September 11, 2016
September 11, 2016
St. John Neumann Church Parish Office 380 Highland Lane 610.525.3100 Ss. Colman-John Neumann Regional Catholic School 372 Highland Lane 610.525.3266 Parish Website School Website Mass Schedule Saturday Evening – 6:00 pm Sunday - 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am and 12 pm Daily Mass Monday - Friday—6:45 am and 8:00 am Saturday - 8:00 am Holy Days - (except Christmas and New Year’s Day) 7:00 am, 8:30 am & 7:00 pm (No Vigil Mass for the Holy Days) Reconciliation Saturdays – 5:00 to 5:45 pm Baptisms 1:00 pm most Sundays. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. Weddings Friday evenings and Saturdays 11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm Pastoral Staff Pastor - Rev. James J. McKeaney In Residence - Rev. Robert J. Chapman Permanent Deacon - Deacon David Schaffer Parish Services Dir. - Sr. Carol Kelly, SSJ Sunday Assistance Bishop Robert Maginnis, D.D. Rev. Robert Murray, OSA Rev. Jack Deegan, OSA School Principal - Mrs. Cathleen Lamberto PREP Coordinator - Mrs. Debbie Andes Music Ministry - Mrs. Isabel Momenee Coordinators of Parish Ministry Adult Ed Coordinator - Deacon David Schaffer “Aid For Friends” - Cheryl Calnan Catholic Charities Services - Mary Ann Gordon Lectors - Sister Carol Respect Life Committee - Clare Frissora Interfaith Hospitality Network- -MaryBeth Wolanin Active Adults—Bill Haines Little Church School—Janet Baffa Altar Guild—Nora Saraceni October 23, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 22ND 6:00 pm Alice Killocky SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23RD 7:30 am The Pinter Family 9:00 am Linda Loll 10:30 am Fini Widman 12:00 pm Stanislaus & Gladys Lobo MONDAY 6:45 am Isabel Mansfield 8:00 am Eleanor Lang TUESDAY 6:45 am Harry L. Gillin 8:00 am Eleanor Lang WEDNESDAY 6:45 am Living & Deceased Members of SJN Parish 8:00 am Anna Marie Burgio THURSDAY 6:45 am Living & Deceased Benefactors of SJN Parish 8:00 am Helen Kmetz FRIDAY 6:45 am Matt Ribecca 8:00 am Timothy O’Mara SATURDAY 8:00 am Frank Reardon SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 29TH 6:00 pm Agnes Macken SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30TH 7:30 am Anna Marie Burgio 9:00 am Joe Black 10:30 am Sarah Lynott 12:00 pm Gaetano“Gus”Curci-10th Anniversary LECTORS SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 22ND 6:00 pm Anthony Tanzola SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23RD 7:30 am Joan Hadden 9:00 am Joe Reitano 10:30 am Craig Callaghan 12:00 pm John McNamara SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 29TH 6:00 pm Anthony Tanzola SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30TH 7:30 am Larry Paulausky 9:00 am Joan Hadden 10:30 am Jim Rowley 12:00 pm Jim Swope SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 22ND 6:00 pm Grace DelPizzo, Kathryn Gleeson SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23RD 7:30 am Tommy Dixon, Ryan Dixon 9:00 am Kevin Donnelly, Peter Dugery 10:30 am Sean McCarthy, Garrett McCloskey 12:00 pm Mackenzie Cassidy, Gabriella Stout M TW 8:00 am Kaitlyn Powel, Olivia Knott THFS 8:00 am Aidan O’Connor, Frankie Nieves SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 29TH 6:00 pm Colin Biddle, Garrett Ewing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30TH 7:30 am Emma Campbell, Chloe McCloskey 9:00 am Declan Barry, Jack Hauser 10:30 am James Rowley, John DelPizzo 12:00 pm Ben Callahan, John McLaughlin Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 22ND 6:00 pm Julie & Dave Dougherty, Frank Milewski SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23RD 7:30 am Bernadette & Joe Sweeney, Charles Bissell 9:00 am Chris Cush, Kelly Koscil, Anne Donnelly 10:30 am Fran & Joe Ferroni, Dick Yanko 12:00 pm Beckie & Mark O’Neill, Maureen Wynne SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 29TH 6:00 pm Adele Samples, Joe Micucci, John Fitzpatrick SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30TH 7:30 am Kevin Momenee, Charles Falcone, Kay Frissora 9:00 am Linda Dowd, Susan Cush, Hannah Callaghan 10:30 am Kathy & Mike Devine, MaryAnn Macciocca 12:00 pm MaryBeth & Al Wolanin, Peter Callaghan 153 - 2 This Week at St. John Neumann Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Fall Spor ts Mass—9 am Little Church School—10:30 