St. Alphonsus Parish - St. Alphonsus Catholic Church


St. Alphonsus Parish - St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
St. Alphonsus Parish
Lemont, Illinois
Established 1867
November 2005 – November 2006
Donald Baran
Raymond Schneeberger
Raymond Salkauskas
Brenda Crain
Edward Henry Ely
George Hettinger
Frank Edmund Lesniewski
Richard Ekkert
Rose Cuttill
Sophie Stolt
Ardella Heinz
Janice Dombroviak
Marie Vasale
Philip Santos
Happy are the pure of heart for they shall see God.
Happy the peacemakers, they shall be called children of God.
Happy are they who suffer persecution for justice’ sake;
the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
Matthew 5:8-10
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page Two
November 5, 2006
St. Alphonsus
Catholic Church
210 E. Logan, Lemont
Parish Staff
Pastor: Rev. Frank Jenks
Weekend Celebrants:
Fr. Robert Rohrich
Fr. Ron Scarlata
Fr. Stanley Orlikiewicz
Diaconal Ministry:
Deacon Terry McGuire
DRE: Mr. Kevin Cody
School Principal:
Mrs. Jacki Chiaramonte
Pastoral Associate
Doreen Dabney
Youth Ministry: Diane Herman
Office Coordinator:
Mrs. Dorothy Lafin
Accountant: Ms. Carol Levas
Records Coordinator:
Mrs. Jody Sternat
Music Director:
Mr. Joe Martorano,
Music Staff
Ms. Barbara Ekholm
Ms. Christina Grinius
SPRED: Ms. Carol Levas
Business Hours
Monday-Friday—9:00 am-4:00 pm
Phone Numbers
Office Center—257-2414
RE Office—257-2371
School Office—783-2220
Youth Ministry—257-0158
Mass Schedules
Weekends—Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 am
5:00 pm at St. Pat’s
Monday- Friday 7:30 am in the chapel
Holy Days—to be announced
Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesday—8:00 am—8:00 pm, chapel
Parish Web Site
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Statues And Commandments
In the Book of Deuteronomy we are given civil laws and religious laws. Specifically, today we hear about laws that help us to love
God and show us how to live as God's people. The word "fear" in this
context does not mean being afraid, but is used in the sense of obedient
children deferring to a loving parent. Jesus came to help lead us to God.
Like a priest, he mediates between God and the human race. In Mark's
Gospel today, it is in this character that Jesus clarifies God's laws of
In an effort to know what was really important to Jesus, a scribe
asked him what was the greatest law. Jesus responded with the words of
Deuteronomy, teaching that it was most important to love God. But he
quickly added the second most important law: to love our neighbors as
much as we love ourselves. Jesus told the scribe that if he understood
and lived the words he had just heard, he was close to the Kingdom of
Love Your Neighbor
Jesus wasn't very specific about who our neighbors were, but he
probably did not confine his definition to just the person next door. In
order to show our love for God, we must first show that love in the way
we take care of our neighbors, especially those in vulnerable situations.
It is good that we call ourselves Christians because we diligently
obey God's commandments, attend church regularly, and live moral
lives. But deep down in our hearts, we know we need to do more. If we
look at how Jesus loved his neighbors, how he took time to listen to
them, care for them, and heal them in their brokenness, then we see
how we are to love one another. Our actions today need to be modeled
on those of Jesus.
Today's Readings: Deuteronomy 6:2-6; Psalm 18:2-4, 47, 51; Hebrews
7:23-28; Mark 12:28b-34
Copyright (c) 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page Three
November 5, 2006
Please Pray For
Do We Think That We Change God’s Mind?
What do we think we’re doing when a we kneel down at the child’s
bedside and say together, “God bless grandma and grandpa” and “God
help Uncle Harry find a job”? Or what is the point of our reader or
singer coming forward each Sunday and asking the assembly to pray
for this, that and the other thing?
There are lots of valid ways to think about praying for someone or
something. One beginning point is the psalms. What strikes me if I recite these ancient Jewish prayers that became the core of the Christian
prayer book is this: The person who wrote these prayers was never
hesitant to point out to God the urgent concerns of the day. Never. The
psalms are full of: Please do this. Do that! Do it now!
And for centuries the churches hardly ever gathered without a time
for naming the needs of that day. Mornings, evenings, Sundays. Always the Christians rolled out their list of urgent concerns: peace,
health, good weather, strength in the face of hardship, the poor.
