St. Charles Parish
St. Charles Parish
St. Charles Catholic Church 313 CIRCLE DRIVE · HARTLAND, WISCONSIN 53029 -1824 PARISH & SCHOOL WEBSITE: WWW.STCHARLESHARTLAND.COM Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 7, 2008 Pastor, Rev. Thomas P. Demse 262-367-9936 Pastoral Associate: Elizabeth Thompson 262-367-6704 Parish Office: 262-367-0800 Fax: 262-367-6960 Email: Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Business Manager: Shirley Lamerand School: 262-367-2040 Principal: Douglas Dunlop 526 Renson Road Health Room: 262-367-2075 Religious Education Office: 262-367-3277 DRE (PS-8) Jan Murphy DRE (9-12) Youth Minister, Paul Farrell Music Minister: Kay Moen 262-367-0800 Adult and Family Ministry: Nancy Neuser 262-367-2532 St. Vincent de Paul: Lance Kerwin 262-538-4110 Parish Registration New families are welcome to join our Parish Community and are asked to register on New Parishioner Sign-up Day, the first Sunday of the month, or stop in at the Parish Office during office hours. WORSHIP & SPIRITUALITY Mass Intentions for the Week Readings for the Week of September 7, 2008 Saturday, September 6—Anticipated TD 3:00 pm. Wedding—Zacharias & Franklin MG 4:30-4:45 pm Confessions MG 5:00 pm Mildred McNeil Sunday, September 7—Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time TD 7:30 am Jack Murphy TD 9:00 am Robert & Jacqueline Polega GA 10:30 am Eleanor McCarthy † Living & Deceased Members of St. Charles Monday, September 8—Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30 am Communion Service ET 8:30 am Communion Service Tuesday, September 9—St. Peter Claver 6:30 am Communion Service DK 8:30 am Bogdanski & Wisniewski Families † Joseph Connolly Sr. & Dan Fitzgerald Families TD 3:45 pm Mass at River Hills Nursing Home Josephine Rosploch Wednesday, September 10—Weekday 6:30 am Communion Service TD 8:30 am Robert Gavahan Thursday, September 11– Weekday 6:30 am Communion Service TD 8:30 am Edward Millot Friday, September 12—Weekday 6:30 am Communion Service TD 8:30 am Rose & Joseph Dybul Saturday, September 13—Anticipated TD 4:30-4:45 pm Confessions TD 5:00 pm John Ney Sunday, September 14—Exaltation of the Holy Cross MG 7:30 am Evelyn Ondrejech TD 9:00 am Jeff ―Boo‖ Boerger TD 10:30 am William Sweeney † Living & Deceased Members of St. Charles TD Noon Baptisms Sunday: Monday: TD = Fr. Tom DK = Fr. Dennis Klemme ET = Elizabeth Thompson GA = Fr. Gil Arciszewski MG = Fr. Mike Grellinger Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Ez 33:7-9/Rom 13:8-10/Mt 18:15-20 Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23 1 Cor 6:1-11/Lk 6:12-19 1 Cor 7:25-31/Lk 6:20-26 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13/Lk 6:27-38 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27/Lk 6:39-42 1 Cor 10:14-22/Lk 6:43-49 Nm 21:4b-9/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Mass Schedule Saturday of Anticipation: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Holy Days: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Tuesday - Friday) Rosary: ½ hour before daily Mass & 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday Evening Perpetual Help Devotions: Tuesday Morning following Mass Sacraments Reconciliation: 4:30 - 4:45 p.m. on Saturdays or by appointment with the Pastor. Baptisms: Call the Parish Office to schedule a Baptism. Parish membership and a preparation session are required. Call to register. Weddings: Scheduled by appointment with the Pastor at least six months in advance. Liturgical Ministers for September 13~14 Greeter Lector Bread Cup Servers 5:00 pm Judy Horwatich Max Horwatich Mary Hauke Carol Seidl Rick Kalscheuer Sheila Rocha Jan Murphy Tom O‘Brien Anthony Boesl Mara Dobbe Brian Kohr Teresa Roman 7:30 am Len Nowak Sue Nowak Jill Kamin John Hess Bill Moses Jane Neumann Jackson Allen Bridget Sibilsky Teddy Sibilsky 9:00 am Julie Heyrman Charlotte Richter Marlene Teeter Brad Hoffman Karen Widenski Gene Widenski Mark Condon Dale Sitek Karen Sitek Cristina Gurney Joe Gurney Eric Heyrman Jessica Heyrman 10:30 am Jack Wenstrom Mary Wenstrom Ruth Schneider Peter Schneider Jackie Giacalone Helen Palmer Mary Klatt Jackie Platz Eric Clendenning Nick Derus Garrick Olejnik Thomas Ostermann 2 Welcome to St. Charles Parish Family • Hartland FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Parishioners, Our ‗Fallfest‘ takes place next weekend. Hopefully, you, your family, and friends will take time to enjoy the meals, entertainment, music, carnival rides, fireworks and other events. This is a great opportunity to share our warm parish spirit, get to know one another better and have a good time. The schedule of events is printed on the Bulletin Cover for your information. Also, if you have not picked up your Raffle tickets in the Narthex, please do so. The drawing will take place on November 16th this year. This is the biggest fundraising event of the year which benefits the entire parish— together, let‘s make it a success. In Our Parish This Week Sept. 7 (Sun.) Coffee & Donuts (after all Masses) BR New Parishioner Registration (after all Masses) BR RE: Grades 3-8 (10-11:45 a.m.) RE: Orientation for Parents of 9th Graders (10-11:45 a.m.) PH High School Choir Rehearsal (11:50 a.m.) Church Sept. 9 (Tue.) Primary Election Day (7 a.m.