sunday bulletin - Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Parish


sunday bulletin - Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Parish
Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Parish
SUNDAY, October 9, 2016
Twenty first Sunday after Pentecost
Tone 4; Matins Gospel 10
Apostolic reading: Gal. 2:16-20; Gospel: Lk. 7:11-16
Served by: The Very Rev. Nicholas R. A. Rachford, J.C.L., Pastor
Cantors: Mrs. Adrienne Terleck, Mr. David Stacko;
Mrs. Linda Skibo, weekday cantor
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Adrienne Terleck
2711 West 40th Street
Lorain, Ohio 44053-2252
church: 282-7525; church fax: 282-9185; kitchen: 282-7742
Web; e-mail addresses: office –;
pastor –; Facebook – search FatherNick Rachford;
blog –; Twitter – tweet @FatherNickRachf.
3 p.m.
4 p.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
Joseph R.Deliman, DDS
1210 West 44th Street
Lorain, Ohio 44053
(440) 282-4747
Preventive Dentistry for Adults and Children
This week at St. Nicholas
8:30 a.m.
6 p.m.
6:30 a.m.
8 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
3 p.m.
4 p.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
11:10 a.m.
Intention of parishioners
+David F. Ostang by Mr. & Mrs. John & Barb Evansco(29-5)
Holy Name Communion
+John Muzick by Daniel & Marilyn Montgomery (10)
Potato prep
Early prep
Pirohi making
+Samuel Shumyla by Mr. & Mrs. John Kraly (28-16)
+Mary Huber by Michael and Judy Naymik (32-20)
+Anna Sekerak by Carol Sekerak (33-15)
Intention of parishioners
High school ECF
Phone: 440-233-LAWN (5296) Email:
Madeline R. Zaworski
Nikken Certified Wellness Home Consultant
A Wellness Home provides quality
air/water/sleep/nutrition/exercise to enhance
arthritic discomfort, diabetes, sleep, etc. by
improving one’s home environment naturally. Call
home “Wellness Preview” or classes about a
Wellness Lifestyle. Classes and Wellness consultations are free of charge.
3328 Robin Lane
Lorain, Ohio 44053
Home: (440) 282-3139
Cell: (440) 289-6150
A Time For Balance
From the Pastor
In today’s Gospel reading (Lk 6:36) Jesus
tells us that we are to be merciful just as our
Father is merciful. We are coming to the end of
the Jubilee Year of Mercy (Nov. 20) In these final
weeks of this Jubilee, make a list of what you’ve
done to show mercy during the year; then make a
list of what you will continue to do to show mercy
in the coming year.
Corporal Works:
To feed the hungry;
To give drink to the thirsty;
To clothe the naked;
To shelter the homeless;
To visit the sick;
To ransom the captive;
To bury the dead.
Spiritual Works
To instruct the ignorant;
To counsel the doubtful;
To admonish sinners;
To bear wrongs patiently;
To forgive offenses willingly;
To comfort the afflicted;
To pray for the living and the dead.
upporting the mission of our parish: Sunday offering: $1,905; holy day: $99; can-
dles: $29.25; Horizons: $5; building fund: $300; poor: $28; Mem/act: $470 in memory of Mary
BALANCE: –$1,573.70.
Parishioner birthdays this week:
Michael Teleha (17)
Parishioner anniversaries in
October: Michael and Cecilia Schmidt (9),
Kozlowski (15), Joseph
and Marge Skrepich (17)
Katherine Knick (22).
For the Divine Liturgy this Weekend
Ribbons at pages 11, 69, 141
Option A for all.
Troparia, kontak, prokimen, alleluia,
tone 4, pages 141-142/.
Our Father tone 4, page 69.
Deadline for parishioners
to order rolls is Monday,
Oct. 10. Order sheets are
at both entrances or call the church office.
50/50 raffle: Tickets currently being sold
are for the 50/50 raffle drawing for Nov. 6.
Drawing for October winner: Larry Jewell
Total: $170.
Expenses for Oct. 3-7:
utilities: $2,592.91
office: $584.79
needs to acquire the sod machine rental, pea gravel for the foundation and the landscaping cloth.
He will greatly appreciate any equipment, donations, or advice. He can be reached at (440) 2442427 or (440) 714-3429. Also he will have a box
labeled (Eagle Scout Project Fund) on the religious articles showcase. Donations, advice, questions can be dropped in the box.
Eagle scout project: Eagle Scout candidate and fellow parishioner Andreas Camp has
chosen to perform his Eagle Scout project in our
own backyard. The 17-year old Life Scout plans
on building a brick pathway from the driveway on
the west end of the church to the recently constructed prayer garden. The bricks for the path
have already been donated; however, he still
Horizons: The
subscription rate is now
$15 a year. The 2016
Horizons envelopes do
not reflect this, but the
2017 envelopes will. In
the meantime please
add the difference.
