174 March 6, 2016 bulletin.pub - John Patrick Publishing Company
174 March 6, 2016 bulletin.pub - John Patrick Publishing Company
CHURCH OF SAINT MARTIN OF TOURS 1 RIVERSTONE CIRCLE, NEW HOPE, PA 18938 October 9, 2016 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH VISION STATEMENT Saint Marn of Tours Parish is a Eucharisc Community striving to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We nurture and encourage each other and all who join us as we grow spiritually through acts of faith, hope, and love. Weekday Mass Schedule 8:30am - Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 7:30pm - Tuesdays No Mass on Thursdays Weekend Mass Schedule 9:00am - Saturdays 5:30pm - Saturday Vigil 8:30am & 11:00am - Sundays OFFICE CONTACTS Parish Office: (215) 862-5472 Fax: (215) 862-1829 Email: info@stmarnoours.org Website: www.stmarnoours.org PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Fred Kindon, Pastor Deacon Ed Jones Deacon Jim Hanly Mrs. Gail Downing, Youth Minister Mrs. Colleen Jones, Business Manager Mr. Thomas Bateman, Dir. of Liturgical Music Mr. Zachary Yingling, Dir. of the Youth Band Mr. Robert Lynn, Facilies Manager Mrs. Theresa McCarn, Admin. Asst. “I bear with everything for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, together with eternal glory. This saying is trustworthy: If we have died with him, we shall also live with him; if we persevere, we shall also reign with him.” (2 Timothy 2: 8-13) 1 - 174 Sacramental Life Worship EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT is offered every Monday Morning aer the 8:30 AM Mass unl 10:00 AM and on every First Friday from 5 to 9 PM we have Exposion of the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel. All are welcome to spend an hour with the Lord. PARISH REGISTRATION: New Members are welcome to register at your convenience. Please call the parish office to set up a me to register. DEVOTIONS: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - before Mass on First Saturdays Sacred Heart of Jesus - before Mass on First Fridays Liturgical Adult Choir Altar Servers Cantors Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Greeters Lectors Sacred Environment Commiee Ushers Youth Band PASTORAL CARE: Please inform the parish office of anyone who might appreciate having the Eucharist brought to them or a visit from someone in the parish. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK is celebrated during the Saturday Morning Mass at 9:00 AM or by request. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is celebrated at the convenience of the family. There is the opportunity to celebrate within the Sunday Liturgy with the parish or aer Masses on the weekend. Please contact the parish office to arrange for Bapsm and for our Pre-Jordan Program. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is celebrated prior to the Masses each weekend, as a parish at our Parish Penance Services or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE arrangements need to be made at least six months in advance of the date of the wedding. Please call the parish office for an appointment to arrange your wedding. LETTERS OF ELIGIBILITY: Leers of Eligibility to be godparents or sponsors can be obtained at the parish office. Please call the parish office prior to coming to get the Leer of Eligibility. PARISH MINISTRIES Faith Formaon Adult Faith Formaon Ministry Children’s Liturgy of the Word Christ Renews His Parish CHOSEN Teen Ministry CHOSEN Teen Ministry, Adult Leadership Evangelizaon Men’s Ministry Pre-Jordan Program PREP (Parish Religious Educaon Program) RCIA (Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of Adults) Sacramental Preparaon Programs Lenten Longings Vacaon Bible School Service Aid for Friends Cemetery Ministry CHOP/Ronald McDonald House CHOSEN Teen Ministry Community Cafe Gigi Ministry HOPE (Helping Other People Everyday) Hospitality Ministry Marn Luther King, Jr. Day of Service Soup Kitchen St. Marn's Cloak Welcoming Ministry Worship Commiee Parish Leadership Pastoral Leadership Council Finance Leadership