October Bible Study - Vacation
October Bible Study - Vacation
STAR OF THE SEA SAN FRANCISCO YOUR PRAYERS are requested for the happy repose of all the souls in purgatory. MON. 7:30 12:05 TUES. 7:30 12:05 WED. 7:30 THUR. FRI. SAT. SUN. 12:05 7:30 12:05 7:30 12:05 8:30 4:30 8:00 9:30 11:00 12:15 4:30 Mabini Martinez Holy Souls in Purgatory Stanley Bautista Victoria Binamira and Isabel Alaes Int. of Celso and Generosa Tabobo on their anniversary Joseph Perasso Domnic Lemos Holy Souls in Purgatory Stanley Bautista Cynthia Luthi Weber Holy Souls in Purgatory Helen and Adolph Lowiec Rosarii McNamara (Anniv) People of the Parish Int. of Celebrant Randy Garcia Bobila Royce and Kristine Tuka in Thanksgiving FRIDAY IS THE FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH. Masses are at 7:30 and 12:05. Devotions after the 12:05 Mass. FIRST SATURDAY ADORATION from 8:30 am to 3:45 pm. Please stop by for a few minutes with Our Lord. If you are a non-Catholic adult who would like to explore the Catholic faith or an adult Catholic who has not received First Communion or Confirmation, please contact the rectory for information about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Classes start in September and continue through the Easter Vigil (April 2011). October Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 6 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 13 6J[ Oct. 31 Bible Study - Vacation State of the Parish Address at all Masses Blessing of the Animals after the 9:30 am Mass Eucharistic Ministers Mtg Lector's Mtg Musicians Mtg All Ministry Meetings are in the Chapel from 2-3 pm School Mass at 9 AM Festival & Italian Dinner Columbus Day Holiday SFOP Meeting @ 6:30 pm Parent Club Meeting *VUÄYTH[PVU*VTTP[TLU[ Halloween Mass at 9:30 am How to find the RIGHT work during challenging times! A new approach to life and work after 40! A new e-book challenges us to focus on doing work that fits just right. Author Craig Nathanson returns to encourage us to follow our passions. Visit Craig's website www.thevocationalcoach.com and attend this workshop. Expand your network with Catholic Networking. Tuesday, Sept. 28th 7-8:30 pm at St. Dominic's in the modular classroom. Admission is free; reservations are requested, daura@ccwear.com or (415) 664-0164. . PLEASE PRAY for the sick and homebound of our parish: Collette Moley, Imelda Walsh Gallagher, Kathleen Walsh, Janice Alden, Elizabeth Geler, Marcelina Braiseno, Virgie Abalos, Catherine Chow, Evelyn Ricci Pereira, Vincent Walsh, Peg Leal, Bess Halog, Beverly D'Andria, Jacquelin Lane, Mary Trepanier, Loretta Peralta. Project Rachel Archdiocese Post-Abortion Ministry is offering a Non-Residential Retreat for Spanish speaking women who are troubled about a past abortion and are seeking sacramental reconciliation and emotional healing at St. Finn Barr Parish on October 15-17. Adjustable fee $45. For information & reservations, call Vilma Merlos at 415-585-6434 or Maria Molina at 572-7546. Transforming Grief is a day of spiritual retreat for those who are grieving the death of a loved one. Come together with others who are grieving and presenter, Barbara Elordi, on Saturday, October 2nd, from 9:30-2:30 at St. Robert's in San Bruno. Please register by calling 415-614-5506. TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 Dear Friends, Next week, I will be speaking at all the Masses giving my State of the Parish Address. We live in challenging times and I hope that after hearing this address, you will better understand the challenges that face us as a parish community. The parish Finance Committee met in mid July. The result of the meeting was that we needed to lower expenses and bring in more income (easier said than done!). Our collections are up a little since Labor Day, but I will be discussing this issue more next week. I want you to know, in this letter, the things we have cut back on: Item/ Employee 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Monthly Savings Loomis Yellow Pages Ad Alhambra Water Calendars Student Workers Fr. Magat Cook (cut hours to 15 per week) Housekeeper (cut hours to 18 per week) Annual Savings $348.34 $103.00 $83.34 $1,742.14 $3,764.19 $4,180.00 $1,236.00 $1,000.00 $600.00 $ 20,905.68 $ 45,170.28 $453.51 $5,442.12 $2,404.57 $28,854.84 On July 1st, when I became your Pastor, we were losing $15,000 a month. With these eight cutbacks, we are saving the parish $8,899 a month. We are still running in the red to the tune of $6,101 a month, but that's a lot better than the $15,000 we were losing just a couple of months ago. You also need to know that the City has imposed a new tax on all unoccupied buildings. For [OLÄYZ[[PTLL]LY^LHYLILPUNHZZLZZLKMVY[OL*VU]LU[;OPZ^HZHUL_WLUZL[OH[^HZUV[ budgeted for, but we still have to pay it. Easy come, easy go. Next Sunday after the 9:30 Mass, we will have the blessing of the animals in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. The animals I'm talking about are your pets, not your kids! Come to the blessing and receive HILH\[PM\SJVSVYJLY[PÄJH[L^P[O`V\YWL[ZUHTLVUP[0OVWLHM[LY[OLISLZZPUN`V\YWL[Z^PSSILIL[[LY behaved! Happy St. Francis Day! Father Brian BIBLE STUDY CLASS is taking a vacation during the month of October. Classes will resume in November. CATHOLIC PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CLUB will meet on Wednesday, October 13 from 5:30-7:30 pm with Monsignor James Tarantino, Vicar for Administration. The meeting will be held at Caesar's Restaurant, 2299 Powell Street at Bay Street. Come and join us! Week of September 19, 2010 First Collection Priests' Retirement $ 2,196.17 $ 1,637.07 Thank You! The Second Collection next Sunday is the monthly offering for parish maintenance. The sin of the rich man in today's parable was not that he was rich, but that he failed to share his wealth with the beggar at his gate. He knew Lazarus, perhaps walked by him every time he came in or out, but did nothing to relieve his suffering. Is there a Lazarus in my life? What am I doing to help him? UNRECOGNIZABLE All God’s angels come to us disguised. --James Russell Lowell Star of the Sea Festival 2010! Saturday, October 9th 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Please join us for our annual event! This year's activities to include: * Live Entertainment * BINGO * Boutique Craft Sales * Children's Games and Prizes * Arts and Crafts * Touch-A-Truck * Bounce Houses * Tree Frog Treks * Delicious Food and Treats Italian Pasta Dinner 4-7 PM Star of the Sea Auditorium *Cash Bar opens at 4 pm *Dinner served promptly at 5:30 pm *Live Jazz Trio Adult tickets $12 each Child tickets (ages 4-13) $6 each Space is limited so make your reservations now! All proceeds from the Festival ILULÄ[:[HYVM[OL:LH Parish and School. Hope to see you there!