St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church 601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301 Parish Vision Statement: We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit: Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community. Parish Office: School Office: Religious Education Office: Latino Ministry: St. Vincent DePaul Society: Founded 1791 636-946-1893 636-946-2713 636-946-2916 636-946-1893 636-925-1616 email: email: leave a message after the recording Pastoral Staff: Father John Reiker, Pastor: Father Bob Menner, Associate Pastor: Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate: Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon Deacon Fred Haehnel, Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon in Training Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry Mrs. Becca McCullough, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Peggy Dupree, Office Manager Ms. Becky Sanchez, Office Secretary Mrs. Ann Hoffman, School Principal Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir Mr. Juan Saldana, Hispanic Choir Mr. Sam Plummer, Youth Ministry Mr. Ron Weisar, Parish Council Chairperson Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment Schedule of Holy Mass Saturday: 8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. in Spanish SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES Sacrament of Baptism: Arrangements made after parental instruction. Call the parish office for more information. Sacrament of Matrimony: Contact the parish office six months prior to wedding to begin preparations Weekdays: 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin National Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm Parish Office Business Hours Perpetual Help Devotions: Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Bulletin deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m. Parish Hall Rental: Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym) Peggy at 636-946-1893 (café) OUR WARM WELCOME TO ALL! We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon. Name________________________________________________ Cell/Phone Number_______________________________ Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________ ___ Please make the above changes to my parish record ___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith ___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon ___ ___ ___ Interested in information about annulments/validation Information on having my children baptized Please pray for: __________________________________ Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish! From the Pastor’s Pen Justice for Immigrants: The Time is Now While our Church has been active in the struggle for just and humane immigration reform for over a decade, in the past year the U.S. Catholic Bishops, have emerged as one of the strongest moral voices in the nation. We are now calling upon you to join our Church in telling our elected officials that they need to: Stop deportations of parents of U.S. Citizen children-keep families united; Pass Immigration Reform No more deaths at the border or in detention centers. Here in our own Archdiocese, Yesenia Miranda, who is 11 years old and a U.S. citizen, watched ICE arrest her father in her own home. He was then sent to a detention center and deported. In her testimony to her Congressperson, Yesenia acknowledges that her father is a good person who came to St. Louis without papers so that she could have a better life. Yesenia also stands in solidarity with all children who have experienced her loss, writing, "We are humans and it is an injustice to be separated from our parents." As members of the Body of Christ through our Baptism, we need to stand in solidarity with these children and their families and work to end this injustice. Last month at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, Cardinal Sean O'Malley repeated Pope Francis's call that, "love and justice must motivate us to work for the transformation of our own hearts, so that we can transform the world around us." You can help NOW by calling the House of Representatives at 1-855-589-5698. The operator will ask for your zip code, then ask them to give your Representative this message: Include a path for citizenship for undocumented immigrants and maintain family unity by preserving a family immigration system. Pope Francis Speaks to our Hearts We Are All Equal in the Church What does the Holy Spirit do among us? He