St. Aloysius FAMILY PICNIC Saturday, June 11TH
St. Aloysius FAMILY PICNIC Saturday, June 11TH
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church 21 Cherry Street, New Canaan, CT 06840 Handicap Accessible June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time It’s time! St. Aloysius FAMILY PICNIC Saturday, June 11TH Beginning at 5:30 PM Our Parish Feast has a summer twist! Burgers, Dogs & all your Picnic Favorites! A visit from the ice cream truck! Bouncy House & Face Painting for the Kids! Youth Room Open! Adults $10/Children $5/$30 max per family Please sign up at, locating the sign up under SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: Vigil for Sunday 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (Family Mass), 11:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Teen Mass) St. Aloysius School Car Raffle Drawing Saturday at Parish Feast! WEEKDAY MASSES Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 7:00, 9:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday: 7:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 7:00 a.m. For those who are homebound and unable to join us here at St. Aloysius, the celebration of the Eucharist is available daily at 10:00 a.m. on Cablevision Channel 84. RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00 - 5:00 every First Friday one half hour prior to Mass or always by appointment with a priest. PRIESTS/CLERGY Rev. Msgr. William J. Scheyd, Pastor Rev. Cyrus M. Bartolome, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ralph Segura, Parochial Vicar Rev. William G. Carey, Retired Deacon Stephen W. Pond , Permanent Deacon Deacon William A. Santulli, Permanent Deacon 1st Prize— 2016 BMW X3 SUV 2nd Prize— BMW Cruise Bike 3rd Prize—4 Box Seats to Mets Tickets Available for Sale at School & Parish Offices and at the Feast! . St. Aloysius, our parish patron, helping a victim of the plague. ST. ST. ALOYSIUS ALOYSIUS MISSION MISSION STATEMENT: STATEMENT: We We are are a a community community of of believers believers in in Jesus Jesus Christ Christ striving striving to to proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed. Through proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed. Through worship, worship, evangelization, evangelization, formation formation and and service service we we invite invite our our brothers and sisters to know the Lord. brothers and sisters to know the Lord. Let Let us us all all strive strive to to live live out out our our mission mission each each and and every every day! day! SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF THE PARISH BAPTISM: PARISH OFFICE 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 Phone: (203) 966-0020 Fax: (203) 972-7691 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM PARISH WEBSITE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Richard Phelan, Business Manager Jean Desmond, Administrative Assistant Email - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 3:30; closed Friday Phone: (203) 966- 4555 Fax: (203) 972- 7691 Marie Pascale Vandall, Director Email - Mary Karen Keneally, Confirmation Coordinator Email - Kathleen Redman, Grade Level Coordinator Email - Marie Osterndorf, Administrative Coordinator Email - YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY Phone: (203) 652-1154 Chris Otis, Director Email - MUSIC MINISTRY Phone: (203) 652-1180 Fax: (203) 972-3359 Thomas Marino, Director Email - Cidalia Kettles, Director of Youth Choir Email - Angelo Natalie, StAY Choir/ Praise Band Email - MAINTENANCE Willie Roeder Celebrated each Sunday at 12:45 pm. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism class, held the 2nd Monday of each month at 8 pm in the Maple Street Meeting Room. To schedule a Baptism and register for the class, call the Parish Office. Please note that Godparents must be practicing, Confirmed Catholics, age 16 and over. MARRIAGE: Call the Parish Office at least nine months prior to the wedding date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: If someone is ill at home or in the hospital, please call the parish office to arrange for Communion and administration of the Sacrament of the Sick. Our Parish Partners Ministry can also visit with those that are homebound. Contact Carrie Sindelar at to arrange for a member of the ministry to visit. