June 15, 2014 The Most Holy Trinity
June 15, 2014 The Most Holy Trinity
╬ June 15, 2014 ╬ The Most Holy Trinity Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Gallagher, Pastor Rev. Chan Woo Lee, Associate Rev. Altaire Fernandez, Associate Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop Emeritus, In Residence Rev. Msgr. Lorenzo Miranda, In Residence Deacon Ryan Adams Deacon Walter Hanson Liturgical Celebrations Sunday Mass Vigil - 5:00 pm Saturday 7:15 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am (Adult Choir), 11:30 am, 1:00 pm (Contemporary Choir), 3:00 pm (Spanish Mass), 5:00 pm (Contemporary Choir) Weekday Mass Mon. - Fri. - 7:30 am & 12:05 pm Saturday 7:30 am Holy Days of Obligation Vigil - 5:00 pm 7:30, 8:45, 12:05 & 7:30 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday Saturday 4:30 - 5:30 pm 8 - 8:30 am & 3:30 - 4:30 pm Thursdays before First Fridays and the Eves of Holy Days 3:30 - 4:30 pm A Catholic Parish Community 10800 Moorpark Street at Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91602 TEL 818-766-3838 FAX 818-766-5711 www.scbnh.org Page Two St. Charles Borromeo Church The Most Holy Trinity Parish Ministries, Sacraments, & Formation ALTAR SERVERS Father Chan Woo Lee, Coordinator 818-766-3838 fr.chanlee@gmail.com ANNULMENT ASSISTANCE 818-766-3838 Mrs. Helen Gulliver & Mrs. Rita Haeusler ANOINTING OF THE SICK 818-766-3838 Available upon request in the event of a serious illness or medical emergency. Any hour, day or night. BAPTISM 818-766-3838 For St. Charles parishioners only. By appointment: Sundays at 2:00 pm Preparation classes required for parents and godparents. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:00 pm, Parish Center Mrs. Clare Darden 818-761-1977 SPANISH BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Mrs. Daisy Mejia 818-997-1776 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY The Option Line is available for pregnancy or post-abortion counseling & resources, 24 hours a day: 1-800-395-HELP(4357) Pregnancy Counseling Center of Mission Hills : 818-895-2500 www.pregnanthelp4u.org, www.priestsforlife.org RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Mr. John Genova jeopardy1984@yahoo.com 818-363-5922 Ms. Debra Burley st_charles_rcia@yahoo.com 818-907-0257 SACRISTANS Mr. James Surtees, Head Sacristan 818-486-2083 stcharlesservers@yahoo.com ST. CHARLES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 818-508-5359 Dr. Jayne Quinn, Principal, K-8 Mrs. Brenda Ianniciello, Secretary www.stcharlescatholicschool.org SENIOR CITIZENS’ MINISTRY 818-766-3838 Sr. Yvette Perrault, RSM, Coordinator ext. 307 SOCIAL JUSTICE & STATE ISSUES California Catholic Conference & Legislative Network: CATHOLIC MORTUARIES & CEMETERIES www.cacatholic.org 888-416-6440 SOCIAL SERVICE FUNERAL PLANNING HOLY FAMILY SERVICE CENTER 818-985-7365 Mrs. Daisy Mejia 818-997-1776 Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat: 9:00-11:45 am CONFIRMATION 818-766-3838 Mr. David Risk, Director Mr. Benjamin Kaltenecker, Coordinator ext. 308 ST. CHARLES HEALTH MINISTRY ECONOMIC JUSTICE MINISTRY Meets 1st Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Parish Center Deacon Walter Hanson 818-766-3838 Ms. Kathy Scheid 818-761-0922 deaconwalter@gmail.com USHERS, MINISTRY OF HOSPITALITY 818-472-7103 EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Mr. Mark VanCleve mvanc62@aol.com Mrs. Jeannie Essa 818-846-0690 YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES - SAN FERNANDO PASTORAL REGION TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND http://www.la-archdiocese.org/regions/sf/Pages/default.aspx Mrs. Mary Genova 818-954-8955 RECTORY 10828 Moorpark Street, 91602 LECTORS 10834 Moorpark Street, 91602 818-767-5415 PARISH CENTER Ms. Terry Ruiz, therooz1@aol.com Monday thru Friday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm LITURGY AND MUSIC 818-766-3838 Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Mr. James Drollinger, Director ext. 315 