alphonsus parish


alphonsus parish
Welcome to
414-421-2442 •
"My sheep hear my voice;
I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal
life, and they shall never
perish. No one can take
them out of my hand. My
Father, who has given
them to me, is greater than
all, and no one can take
them out of the Father's
hand. The Father and I
are one." - Jn 10:27-30
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass
©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD
World Day Of Prayer
For Vocations
Fourth Sunday Of Easter • April 21, 2013
S t .
A l p h o n s u s
From The Pastor’s Desk
These are the days when we see many second graders making
their First Communion, either at one of the scheduled weekend
Masses or at the large group celebration in the afternoon on May 5.
When I see these youngsters so excited and so prayerful, I have my
own appreciation of the Eucharist renewed. A while ago, I came
across my First Communion picture, wearing a white shirt and navy
blue suit (some things never seem to change). It brought back memories of that day. I visualized the priest who celebrated my First Communion and said a prayer for him. Perhaps you are
able to remember your day, and if you do, remember the priest and say a prayer for him. I recall my family gathering for the party that followed. I remember the rosary (long lost) and the
pearl-covered prayer book (still around). As you see these children make their First Communion, let it be a time of re-appreciation of Eucharist for all of us.
The gala dinner auction is quickly approaching on May 3. This year’s theme is “A NIGHT TO
SPARKLE,” or, as I prefer, “DIAMONDS AND DENIM.” This event is part of our 75th Anniversary celebrations.
Seats for the auction dinner are completely sold out. A waiting-list has been started in the event
that there are cancelations. This is a great way to socialize, eat well, and bid generously for the
many nice items up for auction. If you cannot attend, please return your purchased raffle tickets. This event is the only all-parish fundraiser. We need to make it a huge success. The only
way that can happen is if you will help. For more information, call the parish office at 421-2442.
This last quarter of the academic year, I will be meeting with the 8th graders in the parish
school. Every quarter, I meet weekly with other grades—2nd, 4th, & 6th. Each of these levels
present unique challenges and opportunities. I think I learn more from them than they do from
me. It’s hard to believe that summer vacation will soon be here. Let’s hope summer weather
also arrives.
I continue to watch with great interest what Pope Francis is doing. It has been noted that he
has not once referred to himself publically as the “Pope” but rather as the Bishop of Rome. It is
because he is Bishop of Rome that he is Pope. It seems he wants to give importance to being
Bishop of the Roman Diocese. He also in past interviews has spoken of the need to be a coworker with the other bishops of the world. I am sure there will be many more interesting developments as time goes on.
Thanks for keeping our parish so financially stable. As I review the bulletins you bring me from
other parishes far and wide, a good number seem to have financial difficulties. God bless you
for all you do!
- Fr. Alan
75th Anniversary Calendar Raffle Winner
Our Raffle Calendar Winner for April 14, is:
Danelle Veihmeyer
We invite all parishioners to a Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Hying
on Sunday, June 2, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.
Reception to follow in Spangler Hall
We ask for your response to plan accordingly.
Please RSVP by filling out this form and returning it to the PMC or
in the collection basket. You may also respond to
Please respond by May 20.
Yes, We are planning on attending the reception.
Family Name __________________________________ # attending ______
N o t e s
75 Years Of Memories
We moved to Greendale in
1963. Father Koren was a
patient of my husband, Dr.
Neil A. Patterson, and was
an influence in our moving
here. St. Alphonsus School
was in a reorganizing state
and did not offer all classes; now, it is one of
the best.
We had an active Christian Women’s Organization, and bake sales were a very successful
fundraiser. The bakers were the best. There
were many stay-at-home moms at that time. It
also provided an evening out with important
issues discussed and an opportunity to meet
other parish members. Women had more time
to do that.
Our four children are grown and took advantage of the parish activities. They married,
and I have eight grandchildren. Two grandchildren were students at St. Alphonsus School;
one is still attending.
We are fortunate to have Pastor Alan Jurkus
and Associate Pastor Aaron Esch with us now.
