Th_ P[rish F[mily of St. P[tri]k
Th_ P[rish F[mily of St. P[tri]k
Th_ P[rish F[mily of St. P[tri]k L_mont, Illinois M[y 4, 2014 Thir^ Sun^[y of E[st_r MASSES Saturday (Sunday Anticipation) Mass — 5:00 PM Sunday Masses — 7:30 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon & 5 PM Weekday Mass—Mon, Tues, Wed—8 AM CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 4:15 PM—4:45 PM. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: 1st Monday of the month in the church after 8 AM Mass lasting until 9:30 AM. SICK & HOMEBOUND: Call the Parish Office if you wish to receive Holy Communion or a pastoral visit from a priest or one of our Ministers of Care. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on Sundays at 1:30 PM. Preparation Classes are usually held on the 2nd Thursday of each month & are scheduled by appointment. Please call the Parish Office for more information. MARRIAGES: Couples wishing to be married at St. Patrick Church need to make an appointment with the St. Patrick Marriage Minister at least six months prior to the desired wedding date. Weddings are generally not scheduled on Church or Federal Holiday weekends and other select weekends. Call the Parish Office prior to booking your reception hall. TO PARISHIONERS & THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE WITH US: We warmly welcome you and kindly ask you to register at the Parish Office. If you have moved, married and remain in our parish, have a seasonal address or change of address, please notify our Parish Office. PARISH OFFICE: Located in the Rectory 200 E. Illinois Street, Lemont IL 60439 630-257-6134 (office); 630-257-0401 (fax) PARISH EMAIL: OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru *Thursday: 9am—5pm Friday: 9am—11:30am (Closed for Lunch Daily between 11:30am—12:30pm) PARISH SCHOOL: St. Alphonsus—St. Patrick School 20W145 Davey Rd., Lemont, IL 60439, (630) 783-2220 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 205 Cass Street, (630) 257-8012 PARISH WEBSITE: Pඉකඑඛඐ Cඝඖඋඑඔ: Bඍඋඓඡ Gකඉඖඉග, Tඉඕඕඡ Hඉඡඍඛ, Cඑඖගඐඑඉ LඉPකගඍ, Gඔඍඖඖ Mඉගඐඑඉඛ, Bඊ Mඉඋඑඝඔඑඛ, Tඕ Rඑඖඓඍ, Bඍගගඡ Sඔඉඌ PARISH STAFF Rev. Kurt D. Boras, Pastor Rev. Richard J. Shannon, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Mr. Joseph R. Winblad, Senior Deacon Ms. Renee Payne, Principal Ms. Linda O’Connor, Director of Religious Education Mr. Neil Windt, Director of Music Miss Janelle Pasch, Choir Instrumentalist Ms. Rosarita Hennebry, Music Director Emerita Mr. Michael Lundberg, Tri-Parish Youth Minister Ms. Louise Cummings, Parish Business Manager Mrs. Cathy Barrett, Religious Education Assistant Mr. Dale Hennebry, Buildings & Grounds Manager Mrs. Sue Raymond, Secretary, Liturgy Director, Bulletin Editor, Marriage Minister & Assistant to the Pastor Mඉඛගඍක Pඔඉඖඖඑඖඏ Cඕඕඑගගඍඍ: Jඉඖඍ Dඡඔඍ, Jඑඕ Fඑකඍ, Lඉඟකඍඖඋඍ Oඛඓඑඍඔඝඖඉඛ, Jඉඕඍඛ Sඉඞඑඖ, Rඉඡ Sඟඑඍඋ, Mඍඔ Zඉඏකඛඓඑ Fඑඖඉඖඋඍ Cඝඖඋඑඔ: Jඐඖ Bඍඋඍකකඑඔ, Lඉඝකඉ Cඐඍඒඔඉඞඉ, Lඝඑඛඍ Cඝඕඕඑඖඏඛ, Lඉඟකඍඖඋඍ Dඡඒඉඓ, Mඉකඡ Gඍඏඐඍඏඉඖ, Cඉකඔ Rඝඛඑඛ Page 2 MAY 4,2014 Perspectives From Fr. Kurt: Our Parish Family Third Sunday of Easter Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Patrick: It was an exciting Saturday for our young people from school and our Religious Education Program as they celebrated with us their First Holy Communion. I am grateful to all who prepared them so lovingly for their special Day: Ms. Renee Payne, our School Principal, and Mrs. Lerch, our second grade teacher; Ms. Linda O’Connor, our Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Cathy Barrett, her assistant; and our dedicated catechists Mrs. Diane Domenico, Ms. Jennifer Lorenz, Mrs. Pam Ignarski and her daughter Anna. I would also like to thank you the parents, grandparents, sponsors, family and friends of these fine young people for teaching them the importance of faith in their lives. And finally, dear young people, my hope and desire for you is that you will join us frequently at the Lord’s table to celebrate His many blessings of kindness, love, and mercy. KUDOS and thanks to Mrs. Tammy Hayes and the Women’s Club for hosting our first ever Trunk Sale in the parish parking lot. I enjoyed the fun spirit I experienced with you all. My picture posing with parishioner Sue Cesario and the “long johns” brought back fond memories of the past winter in Minnesota (see photos page 4). I also made a very unique “art