designs the variety which is a wealth in the Church and unites us, each and ever one, to constitute a spiritual temple in which we do not offer material sacrifices but ourselves, our life (cf. 1 Peter 2: 4-5). The Church is not a fabric woven of things and interests; she is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Temple in which God works, the Temple in which, with the gift of Baptism, each one of us is a living stone. This tells us that no one in the Church is useless, and if from time to time someone says to someone else, “Go home, you are not good,” this is not true. For no one is no good in the Church; we are all necessary for building this Temple! No one is secondary. No one is the most important person in the Church; we are all equal in God’s eyes. Some of you might say, “Listen, Mr. Pope, you are not our equal.” Yes, I am like each one of you; we are all equal, we are brothers and sisters! Good News of Jesus Working in our Borromeo Family Congratulations to our OASIS Volunteers who were recently honored at the Rigali Center for marking 5 years of service to our Borromeo School children. Honored were Kathy Classen, Betty Gutermuth, Kathy Fink, Mary Kantz, Doris Ohlms, Judy Funke and John Weber. Prayer of the Week for our Holy Father Lord Jesus Christ, We ask Your abundant blessings on our spiritual leader, Pope Francis. Send your Holy Spirit upon him that he may be a brother to all of his faithful and a true servant to Almighty God. Strengthen him daily to complete the immense duties of the Church with grace and compassion. Allow him to be a humble leader who strives to bring peace, justice and truth into our world. Above all, bestow upon our Holy Father Your gifts of faith, hope and love so that he unceasingly proclaims Your Holy Name. Mother Mary and all the holy angels and saints of God, we ask you to guide Pope Francis this day and always. Amen. Spread the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus and His Borromeo Family! Your Brother in Jesus, Father John We offer our prayerful sympathy to Rich (and Pat) Hamilton on the death of his father Louis Hamilton, and to Rosy Ramos on the death of her father Jesus Vazquez. May they and all the faithful departed rest in peace. Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 2014 June 21/22 Contributions Monday, June 30, Weekday 6:30 a.m. Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Francis & Albertina Albracht Tuesday, July 1, Bl. Junipero Serra, Priest 6:30 a.m. Helen Briscoe—8th anniv. 8:00 a.m. Elise Getz Wednesday, July 2, Weekday 6:30 a.m. Arcella Vomund 8:00 a.m. Carol Ermeling 6:15 p.m. (Spanish) Edna Roettger Thursday, July 3, St. Thomas, Apostle 6:30 a.m. Marty Heuermann 8:00 a.m. Viola Moore– 2nd anniv. Friday, July 4, Independence Day 9:00 a.m. Bill Grosch 9:15 (Parkside) John Rufkahr Saturday, July 5, St. Anthony Zaccaria, priest 8:00 a.m. Tom Hutchinson, anniv. 5:00 p.m. Shirley Muehlenkamp Sunday, July 6, Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. Clem Weber 8:30 a.m. Lou Borgmeyer 10:00 a.m. Marie Baumann 11:30 a.m. Our Parish Family Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: Readings of the Week Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50; Mt 8:18-22 Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5; Mt 8:23-27 Am 5:14-15, 21-24; Ps 50; Mt 8:28-34 Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117; Jn 20:24-29 Independence Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Country,” Am 9:11-15; Ps 85; Mt 9:14-17 Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30 Gospel Reflection Peter named Jesus as the Messiah in this gospel. Later Jesus named Peter as the foundation of the earthly Church and gave him the keys of power. Peter was to be like the steward of a palace making decisions for the Church community. God promised to stand behind Peter’s decisions. Sometimes it seems like an awesome responsibility, but children look to their parents on which they build many things: their trust in other people, their hope, and certainly their faith in God’s promises. The way our children see us respond to others, what they hear us say, and what they see us do, will shape who Jesus is in their lives. Taking a moment to pray for guidance and wisdom before we act or react to a situation may be just enough to let Jesus in. The most important thing for me about being Catholic is . . . General Contributions: Loose: TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS: $11,217.00 1,051.69 $12,268.69 THANK YOU for the great love you show to our Borromeo Family carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need by the generosity you display when you share your Treasure, and all God’s gifts to you, given for others. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race.” 2 Tim. 4:7 Stewardship is not an easy life style. No one promised that it would be. It is counter-cultural to most things in the world today. However, putting God first in all things, living a life of gratitude and being generous with our time, talent and treasure brings tremendous joy to those who are disciplined Fight the good fight and keep the faith! We pray that we continue to “fight the good fight” and “keep the faith.” ~~ Activities This Week ~~ Café closed for floor refinishing all week Sunday, June 29 Event in gym this afternoon Tuesday, July 1 W-CRHP10, church office, 7:00pm Wednesday, July 2 Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am—noon Thursday, July 3 SCB Book Club, church office, 6:30pm Friday, July 4 Mass at 9:00am Saturday, July 5 Men’s Fellowship, Bicentennial Room, 6:30pm Please pray for Fr. Bob and Fr. Don as they travel to Bolivia during the month of July! Café closed June 27 thru July 10 July 4th Mass in church at 9:00am Baptismal preparation class, July 7 Uniform Exchange, July 12 Mission Trip, July 19 through 26 Ladies Sodality Card Party, July 21 Lifeline Adoration, July 24 Kindergarten Ice Cream Social, August 7 School Open House & Uniform Exchange, August 10 Youth/Family Mass, August 10 School Back in Session, August 12 Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish! Girl Scout Gold Award Project LADIES SODALITY ANNUAL by Kristen Crow After seeing the effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, the Good Friday Tornadoes in 2011, the Oklahoma Tornadoes, and the other recent natural disasters in our country, I thought, Is my neighborhood/town pre- Monday, July 21 11:30am in the gym pared if a natural disaster like these hit us here in St. Charles? I am working with Mrs. Hoffman to provide emergency response backpacks. The backpacks will be filled with supplies for the faculty emergency response team. While the school already has emergency supplies, the backpack supplies would be used in a crisis such as an earthquake, containing clipboards, batteries, dust masks, tape, safety goggles, etc. I am asking for your help. I am collecting monetary donations to pay for the cost of supplies for the backpacks. Any donation would be gratefully accepted. Checks can be made out to “SCB” with “Girl Scout Gold Award” on the memo line. Donations can be turned in to either the school or parish office. Thank you so much for helping me with this project. Your donations are a great help to making this project a success. $10 per person includes lunch & dessert Call Barb at 636-947-3939 for reservations In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones to drink because the little one is a disciple—amen, I say to you, he will surely not lose his reward.” Last month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring the peace of God to the poor by assisting 106 families, providing 323 meals at the soup kitchen, and $5,230.80 for utility and rent bills, etc. Thank you! For more info, call Joyce Cain 636-448-2021. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PRAYER TREE No request is too small to be brought to the Lord in prayer. Call us at 928-2970, 946-0993, or e-mail us at We will include you in our daily prayers. Your requests will be kept confidential. Please pray for our loved ones who are hospitalized or ill, including: Cletus Friedman, Larry Presson, Alicia Chica, Tina Enentably, Steve Zimmerman and for the intentions on our Borromeo Prayer Tree and in our Book of Prayers also: HOMEBOUND: Rudy Baumann, Virginia Burkett, Elmer Dill, Margaret Eastman, Madge Eisenbath, Tim Fecenko, Eileen Fine, Tish Greiwe, Florence Herter, Maureen Johnson, Lorraine Jones, Ron Kjar, John Kreutzer, Lavern Kutchback, Evo & Sharon Malpiedi, Vicki McCoy, Diane Medler, Frank Niccoli, Larry Presson, Doris Renken, Jack & Isolino “Skip” Russo, Nan Schaeffer, Gene & Sophie Steinhoff, Melvin Thebeau, Leo Vehige, Catherine Weber, Marty Waigand, Greg Weis VILLAGES OF ST. PETERS: Mary Dreckshage, Barb Taylor, Boots & Barb Wieland MT. CARMEL: Bill Engelmeyer, Dolly Johannesman, Elizabeth Rauch, Vivian Schott PARKSIDE: Gloria Drackert, Henry Koch, Bob Sommer, Bob Ogden NATL. HEALTH CARE: Virginia Griesenauer ST. LOUIS COUNTY: Anastasia Blume CHARLEVOIX: Kathleen Bornhop, Toni Brockgreitens GARDENVIEW: Bernice Nacke, Jack Pickering FAIRWINDS: Herb Cowart MERAMEC BLUFFS: Emily Heck LAKE ST. CHARLES: Rose O’Brien, Mary Haake VA HOME: Melvin Orf, Calvin Kneemiller (Call Mary Kutchback at 946-9758 if anyone else!) Homebound, Critically Ill or in the Hospital? If you are homebound and wish to receive the Eucharist, or receive a visit while in the hospital, please call Mary Kutchback at 946-9758 and the parish office at 946-1893. Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 2014 Servers, 8am Weekdays Mon, June 30: Tue, July 1: Wed, July 2: Thu, July 3: Fri, July 4: Sat, July 5: Kyle Crow, Quinn Gallagher Maddie Beerman, Jessica Dent Mallory Murray, Mia Adamski Patrick Koester, Sarah Stewart Emily Schieferdecker, Sydney Hilker Dan & Kate Rolfes Ministry List, July 5/6 (Greeters needed for 5:00, 7:00, 8:30 and 10:00 Masses) Saturday, July 5 5:00pm L/C: Sr. Munch, Linda Beeson Joe Galloy EM: Tom Schneider, Carol Pappas, Larry Henry, Francis Fessler (Host) Jim Garrigan, Joyce Schneider Serv: Sophie & Lily Karase, Jacob Williams Ush: Jim Lammert, Don Richardson, John Williams, Dick Rufkahr GB: Beth Norviel Sunday, July 6 7:00am L/C: Bob Poeling Steve Deters EM: Ellie Plummer, Sharon Hensley, Joann Sullivan Serv: Quinn Gallagher, John Fink Ush: Mark Leonhard, Josey Page, Dave Schaeffer, vol. pls. GB: Sharon Hensley L/C: EM: Serv: Ush: GB: L/C: EM: Serv: Ush: GB: L/C: EM: Serv: Ush: GB: Gr: 8:30am Bob Schaberg, Rachel Kitzmann Young Adult Choir Ken & Connie Kapeller, Sharon Schnarre, Jeanette Cleary (Host) Gene & Suzanne Carroll Ashley Norviel, Sarah Stewart, Mia Adamski Dan Dziedzic, Tim Meyer, Charles Schroeder, Don Wappelhorst Keith & Jeanne Liston & Family 10:00am Joe Briscoe, Paul Woody Choir Judith O’Connor, Patti York, Roland Faubert, Kathy Anderson (Host) Marge Pohl, Rosa Lee Rodgers Mallory Murray, Audrey Dickherber, Arianna Chaves Gregg Jost, Gary Snyder, Bob Underwood, Mike VanBoening David & Kathleen Bonser 11:30am Rafael & Toni Hernandez el coro Ampelia V., Maria Ramirez, Dionisia Zamudio Richard Veit (Host) Cathy Herrod, Steve Cave Luz, Carlos & Alma Quiroz Jeff Kozich, Carlos Chica, Francisco Plaza, Leobardo Aguilar Pre Confirmation Adolfo & Gaby Quiroz Our Parish’s Jesuit Spiritual Foundation The world is becoming more aware of, and attracted to, the spirituality of Pope Francis, the first Jesuit pope. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, and its principles and prayer methods provide a foundation for Jesuit spirituality and outlook. Pope Francis exudes the joy of knowing Jesus, and he views the Gospels in imaginative ways, which both reflect important components of the Spiritual Exercises. The Bridges Foundation, Inc. will sponsor an Information Session for those wishing to experience the Spiritual Exercises. St. Charles Borromeo School Bicentennial Room Wednesday, July 9 at 7pm Please see the Bridges website for more information: or call SCB parishioner Carol Boerding 636-949-0993. Pope Francis ...has some amazingly inspiring and practical homilies every day. You can read all and watch some on (the official Vatican Network). Praise God the Holy Spirit for speaking through our Holy Father. For Our Homebound Members If you are homebound, or if you know of someone in our parish, who cannot get to church regularly and would like to receive Holy Communion at home, some of our Eucharistic Ministers would be happy to offer Communion. One of our priests would visit first, then we would put one of our Communion Ministers to the Sick in touch with you to make arrangements for future visits. Please call the church office if you are interested or for more information—946-1893. Shopping list for July 26/27 canned chicken or salmon, mixed fruit, dry soup, mixed vegetables, laundry liquid, child’s toothbrush Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish! St. Charles Borromeo School School Uniform Exchange When: Saturday, July 12th 9:00 am-12:00 pm Where: SCB Cafe Contact: Stephanie Stoltman: St. Charles Borromeo Uniform Exchange is an opportunity for families to buy, donate or exchange gently worn uniform items. When donating to the uniform exchange please provide clothing that is clean and gently worn. We are unable to accept non-sellable clothing that is dirty, torn, stained, or needs hemming – they will not be accepted for credit, but will be collected for donation to St. Vincent de Paul charity as bulk cotton. We accept the