April - St. Alphonsus
April - St. Alphonsus
St. Alphonsus Parish April 10, 2016 Third Sunday of Easter The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise. They “are charitable actions by which we help our neighbors in their bodily needs” (USCCA). They respond to the basic needs of humanity as we journey together through this life. Give Alms to the Poor - Donate money to organizations that have the ability to provide support and services for those in need. - Do some research and find organizations that put people in need first, rather than profit. - Skip the morning latte and put that money in the collection basket at church. - Find a charity that is meaningful to you and volunteer your time or donate. - Give up eating at restaurants for a month. Donate the money you save to charities. At the Holy Thursday mass, the parishioners of St Alphonsus collected for the poor. Food donated was given to Winnipeg Harvest. Money collected from Lenten coin boxes will be sent to the Capuchin project in Africa. Thank you to all who contributed. “ When we attend to the needs of those in want, we give them what is theirs, not ours. More than performing works of mercy, we are paying a debt of justice.” St. Gregory the Great Passover Seder 2016 “a beautiful experience that honoured both faith traditions.” This was the comment of Jewish guests who attended this year’s Seder dinner. Just over 60 parishioners and guests gathered to remember and celebrate the deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt over 3000 years ago. The Seder with its ritual meal, songs, prayers, interactions and celebration dinner also remembered how Jesus,a devout Jew, instituted the Eucharist at the last supper, a Passover Seder. In this way we Christians remember Him and our own deliverance from the slavery of sin. Marilyn and Hal Studholme and Frank and Lynda Pisa wish to thank all those who worked diligently and happily together to make the evening a total success. “God bless us everyone!” 2016 Catholic Conference - “Taste & See the Goodness of the Lord” on May 13-14-15. to be held at the Winakwa Community Center, 980 Winakwa Rd, Winnipeg. The speakers are Archbishop LeGatt, Archbishop Lavoie, Sr. Marilyn Minter and Bob Canton. Hear Faith inspiring talks, experience Healing Ministry, vibrant praise & worship, Eucharistic celebrations and great fellowship. Tickets available through CCRS, 6 Dumbarton Blvd, Winnipeg MB R3P 2C4. Telephone 204-895-7544 (Adults $55. Youth $15. Families $120.) Limited space, please register early. To print the flyer visit www.catholicrenewalservices.com Refugee Committee - St. Alphonsus Parish is looking to form a Refugee Committee. If you hear God calling you to this project, a meeting will be held this Monday, April 11th at 7.30 pm in the Parish Office. Movie Night - The Knights of Columbus are pleased to present our second Parish movie night on Friday, April 15th at 7 pm in the hall. We have selected the 2015, Academy Award winning film “Bridge of Spies”, starring Tom Hanks. Join fellow members of the parish (others are also most welcome) to watch this excellent movie. Entry – free will offering. Snacks and drinks will be available at a nominal charge. We hope to see many of you there Employment Appeal - a member of the parish is seeking fulltime employment as a Business Analyst/Business Systems Analyst. If you can help, please contact the office for further details. Are You Looking for Meaning in Your Life ? Do You Feel Lonely? Do You Want to Learn How to Believe? Catecheses for Young People and Adults Mondays & Thursdays at 7 pm beginning Monday, April 11th at St. Alphonsus. Babysitting available. Call the Parish Office at 204-667-9580 for information. Keys Found - Two sets of keys were found in the church over the Easter weekend. Please contact the office if you have misplaced yours. Come and take a chance. Couples for Christ cordially invite you to their Christian Life Program on Sundays at 2 pm in the church. This program is open to all, especially couples. For more information, please contact Jaime or Deedee Sigua at 204-894-3755. Thank You For Your Contributions Thank You - The Opitz Family wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the Mass Intentions, prayers, expressions of sympathy, and acts of kindness in the loss of our dear Andy. God Bless, Lee The New Evangelization Summit - Inspiring Catholics. Last Chance - The webcast will be streamed to PrécieuxSang, 200 Kenny on Friday, April 15th from 