Thank you for your
Remember to make checks out to St. Nicholas
Parish and put in the collection basket along with
the parish and eparchy portion of the receipt.
Keep the other portion for your records. Our goal
is $6,000.
Festival of Mercy: Ready, Set, Show
Mercy. The Eparchy of Parma and the Cathedral
of St. John the Baptist will host a weekend of
charity, prayer, confession, and fellowship that
responds to Pope Francis’ call during the year of
Mercy. The Festival of Mercy will begin Saturday,
Oct. 15 with a charity 5K/one-mile walk on the
cathedral grounds. The proceeds of the race benefit St. Augustine’s ministry to the disabled, St.
Herman’s House of Hospitality, and St. Mary’s
Hospitality House. Come run, walk, win a raffle,
and support these noble charities.
Saturday evening will feature a parish mission at the cathedral with speaker Father David
Anderson, a dynamic Eastern Catholic priest from
California, beginning with vespers at 6 p.m.
Father Anderson will preach during vespers.
Haven’t been to confession in a while? We are
leaving the light on for you. Multiple confessors
will be available from 6-10 p.m. Come for mercy,
stay for refreshments afterward.
Sunday morning will continue the mission,
beginning with matins at 9 a.m. with Liturgy to
follow, where Father Anderson will preach. Come
for the Liturgy, stay for the fellowship lunch.
Chicken paprikas dinner: St. John
Parish will hold a Hungarian chicken paprikas
dinner on Sunday, Oct. 16, 12-3 p.m. at the
church, 36125 Aurora Road, Solon. Donation is
$12 per dinner, by advance reservation only. Call
(330) 840-0331 and leave your name and phone
number, and you will receive a confirmation call
back. Deadline is Oct. 11.
Tuscan Sunday supper is hosted by
the Cathedral Fellowship on Sunday, Oct. 23,
from 1-4 p.m. at the cathedral at Broadview and
Snow in Parma. Tickets: $10 for adults, $5 for
children (ages 4-11) and free for children under
four years old. Join us and enjoy good food, wine,
fellowship, live entertainment, door prizes and
many raffles. To reserve tickets or for more information, contact Lisa (216) 447-4416 or Toni
(330) 220-7782. Buon appetito!
Bridegroom’s Banquet: You are
invited to the “Bridegroom’s Banquet,” a benefit
dinner for the nuns of Christ the Bridegroom
Monastery, on Saturday, Nov. 5, at St. Joseph
Byzantine Catholic church in Brecksville. There
is no cost to attend the dinner, but registration is
required by Oct. 21. Adults 21 and older may
attend. Enjoy a buffet dinner, live music and an
evening with the nuns and their guests. Learn
more about and support the nuns and their life of
prayer and hospitality. The evening will begin
with vespers at 5:30 p.m. and conclude at 8 p.m.
You are also invited to attend the parish’s vigil
Divine Liturgy at 4 p.m. To register, please visit
(440) 834-0290.
Forum on Respect: Join St. Mary
Byzantine Catholic Parish, in conjunction with
the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist and Holy
Spirit Byzantine Catholic Parish as we present the
forum Sunday, Nov. 13. Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
Come and celebrate the 10 a.m. Divine Liturgy at
St. Mary Byzantine Catholic church, 4600 State
Road, Cleveland, and then walk over to the
Crystal Chalet for this inspiring event. Tickets are
on sale online at Post cards
are at both bulletin tables.
Cleveland’s Catholic radio station, AM 1260 The Rock, wants to invite you to
three days full of local programming. The upcoming fall Spirit Drive, Oct. 12-14, is an on-air fundraiser where religious and lay apostles all come
together to raise funding to keep the air waves
alive with the faith. You can listen in on AM 1260
The Rock with your drive to and from work. Or
even online at www.am1260the We are
also going to stream live video feed from the studio. Call with any questions or donations,
(216) 227-1260. Thank you from The Rock team.
Malberg Eastern
Seminar: The 32nd annual
Malberg Eastern
Churches Seminar will be held Friday evening,
Oct 14-at Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek
Orthodox church in Cleveland Heights and
Saturday morning, Oct. 15 at Notre Dame College
in South Euclid. The title of this year’s conference
will be the “The Word, Worship and the Bible,”
and aims to deepen the participants understanding
of the Word of God and its use in the liturgy.
Fathers Bogdan Bucur, Silviu Bunta and Andrew
Summerson will be the presenters. Please see the
brochures in your vestibule for registration forms.