27th Sunday Ordinary Time 2nd October 2016


27th Sunday Ordinary Time 2nd October 2016
Responsorial Psalm:
O that today you would
listen to his voice,
Harden not your hearts.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Speak Lord, your servant is
listening: you have
the message of eternal life.
Wedding Bells
Our Prayers, Congratulations and Best wishes
to Dr.Roisin McCallum
and Dr.Timothy Fleming who celebrated their wedding
here, yesterday afternoon.
SVP meeting this
Tuesday 4th
October at 7.30pm
in the convent.
Brian Cullen
Organ Recital
Organ Lovers will enjoy the recital by
Christopher Enston in Rhosllannerchhrugog on Sunday afternoon (9th
Oct) in Capel Bethlehem 3pm Come
and hear the newly restored organ.
Jane Kay
Race Night
The Knights of St.Columba are hosting
a Race Night on Friday 14th October in
aid of L’Arche.
Refreshments will be in aid of Prostate
Cancer Screening. Horses and Races
on sale on 8th/9th. Peter Carberry
Let us pray for the Sick
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
Alfredo Fecci, Michael Jones, Anne
Jones, Jim Hughes, Margaret Carr, Margaret Evans, Fred Battersby, Gwen
Jones,Joe Goggin,, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay McCornick, Moira Catherall, Lea
Anne Turner, Mary Rowe, Jenny
Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson,
Joe & Luisa Desena, Shelagh Fulham,
Margaret Stubbs, Philomena Lamano, and
Leo McManus.
We remember in our prayers
Those whose anniversaries
Occur this week
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: piuscmi@gmail.com
Tele: 01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
2nd October 2016
27th Sunday Ordinary Time
1st October Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
(1st Oct) Bridget Gallagher (2nd) Nellie Tizzard
(3rd) Catherine Wilson, Wilfrid Lydiat (4th) Ann
Dalton, Matthew Maugher, Christopher Douglas
Ogden, Robert Francis Danson, Graham Cox,
James Geary, (5th Oct) Michael McManus, Robert
Williams, Michelangelo Polcari, Jack Carri (6th)
James Gerard Murphy, Mary Scott, Ann Powers
(7th) Mary Cassidy, Mary Ann Amith, Michael Gizzi, Veronica Piper, Agnes Gavaghan, Erick Cocker
John James Moran RIP
(Maire & Michael Greaney)
2nd October Sunday
Mass 11am
For People of the Parish
Mr. John Furnival will be received into
the full communion of the Catholic church
on 16th Oct. Sunday at the 11am Mass.
St. David’s Golden Jubilee
A Taste of India
We will be having 'A Taste of India'
on Friday 28th October at 7pm
in the Parish Hall
Tickets ‘on sale’ Today
To help with the planning and preparation
of this celebration evening, tickets will be
going on sale after the weekend Masses.
There are 40 tickets available.
All proceeds to go to support
VISAMO– the CMI Orphanage and home
for the Destitute in Gujrat, North India.
Thanks to the anonymous donor who has
dropped £100 into my letter box towards
the orphanage.
Year C
Monday :
3rd Oct
4th Oct
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Ellen Lally RIP (Diane Farrington)
Mem. St. Francis of Assisi
Mass 7pm
Lynn Iball RIP (Rachel & Jean Ward)
Wednesday: Liturgy of the day
5th Oct
Mass 9.15am
Int. Anne Cheetham
Liturgy of the day
6th Oct
Mass 9.15am
Int. Bea Towey
Mem: Our Lady of the Rosary
7th Oct
Mass 9.15am
James King RIP (Mary McCarry)
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
8th October Saturday
9th October Sunday
Mass at 5.30pm
Mass 11am Sundays before
the Mass
For the People of Aleppo For People of the Parish
abakkuk couldn’t
understand why his
country had been taken
over by Iraq (called Babylon in those days). After all,
they were counting on
promises from God that
they would be his special
people and he would look
after them. And so in today’s reading we hear him
complaining that God is
powerless or, at best, that
he doesn’t care.
