St. Aloysius Mardi Gras Ministry Southdowns Parade Viewing Party
St. Aloysius Mardi Gras Ministry Southdowns Parade Viewing Party
February 3, 2013 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) Parish Bulletin Issue 5 Volume XLV 2025 Stuart Avenue Baton Rouge, Louisiana70808-3979 (225) 343-6657 Fax (225) 344-6847 Website: No 5:30 p.m. Mass this Sunday—February 3rd– Superbowl Sunday St. Aloysius Mardi Gras Ministry is inviting all parishioners to a Southdowns Parade Viewing Party Friday, February 8th 6:30—10:00 p.m. Child Care Center Parking Lot $3 per person admission Come watch Southdowns Parade as a Parish! Admission includes: Food, Games, Music, Crafts, Parking, Bleachers for Parade Viewing BYOB Tickets will be sold after Masses on Feb. 2/3, 2013 and at the Gate. Questions? Email: or (225)270-3127 Parish Staff ETCETERA... I trust you enjoyed your vacation from me! I had a beautiful time being with my sisters and brother and one of my nephews. It was a low-key vacation, a little bit of sightseeing and a lot of time enjoying each other’s company. We were in Southern California making a quick visit to our extended family in the area. Was it God’s providence that my great-aunt whom I hadn’t seen in over 10 years died just a few days after we came back home? While in L.A., we went to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels for the 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Even at that early hour, there were easily 1700 people at Mass, served by more than 30 extraordinary communion ministers, 3 deacons, and 2 priests. I don’t even know what the 10:00 a.m. Mass would look like! For such a large crowd, remarkably there was a sense of closeness and intimacy: ministers standing at the doors to welcome us as we arrived, ushers being helpful but discrete, the liturgy simple but dignified and reverent. If such a large church can create that sense of community, we should be able to do so if we’re willing to stretch ourselves beyond the comfort of doing what we’ve been doing. In theological language, that’s called conversion, something we’re called to do constantly! One of the most important decisions pastors have to make at this time every year is what to do with Mass or religious services on Super Bowl Sunday!!! It’s been our custom at St. Aloysius to cancel the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Super Bowl Sunday, and we’ll do the same this year. So please note that there will be NO 5:30 p.m. Mass this Sunday, 3 February. I was frankly surprised by the response from several of you to my request to consider serving as communion ministers at Southside Gardens. Thank you! I often hear people in other parishes lamenting the lack of volunteers for various ministries. We at St. Aloysius don’t seem to have that problem. There’s always been generosity and willingness to share our time, talents, and resources. That’s why St. Aloysius is such an exemplary stewardship parish. Speaking of stewardship, if you’re a registered parishioner, you should’ve received a stewardship of offering packet in the mail. I invite you to prayerfully review your commitment and make adjustment for a consistent and proportionate offering. Or if you’re currently not participating in stewardship, may I encourage you to consider it? I also recommend the bank draft option, a particularly convenient way for both you and the parish. You may complete the form in the packet you received and return it to the parish office, or fill out the form on our website. Thank you for your commitment and participation. As you can see in this bulletin, the Adult Formation Ministry has been working diligently to plan formation opportunities for the parish. Please mark the dates for Soup and Substance, part of our Year of Faith celebrations, when we will have the opportunity to be nourished in both body and soul: gathering for a light meal before listening to various presentations, mostly on some teachings of the Second Vatican Council. While we’re in the process of forming a Retreat and Mission Committee, I’ve asked Kathy Screen to go ahead and explore various speakers whom we could