Saint Aloysius Catholic Church
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church 21 Cherry Street, New Canaan, CT 06840 Handicap Accessible June 23, 2013 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time ADULT EMMAUS RETREAT NEXT SATURDAY June 29th! “I put it off for years and then one year, I said, ‘I’m making time for Adult Emmaus’ and I have to tell you it was one of the most spiritually charged days of my life! And now, I know why it was so life changing for my son, my husband and every other adult and teen who have had the experience!” Adult Emmaus XXV candidate All adult parishioners, friends and family who have not yet been an Emmaus candidate are invited to attend as a candidate. Applications are available on the parish website and in the bulletin racks. You must register in advance so we can be prepared for you! Questions? Please contact Carrie Sindelar at or 203-972-8030. PARISH OFFICE 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 (mailing address) Phone: 203-966-0020 Fax: 203 972-7691 Richard Phelan - Business Manager Email - Marie Pelletier - Secretary Email - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Phone: 203 966-4555 Marie Pascale - Director Fax: 203 972-7691 Email - MUSIC MINISTRY Phone: 203 652-1180 Thomas Marino - Director Fax: 203 972-3359 FORTNIGHT FOR FREEDOM Join us to pray a Novena for Religious Liberty and the Patriotic Rosary Friday, June 21– Saturday, June 29 Each evening at 7:30 PM in the Chapel The U.S. bishops have called for a Fortnight for Freedom, a two-week period of prayer and action, to address many current challenges to religious liberty, including the August 1, 2013 deadline for religious organizations to comply with the HHS mandate, Supreme Court rulings that could attempt to redefine marriage in June, and religious liberty concerns in areas such as immigration and humanitarian services. We MUST stand up for our religious freedom! For more information, visit Email - YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY Phone: 203 652-1154 Chris Otis - Director Fax: 203 972-7691 Email - PRIESTS/CLERGY Rev. Msgr. William J. Scheyd, Pastor Rev. William G. Carey, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ian M. Jeremiah, Parochial Vicar Rev. Ralph Segura, Parochial Vicar Permanent Deacons Deacon Stephen W. Pond Deacon William A. Santulli Novena Booklets available to take home so you can also pray at home as a family. You will also find a link on the Home Page of the Parish Website for the Novena! St. Aloysius, our parish patron helping a victim of the plague SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF THE PARISH SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil for Sunday 5:30 pm Sunday 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am and 5:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon., Wed., Fri.: 7, 9 am, 5:30 pm./ Tues., Thurs., & Sat.: 7:00 am & 5:30 pm BAPTISM Celebrated each Sunday at 12:45 pm Please call Parish Office to schedule. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism class, held the 2nd Monday of each month at 8:00 pm in the Maple Street meeting room. To register for the class, call the Parish Office. RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00 – 5:00 pm and by appointment. Every First Friday one half hour before each Mass. MARRIAGE Call the Parish Office at least nine months prior to the wedding date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK If someone is ill at home or in the hospital, please call the parish office to arrange for Communion and administration of the Sacrament of the Sick. PARISH WEBSITE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM July and August 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HOURS Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 3:30; closed Friday July and August - closed PARISH STAFF Financial Office Rita Rainone, Financial Parish Office Marie Pelletier, Administrative Assistant Religious Education Annemarie Jardon, Confirmation Coordinator Kathleen Redman, Grade Level Coordinator Mary Karen Keneally, Administrative Coordinator Music Cidalia Alves,, Dir. of Youth Choir Angelo Natalie, Life Teen Music Maintenance Willie Roeder ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL 33 South Avenue; Phone: 203-966-0786 Principal, Dr. Donald Howard Secretary, Karen Iaco PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED: Angelina Blackman, Richard Graf PLEASE PRAY FOR: Gabriel Simon Aljalian, Marie Bartolutti, Gary Benway, Gladys Borodich, John Borodich, Louise Borzumato, Theresa Butler, Catherine Buonaiuto, Campano family, Tony Cantone, Fr. William Carey, Isabella Caruso, Marie Castry, Mallory Chila, Rose Chopek, Sheila Civale, Anne Cleary, Teresa Costello, Frank Cristello, Ellen & Julio Delatorre, Louise DePalma, Frank DiMuzio, Jean DiPanni, Larry DiPippo, Eileen Dolan, Kathleen Dooley, Melissa Fagen, Mario Fanone, Susan Fay, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Michael Fratina, Scott Gordon, Chris Griffin, Angelo Gesualdi, Joseph