29th Sunday Ordinary Time 16th October 2016


29th Sunday Ordinary Time 16th October 2016
Responsorial Psalm:
Our help is in the name
of the Lord who made
heaven and earth.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
May the Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, enlighten the eyes of our
mind, so that we can see what
hope his call holds for us
Congratulations, Best Wishes
and Prayers to
Mr. John Furnival who will be
received into the full communion
of the Catholic church today
(Sunday 16th Oct.) at the 11am
Mass. There will be Coffee/Tea in
the Hall after the Mass.
Knights of Saint Columba
Province 37
Council 614 Buckley
and Wrexham
Calendar 2017
Price £3.50
Proceeds in aid of Sun Centre Fun
day for the Special Needs Adults
and young People.
Peter Carberry and Mike Cotter
Let us pray for the Sick
Alfredo Fecci, Michael Jones,
Anne Jones, Jim Hughes,
Margaret Carr, Margaret Evans, Fred Battersby, Gwen
Jones,Joe Goggin,, Debra
Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell,
Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay McCornick, Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne
Turner, Mary Rowe, Jenny Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe & Luisa
Desena, Shelagh Fulham, Margaret
Stubbs, Philomena Lamano, and Leo
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: piuscmi@gmail.com
Tele: 01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
16th October 2016
Those whose anniversaries
Occur this week
A History of St. David’s Parish,
Church and School Mold
By Margaret Joy
100 Copies Available
Available in the Repository for a £5
donation to the Jubilee Charities
This weekend, Oct. 15th & 16th, will
be positively your last chance to buy
Jubilee marmalade! All
proceeds will go to the
Visamo Orphanage.
Thank you for being so
generous already this
Margaret Joy
Year C
15th October Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
We remember in our prayers
(15th) Michael Clavin, Bridget Baker,
Mary Agnes Robinson, Sarah Evans,
Fr.Edward Keegan, Wm.Jagosski (16th)
Lucas White, Patrick Quinn (17th) John
Stephans, Edward Williams (18th) Winefride McManus, (19th Oct) Thomas Francis Geraghty, Thomas Jones, Frank
Thompson (20th) Charles Lloyd, James
Durkin (21st) Mary Goodwin, Vincent
John Hamer
29th Sunday Ordinary Time
For the People of the Parish
16th October Sunday
Mass 11am
Int. Pauline Malia
(Cathy Carr)
Monday :
17th Oct
18th Oct
Mem. St.Ignatius of Antioch
Mass 9.15am
Margaret Haines RIP (Mrs.Claire Smith)
Feast: St. Luke, Evangelist
Mass 7pm
Elisa Lommano RIP (Mrs. F.Lommano)
Wednesday: Liturgy of the day
19th Oct
Mass 9.15am
Noel Lavery RIP (Joan Butterworth)
Liturgy of the day
20th Oct
Mass 9.15am
Int. Eva Hughes (HF, Wrexham)
Liturgy of the day
21st Oct
Mass 9.15am
Int.Chris Curran (HF, Wrexham)
22nd October Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
23rd October Sunday
Mass 11am
For the People of the Parish
Teresa McKeogh RIP
(Phyllis&Joe Goggin)
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
Sundays before
the Mass
he story of the widow
pestering the judge
for justice in today’s gospel
cannot fail to amuse. The
poor woman (widows were
on the bottom rung of society because of their economic status) must have
worn the (important) judge
down over time. Judges did
not work in buildings; they
set up their court
in a tent that travelled around their
region, rather like
our Assizes. So
every time he
turned up at a
new place and
pitched his tent,
there she was!
Eventually he
decided to do something
just for a quiet life. And it’s
her persistence in prayer
that Jesus praises.
eing persistent in
prayer is probably
one of the greatest challenges facing us as Christians. It’s easy not to pray.
