediately following Mass. ATTENDANCE WILL BE TAKEN. LOOKING AHEAD: Monday, November 11 is Veterans Day. Because New Canaan Public Schools are in session, we will be holding religious education classes at our usual time of 4 -5 p.m. THE CATECHETICAL CONGRESS takes place on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 at Sacred Heart University. Registration begins at 7:45 a.m. We have registered those catechists who have indicated they would like to attend. If you would like to carpool or need a ride, please contact the religious education office at 203-652-1172. Confirmation Preparation (Grades 7 & 8): All Level 2 classes (8th grade) are to attend the Gifts of the Spirit Workshop. This event is for STUDENTS and A PARENT. Workshops will take place in Stapleton Hall from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.. This is a required event for student & parent! Monday, November 4: St. Aloysius School, Sloan/Jones, Manzella/Riley, Galvan/Curiale/Baker, Kekedjian/Martino Monday, November 11:Otis/Sweeney, Bernard/Millette, Gayer/Paglialunga, Decker/Toth, Wagner/Callahan, Joyce All Level II Confirmation candidates are reminded that their Sponsor Forms are due to their catechists prior to Thanksgiving. Please remember that if your sponsor is not a registered member of St. Aloysius, a sponsor certificate from the parish of the sponsor must be provided. We would like to thank all of our Level II families for their generosity in the family donations towards the Confirmation Class of 2014 class gift of the Paschal candle and sponsorship of dinner at the New Covenant House of Hospitality. Level 1 students & catechists are required to attend their assigned "The Mass Unmasked" Teaching Mass on Wednesday, November 6 in the Chapel. Over the river and thru the woods, to Appalachia we go! HS TEENS & VIRTUS TRAINED ADULTS NEEDED TO HIT THE ROAD FOR A MINI MISSION TRIP TO DELIVER PROJECT 1,000 STOCKINGS Join Father Ralph & Chris Otis as we caravan down in cars, leaving early Friday, Nov. 29 (the day after Thanksgiving) and returning Sunday, Dec.1. Limited spaces available. Info Meeting for teens & parents in the Youth Room Sunday, Nov. 3 at 6pm. Contact Chris Otis at 203-652-1154 or via email at for more info. Love Your Neighbor Food Drive High school teens needed to assist with unloading the parish donations at the New Canaan Food Pantry on Sunday, November 24 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. We also need some teens to accompany Msgr. Scheyd to deliver turkeys from the turkey truck to the St. Vincent De Paul Society at 12:30 p.m. To sign up to help in these Corporal Works of Mercy, please contact Chris Otis at or 203-652-1154. EMMAUS LXVI NOVEMBER 15-17 Preparations continue for Saint Aloysius’ 66th Emmaus, a retreat for teens modeled on the journey of two disciples with Jesus as told in Luke’s Gospel (24:13-35). All high school students in grades 10 through 12 who have not yet been an Emmaus candidate are invited to apply. Please realize that we have received an unusually high number of applications and have gone into a wait list situation. E66 waitlisted candidates will be assured a spot on Emmaus LXVII. Each Emmaus Retreat gives 36 candidates the chance to learn more about their faith in a fun, joyful and loving environment. Applications are available in the information racks at the back of Church, on the Parish website at, and from Gerrie & JeanPaul Musicco, Rectora & Rector for Emmaus LXVI at or 203-966-6808. Questions? Contact Gerrie or Jean-Paul Musicco, or Rose or Matt Walker, Assistant Rectora & Rector, or any member of the St. A’s clergy. Thank GOODNESS it’s Friday! 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.: Scott/Holland, Murphy/Tchir, Granito/LoRusso, Shullman/McGough 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.: Bernard/Millette, Tensen/Brunner, West Open to 8th Grade Confirmation Students A special thanks to our Confirmation students who helped with the Breakfast Run sorting and the dismantle of the ark! Come hang out from 2:30-3:30 pm! Friday, November 8 & 22 Food, Fun & Games 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Five WHO? MEN OF THE PARISH St Aloysius Parish RCIA Program WHAT? FALL MEN’S NIGHT OUT Inquiry sessions have begun and we are reviewing the Creed. God created all things from nothing. He continually sustains them in existence. Why did God create anything at all? God creates out of his goodness and superabundant love. Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic tradition? Are you looking for a pressure-free, non-judgmental environment where you can learn the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church? Want a fresh start? Get all your questions answered! It is not too late to join us. You do not have to journey alone! When: Thursdays at 7:30 pm (at the Santulli’s home) Contact: Fr. Ian at 203 652-1155 or Deacon Bill at 203 940-0711 THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Sun., Nov 3: Mon., Nov 4: Tues., Nov 5: Wed., Nov 6: Thurs., Nov 7: Fri., Nov 8: Sat., Nov 9: 11:00 AM: Hospitality Coffee 2:30 PM: Emmaus Team Mtg/Stapleton Hall 6:00 PM: Mini Mission Trip Mtg/Youth Room 1:30 PM: Parish Partners/Maple Street 4:00 PM: Rel Ed Spec Program/Chapel 7:00 PM: Marian Prayer Service/Chapel 7:00 PM: Gifts of the Spirit/Stapleton Hall 7:30 PM: Cenacle/Chapel 8:00 PM: Knights of Columbus/Gym 9:30 AM: Moms & Tots/Stapleton Hall 4:00 PM: Rel Ed Spec Program/Chapel 10:00 AM: Our Lady’s Guild/Stapleton Hall 2:30 PM: Lev I Conf Prep Teaching Mass/ Chapel 4:00 PM: Rel Ed Spec Program/Chapel 7:00 PM: Lev I Conf Prep Teaching Mass/ Chapel 7:00 Knights of Columbus Trng Cls/Stapleton 4:00 PM: Youth Choir/Lower Music Room 4:00 PM: Rel Ed Spec Program/Chapel 7:30 PM: Catholic Daughters/Stapleton Hall 7:30 PM: Adult Choir/Church 7:30 PM: RCIA/Offsite 2:30 PM: 8th Grade TGIF/Youth Room 7:30 AM: Men’s Fellowship/Maple Street 10:00 AM: Life Runners/Chapel The Parish Office will be open Saturday from 9 to 12 noon. WHEN? THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH 7:00 PM Calling all Knights and Men of the Parish to join together on the patio of Stapleton Hall for the Fall Men’s Night Out! Come join us for an early start to the Holiday season! Prospective Knights of Columbus members are compliments of the house — all others are $25. Questions? Contact Pete O’Sullivan at Who’s coming . . . . YOU! All Knights of Columbus members are encouraged to attend the Marian Prayer Service on Monday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. The November monthly meeting will follow at 8:00 p.m. in the St. Aloysius Gym. TUESDAYS 9:30-11:00 A.M. Come join us in Stapleton Hall! If you would like to receive our Moms and Tots Playgroup weekly e-mail, please contact Theresa Daly at The Catholic Daughters will meet in Stapleton Hall on Thursday, November 7th at 7:30 p.m. Our guest speaker Jane Nyce, who represents “Staying Put,” will give an overview of their role in assisting our community senior citizens in their quest to stay in their homes. All ladies of the parish are welcome. Members are asked to bring a prize valued at $10 for our evening Bingo Social. Our business agenda will include plans for the Deceased Members Mass, scheduled for Sunday, November 10 at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Members are asked to save the date for our annual Christmas party on Tues., Dec.10 at 6:00 p.m. for the members of STAR. Page six St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan, CT Wednesday, November 13th 7:30 P.M. Stapleton Hall Parenting, Prayer and Prevention: Making your Home a Safe Harbor Exclusive Private Screenings December 11 & 12 5:00 p.m. Darien Playhouse 1077 Boston Post Road Darien Guest Speaker Joyce Sixsmith, M.A., LADC GEARED TO PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS OF TWEENS AND HIGH SCHOOL TEENS BUT Regardless of your children’s ages, please plan on joining us and you will come away on how to be prepared! IT IS NEVER TOO EARLY! Come hear counselor/prevention specialist and fellow Catholic mom, Joyce Sixsmith speak on how to strengthen communication between parents and pre-teens/teens, specialty topics to talk with them about and how to weave prayer into the mix. R.S.V.P. to Chris Otis at 203-652-1154 or at A special request from the DCF. . . A single mother is in need of furniture and clothing for her two daughters, sizes 7 & 12. She has very little. If you can help, please contact Deacon Steve at 203-856-7804 or at "I Shall Make you Fishers of Men" The Diocese of Bridgeport Office of Vocations and Bishop Frank Caggiano invite young men in 8th—12th grades To a St. Andrew Dinner Tuesday, November 19th The dinner will be held at St. John Fisher Seminary and will begin with Vespers at 5:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for young men of our parish who may be considering a vocation to the priesthood to come, see the seminary, pray, and meet Bishop Caggiano. Interested young men are asked to speak to one of our parish priests about attending. Mary of Nazareth MARY OF NAZARETH is an epic new motion picture on the life of Mary, mother of Christ from her childhood thru the