Council 2 - 174 Welcome Parcipate MASS INTENTIONS & EVENTSFOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 9TH Dear Parishioners, As we listen to St. Paul’s letter to Timothy this weekend, we hear the challenge of dying with Christ but also the great reward if we follow the example of Christ. Paul tells us that if we die with him, we will be resurrected and if we try every day to follow his example, we will live with him forever in heaven. The challenge is great, but the reward is fantastic. There is much work for us to do with our own lives and the world around us if we take up this challenge. We will need the Lord’s help but also each other’s help and support as we live this life together in and through Christ Jesus. This week let us pray with and for each other that we will be able to follow Christ’s example and die to self. Sincerely in the Lord, Father Kindon SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 9, 2016 Monday Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1 October 10 Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday Gal 5:1-6 October 11 Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday Gal 5:18-25 October 12 Lk 11:42-46 Thursday Eph 1:1-10 October 13 Lk 11:47-54 Friday Eph 1:11-14 October 14 Lk 12:1-7 Saturday Eph 1:15-23 October 15 Lk 12:8-12 Use the website below to hear the readings of the day to reflect on them: hp://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/051115.cfm Saturday, October 8 Weekday 9:00am-Mass for Ed Kuehnle By The Kuehnle Family Anoinng of the Sick during Mass Rosary Prayed aer Mass 5:30 pm-Mass for Jane Duggan By John Duggan Sunday, October 9 28th Sunday In Ordinary Time 8:30 am– Mass for Henry Baker & Mary Jane Kelly By The Family No Confirmaon Class 11:00 am– Mass for St Claire Distler By Karlyn Distler Monday, October 10 Columbus Day 8:30am-Mass for Msgr Carl Hinrichsen By June Coates 9-10:00am-Eucharisc Adoraon No Confirmaon Class 7-8:00pm-CHRP Meeng Tuesday, October 11 St John XXIII 7:30pm-Mass for Angel Lopez By The Del Prado Family Wednesday, October 12 Weekday 8:30am-Mass for Steven Poole By The Rickert Family 6:45pm-Cantor Pracce 7:30pm-Choir Pracce Thursday, October 13 Weekday ~No Mass~ 3:00pm-Visit the Pt Pleasant Facility 6:30-7:30pm-Endow Friday, October 14 St Callistus 8:30 am-Mass for Ray Armento By Jovina Armento CHOP Lunch Delivery Saturday, October 15 St Teresa of Jesus 9:00am-Mass for Richard Scherr By Connie Scherr Anoinng of the Sick during Mass Rosary Prayed aer Mass 5:30 pm-Mass for Anthony Badolato By The Badolato Family Sunday, October 16 29th Sunday In Ordinary Time 8:30 am– Mass for Richard Scherr By Connie Scherr 11:00 am– Mass for Louis DeLia By The Cipriano Family The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week for . May their souls & the souls of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen 3 - 174 4 - 174 10:30 am Gigi 10:30 am Gigi 3:00pm Gigi 2:00pm Gigi Planning Ahead Worship Weekly Offering ST. MARTIN OF TOURS PARISH STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM “GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING” TITHING FOR WEEKEND OF 10/2/16 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES FOR THE WEEKEND OF 10/16/16 5:30 PM Mass Celebrant: Msgr Flood/Deacon Jones Assisng Lectors: Nathan DiFulvio, Richard Park Extraordinary Ministers: Valerie Goodyear, Mary Ann Turnbull, Tom Turnbull, Timothy Vesling, Stella Volpe, Maureen McMahon, Joseph Toia, Joseph Peters Servers: Lillie Corino, Kyra Kenton, Lauren Richey Cantor: Nancy Waters Children’s Liturgy: No CLOW Altar Linens: Joey Del Prado Sacristan: Amy Morrell Sunday Collecon: $ 11,373.27 Last Year This Week $ 11,025.73 Increase of $ 347.54 The week’s Parish Tithe of 5% of our collecon in the amount of $485.48 goes to DVIC Food Bank Poor Box $128.36 Catholic University $494.00 Assumpon $277.00 Black & Indian $749.00 Louisiana Flood Vicms $1498.00 8:30 AM Mass Celebrant: Fr Kindon/Deacon Hanly Assisng Lectors: Ruth Durnin, Gregory House Extraordinary Ministers: Adrienne Deussing, Dominic Marano, Gail