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Eileen Apy Gladys Borodich Catherine Buonaiuto Tony Cappuccia Addison Jane Carestia Anne Conroy Pat (Pasquale) Conte Tony Cantone Fr. William Carey Anne Cleary Nuziata Colella Julio Delatorre Sandy DiGilio Frank DiMuzio Jean DiPanni Kathleen Dooley Daniel Fitzgerald Ryan Fitzpatrick Garo Garabedian Judy Garcia Angelo Gesualdi Chip Granata James Heffner Jeanne Hersam Carol Hollister Cecile Howard Louis Imperioli Alex Jelilian Dick Karl Mary Katawa Father Bernie Keefe Bernard Kelly Kelly Kern Christopher Kotos Ronnie Lazzaro Betty Lovastik Elizabeth Ambrose Lovett Vito Luciano Mary Maher Donald McQuid Jon Morrison Louis G. Nappi Alex Newton Patrick O’Kane Lorenzo Palladino Dorothy Pojasek Iracema Galvani Quinete Mary Redman J. Ruggiero Maria Cielo Sanchez Lynda Ann Slovik Meghan Starson Szenasi Family Joan Toppin Anna Totaro Rita Troshynski Kathleen Turpin Jan Wamego Barbara Wengernuk Ryan Joseph Willen Salvatore Giovanni Zucaro And the sick & suffering known only to God. Please pray for our service men and women: SSG Thomas Aldrich; CPT Robert F. Bisconti; CPT. Elizabeth A. Condon; CPT. Michael Howard; Spec. 3rd CL Thomas Lally; Lt. Col. Christopher Schilling; Jason Trischitta C3C USAFA SSG Steven Vasko Parish Finance Council Diane Castrovinci - Chairperson - Parish Advisory Council Shannon Goetz - Chairperson - ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL A diocesan school offering academic and values-based education for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. 33 South Avenue Phone: 203-966-0786 Website: Principal, Mr. Bardhyl Gjoka/ Secretary, Jeanne Bearden St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan CT MASS INTENTIONS Monday, June 6 7:00 Paul Juhasz (L) 9:00 Bob McDonald 5:30 Margaret McCarthy Tuesday, June 7 7:00 Robert McDonald 5:30 Christian Wingard Wednesday, June 8 7:00 Mary Anne Sullivan 9:00 Anna Mazzella Cook 5:30 Anna & Alfonso Cotoia Thursday, June 9 7:00 John Nalty 5:30 Leonard Etchart Friday, June 10 7:00 Dr. Frank Corbally 9:00 Jean Marie Hessmer 5:30 Hugh Winters Jr. Saturday, June 11 7:00 Maggie Agostina 5:30 Paul Gorham Sunday, June 12 7:00 St. Aloysius Parishioners 8:30 Frank & Anna Taddeo & Family 10:00 Dominick DiFulvio 11:30 John & Bridget Lydon 5:00 Luigi DiMuzio, Anna Severia & Rocco DiMuzio SANCTUARY CANDLES burn from 6/3-6/9/16 The Sacred Heart Sanctuary candle for Sene Kerim Bonjuklian The Mary Sanctuary candle for Anna D. Cook The Chapel candle for Nicholas DeRoma, Sr. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED James Ruggiero, Jr. WE WELCOME Our new Parishioners: Christy & Adam Hahn and Jennifer & Paul Sayegh Marriage Banns Banns III Whitney Martin & Brian Shiver Banns III Kathleen Collins & Christopher Peterson Banns II Catherine McCool & Matthew Leach Banns I Nina Deguia & Jannille Secuya Page Three WORDS FROM MSGR.SCHEYD The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation… Often we hear or use words and phrases in prayers that are full of special meaning, but because they have become very familiar, they don’t make much of an impression on us or on our way of living. Jesus is called the Light of the World. He gives meaning to life and helps us to avoid many of the pitfalls that living can bring to us. Stop for a few moments and reflect on your life without any reference to the goodness of the Lord. What can we accomplish totally by our own talents and ideas? While it is true that each of us is endowed with talent and knowledge, where does this ability come from? We may proudly proclaim our own personal genius in living our daily life, but are we really that smart because of our own talents? Having been given the gift of life, it is a great gift. We have the presence of God assisting us in using our talents guided by the light of grace to make our own life effective in doing good not only for our self, but for others as well. Jesus did not live for Himself. He is our light and salvation. He lived then for others and continues today to show us the way to the Kingdom of God, our Father. Have you made your pledge to the Annual Catholic Appeal? Have you prayed about giving sacrificially? Consider this . . . OVER 5 MONTHS CAN YOU SACRIFICE $33.33/DAY $16.67/DAY $ 6.67/DAY $ 5.00/DAY $ 3.34/DAY $ 1.67/DAY $ . 67/DAY TOTAL PLEDGE $5,000 $2,500 $1,000 $ 750 $ 500 $ 250 $ 100 Please prayerfully consider supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal. More information on how your gift is used and online donation link at: St. Aloysius – A Tithing Parish TITHING MEANS ONE-TENTH: FIVE % TO MY CHURCH + FIVE % TO CHARITY SUNDAY, May 29, 2016 $19,089 Online giving for the week: $2,858 TOTAL OFFERTORY: $21,947 LAST YEAR: $19,515 Page Four June 5, 2016 Religious Education Grades 1-6: VOLUNTEER CATECHISTS ARE NEEDED! Catechists and co-catechists are needed to pass on to our parish children the love of God and the shared meanings and values that are Catholic. A catechist introduces children to the faith community and helps prepare students for sacraments. A catechist helps the children to form a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus! The Religious Ed staff supports all of our catechists every step of the way, with lesson planning, enrichment, activities, etc. Please consider making a difference ... make Jesus known to our little ones! Our specific needs include: Sunday 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. - 3rd or 4th grade Monday 4-5 p.m.