purchase” (pictured above) that I plan to hang over the fireplace mantle in the Parish House. Feel free to stop in and visit “Mr. Moose.” (Secretary & Bulletin Editor’s note: Mr. Moose Art possibly for sale; any reasonable offer will be considered, proceeds to benefit our 175th Anniversary Celebration). The White Fence Farm Evening for the parish was also another successful community builder during our 175th Anniversary year of celebration. We plan on having more of these “Evening Out” nights as we head up to our big celebration as a parish family on October 19th. We will be eating and socializing our way through the coming months! May Crowning Our parish May Crowning will take place on Sunday, May 4th at the 10am Mass. Weather permitting, we will process outside to the statue of our Blessed Mother. We will sing a hymn to Mary and place a crown of flowers upon her head. First Communicants are invited and encouraged to wear their First Communion clothing to the Mass. All children from RE and our school are encouraged to attend the Mass and will be given a flower to put before Mary. I wanted to update you and thank you for your response to a number of financial appeals over the last few months: the Winter Heat and Snow collection brought in $3,000; the Cardinal’s Appeal has brought in $7,300 for the Archdiocese with $1,500 still pledged; our Easter collection as of now is $22,600. Do you think we can make it to $25,000? And finally, our Capital Campaign total pledge amount as of April 28th is $315,500 with $153,000 already received. This coming week, parishioners from our Capital Campaign Committee will be making phone calls and visiting homes to ask for your financial support in this endeavor. I hope you will welcome your fellow parishioners and neighbors in a spirit of openness and respect as they make these calls and visits. My desire is that all of us, including myself, who call St. Patrick’s Parish their home will feel invited to make some sort of sacrificial offering to this campaign for future generations of believers. Finally, next weekend, May 10th and 11th, we will celebrate Mother’s Day. I am grateful to Andrea Fiore for accepting my invitation to speak at all of the Masses, except Sunday evening at 5 P.M., about the joys and challenges of being a Mother today. In appreciation for all of the special women in our lives, the ushers at each Mass will be handing out refrigerator magnets to help display those “art masterpieces” of your children and grandchildren, the “Honey-Do” list, and the carpool reminders. Thanks Moms for all you do for us year round. With Easter joy & blessings, Mother’s Day Collection Give Children a safe place to learn. Juan and Maria are parents to two boys. They wanted to work to support their family but struggled to find a safe place for their children during the day. They found the Catholic Charities child development center at St. Blase Service and today their children have made new friends and are on track to be ready for success in school. Every day 1,500 children smile, learn and make new friends at one of 10 Catholic Charities child development centers. Please give on Mother’s Day to support Catholic Charities. Learn more and watch a video at THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Page 3 First Holy Communion 2014 Congratulations to our First Communicants Sean Arundel Anthony Calandra Connal Camer Mallory Corse Liliana Fioccola Maria Fiore Sean Graves Jonathan Gronski Kevin Hackiewicz Alicia Hamernik Juliann Hamernik Jacob Katauskas Ruby Kraker Matthew McDonnell This Saturday, 28 children from our school and Religious Education program received Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the first time. Please pray that the children will rely on the Eucharist as a source of strength and nourishment throughout their lives. Thank you to Mrs. Teri Lerch, Mrs. Diane Domenico, Mrs. Pam Ignarski, Ms. Jennifer Lorenz and Ms. Anna Ignarski who gave of their time and talent to help the children know of the Body and Blood of Jesus. Gracie Meloni Kylie Meloni Meghan Mueller Tess O’Brien Steven Orlic Andrew Phelan Angel Quiroz LieLany Quiroz Giovanni Rendina Maia Sanchez Alessandrea Sarno Sophia Sarno Brett Simon Drey Wisdom White Fence Farm “Evening Out” was a success! Check out these happy faces... April 24, 2014 Thanks to all who participated