3rd Sunday of Lent 28th February 2016


3rd Sunday of Lent 28th February 2016
Money Matters
Offertory Collection last weekend:
£685.10 of which
£416.40 was Gift Aided.
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer,
please consider filling out the Gift
Aid form which is in the church
porch to receive a box of weekly
envelopes for your
offertory donation or for a one-off
donation then please use the
Green envelopes.
Please remember to write your
name, address, sign and date the
green envelope.
Thank you for supporting
our Parish.
Responsorial Psalm:
The Lord is
compassion and love
Gospel Acclamation:
Glory to you, O Christ,
You are the Word of God!
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
We remember in our prayers
Those whose anniversaries
(27th Feb) Thomas Stanton, James Myres, Michael Joseph Whitty, Michael Barry Ryle, Clare
Cameron Smith, Bridget Rottgardt, Elizabeth
Manion, Jane Rowley (28th Feb) Mary Healy,
Ernest Griffiths, Cornelius Smith, Ellen Meacock,
Mary McManus (29th Feb) Veronica Megan
Shannon, (1st Mar) Michael Fox, James O’Brien,
Anna Gavaghan, James Bagot Oldman (2nd
Mar) Graham Christopher Fryer, Mary Canning,
John McCallum (3rd Mar) Mary Brunton, Jane
Gilbride, Trevor Parry, (4th Mar) Sadie Dziomba,
Emily Gertrude Tyson, Mary Cresswell
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: piuscmi@gmail.com
01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org.uk/
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
27th February Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
Let us pray for the Sick
Ian Byron, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay
McCornick, Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne
Turner, Mary Rowe, Rose Bryan, Jenny
Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson,
Joe & Luisa Desena, Shelagh Fulham,
Margaret Stubbs, Philomena Lamano, and
Leo McManus.
24 Hours for the Lord
Our Pope has requested that this year
again, all over the world, every diocese
Repent, says the Lord, for choose a church (or churches) where the
the Kingdom of Heaven Sacrament of Reconciliation (“Confession”)
will be available continuously for 24 hours,
is close at hand.
from 12 noon, on Friday next (4th March) to
12 noon Saturday (5th March), within the
Glory to you, O Christ,
context of Eucharistic Adoration. The
you are the Word of God! churches chosen in this diocese this
year are Our Lady of the Rosary, Buckley,
(and St Augustine’s Priory, Old Colwyn.
Lenten Reconciliation Service This is a great opportunity; do avail of it!
24 Hours for the Lord
This will take place next Saturday 5th
at Our Lady of the Rosary
March from 10am to 12 Noon at our
The times allotted to our Deanery for our
Lady of the Rosary , Buckley. You will active participation (of course you can go at
have a choice of confessors from the
other times too)
Friday 4th March: 4pm to 8pm
There will be NO confessions here
Saturday 5th: 4am to 8am
next Saturday morning.
3rd Sunday of Lent Year C
28th February 2016
Angela Morris RIP
(Wendy Morris)
28th February Sunday
Mass 11am
For people of the Parish
Monday :
29th Feb
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
James Beggan RIP (Declan Beggan)
Feast: St. David, Patron of Wales and
Patron of our Parish
1st March
Mass 9.15am
Int. Fr. Francis Doyle (Cathy Carr)
Wednesday Liturgy of the day
2nd March Mass 9.15am
Michael Garside RIP (Helen Russell)
3rd March
4th March
7pm Stations of the Cross
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Int. Fr.Bill McLoughlin (Dea & Eddie Saul)
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Lee Johnson RIP (Carole&Mark Philpot)
5th March Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
6th March Sunday
Mass 11am
Nora Neeson RIP
(Maire & Michael Greaney)
For People of the Parish
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
Sundays before
the Mass
always meant to sort
out that kitchen shelf
and now that it’s
crashed to the floor with all
the crockery it’s too late.