This kind of praying was thought of as something a baptized person
had to do. It was, in fact, something the unbaptized catechumens were
not allowed to do. They couldn’t do Eucharist, they couldn’t give the
peace greeting, and they had to be sent out before the baptized people
did those intercession prayers. It was that important.
But what did they think they were doing? Probably one thing was
this: They thought that the church was here to shout in God’s ear on
behalf of all the helpless people, on behalf of the earth itself, on behalf
of the living and the dead. Jesus had prayed and now the body of
Christ would pray. I don’t think ordinary Christians got too wrapped
up in questions of what it meant. They just did it. Somebody had to
keep reminding God (that’s not such a strange way to think: just check
out the psalms) that all was not well. Remember us, remember the
poor, remember the prisoners.
No one ever said: It isn’t working, folks, let’s quit. We pray and
pray and there are still poor people, still sick people, still all kinds of
evil. But interceding was what Christians did—like living thankfully,
like sharing with those in need. The baptized were trained in this kind
of praying.
So are we. In our parish book of prayer, in our book of the names of
the dead, with our children at bedside each night, with the sick when
we visit them, by ourselves—and here in our liturgy every Sunday
week after week. Year after year, can we get louder? Put more of our
heart and soul in these prayers?
Copyright © 2001 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-933-1800; Text by Gabe Huck. Art
by Luba Lukova. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Mason Briese
Kyle Holley
Vic Markiewicz
Mary Jo DeLille
Jerry Lichtenwalter
Jean Madden
Lois Hoster
Carlos Reyna
Saturday, 4:00 pm or
by Appointment
Baptisms are usually celebrated the
second and third Sundays of every
month. No Baptisms during Lent.
Prospective bride and groom must
be registered parishioners at least 6
Sick and Homebound
Contact the office, 257-2414 to receive a visit from a Minister of Care.
Parish Registration
Everyone 18 years and older
should register for the parish. To
register for the parish, please call the
Office Center, 257-2414
Parish Pastoral Council Members
Bev Malak
Tom Culcasi
Renate Meyer
Carol Ricken
Ali Tucker
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page Four
November 5, 2006
News and Happenings
Moments of learning – fun and work during our first weeks of Religious Education
Core Catechist Meeting
Catechist coordinators for all the
grades will come together on
Monday, November 6th at 6:30 pm
in the Meeting Center
2ND Grade Parent Meeting
Tuesday, November 14 at 7:00 pm
in the Church Hall, we will discuss the preparation and celebration of the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Enrichment For Catechists and
Opportunities for enrichment in
the ministry of catechesis and in
one’s faith will be offered at the
Chicago Catechetical Conference on 11/17 & 18 at the
Stephens Convention Center in
Rosemont. You can take part in
liturgies, workshops, keynote
presentations, roundtable discussions etc. with Cardinal Francis
George and renowned speakers
from across the country. The
conference is focused on the
theme, Who Do You Say That I
Am?, the same theme we are carrying as a parish this year. Visit
the conference web site
CCC/CCC.htm for more information and to download registration
Kevin Cody, DRE
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page Five
Around St. Al’s
Next week is the last
week of the first quarter.
It’s always so hard to beSt. Al's
St. Pat's
lieve how quickly the first
quarter goes—and how
slowly the third quarter
moves along, even though
they are relatively the
same amount of days. I
guess it’s all in perception.
Perception is always interesting. There is a saying that perception is reality—but it really isn’t. Reality is truth. For example, it is the unchanging fact
that God exists and works in our lives. A person's
perception of that can be very different. It is often
colored by discussions with others, the media, preconceptions, etc. Until a person actually experiences
the truth of God’s hand, their perception is unchanging—and often unreal.
How do we change perception, especially in kids?
They often have a perception of themselves as unable to learn math, for example, or of being unpopular, or of being misunderstood, even though that isn’t
reality at all. Their perceptions may be colored by
what they see in magazines, what others kids say,
what is portrayed in TV shows, or a myriad of other
We need to help them see reality, something they
have actually experienced for themselves. We can
help them sort out what is real by helping them to
realize that even adults are influenced by perception.
Watch a political commercial with them, (especially
these days!) and point out how that commercial is
skewed to support one viewpoint. Help them to look
at ads and notice how they can give false impressions. Help them to see that things are not so just
because they are talked about, or even published.