We can claim we’re busy
doing good and don’t have
the time. We can say that
we never seem to get an
answer and so what’s the
point? We can look back on
things we asked for that
never materialised and so
wonder whether God is
really bothered by our prayer at all.
close to God. Barraging
God with what we think
should happen is a sign
that we have probably not
yet come close to wanting
God’s will to reign.
rayer is a sign that we
rayer isn’t words.
want to become closPrayer is being con- er to God and to what God
stantly tuned into God so wants for his kingdom on
that we see and interpret earth. Perhaps it is not too
much to say
that that by
praying we are
expressing our
desire to become like God.
Yes, it is natural to tell God
of our plans,
our hopes and
our fears. It’s
our experiences from God’s natural to place others in
point of view. If we can God’s “mind” and ask for
learn to appreciate God’s their wellbeing. But prayer
vantage point then we be- is first and foremost about
come less absorbed with our relationship with God,
our own demands for God our closeness, our gradual
to act in this way or that.
coming to know God’s will
here is a difference and his plan for salvation.
between being pernd while it is natural
sistent and being a pesterfor us to see things in
er. Being persistent in our terms of the present, God’s
prayer is a sign that we are perspective is that of eternibeing faithful to staying ty.
Refugee Solidarity Pilgrimage
Saturday 29th October 2-4.30p.m
Next Sunday
World Mission Sunday
Please join us and members of other
Churches as we walk from Our Lady of
the Rosary Buckley to St David's Mold.
To show solidarity with the refugees and
migrants we will carry a ‘Lampedusa’
cross -a simple cross made from the wood
of a refugee boat. At each stage we will
reflect on the causes of migration and displacement of people. Listen to their own
stories, and pray for a safe refuge for all
refugees and migrants.
Next weekend, the Holy Father invites all
Catholics to contribute to a special collection
(at the door) for Missio (formerly the APF),
his official charity for overseas mission.
“World Mission Sunday” is a special day that
unites Catholics all over the world in prayer,
celebration and care for the mission of the
Church. By supporting World Mission Sunday you are already helping missionaries in
Rwanda and around the world to help heal
the broken hearted. You will be able to gift
aid all donations by using envelopes provided
by Missio.
Refreshments, information stall and cards
to send a message of hope and solidarity
to a refugee all available at St David's Hall
at the end of the pilgrimage.
The ‘Lampedusa ‘cross will be presented
at the 5.30p.m. Mass.
Please be aware you will be responsible
for your own safety.
More info contact Katja Jewell email
katja@teulu.org. mob 07834724033
www.oneworldweek.org http://
Katja Jewell
Fairtrade Shop
The Fair trade shop is up and running again at
the back of church. We have the usual items of
tea, coffee, sweets, chocolate, biscuits, dried
fruit and sugars amongst other things. There
are catalogues available, we will happily order
Christmas cards and other goods for you. The
Fair trade mark means that the producers get a
guaranteed price for their goods. They also get
a premium that allows them to grow their businesses and to fund projects for the good of
their communities.
Joyce and John Elcock
St. David’s Golden Jubilee 1966-2016
Looking Ahead
Taste of India on 28th Friday 7pm
(Sorry! No more tickets available)
Jubilee Mass on 11th November 7pm
Carols Concert 30th November 7pm
Persistent Prayer
There is a difference between being a pest
and being persistent, although externally they
may appear to be the same. It is a matter of a
difference in motivation. When we pester we
want our way and on our own timetable.
When we persist we want the right way, God’s
way, and are willing to wait until the most possible good can be accomplished. God can use
injustice and its ill effects to motivate people
to change. If more people will be advantaged
by the “delay,” God will most probably “delay”
so that that might happen. God does not force
justice on people, though people might do so.
He wants people to do what is right because it
is right, not because of the “might,” of the
commander. Pestering God, or anyone, says,
“Give me what I want.” Persisting in prayer
says, “Give me what you want.”
Jerry Morrissey
Money Matters :
Offertory Collection last weekend
£596.79 of which £350.61 was Gift Aided
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please
consider filling out the Gift Aid form which
is in the church porch to receive a box of
weekly envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off donation then
please use the Green envelopes. Please
remember to write your name, address,
sign and date the green envelope.
Thank you for supporting our Parish.