in the Evening Out at White Fence Farm. St. Patrick’s received a check for $228.37 to help defray the costs associated with our 175th Anniversary Celebration. White Fence Farm generously donates 20% of pretax dollars back to us. The amount we raised was 5 times more than their highest ever payout.. We will be doing an Evening Out once each month. Please help us by continuing to participate! St. Patrick’s 175 Year Anniversary Mass & Dinner Reservations taken starting in July! 014 r 19th 2 nt: e b o t c O a Sunday, ss Main Celebr s a a j M o R m 10a lberto Bishop Ay a reception at db Followe l Country Club H Cog il Dinner: Adults $40 Children $15 Page 4 MAY 4,2014 Renee Payne, Principal 630-783-2220 Visit: MONTINI’S “ IT’S ACADEMIC” BOWL Seventh graders Marissa, Alex, Ethan, and James competed in Montini's "It's Academic" Bowl on Tuesday April 15th. They took individual tests in English, Social Studies, Science, and Math respectively. Marissa won 4th place and Alex took 3rd place in their areas of expertise. The students also competed against four other schools in the first round of the buzzer competition, which included theology as well as the other four subjects. They won all four matches. They made it to the semifinals where there was an error in calculating our score. This prohibited the students from moving on, but they still won 4th place overall! MAY CROWNING The school community invites you to attend our May Crowning celebration on Wednesday, May 7, at 8:15 a.m. in the school. Come as we pay honor to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and patron saint of our country. We hope you can come pray with us. Dear Members of Saint Patrick’s Parish, Some of you may already know me, my name is Sean Ross, I am a parishioner of St. Patrick’s and I am currently working on my Eagle Scout project. My project consists of cleaning and repainting the Parish Rectory dining room and living room. This is a very important part of our parish for it is where important meetings and events are held. As a requirement for my project, I am asking for assistance. All I ask for is a small donation. Donations will aid in providing supplies for my project and anything left-over will be given back to the church. Please mark any donations “Eagle Scout Project.” If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me through the Parish Office at and your email or call will be forwarded to me. Thank you, Sean Ross, 2014 Eagle Scout Candidate SINGING FOR THE SISTERS Our first grade students, accompanied by their teachers and Sister Marjorie, took time out to visit the residents of Alvernia Manor on April 22. They did a wonderful job entertaining the residents with their singing and had fun spending some time with them also. Even our first graders find joy in giving service to others! FIRST ANNUAL TRUNK SALE AT ST. PAT’S! SPONSORED BY THE WOMEN’S CLUB OF ST. PATRICK CHURCH YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU’LL FIND IN A TRUNK! THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Page 5 PRAY THE ROSARY MAY IS THE MONTH THAT WE HONOR OUR MOTHER MARY Monday, May 5th at 6:30 p.m. In the Church CAMPAIGN UPDATE We hope to have a nice turn out in honor of our Blessed Virgin Mary. MOTHER’S DAY FLOWER SALE The Men’s Club will be selling flowers after all Masses on Mother’s Day Weekend to benefit the Women’s Center of Greater Chicagoland. TRIP DATES: JUNE 14TH THRU JUNE 25TH 2015 FEEDING THE HOMELESS 5/24/14 Feeding the Homeless ministry at St. Patrick’s was started by Tom & Diann Rinke in 2009 and takes place at the Catholic Charities Daybreak Homeless Shelter in Joliet. They rotate with other Churches and community groups to cover a breakfast, lunch or dinner at the shelter. Tom and Diann serve a Saturday night dinner once a month from May thru September feeding up to 90 shelter residents at each meal. Day break asks that all groups volunteering at the shelter sponsor the entire meal process: fund-raising, collecting food items, recruiting volunteers and preparing & serving the meal. There is a full service kitchen available to prepare each meal and all adult shelter residents are involved in the process by being assigned a specific duty either before or after the meal. The first dinner is scheduled for 5/24/14 and monetary donations are needed to fund the dinner. Donations can be