February 15, 2015 - ST. MARK Catholic Church


February 15, 2015 - ST. MARK Catholic Church
Liturgical Season of LENT
This Wednesday, the Season of LENT begins with Ash
Wednesday. As we begin this journey to the joy of EASTER,
we remind ourselves to give alms, to pray, and to fast, at the
request of Our Lord Jesus—who gave himself to the people to
whom he preached, with whom he prayed, and for whom he
sacrificed himself, including ourselves. May our sacrifices, our
prayers, and our support of those in need prepare us—and the
R.C.I.A. Catechumens and Candidates whose journey to the
EASTER Sacraments joins ours—for the Resurrection of the
Lord. Come for the ashes at 6:15 or 9:15am at 5:30 or 7:30pm
to begin LENT.
Special Collection—Church in Central and Eastern Europe
This Wednesday—Ash Wednesday—the annual Special
Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe is
requested of us. This supports Catholic organizations that
provide shelter, pastoral care, catechesis, seminarian training,
and building renovations in areas still struggling from the
effects of Soviet rule. Please help “Restore the Church and
Build the Future”. To learn more, please visit www.uscccb.org
(search “Church in Central and Eastern Europe”).
R.C.I.A.—Please pray for the Catechumens and Candidates,
as they look forward to next Saturday evening—and the Rite
of Election with Bishop Loverde at ST. THOMAS MORE
Second Collection—Black and Indian Missions
Next week-end, the annual Second Collection for Black
and Indian Missions takes place. Our support of this Collection
helps build the Church in African American, Native American,
and Alaska Native communities from coast to coast. Schools,
parish Religious Education programs, and Diocesan ministries
depend on our generosity to help them spread the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. We are invited to “Build Our Mission to the
Missions” join in “Building our Mission to the Missions”, and
so build God’s Kingdom in the world.
HELP WANTED: If you have ideas or would like to help
plan for our 50th anniversary, please consider attending the
next meeting of the ST. MARK 50th Anniversary Planning
Committee, Thursday evening, February 19, in room C-102 at
7:30pm. If you can't attend, please consider sending your ideas
and contact information to either Jean Lupinacci
(jlupinacci@stmark.org) or Eric Peterson (ecp50@verizon.net).
Upcoming M&M Events:
Feb. 17: Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast—
Deacon John on LENT.
Mar. 4: After 9:15 Mass Coffee Social
Mar. 21: St. Patrick luncheon at Auld Shebben 1-4pm.
M&M=Maturing Matters - The 55+ Group of ST.
MARK Church—For more information please contact:
Barbara Walsh at 703-620-9314 or bawplus7@gmail.com
or Anne Shea 703-938-9049 or anne_paulshea@yahoo.com.
FEBRUARY 15, 2015
Lenten Practices—Please share in the fasting and abstinence
on Ash Wednesday. And please join in the Stations of the Cross
every Friday at 7:30pm—and the Sacrament of PENANCE—
the Light is ON for You—every Wednesday, 6-7:30pm.
Religious Freedom—How inspiriting to see people
appearing in public on Ash Wednesday with the ashes on their
foreheads! Our Religious Freedom made present—but still in
need of protection.
Join a Small Community of Faith: In the earliest days of
our Church, groups of Christians met in homes and shared
their knowledge of Christ and the Scriptures. Their meetings
helped them to understand their faith—and the way(s) in
which they were to practice it. At ST. MARK, Small
Communities of Faith (SCoF) gather in homes to discuss the
Scriptures, to pray, to share their faith, and to grow in
community. Consider joining a Small Community of Faith
during LENT. Stop at the SCoF table in the Narthex on February
14/15 to learn more about Small Communities of Faith at ST.
MARK. You may also call 703-938-3774 to learn more.
Religious Education (RE) Announcements
RE Schedule: Due to the President’s Day Holiday, there
will be no Sunday, Monday or Tuesday RE classes on
February 15, 16 and 17.