PHONE: 818-766-3838 MARRIAGE 818-766-3838 FAX: 818-766-5711 For St. Charles parishioners only. DMINISTRATOR : Mrs. Susan Brown Ext. 304 A Contact the priest at the Parish Center Office at least six S ECRETARY : Mrs. Maria Ruiz Ext. 302 months prior to the proposed date. One year is suggested. S ECRETARY : Mrs. Gretchen Schreck Ext. 301 WEDDING COORDINATION Mrs. Gretchen Schreck 818-761-6268 PLEASE VIST OUR PARISH WEBSITE: www.scbnh.org MARRIAGE PREPARATION, FOCCUS Dr. Liz Carr 310-717-2838 Have you ever thought of becoming a Priest? NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Jo Anne Lazar 818-766-2656 Sign up for classes at www.ccli.org. TROUBLED MARRIAGES, RETROUVAILLE www.retrouvaille.org 1-800-470-2230 Mr. and Mrs. Richard & Esther Stewart Website sponsored by the USCCB: www.foryourmarriage.org RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturdays: 8:00 am, 3:30-4:30 pm Thursdays before First Fridays, Eves of Holy Days 4-5:00 pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 818-980-1826 Office Hours– Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9:30 am - 3:00 pm Mrs. Vicki Curran, Director & Elementary Coordinator Ms. Susan Jakel, Intermediate Coordinator Ms. Diane Skwarek, Pre-School Coordinator Mrs. Antonia Goedde, Secretary Fr. Chan Woo Lee Deanery Vocation Director fr.chanlee@gmail.com Fr. Michael Perucho San Fernando Regional Vocation Coordinator www.lavocation.org or fr-perucho@hfglendale.org BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Please submit announcement requests by Tuesday, eleven (11) days prior to publication, in Parish Center Office or e-mail stcharlesbulletin@gmail.com. Page Three St. Charles Borromeo Church June 15, 2014 COLLECTION FOR RETIRED PRIESTS Dear Parishioners and Friends, The annual collection that helps support the Archdiocesan Retired Priests was taken up last Sunday, June 7 and 8. Your generosity in the past has been greatly appreciated by our retired priests, and we hope that same generosity continues as we take up the collection again this year! There are currently over 150 Retired Priests who are receiving retirement benefits from the Priest Pension Fund. This is the primary source of benefits for them, as they are no longer being paid by the parish. The Priest Pension Plan was formally established in 1993. Like the Religious Orders of Men and Women, so little was put into Social Security in the past that very little is received each month by way of Social Security. We are anticipating that an additional 220 Archdiocesan priests currently serving in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara will be turning 65 years of age during the next 10 years. As a matter of Christian Justice, some increase in monthly benefits will occur in July, 2014. This will be the first increases since 2008. Cost of living has simply skyrocketed in the Los Angeles area. Many of the older priests run very short on funds each month. Many of our retired priests are well known to our parishioners. We were so fortunate to have Msgr. Thomas Kiefer and Father Jim Toal live with us here at St. Charles before they were called to their eternal reward by the Lord. Their monthly stipend and benefits came from the Pension Plan, not from the Parish. Both were well loved by our Parish Family. Currently, Msgr. Peter Nugent, former pastor of St. John Eudes Parish, is staying with us at St. Charles. He celebrates Sunday Mass at various Churches where there is a shortage of priests. We want to provide a sense of financial security for our priests as they grow older. Most of the retired priests have simply retired from Administrative responsibilities but not from serving the people. Please think of them when you make your donation at this time of year. Father's Day is a good day to remember the retired priests who have served you and your family through the years! We are grateful to you if you have already made a donation to this worthy endeavor! Sincerely yours in Christ, Monsignor