following items: Jumpers / Skirts / Fleece Wear Pants / Shorts / Sweaters / Logo Shirts Leggings / Modesty Shorts / Belts / PE uniforms Cash to buy/Credit for exchanging $6 $4 $2 We are no longer accepting plain white shirts or hoodies at the exchange. Thank you for helping SCB families grow generation to generation! The office hours during summer vacation are Wednesdays, 8:00am until noon. REPORT CARDS are in a box in the Narthex St. Charles Borromeo School is on Facebook! Check us out! St. Charles Borromeo Religious Education Registrations for the Parish School of Religion and Preschool during 8:30 Mass is underway now! Planning over the summer helps us jump start the fall session. Classes begin August 17. Registration materials are available on our parish website. From the home page, select “Religious Education”. Classes are offered for students from three years old out of diapers through Confirmation preparation. ***Parents are reminded that children desiring a sacrament must attend one full year of formal religious education prior to that Sacrament begin received.*** Parish School of Religion Overview The Parish School of Religion provides religious formation for the families in our parish whose children attend public school. Our program instructs children in our parish family as a community of believers in the Catholic faith. These instructions include faith-enriching experiences such as liturgies, prayer, sacramental preparation, Stations of the Cross, Living Rosary, discussions leading to moral awareness and community service and lessons on the rich teachings and traditions of our Catholic heritage. Because parents are the primary educators and the home is the domestic church, they are involved at all levels through out the school year. Our parish offers the PSR program to assist parents in fulfilling their obligations as primary educators of our Catholic faith. The cooperation between parents and catechists results in responsible behavior essential for the growth of the student as a contributing member of the Christian community. Are you interested in Pre-school for ages 3 to 5 during 10am Mass? If so, please contact Becca McCullough, to discuss possibilities! Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 2014 Chastity Contest Winning Entries Please pray for our expectant moms: Jennifer (June) Jessica, Ashley (August) Ashley (September) Maria (October) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let us pray: for the terminally ill and their families, that they may be given comfort and support in their time of need. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you think you may be pregnant ...or know someone who may be? Are you wondering what to do? Perhaps you have always been “pro-life” until now—until it happens to you! Birthright of St. Charles is just a phone call away—636-724-1200—to help you sort things out. Birthright offers pregnancy test, professional counseling, practical help and referrals at it is ALL free and confidential. Call Birthright before you make a decision you may regret for the rest of your life. We welcome to our Parish Family through the Sacrament of Baptism: Abel Garcia Flores son of Abel Garcia and Ava Flores Ava James Long daughter of James and Katherine (Kutchback) Long Jackson Philip Guffey son of Nicholas and Amber (Lamar) Guffey Harper Elliot Douglas son of Brian and Susan (Sonderegger) Douglas We’re in a time of year between inestimable past blessings and quintessentially-infinite promise, between Memorial Day, which commemorates those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and the Fourth of July, which celebrates the issuance of our republic’s Declaration of Independence. Vinnie’s Autos, a car donation and transfer program of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, asks you to make a sacrifice that will help another family achieve greater independence. We continue to need volunteers to expand our donation base; please telephone Greg Marino, Program Manager, at 314-881Vinnie 6005 to discuss donating a car, boat, motorcycle, or your time. We’ve highlighted the winning entries from Elizabeth Brueggemann and Liz Wagner over the last couple of weeks. Over the next few weeks we’ll see the winning articles from Kate Nabours, Nathan Burke, and Kristen Warhover. Congratulations to all and to all a blessed summer. SCB Pro Life Ministry Essay by Nathan Burke Chastity is refraining from sexual intercourse, being morally clean, and not having sexual relations