FROM FR. JAY`S DESK - SS. Simon and Jude
FROM FR. JAY`S DESK - SS. Simon and Jude
Page Two JUNE ACTIVITY CALENDAR Page Three FROM FR. JAY’S DESK CONFIRMATION Congratulations to our 8 grade students who received the sacrament of Confirmation! May the Holy Spirit embolden you to live your life with courage and wisdom. th Michael Behanna Jake Dellana Mary Louise Donohue Nina DiBacco Anthony Giorgianni Declan Koeberle Kellen Krebs James Lang Teresa Mackey Vincent Pecore Kailey Schubert Katie Staroschuck Morgan Steiner Ashley Teti Brooke Wilhelm Amanda Wolf Delaney Young Congratulations to all the students from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish and Sam Landy from Our Lady of Grace who also received the Sacrament of Confirmation with us! Reverend Victor Rocha Age 87 Passed away on Saturday, May 23, 2015 In Mombai, India. Buried in India on Monday, May 25, 2015 Memorial Mass at Resurrection Church 1100 Creedmoor Ave. Brookline, PA. Saturday, June 6, 2015 4:00 PM Celebrant: Most Reverend David A. Zubik Bishop of Pittsburgh COME AND JOIN US FOR OUR 60th. ANNIVERSARY MASS SS. SIMON & JUDE PARISH Saturday, June 13, 2015 4:00 PM Mass Celebrant: Bishop David A. Zubik Concelebrants: Rev. Jay Donahue Rev. Richard Ward Hors d’ oeuvres and dessert following in the church hall and rectory lawn. Page Four PRAYER LIFE SACRAMENTS & MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, May 30, 2015 4:00 PM Angelo & Angela Gigliotti—Nick & Gloria Folino PRAY FOR SUNDAY, May 31 2015—The Most Holy Trinity 7:30 AM Roy Cochrane—Ron & Sue Cochrane 9:30 AM Mary M. Arnold—The Arnold Family 11:30 AM People of the Parish Please pray for Carol Billings, Helen Cassidy, Karen Deichler, Sean Ferguson, Grace Forbes, Patricia Geubtner, Betty Janora, Charlotte Krashna, Santo Mascellino, Karen McCartney, Keri Midgley, Florinda Rosemeyer, Isabella Torris, and all who are sick. MONDAY, June 1, 2015 8:30 AM Anthony & Dorothy Grandinetti, Thomas & Catherine Martino, & Joann Sowinski—Bob & Donna Grandinetti Please pray for Fr. Victor Rocha, and all the faithfully departed parishioners and benefactors of SS. Simon & Jude Parish. TUESDAY June 2, 2015 8:30 AM Thomas Buritz—Frieda Funk & Wilma Buritz 9:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration 7:00 PM Reconciliation 8:00 PM Benediction WEDNESDAY June 3, 2015 8:30 AM Joseph J. Henry—Mo & Al LaBella THURSDAY, June 4, 2015 8:30 AM Phillip Galterio—Angie & Gloria FRIDAY, June 5, 2015 8:30 AM Connie Eror—Jerry Eror SATURDAY, June 6, 2015 4:00 PM Cusick & Blefere Families—John & Cathy Fisher SUNDAY , June 7 , 2015 7:30 AM Carmen Tomei—Fran & Jack Butchko 9:30 AM Thomas Finan—Jack & Diane Luke 11:30 AM People of the Parish REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN C S M. A ,N S A Z B ,A F SPC A B ,A FA L B ,C G S .R B , USMC C A C ,A C M C ,A A 1 C A C ,A F C P M. F , USAF, M.I.A. SPC M JF ,A N ’ G C .R F ,A PFC W G ,A 1 PF A G ,N C A H ,A C H H ,A T S .A H ,A F 1 L .L J ,A P 1 C J J ,A L C P J ,N P 1 .C T C. W , M C K B R ,A Please remember to call the Parish Office before you or a loved one are admitted to a hospital or nursing home. Because of the Hippa Law, facilities are not permitted to call us unless given permission by the family. ANNUAL MISSION CO-OP APPEAL May 30-31 This week, dear parishioners, Sister Marie Janesch, MSC is with us here at SSJ for our annual Mission Appeal. She will share with us about her life in the Missions and about the work of her Congregation. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, constantly reminds us that our Church is MISSIONARY by her very nature. Through the Mission Cooperative Plan we are reminded that our Christian commitment urges us to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth and gives us a concrete way in which we can respond to that call. Let us give our prayer and our financial support to the MSC Sisters -- Sister Marie Janesch’s Congregation -- by generously contributing to the Mission Co-op appeal in today’s 2nd collection. In this way, we will have the chance to help support the mission work of the MSC Sisters throughout the world. Thank you and God bless you! (It’s a WIN-WIN situation, because we know that God will surely keep his promise of the “hundred-fold” in return for our own generosity!) “Take care of brothers and sisters who are weaker...the elderly, the sick, the