Robert J. Gallagher Page Four St. Charles Borromeo Church The Most Holy Trinity Congratulations to Reverend Doctor Antony Raju! For the last couple of years, with the help of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Fr. Antony Raju has been doing graduate work in the Theology Department of the Catholic University of America. Fr. Antony was the assigned associate pastor to Msgr. Kiefer and to Msgr. From left: Joseph Sowrimuthu, Daisy Mejia, Gallagher when he first came to St. Charles Borromeo. Victor Peries, Nirmala Peries, Mary Anita Joseph, Since 2000 Fr. Antony has been assigned to the Regional Fr. Antony Raju, KevinPeries, and Msgr. Robert Gallagher Diocesan Seminary, Good Shepherd, in Southern India. His responsibility has been the pastoral guidance of the seminarians who are in their last year of studies before ordination. Seeing as a degree in Pastoral Theology would help Fr. Antony in his work, Father returned to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and, while working at All Souls Parish in Alhambra, he got his Master's Degree in Pastoral Counseling. On Saturday, May 17, 2014, Fr. Antony received his Doctorate in Pastoral Counseling, D.Min., from Catholic U. A number of us from Southern California were there. We were all very pleased to congratulate him, and be with him on this important day for him, Good Shepherd Seminary, and the Church in India. Father will be a great help to the young men preparing for the priesthood in Southern India. Father Antony will say the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, June 22, and there will be a potluck meal after the Mass! Please bring a favorite dish to share! Page Five St. Charles Borromeo Church June 15, 2014 PARISH/Archdiocesan MINISTRY ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH NOW PROVIDES ONLINE GIVING - A St. Charles School News Congratulations to the 8th grade graduating class of 2014! Many of our students will be moving onto Notre Dame, Providence, Crespi, and Loyola to name a few of our local high schools. We wish them all well in their studies and future success. St. Charles Borromeo School is now enrolling! Our Transitional Kindergarten program continues to thrive. Students must be four years old by September 1, 2014 to be eligible for TK enrollment. We are also accepting applications for K - 8th grade students. If you or someone you know may be interested in enrolling at our school, please visit the school's website at www.stcharlescatholicschool.org or contact the school office at 818-5085359 for more detailed information. In Conjunction with Safeguard the Children FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING There is free blood pressure screening every Tuesday from 9:30 - 11:30 am at the Holy Family Service Center across the street from the Church. There will be no Friendship Sunday today. HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY!! Next week’s host: Parish Council THERE WILL BE A POTLUCK FOR FATHER ANTONY RAJU. PLEASE BRING YOUR FAVORITE DISH TO THE SOCIAL CENTER BEFORE THE 10 AM MASS. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER New Confession Times St. Charles Borromeo Parish priests are now hearing confessions on Monday afternoons from 4:30 - 5:30 pm and Saturday mornings from 8 - 8:30 am in addition to previously scheduled confession times. Please see the front page of the bulletin for the complete schedule. CONVENIENT AND SAFE WAY TO MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION. GETTING STARTED IS EASY: JUST VISIT OUR WEBSITE, WWW.SCBNH.ORG, AND CLICK OUR ONLINE GIVING LINK. WHEN YOU PARTICIPATE, YOUR GIFT WILL BE SECURELY TRANSFERRED DIRECTLY INTO THE PARISH BANK ACCOUNT. In today’s gospel Christ says “Peace be with you.” Let the peace and love of Christ reign in your marriage. Attend an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in Chatsworth July 18-20; for more information contact Ed and Jo Lara at 818-848-6729 or go online at www.twocanlove.org. We