Our Lady of Sorrows & St. Louis Catholic Churches


Our Lady of Sorrows & St. Louis Catholic Churches
Our Lady of Sorrows &
St. Louis Catholic
Oct 19, 2014
29 Sunday in Ordinary Time
Oct 19
Stroud 8:40 a.m. Rosary 9 a.m. Mass
Youth Sunday
10:30 Rosary
11 a.m. Mass
Oct 22
8 a.m. Mass
6 p.m. Youth Choir
7 p.m. CCD
Oct 23
8 a.m. Mass
9 a.m. Set up for Food Pantry
Oct 25
10 a.m. – 12 doors open (Please donate food)
The Food Pantry Serving the Chandler area is
*RELOCATING*Beginning Saturday, October 25th,
Open on a temporary basis at Chandler Friends Church
Located at 215 North Blaine Ave. The pantry will operate out of
this location until further notice.
Oct 26
Stroud 8:40 a.m. Rosary 9 a.m. Mass
9:45 Choir practice
10:30 Rosary
11 a.m. Mass
NCCW Ladies Sunday
Sunday Offering & Tithes $1,694.00 Candle Offerings $35.00
Hall Building Fund $350.00 2nd (For the Poor) $211.00
Birthdays: Oct 20 – Andy Beloncik & Earnest
Wright, 21 – Coy George, 24 – Paul Broderson &
Cortney Smith 26 – Anna Christy
For the month of October our Church is
volunteering at the Food Pantry. WE NEED
YOUR HELP. We will have a donation barrel for
dry goods (pasta, cans, cereal, etc.) all will go to the
local community. We also invite you to join us on
Saturday's between 9:30 am -12:00 pm. Any
questions please call Eugene Holleman 405-2580147 or Terry Debbie 405-240-5313.
The Right of Christian Initiation for Adults
(RCIA) will begin classes in Mid-October.
If you are interested in coming into full communion with the
Catholic Church, or wish to inquire on behalf of anyone, you may
contact Shirley Holleman, Team Leader, at 405-258-0147
Oct 26 – The Parish Council will
present the Parish Hall Rendering
(floor plan and pictures). Come see the
unveiling! We want to take this time to
thank the current members of the
Parrish Council for their great work:
Mary Evans, Bob Hoban, Eugene
Holleman, Rick Melson, Allen Smith, Larry Lenora
& Gary Bledsoe.
CareNotes are available in the library and are free. They cover
many topics that will be of great help to us or others.
Altar Society meeting –
We plan to have the Poinsettia sale again this year as a fundraiser.
It helped us pay for the flowers that so beautifully decorated the
church for Christmas. More information will come out soon.
The calling committee plans to call everyone to ask for food
donations for the Food Pantry. They are very low on supplies.
Prayer Partner gift exchange & meal will be Dec 1
We hope to have better participation if the Placing of the Altar
Cloth was the last day of the month. Please contact Camilla if you
would like to participate.
A list was sent around to see who would like to serve in some
capacity during the Oct 26 NCCW Ladies Sunday.
Our three fund raisers are now – the NO BAKE SALE, selling of
Poinsettias and the Salad Luncheon.
We will be buying the Altar Servers 6 medium size robes.
The Community Thrift Store always welcomes volunteers Wed –
Sat 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. They will be donating funds to try and help
the Food Pantry to set up in a new location after Oct 25th.
See you Nov 3rd for our next meeting.
Yvonne Dennis – made a homemade quilt.
A silent auction will take place and end
October 26th. The proceeds will be for the
building fund.
Our annual OLS FALL FEST is fast approaching. We will begin
collecting donations of candy, juice boxes, small to medium size
stuffed animals in good condition, or items that can be handed out
as prizes. We also need new games, so if you have a game that
we may be able to use, please let us know. So start planning your
costumes, (yes, even adults) and trick or trunk decorations. Thank
you for making this a fun occasion for our parish children and
friends. Many thanks, Kendra and Sandi
Every day of the week some type of
religious education activity is going on
in a parish somewhere in the United
States and its territories. As the hub of
lifelong faith formation, the parish – both the people and the place
– weaves together essential strands within the fabric of effective
Catholic education.
Nov 3 - QPR training Monday, 6 pm at St. Thomas More Parish,
100 East Stinson Street, Norman. QPR is a suicide prevention
training which teaches how to recognize a person who may be in
crisis and get them the resources they need. QPR is one part of the
Cabrini Ministry, a program which addresses suicide prevention,
response, and education for the Archdiocese. Clergy, staff, youth
leaders, and volunteers at your parishes are encouraged to attend.