First EUCHARIST Workshop Weekends: Students in
ST. MARK Catholic School, Home School and Tuesday Grade
2 are assigned to attend the Family Workshop on Sunday,
March 1. Students in Sunday 2A, 2B, and Monday 2A classes
are assigned to the workshop on Sunday, March 8. One
parent must attend with their child from 2-4pm in the Cassidy
Activities Center.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) – Co-Directors Needed: VBS
is closer than you think—July 13 to 17 and ST. MARK is
looking for one more Co-Director to lead. Past experience is
not required! Please contact Ana Lisa Pinon in the RE office.
Spirit Teams for 7th Graders: We are still in need of a few
Spirit Team leaders! Spirit Teams are a necessary part of
CONFIRMATION preparation at ST. MARK, replacing the
service hour component. Contact Ana Lisa Pinon if you are
interested in serving as a Leader.
ST. MARK Catholic School News: The Parent Teacher
Parishioner Organization (PTPO) is busy at work in planning
the following events:
March 6: Auction Gala held at the McLean Hilton. For more
information contact Karen Bray at Karen@brayteam.com or
like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/stmark
auctiongala2015. Purchase Gala tickets here: http://
e ve n t s . re a d ys e ta u c t io n . c o m/ s t ma r k c a th o l ic s c h o o l/
auctiongala2015/ deadline is February 20. OR, buy a raffle
ticket at the event to win a Bike, iPad Mini, or GoPro!! For
more information, please contact Jennifer Martin at
March 16; 7:00pm: Dr. Bob Sorensen, a presenter from the
Love and Logic Institute will speak to our community – all
are welcome! If you ever felt frustrated by parenting, this
might just be the ticket to alleviating stress between you and
your children.
Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46, 77; Psalm 32
1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1; Mark 1:40-45
This week’s Readings continue the theme of Jesus’ healing
ministry. The last paragraph of the first chapter of Mark’s
Gospel tells us of a striking miracle: a man with a terminal
and contagious skin disease, leprosy, somehow manages to
approach Jesus and beg for healing. Lepers were usually
contained in camps and were allowed no contact with the
outside world, as described in the First Reading. The priests of
the Old Testament would be the ones to pronounce the
judgment of “unclean” on those who were sick, and banish
them to separate living quarters. The question thus arises: did
Jesus go near a leprosy camp, or possibly inside it, out of
compassion and love for those dying of this horrible disease?
In any case, the healing of this man was a radical break from
standard Jewish practice. It was meant to show the radical
nature of the Kingdom of God in the very first chapter of the
parishioner, soprano Sarah Lundquist, will perform a concert
of classical works for soprano. Sarah is a highly accomplished
opera singer with a degree from Northwestern University. She
has graced our Easter Vigils with her beautiful singing for the
past several years.
Date: Sunday, February 15th Time: 3:00 pm
Place: Cassidy Activities Center
Freewill donation
Ministers will gather this LENT for a day of talks, workshops,
and prayer. Our keynote speaker will be Father Patrick
McMahon, O. Carm. A number of speakers will lead breakout
sessions. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. All interested
parishioners are invited to join us. PLEASE EMAIL NANCY
NOVELLY AT nnovelly@stmark.org TO REGISTER.
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2015
Time: 9am – 3pm
Place: Cassidy Activities Center
common sense if you are sick. If you do come to church while
sick with a cold or sore throat, please be considerate of others
and refrain from Communion from the Chalice. Yes, the
alcohol content and vigorous wiping with purificator does kill
most germs, but it is probably better not to tempt fate! And at
the Sign of Peace, again be considerate—as in years past, a
nod, a fist-bump, or an elbow-slide can maintain the spirit of
Our Lord’s Peace (Thank you, Estelle and Jack!).
LENTEN RETREAT: Everyone is invited to attend a
Lenten Retreat given by Father Valooran, here at ST. MARK
on March 13-15, 2015. Meals will be provided. Please
visit our website (www.stmark.org) and click on the 50th
Anniversary button, for details and to register or call our
Worship Director, Nancy Novelly at 703-766-3423.
Please pray for all parishioners who are
homebound and in nursing homes. Please
remember to pray for those in our parish who
are ill: Charlene Merrill, Milton Smithman, Karen
Kuchta, Nur Gangji, Kathy Froelke, Carol Palmucci, Gina
McCloskey, Faye Morin, and Betty Fulton.