hungry, the homeless and strangers, because we will be judged on this.” Pope Francis Page Five COMMUNITY LIFE ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK Sunday, May 31 2015 1:00 PM Retrouvaille—Church Hall Monday, June 1, 2015 6:30 PM Grief & Healing Series—School Cafe Tuesday, June 2, 2015 9:00 AM Bible Study—Church Hall Wednesday, June 3, 2015 NO MEETINGS OR EVENTS Thursday, June 4, 2015 NO MEETINGS OR EVENTS Friday, June 5, 2015 12:00 PM Rosary—Church 8:00 PM AA—School Saturday, June 6, 2015 7:30 AM Catholic Men’s Fellowship—Church Hall 8:30 AM Catholic Women’s Fellowship—School 10:00 AM Evangelization Meeting—School Cafe 8:00 PM AA—School . THE EMMAUS JOURNEY: A JOURNEY FROM GRIEF TO HEALING Are you experiencing loss? Come join us on a healing journey Through input, sharing and mutual support. Learn coping, surviving and healing skills A five week support group Facilitated by The Bereavement Team Of SS. Simon & Jude Parish Will meet on five Mondays Beginning June1st thru June 29th, 2015 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. at SS. Simon & Jude Café Upper Level of School Building 1607 Greentree Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 For more information and to register call: Carol McAninch Parish Social Minister SUPER SENIOR SOCIETY Our annual picnic will be held on Wednesday, June 10, at 1:00 PM in the church hall. Reservations are required. Deadline is June 5th. Contact Mona Russo at 412-279-0428 PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Next Session: St. Anne Parish - Castle Shannon Saturday, June 6, 2015 9:00 AM Contact: Meghan Larsen-Reidy 412-561-0101 412-563-3189 x 204 All are welcome St. Margaret of Scotland Parish Festival (Green Tree) Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Saturday, June 6, 2015 Wednesday & Thursday 6:00 - 10:00pm Friday & Saturday 6:00 - 11:00pm For more information regarding St. Margaret of Scotland Parish Festival please visit our website at Page Six PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL NEWS “It is Jesus who has saved us. Jesus is the Son who made us know the merciful Father And brought to the world his ‘fire,’ the Holy Spirit, Who guides us, who gives us good ideas, inspirations.” -Pope Francis Today, we observe the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. Reflecting on the mystery of one God in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is both humbling and aweinspiring. In less than two weeks, Saints Simon and Jude Parish will celebrate our 60th Anniversary as a Parish. Our Mission of being Alive with Christ through Serving, Sharing, and reJuvenating is consistent with the mission of J esus explained above by Pope Fr ancis. How awesome to think of the privilege that our parish community has had in bringing so many people closer to God over six decades! We pray that each parishioner will seek to be more Alive with Christ by participating in one or more of our 2015 Pastoral Plan Objectives. For an easy opportunity to serve others, consider being a weekend mass Greeter. By showing the warmth of Christ to others as you welcome them into His home, you may impact a person’s desire to attend mass regularly and receive the Sacraments (“It is Jesus who has saved us”). As we begin the implementation phase of our objective to form an evangelization team to host small group discussions, we pray that those invited to be facilitators and those called to join the groups in the fall will respond enthusiastically. These groups will help us to grow closer to the Word and share the Gospel with others (“Jesus is the Son who made us know the merciful Father”). On Saturday, June13, all parishioners have the opportunity to participate in a reJuvenating, Inspirational Mass to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of our parish. Our objective to enhance our liturgy on special occasions can inspire us all to more enthusiasm in our worship and our faith (“And brought to the world his ‘fire,’ the Holy Spirit”). Let us pray that God the Father will bless and protect us, that God the Son will be with us in all our joys and sorrows, and that God the Holy Spirit will continue to inspire and guide Saints Simon and Jude Parish. RETROUVAILLE Are you married to a stranger? Do you feel alone? Do you ar gue - or have you just stopped talking to each other? Do you dread the drive