I enjoy being a member of St. Alphonsus Congregation.
- Amanda M. Patterson
Diamond Jubilee Auction
Please remember to support
your parish auction. Time is
short. All items donated will
be in the addendum. We
need help with set-up and take-down. Call
Judy at 423-5974, or Chris at 529-3758, for
information or to volunteer your help.
PLEASE NOTE: The auction
is still in need of wine. Please
bring a bottle to Mass this
weekend to help out your
parish auction. Thank you.
Advertiser of the Week
Steve Haupt’s
Tree & Stump Removal
W193 S6885 Hillendate Drive, Muskego, WI 53130
414-491-8402 262-679-3129
Stump, Brush & Tree Removal
Chipping Service & Lot Cleaning
Stewardship: Time, Talent & Treasure
Parish Giving Results
Envelope and Offertory Contributions:
July 1, 2012 through April 15, 2013 *
This Week’s Contributions ............ $21,306.90
Same Week Last Year ................. $18,739.75
Budgeted This Year to Date** . $1,181,751.55
Received This Year to Date ..... $1,231,856.29
Over (Under) Budget 4.2% or $ 50,104.74
Total Received Last Fiscal YTD$1,219,362.34
Over (Under) Last Year 1.0% or $ 12,493.95
*Our parish’s fiscal year runs from July 1, 2012, to
June 30, 2013.
**The total Fiscal Year contributions needed from envelopes and offertory collections to support parish operating
expenses are $1,420,000.
A Stewardship Moment
In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus is quite emphatic: “My sheep hear my voice…” Those who exercise good stewardship of their prayer lives realize that hearing or listening is fundamental to prayer.
Prayer is a personal encounter with the Lord and requires dialogue. Some people never learn the
art of listening. When we enter into a dialogue with someone we love, we speak and we listen.
Otherwise it cannot be a dialogue. This week let’s think about how we pray. Do we do all the talking
and then get up and do something else? Or do we sit quietly, waiting for God’s voice to enter our
Mother’s Day Rose Sale—Helpers Needed
This is a one-time project. Helpers are needed before and after Masses on Mother’s Day weekend, May 11/12. The task is to distribute roses and collect the $2
offering. Proceeds will be used by the Wisconsin Right to Life—Milwaukee
Chapter for educational purposes and to support pregnancy help centers. We
need at least two volunteers at the table for each Mass—eight in all. To volunteer,
please contact Rosie Edwards, 525-0083/ or Barb
Bova, 427-4897/
Wedding Banns
Student Servers Needed
Please pray for this couple,
who is about to celebrate the
Sacrament of Matrimony:
The Diamond Jubilee Auction, which takes place May 3, is in need of student servers. Your job would be to serve the Auction dinner. If you are interested and available to work from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m., on May 3, please email Judy at,
or call 423-5974. Service hours will be given, and if you care to help with set-up or
take-down, please also email or call. You are Needed!
II—Jon McNamara and Sara Schneider
Pray For Our Military
Please remember in your prayers
all the men and women serving in
our military. If you know someone
who is currently serving in our
armed forces and would like to
have their name mentioned here,
please specify their name and title and your relationship. Call the parish office at 421-2442, or email This list will run monthly.