Please pray for the following deployed service
people who have ties to our parish: Cpl Zachary
A.Cooper, Sgt Jasmine Daniel, QM2 Waters Eric,
Sgt Joshua Wyant, Cpl Derek W. Raines, LCpl Christian D.
Wilkins, Cpl Rafael De La Torre, MGySgt William
McClelland, Cpl Austin Evans, and LTJG John Duffner.
Daily Readings
Mass Intentions
Gen 4:1-15; Ps 50; Monday, February 16, 2015
Mk 8:11-13
10:00am †Ralph Sinnott
Gen 6:5-8, 7:1-5; Ps Tuesday, February 17, 2015
29; Mk 8:14-21
Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
9:15am †Concetta Rea
Joel 2:12-18; Ps 51; 2 Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Cor 5:20—6:2; Mt Ash Wednesday
6:1-6, 16-18
6:15am †Raul Padron
9:15am †Peter Loehr
5:30pm †Rev. Robert Walsh (1999)
7:30pm †Jorge V. de Jesus
Deut 30:15-20; Ps 40; Thursday, February 19, 2015
Lk 9:22-25
9:15am †Renato L. Tech
Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51; Mt Friday, February 20, 2015
6:15am †Ed Pawlowski
9:15am †Leonard Tlusty
Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86; Lk Saturday, February 21, 2015
St. Peter Damian
8:00am †Helen Foster
5:30pm People of the Parish
Gen 9:8-15; Ps 25; 1 Sunday, February 22, 2015
Pet 3:18-22; Mk 1:12- First Sunday of LENT
8:15am †Dick Reda
10:00am †Marie Ordeman
11:45am †Connie Frism
Operation Rice Bowl—Let us join in support of the
Catholic Relief Services world-wide project in feeding the
poor, especially using the materials which can give each of
us a sense of the poor’s state in life, and their hunger.
Matthew 25-for the Lamb Center, homeless shelter
in Fairfax Co.
Regular Coffee
Sugar & Creamer
Laundry Detergent
Bleach Trash bags (55 or 13 gallon)
Plastic Forks
Small Styrofoam drink Cups and
Packets of Oatmeal
Diapers Size 5
Paper Towel Rolls
Plastic Razors
Small Deodorant
Please support the Lamb Center by donating any of these
items in the Matthew 25 bin in the Narthex. These items
are desperately needed due to the cold weather !!
Just Neighbors Ministry (www.justneighbors.org) is a
local ministry supported by ST. MARK that provides
immigration legal services to low-income immigrants and
refugees in Northern Virginia. Just Neighbors is seeking
volunteers to serve at its upcoming community clinics in
Herndon on Saturday mornings February 7th and March 7th.
Volunteers will work with Staff Attorneys to interview clients
from around the world and assist with their immigration
applications. Just Neighbors then determines how it can help
eligible immigrants unite with their families, attain
authorization to work, and escape from situations of domestic
violence. Volunteers do not need foreign language skills or legal
experience although Spanish is helpful. Anyone interested in
volunteering or learning more can contact the Just Neighbors
volunteer coordinator Linda Lacy: Linda@justneighbors.org or
God, are you sure that you are calling me to do this?
Do you have a Service project idea that can help others in our
parish community or in areas outside our parish boundaries?
ST. MARK has been reaching out to those in need since its
founding in 1965. Many of our existing Service Ministries
started with an idea, a good leader and willing volunteers
(Thanksgiving Clothing Drive, English as a Second Language,
McDowell Co. Furniture Collection, College Moms, etc.).
Please contact Bill Grossman at 703-938-1936, or
Family PASS (Family Preservation and Strengthening
Services) is a local nonprofit that provides financial assistance
and support services to families in Fairfax County who are
homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless, and started here
at ST. MARK by its founder and ST. MARK parishioner,
Suezette Steinhardt. Family PASS provides rent subsidies and
connects families with the support services needed to become
self-sufficient. This organization’s work is part of Fairfax
County’s 10-year plan to prevent and end homelessness in our
community. Family PASS is partnering with Stone’s Cove
KitBar in Herndon for a “do good things” on Sunday, March
1. Please join us and dine on that date to make a difference.
Stone’s Cove Herndon will donate 10% of the day’s sales to
help Family PASS achieve its mission to prevent and end
homelessness in our community. GREAT food! Lots of fun!!
