Deer Park Announcements for the Week of October 12, 2014


Deer Park Announcements for the Week of October 12, 2014
Deer Park Announcements for the Week of October 12, 2014
Office Closed - Thanksgiving
9:15 -10:30 Food for Thought
9:30-11:30 Women of Spirit
9:30-noon Coffee and Chat
11:45 –1:30 Gathering of Men (os)
1:30-2:30 Autism Choir
4:00-6:00 Afterschool Program
4:00-6:00 Afterschool Program
7:00 Wing & a Prayer (o/s)
7-9 pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm AA Meeting
Friday: 6:00 p.m. Deer Park Youth Drop-in
Saturday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fall Craft Fair and Bake Sale
Sunday: World Food Sunday
Cheryl and Bruce Harding – October 22
Turkey Supper and Silent Auction – November 22
Progressive Dinner – January 31
Thank You!
Darren, Emma and Moira Poppleton everyone who
supported their family during JoAnn’s illness and
for the love and support since her passing.
October 19th is World Food Sunday. If you can, please bring
some non-perishable items to church that day or the week
prior. They will be used to stock our emergency food
cupboard here at the church. Thank you!
Ministry of Community
Wing and a Prayer : Come on out for some wings on Tues, Oct 14 at
Brass Monkey Pub (formerly Denim Suburban Lounge) in Queensland
from 7 to 9 pm. Enjoy an informal evening on the 2nd Tuesday of each
month where you can catch up with each other or get to know the
people you see on Sunday morning a little better.
Gathering of Men The next gathering is 11:45am Wed., Oct 15 at the
Winking Owl. For more information, contact Dave, 403-720-6289.
Coffee and Chat: Tuesday mornings in the Fireside Lounge from 9:30
–noon….come and go as it suits. All welcome.
Ministry of Worship and the Arts
Something New!! This fall, on the 4th Sunday of the month,
come for our 9:45 pre-worship "HymnSing". Next is Oct 26.
Write the names of your favourite hymns on the south west BB
Ushers and Greeters: If you can volunteer from time to time to be
an usher or greeter, please call Donna Black at 403-256-2435.
Come sing with Cheryl and Bruce Harding Wed., October 22 at 7
p.m. Recording artists and worship leaders from the Vancouver area,
their eclectic music style melds a theology of healing, understanding
and a spirit-filled passion for congregational singing. Donation $10.
Deer Park Fall Craft Fair and Bake Sale
October 18, 2014
10:00am to 2:00pm
The biggest need right now is people to SHOP at this event. Please plan
to drop by and start (or finish!) your Christmas shopping. All proceeds
are donated to Youth Outreach and youth events right here at Deer Park.
Also, we need a few volunteers to package and price the baking on
Friday, and to help with sales on Saturday ( 5-7 people). If any youth
are available on Friday afternoon after early dismissal, I would
especially like them to help. Baking donations can be dropped off on
Friday, October 17 from 12 to 5. Baking should be left uncut, so all
squares can be cut to the same size. Containers and pans should be
labeled with your name. For more information, please contact Dianne
Wilkinson: 403-271-2240 or .
Ministry of Social Justice and Outreach
Deer Ridge Kids FREE City of Calgary Afterschool Program:
Every Tuesday and Wednesday from Oct 14 to Dec 18th from 4 p.m.
to 6 p.m. Registration forms at the office.
Make a Child Smile: We are collecting new running shoes and white
socks for Mazatlan again this year (infants to young adults). Thank you
so much for your support. Bob & Brenda Horen – 403-271-1392.
Home Alone Safety Program: presented by Aspen Family Services at
Deer Park. A free program for those aged 9-12 on October 30 from 46 pm. Call Kim to register: 403-219-3477 x117.
M&S Coordinator: If this opportunity is of interest, contact the
church office.
Ministry of Spiritual Formation
Women of Spirit Are you hungering for conversation, connection and
community? We have prepared a veritable smorgasbord of ideas to
whet the appetite for soulful living. All women welcome.
Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Ministry of Health and Healing
Prayer Circle: Prayer group is looking for new members. We meet
every second Monday in the sanctuary to pray for 'The prayers of the
people' and confidential prayer requests. If you feel a deeper connection
through prayer, this is a wonderful time to pray in the quietness of the
sanctuary. Next meeting: October 20 at 7 p.m. Contact Kathleen
Coombes 403 217 4965
Food For Thought meets Tuesdays from 9:15 - 10:30. We are reading
‘Fastdiet’ by Dr Michael Mosley. It is an interesting idea…. pick 2 days
a week and restrict what you eat and then eat normal the rest of the
week. We read the book as a group so it is not necessary to buy the
book. However it is available at the library. We always welcome
newcomers. For info. contact Barb:
Sunday, October 12, 2014
The Calgary Presbytery Prayer Cycle focuses this week on Campus
Ministry and Students of Post-Secondary Education.
The World Council of Churches Ecumenical Prayer Cycle focuses
on Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
In our prayers this week: the family of Dorothy Ward on her death;
Bob; Connie M.; Doug; Ernest; Fred; Helen; Jan T.; Joan;
Margaret; Pearl; Shirley; Susan & girls; Victoria.
Office Closed (Thanksgiving) Monday
Church in Community
Tues. 7 p.m.
Board Room SAC
Church in Community
Wed. 1 p.m.
Board Room SAC
Cross Connections
Thurs. 11:30 a.m.
Lakeview UC
Naked Faith
Fri. 6 p.m.
Wildrose UC
Duplicate Bridge
Sat. 12:30 p.m.
Great Room SAC
Movie Night: Gravity
Sat. 7 p.m.
Great Room SAC
Cross Connections is a gathering for worship and fellowship for those
who may have challenges making it to Sunday mid-morning worship.
We warmly invite folks from any congregation in the south of Calgary
(or who haven't any present church connection) who would benefit from
a short traditional worship followed by a simple potluck and social time.
A project of the St. Andrew's regional ministry initiative. Join Rod
Sykes, Karen Nell Bennett, and Mike Coburn on the first and third
Thursdays of the month, at 11:30 am, at Lakeview United Church, 3023
- 63 Ave SW. This Thursday, Oct 16 we'll focus on "Thanksgiving -always". For more info contact 403-259-4080 or
Charity Duplicate Bridge – Sat. Oct. 18, 12:30 p.m. St. Andrew’s
Centre. Please invite your duplicate friends to join us. If you need a
partner, please phone Wendy Campbell 403-278-6754 and we will try to
arrange a partnership. See you there!
Movie Night – Sat. Oct. 18, 7 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Centre. Join us to
watch Gravity starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. A medical
engineer and an astronaut work together to survive after a catastrophe
destroys their shuttle and leaves them adrift in orbit. Everyone
Healing Touch - a wonderful gift! OPEN TO ALL who need something
positive and healing on Mondays @ 7 pm at Lakeview United
Church Lower Hall. However, on long weekends the Healers take that
time with the families. So join us October 20th and go home relaxed
and aligned.
Bonnie and Lynda
Coffee House - Sat. Nov. 1st, 6:30 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Centre. Come
for a casual, intimate evening with a light dinner and the folk styling’s
of Barry Luft. $15/person. Tickets available in the Narthex following
the service or phone 403-259-4080. Other events in this series include
Christmas Carol sing-along Dec. 13th and Robbie Burns Training Night
Jan. 17th.
Do you need some help filling out Government forms such as CPP or
Blue Cross? Two Fridays a month a worker from Kerby Centre’s
Information Resources will be at St. Andrew’s Centre to help you with
any government paper work. For more info phone St. Andrew’s or
phone Kerby Centre 403-705-3246. In October: 10th and 24th. Please
drop by or phone for an appointment. Everyone welcome.
Other Churches and the Community
See ‘happenings’ bulletin board for more information
October is Calgary’s End Poverty Month: There are a variety of
events planned including conferences, worship services and discussions.
October 17 is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
Aspens’ Youth Re-Engagement Program is seeking: Transition
Coaches to temporarily house youth aged 12-17 who are in the care of
Children’s Services. For more info:
McDougall UC: Heritage Time Out – Women’s group – quilting, card
making, knitting, yoga or do what you wish while you enjoy a cup of
coffee or tea. Wednesdays from 9 to 11 a.m.