7 to 9.30 pm and on Saturday, April 16th from 8.15 am to 4.15 pm. Tickets must be purchased in advance. www.archsaintboniface.ca April 2 Loose: Envelopes: April 3 - 9am Loose: Envelopes: $ $ 36.55 1765.00 $ $ 93.00 1544.00 April 3 - 11 am Loose: Envelopes: *Direct Deposit Total to Parish $ $ 245.50 1989.00 $ $ 2105.00 7778.05 Easter Flowers School $ $ 40.00 85.00 Mass Times Mass Schedule Saturday evening St Alphonsus 5.30 pm Roman Catholic Church (until October when mass will start at 4.30 pm) Saturday evening Contact Information 341 Munroe Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2K 1H2 Fr Janusz Maron, Pastor 7 pm* * Prepared by the Neocatechumenal Way Sunday 9 am & 11 am Tuesday to Friday 8 am Holidays 9 am Saturday 9 am Parish Office Fax Hall School Liturgy of the Hours Tuesday to Friday 7.45 am Holidays 8.45 am Saturday 8.45 am Adoration Wednesday 8.30 am - 10.30 am First Friday of the month 8.30 am to 6 pm (Vespers at 6 pm) Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3 pm. Reconciliation Saturday 5 - 5.30 pm Baptism Second Sunday of the month at the 11 am mass. Please contact the office for an appointment. Marriage Please contact the office to make an appointment with Father Janusz. Email contact: contactstals@gmail.com Website: www.stalphonsuswinnipeg.ca facebook: St Alphonsus Church - 9 9 9 10 10 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 17 9 am 5.30 pm 7 pm 9 am 11 am 8 am 8 am 8 am 9 am 9 am 5.30 7 pm 9 am 11 am April Monday - 11 Catechesis in the Church at 7 pm Refugee Committee Meeting at 7.30 pm in the Parish Office Tuesday - 12 CWL Meeting at 7 pm in the Hall Thursday - 14 Catechesis in the Church at 7 pm Winnipeg Friday - 15 School Mass at 9 am - All are welcome. There will be no 8 am mass today. Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm (Closed for lunch from 11.30-12.30) Knights of Columbus Movie Night beginning at 7 pm in the Parish Hall. Staff: Pastor: Fr Janusz Maron Parish Office: Maria Cox Tesh Weldegergish Catechetics: Angelus-Mariae Lucas Sacramental Prep: Gina Borges Caretaker: Hans Pettker Mass Intentions April April April April April April April April April April April April April April 204-667-9580 204-661-4384 204-668-0832 204-667-6271 Calendar Andy Opitz+ Minnette Mohideen+ Parishioners of St. Alphonsus Joyce Adam+ Mary Wilkes Andy Opitz+ Ernie Zapp+ School Mass Ruben Cio Mistas+ Alois Adam+ Polly Dillon+ Parishioners of St. Alphonsus Wally Korol+ Run To the Empty Tomb 5KM Fun Run/Walk Saturday, May 14th 8:30 am Featuring - light breakfast - DJ Gordo - Candy hunt for kids - Participant Medals - Official Race Bibs Registrations now available at the church, parish office, or by email ginaborges@cjamesrun.com All registration fees in support of our sponsor children. Event sponsorship & volunteer opportunities available. Please see registration forms for more details. DOWHAN & DOWHAN LAW CORPORATION Robert M. Dowhan, B.A., LL.B. Louise Dowhan-Bertouille, B.A., LL.B 604-63 Albert St. Winnipeg, MB Tel. (204) 942-4235 Fax (204) 956-4560 YOUR REAL ESTATE CONECTION Bill & Laurie Zonneveld 204-661-5124 NEW & USED VACUUMS Compact - Electrolux - Filter Queen - Kirby Hoover - G.E. - Electrick Broom - etc. Bags for All Vacuums We Service All Makes and Models Since 1957, Cropo has generously supported our community with a commitment of caring, compassion and kindness. W.P. Compact Vacuums 234 Selkirk Ave - PH 204-589-4889 Manager: Steve Conan What is YOUR home worth? Call John for a Free Market Evaluation John Czezowski B.A. Realtor “Award Winning Service” 204-291-5646 Selling for over 20 years. Caring above all. 1442 Main Street | 204 586.8044 | cropo.com DR. TOM MULHALL BSc.Pharm,O.D. - Optometrist Eye Care For Your Eyes 844C McLeod Ave. Wpg, MB R2G 2T7 Ph: (204) 982-7600 Fax: (204)661-4852 Mills Insurance HOME-BUSINESS-LIFE-TRAVEL-AUTOPAC 467 Henderson Hwy Matthew Mills General Manager BUS. 204-663-1608 FAX 204-663-1748 email: millsinsurance@millsinsuance.ca (204) 668-5612 OVER 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS JERALD J. BRASKO President MANUFACTURERS AND INSTALLATION OF MISCELLANEOUS AND ARCHITECTURAL METAL - STRUCTURAL STEEL AND STEEL JOINTS Knights of Columbus membership information, contact Ian Lovie at 204-995-1524, or ianlovi@msn.com Parish Pastoral Council Email: St.alsppc@gmail.com I will extol you Lord, for you have raised me up. Psalm 30 Printed by Quantum Graphics, Winnipeg, MB
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