- 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade Tuesday, 4-5 p.m. - 4th, 5th & 6th grade Wednesday 4-5 p.m. - 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade Thursday, 4-5 p.m. 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grade On many of these days, we have catechists in place who are in need of partners. Please call Marie Pascale Vandall at 203-652-1170 to learn more. Thank you. REGISTRATION: All families must be registered members of the parish before enrolling their children in Religious Education. Families whose children were in our program last year have already received their forms via e-mail. Please return this form with updated information including a workable e-mail, along with your payment, by June 16. In August you will receive a link which can be activated on August 23. At that time you may select the day and time for your child to attend class. All information can be found on the parish website at Please contact the Religious Ed office if you have any questions or concerns. Mary Karen Keneally is in the process of reviewing the Level 1 service logs. If your child has not turned their log in at this point, please do so as soon as possible. Students can be working on fulfilling their 2016-2017 service obligation. Please encourage your child to complete their log at the time of service. Registration for 2016-2017 Who must register? All students who have completed Level 1 & will be continuing in Level 2 and all incoming Level 1 students Anyone who is new to St. Aloysius and will be joining our Religious Education program. By when? All paperwork, including payment and a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate, must be submitted to our office by JUNE 16th. If your child was baptized at St. Aloysius or you previously submitted a copy of their baptismal certificate you do not need to turn another one in. Why? You will want to be the “first to know” all that is going on throughout the summer. Once the pre-registration deadline of June 16th has passed, we will be updating our email list. This email list will be used for summer email communication regarding service opportunities, class assignments, etc. All rising Level 2 students will continue in their current Level 1 class. All class placements must come from our office. High School Teens in Fellowship, Prayer, Service and Worship! Sign up at, under Teen Dinner n’ Adoration: Last one of the school year and 2016 St. Aloysius Graduation Mass Sunday, June 12, 2016 5:00 p.m. Teen Mass before finals! This Tuesday, June 7th, we will begin with dinner in the Youth Room at 7 p.m. and then head to the Church for 35-40 minutes of teen-led Adoration, with music provided by Griffin Hall & Logan Otis. Sacrament of Confession available for our teens! Parish Picnic Teen Face Painters Needed: Have the God-given talent of face painting? Sign up to bring smiles to the children of the parish at our picnic on Saturday, June 11! Be a Buddy for a Thorpe Family Residence child : SPECIAL HOMILY & BLESSING FOR SENIORS ice cream social immediately following mass Photos of our graduating seniors with their parents will be taken by Lynne LoRusso of Lynne LoRusso Photography in the Chapel at 4:30 p.m. Sign up for a slot and your complimentary 5 x 7 print at! On Saturday, June 18, we will treat our friends from Thorpe to a picnic & games and then take them to the Circus at Saxe! We ask each teen buddy to contribute $40 to cover the cost of their ticket and their buddy’s ticket. And later this month . . . The Summer Breakfast Run will be on Sunday, June 19. Summer Teen Bible Study begins Tuesday, June 21 at 7:00 p.m. for 5 Tuesdays. Girls and Guys groups led by young adults. 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time All Knights and Prospective Knights are invited to the annual It’s time! End of Year Knights of Columbus BBQ & Cigar Smoker Thursday, June 9th 7:00 p.m. Stapleton Hall Patio In addition to the usual terrific social evening, we'll announce our scholarship winners at this event! All Knights are encouraged to join us in celebrating a very successful year. Patriotic Rosary in the Chapel Monday, June 6th at 7:00 p.m. The Patriotic Rosary will be followed by the monthly Knights of Columbus meeting in Stapleton Hall at 8:00. p.m. SECOND SUNDAY: Sunday, June 12 Parish Office Open from 9:00-12:00 noon THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Sun., June 5: 8:30 AM: Catholic Daughters Priest Appreciation Mass/Church 11:00 AM: Hospitality Coffee/Stapleton Hall Mon., June 6: 7:00 PM: Patriotic Rosary/Chapel 8:00 PM: Knights of Columbus Mtg./Stapleton Tues., June 7: 4:00 PM: Bereavement Ministry/3rd Floor 7:00 PM: “Having the Conversation”/ Stapleton Hall 7:00 PM: Teen Dinner n’ Adoration/Youth Room & Church Wed., June 8: 6:30 PM: St. A’s School 8th Grade Class Night/Stapleton Hall 7:30 PM: Emmaus Leadership Mtg/Maple St. Thurs., June 9: 7:00 PM: Knights of Columbus BBQ and Smoker/Stapleton Patio Fri., June 10: 7:00 PM: St. A’s School 8th Grade