30th Sunday Ordinary Time 23rd October 2016


30th Sunday Ordinary Time 23rd October 2016
Responsorial Psalm:
This poor man called;
the Lord heard him.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessed are you, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, for revealing
the mysteries of the kingdom
to mere children.
Today: World Mission Sunday
This weekend, the Holy Father invites all
Catholics to contribute to a special collection
(at the door) for Missio (formerly the APF),
his official charity for overseas mission.
“World Mission Sunday” is a special day that
unites Catholics all over the world in prayer,
celebration and care for the mission of the
Church. By supporting World Mission Sunday you are already helping missionaries in
Rwanda and around the world to help heal
the broken hearted. You will be able to gift
aid all donations by using envelopes provided by Missio.
A History of St. David’s Parish,
Church and School Mold
By Margaret Joy
100 Copies Available
Available in the Repository for a £5
donation to the Jubilee Charities
Marmal-AID—Thank you
Thank you to everyone who has bought
marmalade or jubilee pens this year.
Special thanks to those ladies who donated generous sums (you know who
you are!) We shall be able to put an
amazing £1,100 towards the Visamo
Orphanage Jubilee Fund. Margaret Joy
Let us pray for the Sick
Alfredo Fecci, Michael Jones,
Anne Jones, Jim Hughes,
Margaret Carr, Margaret Evans, Fred Battersby, Gwen
Jones,Joe Goggin,, Debra
Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell,
Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay McCornick, Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne
Turner, Mary Rowe, Jenny Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe & Luisa
Desena, Shelagh Fulham, Margaret
Stubbs, Philomena Lamano, and Leo
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: piuscmi@gmail.com
Tele: 01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
23rd October 2016
30th Sunday Ordinary Time
22nd October Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
We remember in our prayers
Those whose anniversaries
Occur this week
(22nd) Cecil Hynes (23rd) Sadie Morgan, Esther
Roberts (24th) Edward Stocker, Thomas Edward
Humphreys (25th) Antonio Pagani, (27th Oct)
John Murphy, Noel Cameron (28th) Bridget Bilkyne
For the People of the Parish
23rd October Sunday
Mass 11am
Sacrament of Baptism
We welcome into our
parish Community Isabella Steen who is baptised here today/Sunday
As Paul and Deborah
Steen give thanks to God for the gift of
Isabella, may she in turn bring many
blessings and much happiness to them.
Missio Red Boxes
Your red boxes are due for collection to
be emptied. Please leave them in the
Sacristy and make sure, your names are
on the boxes. Tricia Hurd
“In some sense we are all hypocrites
in transition.” Erwin McManus
“The greatest way to live with honour in
this world is to be what we pretend to be.”
Next Weekend
Collection for Flowers
Year C
Teresa McKeogh RIP
(Phyliss & Joe Goggin)
Monday :
24th Oct
25th Oct
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Int.Imelda&Ronnie Fuller(Dea&Eddie Saul)
Liturgy of the day
Mass 7pm
Elisa Lommano RIP(Maria Paletta&Family)
Wednesday: Liturgy of the day
26th Oct
Mass 9.15am
Int. Bernadette O’Hara (HF, Wrexham)
Liturgy of the day
27th Oct
Mass 9.15am
Patrick Cardiff RIP (HF, Wrexham)
Feast: Ss.Simon and Jude, Apostles
28th Oct
Mass 9.15am
Int.Rose&Jim Hamill(Phyliss&Joe Goggin)
29th October Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
For Refugees & Migrants
(Joyce and John Elcock)
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
30th October Sunday
Mass 11am Sundays before
the Mass
For People of the Parish
he parable of the
Pharisee and the tax
collector is the classic
“goodie” versus “baddie”
tale. The Pharisee represented the pillar of Jewish
society: a religious man
who knew the Law backwards and observed it in all
its minute details. The tax
collector was the outcast of
society: he collaborated with the pagan occupying army of the
Romans, overcharged
people for their taxes
and kept a commission
of the money for himself. Yet by the end of
the story Jesus reverses their roles.
live a moral existence unlike some of the other
members of the congregation that they could name!
he story only makes
two points. The first
is that it is impossible to
impress God. Maybe the
Pharisee is not unlike people in some of our churches
today. They go to be seen
rather than to make genuine contact with God. They
feel that they are pillars of
society; they are well respected in the community;
their family has always supported the parish and they
improve a bit? Do we need
to shape up before God will
pay us any attention? Yet
the reality is that God
knows us even better than
we know ourselves. For we
can fool ourselves but we
can’t fool God. And the
truth is that we can only
f course, if you acgain access to God by becepted your true
ing totally sincere. Anything condition and knew that
else cuts us off.
only the free gift of grace
he second point of could save you, then you’d
the story is that we really impress God.
hy would we want
to “impress” God?