help make good marriages better. Come Join the Italian catholic federation for a great time at San Manuel Casino on June 30. The cost is $20 (you will get a $10 voucher for food or play). Call Joanne for reservations at 818-769-0847. TIPS FOR SUMMER CAMP SAFETY Summer is almost here. School is almost out, and a whole host of new opportunities for recreation and relaxation await. Maybe you are sending your children to a music or sports camp? Or maybe they have been invited by their friends to go camping in the mountains or at the beach? Whatever the situation, it is important to remember that parents still have the responsibility of controlling access that new people will have to their children. If your children are attending a summer camp, insist that counselors or anyone else who might have access to your children have undergone an application process that includes a criminal background check and reference checks. For a copy of the VIRTUS article “Summer Safety Tips can help prevent Sexual Abuse” VIRTUS article contact bmelendez@laarchdiocese.org at the Office of Safeguard the Children. BORN TO HEAVEN Born To Heaven is a bereavement support group for those who have suffered from pregnancy loss, still-birth, or infancy loss. For home visits or more information, please contact Tisha York at 323-687-7239. Page Six St. Charles Borromeo Church The Most Holy Trinity St. Charles Organizations & LOCAL Activities AFRICAN/AFRICAN AMERICAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY First Sundays, 11:15 am, Parish Center First Fridays, 7:30 pm, Prayer Meeting Parish Center Ukay Bosah: 818-985-0498 Roman Akeh: 818-757-7016 THE ARMY OF ST. JOHN VIANNEY The Army of Saint John Vianney Fridays 5:00pm-6:00pm Parish Center--chapel under staircase Contact: Ann Doyle catholicpatriot1@gmail.com Join us at any time! Stay for a moment or an hour. ╬ Opening prayers: 5:00 pm ╬ Novena to St. John Vianney and reading from one of his sermons ╬ Rosary (10 decades with reading from “Jesus our Eucharistic Love”)\ ╬ Stations of the Cross ╬ Closing prayers and reading from St. Pio BIBLE STUDY Thursdays, 7 - 9 pm, Parish Center Chip Krolik: panares@roadrunner.com KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (K of C) CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF Victor J. Mahony Council #2670 THE AMERICAS (CDA) Third Tuesdays, Social Center, 7-8:30 pm Our Lady of the Angels Court Brother Jacques Shardo: 818-752-3858 Third Sundays, 3:00 pm. http://kofc2670.weebly.com/ Kris VanCleve, Regent: 818-406-5329 CATHOLICS IN ENTERTAINMENT ST. CHARLES GOLDEN GIRLS An online spiritual fellowship for likeThe St. Charles Golden Girls meet every minded people in the creative arts. Open Wednesday from 10 am to 2 pm in the to all. Sign up at our website to receive Parish Center Conference Room. industry events, new and information. Bring those egg shells! www.catholicsinentertainment.com ST. CHARLES SENIOR CLUB info@catholicsinentertainment.com Ages 55 & up FILIPINO AMERICAN COUNCIL We welcome Seniors of any faith. Third Wednesdays, 7:30 pm Second and fourth Mondays, Fae Henson: 818-503-0182 GRUPO DE ORACION, “CRISTO VIVE” 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Parish Center. EveAnn: 818-766-3838 Segundo, Tercer y Cuarto Viernes, 7 a 9 pm, Service Center; SENIOR CARD GAMES Carmen Jaimes: 818-509-9293 Thursdays, 1-5 pm in the 818-419-0823 Parish Center ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION Several “Rummy” (ICF) Branch 382 Games & “Bridge” New members are always welcome, and Bring your dimes you do not need to be Italian to join! for a fun afternoon Third Fridays, 5:30 pm, Parish Center and meet others! Rose Garcia: 818-769-0128 THEOLOGY ON TAP IS COMING TO OUR AREA ON JULY 8, 15, 22, & 29! Theology on Tap is a program of the Office of Young Adult Ministry that reaches out to young adults who want to explore the role of faith in their daily lives. Theology-on-Tap is a nationally recognized speaker and fellowship