Training is limited to 30 participants per session. To register, go
to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/qpr-suicide-prevention-trainingtickets-13446620203 To opt-out of the training, the clergy may
contact the counselors at Catholic Charities, if there is a concern
by a staff member or volunteer about the content of the training.
Contact Amy Shipman, ashipman@catholiccharitiesok.org or
Aimee Ryan, aimeeryan@catholiccharitiesok.org at 405-524-0969
Nov. 8-10 Encounter with God’s Call weekend
Held at Conception Seminary College. The weekend is a trip for
young men who are juniors and seniors in high school and older
who would like to visit a seminary. This is an excellent
opportunity to meet seminarians who are discerning their call to
the Priesthood. This visit is sponsored by the Archdiocese of
Oklahoma City Vocations Office and is free. Please contact your
pastor or the Vocations Office at (405) 721-9351 or email
vocations@archokc.org. The deadline to register is Oct. 31.
Nov. 21-23. - Region 10 Catholic Youth
The archdiocesan Youth and Young Adult
Office will host the Region 10 Catholic Youth
Conference (RCYC) this event is for high
school students from Arkansas, Oklahoma and
Texas in 9th-12th grades. Registration forms
are available from your Youth Minister or
atwww.archokc.org. Cost for the conference is $185. With the
theme of “Striving and Thriving,” the conference will feature
keynote speakers Leah Darrow, Jackie Francois and Ben Barresi as
well as emcee Ben Walther.
Registration forms are available from your Youth minister,
www.archokc.org, or from the Youth and Young Adult Office at
(405) 721-9220. Cost for the conference is $185.
Volunteers will be needed in several different areas prior to the
event and during the weekend of the event. All volunteers must be
18 years old or older and will need to attend Safe Environment
training to participate. Please contact Sandi Miles, Youth Group
Leader if you are interested.
Violet Ministries: Parish Council
The members of this council create and work with committees to
take care of our Church and encourage the talents of its members
to better serve our Faith. The following are standing committees:
Liturgical; Christian Education; Community Affairs; Building and
Grounds; & Finance
The pastor of the parish is the Bishops representative. He is the
President of the council and is a non-voting member. He must
ratify all decisions. He may at his discretion appoint up to two
members to the council in order to add expertise or balance to the
Members are voted on or appointed from parishioners who are
18 years or older to serve a term of three years. They must be in
communion with the faith and life of our Roman Catholic Church.
Members are the Pastor, Permanent Deacons and Six elected /
appointed parishioners.
Within the members the officers are selected: Chairman, Vicechairman, Treasurer and Secretary. They serve a term of one year.
After consultation with the Pastor, the Parish Council may appoint
a youth delegate.
The Parish Council meets on the third Sunday of every month
after Mass. All parishioners of Our Lady of Sorrows are invited to
attend the general meetings.
Abuse of Minors Pastoral Response Hotline
800-522-3511 or 405-720-9878
For the safety and the healing of children, the
Archdiocese of OKC provides an Abuse of Minors
Pastoral Response Hotline. Calls to this number will
be answered by the Archdiocese Assistance
Coordinator who will offer to meet with the caller in
person, if the caller so desires. Calls are confidential
with the following exceptions:
*Any allegation of sexual abuse concerning those who currently are
minors must be reported to the OK DHS (800-522-3511) as required by
Oklahoma state law & Archdiocesan policy, &
*Any allegation of sexual misconduct must be shared with the proper
Archdiocesan authorities.
For Mental Health Issues – Contact Oklahoma County Crisis
Intervention Center (contracted for Lincoln County as well) 405522-8100. It is staffed 24/7 for phone calls and they have a 24 bed
crisis unit located at 2625 General Pershing Blvd OKC, OK
Fr. Mickus,
I hope you are doing well! I am writing to see if
we could arrange a short meeting in the next
week or two. I'd like to discuss disaster
preparedness/response for the parish.
To give you a little more background, Catholic Charities is
interested in partnering with Our Lady of Sorrows in developing a
disaster response team to help the parish plan and prepare for
various disasters. This team would be trained by Catholic
Charities to respond to disaster survivors in the event of a disaster
in the Chandler community.
To ensure this team is a success for the parish, Catholic
Charities is interested in doing an initial disaster orientation this
fall/winter with the team. Thereafter, Catholic Charities would
like to meet quarterly with the team to further develop the team
and help facilitate each of the meetings. Catholic Charities will
provide 2 years of ongoing support and team interaction (meeting
quarterly with the team).
Ideally, we'd like to have at least 4 people serve on the team.
No specific background is required. We could have a mixed group
of individuals participate or a specific group within the church
(e.g. Knights) takes this on as a project. Again, whoever
volunteers to serve on the team would be committing to an initial
orientation and then meeting with the team 4 times a year (4 hour
total time commitment for the year).