invite to the parish for an extended parish mission. I hope the parish can provide this annual opportunity for deeper spiritual reflection and growth, for this is an important vehicle for God’s grace, driving all other ministries. Without this spiritual foundation, everything else loses its meaning and we lose our identity as a Christian community. Cont’d on Page 3 February 3, 2013 2 Parish Office: 343-6657 Fr. Than N. Vu, ext. 3023 Pastor Fr. Al Davidson ext. 3025 Parochial Vicar Cathy Dardenne, ext. 3029 Director of Administration Tricia Greely, ext. 3026 Director of Family Ministries Kathy Screen, ext. 3037 Director of Spirituality Kenneth Thevenet, ext. 3030 Director of Liturgy & Music MacDougall Womack, ext. 3027 Youth Minister Rebecca East, ext. 3024 RCIA Director Kim Lafleur, ext. 3022 Bookkeeper Angela Falgoust, ext. 3031 Administration Secretary/ Social Responsibility Coordinator Claire Grandy, ext. 3021 Ministry Secretary/ Community Life Coordinator Aline Landry, ext. 3020 Receptionist/Secretary Ross McCalip, ext. 3039 Maintenance Supervisor Connie Planche, ext. 3033 Youth Ministry/Child Protection Kim Blair 343-1338 Director of Child Care Center John Bennett, 383-3871 Principal of St. Aloysius School John Veron, Deacon Assistant Emergency Assistance 381-9383 Pastoral Council Administration Bryan Greenwood, Gavin Gautreau Community Life Patrick Goldsmith; Neila Stone Education Mimi Plauche, Cara Hotstream Social Responsibility Art Adams, Frank Endom Spiritual Growth Josh Zelden, Rob Tasman Worship Drew Lamonica Arms, Anne Kilshaw 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Cont’d from Page 2 The Mardi Gras Committee is ready for the big party! As we’ve been announcing, this year will be the first time the parish sponsors a Mardi Gras Party, in addition to the two floats in the Southdown Mardi Gras Parade. I hope you’ll come and join in the party. A very nominal fee of $3 will get you food, drinks, a prime spot to view the parade. There’ll also be music, craft, games for the children, etc. Tickets will be available after all the Masses this weekend, 2-3 February. The committee has been working hard to make sure we all have a good time, so get the tickets and come laissez les bon temps rouler! I want to express gratitude to the Knights of Columbus for helping prepare the food for this Mardi Gras Party. The Knights have always been generous and willing when asked to help with anything in the parish. I can truly say I’ve never seen a KC Council so young, so dedicated, and so spiritual. A parishioner shared with me that she experienced so many religious solicitations that she finally posted the following sign at her door: “Attention: we practice Catholicism, and we like it. Jesus is not lost, nor do we need to find him. We do not need you to persuade us otherwise. Have a blessed day.” Way to go! Have a blessed day! February 2-8, 2013 Mass Schedule Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Chapel 4:30 p.m. 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. No 5:30 p.m. Mass 6:00 a.m. Chapel 8:00 a.m. Wednesday 6:00 a.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Friday The Sacraments RECONCILIATION Saturday at 3:30 p.m. and by appointment for private rite. FUNERALS Please contact the parish office prior to scheduling with the funeral home. If after hours, follow directions on voicemail. BAPTISM Please contact the parish office during early months of pregnancy. Baptismal preparation is required. Opening the Doors of Faith “Soup and Substance Nights” Sponsored by: Adult Formation Ministry Soup will be served at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Speaker segment from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Church. Monday, February 18th Speaker: Fr. John Carville on the History of the Vatican Council Monday, February 25th Speaker: Francis Vanderwall on The Prodigal: Shocking Revelations of the Nature of Divine Love SPONSORS Baptism & Confirmation sponsors must be confirmed practicing Catholics in good standing in the Catholic Church, and if not St. Aloysius Parishioners, must provide a letter of good standing from