-8 p.m.) BR Morning Coffee Group (after the 8:30 a.m. Mass) PH St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (7-8:30 p.m.) STAR Choir Rehearsal (7 p.m.) Church Rosary (7:30 p.m.) Chapel In Christ, Sept. 10 (Wed.) Choir Warm-ups (7-7:30 p.m.) STAR Choir Rehearsal (7:30-9 p.m.) Church Parish Council Meeting (7 p.m.) Lib. RE: Grades 2—8 (6:30-7:30 p.m.) Fr. Tom Sept. 13 (Sat.) Christian Formation (9-10:30 a.m.) CR See you at the festival!! Volunteers Needed for Fallfest We invite you to Fallfest and ask you to consider volunteering your time at this event. Your talents are always welcome. This invitation is especially extended to our new parish members. What better way is there to get acquainted with your parish family at St. Charles, offer some of your abilities and have a fine time in the process? Sign up folders are in the parish front hall. Share Sunday is This Weekend! September 6th & 7th Just a reminder that our monthly Share Sunday is this weekend. All donations will benefit our own St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. If you‘ve forgotten your food donation, you can always drop it off in the Narthex next week, or consider making a cash donation to our Poor Boxes. Thank you for your continued generosity to this ministry! In Loving Memory Please pray for the repose of the soul of Jeanne Checkai, whose Funeral Mass was held at St. Charles on September 4, 2008. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed REST IN CHRIST‘S PEACE. Sept. 14 (Sun.) RE: Grades 3-6 (10-11:45 a.m.) RE: Grade 9 (10-11:45 a.m.) Marriage Banns 1st Bann ~ Kimberly Nowak & Brian Roeh Parish Support for the Weekend of August 31st $16,935.30 is needed weekly to meet our general operating expenses. Envelopes ------------------------------------------------ $11,669.00 Offertory ----------------------------------------------------- $816.88 Weekend Total ------------------------------------------ $12,485.88 YTD Actual-----------------------------------------------$122,783.62 YTD Budgeted ------------------------------------------$135,482.40 YTD Shortfall ------------------------------------------- ($12,698.78) ___________________________________ Debt Reduction $13,259.03 is needed monthly to meet our monthly mortgage payment. Weekend Total ---------------------------------------------- $350.00 Monthly Total -------------------------------------------- $18,909.00 YTD Actual------------------------------------------------ $26,179.00 YTD Mortgage Payments------------------------------- $27,188.06 YTD Shortfall -------------------------------------------- ($1,009.06) Fiscal Year 7-1-08 to 6-30-09 September 7, 2008• Twenty third Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 WORSHIP & SPIRITUALITY Becoming Catholic… Inquiry and Formation Sessions have begun, but it’s not too late to join. Help St. Charles Parish Worship the Lord: Volunteer as a Server!! For those who are seeking: A deeper relationship with God; A sense of belonging in a faith community; A greater fulfillment of your mission in life; Are you looking for a way for you to ‗give‘ more of yourself to our parish community? Consider volunteering as a server at the Mass you and your family usually attend. The server helps the priest at Mass in a variety of ways, and has a very important role in helping our parish community worship together. We invite you to consider becoming Catholic. St. Charles has an RCIA program for adults who were either never baptized, or were raised in another faith tradition. If you are trying to discern whether God is calling you to the Catholic Faith, if you have questions about the Catholic Church, or how to become Catholic, you are invited to please call our Pastoral Associate, Beth Thompson, at 262-367-6704, or email at St. Charles Parish invites all students who are in 4th grade or above to participate in this ministry of service. Training is provided for all new servers. If you can volunteer a little or a lot, we can surely use your help! For more information or to volunteer, please call Beth Thompson at 262-367-6704 or email at Registration forms can also be found in the information racks near the church entrance. …Embracing Your Faith Adult Confirmation Sessions have begun, but it’s not too late to join. For those who are lifelong baptized Catholics, but have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation. St. Charles provides a spiritual formation process