Downing, Amy Campbell, Charleen Sofia, Melody Kozar, Janet Smith, Bud Gohl Servers: Chrisan Deussing, Michael Deussing, Ben House Cantor: Joanne Vesay Children’s Liturgy: Adrienne Deussing Altar Linens: Joey Del Prado Sacristan: Kenneth Locke Please mail your donation to the address on the envelope you received in the mail or put the envelope in the collection basket. ARCHDIOCESAN GOAL:$15,000,000 ST. MARTIN’S GOAL: $32,472 PARISH GIFTS (to date): $82,450 Which is 254% of our parish goal! 11:00 AM Mass Celebrant: Fr. Soberick/Deacon Hanly Assisng Lectors: Betsey Bilingmaier, Michael Dougherty Extraordinary Ministers: Andrea Kearney, Ralph Toth, Zachary Yingling, Joanne Yingling, Mary Lee, Maureen Evanski, Daniel Yingling, Thomas Keenan Servers: Chloe McMillen, John Rutkowski, Gabriella Warner Cantor: Andrea Proctor Children’s Liturgy: Colleen Koh Altar Linens: Joey Del Prado Sacristan: Stefania Schnitzler 5 - 174 We would like to thank our parishioners who continually donate to the food drive for the food banks in Lambertville. You generously and yet quietly drop off your many different non-perishable items in the large trash can in the Gathering Area weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. Most people do not even see you doing this. Thank you for your constant generosity. Faith Formaon Important Upcoming PREP Dates Sunday October 16, 2016 9:45 am—Parish Life Center PREP Family Enrichment Program for parents ad PREP students grades 1 thru 6 NOTE: All families enrolled in SMT PREP program must return their Enrichment Program registraon forms. These were due on September 16. Thursday, October 20, 2016 7:00 pm Church First Penance Meeng for parents and students PAST DUE Confirmaon Sponsor Forms were due on September 8, 2016. Please review our packets and make sure that all of your forms have been submied to date This is a call to o ALL ALL of of the St. Marn Of Tours teens! Please consider sharing shari hariin your talents with the Lord and our parish by joining the Teen Band wit with Band. d d. Our group is always seeking new members to sing or play an instrument at our monthly Teen Masses Masses. These Masses take placee on the second seco Sunday of each month starng in October! Octobe r! All are welcome! welcomee! e Th TThis his is an opportunityy to grow as a m musician, explore new talents, and to have fun! fun n! To find out more informaon aon on this great opportunity to o be be involved i in your parish, please contact Zachary Yinglin Yingling nggzyin zy zyingling@stmarnoours.org ingl ingl in glin ing@ in g@ @stma sttma mar r no noo o our urs. urs. s.or .or org MEN’S MINISTRY–EVERY SECOND AND LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7:30 AM—IN THE PARISH LIFE CENTER (2nd Floor) FOLLOWED BY MASS Lighthouse Ministry We have various pamphlets in the Gathering Area of the Church on many various topics for you to take home with you . Please feel free to take them. 6 - 174 Community DVIC Food Bank Items Needed St Joseph’s prep invites students and parents from Delaware Valley to an open house on Sunday, October 16, 2016 from 10-2pm. Before the open house, you are also invited to join the PREP community for Mass at 8:30am in the Church of the Gesu. Interested 8th grade boys should sit for the Scholarship/Entrance Exam on Saturday, 11/ 12 or Sunday 11/13/16 at 8:30am.Students are registered automacally upon compleng an applicaon. Academic Scholarships and financial aid grants will be awarded to eligible students. The DVIC Food Bank is in need of these few items: Pasta (not wheat) Jars of tomato sauce Cooking Oil dried beans-black Fruit Juice Toothpaste Cereal Salt/Sugar/Flour Tuna Green Beans Canned Fruit Shampoo Pancake Mix Rice Please leave all donaons in the black bins in the gathering area. As always, thank you for your support !! Holy Ghost Prep’s Open House— Sunday, October 23, 2016—11:00am—2:00pm 8th Grade High School Entrance Exam— Saturday, November 5, 2016—8:30am Nazareth Academy High School will host its 6th Annual Panda Golf Classic on Monday 10/24 at the Union League Golf Club at