Our kids will be assailed by far more than we were.
They need to be enlightened seekers of truth.
Jacki Chiaramonte
November 5, 2006
Remember In Your Prayers…
Joshua Nelson, USMC, Middle East;
Ryan Meder, USMC, Iraq,
Russell Neal, USA, Fort Campbell;
Scott Bosco, USA, Kuwait;
Robert McKinney, USAF, Afghanistan;
Mark Giancarol, USA, Iraq,
Brent Danielson, USMC, Iraq
Jim Adamiec, USAF, Okinawa
Erik Brazzale, USA, Iraq
Chris Hearne, USN, Virginia
Tabitha Filicicchia, USAF
David Borkowski, USN, East Africa
and all who serve our country.
Volunteers Needed
Join the dynamic team of volunteers at Silver Cross
Hospital—a Solucient Top 100 Hospital. Enjoy the
rewards of helping others in a top-rated healthcare
setting. Volunteers assist in many departments from
the surgical waiting room to the Cardiovascular Institute. Four hours a week will provide you with new
friends, personal satisfaction plus a sense of accomplishment and pride of sharing your skills.
Contact the Volunteer Services Department at 815740-7117 for further information.
Handicap Parking
St. Al’s currently has six handicap parking spaces.
These parking spaces should be used by people who
have a valid Handicap Parking permit. We have
many parishioners who attend mass that have a
medical condition that prevents them from walking a
long distance. Please respect the handicap signs.
Weekly Offering
October 28th & October 29th
Weekly Need
Sunday Collection
$ 9,417.19
Electronic Funds Transfer $
All Souls
$ 549.00
All Saints
Surplus (Deficit)
($ 1,903.81)
Fiscal Year-to-date
Surplus (Deficit)
Thank you to all our parishioners
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page Six
November 5, 2006
The Y.A.C.H.T. Club
Please join the I&M Canal Y.A.C.H.T. Club as we
welcome Paul Jarzembowski on Tuesday, November
14th at White Fence Farm in Lemont. We will meet
around 7:00 pm, speaker and dinner at 7:30 pm and
discussion at 8:30 pm. Paul's topic is "Finding God
in the Movies.” God is still speaking to us. In the media and entertainment-filled world today with wallto-wall news, movies, music, TiVo, and more, we
often wonder if we can still hear the voice of God.
Instead of condemning Hollywood, this presentation
will help us unpack the gospel messages imbedded in
pop culture today, and how we can use movies and
television to discover and experience the divine in
our world.
The cost is $5 for admission plus whatever you
order off of the menu.
We will again have a trivia question in which one
lucky person will win free admission to the
Y.A.C.H.T. Club in December!
Paul Jarzembowski is the Director of Young
Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Joliet and also
serves as the Acting Executive Director for the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association
(NCYAMA). Paul currently lives in Island Lake,
Illinois, with his wife Sarah.—
TEEN CENTER is at 205 Cass Ave St. Pat’s old School.
Every Sunday: LIFE TEEN mass at 5:00 pm at
St. Pat’s with Teen LIFE TEEN Musicians
(except December 14, 2006)
High School Teens :
Youth Ministry Session: 1st & 3rd Sundays 6:00-7:30 pm at Teen Center (except holidays)
Port Ministries Bread Truck: 2nd Saturday of the month, 9:30-2:30 pm
‘Movie Night’: 4th Sunday 6-8:00 pm at Teen Center (except holidays)
Jr. High Teens:
Jr. High Choir - 2nd Sunday Life Teen Mass at 5:00 pm (except holidays)
Youth Group Meeting – 2nd Sunday 6:00-7:30 pm at Teen Center (except holidays)
Special Events:
Jr. High: November 11 – “Confirmed in the Spirit” – service retreat for 6th/7th/8th – see web for
more info.
Jr. High: November 18—Teen CAN Food Drive - Service Opportunity – see web for more info
College Teens: December 27– “EVENING OF REFLECTION”—5:30-10:00 pm
High School & College Teens: January 19-22 “March for Life” 2007– Washington DC - Chicago
takes DC by storm!
High School: February 9-10 Archdiocese All Night Ski Event Chestnut Mountain (Bus will be available!)