placed in the collection basket in an envelope marked “Feeding the Homeless, Daybreak Shelter.” Thank you for supporting those in our community who are in great need. Please pray for their success! Page 6 MAY 4,2014 MASS INTENTIONS Sඉගඝකඌඉඡ, Mඉඡ 3—Vigil-Third Sunday of Easter 5:00 pm †Gerald Liberty (1 Yr. Anniv. of Death) —St. Patrick Parish Family 5:00 pm Sp. Intention for Carol Zagorski —The Zagorski Family 5:00 pm Deceased Members of the Collins Family—Collins Family II. Kenneth Schuda & Diana Dongarra May God bless them on their journey! Please pray for the repose of the souls of... Albert D. Rybinski & Roberta Smith sister of Mary Jane Nowak Sඝඖඌඉඡ, Mඉඡ 4—Third Sunday of Easter 7:30 am †Frank Cassara —Karen Grigus & Beverly Buda 10:00 am †Shirley Zeiger —Thomas & Debra Schneider †Susan Winblad —Tim & Louise Cummings 5:00 pm †James Bruno Risatti, Jr. —Bruno Risatti Family & Jeanette Viehman Family Mඖඌඉඡ, Mඉඡ 5—Easter Weekday 8:00 am †Roberta Smith—St. Patrick Parish Fam. May the choirs of angels welcome them and lead them into paradise. 2ND COLLECTIONS 12 Noon Tඝඍඛඌඉඡ, Mඉඡ 6—Easter Weekday 8:00 am St. Patrick Parishioners Wඍඌඖඍඛඌඉඡ, Mඉඡ 7—Easter Weekday 8:00 am Sp. Int. Ann Boras (88th Birthday) —Rev. Kurt D. Boras Sඉගඝකඌඉඡ, Mඉඡ 10—Vigil-Fourth Sunday of Easter/Mother’s Day 5:00 pm †Patricia Byrnes —Family 5:00 pm †Helen (Hennebry) Sloan —Family 5:00 pm Helen Zagorski & Frances Szalwa —Zagorski Family Sඝඖඌඉඡ, Mඉඡ 11—Fourth Sunday of Easter/ Mother’s Day 7:30 am †George A. Rinke —Rinke Family 7:30 am Sp. Int. Rosalie Pankow —Her Grandchildren 10:00 am †Mary Morris —St. Patrick Parish Family 12 Noon †Nancy Hegarty—Presecky Family 12 Noon †Judy Viero—Family 12 Noon †Helen O’Leary—O’Leary Family 5:00 pm Parishioners of the Lemont Tri-Parish Community SUNDAY, MAY 4TH: Church Maintenance MOTHER’S DAY, MAY 11: Catholic Charities READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Ps 23:1-6; 1 Pt 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10 COMING UP THIS WEEK Sat, May 3: First Holy Communion 10:30am Sun, May 4: RE @ 8:25am May Crowning at the 10am Mass Baptism at 1:30pm Mon, May 5: Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am-9:30am Rosary in church at 6:30pm Bible Study at 7pm Classroom 6 Tues, May 6: Children’s Choir at 6pm A Cappella Choir at 7pm Wed, May 7: Lemont Parishes Italy Trip Info Meeting at SS. Cyril and Methodius Sivore Hall 7pm Women’s Book Study 6:45pm Patrician Room Thurs, May 8: 175th Anniversary Celebration Meeting Rectory at 7pm Fri, May 9: Wedding Rehearsal walk-thru 5p church Sat, May 10: A Cappella Choir at 5pm Mass Mother’s Day Flower Sale after Mass Sun, May 11: Mother’s Day flower Sale after Masses Children’s Choir at 10am Mass Andrea Fiore to give Mother’s Day Reflection at Masses this weekend. 1:30pm Baptism in Church THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Weekly Offering We pray for The Sick of our Parish Week Ending April 13, 2014 Sunday and Holy Day Collections Easter Electronic Funds Transfer Other Collections (Maintenance, Flower) Tuition and Fees Fund Raising Misc, Income (Stole Fees, Stipends, etc) Target Revenue for Week Better/(Worse) than Plan 8,267 1,551 4,423 2,692 0 100 1,178 12,029 6,182 Year-To-Date 7/1/2013 – 4/13/2014 Sunday and Holy Day Collections Christmas Easter Electronic Funds Transfer Other Collections (Maintenance, Flower) Tuition and Fees (Rel. Ed) Fund Raising Misc, Income (Stole Fees, Stipends, etc) Year to Date Actual as of 4/13/2014** Year to Date Target as of 4/13/2014** YTD Better/(Worse) than Plan 259,050 31,928 1,806 46,791 30,243 32,106 25,471 26,000 453,395 493,189 (39,794) Average # of Weekly Envelopes EFT Givers 183 43 ** Includes Ordinary income and expense. Does not include extraordinary items or Capital Campaign Contributions or pledges. NEXT WEEK: PRESIDER/MASS SCHEDULE The Fourth Sunday of Easter SATURDAY, May 10th: 5pm-Fr. Kurt—A Cappella Choir If you would like to have someone who is ill prayed for at Mass, please call the Parish Office The name of that person will be announced in church and will be added to the prayer column in the weekly bulletin. (Note: Privacy laws may affect our ability to publish specific information). *Please call or email the Parish Office to remove a name. Kevin Anderson Sr. Eugene Baiardo Lynn Callahan Robert Camp Matthew Carmody Filomena Compiani