Torresdale. Do not miss an opportunity to play a round of golf at he newly renovated Donald Ross course. Please consider being a part of this tradion. For info & to register for the event, please visit www.nazarethacademyhs.org/pandagolfclassic Website www.holyghostprep.org/admissions Legatus—An Opportunity of a Lifeme for Catholic CEO’s and Senior Execuves –Legatus, the world’s only internaonal organizaon of Catholic CEO’s and their spouses, is currently seeking new members for its Bucks County Chapter. If you are, or previously were a business owner, Legatus would like to invite you to a very special program on October 28, 2016 with Archbishop Chaput. All Legatus events start with Rosary and Confession, Mass and a recepon followed by fine dining and a Legatus presentaon. For more info email jlariviere@legatus.org 7 - 174 INFORMATION FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN BEING NOMINATED TO LEADERSHIP COUNCILS OF THE PARISH PARISH VISION STATEMENT St. Martin of Tours Parish is a Eucharistic Community striving to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We nurture and encourage each other and all who join us as we grow spiritually through acts of faith, hope, and love. PASTORAL COUNCIL PURPOSE The PASTORAL COUNCIL is a group of parishioners selected with the aid of the Holy Spirit to advise the Pastor, plan for the future, & foster full participation of the faithful in the life & mission of our parish & the Church. The Pastoral Council assists in developing, implementing and reviewing issues arising from the work of the parish in the array of ministries that serve our community & the Universal Church. PASTORAL COUNCIL GOALS ● To demonstrate God’s love & support for parish youth and to foster lifelong spiritual growth among Jesus’ disciples through faith formation. ● To promote a welcoming, vibrant assemblage among the larger community in which we live and serve. Areas of Responsibility and Terms of Service ● Create & implement Parish Vision Statement & Pastoral Plan in prayerful collaboration with the Pastor. ● Enhance liturgical celebration, augment devotional opportunities, increase attendance at the Mass and initiate greater evangelization efforts. ● Improve and expand our current service ministries, while seeking opportunities to create added ministries that aid new, growing or currently under-served needs. ● Supplement our existing practices to welcome new parishioners into our community & enhance opportunities for Christian social activities suitable for ALL age groups. ● Enrich our effective PREP and Sacramental Preparation Programs to grow involvement, interest and continued connection to the Parish plus expand opportunities for Adult Faith Formation. ● Terms of Service: members must be active SMT parishioners; Pastoral Council composed of 6-12 members; members usually serve a 3-year term; typically no more than two consecutive terms; meetings occur every eight weeks. FINANCE COUNCIL PURPOSE The FINANCE COUNCIL is a group of parishioners who assist the Pastor in addressing temporal realities of the parish. Members serve at the Pastor’s request & are responsible for developing plans to achieve & maintain financial stability in connection with the Parish Business Manager & Archdiocesan regulations. One full member of Finance Council serves as active liaison to Pastoral Council (dictated by Canon Law). FINANCE COUNCIL GOALS ● To advise the Pastor in taking fiscally responsible actions regarding parish finances ● To evaluate fiscal implications of Pastoral Council plans ● To propose and implement initiatives as good stewards of God’s resources. Areas of Responsibility and Terms of Service ● Suggest ways to manage financial resources & assets to enable parish worship, apostolic and charitable work. ● In partnership with the Pastor, engage with the Parish Business Manager in preparing & evaluating operations, physical plant needs & budgets. ● Promote effective sacrificial giving & seek ways to enhance special needs funding raising. ● Provide Parish Annual Reports on budgetary issues to meet Archdiocesan financial obligations ● Skills and talents in finance, accounting, logistics etc., are an asset. ● Terms of Service: members must be active SMT parishioners: Finance Council composed of 5 members; usually serving a 3-year term; typically no more than 2 consecutive terms; meetings occur quarterly under normal circumstances as called by the Pastor. 