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page Seven
Celebrating Our 140th
Our parish, St. Alphonsus, will
be celebrating its 140th anniversary in 2007. The parish would
like to make this a year long
celebration of spiritual and social events taking place throughout the year. A planning committee for the social events is now being formed. A
meeting will take place at the Parish Office Center
on Tuesday, November 7, 2006 at 7:30pm. The Office Center is located at 210 E. Logan Street.
Generations Of Faith To Be Continued
Due to all of the planning and events related to the
140th Anniversary of the parish, we will not hold
Generations Of Faith events this year. However,
since parishioners and parish leadership have expressed their desire to continue to hold these intergenerational festivals of faith, you can look forward
to their return next year. Next Spring and Summer
we will put our planning teams together.
Counseling By Fr. Rohrich
Counseling services are available by Fr. Bob Rohrich
at the DePaul Center, 212 Custer. Appointment
times on weekdays are: 10:00 and 11:00 am in the
morning and 5:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 pm.
Father Bob counsels the engaged and married, as
well as individuals for depression, anxiety, grieving,
separation, divorce and other personal problems.
The cost is a $10.00 donation for each session. Please
call, 630-257-9235.
Home Instead Senior Care
Home Instead Senior Care is a non-medical company providing assistance for senior citizens in their
homes. All of our employees are bonded and insured and go through extensive background checks
including a state Criminal Background Search.
Light housekeeping, errands and/or transportation, meal preparation, laundry, medication reminders and companionship are services they supply.
If you have any question, please call 815-7220230 or 708-647-6000.
November 5, 2006
Candy For Our Troops
Attention all moms and dads
of trick-or-treaters: do you
have too much candy after
all of the trick-or-treating is
over? Send your extra candy
to our troops.
Brownie Troop #358 and
Daisy Troop #260 will be
sponsoring a candy drop-off for our troops at St.
Al’s/St. Pat’s school or St. Alphonsus church.
We will collect extra candy from Halloween
(please put chocolate into Ziploc bags) notes/letters
of appreciation/encouragement, drawn pictures from
our children, postage money donations, prepaid
phone cards, stamps, Beanie Babies (new and used)
for the Iraqi children (NO bigger stuffed animals!).
The collection will take place now till November
17th. Please contact Melissa McGuire at or 630-739-4345, if
you know of someone in the service who would enjoy a package.
Senior Kindred Spirits
We will hold our meeting on November 28th. We
have planned a Western Theme and a game will be
played. If you haven’t paid for lunch, please contact
Dottie Holdsworth, 630-257-2682 by Friday, November 24.
Our Christmas party will be held on December
13th and $14.00 will be collected at the November
28th meeting. If you can’t attend the meeting, please
forward the money to Dorothy at the church office
no later than November 28th.
RCIA Program
Our RCIA program is up and running. We have a
wonderful group of people from the Lemont parishes. Even though we are not ready to fully introduce them to you just yet please pray for them individually and for our process. Their names are:
Dayna, Chris, Tresa, Melissa, Christine, Scott, Jessica, Jason, Monica, Jose and Laura. The team members are: Eileen, Doreen, Marilyn, Mary and Joe.
Please pray for all. You will have the opportunity to
meet these folks soon!
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page Eight
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
St. Alphonsus has the
wonderful opportunity of
hosting the Lemont clergy
Association Thanksgiving
Service this year. The
prayer service will be November 19 at 2:30 pm. There will be refreshments
following the service.
Lemont has a very active Clergy Association. The
members churches are: Bethany Lutheran, Calvary
Chapel, Faith Community, First Church of the Nazarene, Franciscan Village, Lemont United Methodist,
Marian Village, St, Alphonsus, SS Cyril & Methodius, St. James, St. Luke’s Orthodox, St. Matthew
Evangelical Lutheran, St. Patrick and Shale Harbor.
This is quite a collection of churches and the service
will be uplifting and full of music.Please mark your
calendar to join us. Because we are hosting, we certainly want to have many of our parishioners here to
help our guests celebrate this prayer service.
If you would be interested in helping with the reception please call the church office 630-257-2414.
We welcome the help and look forward to seeing you
at this prayer service.
Today at 1:00pm, a special Commemoration will be
held honoring members of all branches of the military. There will be prayers, special readings, guest
speaker Sergeant Allen Lynch, US Army (Vietnam
War Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient), patriotic music, a special table for people who wish to
display military items of deceased veterans, representative veterans’ groups, and more. Please encourage family, friends and neighbors to come to this
commemoration so we can thank all veterans in a
proper way!