Please pray for:
Warrant Officer Jerry Spears, Jr., son-in-law of
John & Dawn Zastrow; SPC Derek Dutkiewicz,
grandson of Lorraine Dutkiewicz; SPC Daniel Nowak,
son of Rich & Sue Nowak; AFC Julia Fischer, daughter of Robert & Mary Fischer; CPT Jason Domagalski, husband of Jenny, son of Diana Domagalski; A1C Zachary Zellner, son of Kathy & Kurt
Schmeling & grandson of Elaine Kriesel; Christopher
Grimm, grandson of Kenneth Grimm; AIRMAN Jordan Tubbs, grandson of Carol Fischer; LCPL Jacob
Lofy and SPC Jason Lofy, son of Jim & Vicki Lofy
and brother of Jason, Brian, Neal & Amy; MSGT Greg
A. Grunert, son of Neal and Joyce Grunert; 2LT Kelly
Wellnitz, granddaughter of Rosemary McKenney;
MSGT Eric Burr, grandson of Anne Burr; LT COL
Mark C. Kustra, nephew of Robert P. Kustra; SGT
Kristen Dodds, daughter of Walter & Geri Dodds;
SGT Brandon Neuman, grandson of Fred & Barb
Rabinek; PFC Kadin Davis, grandson of Mary Jo &
Gene Schweitzer; Luke Ethan Olson, grandson of
Norbert & Helen Olson; LCPL Ryan Salamon,
nephew of Amedeo & Kathy Monacelli, LT CMDR
John Zablocki, son of Jean Huebner
Welcome New Members
Please join us in welcoming our new parish members:
Matthew, Kateri & Willow Gadzalinski
Mike, Sue, Shaun & Connor Harrington
Brian, Nicole, Laila & Derek Juneau
Steven, Andrea & Grace Koepsel
Matthew, Erin, Brooklyn Kucharski and Joseph Krahn
Monica Limon & Edwin River
Richard, Carlisa, Sofia & Richard III Romero
Jonathon, Laura, Makayla & Madelyn Schick
Jeff & Annie Serak
Bass, Nada, Leah, Roy & Jenna Abushakra
Kim Bruenning
Jeffrey, LeeAnn & David Mantes
Frank, Blossom, Fiona-Kai Medina and Abeni-shai Lizarondo
Trevor & Rose Misiak
Frank & Marie Neuwald
Amanda Perry & Michael LeSieur
Jessica Sadowski & Donovan & Ethan Krejcarek
Thomas & Luke Ulatowski
Michael, Jennifer, Kelsey & Kayla Zielinski
P a s t o r a l
S h a r i n g s
“All of You Are One, United in Christ Jesus”
—Galatians 3:28
On March 30, 2013, during the Easter Vigil Liturgy, St. Alphonsus Parish received and confirmed six adults into our Catholic Faith Community. Five also received their First Eucharist. Celebrating the Initiation Sacraments was the highpoint of their faith journey. These
women and men have been supported by their sponsors, catechists, and the RCIA Team members; pastored by our priests; and
blessed by your prayers. We invite you to get to know our newly-confirmed members! In the photo, five are identified by their boutonnière. One was also baptized, so you’ll see her wearing a grey garment before her baptism. May we all “imitate God; walk in his love,
just as Christ loves us.” (Eph. 5:1-2)
From Left to Right, Row 1-Micheal Griglak, Marcy
Bayon, Joyce Coury, Ching Moksouphanh, Alex
Hanson, Harold Bolstad.
Row 2-Sandy Kramschuster, Team; Sponsors:
Karen Griglak, Norine Trewyn, Geri Busch, Darcy
Kulesha, Paul La Rosa, Bill Mitchell.
Center: Father Aaron, Father Alan, and Sister Eileen.
-Sr. Eileen Kazmierowicz
Director, Adult Formation & Develop.
Y o u t h
S c h o o l
N o t e s
School Scoop
Confirmation Candidates
Congratulations to our new Confirmands and
First Communicants. Receiving the sacraments is a gift that God generously gives to
us. We will be having more First Communions
as the month continues into May.
Last Sunday, 86 of our Confirmation Candidates celebrated the third Sacrament of Initiation
into the Catholic Faith. Their journey began with parents and godparents bringing them for
their Baptism. Then the child was prepared for First Eucharist in the second grade (this sacrament is celebrated in small groups or one large group, depending on the preference of the
parents). The third and final Sacrament is celebrated when they turn 16 years of age or are in
their junior year of high school. These young adults have journeyed together since September. They attended small group classes and gathered with the Confirmation Candidates from
Districts 15 and 16 for two presentations. They chose a weekend retreat in Fredonia, committed to an outreach experience, and each joined a ministry here at St. Alphonsus.
