4th Sunday of Easter 17th April 2016


4th Sunday of Easter 17th April 2016
Money Matters
Offertory Collection last weekend
£602.40 of which
£321.75 was Gift Aided.
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer,
please consider filling out the Gift
Aid form which is in the church
porch to receive a box of weekly
envelopes for your
offertory donation or for a one-off
donation then please use the
Green envelopes.
Please remember to write your
name, address, sign and date the
green envelope.
Thank you for supporting
our Parish.
Responsorial Psalm:
We are his people,
the sheep of his flock.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the good shepherd,
says the Lord; I know my
own sheep and
my own know me.
Today – “Good Shepherd Sunday” –
World Day of Payer for Vocations:
Please pray about and talk about vocations to the priesthood and consecrated
life, especially within the family, around
the table etc. Why not come and make
this the subject of your prayer at Friday
adoration following the Mass on Fridays. Visit : www.ukpriest.org
Facebook – Nov UK
Twitter - @ukvocation #Change-a-life
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
We remember in our prayers
Those whose anniversaries
(16th Apr) Catherine McEvoy, Helen Furlong,
Mary Whitley, Thomas Durkin (17th Apr) Bridget Burke, Mary Elinor Jones(18th Apr) Thomas
Malia, Patrick Shannon, Catherine Dalton,
James David Sullivan, Jack Coupe, (19th Apr)
Julia Costello, Michael Hopkins, Alfons Poglettke, Cicely Ann McIntyre (20th Apr) Ellen Lehmann (21st Apr) Jane McCarthy, Thomas Gavaghan, Catherine Higgins, Dorothy Malinowski,
Peter Carroll (22nd April) Winifred Davies
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: piuscmi@gmail.com
01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org.uk/
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
17th April 2016
16th April Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
Let us pray for the Sick
Jones,Joe Goggin, Ian Byron,
Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia
Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan
Lawrence, Gay McCornick,
Moira Catherall, Lea Hill,
Anne Turner, Mary Rowe,
Rose Bryan, Jenny Mansley,
Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe &
Luisa Desena, Shelagh Fulham, Margaret
Stubbs, Philomena Lamano,
and Leo
Prego meetings will resume on Thursday 21st April at 7pm. The meetings will
be on the first and third Thursdays of
the each month thereafter.
Coffee Morning
on Wednesday,
20th April
at Daniel Owen
Brick a Brac etc
Fourth Sunday of Easter Year C
Angela Morris RIP
(Joe and Phyliss Goggin)
17th April Sunday
Mass 11am
For People of the Parish
Monday :
18th April
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Tom Divinney RIP (HFC, Wrexham)
Liturgy of the day
19th April
Mass 9.15am
Joseph Bastiampillai RIP(HFC, Wrexham)
Wednesday: Liturgy of the day
20th April
Mass 9.15am
Int. Bea Towey
David Rowlands RIP (Mary McGarry)
Liturgy of the day
21st April
Mass 9.15am
Sr.Ailish Phelan RIP (HFC Wrexham)
Liturgy of the day
22nd April Mass 9.15am
Peggy Edwards RIP (SVP)
23rd April Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
For People of the Parish
24th April Sunday
Mass 11am
Int. Mark Philpot
(Birthday Thanksgiving)
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
Sundays before
the Mass
wo men were sitting on a bench
chatting. One said, “I think
my wife is crazy. She talks
to herself all the time.” The
other man said, “Oh, my
wife talks to herself all the
time, too. Only she doesn’t
know it. She thinks I’m listening.”
Sometimes in our religious
practice we seem to have
all the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder
(ADD). We become distracted easily, we find it
hard to concentrate, we
allow ourselves to go off at
a tangent and, most of all,
we think we are listening
when really we’re not.
the bible. Some might go
further and say that when
the bible is proclaimed in
our liturgy then God is actually speaking to us here
and now. We would probably accept too that the
teaching of the Church is
another way of knowing
what God wants to com-
municate to us. But are
In his gospel John quotes there other ways of listenJesus as saying that he is ing out for the shepherd’s
the Good Shepherd whose voice?
sheep listen to his voice.
