CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC PARISH 835 Northmount Dr., N.W. Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 TEL: 403-284-3311, FAX: 403-220-0095 E-mail: web site: Pastor: Fr. Jos Tom Kalathil Parambil Fr. Paulos Tewelde - In Residence Secretary: Regina C. Bartlett Custodian: Theresa Hryhor Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Sunday Morning - 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Weekday Masses: Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday – Saturday - 9:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 4:00 – 4:30 p.m., or any time by appointment. Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: st 1 Friday of the month - 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Rosary: Sunday, 8:30 a.m. before Mass. Weekdays, before all Masses. Baptism Preparation: A family interview with the priest is required prior to any arrangement for the baptism of a child. Baptismal Instruction is obligatory for both parents. Wedding Arrangements: Couples contemplating marriage should contact a priest at least six months prior to the date chosen. Couples who are planning to be married at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Parish are expected to regularly worship with this Parish Community and to participate in a Marriage Preparation Program. Teacher’s Profession of Faith: Teachers in such a situation should make themselves known to the priest of the parish, be registered, regularly attend Mass at this parish and participate in a ministry. Teacher should bring their completed faith form to their interview with the pastor. Pastoral Health Care Team – welcomes the opportunity to visit and bring the Eucharist to our housebound parishioners. Contact the Parish Office or Tess Langill 403-249-0969 to schedule visits at home or in the hospital. Parish Pastoral Council – st 1 Thursday of the month 7:30 pm Catholic Women’s League – rd 3 Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Knights of Columbus – st 1 Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm Society of St. Vincent de Paul – nd th 2 and 4 Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word - (ages 3-7) Sept –June - Held at the 10:30 am Sunday masses except on Holidays and Long weekends of the Calgary Catholic Schools. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – For those preparing for Baptism or for entry into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 19, 2014 A Vocation View: “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” Our lives ultimately belong to God; let His love shine through all that you do. (Matthew 22:21) MASS INTENTIONS Tues Oct 21 7:00 pm Wed Oct 22 9:00 am Thurs Oct 23 9:00 am Fri Oct 24 9:00 pm Sat Oct 25 9:00 am Finestone & McGowan Family (RIP) & (LIV) Req The Family Sat Oct 25 5:00 pm Adelaida Dizon (RIP) Req Jose Roel Singco Sun Oct 26 9:00 am Bernadette McGowan (LIV) Req The Family Sun Oct 26 10:30 am Pat Finestone (RIP) Req The Family Margaret Wotske (RIP) Req Patricia C. Adams Students Req Staff & Faculty SFHS Clara Corson (RIP) Req Helen & Gord Corson Bernard Manion (RIP) Req Helen & Gord Corson PLEASE KEEP THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS-- May they know the deep love & support of our community through our thoughts & prayers. Especially, Daisy Giachino, Bruce Cairns, Bill Carpenter, Ivor Shenfield, Matt Skletowich, Elvia Tognazzini, Jean Ibach, Margaret Wollbaum, Simon Beile, Jayden De Sa, Allan & Lynn Stodalka & Ralph Gaetz. Welcome to all new parishioners. Please take a moment to fill out a registration form in the foyer. Our ushers will be happy to assist you. Together In Action 2014 -As Bishop Henry said: “Faith working through love” (Gal.5:6) becomes a new criterion of understanding and action that changes the whole of our lives. “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (2 Cor.5:17).Through faith we recognize the face of the risen Lord in those who ask for our love. “As you did it to the least of my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt.25:40). These words are both a warning and a perennial invitation to return the love by which he takes care of us. It is faith that enables us to recognize Christ and it is his love that impels us to assist him whenever he becomes our neighbour along the journey of life. Supported by faith, let us look, with hope at our commitments as we await a new heavens and a new earth. Please be generous to your TIA contribution. Our goal this year is $22,128.05. Collection