April - St. Alphonsus


April - St. Alphonsus
St Alphonsus Parish
April 19, 2015
Third Sunday of Easter
Run to the Empty Tomb
“Do not be alarmed, you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene,
who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place
where they laid him” Mark 16:6
And so in celebration of our Risen Christ, 109 runners and
walkers made their way around our school and church
property 6 times to complete a 5 km distance ending in the
doorway of the church which had been transformed into a
tomb. The tomb was occupied by two angels Fr. Francisco
and Theresa Sinkwich who greeted each runner/walker
with the message of the Risen Lord and a finisher’s medal.
The event was a mixed bag of people from school families,
to parishoners, and people who joined us because they
happened to see it on social media! We even had a family
join us because they happened to be walking by and saw
all the fun we were having. It was in many ways a true
community event.
The purpose of the event was two fold: to raise funds for
our sponsor children, and to be witness in the community
of Easter joy. We did both by God’s merciful weather! We
raised $1,785 for the three children we sponsor through
the Chalice Sponsorship program! All but $79.10 of the
event costs was covered by sponsorship … 109 people for
under eighty dollars! That makes me smile!
A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors:
- CWL - for your financial contribution and the incredible
breakfast spread!
- K of C - for your generous financial contribution.
Continued on next page
- The Archdiocese of St. Boniface - for your generous
financial contribution
- Glori, Jim, Jeff, & Riley Slater - for your generous financial
- DJ Gordo of Body Bounce Productions - for dj services
- Thank you to Fr. Janusz for the idea
- and to the run committee for bringing it to life!
Andy & Gail Bommersbach, Gina Borges, Tara Mota,
Danielle Patrick, Rose Sinclair
Thank you to the many volunteers and to the school for
all their support the day of the race!
U of M with financial need. Please contact Emily Haakman
for tickets at 204-663-3382 or emilyh.52@hotmail.com
25th Anniverary - Father Sebastian Gacki invites you to
celebrate with him his 25th Anniversary of his Ordination
to the Priesthood on Sunday, September 20th 2015 at St.
Andrew BobolaChurhc on 541 Marion Street. The event
starts with mass at 11 am with Archbishop LeGatt and a
banquest will bollow at 12.30 in the nearby Sokol hall. Tickets for the banquet are available at St Alphonus Church
Office. Father Sebastian was ordained to the priesthood at
St Alphonsus Church on August 31st, 1990.
Saturday Evening Mass - The Saturday evening mass
will be celebrated at 5.30 pm until October.
Lectio Divina - will meet April 22nd at 2 pm in the church.
Couples for Christ - Sundays until May 17, beginning at
1.30 pm at St Alphonsus Church (in the church.)
Thank You from the Knights - The Knights would like
to give a a great big Thank-you to the PARISHIONERS OF
ST. ALPHONSUS. Your support of the “40 Cans for Lent”
program resulted in 1,177 pounds of food being donated
to Winnipeg Harvest; an increase of 127 pounds over last
years donation. Donations were delivered to Winnipeg
Harvest on Saturday, April 4th, 2015. Thank-you again
and God Bless you all during this Easter Season.
Hope of Nations - The Light in the Darkness
- beginning May 1 at 7.30 pm to Sunday, May 3.
All are invited to the Catholic conference at the
St. Norbert Community Centre. For information, visit
Christians of the Holy Land are coming to visit with our
parish May 9 & 10. A display of religious goods will be
available in the hall for all weekend masses. All the items
are locally hand carved in the Holy Land by local Catholic
families. This is a wonderful way to purchase a small part
of Bethlehem and at the same time support our brothers
and sisters living in the Lord’s Land. Please stop by.
Tri-Diocesan Celebration of the Gospel of Life - You
are invited to a Celebration of the Gospel of Life to be
held on Monday May 11th at the St. Boniface Cathedral.
The celebration starts with the Rosary at 6.45 pm at
the League for Life Monument. Immediately following
the Rosary, Mass will be celebrated in the Cathedral
by Archbishop LeGatt with concelebrants Archbishop
Gagnon and Archbishop Huculak.