Our goal is that we can develop a small team at the parish there
that will partner with Catholic Charities in the event of a disaster.
This team will serve as a vehicle by which the church is able to
reach out, minister, provide relief, and show God's love to those
who are hurting after a disaster. Team members will be trained on
how to meet with disaster survivors and do initial intake/case work
on them immediately following a disaster. Team members will
work side by side with Catholic Charities staff in talking with
disaster survivors, hearing their stories, and meeting immediate
unmet needs.
If interested, we can also discuss other ways in which the
team/parish could respond during disasters as well. This would be
up to you and the parish to decide on how much you would want to
take on during the actual response phase of a disaster.
I'd be happy to come over to Chandler whenever it is
convenient for you. Looking forward to your response. Thanks.
Mark Chan, Director, Resiliency Project, Catholic Charities of
the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, Office 405.523.3028 Cell
405.441.8009, 1501 N Classen Blvd • OKC, OK 73106
catholiccharitiesok.org • @CathCharitiesOK
Oct 19 Greeter – Beth Nichols Youth Sunday
Mark & Sandi Miles, Marilyn Moore & Vicky
Debbie Beloncik
Gift Store
Joyce Fondren
Altar Servers
Little Family
John Miller & Allen Smith
Gift Family
Sylvia Randolph & Barbara Smith
2 Collection
Mission Sunday
Oct 19 – St. Louis
Altar Server
Ex Ord Comm Min
Second Collection
George Collis
Samantha Babinec
Cindy O’Kelly, Ashley & family
Monica & Gary
For the Poor
Greeter – Linda Smith
Altar Cloth – Camilla Schumacher & a Shirley
Refreshments – Dolores Conway, Debbie Beloncik & James
Sacristan – Sylvia Randolph
Gift Store – Marfreda Christy, Pat Hoban & Sandi Miles
Altar Servers - Tita Little, Sylvia Randolph & Barbara Smith
Lectors – Rose Marie Bouska & Betty Keating
Responsorial – Debbie Beloncik
Ushers - Terry Debbie & Terry Flynn
Gifts – Jeanette Haley, Darla Melson, Pat Hoban & Sandi Miles
Eucharist – Linda Smith, Dolores Conway & Mary Evans
If any other ladies would like to help – please contact Camilla.
Oct 26 – St. Louis
Altar Server
Ex Ord Comm Min
Second Collection
Elaine Burger
Harrison Hayes
Sherry & Harrison
Elaine & Trudy
For the Poor
Oct 29th
at 7 p.m
we would welcome your decorated trunks and candy.
Oct 31 – BE SAFE
Nov 1
Feast of All Saints
9 a.m. Mass.
Nov 2
All Soul’s Day readings
Nov 2 – St. Louis
Altar Server
Ex Ord Comm Min
Second Collection
Doloris Hamblin
Samantha Babinec
Kenneth & Bruce
Charlie & George
For the Poor
Fr. Jim Mickus
Rectory 258-1239
P O Box 543 (mail)
Church & Hall 258-0010
409 Price Ave.
Fr. 405-396-8132
Chandler, OK 74834
Deacon Rusty Wooden Cell - 405-761-4965
Our Web page address is www.ourladyofsorrowschandler.org
Please pray for:
Rosalie Fehranbach
Thomas Heartley
Kendra Miller
John Sparks
Kailyn Wooden
Ginger Little
Cindi Bahm
Please contact Sandi Miles at 826-2975 to be added or removed
from our prayer list.
October 19, 2014 - Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give “to Caesar what
belongs to Caesar.” Does my stewardship indicate that I am as
faithful about giving “to God what belongs to God”?
See Matthew 22:21
Please help us at the Food Pantry this
month. Set up at 9 a.m. Doors open from
10 – 12. Contact Gene Holleman if you
have any questions. Thank you in
If you would like to receive texts with Church
information / events / weather cancellations
please join Remind 101:
Simply text # 918-921-6992 and in the message box put one or all
of the following:
@altarsoc - this is for all general church information and is in
addition to the calling chain
@ccdcall - CCD information
@pcouncil - Parish council
@rciacall - RCIA, RCIC, remembering group and all other classes
Nov 2
Stroud 8:40 a.m. Rosary 9 a.m. Mass
9:45 Choir practice
10:30 Rosary
11 a.m. Mass
Abuse message printed Jan 20, 2013, March 10, April 21, July 7,14, 21,
Sept 29, Nov 13, Dec 15; FOR 2014 Jan 5, 2014 & 12, Mar 9, 16, May
11, July 6, Aug 10, 17 New message printed Oct 14, 2014