James Coughlin Marianne Diewald David Erickson Rev. Joseph Furczon Cardinal Francis George Camille Golminas Gregory Gorski Becky Granat Laura Graves Darrell Hutton Jim Barbara Landes Catherine Mannix Lisa Marzano Judy Murray Paul Murray Mary Nally Terrence Pelech Jean Porter Beverly P. Florence Provencher Ed Richards Ron Rickerson Ethel Roman Lewis Ruppert Florence Rybski Julius Savrimas Agnes Shab Raymond Shuman William Siewertsen Cory Steck Mary Tadda & Melanie Bill Waitkus Richard Waliczek We pray for Our loved ones in the military Lt. Daniel Alvey Andrew Bosko, Jr. Zachary F. Eriksen Lt. Daniel J. Falvey Daniel Judge Steven Korbus Warren Miller Chad Peters Maj. Leslie Rafferty Ryan Rudman Kevin Thomas Ryan D. Wedel We would like to pray for all of our loved ones who are serving in the armed forces. If you would like to submit a name for the list, please fill out the form below and mail it to the Parish Office or place in the Sunday collection basket. Please include your name & phone number. SUNDAY, May 11th: (Mother’s Day) 7:30am-Fr. Gorski 10am-Fr. Gorski—Children’s Choir Noon-Fr. Kurt 5pm-Fr. Marion—Lemont Tri-Parish Mass Name: __________________________________ Requested by: _____________________________ LEMONT PAVING CO. –MURPHY’S– Asphalt Paving & Sealing Commercial & Residential Est. 1957 630-257-6701 NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español 630-691-1114 000845 St Patrick Church (B) Page 7 708-687-7474 Advertising here helps your parish & your business. Call Nancy Krzystek 708.372.2244 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Petkus-Lemont Funeral Home KOZY HEATING & AIR COND. SINCE 1989 Donald M. Petkus 12401 S. Archer Ave., Lemont, IL (800) 994-7600 Pre-Summer A/C Clean and Check Saint Margaret Sunday Missal CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING SPECIALISTS 257-2719 FAMILY OPERATED In Stock & Ready to Order Today. $5.00 OFF CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 exp. 6/15/14 JOE CANTELE, OWNER EMERGENCY SERVICE Family Owned Since 1929 708.514.1591 Always with Flowers 800-566-6150 • • Weddings • Event Decoration • Balloons • Funerals • All Occasions 1138 B South State Street Lemont GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS 630.257.0339 Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount COMPREHENSIVE, QUALITY FOOT CARE Diana Emini, DPM Michelle Kim, DPM Podiatric Physicians & Surgeons 630.863.7517 (Derby Plaza) 14236 McCarthy Rd., Lemont ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 630-663-1444 Markiewicz Funeral Home Are you ever alone? You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Less than $1 per day 108 Illinois Street Lemont, Illinois 60439 Tel: 630-257-6363 • No Long-Term Contracts • Price Guarantee • A+ Rating with BBB • Made and Monitored in the USA Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free Website: HORATIO ENACOPOL D.D.S. ROOFING & MORE SMILE DESIGN, LTD. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED BY 10%OFF Call for details. Lic # 104.015809 $99.00 NEW PATIENT VISIT 708.479.2002 630-243-SMILE (7645) EXAM + X-RAYS + CLEANING W/AD BLACKTOP, INC. • Residential • Commercial • New & Existing Driveways • Seal Coating • Striping A Catholic Family Owned Business BRINGING SMILES TO FAMILIES EVERYWHERE 1192 Walter St., #A, Lemont 243-2020 99.00 Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 708.385.1066 MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING MATTHEW WITT, DDS 1011 State Street, #110 New Patient Special Lemont • 630.243.6600 Exam, X-Rays & Cleaning $ 15947 127TH ST., STE. A LEMONT, IL FREE ESTIMATES Our 30th Year FORZLEY EYE CLINIC Dr. Samuel J. Forzley Board Certified Optometrist Vision Plan And Insurances Accepted Medicare Assignment An ideal companion for personal prayer. Turning Pointe Dance Company 934 E. 9th St., Lockport, IL 815.836.3970 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA GERHARZ FUNERAL HOME Est. 1862 URBAN C. GERHARZ ANTHONY P. CAPPETTA 501 State Street 257-2123 OFFERING COMPLIMENTARY PROFESSIONAL VALET PARKING 000845 St Patrick Church (A) ALL SERVICE AUTO REPAIR INC. 1100 State St., Lemont • 257-5959 44 Stephen St., Lemont, IL Complete Auto Repair Wheel Alignment Air Cond. 630-257-7719 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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