Could it be that we can’t
actually face up to what we
are really like? Could it be
that we think God will only
have time for us when we
can do absolutely nothing
to earn God’s mercy. The
tax collector’s body language was the complete
opposite of the Pharisee’s:
he beat his breast and didn’t even dare to look up. He
was open about two things:
he was a sinner and he
needed God’s mercy. And
he poured his heart out.
his total honesty before God
frightens many people. That’s because
they believe God acts
on a “Brownie points”
system and they find
it hard to accept that
God loves people for
what they are not
what they should be.
God’s way of acting overturns any idea of merit, any
thought of earning our salvation. God’s love and forgiveness are indiscriminate
and open to anyone who
asks sincerely.
Refugee Solidarity Pilgrimage
Saturday 29th October 2-4.30p.m
Please join us and members of other
Churches as we walk from Our Lady of
the Rosary Buckley to St David's Mold.
To show solidarity with the refugees and
migrants we will carry a ‘Lampedusa’
cross -a simple cross made from the
wood of a refugee boat. At each stage we
will reflect on the causes of migration and
displacement of people. Listen to their
own stories, and pray for a safe refuge for
all refugees and migrants.
Refreshments, information stall and cards
to send a message of hope and solidarity
to a refugee all available at St David's Hall
at the end of the pilgrimage.
The ‘Lampedusa ‘cross will be presented
at the 5.30p.m. Mass.
Please be aware you will be responsible
for your own safety.
More info contact Katja Jewell email
katja@teulu.org. mob 07834724033
www.oneworldweek.org http://
Katja Jewell
Refugee Solidarity Pilgrimage
on 29th Oct
Help needed in the Hall
between 3.30-5.30 to serve refreshments. Contact Joyce Elcock on
01352 740285 Thanks.
Fairtrade Shop
The Fair trade shop is up and running again at
the back of church. We have the usual items of
tea, coffee, sweets, chocolate, biscuits, dried
fruit and sugars amongst other things. There
are catalogues available, we will happily order
Christmas cards and other goods for you. The
Fair trade mark means that the producers get a
guaranteed price for their goods. They also get
a premium that allows them to grow their businesses and to fund projects for the good of
their communities.
Joyce and John Elcock
Knights of St.Columba
Calendar 2017
The Knights of St.Columba Calendar
2017 will be on sale before and after
Masses next weekend (29th/30th Oct).
Proceeds from the calendar sales is to
provide financial support to Missio, the
KSC National Action Project for period
November 2015 until October 2018. Calendars cost £3.50. Thanking you in anticipation for your support. An ideal extra
Christmas present that lasts all year.
Mike Cotter and Peter Carberry
The Knights of St. Columba,
L’Arche Flintshire Race Night
Thank you
The KSC Council 614, Buckley and Mold
wish to thank all those who generously
supported the fundraising race night on
Friday 14th Oct. The magnificent sum of
£1016 was raised; again many thanks for
your support.
Peter and Mike
Thank you
A big thank you from Buckley & Mold Lions to all those who purchased refreshments at the recent Race Night. The
food sold, raised £117.50 towards our
forthcoming Prostate Screening event. to
be held in our church hall on 15th November at 5pm. The monies raised will
pay to test 8 men. Diolch yn fawr.
Teresa Nickson
Money Matters :
Offertory Collection last weekend
£764.09 of which £498.69 was Gift Aided
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please
consider filling out the Gift Aid form which
is in the church porch to receive a box of
weekly envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off donation then
please use the Green envelopes. Please
remember to write your name, address,
sign and date the green envelope.
Thank you for supporting our Parish.