Haas, Sr., Corinne Harrison, Len Henriksson, Gwen Howsie, WalterJaykus, Danny Joosten, Father Bernie Keefe, Nancy Kelleher, Donovan King, Christopher Kotos, Helen P. Kuzlik, Alice Landry, Betty Lovastik, Vincent Luccarelli, Don Lynch, Mary Maher, Donald McQuid, Jane Michon, Linda Milazzo, Jacqueline Minio, Yvette Moreno, Howard Morrin, Jon Morrison, Anne Z. Murray, Alex Newton, Isabelle Nunez, Gene O’Callaghan, Katie O’Sullivan, Domenick and Julia Palladino, Mary Pelletier, Lori Perkins, Walter Pojasek, Al Poole, Mila Quini, Carole Quinn, Iracema Galvani Quinete, Sherry Rafferty, Gladys Rodriques, Dean Rohrer, Al Romano, Jane Rowland, Rita Schloth, William P. Schupler, Dominick Sciarretta, John Smith, Angela & Roderic Stock, David Sullivan, Jr., Thomas Sullivan, James Thoile, Caiden Toores, Joseph Toppin, Anna Totaro, Kerry Patrick Tracy, Eileen Vetter, Ryan Joseph Willen and the sick & suffering known only to God. We also wish to pray for our service men and women: PFC Daniel Carpino, Lt. Col. Lon Karl; Major Christopher Schilling; PFC Steven Vasko; Capt. Michael Gonzalez; 1st Lt. Michael Howard; Patrick A. Piercey; Captain Christopher Morgan; Lt. Cmdr. Stefania Sigurdsson; LCPL Thomas Miller; Cptn. Elizabeth A. Condon; SPC Thomas Aldrich; Cptn. Kyle Weaver; Sgt. Joseph Coppo, Jr.; USAF; Spec. 3rd CL Thomas Lally Parish Finance Council - - - David Molloy - Chairperson - Email: Parish Advisory Council - - - -- Christine Ayoub - Chairperson - Email: MISSION STATEMENT: We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ striving to proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed. Through worship, evangelization, formation and service we invite our brothers and sisters to know the Lord. St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan, CT MASS INTENTIONS Monday, June 24 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 7:00 Robert J. McCarthy, Sr. 9:00 Katie Burak 5:30 Rose Barbara Lynch Tuesday, June 25 Multiple Mass Intentions 7:00 Marcella Rosinski 5:30 Romano Pompa, Marjorie Burns, Joanne Clark Augustino D’Angelo, J. Kevin Coffey Wednesday, June 26 7:00 Richard A. Franco, Sr. 9:00 Adam Joseph Mandalfino 5:30 Cesedio Celucci Thursday, June 27 7:00 Bill Lenihan 5:30 Ralph DiDomenico Friday, June 28 7:00 Bill Lenihan 9:00 Rocco & Mary Mandalfino 5:30 Margaret Hofbaur Saturday, June 29 7:00 Jack Durcan 5:30 St. Aloysius Parishioners Sunday, June 30 7:00 St. Aloysius Parishioners 8:30 For the intentions of Ann Bradley 10:00 Nino Vascotto 11:30 Nicholas Lazzaro 5:00 David Pflug SANCTUARY CANDLES burn from June 28-July 4 The Sacred Heart Sanctuary candle in memory of Raphael Gomez The Mary Sanctuary candle for the intentions of Evan Otis The Chapel candle in memory of Augustino D’Angelo St. Aloysius – A Tithing Parish TITHING MEANS ONE-TENTH FIVE % TO MY CHURCH + FIVE % TO CHARITY SUNDAY, June 16 , 2013: $18,556.00 Online giving for the week: $705.00 June 16, 2013 TOTAL OFFERTORY: $19,261.00 LAST YEAR: $20,455.00 Disaster Relief Fund: $4,709.00 Please consider using online giving for the summer months. Even if you are away, your parish depends upon your weekly contribution. It’s easy to sign up for using the link on the home page of the parish website,! THANK YOU! Page Three WORDS FROM THE DIOCESE Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The worldwide Peter's Pence Collection, held this year the weekend of June 29-30, has taken as its theme "Be A Pilgrim of Charity." There are many places around the globe where the Church struggles to be a visible sign of charity but, thankfully, the Holy Father is the pilgrim of charity for Catholics everywhere. In poor dioceses where many are dependent on the Church for social and pastoral support; in regions where Catholics are persecuted for their faith; and in nations overloaded with refugees and victims of war and natural disasters, the works done by the Holy Father help the Church extend charity to those most in need. The Peter's Pence Collection gives all of us the opportunity to be pilgrims of charity around the world. Our gifts to this annual collection help Pope Francis strengthen dioceses and struggling communities of faith when they need it most. Many who struggle to survive rely on us to assist them through their difficulties. Please give generously to the collection, which will be held at St. Aloysius next weekend, and know that in doing so, you become a pilgrim of charity around the globe. Charity bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Cor 13:7) Sincerely yours in Christ, Reverend Monsignor Jerald A. Doyle, J.C.D Diocesan Administrator 2013 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Assigned Goal - $750,000 Pledged as of June 11 - $638,000 (85% of Goal) Number of Pledges—442 Total Number of Pledges Last Year - 522 Please make your pledge! We need YOUR support! Last year, due to the generosity of our parishioners wishing to share their “treasures”, we pledged $855,000 to the appeal as a parish! So, pray on it and then make your pledge right away as June 30th is the end of the