home? Does talking about it only make it worse? This program has helped countless couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on July 10, 2015, please contact Retrouvaille at 412-277-3434 or More information is available at Page Seven RCIA Many times we ask ourselves, “What can I do to help change the World?” One thing you can do is help children or adults come to know and love the Lord. You do not need a degree in Theology to help them learn about God. All you need is to share your Love for God and want to serve others! You will grow spiritually in the process of teaching the Word of God. This is a golden opportunity to help people in our parish who are seeking to learn about God. Please stand up and say “HERE I AM, LORD” since HE is the one calling YOU! For information please call Bethann Petrovich at 412-563-3189 x 209 or email at Thank you and Blessings for you and your family! BEAUTIFUL YOU! What: A five week group focused on helping girls, ages 13-16, develop a healthier self-image and learn to see the beauty in themselves! When: J uly 22nd, J uly 29th, August 5th, August 12th, and August 19th. 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Where: SS. Simon & J ude School, Scott Township How: Contact Chelsea Far rell, LPC at 412-259-3889. Five meetings cost $200.00 or major health insurance plans accepted. Page Eight SS. SIMON & JUDE FESTIVAL - JULY 16, 17, 18 This year’s Parish Festival will be here soon and to make it a success we need everyone’s help. If you have any questions or need more information please call: Peggy Sembrat at 412-276-3102 Kathy Cunningham at 412-279-8442 _______________________________________________________________________________________ CAR RAFFLE TICKET SELLER SCHEDULE Would you help a few hours each week and sell raffle tickets to the Greentree Road commuters? 25-30 volunteers are needed to fill the weekday time slot schedule at the tent on the church lawn. Sit with a friend, read a book, “get out of the house”, enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Bring your cooler, radio, recliner, and relax while helping. Call Quinn Palamides at 412-400-5710 for time availability and questions. _______________________________________________________________________________________ FLEA MARKET AT THE FESTIVAL Are you Spring cleaning? Save all your treasures and donate them to the SS Simon & Jude flea market. We will accept gently used furniture, toys, books, dishes and glassware, Knic-knacs, lamps, etc. We cannot accept clothing, bedding, T.V.’s or computers. More information will follow soon!!! ———————————————————————————————————————————-CHINESE AUCTION BOOTH The Chinese Auction booth is looking for donations of merchandise, gift certificates or monetary gifts to help make our booth a success. Please contact Maria Walther with questions - 412-531-9432 We are in need of large baskets for our booth. Please drop your donations off at the parish office. Thank you for your support! ______________________________________________________________________________________ LOTTERY EXTRAVAGANZA Anyone who would like to donate lottery tickets please put in an envelope, Attn: Maria Walther and drop in either the collection basket or drop off at the church office. Thank you for helping us build our LOTTERY EXTRAVAGANZA _______________________________________________________________________________________ FESTIVAL GROCERY BOOTH Next weekend pick up your FESTIVAL GROCERY BAG! Fill it up! Instructions are attached on the bag. Page Nine FINANCIALS Offertory Collection May 16-17 Offertory Contributions # of Envelopes Total Money Collected 438 $9,984.50 Cash/Loose Checks $1,084.00 Children’s Offertory Parish Share 2015 Ascension Thursday $18,052.00 150 $1,782.00 Ascension/Cash/Loose $307.54 Nepal Earthquake $190.00 Catholic Relief Services 201 Catholic Relief/Cash Totals $2,610.00 $583.00 789 $34,593.04 Bulletin Number: 910040 SAINTS SIMON AND JUDE 1607 GREENTREE ROAD PITTSBURGH, PA 15220 TELEPHONE: 412-563-3189 CONTACT: FR. JAY DONAHUE EMAIL: SOFTWARE: MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Standard Windows XP PRINTER: HP Laserjet P1606dn TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 4:00 PM BULLETIN FOR SUNDAY: 03/30/2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 through 10 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: