Pastor`s Pen


Pastor`s Pen
June 5, 2016
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Moved with Pity”
Today’s Readings
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
1 Kings 17:17-24
(God, Lord of Life)
Mass Times:
St. Charles: Wednesday 10:30am;
Sunday 8:15am AND 11:30am
Psalm 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-13
Nativity: Thursday Noon; Saturday 4pm;
Sunday 9:45am
Galatians 1:11-19
(Paul’s Conversion)
Luke 7:11-17
(Christ, Lord of Life)
“The Lord Be With You.”
Pastor’s Pen
In the two readings today, Elijah and Jesus bring people back to life. I wonder how
these young men were after they were brought back to life. I wonder how their mothers were
after the event of getting their sons back. I know when the miracle occurred they were truly
grateful to God for so great a blessing. I suspect that for a while they were acutely aware of
the precious gift of their family and savored their relationships. But if they were anything
like the rest of us, they would have gotten back into their routines and began to take life for
granted again. The next time tragedy struck they would doubt that God was with them and
would forget the miracles that they had witnessed.
In our own lives, how often have we come out of a terrible sickness and vowed to
never take our lives for granted? How often have we prayed for a family member who’s been
sick and when they recover, we quickly forget the miracle before our eyes? I think it’s human
nature to settle into our routines but when we do we can miss the miracles that are right in
front of us: our children, our spouses, our friends who are always there for us, even our pets!
Today the Simpkins family will celebrate the life of their mother, Jean Simpkins, at the
11:30am Mass. They are a family that has seen their share of tragedies and yet they keep
going and trying to find new life in the midst of the sorrows. I think that’s our call as
followers of Jesus. We are called to appreciate our lives and the lives of all around us. We
are also called to walk through our tragedies and struggles with the eyes of faith knowing that
although it may make no sense to us, our Christ is there making new life out of that which
seems to be dead. Life can be very tough and we can feel like we’ve been beaten up by the
struggles. Today, we’re reminded that Christ isn’t done yet and he continues to call us to
something greater in the midst of the struggles! He’s got us and all will be well. We just
have to hold on and allow him to lead us. May we spend time this week in appreciation of
our lives, both the joys and the struggles, knowing that Christ is with us through all of it!
St. Charles Mission Statement
St. Charles Borromeo, a diverse urban parish of Detroit, is rooted in Christ’s Gospel and Catholic tradition. We strive to build a community of
faith through education, worship, and evangelization. We are called to carry on Christ’s ministry to our brothers and sisters, especially the
sick and their families, the elderly, youth, and the disabled. With Mary as our example of unconditional love, we strive to welcome everyone
to share joyfully in the peace, love and salvation of Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that it is the Holy Spirit who calls and empowers us, who
strengthens and renews us, and who gives us the will to continue our mission, until Jesus comes again in glory.
We Pray for the
Healing Presence for…
Bobby Allen
Doris Allen
Shirley Bailey
Shawn Burks
Carol Cherry
LaTisha Dearing
Nicole Dooley
Kyle Duker
Susanne Fileccia
Doris Harris
John Huddleston
Bill Hyde
Tony Lababera
Sam LaFata
Michael Martin
Patricia C. Randall
Carol Reyes
Judy Schultz
Jenny White
St. Charles 2016
Dinner Dance Info
Date: Friday, Sept. 16
Cocktails: 6:30p-7:30p
Dinner: 7:30p-8:30p
Location: Assumption
Cultural Center (21800
Marter Road, St. Clair
Shores 48080)
Ticket Info:
$50/person until
7/31/16; $55 per person
from 8/1/16 to 8/31/16
Table of 10: $450 until
7/31/16; $550 from
8/1/16 to 8/31/16. To
purchase a table of 10
all tickets must be paid
for at the same time with
one check. Table
purchase lets you
choose your table the
week before the event!
Put your ticket(s) in
layaway now to get the
reduced price!
Questions of the Week
(Please see Today’s Readings)
Key Passage: "As Jesus approached the gate of the town, a man who had died
was being carried out. He was his mother's only son, and she was a widow; and
with her was a large crowd from the town. When the Lord saw her, he had
compassion for her and said to her, "Do not weep." (Luke 7:12-13)
Adult: To whom can you show a greater sense of compassion and mercy?
Child: To whom can you be more caring this week? How would you show that to
him or her?
Catholic Corner: Reorient Your Mind
"Give justice to the weak and the orphan; maintain the right of the lowly and
destitute." Psalm 82:3
In the cultural world of Jesus, a woman's worth was measured as wife and child
bearer. With no husband or son to take care of her the widow in today's gospel
story was “as good as dead.”
Her options for financial security and a life of
meaning were slim to none. She would have to depend on the almsgiving of
strangers and the Temple treasury for her physical needs, but her social status is
We can relate to her weeping as an expression of sadness and understand
Jesus' compassion at the death of her son. However, if we look deeper into the
scene presented, we can see that Jesus' response was less about the loss of her
child as it was about freeing the widow from the oppression of an unjust system; a
system that abandons women who have no significant men in their life to an
existence of vulnerability and poverty. It’s about alerting us to work for system
In honor of Pope Francis’ declaration of a Year of Mercy, the Solanus Casey
Center will feature an evening of music in the Creation Garden with Dr. Riccardo
Selva & Friends Jazz Combo, Wed., June 22, 6-8:30 pm. Wine, soft drinks, and
appetizers will be available. There is no charge for the event. Secured parking will
be available. 1780 Mount Elliott Street, Detroit. This is one of several Year of Mercy
events taking place at the Solanus Center.
Archdiocese of Detroit News
A Minute with Synod 16
Did you know that you have a role in Synod ’16? A Synod is an occasion for a select
group of people from throughout the local Church to advise the Archbishop on an
important matter of the faith. Synod ’16 will help Archbishop Vigneron lead the
diocese in the efforts of evangelization. But when the Synod members from the
Archdiocese of Detroit gather in the fall, they will be privy to input from tens of
thousands of Catholics from our parishes. This input will come from the Parish
Dialogue Gatherings. Many parishes are hosting these gatherings, and Catholics
are welcome to attend any gathering that is open to the faithful. So if you haven’t
already, share your thoughts at a Parish Dialogue Gathering at your parish or in
your area. Visit for more details and a listing of gatherings.
Mercy in Action Service Day
In this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis encourages us to serve those who need help.
“Whenever we do something together, something good, something beautiful,
everyone changes. All of us change in some way and this does us good.” –Pope
Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) is collaborating with parishes,
schools, and others to coordinate a regional Day of Service on Saturday, October 1
to organize a multitude of local service projects like helping those in need with
chores and tidying up around the house, stocking food pantries, cleaning up
neighborhood parks, and other efforts. Learn more about service projects in your
area and register to help! We are the hands, feet, and heart needed to lift burdens
from another! Get involved by calling Joyce Hyttinen at 248-537-3304 or email:
Upcoming Events / Meetings
Sunday, July 10, 2016 Graduate
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Annual St. Charles Street Festival
Sunday, July 17, 2016
New Member Welcome Sunday
11:30am Mass ONLY
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Jean Simpkins
Father Louis Grand Pre
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Gail Stoll
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Nathan Kennedy
Fenczyk Family
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Walker Simpkins
Weekly Collection
$ 2,500.00
$ 198.89
$ 2,713.89
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Fathers of St. Charles
Jesse Kirby
6/12 – Session 8 (last class)
RCIA is for adults who are
interested in what it means to be
a Catholic Christian. No
commitments, just friendly
discussions. Contact Priscilla
through the Parish Office at 313331-0253.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Anthony Seyboldt
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Katherine Tazzia
Reminder: Battery Recycling
Battery Giant is now open in
Harbortown. Not only do they sell batteries
to meet most needs, they are also
recycling all types of batteries, both for
home and business. They will take any
type/size of battery: flashlight batteries,
car batteries, power tool batteries,
flashlight, hearing aid, etc. (Battery Giant is
located at: 3496 E. Jefferson, Unit B,
Detroit, MI 48207 in the Harbortown
Shopping Center)
Rectory Hours: Mon-Thurs, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
St. Charles Borromeo
1491 Baldwin St., Detroit, MI 48214
313-331-0253 (Fax 313-331-4834)
St. Charles Web Site:
Pastoral Team
Bro. Ray Stadmeyer, OFM, Cap., Pastor
Rhonda Gilbert, Parish Council Chair
Jessica Taylor, Parish Council Vice-Chair
Linda Simpkins, Parish Council Secretary
Thomas Nance, Choir Director
Priscilla Steenburg, Religious Education Director
Gayle Koyton, Boulevard Ministry
Council Members
Mary Ann Andrecovich
Gerry Danielewicz
Rhonda Gilbert
Autumn Hamilton (youth)
Donna King
Marcia Lee
Steve Llorens
Diane Simpkins
Linda Simpkins
Jessica Taylor
Stephanie Vujic
Mark Wedgeworth
Frances Williams
Paco Williams
Ashley Wilson
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Kaelyn Carson
Zion Avery
Roderick Jones
Come, Encounter Christ!
“Come, Encounter Christ!”
experiences occur on three
consecutive evenings. Each
has different themes and
preachers, all focused on the
true Eucharistic presence of
Jesus and how to begin a
personal relationship with our
Lord and Savior.
Mon. June 06: 1 Kings 17:1-6;
Psalm 121:1b-8; Matthew 5:1-12
Tues. June 07: 1 Kings 17:7-16;
Psalm 4:2-5, 7b-8;
Matthew 5:13-16
Wed. June 08: 1 Kings 18:20-39;
Psalm 16:1b-2b, 4-5b, 8, 11;
Matthew 5:17-19
The next gatherings will
be held at St. Louise Chapel
in Lapeer, June 15 to 17.
Thurs. June 09: 1 Kings 18:41-46;
Psalm 65:10-13; Matthew 5:20-26
Details about “Come,
Encounter Christ!” can be
found at:
Fri. June 10: 1 Kings 19:9a, 1116; Psalm 27:7-9c, 13-14;
Matthew 5:27-32
For more information
about CSA-funded ministries,
programs, and services,
please go to
Sat. June 11: Acts 11:21b-26,
13:1-3; Psalm 98:1-6; Matthew
Sun. June 12: 2 Samuel 12:7-10,
13; Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11;
Galatians 2:16, 19-21;
Luke 7:36- 8:3
Capuchin Soup Kitchen Events: Friday, August 26 - The 23rd Annual Benefit on the Bay!
The Live Free! Conference is coming soon!
Do you or someone you know need the freedom of Jesus? Perhaps there is a struggle to change or
forgive? This event is about being set free to live and love more fully! This conference presents the teachings
of Neal Lozano as found in the book, Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance. During the conference there
will be teaching and opportunities for to receive prayer. It will be held on June 10th & 11th at Ss. Cyril and
Methodius Catholic Church. The cost is $15 and registration is open at
For questions or more information visit