appeal. WE WELCOME Our recently registered parishioners: Mr. and Mrs. Annette Aspillaga, Laura Schroeder, John Good Marriage Banns Banns II Christopher Kennedy & Jennifer Dickinson Page Four June 23, 2013 Grades 1-6 All those families who registered on or before June 17th will receive a confirmation of day and time for their children within the next week. Registration forms received after that date will be confirmed at the end of August. Classes are beginning to fill rapidly. At this time Monday 2nd - 6th grade, Tuesday and Wednesday 3rd-6th grade classes are all closed. If you wanted one of those days please write “wait-list” next to your first choice and we will put your child on a wait-list. We have a great need for catechists on Thursday from 4-5 p.m. for all grades. All baptized Catholics are called to spread the Word. Be a faith leader, share your love of God with our parish children; the Religious Education team will train and support you every step of the way. The Holy Spirit guides and blesses our efforts. Learn more by contacting Marie Pascale at 203-652-1170. The Religious Education office is now closed for the summer. Email and phone messages will be checked periodically. We will re-open Tuesday August 20th. Classes begin Sunday, September 15th. Full class schedules are on the parish website. Confirmation Preparation Rising Level 2 (8th Grade): There are still some Level 2 students not enrolled. Parents, please be sure to enroll your child so that they are off to a good start for their final year of formation and will be ready to receive the sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring. The date of Confirmation 2014 has not yet been set. We will keep you informed as we know more. Our mandatory Confirmation Retreat is set for Sunday, March 30 from 11:15 am to 4:45 pm. Classes will begin in mid September. Rising Level 1 (7th Grade): Many students are not yet enrolled for 2013-2014. Please be aware that there is a 3 absence maximum policy for each year of preparation. Classes begin in mid September, so please be sure to enroll your child promptly if you have not already done so, as you do not want your child to miss the early classes. We will begin class placements at the end of August when the office re-opens. Thanks . . . to all of our adult youth advocates and teens who came together to serve our brothers and sisters in need for our breakfast run last weekend! Watch for info on our next breakfast run which will be in the fall! SUMMER MISSION WORK FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEENS! St. A’s “Angels on Earth” serve the Thorpe Family Residence Kids Prep work team needed on Wednesday, June 26 5-7pm Maple Street Meeting Room On site team needed on Saturday, June 29 to go to the Bronx to serve! Contact Teen Service Leader Sarah Kelley at to sign up to be an “Angel on Earth” for this mission work! CRUX – A Summer Bible Study Program begins SOON! Run by young adults in their 20’s Open to all HS Teens Try it once . . . You’ll like it! Food provided! Contact Chris Otis at or 203-652-1154. MATT MAHER CONCERT AT THE RIDGEFIELD PLAYHOUSE ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26TH AT 8PM Catholic Kids Camp Program for children with special needs ages four years old through 12th grade. Great leadership hinges on openness, compassion and devotion. Christian music singer-songwriter and worship leader Matt Maher has built his career – his life – on striving to embody those ideals. Matt Maher has cemented his respected reputation penning songs with Chris Tomlin, Michael W. Smith, Matt Redman and Jars of Clay. Tickets are $27.50 and still available at 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Five Our faith doesn't take a vacation! Going away this summer? Find a Catholic Mass anywhere in the world at! When you visit a church on vacation this summer, take a picture of your family in front of the church, at the Tabernacle or Baptismal Font or with the priest and email it to Then watch the bulletin board by the main parking lot side of the church where we will post all the photos we receive! We congratulate the newly elected members of the Parish Council Christine Betack Maura Gayer Matthew Hennessy And teen representatives Will Molloy and Emily Sloan Much thanks to retiring members ST. ALOYSIUS PARISH FEAST In 1991, our parish priests along with Lea DiMuzio and Julia Palladino put together the first parish celebration of the feast day of our patron saint, St. Aloysius. Since then, our parish family looks forward to coming together each year at the PARISH FEAST for a tasty pasta dinner put on by the Knights of Columbus and wonderful desserts and specialty coffees made by our Catholic Daughters. Everyone enjoyed the live music, a visit from the ice cream truck and the highlight of the evening, the drawing for the St. Aloysius School Car Raffle! For their service to our parish A BIG THANKS TO OUR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AND THE CATH0LIC DAUGHTERS FOR ALL OF THEIR HARD WORK AND EFFORT TO PUT ON A GREAT