for non-catechized Catholics that is integrated with the “Becoming Catholic” program that is described above. Participants support and sustain each other as they journey to a closer relationship with God, and learn more about their Catholic Faith. For more information, you are invited to call our Pastoral Associate, Beth Thompson, at 262-367-6704, or email at August Baptisms Congratulations to their parents! Anderson Vincent King Son of Vincent and Karisa (Frosch) King Mya Zuniga Daughter of Michael and Melissa (Turner) Zuniga Coming this Fall! “The Bible and the Sacraments” Bible Study Tuesdays, September 16th & 30th; October 14th & 28th; November 11th & 25th Morning Session: 9:45 – 11:15 a.m. Evening Session: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Learn why the sacraments are foundational to the Christian life and how they are our stairway to heaven. Understand their Old Testament roots and New Testament institution. See why the Catechism calls them ―the masterworks of God‖. ―The Bible and the Sacraments‖ is a 6-week Bible Study from Dr. Scott Hahn and the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Come and join us to learn more about the Scriptures and the Sacraments and to deepen your faith. To register, please call Beth Thompson at 262-367-6704, or email at We look forward to seeing you there! PARISH NEWS & EVENTS The Parish Resource Center is open this weekend!! Are you looking for something ―different‖ to read? Something that may help you deepen your faith? Or are you looking for something for your children to nurture their faith development? Come and check out our Parish Resource Center! We have many books, audio books, VCR tapes and DVDs for all ages. Where’s the Resource Center? Just past the water fountain and restrooms on the right side of the hallway. Currently the Resource Center is open after all Masses on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Come and check us out today!! Volunteers always welcome!! For more information, please call Beth Thompson at 262-367-6704. 4 Welcome to St. Charles Parish Family • Hartland Are You Interested In Joining St. Charles Parish? New Parishioner Sign-Up Day is this Sunday, September 7th 8:30 am to Noon in the Borromeo Room Any person or family who is interested in joining our St. Charles Parish Community is invited to our New Parishioner Sign-Up Day this Sunday, September 7th, after all Masses in the Borromeo Room. A member of the parish staff will be there to assist you and answer any questions you may have about St. Charles Parish. For more information, please call Beth Thompson, Pastoral Associate, at 262-367-6704 or email at We look forward to seeing you there!! PARISH NEWS & EVENTS NOTICE OF CHANGE OF POLLING LOCATION ELECTORS IN WARDS 8 – 13 For the September 9, 2008 Partisan Primary & November 4, 2008 Presidential Election Voting Hours 7 a.m.—8 p.m. St. Charles Parish – Borromeo Room Please enter parking lot using the Circle Drive entrance. Enter the Church Doors located off of the parking lot and follow the signs in the building to the Borromeo Room. A handicap accessible entrance is also located off of the parking lot and signage will direct the voter to the Borromeo Room. Fall Faith Sharing and Bible Study "What does it mean to have a relationship with God?" "We believe in God, but does God believe in us?" "Why doesn‘t God always give us what we want?" "Does loving God mean I have to love everyone?" Do you ponder these questions? Come experience the gospel message in a new, vibrant way – through NOOMAS!! – The name NOOMA comes from a phonetic spelling of the Greek word pneuma meaning 'wind,' 'spirit,' or 'breath‘. A NOOMA is a brief (15 minute) DVD that dives into tough questions about faith — then connects faith and scripture to real life. Just as Jesus used parables, each video uses common experiences to explore topics like forgiveness, discipleship and unconditional love. The study guidebook that accompanies each NOOMA draws out the Biblical references, observations and questions for personal reflection and group observation. Parents of 11th Grade Students Now is the time to register your child for Confirmation Preparation. Orientation for parents of 11th grade Confirmation students will be held on Monday, September 15th at 7 p.m. in the Borromeo Room Please plan to attend. St. Charles Children’s Choirs Another year of choir is starting up and we would love for you to join. The children's choir sings at Mass once a month. Rehearsals are the 1 st and 2nd Wednesdays of each month, beginning September 17 th. K-3rd grades from 6-6:30 p.m., 4th-8th grades from 5:45-6:30 p.m. Stop by the Music Ministry Office across from the Borromeo Room to register. Please call director Julie LeCaire at the Parish Office (262-367-0800) with any questions. Bulletin Advertisers of the Week Elm Grove Travel ~ Lori Bierman ~ Elm Grove Reverse Mortgage Specialist ~ Jim Herro Dave Perry Heating and Cooling ~ Hartland Donald Tushaus & Company ~ Milwaukee Please support our advertisers. Thank you! ST. VINCENT DE PAUL The Saint Vincent de Paul Society NOOMA Series October 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and November 13th 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Room (Room 200) All teens and adults are welcome!! HOW TO JOIN: Just show up! Come to one — or come to all!! (Each session will present a different topic!) Here‘s what one group member in California had to say about his experience: "Every week my friends gather to watch a NOOMA and discuss the teaching. It‘s been awesome how NOOMA has set up such honest dialogue and conversation. We‘ve dived into the issues that we don‘t talk about at church or in our day-to-day lives. Powerful things have happened." P.S. Thursday Night group members — This is our fall Bible Study!! In today‘s Gospel, Jesus says: ―…where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.‖ Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please ask them to call the St. Vincent de Paul Society so that together we can help them to know that indeed ―God is in the midst of them.‖ If you or someone you know is in temporary need because of loss of a job or is experiencing a financial crisis, the St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to hear from you. All information is confidential. Please contact Lance Kerwin at 262-538-4110. Food Pantry Schedule Please note: The Food Pantry will be closed on Tuesday, September 9 th, due to the Primary Election. It will re-open on Tuesday, September 16 th. Additional dates are as follows: Tuesday Mornings: September 23rd and 30th, 10:30 a.m. – Noon September 7, 2008• Twenty third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 PARISH NEWS & EVENTS Looking for a Special Kind of Preschool Program? Parents & Grandparents—What kind of groups are you looking for? “Bad Girls of the Bible”… Play group? Story hour? Kiddie crafts class? Music and movement group? Vacation Bible school? Mom’s group? and what we can learn from them is coming to St. Charles beginning Tuesday, September 23rd (introductory session) at 7 p.m. at St. Charles. You only need to join one group...Jesus and Me...the one that does it all! All women are welcome! Jesus and Me is a ―pay-as-you-go‖ program that allows your child to progress at his/her own pace and features a fun faith-filled 1-1/2 hours of songs, stories, crafts, games, prayer time, coloring pages, and take ‗n makes all centered around a faith theme! You already know a great deal about the good girls: Ruth, Mary, Elizabeth, etc…. But what can we learn from ―The Bad Girls? The Bad to the Bone Girls? The Bad for a Season Girls?‖ What does the Bible say about them? What can they teach us? A snack and social time conclude each session so you and your child can meet other parents, grandparents, and children. Adults are given a gift packet at each session that includes a take ‗n make project plus more resources and faith ideas to help make Jesus a welcome guest in their home! Utilizing the Book and Video ―Bad Girls of the Bible‖ by Liz Curtis Higgs, we will delight in the humor and biblical accuracy that Liz brings to the material. Who said Bible Study should be dry, boring and humorless? Once a month, we will meet and discuss a new Bad Girl, utilizing the Bible Study questions and related scriptures suggested in the book. Each session will be new and different allowing new people to join the group at any time throughout the year! Pre-registration is required to ensure that we will have enough supplies for everyone. A small fee is charged to offset the cost of materials for each child (adults are always free). The group meets periodically during the school year from 9:30— 11 a.m. on Wednesdays in the Borromeo Room. All are welcome! Watch the Adult and Family Ministry bulletin board and the Church bulletins for more information on the programs. Volunteer helpers for this program are always needed and appreciated. If interested, please call Nancy at 262-367-3552. Come meet the ―bad women‖, have fun, share some girlfriend theology and enjoy a night out. For further information or to join, call Nancy at 262-367-3552 or just show up at the September 23rd introductory session. “’Bad Girls of the Bible’ is not only a hoot to read, it is full of serious warnings about shaky choices and serious encouragement to take God’s way for our own good.” Gloria Gaither—author, speaker, lyricist “Jesus and Me” 2008-09 Dates Mark you calendars with the following dates: Wednesday, October 1st—Trip to the Pumpkin Farm Wednesday, October 29th—Theme TBA Wednesday, December 3rd—St. Nick‘s Birthday Party for Jesus Wednesday, February 11th—Theme TBA Wednesday, March 11th—Theme TBA