Ujamaa Grandmas: Bags, Babies & Beyond – Fri. Oct.17, 3-8 &
Sat. Oct. 18, 9-3 at Marda Loop Communities Association. Handmade
items for sale: Our famous felted bags, clothing & toys, placemats,
aprons decorations, etc. All proceeds to the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
Men’s Conference: Oct 17 – 19 Transitions - Finding our Way when
things are falling apart. Oct. 17-19 at Coast Canmore Hotel. Guest
speakers include Rev. Dr. John Pentland, Minister at Hillhurst United
and Rev. Brian Pearson, the rector at St. Stephens Anglican Church in
Calgary as well as representatives from St. Andrew’s. For more info or
to register online: Registration is $200 and
includes Sat./Sun. breakfast, Sat. lunch & coffee breaks.
Fall Speaker Series – presented by the Southwood UC Caring
Ministries. October 17, 1-2:30pm: Understanding Depression with
Sharon Christie (MSW) and November 21, 1-2:30pm: Brain Gym,
presented by Patricia Elford, licensed Brain Gym Instructor. Join us for
lunch and/or speaker by registering through the Southwood UC church
office (403.253.2979). Free will offerings are gladly received.
Renfrew UC: ‘Argentina’ Coffee Party 9:30, Sat, Oct 18,
Tickets are $10 at the door.
Wild Rose UC: Aging in Community: Housing Options for Older
Adults. Workshop on October 18th from 9:30-3:30 on adult support
services and housing options using the co-operative model. Cost $20.
For more info or to register contact Sarah Arthurs 403-860-3980.
Robert McClure UC: Roast Beef Dinner on Saturday, October 18
from 5 p.m to 7 p.m.. Take out meals available. Homemade pies
available for sale; 403-280-9500 or email
Cantare Children’s Choir presents Reflections of Canada at Knox
UC: Saturday, October 18 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $20 403-685-1132.
Grace Presbyterian Church: Interfaith Worship Service for the
Eradication of Poverty on October 19th at 7 p.m. Non-perishable
donations will be collected for the Food Bank.
-Fish Creek Speaker Series: The Secret Lives of Bighorn Sheep on
Thursday, October 23 from 7 -8 pm at Fish Creek Environmental
Learning Centre. Registration required. Free for members; $5 for non
-Ghosts in Fish Creek: The Haunting of Fish Creek Provincial Park on
Monday, October 27 from 6:30-8 p.m. $7/person.
Northminster UC: Halloween Dance – October 25 from 7 pm -10
pm. Hosted by Northminster & Wild Rose Youth. Come join youth and
families from across Calgary for this annual event. $5/person at the door
or $15/family. Snacks, drinks for sale. Wear your costumes!
Lewis Memorial UC in Turner Valley: Michael Hope: Hallelujah on
Sunday, October 26th at 3 p.m. Tickets: $20
Northminster UC: Mission and Service presents guest speaker
Catherine Christie. Come and learn about her experiences working with
the National Council of Churches in Korea. Wed., Oct 29 at 7 pm
Knox UC: 2 Events on Hallowe’en Night:
- G.H.O.S.T a show for all ages &;30-8:30 pm Free
- PHANTOM Silent movie 9:00-10:30 pm., with organ accompaniment
$15/$10 Tickets online or at the door:
Robert McClure UC: Annual Bazaar and Fashion Show, Sat., Nov. 1st
9 am to 2:30. Homemade pies, gifts from private artisans, perogies,
cabbage rolls and more!
St Thomas UC: Sun., Nov 2, 7:00 The Great Plains Darrel & Saskia
$12/person 403-241-0366. $15 at the door
Call to Action: Mobilizing Relationship to Support the common
Good, with Paul Born, co-founder and president of the Tamarack
Institute. This is a community event for people passionate about
Calgary. Wed., October 29 from 7 – 9:30 p.m. at the Danish Canadian
Club. $10 prepaid or $15 at the door.