Contact Suezette at ssteinhardt@familypassfairfax.org for
more information! See you there!!
FEBRUARY 15, 2015
40 DAYS FOR LIFE begins again on February 18, Ash
Wednesday, and will go for 40 days. Take the first steps to
join more than 650,000 people who are saving babies and
protecting women from the harm of abortion. Join our local
campaign by signing up to Pray, Witness and Sacrifice to
end Abortion. Sign up in the Narthex or call Martha Maturi
Piescik at 703-938-9658 or Piesciks@gmail.com.
Family Movie Night How to Train Your Dragon 2, on
February 20, rated PG, 102 minutes. Ice Cream social at
6:30. Movie at 7:00. Cassidy Activities Center. Children must
be accompanied by an adult.
ST. MARK Information Booth: We have an opening for
a volunteer position at ST. MARK that requires very little
time, but is vital in keeping up the welcoming spirit of our
beautiful church. Many of you are aware of the Information
Booth in our Narthex that is staffed by many of our
wonderful ST. MARK volunteers. Our leader of this
ministry, who established the volunteer base and the current
schedule, has stepped down after many years of service.
Everything is in place and running smoothly. We simply
need a leader to keep it going. If you are interested, then
please contact Bill Grossman in the Parish Office at 703938-1936, or bgrossman@stmark.org. Thank you!!
Overcoming Sin & Evil at this Year’s Men’s Conference!
All men of the parish are invited to the Sixth Annual Diocesan
Men’s Conference on March 7. This year’s conference –
entitled Victory Over the Common Enemy – will feature
renowned speaker Fr. Larry Richards and author Neal Lozano
exploring the presence of sin and evil in our lives, and how to
overcome them. Breakfast, lunch, and Mass with Bishop
Loverde will be included. Registration is taking place now.
Please note the new conference location—Foxchase Manor
in Manassas. Go to www.arlingtondiocese.org/men for more
details or to register.
Counseling Corner:
Care for the Soul at the Benedictine Pastoral Center.
“Is There a Purpose in Suffering?”
Sat. Feb. 21; 10:00-12:00noon. Register on-line:
“For me, the two correctives of all spirituality are silence and service. If
either of those is missing, it is not true, healthy spirituality. Without
silence, we do not really experience our experiences. We may serve
others and have many experiences, but without silence, nothing has the
power to change us, to awaken us, to give us that joy that the world
cannot give, as Jesus says (John 16:22). And without clear acts of free
service (needing no payback of any sort, even “heaven”), a person’s
spiritual authenticity can and should be called into question. Divine
Love always needs to and must overflow!” – Richard Rohr, Author and
Franciscan priest
Ellen Murphy, LCSW
ST. MARK Counseling Center
(703) 281-9671
High School Events
Sunday FUEL Nights resume
February 22nd at 7 - 8:30 pm in the Youth Room
The Youth Ministry Annual Ski Trip will be on
Monday, February 16th (President’s Day)!
Grab your skis or board and join us for a fun
day of hitting the snow covered slopes at
Roundtop Ski Resort!
& JR.
7th thru
Download a registration / permission form from our website
TODAY! Deadline has passed, but there may still be space!
Sunday, February 15
NO Sunday FUEL night - Ski Trip on President’s Day
Monday, February 16
Youth Ministry Ski Trip 6:30 am - 9 pm
Girls’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm
Wednesday, February 18 - Ash Wednesday
Boys’ CLC will attend 7:30 pm Mass
Friday, February 21
6:15 am Mass & Breakfast
Cost & more detailed information on the registration form!
Jr. High Events Join us NEXT Friday, February 27, 2015 for the next Jr.
High event 6:30 - 8 pm in the Cassidy Activities Center!
Visit us at: youth.www.stmark.org
Please fill out a registration form for the 2014-15 school year!
Sunday, February 22 - First Sunday of LENT
Sunday FUEL night in Youth Room 7 - 8:30 pm
For more information contact Kevin Flores / Eric McDade
at 703-938-5656 or kflores@stmark.org / emcdade@stmark.org