program that has been successfully bringing young adults to the church for more than 30 years. In this casual atmosphere, you’ll hear straight talk and honest answers to your deepest questions about faith, love, work and other real life experiences. Theology on Tap provides an opportunity to not only learn about the Catholic faith but also meet like-minded people and make new friends. We are looking for volunteers to join the core team now! Several committees are available to choose from that would fit your talents, skills, and interests. If you are between the ages of 18-39 and are being called to be part of this incredible experience, please contact St. Charles parishioner, Rod Labuni, at rod.labuni@gmail.com. Thanks and God Bless! See the flyer on the back page of this bulletin! Saint Charles Senior Club 2014 Tours August 12, Tuesday - VIEJAS INDIAN CASINO $10 BACK IN SLOT PLAY VIEJAS INDIAN CASINO-$5.00 OFF COUPON FOR LUNCH MASS AND HEALING SERVICE CELEBRANT: FR. PATRICK CROWLEY, SSCC FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 7 to 9 pm at ST. JEROME CHURCH 5550 Tbornburn Street Los Angeles Contact: Donates or Murglen Muoneke at 323-294-1940 They also have BINGO. BINGO IS AT 11:00 AM & 2:00 PM. If you have a rewards card from Viejas I need the number. October 29, Wednesday - SANTA BARBARA CULINARY AFTER LUNCH DO A LITTLE SHOPPING IN SOLVANG or WIN A LITTLE OR A LOT AT CHUMASH CASINO. Food choices: POACHED SALMON, BEEF TENDERLOIN AND CHICKEN MARSALA MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ST. CHARLES SENIOR CLUB. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SIT OR ROOM WITH ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS, TELL US WHEN YOU BOOK YOUR TRIP AND WRITE IT ON YOUR CHECK IF YOU DO NOT SELECT YOUR FOOD WE WILL CHOOSE FOR YOU. COME TO THE CLUB AND PAY FOR YOUR TRIPS OR MAIL CHECK TO: LUCILLE SCHMITT 2025 PASS AVE. BURBANK CA. 91505. FOR INFORMATION, CALL LUCILLE AT 818-843-1455. Page Seven St. Charles Borromeo Church June 15, 2014 Stewardship of Treasure Celebrating the past ... looking to the future Capital Campaign Phase IV Progress Report Holy Family Service Center The Holy Family Service Center would like to extend our sincere thanks to the members of the US Post Office for their wonderful efforts in collecting food during the annual LETTER CARRIERS FOOD DRIVE on Saturday, May 10th. Their hard work collecting your contributions continues to have an amazing impact on our efforts to feed the hungry. Donations Needed: • Cash donations are always welcome GOAL: Approx. $5,000,000 Initial Campaign Funds (2/1/10) • Toothpaste, Hand Soap, Toothbrushes, Baby Diapers, Unpaid Pledges DUE (2004 to present) $419,071.65 Second Collection (2/20/10 to present) $390,513.25 Contributions and Pledge Payments $2,388,919.24 (2/20/10 to present) TOTAL (Pledges and Cash) Blankets, Towels, and Bedding $1,500,000.00 $4,698,504.14 • Men’s Jeans in All Sizes, Men’s Socks, Men’s Underwear, and Men’s Tennis Shoes • Pop-top Canned Food, Peanut Butter, Tuna, and Small Servings of Frozen Food We are happy to receive your donations or provide you with a tour of our wonderful facility during during our regular operating hours of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday 9 – 11:45 am. Phone: 818-985-7365 2014 PLEDGE UPDATE Love Your Neighbor Our Parish’s Assigned Goal: Amount Pledged: Amount Paid: Remaining Balance: $98,560.70 $82,751.00 $55,591.00 $42,969.70 The monthly pledge billings for the Together in Mission pledges have been mailed. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our Parish will reach and, hopefully, exceed our goal. Once the pledge payments have exceeded our goal, we receive all of the additional funds for use in our Parish Ministries. Please remember that if we do not meet our assigned goal, the parish is responsible for paying the deficit. Save the Date SPECIAL LECTURE ON THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF CARDINAL TIMOTHY MANNING For over 55 years, we in Southern California and the Church universal were blessed by the ministry of a good and faithful servant of the Gospel, Cardinal Timothy Manning. This coming June 23 is the 25th anniversary of the death of this truly good shepherd. On that day, St. John’s Seminary will sponsor a lecture by Monsignor Francis Weber entitled Cardinal Timothy Manning: The Human Side of a Princely Cleric. This will be held at St. John Baptist de la Salle Parish, Granada Hills. Admission will be free. Please watch for further information in your parish bulletin in mid-June or contact the Seminary’s Advancement Office by phone at 805-389-2035 or email: advancement@stjohnsem.edu. TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND Sunday TV Mass brings the liturgy to Catholics unable to get to church, but only if they know the televised Mass is available. Please help spread the word so that family members and friends can invite the sick and homebound to join in the TV Mass. Make Sundays complete for someone you love who can't get to church by sharing information about TV Mass for the homebound. Sunday TV Mass airs at 9 am on KDOC-TV channel 56. Check TV listings for cable/satellite channels. Note: TV Mass does not meet the Sunday Mass obligation for the faithful who are able to attend in person. Page Eight St. Charles Borromeo Church The Most Holy Trinity Page Nine St. Charles Borromeo Church Devotions and Prayers The Rosary for Life will be said First Fridays in the Parish Center Chapel at 4:30 pm FIRST FRIDAY, JULY 4 RECONCILIATION Thursday, 4:00-5:00 pm MASS - 7:30 am & 12:05 pm EUCHARTISTIC ADORATION 8:00 am - Noon RESPECT LIFE ROSARY 4:30 pm MISA EL PRIMER VIERNES 7:00 pm NOVENA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tuesdays, Following 12:05 pm Mass ROSARY Following 7:30 am & 12:05 pm Mass And before 5 pm Saturday Vigil Mass OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Sundays, 4:00 pm To be a Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound or to receive communion in your home, contact Mary Genova at 818-954-8955. To be a Eucharistic Minister for Masses, e-mail Jeanie Essa at jessa@bell-jeff.net Rest in Peace Mass Intentions Joseph Ronald Drezek Gloryette Patricia Clark Jim Barrett Irv Bud Asuncion Pangan Monday, June 16 7:30 am Mary Ellen McIntyre 12:05 pm Fathers’ Day Novena Tuesday, June 17 7:30 am Fathers’ Day Novena 12:05 pm Catherine Armanino Pray for the Sick Wednesday, June 18 7:30 am Maria Magdalena Briones 12:05 pm Jim Barrett Fathers’ Day Novena Arthur Rossof Kristine Rossof Carol Charette Gary Cruz Thursday, June 19 To add names, please call the Parish Office. St. Romuald 7:30 pm Fathers’ Day Novena 12:05 pm Malcolm O’Donnell Mon Friday, June 20 7:30 am Jim Barrett 12:05 pm Fathers’ Day Novena Saturday, June 21 Readings for the Week Eucharistic Ministry June 15, 2014 Tue St. Aloysius Gonzaga 7:30 am Fathers’ Day Novena 5:00 pm Mamie and Sam Naimo Wed Gordon, Sr, Ruth, Gordon, Jr., and Deborah Pouliot Sunday, June 22 Thu Corpus Christi 7:15 am Nancy Malone 8:30 am Miserendino Family ♥ Fri Envelope Reminder Fathers’ Day Novena In order to receive proper credit for 10:00 am Teofilo Sison your contributions, please use your Benjamin Soriano preprinted envelopes that you receive 11:30 am Vicki Curran ♥ Sat monthly in the mail. If you forget your Anselma C. Vergara envelope, please include your number Parish Intentions with your donation. 