13/14 August 2016 - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
13/14 August 2016 - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
sr ~«:il51E1Pl1lf§PA~D§H MA~/OIIE!\IIHlIEA/OI !NIJIFW§lLIErrlE~ - Number 91 - 13/14 August 2016 ~ ~~==~~==~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r&mes E~~ci \91f~~~\{~V ij\~Ci$~ ~r~t:eftie~~rnjS zo" ~,Ur.d2Yof Oi-dinar).' Mlchael and Helena Randell, 5(/~1 10:00 13 Aug Sat Wedding Anniversary, 14 Aug Sun ~?daV~5 f~~:>t ~el::Gro~eSHo: ~Pdec~f~i pl~:e ~hat.fvi.ciiV r;as in the ,i!fe~f the ~ LnurCn. Tnis piace is t~rst 01 aH snneo iJV ner oemg cnosen to 0(:; tIle ~ mother of Jesus, hls on!y human parent. This alone gives her a uniq\.~eness i. Tinle, ~.'£a:C~(osulier weei•.4) I whtch T 18:30 ion ita Ferndndez, RIP, Daniel and Concecio Fernandez, RIP 08:00 Derek Carter, RIP Peopie of the Parish 10:45 William Cumrnins, RIP & Frederick 15 Aug 10:00 Morning Tue 16Aug 10:00 He!en Colernan, A Prayer Wed 17 Aug 10:00 Mary and Stephen Si Thu 18Aug 10:00 Michele Adams, A Fri 19 Aug 10:00 Derek Carter, RIP Sat 20Aug 21 Aug Sun ,b.5 with the case of Jesus' resurrection, I of I Ozanne, A Mon I ! 09:15 is shared bV no other person who has sver lived, we need to look at the meaning of what the feast is about rather than being too literal in our understanding hO\J~it is described. it b probably not helpful to try to imagine soon as Marv's dead body was iald in the grave, it lmmedlatelv that, as as it were escaped from its earthly darkness and floated up "bodv and sou!" into "heaven". By using the image "assumed body and soul into heaven" what is really being said is that Mary, because of the dignity of her motherhood and her 10:00 fI/Iargaret O'Rourke 18:30 Dan Corrigan, RIP 08:00 Edmund Coleman, A (B'day) 09:15 10:45 People of the Parish own personal submission to God's will at every stage of her life, takes precedence over everyone in the sharing of God's glory which is the destiny of all of us who die united with Christ her Son. Ellen and George Sewell, A She remains, of course, fuilV a human being and infinltelv lower in dignltv than he; Son and much closer to us. With us but leading us, she stands in Expcsltion of the BlessedSacrament takes olace before the 10;00 Ma:;s Tuesdav to Saturday. Confession - Saturday immediately after 10:00 Mass and later between 17:30 and 18:15. adoration of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. She cannot even in glorv be given in any way the worshlp that is proper to the Persons of the Trinity, Wh;>t , eiQlll1ltaJl(:~ IUJ$: Parish Priest: iF;!J~h~r.!<nlirl~rr.~e. The Presbvterv, Tel: 36 Cookham Road, Maidenhead. 01628783958 5L.6 lEG on our be,"'I'. FAX: 01628 776863 ! !k.E;.@portsmouthdlocese 11 she can do is to intercede for us in our needs, offering her human prayers org.uk we~s;'~<e http:Uwww.stioseph~lsh.co.lJk/ ~ 01628 783988 !P'ieal!ie) . ,r Parish Centre Administrator: Monday to 12:00 01628 636312 ~li'alV bq ~. '.' for all those who are sick or housebound within the Parish, especially: Mary Toovey, Johnny Pereira, Sheila Galloway, Oliver Gigli Irene Sheehy, Joan Lennarz and Mary Toovey. lGiiorn2J McOlwte~m to Friday 09:00 '~I 'belt Zechar'iah +~" ~ maidenhea<!@Jlort51~outhdiocese,org.uk I t\·JLJh Lit) f\Alght,l NtJr blj fLJV\fCi-, 1\1:1' ";::'·';:-":-I.t ~a:"J's'the L:,;-d' ~V ~Malltiay to F(:u~V .I 08.iO-1230 11 f 4[ i\\\ ,/'{ L\::"~\ ~ Pc; fish Secretary: ft:~1~C~r'!)~\,~r~~E~ i?ie,a}§ia also ~/j)li'ap;f for the Repose of the Soul of Derek Carter, RIP, who died recently. Derek's Requiem Mass will be held at St Joseph's on 23'd August at lOam. stjoecentmllead@btconnect.com Si: Mary's Catholic Primary School fP'!a.aJ!i~ toJli'alV for all of the Holy Souls who still need your prayers. Just one Head Teacher: MrsJ$)i1Iice R.2JlfCock short prayer will earn you their Eternal gratitude. Cookham do with two prayers. Have you tried this yet? Or are you too busy? Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7EG imagine what you could 01628622570 '!!.Y'1JtJ. stlT~ill:Y~~ m~idenhead,org.u k :ill J~se!lli'i'$ff'iU'DSh M(!Ijr»ellif'ie@ri, ;s pmt o.f the ifil'e?1JJ2 P@~t{ PO!s'i:!f)U'I)}U AI'IP.@i I/))f [Cue tlJil{J)cc;se ([If p([lr~!JWIfi)@M~C1J wGuOcfli OVDcUW!1IP.£. St Eltzabetii- Cookharn Rise: St Edmund Campion - Maidenhead: St Edward's - Windsor: St Mark's - Dedworth: St Thomas More - TW\lyord: nil V" I ':'Ir!u r,.';' DO'-:"\I'"'I:\ _ ~fI!-:'\LI"(";'(~":";\lt:\ I 1 I ! ~