to date is $16,542.34. As you can see we are still short in our target for this year. We thank those of you who have donated and we ask those who have not yet contributed to please consider doing so. It is imperative that we address this Together in Action shortfall. Your continued support and generosity will help us reach our target again this year. Surplus funds will be used for Capital Projects. Thank you in advance. Prayer Chain –What is a gift you can give or receive that you do not have to pay membership, user fees or taxes? “The Gift of Giving Prayers” The Prayer Chain is very strong here at Canadian Martyrs Parish and we are not afraid to ask God or our favorite saints to help intervene with our requests or thanksgiving. Praying for others also showers benefits on the one who pray. If you are interested to be a Prayer Chain Apostolate, please call Nadean Meyer at 403-282-1654, or the office at 403-284-3311. Thank you & God Bless. Parish Fund Raising Program-The following articles are for sale after each weekend Mass at the Knights of Columbus table: Gift cards, Safeway, Calgary Coop, Vocation Book (Signposts of our Faith) for $10.00. Visa & Master Cards are honored. Nickels for Novices - Our fund raising program is now $538.50. Thank you for the generosity of our parish members. Money collected help support seminarian program. Pilgrimage to Italy: November 19-27, 2014-$2,790.00 with Fr Joe Kalathil Parambil-Canadian Martyrs-Visiting: VenicePadua-Florence-Assisi-Rome-the Vatican. Call 403-479-1019. You are encouraged to attend the ALL SOULS DAY Saturday November 1, 2014 @ 9:00 am Mass in honor of and remembrance of deceased loved ones, especially our fellow sisters. We would like you to wear your CWL scarf and sit closer to the front of the church to show our CWL solidarity, dedication and love. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a program for ages 3-6 that is being offered at Canadian Martyrs Parish beginning Nov. 4th. If you would like more information about the program or registration, please contact Paula Sabatini at or 403.244.1104. Cost is minimal. EXPOSITION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT to atone for abortions. St. John's Convent, 409-10A Street N.W. begins on Sunday, this weekend, Oct. 19 at 3:00 pm and concludes Monday Oct. 20 with MASS at 5:00 pm. Come and stay as long as you can. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: Thank you for continued support during our Thanksgiving Food Drive, in the form of food and/or donations. Our brothers and sisters will benefit from your kindness! We will be accepting food at any of the Masses. October 19, 2014 Mt 22:15-21 A fair share Sometimes the lessons we choose to find in scripture are like false coins. Oh we grab the easy shiny coin and show it happily to our neighbors. See, I know this lesson about Caesar and God: a good Christian must obey the laws of his country, like paying taxes. But if we scratch the surface of that shiny coin, we find the hard iron of a deeper truth. If Caesar is paid with coins minted in his kingdom, what exactly is the “coin of the realm” in God’s kingdom? Here’s the hint: give to God what belongs to God. If you’ve read your Bible or heard even one sermon you know what belongs to God: you do, body and soul. So how can you pay back God for your very existence? Service comes to mind, selfless, sacrificial service. How about sharing our wealth, our talent, our time, dedicating your life to God? You see, Jesus wasn’t really concerned with whether Caesar got his fair share of taxes, He wanted to be sure God got His fair share of you. Has He? ©Copyright 2008 C L Enterprises Bottles & Can collection is schedule for October 18-19 after all Masses. Please bring your empties by the garage. For more info, call Martin at 403-282-1654. Woodworking, small projects-Some 3-6 year olds are looking for a kind woodworker to create a few small dioramas of biblical stories and parables. We have some examples in our catechesis room to show you if you are interested. These projects, built out of love for the church, are for the education of our youngest parishioners. The materials will be used in our parish during the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. Please call Paula for more info 403-244-1104. The Diocesan Bereavement Care Education Program - Part 1 will be on October 24 & 25, 2014, and will conclude with Part 2 on October 31 & November 1, 2014. The program will run both Friday evenings from 6:30pm - 9:00pm, and all day both Saturdays from 9:00am - 3:30pm at the FCJ Christian Life Centre. The Program will teach you the skills to offer your presence and support in a caring way. The grieving may include your family, friends, or colleagues. Registration fee: $75. Please call: 403-218-5507, or Email: Corpus Christi CWL-Annual Roast Beef Dinner-Sun, Nov 2nd- Sittings @4:30 p & 6:30 pm $12-Adults-$6-Children. 