Graduation/Church Sat., June 11: 7:30 AM: Men’s Fellowship/Maple Street 11:00 AM: Emmaus Team Mtg/Maple Street 5:30 PM: Parish Family Picnic & Car Raffle/ Stapleton Hall & Patio If you were sick and not expected to live much longer, what are the things most important to you? Does your family know all this? Do you know the answers about your family? “Having The Conversation” A practical presentation on end of life issues Tuesday, June 7th, 7:00 p.m. in Stapleton Hall Guest Speakers William Osterndorf, Probate Judge of New Canaan will address legal topics Fr. William E. Platt, Board Certified Chaplain will discuss Catholic teachings on end of life care Fr. Cyrus Bartolome will discuss planning a Catholic Funeral Melanie Barnard, Chaplain at Norwalk Hospital will give you an upbeat format for your conversation Bring questions, concerns & adult members of your family. Planning guides will be distributed. For more information, contact Fr. Cyrus at 203-652-1155 Vtà{ÉÄ|v Wtâz{àxÜá TÇÇ|äxÜátÜç W|ÇÇxÜ Wednesday, June 15th 6:00 p.m. One-Twenty-Three Restaurant 407 Smith Ridge Road, Vista, NY Plated Dinner — $45 per person Choice of Pan Roasted Salmon or Sauteed Lemon Chicken Dcn. Bill Santulli will talk about his trip to the Holy Land RSVP to Noel Pascarella at 203-966-3094 The High School teens are collecting MEN’S sneakers and underwear for the June Breakfast Run! Will you please especially consider donating one pair of new or gently used sneakers this week? We need to collect about 85 pairs of sneakers! Please put these items in a bag by themselves marked for the Breakfast Run and place them in Mother Teresa's Closet! Page six St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan, CT Is Returning to St. Aloysius June 17-19! For this youth ministry fundraiser, your checkbook stays home! This time, you help out and you go home with a check in your pocket AND 60 % of our profits will go towards covering our bus transportation/scholarships to Steubenville East, our mission work and other youth ministry offerings designed to bring our young people into a greater relationship with Christ and strengthen their Catholic identity! Bring your old gold, platinum, palladium and sterling silver to Stapleton Hall. Friday & Saturday, June 17 & 18 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday, June 19 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. St. A's Hospitality Coffee is Back Today! We Need Hosts! Hosting a coffee after the 10 a.m. Mass is a great way to meet and socialize with fellow parishioners. Please sign up as a family, class, team or with friends. Very easy and thorough instructions provided. For questions or to sign up, contact Michele Sloan at or 203-858-5039. Bereavement Ministry We will meet Tuesday, June 7th, at 4:00 p.m. in the 3rd floor sitting room of the Parish Center. All are welcome. Rosary Tuesdays Let’s stay connected and encourage one another in prayer! Would you just like to add a few minutes of peace to your morning? Have a prayer intention? Have something that is heavy on your heart? Pray about it. Share it. Or, just ponder it. Walking with Purpose Women and Friends will be meeting to pray the Rosary Tuesdays, 9 am in the St. Aloysius Church Chapel now until July 26! ADULT EMMAUS RETREAT One Day—Saturday, June 25th All adult parishioners, friends and family who have not yet been an Emmaus candidate or those who want to have a day of retreat again are invited to attend as a candidate! Take the day to strengthen your faith! You won’t regret it . . . We promise! Applications are available at, in the parish office and in the bulletin racks of the church. Organizational meetings for the team will begin June 4 at 11:00 a.m. All adults are invited to join the team including our new graduates and returning college parishioners! Questions? Contact Kerianne Doran or Jim Keneally at, Chris Ayoub at or at 203-966-6882 or speak with Msgr. Scheyd. Important Virtus Information for ALL parish volunteers: All volunteers must be up to date on their re-certification and have signed the Executive Summary for Lay Persons to ensure that they and our parish are in compliance with the diocesan recertification requirements. No one is exempt and to be able to continue serving, you must be in compliance! If you work with children or vulnerable adults, you must re-certify every 5 years. All other volunteers recertify every ten years. All documents and instructions are on the home page of the parish website, or you may contact Beth Dwyer, our Safe Environments Coordinator at 203-652-1143 or via email at It is simple and re-certification is done online. Thank you for your cooperation! For those who are training for the first time, we will be holding a Virtus Class on Monday, June 13 at 7 p.m. in Stapleton Hall. Register for the class at A Social Night of Service for Young Adults, 21 and older at New Covenant Center on Tuesday June 7 from 6:30 -- 9:30PM at the center