1:00 pm Raymond J. Murphy Sun 3:00 pm Parish Intentions DISCERNING YOUR LIFE PATH? 5:00 pm Maria Norilyn Sanchez Contact Sr. Carol Quinlivan, CSJ: Deceased ♥ Special Intention cquinlivan@csjla.org 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23 2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34 Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58 Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish! Please register if you would like to be a member of our community. Thank you for printing neatly and dropping this form in the offering basket or at the Parish Office. Your personalized tithing envelopes will be mailed to you in 8-12 weeks. If you use the envelopes in the pews, please mark your first and family name and your envelope number. □Check here if this a change of address. □Mr. & Mrs. □Mr. □Mrs. □Ms. □Student Name__________________________________________________ Spouse __________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________City ___________________________ Zip_______________ E-mail______________________________________________________________Telephone____________________________________ EMERALD GREEN PLUMBING (818) 703-9799 • FREE ESTIMATES • 10% CHURCH DISCOUNT • FULL PLUMBING SERVICE • COPPER RE-PIPES • SEWER DRAIN CLEANING • 24 HR EMERGENCY SERVICE CATHOLIC IRISH OWNED AND OPERATED LOCAL PARISHIONER BRIAN WALSH 4615 Lankershim Blvd. No. Hollywood, CA 91602 (2 blocks north of St. Charles) *** Open Lunch and dinner Closed Sunday and Monday *** Mention you are a Parishioner Is this film suitable for my children? Reviews and ratings of an extensive list of movies, both current and archived is available at: 4410 Lankershim North Hollywood BREAKFAST SPECIAL WHY IS IT Le Petit Chateau Restaurant Mexican Restaurant A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. is Offered from 10AM to 12PM on Saturday & Sunday http://www.usccb.org/movies/ $3.99 This service is provided by the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting WHY IS IT? for a Free French Dessert 13301 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Call (818) 769-1812 website lepetitchateau.org Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 ADVERTISING Proudly Serving the St. Charles Parish Community Angeleno Valley He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. Jim Barrett Broker LIC# 00268775 10205 Riverside Drive Toluca Lake, CA 91602 (818) 763-5162 (818) 634-5699 Cell REAL ESTATE SERVICES jimbarrett9@yahoo.com THE LAW FIRM OF FOX AND FOX 4262 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CA 323-937-4422 MORTUARY RIGO J. FLORES - Director Traditional Catholic Service • Cremations • Burials • Ship Outs/US/International 5423 TUJUNGA AVE., NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91601 TEL: 818 753-7880 & 888-495-5888 FD1599 YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT SEX AND VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION AND ABOUT THE TRAFFIC IN PORNOGRAPHY for information on what you can do write: Morality in Media, Inc. 1100 G Street NW, Suite 1030, Washington, DC 20005 (202) 393-7245 CLAIRE@FOXANDFOX.COM FRANK@FOXANDFOX.COM FREE LEGAL ADVICE RE FAMILY LAW, PATERNITY, PROBATE, ESTATE PLANNING AND WILLS & TRUST. 513890 St Charles Borromeo Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Your ad GRAND OPENING MARIA LUCIA CRUZ, D.D.S. Family & Cosmetic D E N T I S T RY Are you ever alone? 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Soulé, CPA Parishioner • Tax Planning & Preparation • Business Problem Solving • Financial Statements EILEEN’S ERRAND SERVICE (818) 980-7867 That helping hand just when you need it most 12520 Magnolia Blvd., #212 818-457-1713 wwww.eileenserrandservice.com Local Parishioner Valley Village Employment Law Business Litigation Personal Injury Stephen M. Rinka Attorney and Parishioner Mention this ad and I will donate a portion of my fees to St. Charles Borromeo. 310.556.9653 Henry’s Tacos Family Dentistry & Orthodontics Teresita R. Laurente, DDS Rex S. Laurente, DDS We’ll Find the Best Dental Treatment for You. OPEN: Tue-Fri 9-6 Sat 9-3 1056 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, 91506 (inside Rancho Marketplace next to Pavillions) NEW YE SPECIAAR’S L Teeth Whitening Plus R EE Take HF ome Kit $80 Proudly Serving the St. Charles Community Since 1961 Open 7 Days 4389 Tujunga Ave. (818) 769-0343 Catholic Owned Providing Insurance and Financial Services The best compliment you can give us is a referral. 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