And, clearly, if the sheep Christ, the Good Shepherd,
are to benefit from the speaks to us through other
shepherd’s experience then people. When we come
they have to listen to where across others we see the
face of Jesus reflected in
he is directing them.
them, for they like us are
Most of us would accept made in God’s image and
that what God is trying to likeness. Yet sometimes we
say to us can be found in see them only as physical
beings rather than as miniwords of God, as glimpses
into the divine. Do we hear
the voice of God in other
What about the events of
our daily lives? If we are
finding things hard financially, it may be because of
the recession. But do we
ever think that God’s voice
may be prompting us to
ask about whether we’re
in the right job, using our
talents to the full, managing our lives and money
properly? Conversely, if
we are doing really well,
do we consider that we
deserve a good pat on the
back or do we instinctively
bless God for our prosperity? And when we hear of
natural disasters such as
recent earthquakes do we
jump on the bandwagon of
“How can a loving God allow such a thing?” or do we
learn anything about our
own lives and those of others by looking deeper at the
consequences of what has
How do we listen for the
shepherd’s voice?
SVP Coffee Morning
Homemade marmalade will be on
sale again this weekend in aid of
the Visamo Orphanage. Many
thanks for already buying and donating so generously.
Margaret Joy
You are invited to 'Coffee
and tea with the SVP'
Sunday May 1st after
Mass in the hall. Money
raised will support Youth
SVP and Mini Vinnie
groups. Our conference report will also be
available on the day. Everyone Welcome.
Mission Appeal Next Weekend
Visit to Tatton Park - Wed 11th May
Sr.Maria FMSJ, a member of the Franciscan Missionaries of St.Joseph with
Missions in Kenya and Uganda in
E.Africa and Ecudor in S.America will be
making a Mission Appeal at the weekend Masses on behalf of the Religious
Sisters Missions Committee .
There will be a collection at the door to
support the Missionary Sisters.
Mold Cytun : Parkfields Pentecost
Lunch Meetings
Meetings starting at 12.30pm
Monday 18 April
L’ARCHE; a sharing community
Speaker: Jacqui Lewis
Chair: Jim Hynes
Monday 25 April
The World and its climate
Speaker: Rev Dr Mike Ward
Chair: Ken Chisholm
The talks are planned to last about a
quarter of an hour, with time for questions. The lunch will be a frugal meal and
will finish by 2pm. There is no charge, but
contributions are gratefully received for
the cost of the meal. All welcome. For
further details ring 01352 700469
10am. Details and sign-up sheet now
available on the SVP notice board in the
porch. We have booked a 36 seater coach.
Any queries please ring 01352 755067.
Brian Cullen
Knights of Saint Columba
Annual Dinner
The Knights of Saint Columba,Council
614,Buckley and Mold will be holding their
Annual Dinner in the church hall of Our
Lady of the Rosary,Buckley on Saturday
the 30th of April at 1930 hrs,Cost £16.50.
The guest speaker will be Fr Dermot Byrne(Mill Hill Father).
Those interested in attending please contact :
Peter Carberry and Mike Cotter
Living Theology 2016, Public Lecture:
“Caring for our Common Home: Integrating Ecology and Faith” – Friday 10th June,
7.30pm – and (Friday 10th June to Sunday 12th June), all at Loreto Centre, Abbey Road, Llandudno LL30 2EL. See the
notice at the back or contact: 01492
878031 Email: loretocentre@yahoo.co.uk
Celebration of Baptism
Chris and Lucy would like you to
join them in celebrating the Christening
of their daughter Seren Smith during
Have you heard of SHARE ?
It is an initiative which was set up to help the Mass on Sunday 24th April here at
Syrian refugees in Athens and Turkey . It St.David’s Church. Refreshments folis housed in the old County Library above lowing the ceremony will take place in
Shire Hall ( Phone No: 07725035627 )
the Church Hall.