Fundraising Dinner on May 22nd, 7 pm, at Holy
Eucharist Parish Hall. Stephanie Gray, co-founder
of Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR)
will speak at an evening hosted by U of M Students
for a Culture of Life (UMSCL) Funds raised will go
toward a scholarship for a single parent attending
Thank You For Your Contributions
April 11th 5:30 am Mass
Total to parish:
$ 932.00
April 12th 9:00 am Mass
Total to parish:
$ 125.80
$ 1621.00
April 12th 11:00 am Mass
Loose: $ 266.10
Total to parish: $ 2203.00
Direct Deposit: Total to Parish:
$ 5278.90
School Support
Support of Others
Lenten Boxes are counted as anonymous donations.
Lenten Boxes collected on Holy Thursday will be
counted along with Lenten Boxes collected from the
school children and will be published in our next bulletin.
Are You Looking for Meanining in Your Life ?
Do You Feel Lonely?
Do You Want to Learn How
to Believe?
Catecheses for Young
People and Adults
Sundays & Thursdays at 7 pm
beginning Sunday, April 12,
here at St Alphonsus Parish.
Babysitting available. Call the
Parish Office at 204-667-9580
for more information.
Come and take a chance even if you feel you don’t
have the time.
St Alphonsus Parish 2014 Annual Report
Please carefully and prayerfully read the following reports and graphs and consider: is your gift to the work of God’s
church reflecting where your heart is? “For your heart will always be where your riches are” (Luke 12:34).
In 2014 we saw many things taking place in our parish:
We recognized our 100th anniversary with a weekend long celebration
We created a Memory tree in order to recognize our past and current parishioners as well as contributing
to the future of our parish
We started a new initiative as a part of our mission to rejuvenate parish buildings.
We have called this initiative the Beautification Fund
The boiler was replaced in the Priests’ residence
Began ceiling repairs in the Priests’ residence
Statement of Revenues and Expenditures (unaudited) for the Year Ended December 31, 2014
Budget 2015 Revenue
Sunday offerings
290,000 Sundry income
65,200 Special donations
55,000 Fundraising
18,000 Total Revenue
428,200 Expenses
Salaries and benefits
165,900 Diocesan/Universal church
72,000 Pastoral expense
48,900 Utilities
39,900 Capital expenses
12,500 Repairs and maintenance
21,700 Other operating costs
42,000 Insurance
19,500 Property taxes
5,800 School support
- Total Expenses
428,200 Excess of Revenues over Expenses
- Net Assets - Beginning of Year
239,163 Net Assets - End of Year
239,163 Actual
2013 $
298,534 66,885 136,959 46,803 549,181 305,582 62,960 79,250 21,135 468,927 161,591 83,577 70,418 37,726 12,749 70,872 82,564 18,960 6,463 - 544,920 159,800 85,833 70,418 38,764 39,116 21,116 24,516 18,960 5,656 2,424 466,603 4,261 234,902 239,163 2,324 232,578 234,902 Below is a summary of the 2015 budgeted cost per registered membership,
please consider this information when reviewing your annual contribution.
2015 Budgeted Cost of Operating the parish per parishioner
Salaries and benefits
Diocesan/Universal church
Pastoral expense
Utilities 60
Capital expenses
Repairs and maintenance
Other operating costs
Property taxes
Financial Health of the Parish
In order to assist in assessing the overall financial health of a parish we have provided the following trend graphs to
provide a high level picture of what has happened financially in the parish for the last five years.
The first graph shows how the revenues (excluding capital revenue) and expenses have trended for the past five years.
While the graph is not all encompassing it does tell a story of events taking place in the parish that have caused a
significant increase in expenses in 2014. This increase in expenses is mainly a result of the 100th anniversary
celebrations that took place in October and the replacement of the boiler in the Priests’ residence as well as repairs to
the boilers in both the church and hall.
The second graph is a trend of the cash reserves over the past five years. As a result of expenses exceeding revenue for
2014 the cash reserve is on a downward trend. Cash reserve is very important to be aware of as it represents the parish’s
overall ability to continue operating.