8 - 174 Community St Marn’s would like to welcome the following families to our parish: Elizabeth Turnbull & Family, The Lorenson Family, The Powers Family, The Young Family, The Du-Soriano Family, The Varghese-Johny Family, The Ouimet Family, Davis Family We would like to welcome our newest Chrisans to our parish community: Jacob Joseph Hanusey, son of Bryan & Amy Hanusey, Regan Mary Blanchee, daughter of Pascal & Laureen Blanchee, and Julian James Koh, the son of Michael and Colleen Koh, Landon John Carrino, son of Chris and Taryn Carrino. Lisa Badolato, Denise Coburn, Daniel Conliano, Krisna De Giovanni, Douglas Dent, Michael Flavin, Alexis Muller, Lauren Nagy, Thomas O, Ausn Antolik, Thomas Bates, Melissa Cabezud, Julia Cimbalista, Ashley Francis, Thomas Maiaroto, Michelle McLaughlin, Nicholas Oszczakiewicz, Nancy Waters, Isabella Durbin, Becke King, John Neles, Jason Ramos, Julia Staples, Thomas Turnbull, Isabella Elizondo, Christopher Gregory, Michael Peters, Valerie Segler, Jovina Armento, Ethan Baranchuk, Robert Boyce, Sophia Kra, Gabriel Lorenson, Danielle McQuiston, Stephen Pool, Catherine Riley, Gary Segler, Martha Cole, Jack Fitzgerald, Keanne Marcelo, Thomas Muller, Kerry Murphy, Caroline Peters, Aimee Castellano, Mary Cherkowsky, Richard Dougherty, Nicholas Garibaldi, Ida Horvat, Paul Raywood, Gregory Siano, Nicholas Silvestri, David Smith “The bed of the sick is an altar of sacrifice” ~St Francis De Sales~ Please Pray for The Sick: Melanie Abele, Phil Altomare, Jennifer Amaros, Adrienne Arundel, Joyce Beuerlein, Susan Bisignaro, Virginia Bode, Jennifer Bonasera, Anthony Bonanno, Pat Bradley, Thomas Brennan, Rick & Ann Marie Bullick, Jeanne Cavalieri, Carolyn Chiodo, Charles Clark, Noreen Clark, John Cooper, Michael Cordisco, Carter Cox, Steve Daniels, Joey Del Prado, Elizabeth Deviney, Mary Jane Bradley Dietrich, Anne Emmens, David Erwin, Zachary Ewing, Karen Fahy, Diane Armento Feliz, Dwayne Fitz, Bill Gallagher, Doreen Gallagher, Teresa Garcia, Paul Garrity, James Gill, Danny Gimpel, James Griffin, Rory Grusheski, Carla Hagan, Henry Hagarty, James Hall, Paul Halpine, Fred Hankinson, Kellar Harris, Julius Heineke, Cindy Herr, Jim Hutelmyer, Ray Hurst, Dylan Jandrisitz, Jennifer Jandrisitz, Ed Kearney, Patricia Knorr, Mary Kraynik, Kendall Lambert, Rachael Lawless, Gigi LeDonni, Peg Logan, Hazel Mack, Michael MacNaughton, Michael Mai, Marian Marano, Rick Mayberry, Gertrude McDonald, Richard Meintel, Donald Melhick, Jack Mellon, Kamil Moore, Peggy O’Neill, Joan Randolph, Kelly Rose Seaver, Azlyn Sebold, Laurie Sebold, Dorothy Shannon, Jerry Siano, Ryan Slaery, Marge Schmidt, Michael Smith, Joseph Sotack, Toni Sweeney, Suzanne Yvee Thomas, Joseph Tiesler, Kathleen Troband, Kimberly Van der Mooren, Valerie Wesolowski, Paul Wernke, Jim Wilson, Andrew Wood, Michaela Wya 9 - 174 Community 10 - 174 Fai Faith Formaon/Service Ministry A Home-To-Home Visit of the Pilgrim Queen of The Family Receive Rece the Shrine of the Pilgrim Queen of the Family, Mary into your home and allow her to help you in any way. Unite your family in prayer to many families spread thro throughout the world. This will build a deeper devoon to Mary who converts hearts mon aer month with her visits bringing back those who are not acve to become month mor involved in your parish family. Please join and be part if this quiet but powerful more way to evangelize our parish! Please call the parish office and be counted in. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Please pray for us!! Help needed 2 ways ~Aid For Friends~ Our Aid for Friends ministry is presently St Martin of Tours bringing meals to clients on an ongoing basis. Memorial Fund This requires a variety of 21 meals a week. If you Please remember those who have passed on to the Lord by making a donaon to St. Marn of Tours Memorial Fund. Over the past months, donaons have been made in memory of Maureen Ammira, Jane Baker, John Bellezza & Raymond Hagen. These donaons are used to purchase Liturgical Vestments and other Liturgical arcles. Acknowledgment will be sent to the bereaved family indicang that their loved one has been remembered. Thank you. are able to bring a prepared meal in a tray provided by Aid For Friends, we would really appreciate your contribution. Trays are located in the basket on the tables in the gathering area. Frozen prepared meals consisting of a protein, starch & vegetable can be stored in the freezers. Also, starting this month, we are asking people to bring a prepared protein to our AFF gathering on the last Wed of the month. Please see the Aid for Friends info on page 8 for more details Thank you for your help. 11 - 174 Youth Ministry Teens All events are open to teens in grades 7-12 (except where noted). Friends are welcome to aend every event. They do not need to be parishioners and they do not need to be Catholic. Any friend of yours is a friend of ours! Community Service Opportunies Friday, October 21 (7:00pm)—BREAST CANCER AWARENESS FASHION SHOW (HS teens only) Being held at the Event Center at the New Hope Eagle Fire House. Help will be needed in many different capacies throughout the evening. Saturday, November 19 (9:00am-1:30)—CRADLES TO CRAYONS GIVING FACTORY Cradles to Crayons provides children, from birth through age 12who are living in homeless or low-income situaons, with the essenal items needed to thrive at home, at school and at play. Because of the countless donaons that pour in from the surrounding counes., these items are given free of charge to those in need. A brief reflecon at SMT will follow our me at the Giving Factory. Saturday, December 3 (10:00-12:00)—TRENTON AREA SOUP KITCHEN Making bagged lunches for clients of the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. We will meet in the PLC cafeteria. A brief reflecon will follow our me of service. Events Sunday, October 9 (11:00am)—TEEN MASS Teens are needed to lector, serve as gi bearers and usher. Teen Masses will be held the second Sunday of each month through May. Saturday October 29 (8:30am-4:00pm)—BEAUTY REVEALED: CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG WOMEN Being held at the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Come discover the awesome truth about your feminine genius and your God-given purpose in life (small group discussions, music, speakers, games, prayer and more). This conference is open to young women in high school and college. Tickets cost $20 pp. Friday, November 4 (6:30-8:30pm)—BRING YOUR OWN UTENSILS DINNER Event will be held in the PLC cafeteria. Friday, December 2 (7:30-10:00)—MOVIE, DESSERT AND DISCUSSION GROUP. Even though many of us have watched Elf countless mes, lets watch it again and try and uncover some of the hidden messages within the movie. For more details on Chosen Teen programming, please visit the calendar on the Chosen Teens page of the parish website (www.stmarnoours.org). Check the calendar frequently, as it is oen updated. 12 - 174 Youth Ministry Your Teen is Searchin Searching hin ng n g for Something More ree Does your teen want to be a part of something bigger than themselves? Due to your busy schedule do you find yourself putting your teen’s faith enrichment at the bottom of your list of priorities? Do you think spiritual development would help your teen be more respectful, more confident, or more fulfilled? Are you willing to mentor a small group of teens through their faith journey? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join us for a meeting to learn more about YDisciple, a teen small group discipleship program being rolled out at St. Martin’s. At that meeting, parents from St. Andrews will share their experiences with their parish’s very successful YDisciple program. Please R.S.V.P. to Gail Downing (youthministry@stmartinoftours.org) by October 17th if you plan to attend. 