Today our television
screens are equally full of
pictures from modern-day
Babylon. Suicide bombers, roadside bombs, people cruelly cut down at the
whim of others who crave
power or have a warped
sense of religion. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming and our minds
cannot cope with the enormity of the horror.
n a different level we
can find our own
lives taking a direction that
we don’t want them to. We
might lose our job, find ourselves unable to make
ends meet, suffer the death
of a loved one or the break-
down of a marriage. All would be doing violence if
these are stressful events he interfered every time we
that can leave us reeling.
made mistakes, every time
If our view of God is me- we turned our back on our
chanical then we can blame own humanity and treated
him. Why doesn’t God ap- others inhumanely. Maybe
pear on his white horse our God is one who in Jewith a magic wand and stop sus Christ has established
all these things from hap- a Kingdom on earth that is
in process of being completed and that requires
our gradual compliance
and understanding. Could
our purpose for existing as
humanity be to discern the
will of God and his purpose for history? Could it
be that a God who overrode our decisions and the
patterns of nature would
be nothing more than a
puppeteer, pulling our
pening? Why doesn’t he strings and making us think
make the world a better that we were making the
place? If God exists then decisions? Is it conceivable
why does he allow earth- that God is able to bring
quakes and famines? Why good from what seems to
do innocent children contin- us like pure disaster?
ue to suffer?
But maybe our view of God
goes further than this?
Maybe we see a God who
has created us with the
freedom to behave as we
choose. Perhaps God
hen we create havoc in our own
world, and when catastrophes strike, it is easy to
blame God. But maybe we
have to take a closer look
at what we think God is.
Cafod Harvest Fast Day
This weekend 1/2 October
Joyce and John Elcock
(October 2nd)
May the angels keep you
till morning.
May they guide you
through the night.
May they comfort all your
May they help you win the fight.
May they keep watch on your soul.
May they show you better ways.
May they guard you while you’re sleeping.
May they see you through your days.
May they show you new hopes.
May they still your every doubt.
May they calm your every fear.
May they hear you when you shout.
May the angels keep you till morning.
More than this I cannot pray.
And if the angels ever fail you.
Then may God be there that day.
Feast : HOLY ROSARY (October 7th)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, “The Rosary is
the book of the blind, where souls see and
there enact the greatest drama of
love the world has ever known; it
is the book of the simple, which
initiates them into mysteries and
knowledge more satisfying than
the education of other men; it is
the book of the aged, whose eyes
close upon the shadow of this
world, and open on the substance of the next.
The power of the Rosary is beyond description.”
Rosary before the Mass on weekdays
Accept surprises that upset your plans, shatter
your dreams, give a completely different turn
to your day and (who knows?) to your life. It
is not chance. Leave the Father free to weave
the pattern of your day. Dom Helder Camara
Schools Day last Wednesday
Thank you
'Thank you' to the parish for your support
for the Schools' Day on Wednesday.
You responded to the request for help in
great number. So many of you helped
Mena Kerslake with refreshments, over a
dozen helpers serving drinks and washing up, and preparing food. The cakes
were phenomenal, and those left have
helped the Macmillan Coffee morning.
Thank you, ladies, for so you are!
To the gents who responded in bench
moving in great number, thank you for
your muscles, and a huge thank you to
those who came to see what 300 children were doing. They experienced
'church' in a new and exciting way -a day
they will never forget, made possible by
your help. Thank you to the whole parish! Mark and Carole Philpot
Divine Mercy Service
Wednesday 12th October 2016
Lead by Fr.Peter Prusakieqicz at Sacred
Heart Catholic Church, Hawaren.
Poster on the noticeboard
Aid to the Church In Need
Annual Event on 11th October at St.
Columba’s Church, Chester, 7.30pm to
9.30pm. More on the Noticeboard
Money Matters :
Offertory Collection last weekend
£733.79 of which £408.15 was Gift Aided
Flowers Collection: £188.08.
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please
consider filling out the Gift Aid form which
is in the church porch to receive a box of
weekly envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off donation then
please use the Green envelopes. Please
remember to write your name, address,
sign and date the green envelope.
Thank you for supporting our Parish.