If you know of any families that are interested
in attending St. Al’s, please encourage them to
call the school at 421-1760, and make an
appointment for a tour. Our 5K is now taking a
waiting list for all-day attendance, with only
three openings remaining in our half-day program! Also, we have online registration this
year. Families log on to and
can begin the application process.
We are accepting School Committee nominees yet this week. Please contact Sr. Eileen,
421-0690 or, if you
are willing and able to use your talents in guiding the school in 2013-2014. This position is a
three-year commitment, and you can make a
positive difference. We are all called to do our
part. Parish members are especially asked to
consider this.
Till next week.
Pat Wadzinski, Principal
If you looked around you at the liturgy you attended each weekend, you could have seen
Cross Bearers, Altar Servers, Proclaimers of the readings at Sunday Liturgies, Cantors, Liturgy of the Word for Children helpers, Ushers, and Eucharist distributors—all Confirmation
Candidates taking an active part in their faith celebrations. There were also 16 catechists in
the Child Ministry program, plus 10 or more helpers. They taught, helped, and witnessed in
the Reconciliation retreats, First Eucharist retreats, and whereever they were needed. The
environment changes in the church were made less time-consuming by these strong helping
hands. If there was an activity here at the parish, there were, most likely, Confirmation Candidates helping out.
Bishop Sklba came to accept them as adults into our faith. He read all the letters these Candidates wrote to him asking to be confirmed and watched carefully as their names were
called. He addressed them and complimented them on their involvement in the parish. Job
well-done, Candidates! So now they have committed themselves to continue to learn and live
the Roman Catholic Faith. I am so proud to be part of this journey with these very special
young adults. May GOD BLESS them on their journey, and may we be great examples for all
of them.
-Carol Fischer, Youth Minister
F o c u s
Question Of The Week
Theme: Jesus knows us and calls us.
Question for Youth: Jesus said “My sheep
hear my voice; I know them, and they follow
me.” How does Jesus speak to you? What
new path is he asking of you?
Question for Adults: What is your experience of being a follower of Christ, of being
cared for and guarded with him as shepherd?
Scripture Readings
Readings for the Week of April 21, 2013
Acts 13:14, 43-52/Rv 7:9, 14b17/Jn 10:27-30
Acts 11:1-18/Jn 10:1-10
Acts 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30
Wednesday: Acts 12:24--13:5a/Jn 12:44-50
Thursday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:15-20
Acts 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6
Saturday: Acts 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14
Next Sunday: Acts 14:21-27/Rv 21:1-5a/Jn
13:31-33a, 34-35
©Liturgical Publications Inc..
o n
Join us for a discussion of the book,
“Beautiful Souls: Saying No, Breaking
Ranks, and Heeding the Voice of Conscience in Dark Times.” Focus: what made
four people decide to stand up against the
powers that could destroy them? Published
by Eyal Press, the book may be purchased
at Barnes & Noble or Sessions will be held in the Outreach House
(former rectory) Living Room on Tuesday
nights, at 7:00 p.m., April 23, 30, May 7, 14,
21, and 28. Please call Nancy Moews, 414529-4808, with questions/to join this group.
W o r d
Cycles Of Faith
Studies done at the University de Montréal in Canada
in 2010 and at the Central European University in Budapest,
Hungary, in 2012, show amazing correlations of voice processing
and the understanding of maternal speech in infants. The Canadian study showed that newborns distinctly process their mother's
voice differently from the voice of strangers. The Hungarian study
provided evidence for understanding of a mother's speech in an
infant even before vocabulary was being formed. Along with other investigations, researchers are
uncovering information about the strong connection between mother and child, a bond that allows
a child to recognize his or her mother long before the identification is made through words and
In the Gospel, Jesus says, "My sheep hear my voice" (Jn 10:27). Medieval theologians
and mystics like St. Anselm of Canterbury or Julian of Norwich would speak about the generative
and nurturing qualities of Christ who brought forth life in his people through the power of his resurrection and keeps them close to himself as a mother cherishes her child. As the Gospel this weekend relates, the shepherd gives the sheep eternal life and no one can take them from the shepherd's hand.