Holy Saturday, April 11th—Easter Egg Hunt and ―Egg‖Stravaganza Wednesday, May 13th—End of the year bash Most programs are from 9:30—11 a.m. in the Borromeo Room. Please check times as events are printed in the bulletin. Thank you Hartland Overhead Door! Did you notice our new garage door? Joe and Chad Lindmark, the owners of Hartland Overhead Door, donated many of the materials and all the labor for our new door. Call them at 262-966-9811 if you need service or an estimate on a new garage door or opener. You can also find additional information at Thank you! 6 Welcome to St. Charles Parish Family • Hartland Wanted! Musicians to play at the 11 p.m. Liturgy on Christmas Eve. Contact the Kay Moen through the church office at 262-367-0800. PARISH NEWS & EVENTS Preschoolers…Come With Us to the Pumpkin Patch When: Wednesday, October 1st Where: Ebert’s Greenhouse Village in Ixonia (just west of Oconomowoc—directions on back of flyer in hallway) Schedule: 11 a.m.—12 noon ~ Story, craft, hayride, straw maze 12 noon and after ~ Lunch and petting zoo Cost: $6.00 per child (all adults are FREE). Fee includes all activities, a Jesus and Me gift packet, a cookie treat and your very own hand- picked pumpkin! Note: Optional ~ Bring a packed lunch to eat at noon in the picnic area (or in the warm Pumpkin Café greenhouse enclosure if the weather is chilly.) Join us on an exciting fun-filled trip to Ebert’s Greenhouse Village Pumpkin Farm! This opening session field trip of the popular JESUS AND ME Group has become a memorable fall tradition for St. Charles preschoolers, their parents and grandparents. This year‘s theme is based on the hilarious book ―The Great Fuzz Frenzy.‖ Features of our visit include: an interactive telling of the story, a straw maze ―story tunnel,‖ ―Prairie Dog Portrait‖ proje ct, sing along, coloring books, cookie treat, and an unforgettable hay wagon ride to the pumpkin patch where your child will be able to choos e his or her very own pumpkin! Live animals, straw characters, colorful pumpkins, beautiful mums and play areas like the Storybook Village await you! Allow time after our one hour session to eat your lunch, tour the grounds and enjoy the petting zoo animals and storybook play area. Although most activities take place in the enclosed greenhouses, it would be wise to bring extra warm clothing for the hayride to the pumpkin patch, if it is cold. We also need you to bring a sack or bag (an old pillowcase will do) with your child’s name on it to transport your pumpkin back home! We will meet in front of Ebert’s Entrance Building by the arch where Jesus & Me helpers will check you in, provide you with name tags, and a Jesus and Me pumpkin treat bag and gift packet. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before our session (by 10:50 a.m. as sessions begin on time!) Reservations should be made by September 28th. After that date, call Nancy at 262-367-3552 to see if there are still openings. Please complete the form below and enclose in an envelope with the fee. Checks can be made payable to St. Charles Parish. Drop in the parish drop slot or mail to: Jesus and Me Field Trip, St. Charles Parish, 313 Circle Dr., Hartland, WI 53029. Your reservation is guaranteed when your fee is paid. No further information will be mailed out. Keep this information sheet as your guide. We will not cancel unless the weather is very bad. Don‘t miss out! Pick up a flyer from the bulletin board, located by St. Charles‘ main front door. JESUS AND ME PUMPKIN FARM FIELD TRIP RESERVATION ~ OCTOBER 1, 2008 Name(s) of adult(s) accompanying child(ren):______________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Child #1 Name:__________________________ Age:________ Child #2 Name:__________________________ Age:________ Child #3 Name:__________________________ Age:________ Child #4 Name:__________________________ Age:________ Total Number of children ________ X $6.00 each = Amount enclosed $________ September 7, 2008• Twenty third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7 PARISH NEWS & EVENTS St Charles Youth Ministry 2009 Appalachia Mission Trip Orientation & Parent Meeting ~ Borromeo Room Sunday, September 21st from 6~8 p.m. Dear Parishioners, I would like to thank each and everyone who has contributed their time, prayers, and finances to our program over the past five years. At the end of each mission trip, there are so many thoughts, feelings, emotions, stories, etc. that I could share. If you ask most of the participants to describe the trip in one word it would most likely be ‗fun‘. I, on the other hand, would have to say ‗built‘. This past July, we built decks, railings, porches, and stairs, worked on shower surrounds, put up gutters, and installed screened windows. We worked both individually and with others in our groups on these projects. All of the work we completed