am Rosar y for Peace—7 pm Bible Study—7pm Pr ayer & Scr iptur e—9:30 am IHN Orientation—7pm Adoration & Rosary after 8 am Mass Mary Rose Campbell Helen Carabasi Kay Carlin Edward R. D’Alessio Ann DeSanctis Louis DeSanctis Mark Fisher Barbara Johnson Shannon Mondevergine Paul Morrison Cynthia O’Connor Barbara O’Neill Valentino Ricciotti Mary Rinaldi Emily Rinnier John Robinson Holly Rogai Mary & Al Storz Joseph Sweeney Rita Tarra Frank Wesner Please pray for our Deceased Michael Magargee Walter Werner TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY SECOND COLLECTION TODAY “Witnesses of God’s Mercy” is this year ’s theme. In announcing his decision to declare a Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said, “I have often thought about how the Church might make clear its Mission of being a witness of mercy.” Helping to support the 1,111 young Churches in Mission areas with your prayers and generous gifts is indeed a merciful “Witness of God’s Mercy.” The collection today will help Missionaries offer the poor of these areas practical help as they share the Mercy of God. Extend your merciful witness to their whole world through your prayers and offering today. Thank you for your generous support. May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Prayer for Peace For peace in the world and an end to terrorism and all war, we pray to the Lord. For the safety of our military serving in the Middle East, especially members of our parish family. The Sisters of Saint Joseph, including our own Sister Carol, will be selling chances next weekend, October 29th & 30th, after the 6 pm Vigil Mass and the 9 am, 10:30 am and noon Masses. Grand Prize: $10,000 10 Prizes: $500 each Donation: $1 per chance or 6 chances for $5 Drawing: December 4, 2016 For the protection of all those who serve us, especially law enforcement officers, we pray to the Lord. “How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers.” Mother Teresa Proceeds Benefit …. Saint Joseph Villa Renewal and Revitalization Project 153 - 3 MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Monday, December 5th 4:30 pm Concert in St. John Neumann Church by the “Joybells” ALL SOULS DAY REMEMBRANCES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND @ 7:00 PM On Wednesday, November 2nd (All Souls Day), at the 7 pm Mass we will honor the memory of all who have died since November 1, 2015. A member of the deceased person’s family will light a candle at the Offertory. If you are able to join us, please complete the form below and return it to the rectory, drop it in the collection basket, or call Sister Carol (at 610-525-3100) by October 30th. Name of Deceased__________________________ Date of Death _____________________________ The family representative who will light the candle during the calling of the names of the deceased is _________________________________________ Contact Person_____________________________ Phone or email ____________________________ Since 1970, the “Joybells,” Melmark’s handbell choir, have performed regularly at churches, schools, colleges and community events. Melmark, located in Berwyn, PA, is a non-profit provider of residential, educational, therapeutic, and recreational services for people with intellectual disabilities and physical challenges, fully licensed by the Pennsylvania Departments of Public Welfare and Education. Grateful for every opportunity to share their music and message, the “Joybells” will capture the hearts of any audience and gently open eyes that have been closed too long to the world of disability. Don’t miss this unique performance! FREE! ALL ARE INVITED! Relationship to the Deceased__________________ INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK INFORMATION SESSION Wondering how you can make a difference for homeless families? Would you like to learn more about the IHN program at St. John Neumann? Dates to Remember: October 25th—IHN Information Session November 1st—All Saints Day November 2nd - All Souls Day November 4th—SJN Adult Group Flexibility Class November 6th—Inscription Mass 9 am (DST ends) November 10th—Boutique November 12th & 13th—Seminary Collection November 20-27—IHN November 24th—Thanksgiving December 4th—Retirement Fund for Religious December 5th—”Joybells” December 8th—Immaculate Conception December 18th– Christmas Concert Please join us for an informational session explaining the IHN Main Line and volunteer opportunities at our parish. New and current volunteers are invited to learn how to make your experience more meaningful and enriching. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 7:00 pm in the Parish Life Center RSVP MaryBeth Wolanin 610.550.9383 or 153 - 4 Faith and the Politic Ss. Colman-John Neumann School News Monday. October 24th 3:30-4:30 pm SpeakUP! SCJN School Friday, October 25th 9:30 am Trunk or Treat Progress Reports Ss. Colman-John Neumann Basketball Please go to the new and improved SCJN CYO website at to sign up. Please note that evaluations will take place November 4th, 5th and 6th, so plan accor dingly. United Way Ss. Colman-John Neumann Athletic Board is an eligible agency under Specific Care of United Way. Please note the following information so your donation is correctly processed. Code 10657 Agency Name: CYO/St John Neumann c/o St. Colman John Neumann 372 Highland Rd., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 At this important time in our nation’s history, I encourage all of us to take a moment to reflect on one of the founding principles of our republic – the freedom of religion. It ensures the right of faith communities to preserve the integrity of their beliefs and proper self-governance. There have been recent reports that some may have sought to interfere in the internal life of the Church for short-term political gain. If true, this is troubling both for the well-being of faith communities and the good of our country. In our faith and our Church, Christ has given us a precious gift. As Catholics, we hold onto our beliefs because they come to us from Jesus, not a consensus forged by contemporary norms. The Gospel is offered for all people for all times. It invites us to love our neighbor and live in peace with one another. For this reason, the truth of Christ is never outdated or inaccessible. The Gospel serves the common good, not political agendas. I encourage my fellow Catholic brothers and sisters, and all people of good will, to be good stewards of the precious rights we have inherited as citizens of this country. We also expect public officials to respect the rights of people to live their faith without interference from the state. When faith communities lose this right, the very idea of what it means to be an American is lost. Politicians, their staffs and volunteers should reflect our best aspirations as citizens. Too much of our current political discourse has demeaned women and marginalized people of faith. This must change. True to the best hopes of our founding fathers, we are confident that we can and will do better as a nation. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Part-time Position in Parish Accounting A local parish is seeking a P/T business manager. The position is 12 hours per week. Responsibilities include maintaining parish financial records and preparing budgets and reports, reviewing invoices, making payments, maintaining personnel records, and monitoring compliance with governmental and archdiocesan requirements. Knowledge of accounting principles and experience in financial management and strong computer skills required. Contact 153 - 5 Saints’ Stomp Thanks to Katie and Bill McCoach and all other Moms and Dads “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, while keeping our eyes on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.” Hebrews 12:1-3 Parish Tuition Assistance Program This year 21 of our students were awarded Scholarships through the BLOCS/EITC and BLOCS/ OSTC progr ams. Students were also awar ded funds through our Parish Tuition Assistance Fund. The average assistance awarded to our 11 families this year was approximately 45% of the family total tuition. While these awards make a genuine difference to our students and their families, eligible contributions through BLOCS offer donors advantages as well. The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are progr ams that provide businesses that pay PA taxes with a tax credit for their donations to nonprofit Scholarship or Education Improvement Organizations. If you own your own business, why not look into taking advantage of this program that will benefit both you and our school children. 153 - 6