located at 174 Richmond Hill Avenue in Stamford. Young adults will be making dinners which will be served the next day to feed the150 hungry clients of New Covenant Center. Participants will also make a meal to eat together under the direction of 20-something-year old Fr. Andy Vill. Meet new people, serve our hungry brothers & sisters and enjoy dinner, complete with wine and beer. Reach out to a friend and RSVP to Ellen McGinness at *Important note: park in the lot directly behind New Covenant Center (entrance to the lot is on Fairfield Avenue)* Information Sheet CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 017700: St. Aloysius 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 PHONE 203-966-0020 CONTACT PERSON Jean Desmond NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday, 12 Noon SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If for any reason our bulletins cannot leave your plant on Friday morning, please call us at the number listed above. Thank you. Around the Parish . . . Over 150 St. A's folks of all ages came to work together for the annual Puravida Feed My Starving Children community food packing event! Thanks to all who helped feed the hungry! Our team packed 271 boxes which equals 58,536 meals or enough to feed 160 children for a year! God was surely smiling down upon us all and we know that the Holy Spirit on the Feast of the Blessed Trinity was surely guiding us! Our parish gives witness as we take the Blessed Sacrament to the street in our Feast of Corpus Christi Procession! ST. ALOYSIUS PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2016 SLATE OF TEEN NOMINEES Hazel Montano is a rising senior at New Canaan High School, and has been an active parishioner at St. Aloysius since she moved to New Canaan her freshman year. She is a teen leader of the newly formed Teen Rosary: Joining in the Mystery program, and of Teen Adoration. She loves to spend time with the Breakthrough Options children of single mother homes in Norwalk, braving the winter cold during the Midnight Run into New York City, and helping at the Catholic Charities food pantry in Bridgeport. Additionally, Hazel was also a candidate in the fall of her sophomore year on Emmaus LXVIII. Being a candidate has encouraged her to volunteer on the Emmaus retreats, and also to attend and represent Saint Aloysius at Fan the Fire, Convivio, and Steubenville. Hazel looks forward to travelling to World Youth Day in Poland this summer with the diocese, volunteering at Waveny Care Center, and being a member of the New to New Canaan program at the high school. Erica Smith is a rising senior in high school and a parishioner since 6th grade. She runs cross country and plays both varsity basketball and lacrosse. She has been an active Emmaus participant and will be on the team for the next retreat in the fall. She was a Religious Education teacher's aide for two years, worked with the children of Breakthrough Options, served as a Mass Captain who organizes the ushers and gifts bearers at the Teen Mass and is a Teen Adoration Leader, Teen Lector, and Eucharistic Minister. She has represented St. A’s at the Fan the Fire youth rally, Convivio, the Bishop’s Synod, and will be joining the contingent headed to Steubenville East this coming July. She was also a member of a girl’s prayer group with the Fraternas of the Marian Community of Recollection. Outside of the parish, she started a club to help educate girls in third world countries and is a member of the Model U.N. Club. Russell Walker, a lifelong parishioner, is a rising senior at New Canaan High School where he is a member of the Ski team and Volleyball team. Russell is a dedicated Emmaus team member and has participated since his first Emmaus sophomore year. He has devoted time to serve others through St. A’s Youth Ministry during Breakfast Runs into New York City, Breakthrough Options, the Catholic Charities Food Pantry, and is a Teen Leader of the St. A’s Buddies program, a ministry that welcomes special needs individuals to our parish for fellowship programs. He actively serves at the Teen Mass as an usher and Mass Captain. Russell is also a graduate of the New Canaan Cares Leadership program where he attended leadership classes and mentored middle schoolers. Parish Council Elections will be held at all of the Masses next weekend, June 11 & 12. Due to the mid-year arrival of our new pastor, Father Bob Kinnally, there are no adult candidates this year. Our adult parish council members have been asked to extend their term and stay on the council during our transition of pastors. A special thanks to our teen representatives this year, Jake O’Neill and JP Sloan who will be headed off to college and unable to stay on to serve! Please take time to familiarize yourself with our wonderful candidates! We thank all of our candidates for agreeing to run and serve our parish if elected!
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