Meetings Today


Meetings Today
Meetings Today
Sunday School Teachers Meeting -- 9 am in Heritage Hall.
Sunday School Vine & Cheese Welcome Back -- after church in the Open Session Room.
Great opportunity for parents and kids to meet and greet the Sunday School teachers.
Prayer Circle in the church library. Two prayer chains available, if you have a concern,
call Kate Sparrow @ 905-608-0965, Barb Van Diepen @ 905-567-1495 or the church.
Scout Popcorn on sale at coffee hour. Orders will be received until Oct 24. Delivery will
be Nov 24 at coffee hour. Thanks for your continuing support to 1 Streetsville Scouts.
October 6, 2013 – World-Wide
Meetings This Week
Tues Oct 8 at 1:15 pm – TTT meeting in the Fellowship Lounge.
Tues Oct 8 at 7 pm – Official Board Meeting in the Fellowship Lounge.
Wed 9:30 to 11 am -- ‘The Café’ in the FL for refreshments and fellowship.
Wed 7 – 8:30 pm -- SENIOR CHOIR rehearsal in the Sanctuary.
Thurs Oct 10 at 1:15 pm – Friendship Circle meeting in the Fellowship Lounge. Please
bring 2 ½ dozen shortbread to package for Craft Sale.
Fri Oct 11 at 7 am – Men’s Breakfast in Heritage Hall.
Upcoming Events
Sun Oct 20 – Fall Potluck Luncheon – after church.
Unbinding the Gospel – starting Mon Oct 21 – 8 Monday evenings. Do you want to
grow in your personal faith, in your ability to pray and speak about your faith? Do you
want to grow in Christian fellowship and friendship? Would you like to be equipped to
help this congregation grow? 25 people in our church have been through this study.
Listen to their testimonies and consider taking part in this program. 8 Mondays plus
weekly readings and prayer exercises. Please sign up so a book can be ordered for you!
Sat Oct 26 – Harvest of Craft Sale 9:30 am – 3 pm. We look forward to showcasing our
handmade gifts and Christmas decorations in our Crafter’s Marketplace, providing a
great assortment of delicious pies, squares and homemade preserves in our Country
Kitchen, enticing visitors to enjoy a bite to eat at our all day Cafe and searching for a
surprise in our Attic Treasures, both old and new. Your support in any of these
endeavours as part of our annual fundraiser will be gratefully appreciated.
Sun Nov 3 – Invitation Sunday – Begin to think of someone you can invite to church that
day. Ask God to guide and help you.
Sat Nov 23 – Please save this date – Men’s Supper. Details to follow soon.
Emergency Food Cupboard Assistance Program – In September we helped 10 people in
the community. This week we need ONLY the following: 1 litre size juice, canned fruit,
corn, tuna, cookies, pancake mix (add water only), syrup, razors, shaving cream, men’s
deodorant, shampoo, tissues and toilet tissue. Thank you.
Magic Pennies Fall Food Drive in support of Pathway Community Programs Audrey
Pritchard Breakfast & Lunch Programs from Sept 29 – Oct 20. Marked box in narthex for
food donations. Full list of suggested items posted on various bulletin boards
throughout the church and can be found on the SUC website.
Minister: Rev. John Tapscott
Youth Leader: Bruce Worthington
Organist/Choir Director: John Shillingberg
Church Secretary: Vivian Aspinall
Tel: 905-826-1542
Sunday School Leaders: Dee Hopkins, Kelli Charky, Vivian Aspinall
Order of Service
Here, O My Lord, I See Thee
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Distribution of Elements
• Standing for all who are able
• Call to Worship (2 Timothy 1)
Leader: The promises of the world turn to dust and ashes,
All: But the promises of God last forever.
Leader: The Holy One calls to us: “Come!”
All: We come to rekindle God’s gift within us.
• Prayer of Approach (followed by the Lord’s Prayer)
Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom
come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and
ever. Amen.
• Assurance of Pardon
Worship Choruses -- Junior Band
Magic Pennies Sunday School Pep Rally for Fall Food Drive and Song
(JK – Gr. 8 students/teachers leave for Sunday School; high school students remain
in sanctuary)
Dove of Peace
by G. Martin
• Presentation of Offerings
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Loose Offering Today designated to SUC Benevolent Fund
Scripture Readings:
• Hymn 474
2 Timothy 1:1-14
Luke 17:1-6
The Son of God Proclaim
“Even a Mustard Seed is Enough”
Luke 17:6
Christians Come, Gather at the Table
• The Apostles’ Creed (in unison) p. 918
Invitation to Communion
by D. Besig
Prayer after Communion (in unison):
Gracious God, You have made us one with all Your people in heaven and
on earth. You have fed us with the bread of life, and renewed us for Your
service. We give ourselves to You, and ask that our daily living may be
part of the life of Your Kingdom. May our love be Your love reaching out
into the life of the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
• Hymn 213
Rejoice, the Lord is King
• Benediction
Moment for Reflection
Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness
by G. Krapf
Assisting This Week: Welcoming Team:
Lead – Doug Hitchcock Lower Hall – Marilyn Aldridge & Lorene Bodiam
Welcome Table – Martha Heeney Balcony – Darcine Dagley
Elevator – Brian Bodiam Reader -- Roger Esdon Coffee Hour -- M & P Committee
Nursery Care -- Deb Simpson Toddler Room -- Shelley Weidner
Nursery Care for up to 18 months is available with an audio/ video feed of the
service. Attendants are glad to show you where the nursery is located.
Assisting Next Week: Welcoming Team:
Lead – Wayne Moss Lower Hall – Claudette Caddoo & Sheila Handleigh
Welcome Table – Donna Moss Balcony – Linda Walsh Elevator – Charlie Walsh
Reader – Anita King Coffee Hour -- Outreach Committee
Nursery Care – Laura Mara Toddler Room – Pam Berry
Sunday School lesson – God calls Abraham / Man of faith Genesis 12:1-9
Memory verse:
‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart.’ -- Proverbs 3:5
What we learned:
Abraham had faith. Faith is trust. Abraham believed God’s promises and
obeyed God. Abraham moved at God’s command with no knowledge of
where he was going.
Suggested parent/child activity:
Tell your child/children a personal “moving” story. Either from your
childhood or pre-children days or one they remember. Talk about moving
with God. To obey God is not always easy and requires trust.
For those who want to dig deeper:
The life of faith is a life of risk, of stepping out into the unknown with
nothing more solid before us than God’s command. L.O. Richards
Teacher’s Commentary p.1012