The scientific studies on infants and mothers keep coming back to the close connection
that exists between those who bear children and bring them forth into the world. In this Easter
season, when we celebrate the new birth given to each of us through the waters of baptism, we
recognize that we have been joined to Christ in a sacramental way. The font is both tomb and
womb where we die to sin and are born anew in Christ. Because he brings us forth as newborn
sons and daughters of God, it only makes sense that we would "hear his voice," because he has
been speaking to us from the moment we were born in him. Christ nurtures us in our life of grace
and helps us mature in him.
©2013 Liturgical Publications Inc..
The Saints’ Corner
St. Anthony of Padua was born in Lisbon, and ordained a Franciscan priest in 1221. His sermons, noted for their eloquence, spirit and persuasiveness, attracted huge crowds everywhere he
preached. His success in reconciling persons alienated from the church and as a confessor was
phenomenal. He is the patron saint of the poor and oppressed and is widely invoked for the return
of lost articles. He died at age 36, and was canonized the following year. He was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XII in 1946.
W h a t ’ s
Book Discussion
t h e
H a p p e n i n g
Ladies, Join Us For Firstfruits!
Firstfruits is a Women’s Day of Spiritual Renewal hosted by St. Alphonsus
Parish on Thursday, April 25.
We offer the following information, to give you a “taste” of Firstfruits’ seven program offerings: Seeing Life with God’s Eyes; God’s Truth is Freedom; Return to Life—Story of A Soul; The Healing Oils of the Bible; Spiritual Toolbox…”Building” Our Prayer Life; Work of Our Hands. In
addition, consider “Is Spiritual Direction for Me?” with Mary Matestic.
There are three structured program times: 9:15-11:15 a.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m., and 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Cost: $15 a session or $40 for a full day. Childcare available for the morning session only: $6/child;
$10 max, must pre-register for childcare. Hope you’ll join us! For registration, go to the website: or (Parish Forms).
You’re Invited . . . . .
. . . . . to a RENEW Reunion on Friday, May 10, 7:00-8:30 p.m., in the St. Alphonsus Community Room. Join us for an interactive presentation by Marni Geissler, M.A., “Called to Discipleship.” Social to follow. This event is for anyone who
has ever participated in RENEW or a Small Faith Community or has an interest in
a Small Faith Community. Registration is a must. Call 421-0690 x 421 by May 7.
St. Alphonsus Directory and Calendars
Church Building
6060 West Loomis Road • Greendale, WI 53129
Parish Ministry Center ...................................................... 414-421-2442
Christian Formation Office ............................................... 414-421-0690
5960 West Loomis Road • Greendale, WI 53129-1824
Fax....................................................................................... 414-421-8744
E-mail ...................................................................
Pastoral Staff ..................................................................... 414-421-2442
Pastor, Reverend Alan Jurkus ............................
Associate Pastor, Reverend Aaron Esch .........
Director of Administrative Services, Kathy Jaeckels........
Director of Adult Formation & Development,
Sr. Eileen Kazmierowicz ............................................
Director of Youth Ministry, Carol Fischer .............
Director of Child Ministry, Kathy Monacelli .......
Director of Liturgy & Music, Terry Piontkowski ..
School Principal, Patrice Wadzinski .......................
Permanent Deacon, Ted Gurzynski ........................
Permanent Deacon, James Leggett ..............
School Offices ................................................................... 414-421-1760
6000 West Loomis Road • Greendale, WI 53129
School & Gym Entrances ................................... 6080 West Loomis Road
Fax....................................................................................... 414-433-0709
Parish Council Chairperson, Denna Flemming .......................... 282-1872
Parish Trustee, Bill Kelly ............................................................. 427-1915
Parish Trustee, Sue Ruedinger .................................................. 704-3670
Southwest Interfaith Outreach to Older Adults
Director, Diane May ................................................................ 421-3678
Volunteer Missionary Movement, Vic Doucette .......................... 423-8660
Emergency Food Pantry ............................................................. 617-4357
Michael Klinkiewicz, Chief Engineer ........................................... 421-2442
Prayer Network
If you have a Special Intention for which you would like prayers, please call
one of the St. Alphonsus Prayer Networks:
St. Ann (Geri) .............................................................................. 281-4507
St. Patrick (Rosemary) ............................................................... 421-2548
St. Cecilia (Lorraine) ................................................................... 281-5085
The networks are confidential; please feel free to contact them with your requests.