A reception will follow this service Parishioners
could you please help? Even if you do not plan to
attend this service, please help by providing an appetizer plate or baked goods for this reception. Because
many people are visitors to our church for this ceremony, we would like to provide a wonderful reception! You may drop off the food downstairs in the
Parish Hall Sunday prior to the 1:00 pm service.
Please mark refrigerated items with “for Veterans
Service” and put food in refrigerator.
November 5, 2006
Fair Trade Sale
On Saturday and Sunday, November 18 and 19, the
7th and 8th grade Religious Education classes are
hosting a fair trade sale in the church hall after all of
the masses.
Fair trade is aimed at substantial development for
excluded and disadvantaged producers. It creates
opportunity for: the economically disadvantaged,
payment of a fair trade, gender equity, good working
conditions and care for the environment. We will
have Work of Human Hands representing artists and
farmers from Kenya, India, La Paz, Uganda, Swaziland, Tanzania, Costa Rica, Bolivia and Bangladesh.
Also Ten Thousand Villages will be representing
their products. This is an excellent opportunity for
our junior high students to get involved in the peace
and justice ministry. And it is just in time for Christmas gifting. If you have any questions, call the
church office, 257-2414.
Remembrance Mass
There will be a Remembrance Mass on Wednesday,
November 15th at 7:30 pm at St. Alphonsus church.
This mass will be in remembrance of children who
live eternally in our hearts. If you have experienced
the death of a child, through miscarriage or any other
life circumstances, we invite you to this special
mass. There will be a table of remembrance available for you to share any pictures or mementos of
your loved one.
Special Thanksgiving Dinner
Lemont’s Hope and Friendship Ministries would like
to invite anyone who needs a place to go or someone
to eat with to Thanksgiving Dinner, Thursday, November 23rd 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Lemont Safety
Village, 55 Stephen Street (downtown Lemont, over
the canal bridge, then turn right, across from Helping
Hands Resale Shop).
Transportation can be arranged. Please join us for
food, games and fellowship. There is no charge for
this dinner. Your presence will make the meal complete!
We would like to count on you, so please let us
know you can attend. Contact Tina Zeman at the
Township office, 630-257-2522 or Terri of Hope &
Friendship at 630-816-4972.
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page Nine
Coping With The Holidays
Loyola University Medical Center
Center for Home Care and Hospice presents Coping With The
Holidays. It is a workshop focusing on positive alternatives for
coping with the holidays after the
loss of a loved one. It will take
place on Saturday, November
18th, 10:00 am to 12:30 pm.
For further information or to
register please call, Nancy Kiel,
Bereavement Coordinator, 708216-1646,
Teen Movie Night
Jr. High Teens
At Teen Center
At St. Pat’s
November 12th
6:00 pm!
November 5, 2006
Treasures From Our Tradition
Eastern Christians developed very
different traditions for confessing sin. They
see the priest as a witness to God's action, a
physician, if you will, rather than a judge. A
person confesses sin to God while standing in
front of an icon of Jesus, face to face. Without a grill, in the full light of day, near a table
with an open Gospel book, the penitent asks
the Lord for mercy. A priest standing to the
side might offer counsel and confirm God's
gift of forgiveness. Rather than list sins and
offenses, an Eastern Christian is more likely to speak of a disposition of
heart toward God and neighbor, and the desire to forgive those who
have wronged them.
Remarkably, although only a priest can pronounce the prayers
of forgiveness, lay people, including married men and women, single
Christians, monks, and nuns, may witness the confession. This is akin
to the ancient Celtic practice of a "soul friend" as a spiritual mentor.
Bishops may bless anyone with sufficient theological knowledge and
discretion to do this. Eastern Catholics in the United States have largely
drifted away from this tradition and toward Latin Rite customs such as
confessional screens, set formulas and prayers, and penances. Today, in
the interest of preserving the authentic tradition of the Eastern Church,
there is a move to restore the older form.