the parish where they are registered. MARRIAGE Couples are asked to contact the priest at the beginning of the period of engagement at least six months prior to the projected date of the marriage. Speaker: Charles Jumonville on the Role of the Laity in the Documents of Vatican II CARE OF THE SICK Communion is brought to the sick weekly and hospital visits made weekly. Families of the sick are encouraged to notify the parish office. Monday, March 11th Education Speaker: Fr. Fred Kammer, S.J. on Social Justice PARISH SCHOOL For information, phone 383-3871, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. CHILDCARE CENTER For information, phone 343-1338, 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Monday, March 4th Past President of Catholic Charities USA, author, etc. Please bring a can of soup for The Baton Rouge Food Bank. Everyone is Invited to Attend !! February 3, 2013 3 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Schedule February 9-10, 2013 Due to unforeseen circumstances, clergy assignments may change Sat. 4:30 p.m. Celebrant Fr. Than Sun. 7:00 a.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. Sun. 11:00 a.m. Sun. 5:30 p.m. Fr. Than Fr. Al Fr. Al Fr. Al Liturgical Minister’s Schedule can be viewed at: Printed schedules may be found in the Work Sacristy in the Church. Tuesday, February 5 • St. Agatha 8:00 a.m.† Linda Thomas Wednesday, February 6 6:00 a.m. † Frank Mineo Friday, February 8 St. Jerome Emilani 8:00 a.m. † Clayton Callendar St. Josephine Bakhita Saturday, February 9 4:30 p.m. † Fernand Falgoust Sunday, February 10 • 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. All Parishioners 9:00 a.m. † Mary Purpera Gremillion 11:00 a.m. † Hillar Moore Jr. Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013 After your Mardi Gras celebration, please join us for Mass on Ash Wednesday as we begin our Lenten observance. Masses with the Distribution of Ashes will be celebrated at 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, and 6:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross Each Friday of Lent: 8:30 a.m. (immediately after the 8:00 a.m. Mass) and at 5:30 p.m. St. Aloysius School Scholarships Available The Individual Rite of the Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesdays (“The Light is on for You”) 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 From 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Scholarship applications for the 2013-2014 school year are available in the school office and on the school website Completed scholarship applications are due to the school office by Tuesday, February 5th. Every Saturday, from 3:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Late forms WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!! All scholarships are need-based, and four are designated for minorities. If you have any questions, please contact Tiffany Meek in the SAS Development Office at 383-3871 or 2013 25th & 50th Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO HAVE DIED IN THE LORD Sunday, February 24th at 3:00 p.m. Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Baton Rouge Michael Anne Lonegro Bishop Robert Muench will celebrate a liturgy honoring couples on their, 25th, 50th, and 65th or greater wedding anniversary. Families of the honored couples are also invited to attend the Mass which will be followed by a reception in the Sacred Heart School Gym. Mother of Ricardo Altares Grandmother of Pilar, Ricardo and Ana Elizabeth Weil Arrighi Mother of David Arrighi Grandmother of Kristi Allen, Leigh Donahue Hunter Arrighi, Christina Tolbert and Cameron Tolbert Great-Grandmother of Ryleigh, Dax & Emerson Allen Abbey and Ella Donohue February 3, 2013 If you wish to participate, please contact the church office no later than February 8th. If you have any questions, contact Angela Falgoust at 343-6657, ext 3031 or email 4 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time American Saints, Blesseds and Venerables during the Year of Faith STEWARDSHIP OF OFFERING RENEWAL OPENING THE DOOR OF FAITH: Live Your Life with Conviction and Commitment