was much needed and appreciated by the homeowners. While all of the projects the youth worked on stayed in Virginia, there were many things that we built that we were able to bring home with us back to Wisconsin. We built our skills and confidence using power tools we never used before. We built our faith and beliefs by sharing and praying together at our nightly prayer services. We built our relationships with both new and old friends during the downtime between all of the activities. We built our knowledge of the Appalachian region through the nightly programs that were prepared for us. We built our knowledge of ―poor‖ people by listening to the stories of homeowners and other locals. All of these things we built within ourselves and others on the trip. We will remember and hold on to these life lessons and friends much longer than any of the projects we built and left in Virginia. Now it is time to look forward to next year. In 2009, the Youth Ministry program is hoping to take two separate trips to Clintwood. The tentative dates are: Friday, July 10th thru Sunday, July 19th Friday, July 24th thru Sunday, August 2nd This means we will be able to take 30 students and young adults instead of 15. A student is anyone who, at the time of registration, has entered high school but has not yet graduated. A young adult is anyone who, at the time of registration, has graduated from high school but who will not be 23 years old at the time of the trip. We will need 16 adult chaperones instead of 8. A chaperone is anyone that will be 23 years old at the time of the trip. As a chaperone there are no requirements regarding your abilities, or lack thereof, around power tools; no age limits; no tests on the strength of your faith. All you need is a desire to spend ten days with 20 other people sharing a very positive experience. Completion of the ―Safeguarding of All of God‘s Family‖ workshop and a background check are also required. Year after year we struggle to get the right number and balance of chaperones. So if you have the slightest interest in participating, please attend the orientation. Thank you. Bill Claas—Appalachia Mission Coordinator 8 Welcome to St. Charles Parish Family • Hartland Make a Difference for Our School with Box Tops! Please clip Box Tops coupons– each is worth 10 cents for St. Charles School! There is a collection box and Ziploc bags available in the school office. There is also a box in the parish office. For over 10 years, Box Tops for Education has helped America‘s schools raise over $200 million to buy the things they need. Box Tops offers several ways you can help by buying groceries, shopping online and signing up on their website at You will get updates on our school‘s earnings, money-saving coupons, family-pleasing recipes, chances to win Bonus Box Tops, the latest news and much more. For more information on how you can help our school earn cash through this program, contact Carrie Gleisner at 262-367-4668 or visit IN & AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE The Answers Is Within Discover It! Life Directions Weekend: October 3rd—5th A weekend for Single Catholics Ages 18-45 at Schoenstatt Retreat Center in Waukesha Vocation Ministers of the religious groups of the Milwaukee Archdiocese are on hand to provide answers to your questions and share stories about their calling. You will have the opportunity to share with others who are also discerning God's call. Enjoy panel discussions, presentations, break-out groups, prayer and quiet reflection on God's invitation. Meals and accommodations are provided for by the Serra Clubs of the Milwaukee Archdiocese at no cost to you. Life Directions Weekend is free of any pressure of commitment. It is an experience designed to enable you to make an informed vocation choice - whatever and whenever that may be. For more information contact Father Jim Lobacz, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee at EWTN Family Celebration Northern Illinois University • October 4th & 5 Back by popular demand! EWTN‘s Family Celebration at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb Illinois, only a short distance from the Chicago area. Don‘t miss another opportunity to celebrate with all of your EWTN Family including the Poor Clare Nuns and Franciscan Friars. The event will feature talks by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, Marcus Grodi and more. You‘ll have the opportunity to be a part of an EWTN Live Show audience, attend Mass and meet some of your favorite EWTN hosts. There will also be a special area just for kids where they can visit and enjoy EWTN‘s ―Faith Factory‖. It‘s a weekend you will never forget and best of all, it‘s FREE – no tickets required. Check EWTN‘s website at for details or call 205-795-5820, Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m—5 p.m.