Trend of Revenues vs. Expenses
(Excluding Capital Revenue and Expenses)
Cash Reserves
Donations Per Envelope
An analysis of the breakdown of donations per envelope shows that 50% of parishioners donated between $0 to $250
and 18% of parishioners donated over $1,500. The 18% of parishioners that donated over $1,500 contributed over
65% of the total donation revenue for the parish. In simple terms, 123 families are supporting the majority parish’s
financial needs. As a parish family our goal going forward is to support the financial needs of the church more evenly
amongst the parishioners.
What Should You Consider?
Please consider this…
is your gift to the work of God’s Church
a sacrifice or do you give what is left over
after taking care of yourself?
Each of us must search our own hearts
to find whether we give to God first
trusting that God will care for us
or do we put God at the back of the line
to wait for the leftovers?
2014 Annual Report
Submitted by the
St Alphonsus Parish Administration Board
This illustration represents the current situation in terms of number
of individuals supporting what percentage of the parish.
As a parish family our goal going forward is to support the financial needs
of the church more evenly amongst the parishioners.
Mass Times
St Alphonsus
Mass Schedule
Saturday evening
5.30 pm
Saturday evening
7 pm*
Roman Catholic Church
341 Munroe Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R2K 1H2
Fr Janusz Maron, Pastor
(until October when mass will start at 4.30 pm)
* Prepared by the Neocatechumenal Way
Sunday 9 am & 11 am
Tuesday to Friday
8 am
Holidays 9 am
Saturday 9 am
Parish Office
Hall School Liturgy of the Hours
Tuesday to Friday
7.45 am
Holidays 8.45 am
Saturday 8.45 am
8.30 am - 10.30 am
First Friday of the month 8.30 am to 6 pm (Vespers at 6 pm)
Saturday 5 - 5.30 pm
Second Sunday of the month at the
11 am mass. Please contact
the office for an appointment.
Please contact the office to make an
appointment with Father Janusz.
Email contact:
facebook: St Alphonsus Church - Winnipeg
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday:
8.30 am to 4.30 pm
(Closed for lunch from 11.30-12.30)
Summer: July & August:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm
Pastor: Fr Janusz Maron
Parish Office:
Maria Cox
Tesh Weldegergish
Lisa Johnston
Sacramental Prep: Gina Borges
Hans Pettker
Mass Intentions
9 am
5.30 pm
7 pm
9 am
11 am
8 am
8 am
8 am
8 am
9 am
5.30 pm
7 pm
9 am
11 am
Gary Nicholson
Jim Brechka+
Intentions of the Provincial of the Capuchins
Marguerite Deserranno+
Beryle Sellner
Joseph Ganchar+
Lindzie Breland+
Theresa Mohr
Vincent Stegne
Steve Marczis & Kerri Dawn Cholosky+
Cynthia Rhodes
Intentions of the Provincial of the Capuchins
Marguerite Deserranno+
Walter & Simone Dowhan+
Thursday 23
School Mass at 9 am
No 8 am Mass today
Sunday 26
Coffee Sunday after the
9 am and 11 am masses.
Monday 27
Confirmation Rehearsal
6 - 7.30 pm in the Church
Tuesday 28
Confirmation at 6.30 pm
in the Church. All parishioners are
Saturday 2
St. Alphonsus School 26th Annual
Gala Dinner at the Fort Garry Hotel
St. Alphonsus School 26th Annual
Gala Event - ‘A Night In Venice’
The school’s main fundraiser, our annual
Gala event, will be held on Saturday,
May 2nd, 2015 at the iconic Fort Garry
Hotel. Join us for a formal Venice-themed
event which includes champagne & hors
d’ouvres, a gourmet four-course dinner,
open bar, live entertainment and more!
Tickets are only $125, and can be paid for
in installments if preferred. Many levels
of sponsorship opportunities (with gala
tickets included) are available too; a great
way to advertise your business and support
the school! Order forms for tickets and/or
sponsorship are available by contacting
the school at (204) 667-6271, or from
the school website at stalphonsusschool.
ca, or from our Facebook page at www.
facebook.com/StAlphonsusGala. Silent
auction prizes are being collected in the
school office, and are greatly appreciated!
We hope to see you at Gala 26 A Night In Venice!
Parish Pastoral Council Email:
Knights of Columbus membership information,
contact Stan Pogorzelec at 204-668-8153.
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Let the light of your face
shine on us, O Lord.
Psalm 4
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