--James Field, (c) Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
Join in at the Lemont “FIFTH ” Annual Thanksgiving:
“Teens CAN Food Drive”
SATURDAY – November 18th at Chipain’s Foods
What the Teens CAN Food Drive is: A Jr. High Teens “2 hr. service opportunity”
to collect food from shoppers for Lemont Food Pantries
_____ I am a Jr. High TEEN and I CAN help! ______I am an ADULT and I CAN help!
Name___________________________________ Name ___________________________________
Phone___________________________________ Phone__________________________________
Church_________________________________ Church__________________________________
email___________________________________ email___________________________________
School/GR. _______________________________ ADULTS NEEDED TO SUPERVISE TEENS
Mark 1st and 2nd choices on form! ______8-10am ______10am-12 _______ 12noon-2pm ______2 - 4pm
MAIL or DROP OFF, FAX to: Diane Herman – Lemont Youth Ministry
541 Ledochowski St. Phone: 630-257-0158 Fax: 630-257-9805
8, 2006
5, 2006
Veterans Day
St. Alphonsus Church
Located on State Street (Lemont Road)
Between Logan & Custer Streets
Lemont IL
Sunday, November 5th, 2006
1:00 pm Service
Special service honoring members of all
branches of the military, active or re
tired, no matter what war fought
Special patriotic music
Memorable, poignant ceremony to thank
ALL veterans (please note that there is no
Mass this year)
Flag ceremony
Guest speaker: Sergeant Allen James Lynch,
US Army, Vietnam War Congresssional Medal of Honor Recipient
Special remembrance table to display and
remember deceased loved ones’
military items (please bring pictures /
memorabilia; place a description card with
your items)
Reception to follow with refreshments
For information, call 630-257-8929
31st Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page Eleven
Mass Intentions
Saturday, November 4
5:00 pm Clara Carlson—Shirley Zapszalka
William & Blanche Hechler—Barbara Stanovich
Sunday, November 5
7:00 am Matthew Marusarz.—Helen Marusarz
Vincent Przybylski—Family
8:30 am John C. Cacciato—John & Carol Cacciato
Thelma Sweas—Zanin Family
10:00 am Senior Kindred Spirits
Health of Carlos Reyna—Reyna Family
11:30 am Helen & Casey Galasinski —Family
Elaine Bronk—Ralph & Bonnie Shroyer
Monday, November 6
7:30 am Donald Baron—Joyce Baron
Tuesday, November 7
7:30 am Patricia Goode—Bob Lindauer
November 5, 2006
Wednesday, November 8
7:30 am Parishioners of St. Alphonsus
Thursday, November 9
7:30 am John Graf Family
Friday, November 10
7:30 am Viola Passenger Eckstrom—Joan Graf Pejsa
Saturday, November 11
5:00 pm Annette Serio—Family
Stephen Otto—your wife
Sunday, November 12
7:00 am Bob Michalek.—Family
Health of Carlos Reyna—Reyna Family
8:30 am Philip & Mary Ellen Santon—Ed & Pat Perkey
10:00 am Carmen Filicicchia—Barb & Ray Hockenbrough
11:30 am David Loucks —St. Al’s/St. Pat’s Sunshine Club
Rob Salbego—Pat & Bob Schneider
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
Ministers & Sacristan Servers
Nov. 11
5:00 pm
Fr. Bob
L. Gylys
N. Rausch
F. Urban
P. Urban (S)
M. Leibforth
E. Nagel
J. August
G. August
J. Nemeth
S. Wall
Nov. 12
7:00 am
Fr. Frank
R. Kaiser
G. Kaiser (S)
D. Lafin
G. Yanku (C)
K. Polk (C)
J. Bruns
G. Bozych
B. Erickson
J. Counter
J. Bannon
8:30 am
Fr. Frank
K. Mars
C. Cacciato
J. Cacciato
P. Perkey (S)
M. Mars
S. Burke
C. Miklos
M. Bruno
T. Armijo
J. Cacciato
Ensemble &
10:00 am
Fr. Bob
P. Browne
J. Brennan
P. Malak
B. Malak (S)
M. Litoborski
N. Theodore
B. Litoborski
T. Dalton
M. Soljacich
J. Goushas
Parish Choir
11:30 am
Fr. Stanley P. Schlachter
K. Gory
K. Cody
D. Dabney (S)
Cody Family
B. Lindauer
D. Harkins
D. Drew
P. Cristin
K. Shupe
W. Flynn
Ensemble &
* Communion under both species
St. Alphonsus Bulletin is a weekly publication of St. Alphonsus Catholic Community of Lemont, Illinois. All rights reserved. Printing by J. S. Paluch Co., Inc., Schiller Park, Illinois. All items for publication must be
at the Parish Center no later than 9:00 am Thursday, ten days prior to publication.