13 - 174 Stewardship/Service Ministries AID FOR FRIENDS Many thanks to all who volunteered at our last meeting. Because of everyone’s efforts we were able to deliver 749 meals!! Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 26 at 7pm in the Parish Life room. If you would like to donate items such as beef gravy & tomato sauce please feel free to drop them off in the marked bins located in the gathering area or in the entrance of the PREP building. We could also use volunteers to make up meals at home Starting this month we are asking people to bring some prepared dishes hoping to provide the variety that our clients need. This month’s protein request are: hamburgers, chicken, fish or pork tenderloin. Starches: Pasta, Rice, Mashed Potato. Please note: We could use more volunteers to help assembling the meals as well as volunteers to come early at 6:30 to help set up tables. Any questions please contact Terri at: 215-598-7555 or tmockaitis@yahoo.com MEN’S MINISTRY The Men’s Ministry is part of a larger Eucharistic Community striving to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We aim to sharpen men so we can become better versions of ourselves and fulfill our purpose. We do this by participating in the Eucharistic Celebration, growing in our spiritual development, and serving others. ~Spiritual Development/Fellowship: (2nd & last Saturday of the month) Scripture based. Reflection on the scripture readings for the upcoming weekend masses and/or other spiritual development programs. Close by celebrating Mass immediately afterwards. ~Eucharistic Celebration: 2nd & last Saturday of the month at 9am following Spiritual Development/ Fellowship at 7:30 am ~Service to Others: A “Community Café” is held on the last Saturday of each month from 11:30-1:00pm. A free lunch is served to the parish and larger community. Other service events are planned throughout the year. For info please contact: Tony Vesay at tvesay@yahoo.com or 267-885-5861 Ronald McDonald House & CHOP RMH supports the oncology & cardiology care units at CHOP. They provide complimentary meals to parents of children being treated for a serious illness. This allows the parents to stay with their child & also relieves them of the financial burden of paying for 3 meals a day for the duration of the child’s treatments. We can help by delivering a meal on a monthly basis. Times and days are flexible. Our next lunch delivery will be 10/14. Many thanks to Laurieann, Rick, Beth for their contributions. (2 volunteers needed) For more info contact Stefania at stefania@stmartinoftours.org ST. MARTIN’S CLOAK St. Martin’s Cloak visits the soup kitchen at our sister parish, Our Mother of Sorrows in W. Phil to help prepare and serve meals on a monthly basis. We are looking for volunteers. Everyone is welcome for as many visits as your calendar allows. Our next visits will be: 10/17: Diana, Don, Dan (1 volunteer needed) 10/18: Joey, Beth, Mary (1 volunteer needed) 10/19: (4 volunteers needed) We thank: Giant Food Store, AKA Salon , Wawa & Rolling Harvest for their generous food donations. Please contact stefania@stmartinoftours.org or 215-862-3233 to schedule GIGI MINISTRY This program focuses on residents at Pediatric Specialty Care in Pt. Pleasant, PA. There are approximately 52 residents ranging in age from infants to 21+ years with varying medical needs. 75% of those who reside at the facility have no family support. It is these individuals that we wish to share our time. We’re looking for volunteers willing to read, play & give of themselves to these individuals. Our next visit will be 10/13 at 3:00pm. Volunteers are Lois, Helene. For more info or to schedule a visit please contact : Stefania: 215-862-3233 stefania@stmartinoftours.org 14 - 174 Cold Spring Center Buckingham, PA 215-489-8869 Serving PA, NJ & DE Logan Square New Hope, PA 215-862-6440 ovino rthodontics 215-639-8500 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Orthodontic Specialist for Children & Adults Steven Covino, D.D.S. 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