St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, R.S.C.J. Jesus called out to Peter and Andrew, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus was calling Peter and Andrew to live their lives with conviction and commitment by leaving everything they knew behind and becoming disciples of Jesus. That call to lead our lives through faith is the same today as it was long ago. Missionary to Native Americans St. Rose Philippine Duchesne was a passionate young woman with a heart for missionary work. She joined the Visitation nuns at the age of 19, but a few years later, convents were shut down during the French Revolution, and Rose was forced to return to life as a lay woman for many years. Ten years later, she was finally able to rejoin a convent, this time as a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart. In 1818, she was sent to the Louisiana Territory as a missionary, facing illness, hardship and hunger to bring Catholicism to the Native Americans. She opened the first free school for girls west of the Mississippi river, as well as the first Catholic school for Native Americans. She was known among the Potawatomi Indians as the "Woman Who Prays Always." We, the St. Aloysius faith community, are called to live a disciple’s life of stewardship. A life of stewardship requires faith as well as conviction and commitment. Faith is not something you can touch or hold but we see faith in action throughout our faith community every day. You see prayers being answered. You see over one hundred active parish ministries bringing the Gospel to life every day. You see people from all walks of life coming together in worship and ministry to share their faith and in doing so, becoming closer to Jesus. St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. . . Prayers to St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. . . Through all phases of stewardship – prayer, ministry and offering – we grow spiritually toward our goal of becoming disciples and answering His call. Last week at Mass you heard your fellow parishioners speak on Stewardship of Offering as well as their own individual journey of stewardship. As this time, we ask you, our faith community, to prayerfully reflect on your own stewardship of offering. If you already responded, thank you. If you have not responded by sending in your stewardship of offering commitment card, we ask you to do so by mail or by placing it in the offertory collection at any Mass. On behalf of Father Than, the parish staff and our parish leaders, thank you for sharing your blessings with our faith community and our community at large. Your conviction and commitment to all phases of stewardship remains a remarkable testament of your faith. Ask Fr. Al ?? Do you have a question about the Church or the Catholic Faith? You may download a commitment card and auto draft form by clicking on the links provided below. Submit the forms to Forms must be submitted with a computer. The Link will not work with any other devices. Ask Fr. Al at The Catholic Commentator Read the Commentator online by clicking on the link below: pdfs/2013_Stewardship_of_Offering.pdf uploads/2012/07/January-251.pdf pdfs/2013_Bank_Auto_Draft_Authorization.pdf February 3, 2013 5 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Worship Commission members will continue to work on articulating and communicating objectives for the draft Strategic Plan. A list of potential commission members/ministry leaders was compiled. A subcommittee is being formed to reorganize and re-launch the Children’s Ministry of the Word. The next meeting will include interested parishioners and choir directors to explore “Participation of the Assembly in Sung Prayer”. The purpose is to educate the congregation on why we sing in the liturgy. LEADERSHIP NIGHT – January 15, 2013 Recap of Pastoral Council Meeting Next Meeting: February 19, 2013 Administration The Commission reviewed the draft Strategic Plan as presented to all commissions. The Commission will submit an article to highlight the ministries under the Administration Commission. The Stewardship of Offering campaign will be held during