Eucharistic Celebrations
Weekend .....................Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am
Weekday............................................................................... See schedule
Sacrament of Baptism
Mass Intentions
Saturday, April • 20 Easter Weekday
5:00 pm † Herb Precour (Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gumina)
55th Wedding Anniversary—Don & Lois Shecterle
Sunday, April • 21 Fourth Sunday of Easter
7:30 am † Rita Horany (Barbara Redovich)
9:00 am
For the Parishioners &
† Dorothy Ruchalski (Ruchalski Family)
11:00 am † Salvatore Gagliano (Rupnick Family)
Monday, April • 22 Easter Weekday
7:00 am † Marie Birmingham (Gene Miller)
Tuesday, April • 23 St. George & St. Adalbert
7:00 am 53rd Wedding Anniversary—Gene & Kathy Feuling
6:30 pm Rosary-Devotions
Wednesday, April • 24 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
8:00 am † John Bialozynski (Edward & Joanne Schraiber)
(Grade 3)
Thursday, April • 25 St. Mark
7:00 am † Dennis Rakowski (Ruth Parks)
Friday, April • 26 Easter Weekday
7:00 am All Souls
Saturday, April • 27 Easter Weekday
4:00 pm Confessions
5:00 pm † Steve Ulik (Stephanie Doran)
Sunday, April • 28 Fifth Sunday of Easter
7:30 am † Marian Gurzynski (Ted & Kathy Gurzynski)
9:00 am
For the Parishioners &
† Giuseppe Matera (Wife Rosa & Children)
11:00 am † Van & Sylvia Kosmatka (Family & Friends)
First Communions
First Communions
First Communions
First Communions
This Week
Sunday, April 21, 2013
10:10 am RCIA Sundays
Teacher’s Lounge
6:30 pm Adult Volleyball
Spangler Hall
Monday, April 22, 2013
6:00 pm Prayer Shawl Gathering
PMC-Rm. 101
6:30 pm St. Vincent De Paul Meeting (2nd & 4th Mondays)
Outreach Living Rm.
7:00 pm 11AM Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm Handbell Choir Practice
7:30 pm AA Reality Support Group
S102/S104-Scout Room
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
6:30 pm Rehearsals for 1st Communion
7:00 pm AF-Book Discussion
Outreach Living Rm.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
7:00 pm 5PM Choir Rehearsal
Music Room
Thursday, April 25, 2013
9:15 am “First Fruits” Women’s Retreat
PMC-Room 101
6:30 pm Lector Practice
Friday, April 26, 2013
6:00 pm Athletic Awards Banquet
Community Room
Saturday, April 27, 2013
8:30 am Instrument Rehearsal
Sunday, April 28, 2013
9:00 & 11:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Community Room
7:00 pm Men’s Basketball
Spangler Hall
For Baptismal arrangements, call the Parish Office, 421-2442.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4:00 pm or anytime by appointment.
Anointing of the Sick
After the 7:00 am Mass on Tuesdays & 5:00 pm Mass on Saturdays. (Please see
the priest before Mass to let him know you want to be anointed.)
New Membership
Joining our parish community can be easily done at the Parish Ministry Center,
Mondays through Thursdays from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., or Fridays from 8:00 a.m.
-12:30 p.m. You can also register online at
Are The Bishops Telling Me What To
Think? C4” Yourself!
The next “C4: Ignite Your Catholic Faith” video on April 26, explores
the question, “Who are the bishops to tell me what to think?” Visit to view past and present videos,
as well as to subscribe to the RSS feed to effortlessly follow this
series throughout the Year Of Faith.
Tear Along Perforated Line