The same goes for that little
chip in the windscreen that
now looks like a spider’s
web, and of course there’s
that faulty old plug on
the TV set which probably caused last night’s
loud explosion during
Coronation Street!
awful events that had just
taken place in and around
Jerusalem: a murderous
attack on worshippers in
the Temple, and a disaster
that killed eighteen people
when a building collapsed
on them. Do you think
these people had any idea
e love to put
things off. Yes,
we’ll get round to them
some day but at the moment I’m a bit tired, a bit
busy or a bit too distracted to do anything about
them. There’s always
In today’s gospel, one of
the most frightening episodes according to many
people, Jesus issues a real
warning. Don’t think that
you can put off repentance
until tomorrow because
repentance is a “now-thing”
and, what’s more, you never know what’s lurking
around the corner. He reminds his listeners of two
they wouldn’t return home
that day, says Jesus, and
do you think they were
more guilty than anyone
else? Of course not. Then,
he tells them, you too must
repent now or you will perish like they did.
ent reminds us that
repentance is not a
once-and-for-all action; we
don’t make a grand act of
repentance and then sit
back and relax. Repentance is a constant activity
of the Christian, not continually worrying about our
stance before God, but
striving all the time to be as
close to God as we can by
the way we treat other people. Repentance means
taking a regular reality
check that what we are
doing and saying is consistent with our desire to
belong to God’s family.
And although we concentrate on repentance a
great deal in Lent, it is
something that should be
a daily activity for all of
us, and we need to pray
for the gift of the Holy
Spirit to be able to repent.
s there something in
your life that niggles at
you? Something that you
know you should do something about which will improve your quality of life
with God and with others?
Well, don’t worry about it;
you can always do something about it tomorrow,
after Easter, in the summer
or in the run-up to Christmas…. Or perhaps not!
Thank you
The Annual SVP Raffle -
The sale of marmalade last weekend has raised £151.00 for VISAMO,
the Home for orphans and the destitute run by the CMI in the state of
Gujarat, North India. Thank you.
Margaret Joy
Diocesan Music Workshops
Paul Booth, diocesan director of Music, will be holding three music days
in the Diocese to help with the selection of music for our liturgy- including
Hymns, Psalms and some new and
approachable settings of the Mass.
The days will help us to refresh our
music and consolidate and focus on
what we do well. The workshops will
take place in Bangor (Our Lady and
St James, 5th March); Rhyl, (Our Lady of the Assumption 12th March) &
Wrexham Cathedral (16th April) all at
10.30 – 14.30.
These days are open to anyone with
an interest and love of music in the
liturgy. There is a poster on the noticeboard.
If anyone would like to attend the
workshop, please let me know. I will
give you the booking form.
The parish will see to the payments
(£5 per person)
Women’s World Day of Prayer
On Friday 4th March at 2pm at Christ
Church, Pontblyddyn. More details on
Noticeboard. Everyone is welcome
Judy Cartwright
Repository. Now on sale Easter
cards and St.Patrick’s Day cards .
Angela Carr
Choir Practice this Tuesday at 6pm
Tickets will be on sale before
and after Mass during the
weekend of
12th / 13th
March. 1st prize £3,000.
A date for your diary - SVP
Outing to Tatton Park will
be on Wednesday 11th May. Further details
nearer the time. (SVP Outings are financially
assisted by Legacy money).
Can You Help?
Like last year the SVP is once again in need
of your help! We are holding another
'Development Day' for Vincentians throughout
North Wales in our church hall on Saturday
12th March and would value parishioners assistance in helping our members to serve
lunch. (You would only be required between
12.15 - 1.45pm).
If you can offer any help please phone me on
01352 755067. With grateful thanks in advance. Brian Cullen, President.
Lent Family Fast Day: 4th March
Collection on 5th&6th March
In our parish, Cafod Lent Fast Day is being
held on Friday 4th March. Envelopes will be
given out this weekend and collected on Sat
5th and Sun 6th March. Monies collected will
be used to provide clean water to needy communities around the world. Your donations will
be MATCH AIDED £ for £ by the government,
allowing us to double the impact of Fast Day.
Thank you for your on-going support.
Joyce and John Elcock
Fairtrade Real Easter Eggs
Anyone wishing to order Easter Eggs please email
Alan at the usual address:
You can see an example of both eggs and their
contents at the back of Church. Alan Morris
The children who are preparing for their First
Holy Communion will be presented to the
parish on 13th March at the 11am Mass

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