412 yrs-Free. Please call MaryAl for tix @ 403-247-4304. COME AND SEE WEEKEND: A priestly vocation discernment weekend will take place at St Joseph Major Seminary in Edmonton on the weekend of November 21 - 23 (It will begin Friday evening and end after the noon lunch on Sunday.) Please register by November 7th . For further information and to register please contact the Office of Vocations at 403-245-2753 or INN FROM THE COLD: Living Your Faith, Serving Your Community. Volunteer and Information Line is 403-536-5682. Information about parish opportunities, how to volunteer and more. MATTHEW 25: 35 – “I WAS A STRANGER...AND YOU WELCOMED ME..." The Diocesan Office of Religious Education is offering a Prayer workshop on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 9:30am to 2:30pm at the FCJ Christian Life Centre, Calgary. It will be facilitated by Dr. Glenn Byre, Associated Publisher at Novalis and will be based on his recent book “Like Spokes on a Wheel: Catholic Prayers beyond the Liturgy”. The day will explore the amazing variety of prayer forms that the Catholic Church has discovered. The cost is $50.00 which includes lunch. To register contact Alicia at 403-218-5501. Project Rachel offers a journey of healing and reconciliation for men and women who are suffering distress from a past abortion experience. Clients will be referred to professional counselors who are specially trained to deal with the trauma associated with this experience. Please call Project Rachel at 403-218-5506 or toll free at 1-877-597-3223. You can also email Employment Opportunity- Maintenance: St. Albert the Great Parish located in SE Calgary invites applications for a Maintenance person. Please see the complete posting at Sponsorship of Syrian Refugees: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society will be receiving our Diocese' first Syrian refugee families soon. We are seeking short-term financial support from parishes or individuals willing to assist with initial resettlement. If interested, please contact Antoinette Godbout at 403-290-5750. “For Better & For Ever…” Marriage Preparation accepts all couples preparing for marriage. Upcoming Dates: Oct 27/Nov 14-15, Nov 17/Dec 5-6. For registration contact 403218-5505 or email The Editor’s Assistant- Work for the kingdom Mission Sunday offers each of us an opportunity to put more emphasis on our common missionary vocation, which leads Christ's disciples to become apostles of his Gospel of reconciliation and peace. The mission of salvation is universal; for every person and for the whole person. It is a task which involves the entire People of God, all the faithful. Mission must therefore be the passion of every Christian; a passion for the salvation of the world and ardent commitment to work for the coming of the Father's kingdom. This Sunday, October 19th, is Word Mission Sunday Collections, week of October 11-12 /14, 2014 =$3,356.00 Capital Renewal Project=$131,510.38=Total left to spend Thank you all for your generosity! MINISTERS’ SCHEDULES 5:00 pm Eucharistic Patrick Meyer Children’s Liturgy of the Word Schedule 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am WEEKEND OF - October 25h 10:30 am Ildiko Farkas Mike Shenfield Brittany Shenfield Debbie Kapusianyk Patrick Callin Monica Fiebcelkorn Richard Wheatley First Teacher: 5:00 pm - 26th 9:00 am 2014 10:30 am Ushers Cathy West Kathryn Meyer Tristan Spronken Roland Donaleshen Martin Meyer John Monaghan Gabor Czipott Thomas Farkas Howard Miller John Schulhauser Lectors Jovita Alvarez Michelle Spronken Roxanne Obiso Michael Boyle Cathy West Helen Corson Al Bailey Joyce Bailey Second Teacher: Hospitality Linen Schedule Helen Corson A life of missions We cannot profess to be Christian and remain alone. If we live for Christ we will actively strive to bring others into His presence. We are called to build the kingdom one person at a time. Ask yourself, do I believe this? Am I committed to a life of missions, on every sidewalk, in every room of my life? What is a law? “Law: an ordinance of reason for the common good, made by him who has care of the community.” St Thomas Aquinas