the weekend of January 26 and 27, 2013. The Facilities Committee will meet in February and Parish staff will evaluate enhancements to the database. Pastoral Council The Council meeting was opened with a centering prayer, followed by the Council’s evaluation of Leadership Night. Fr. Al asked for prayers for Fr. Than as he takes some time off. The ministries that participated in the parish recognition for John Bennett shared reports of the success of their collaborative efforts. The Council discussed the presentation of the draft Strategic Plan to the commissions and the proposed job description for members of the IT Infrastructure Committee. The timeline for recruitment of leadership was presented. The meeting was closed with a prayer by Fr. Al. Community Life The draft Strategic Plan was reviewed as presented, with assistance from Strategic Planning Committee member Patrick Goldsmith. Upcoming events include a blood drive, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, on January 27, 2013, and a Mardi Gras parade viewing party for the Southdowns parade to be held on February 8th in the church parking lot. Admission of $3.00 per person will be charged, with refreshments, games, and a viewing stand provided. Education Commission members reviewed the draft Strategic Plan and will meet at a later date to finalize their assessment. Ministries in need of assistance were discussed. The Speaker Series Committee will be invited to next month’s meeting to discuss their plans with the Commission members. Congratulations to Lizette Fisher and Johnny Esfeller who were married on January 18, 2013 and Nikki Calato and Adron Thomas Jr.. who were married on January 26, 2013 Social Responsibility After reading and discussing the draft Strategic Plan, Commission members agreed to ask the chair persons of the Dignity of Life and Catholic Social Teachings ministries to outline their goals and objectives. Ongoing initiatives include development and implementation of the Stephens Ministry, Cantera Mission in Nicaragua, and collaboration with other ministries on presenting topics of interest such as capital punishment and information for caregivers. Fifty-nine Thanksgiving baskets were distributed by St. Aloysius parishioners. Additional volunteers (2 or 3) are needed for the Communion Ministry to the Long Term Care Facilities. Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. on Spiritual Growth Work continues on the development of a Mission and Retreats Ministry. The Commission will be seeking Fr. Than’s input and guidance in developing the ministry description. Preparations are being made for the gathering of potential ministry leaders. Upcoming events include a Lenten series beginning February 18, 2013, a series of five presentations by Mr. Phi C. Le on marriage enrichment for couples married 5 years or less, a collaborative endeavor between St. Aloysius and St. James Episcopal Church for individuals experiencing the pain of divorce, and a Divine Mercy Novena in March. February 3, 2013 The Primacy of Charity in Catholic Social Teaching Our Lady of Mercy Parish Activity Center Sunday, February 24, 2013 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Space is limited— No Charge To register call the OLOM Church Office at 926-1883 or email Theresa Foster at 6 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sanctity of ALL Life Divorced or Divorcing? God created humankind in his image; in the divine image he created them …” —Genesis 1:27 There is hope after heartbreak, healing after hurt. It can be found in the word of God. Announcing a unique Lenten course offering: “Return to Life”, a six-part series for divorced and separated adults. A collaborative effort between St. Aloysius and St. James Episcopal Church, the program begins February 17th. All Denominations are Welcome! Cost of course is $50. Catholics are taught to believe in the sanctity of life, from the cradle to the grave. But what about capital punishment? A new series at St. Aloysius Parish will study that question and other life issues in an atmosphere of respect for others. For information call Angela Falgoust at 343-6657, ext 3031 or email at, or contact Kelly Williams at 387-5141, ext 2992 or The series will have six sessions on Monday nights starting February 18 and ending March 25. All sessions will start at 6 p.m. They will be held in the Mimosa House, adjacent to the parish office, at 4065 Mimosa St. Participation is limited to 12 people. For online application go to: Return_to_Life_Application.pdf To register, please contact Ginger Lowery at 761-1327 or, or Art Adams at 766-2963 or The “Sanctity of ALL Life” series is a collaborative project of the JustFaith ministry and the Dignity of Life ministry. Sanctuary Flower Memorial Sanctuary Flowers were given on January 26/27 in loving memory of Father Hubert Brou on his Birthday (January 26). Our Weekly Offering Offering wk of 1/20/2013 1/27/2013 Identified $ 21,188 $ 21,542 Unidentified Offering $ 2,098 $ 2,501 $ 23,286 $ 24,043 Bank Draft $ 29,316 Total Offering $ 52,602 $ 24,043 Total Building $ Volunteer Casting Call The Chaplet in Chant --------- 2,948 $ When: Saturday, February 23, 2013 Time: 10:00 a.m.-12 Noon Where: St. Joseph’s Cathedral 1,045 To Participate: Register online at Black & Indian Missions $ 100 --------Central/East Eurpope $ 100 -------Latin America ------- $ 989 Catholic Life Center ------- $ 20 Retirement Fund for Rel $ 3 Total Special Collections $ 203 Grand Total February 3, 2013 or contact the Chaplet’s St. Aloysius contact Lisette Borne at or call 229-9501 -------$ 1,009 $ 55,753 $ 26,097 7 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time This Week at St. Aloysius SAT 2/2 Mass, 8:00 a.m. Chapel 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship of Offering Commitment Weekend Southdowns Parade Viewing Party Ticket Sales after Mass Confessions, 3:30 p.m. Mass, 4:30 p.m. SUN 2/3 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass, 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. No 5:30 p.m. Mass Today Stewardship of Offering Commitment Weekend Southdowns Parade Viewing Party Ticket Sales after All Masses Sunday School, 8:30 a.m. PSR, 8:45 a.m. Sunday Nursery, 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. RCIA, 9:30 a.m. Coffee & Donuts, 10:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy, 11:00 p.m. Baptismal Seminar, 2:00 p.m. SMG, Team #4, 3:00 p.m. MON 2/4 Mass 6:00 a.m.—Chapel Five-0 Exercise, 8:30 a.m. Music Makers, 9:30 a.m. Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. Bell Choir, 5:30 p.m. Readings February 4-10,, 2013 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time THUR 2/7 Mass, 8:00 a.m. Adoration, 8:30 a.m. Youth Choir, 2:45 p.m. K.C., 7:00 p.m. Renewal Singers, 7:30 p.m. Monday: Tuesday: FRI 2/8 Southdowns Parade Men’s Come Lord Jesus, 7:00 a.m. Mass, 8:00 a.m. Five-0 Exercise, 8:30 a.m. Healing Hearts, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday: SAT 2/9 Mass, 8:00 a.m. Chapel 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Confessions, 3:30 p.m. Mass/Baptisms, 4:30 p.m. Saturday: Thursday: Friday: Sunday: SUN 2/10 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass, 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., & 5:30 p.m. Baptisms, 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Sunday Nursery, 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. RCIA, 9:30 a.m. Coffee & Donuts, 10:00 a.m. SMG, Team #1, 3:00 p.m. SACCC Fish Fry Committee, 4:00 p.m. Vocations Before you were formed in your Mothers’ womb, God knew you. Before you were born, you were dedicated to the Lord. Do not be afraid to respond to God’s Call. If God is calling you, call or email Fr. Matt Dupre at 336-8778,, or visit, TUES 2/5 Mass, 8:00 a.m. Cub Scout Leaders Meeting, 5:00 p.m. SYG All Leaders, 6:00 p.m. Boy Scouts, 6:30 p.m. WED 2/6 Mass, 6:00 a.m. Rosary Group, 8:00 a.m. Five-0 Exercise, 8:30 a.m. Chorale, 6:00 p.m. Dignity of Life, 6:00 p.m. Bible Study, 6:00 p.m. Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24; Mk 5:1-20 Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11 Call Odette Collett 766-5470 or Adaire Yarbro 763-6915 9a.m. – 5p.m. Mon. –Fri. except holidays. or email your prayer request to This Sunday 11:00 a.m. SACRISTANS—February St. Aloysius Church Parish Bulletin online every Tuesday afternoon at Jenell Decuir—Chairperson, Mary Aycock, Susie Carpenter, Margaret Gremillion, Lynee Hotstream For Advertising: Call Lisa Chetta, 305-3240 or Email February 3, 2013 Support our Advertisers !!! 8 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Michelli Electric Co. Residential And Commercial Wiring SAM D. MICHELLI RONALD D. MICHELLI Wright & Percy Insurance — 344-9810 — Kerry B. Drake 3554 Drusilla Ln. 5580 Government St. 8415 Bluebonnet 5251 Nicholson Dr. 3410 S. Sherwood 927-3344 927-8131 761-1700 766-8491 291-7669 JOAN C. MIRE President Agent (225) 336-3232 330 Lee Dr., Suite A Off: 766-8721 Thomas C. Stuckey III, M.D. Diseases and Surgery of the Eye (225) 768-7777 225.927.2134 At Perkins and Glasgow. Stop by and see us. From the $200s to the $800s 225-922-7985 7777 Hennessy Blvd., Suite 3001 Medical • LASIK • Eyelid Surgery Glasses/Contacts 5222 BRITTANY DRIVE BATON ROUGE, LA 70808 University Acres 743 Dubois $654,900 University Acres 735 Dubois $462,900 List Your Property For $149 Contact: Paige Knobles 225.200.7814 BOLTON HEALTH MART 343-4869 2958 Perkins Rd. Gloria Wall, PT What Moves You 4715 Perkins Rd. 12525 Perkins Rd • Baton Rouge 923-0110 Keller Williams Realty, First Choice 37325 Market Place Drive, Suite D Prairieville, LA 70769 225-744-0044 JULI JENKINS Cell: 225-931-5867 Independently Owned and Operated Law Offices RALPH BREWER J. DAVID SMITH Telephone: (225) 387-0293 Facsimile: (225) 387-6212 Kids Nights - Wednesdays 5-9pm 1157 Laurel Street Kids Under 12 Eat Free! 220 West Lee Dr. 771-8256 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 “Changing lives . . . One child at a time” OF BATON ROUGE G E N E R A L • Vision Therapy • Corneal Refractive Therapy Dr. Susan Jong, O.D., FCOVD • Sensory Learning Therapy 632 Shadows Lane, Ste. B Baton Rouge, LA 70806 D E N T I S T R Y (225) 926-8954 Fax (225) 927-4055 Fourrier Insurance Agency (225) 769-6010 4275 Government St. 383-0682 Since 1946 525080 St Aloysius Church (B) COSMETIC MARK A. VENTRESS, DDS D E N T I S T RY For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 343-3022 383-0451 2731 North Street Commercial Residential Repair Open “Everyday” @ 11:00 AM Kevin Denoux, P.D. 3225 Perkins Rd. 769-2585 5241 Highland Road What A Pharmacy Was Meant To Be® 381-9922 WEEKEND BRUNCH 11-2 3357 Highland Rd. 383-1754 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, ENGINEERS & CONSTRUCTORS, INC. please call the Parish Office. ORTHODONTISTS Richard Akin, DDS, MD Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Near Woman’s Hospital 8311 Bluebonnet Blvd. 927-3463 “64th Anniversary” Thanks To You! Specializing in Hand Cleaning Retirement Community & Assisted Living Center 4604 Perkins Rd. 2929 Perkins Rd. 922-9923 383-8364 DRS. CURT & JENNIFER RITCHIE PERKINS ROAD VETERINARY HOSPITAL 5215 Perkins Rd. 3151 College Dr. Baton Rouge (225) 925-5538 Like us on Facebook! LUNCH BUFFET DRIVE-THRU & DELIVERY 8873 HIGHLAND RD. 763-9797 facebook/sweetfrogBatonRouge Fully Rely on God L & S Trophies DARREN H. HESS, D.D.S. Allyson Thibodeaux (owner) 4641 Perkins Rd. Practice Limited to Endodontics - root canals 6721 Government Street Ste-D 924-6488 Richard Carmouche 766-0510 766-0550 JERRY BOUDINOT CONSTRUCTION CO., LLC Lic. & Insured Custom Homes Remodel Renovations Repair 769-8057 or 413-3426 Family Owned Since 1971 923-2160 iTiger Phone Repair We Buy Broken Phones 257 Lee Dr., Ste. V Make a statement 769-6828 EASY STORAGE! Call 225-927-6111 College Drive Mini-Storage without spending a fortune. 5210 Corporate Blvd. (at College) BATON ROUGE Also in Shreveport! Facebook off College Drive behind Hobby Lobby 751-0386 John B. Brantley, M.D. Christopher J. McEwen, M.D. Connor A. Patterson, M.D. Michael M. Bourg, Pharm.D. 5211 Essen Lane, Ste. #3 225-766-5151 525080 St Aloysius Church (A) 11:00 AM-9:00 PM Monday - Sunday (225) 336-5255 Southdowns Shopping Center Merrill A. Patin, Pharm.D. 767-1655 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931
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