Resurrection of Jesus. Tickets are only $6.00 and all proceeds will be donated to Al's Angels which provides children and families battling cancer, rare blood diseases & severe financial hardship with holiday meals and gifts. For tickets go to: DonationPage/tabid/113190/Default.aspx. DON’T DELAY! TICKETS ARE EXPECTED TO SELL OUT! Can you offer some time to help a homebound parishioner? Parish Partners are adults of all ages who reach out to our homebound in a spirit of kindness, help and hope. If you can help, please come on Monday, November 4 at 1:30 p.m. to the Maple Street Meeting Room. Need more info? Contact Pat Malone at 203-966-8455 or Jeanne Eckrich at The Parish Office will be open for Second Saturdays on Saturday, November 9 from 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Services available will include: Mass and Candle Cards, Parish Registration, Sponsorship Forms and Sick List Requests. Stop by & see us! Now is the perfect time to Invite Our Lady into your Home! This beautiful statue of the Blessed Mother is the statue that was brought back from Fatima to St. Aloysius by members of Our Lady’s Guild. It has been circulating among families in the parish since 2005. Anyone may request the statue and have it in their home. A short cartoon DVD on the story of Our Lady of Fatima and instructions on how to say the Rosary accompany the statue. If you have any questions, or would like to reserve a time to have the statue, please contact Sue Lione at 203-966-5961 or cÄxtáx ÑÜtç yÉÜ ÉâÜ ECDG VÉÇy|ÜÅtÇw|A Caroline Addeo Alexandra Allen Griffin Arnone Joshua Audencial Samantha Axon Andrew Baker Connor Barry John Batchelor Andrew Bauts Sarah Bazata Riley Bel Bruno Benjamin Bernstein Nicoletta Bonsanti Alexandra Borsellino Madison Borsellino Sydney Borsellino Josephine Bossidy Amelia Boyd Nathaniel Bozzella Grace Brady Tyler Brennan Gianna Bruno Karlie Bucci Caroline Callahan Caroline Callahan John Campbell Lauren Capone Robert Carpenter Elizabeth Casey Phoebe Casey Caroline Castle Caroline Challe Leigh Charlton Helen Cheever Jake Ciancio Mary Cioffi Kelly Conheeney Benjamin Conley Grace Consoli Paulina Cortina Lucas Crawford Stephen Curiale Seamus Curtin Brooke Deane Mackenzie Deane Lily Decker Kyle deMayo Luigi DeRubeis Alexander DiFiore John Dunn Ashley Dunnam Timothy Ferm Kristen Ferrara Lauren Ferrara Allison Fitzpatrick Arthur Flynn Bridget Forstl Piper Forstl Thomas Freiberg Alexander Galvan Brooks Gammill Christina Gehnrich Elizabeth Gehnrich Michael Gentile Kyle Genzburg Thomas Glover Justin Greco Michael Grise Ethan Hall Samuel Havard Dylan Healey Brandon Hruska Robert Hynes Brian Johnson Anne Johnston Jack Johnston Shafer Jones Christopher Joyce Rachel Kadlick Chloe Kekedjian David Kelly William Kennedy Katherine Kennelly Caroline Kiesling Danielle Klapper Lorelei Knadler Peyton Knauf Sean Knight William Koslo Andrew Kurth Edward Leete-Koeckert Claire Leville Catherine Levine Piper Loglisci Zachary Lopez Katherine Lydon Michaelangelo Macaione Katherine Mackle Alexis Magistro Bayler Manchuck John Mancini Sean Manzella Sophia Martino Ryan Maruster Giorgiana Mastrangelo Julian Mastroianni Chloe McAuliffe Erin McGoldrick Quinn McMahon Danyel Meahan Michelle Mercede Patrick Metzger Zachary Miller Anne Minaglia Jose Minuesa Maria Minuesa George Molloy Hazel Montano Isabela Montano Olivia Mosolino Colin Nardi Josef Nardi Olivia Negri Jake Neuberger Alexandra Neugeboren Annaleah Neugeboren Courteney Newman Sarah Jane O'Connor Hannah Ofiero Seamus O'Hora Rosemary O'Neill Logan Otis Julia Ozimek Eva Pace Christian Parrott Kaitlyn Piotroski Allison Pitts Grant Purpura Alexander Quivelli Tessa Quivelli Evan Reilly Katherine Reiss Grace Riley Katherine Riley Kiara Roeder-Yika Claire Sachs David Schroeder Timothy Scranton Aidan Sebold Maeve Sebold Lauren Sechan Thomas Seth Ryan Sill Thomas Skroly Peter Sloan Lauren Smith Kennedy Snyder John Sparks Charlotte Spruck Emma St. Raymond Nicholas Stachurski Grace Stearns Caroline Sweeney Felicity Taylor Molly Tierney Michael Tuffy Kathryn Vaske John Volpe Clare Wagner Morgan Walling Matthew Walsh Benjamin Webster Claire Wilson Taylor Zaccagnino The young disciples of Christ signed the Confirmation Book of Names last weekend at their Mass of Enrollment. The book is at the foot of the altar in the Chapel. Please keep these fine young men and women in your prayers, especially when you visit the Chapel to pray. THANK YOU ST. ALOYSIUS For supporting Youth Ministry in the Peanut Butter & Jelly drive for THE ST. STEPHEN’S FOOD PANTRY!
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