EVENING THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH AND THE WINNERS ARE . . . jim holec, Maggie pierce & Marybeth fessler Sun., June 23: 11:00 AM: Hospitality Coffee/Stapleton Hall 4:00 PM: Adult Emmaus Team Mtg/Stapleton 6:00 PM: Graduation Mass Ice Cream Social 7:30 PM: Novena for Religious Liberty/Chapel Mon., June 24 7:00 PM: Cenacle/Chapel 7:30 PM: Novena for Religious Liberty/Chapel Tues., June 25 7:30 PM: Novena for Religious Liberty/Chapel Wed., June 26 5:00 PM: Youth Ministry/ “Angels on Earth” Cookie Baking/Maple Street Mtg Room 7:00 PM: Friends of St. Aloysius Mtg./Stapleton 7:30 PM: Novena for Religious Liberty/Chapel Thurs., June 27 7:30 PM: Novena for Religious Liberty/Chapel Fri., June 28 7:30 PM: Novena for Religious Liberty/Chapel Sat., June 29 7:30 AM: Men’s Fellowship/Offsite 7:00 AM: Adult Emmaus/Stapleton Hall & Maple 6:30 PM: Novena for Religious Liberty/Chapel First Prize- 2013 BMW 328 i Ticket #319 bought at a Saturday 5:30 Mass Mary Swift from New Canaan Second Prize- BMW Cruise Bike Ticket # 389 bought at a 10 am Mass Jack Pugliese from New Canaan Third Prize- $300 Gift card redeemable at Scorebig.Com Ticket #24 bought at the Parish Office by a friend Caryl Battista from Flushing, NY CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS AND WE THANK ALL THOSE WHO TOOK A CHANCE AND BOUGHT ONE OF THE 1,000 TICKETS SOLD! THANKS TO SUE OATES AND HER COMMITTEE FOR ALL OF THEIR WORK IN MAKING THE RAFFLE A SUCESS! Page six St. Aloysius Church, New Canaan, CT Father Carey’s Summer Gospel Study Session You are invited to gather informally to discuss the upcoming weekend Gospel Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. only July 11,18 & August 1,8,15,22 Maple Street Meeting Room The Catholic Daughters would like to congratulate their college bound scholarship winner Patrick Connolly who will be attending Notre Dame University in the fall. OPPORTUNITIES TO REACH OUT & HELP OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN NEED! Fresh Veggie Donations! Do you grow your own vegetables? Do you then have more than you can use or give away? If so, please consider donating part of your excess to a food bank! Many faithful gardeners in the area are giving tons of food each year! Contact Deacon Steve at for more info! St. Aloysius School is proud to announce its winners in the annual art and poetry contest sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Our four first place winners at the local level went on to win at the state level. Students chose one of two contest themes: "Jesus is reflected in me" or "My life is a reflection of good." State Level winners were: Sasha Tarling, 8th grade won second place in Art; Pahal Ahuja, 4th grade won third place in Art; Molly McAndrew, 5th grade, and Maya Zaleski, 8th grade were tied for 2nd place in Poetry. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas was founded in 1903 in New York and remains one of the country's largest women's Catholic organizations. Besides the local winners, in attendance were: Mrs. Rosemarie Petronella, Regent, and Mrs. Dolores Haas, chairperson of art and poetry. Mrs. Haas organized the contest with St. A.'s religion and music director, Mrs. Marie Crispi, as well as the classes' teachers. PILGRIMAGE ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA SHRINE AND NORTH AMERICAN MARTYRS SHRINE Sunday, July 14 Saint Kateri Feast Day The DCF is currently working with a family which consists of a mother, age 23 and her 2 year old toddler girl. The mother migrated to the United States two years ago from Vietnam. The Department became involved with the family after the mother was found by the police in an alley crying due to domestic violence. Both mother and child are now reunited at a local shelter. The mother is unemployed, doesn’t have any friends, social support or family in the United States. The Department is requesting your help in assisting with food and clothing. The toddler wears size 4T and size 5 diapers. Another family needs assistance getting shoes for three children : Boy Size 4 boys size shoe/Girl size 8 toddler and Baby girl size 4 toddler Gift cards are great from Target or Wal-Mart or Kohl’s. Please let Deacon Steve know if you are able to help by calling 203-856-7804 or emailing THANK YOU! Bus Departure at 6:30 a.m. From the Catholic Center in Bridgeport Return at 8:30 p.m. Mass at 10:30 Featuring Native Americans with drumming and singing Lunch Visit to the North American Martyrs Shrine $82 per person Contact Gina for more information or to sign up at 203-416-1446 or at Information Sheet CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 017700: St. Aloysius 40 Maple Street, New Canaan CT 06840 PHONE 203-966-0020 CONTACT PERSON Marie Pelletier NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday, 12 Noon SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If for any reason our bulletins cannot leave your plant on Friday morning, please call us at the number listed above. Thank you.
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