before marriage. The Church teaches us about chastity by helping us remember what God wants us to do. God tells us to only have intercourse to produce life, not because of a passion or desire for it. 1 Cor. 7: 8-9 says, “To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is well for them to remain single as I do. But if they cannot exercise selfcontrol, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion.” When we listen to this reading and do what God asks of us, we practice chastity. We violate chastity by committing sins of sexual nature, especially at a young age. If people have intercourse at a young age or before they are married it can lead to an abortion. An abortion is ending the unborn child’s life. People choose to have an abortion because they feel they can’t take care of their baby, feel they wouldn’t have enough money, they feel embarrassed or that they simply don’t want a baby in their lives. Most of the time when people get abortions, they start to feel guilt and regret because of how they ended their baby’s life. Even if people are having a baby, they can prevent an abortion by giving the baby to an adoption center. Probably the best way to prevent abortion is by practicing chastity and waiting to produce life after marriage. In conclusion, chastity is a very important virtue everyone should practice. Practicing chastity is doing what God wants us to do and shows respect to life. Chastity is God’s way of saying respect every human life. I believe in practicing chastity and respecting God’s great gift of life. Practicing chastity blesses me, along with everyone else, with true holiness, health and happiness. DUCHESNE HOCKEY CLUB: The Duchesne Catholic High School Hockey Club (JVD 2014-15) is open to players who are students attending Duchense High School, as well as ANY OUT-OF-DISTRICT PLAYERS THAT MEET ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Birth year: ‘98, ‘99, ‘00,’01; Standard player rules apply; Full contact hockey (checking). If you know of other players who may be interested in playing JVD hockey with DHC, please share this information and contact Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish! PARROQUIA SAN CHARLES BORROMEO MINISTERIO HISPANO Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598 * INTERPRETACION— Llámenos al 314-842-0062 M.J.V.C. El Movimiento Juvenil de Vida Cristiana te quiere invitar a que vivas tu JORNADA. ¡Pero antes debes asistir a una Pre-Jornada! Las Pre-Jornadas serán de 8am a 4pm, gratis con desayuno y almuerzo incluido. 16 de agosto Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. 17 de agosto St Cecilia 23 de agosto Holy Rosary 24 de agosto St Charles Borromeo Terapia en español confidencial Jesús López 636-219-2405 Head Start Aceptando aplicaciones para niños de 3 a 5 años. Para aplicar o más información llame al 636-757-9351 Requisitos: Tener entre 18 a 34 años, ser soltero. Para más información comuícate con Mayra 636-395-1607 o Jorge 314-680-9849 Junio 29 11:30am L/C: Rosa Maria Alvarado, Oscar Fuentes el coro EM: Maria Fuentes, Misael Alvarado, Maria Barretos, Dionisia Zamudio (Host) Guadalupe Damian, Bernardo Silverio Serv: Juan, Danny & Melissa Garcia Ush: Jeff Kozich, Ramon Sandoval, Diego Damian, Jorge Guerrero GB: Group 4 Christ Gr: Carlos & Olivia Chica Un pensamiento Por tu Matrimonio Atrévete a apagar el televisor, que destruye el diálogo conyugal. Busquen hacer algo juntos, que les divierta, que les ayude a revivir su amor: salir a bailar, comer, caminar. Pláticas para Bautismo Las pláticas para Bautismo son el 1º y 2º domingo de cada mes de 9.30-11am, se pide puntualidad. Son necesarias las dos clases para padres y padrinos, debido a la importancia de esta preparación se pide que en lo posible no se traigan niños, por consideración y respeto a los demás participantes, ya que pueden distraer la atención. Para confirmar su asistencia por favor llame a la oficina parroquial 636-946-1893. “Guardad siempre vuestro interior en silencio, hablando poco con las criaturas y mucho con Dios, padeciendo y trabajando por su amor.” Santa Margarita Maria INTENCIONES DEL PAPA FRANCISCO PARA JUNIO DEL 2014 Intencion General. Para que los desempleados reciban el apoyo y el trabajo que necesitan para vivir con dignidad. Intencion Misional. Para que Europa reencuentre sus raíces cristianas a través del testimonio de fe de los creyentes. Lecturas de la Semana Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Sal 50; Mt 8:18-22 Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Sal 5; Mt 8:23-27 Am 5:14-15, 21-24; Sal 50; Mt 8:28-34 Ef 2:19-22; Sal 117; Jn 20:24-29 Independencia se pueden tomar las lecturas de la Misas para varias necesidades y ocasiones: Por la nación, por la paz y justicia. Sábado: Am 9:11-15; Sal 85; Mt 9:14-17 Domingo: Zec 9:9-10; Sal 145; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30 Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 2014 ¿Sabías Que? En la Pascua, el símbolo de la luz se asocia al conocimiento, a tomar conciencia de algo nuevo frente a la oscuridad de la ignorancia. Por ello la luz es vida y salva- CATECISMO 1-855-589-5698 Están abiertas las registraciones hasta el 10 de agosto. Para registrarse por favor ir a la oficina parroquial Lunes a jueves 9am—3:30pm Viernes 9am—12pm. El Uso de la Cafetería Para los individuos o grupos que utilizan la cafetería, se solicita que no arrastren las mesas o sillas porque rayan el suelo. Las mesas tienen ruedas en un extreme, por lo que es relativamente fácil de mover. También, por favor, poner las mesas y sillas en su lugar si usted tiene necesidad de moverlas. Nos va a ahorrar mucho tiempo al comienzo de la jornada escolar. Gracias por su cooperación! Marcar su Código Postal (Zip Code) Decir a la operadora: “Please give this message to my representative: Include a path for citizenship for undocumented immigrants and maintain family unity by preserving a family immigration system.” Confesiones en espanol: Confesiones los miercoles 7pm. Oraciones Todos pasamos por momentos difíciles, a veces reznos y nos parece que nadie nos escucha. Como comunidad estamos aquí para ayudarnos los unos a los otros, si ud o alguien que Ud. conoce necesita oraciones por favor déjenos saber, y podemos orar por sus intenciones. Comunicarse con la oficina al 636-946-1893. Please use our Borromeo Memorial Cards Below is a sample of memorial cards we have offered. We have provided a supply of these cards to our local funeral homes, asking that they make them available during visitations. If you do not see these cards set out during the visitation of a Borromeo member, please ask that they be put out. We also have a supply in the church office, to help you offer Masses or make a donation in remembrance of your loved one, or the loved one of your friend or family member. T gift is being given to St. Charles Borromeo Church in memory of/in honor of _________________________________________________ Donor’s Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________ g his gift is designated for: _____ _____ _____ _____ The Capital Improvement Fund St. Charles Borromeo School SCB St. Vincent dePaul Society Mass or other:_____________________ T cknowledgement to be sent to: Name __________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City, State, Zip __________________________________ Please make check payable to St. Charles Borromeo □ Acknowledgement not needed Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish! Fall Sports Registration for Soccer and Volleyball is now open online at: Registration will close on June 30th. The sport fees will remain the same as last year at $80 per player per sport. Players will be responsible for obtaining their own jerseys this year for all sports. The jerseys will be able to be used multiple years so order accordingly. Cost will be around $20. Keep an eye out for more information on a preview and fitting event, and on how and where to order. Soccer : is available for boys and girls grades Pre-K (age 4 by Aug. 1st) through 8th. Volleyball: is available for boys and girls grades 4th through 8th. There is a discounted rate of $40 for 4th grade volleyball as it is more instructional, not competitive. However, some games will be played. Please remember all players 5th grade and up need a CYC Identification Card. These can be obtained from the CYC website at It is best to order them early!!! If your child will be playing both Soccer and Volleyball, we suggest ordering two cards since coaches usually hold them all season. Visit the Athletic Association tab at for a link and contact Jim Doughty at with any questions. Please pray for our troops WO Michael Sakalauski (US Army), serving in Afghanistan (brother of Heather Willie) Jorge Lozoya (US Army), stationed at Davenport Army Base (son-in-law of Becky Sanchez) Matthew Ervin (US Navy), started boot camp July 2013 (grandnephew of Ivy Hall) Brent Schulze (US Army), serving in Fort Drum, NY (son-in-law of Steve Cave) MM3 Paul J. Robben (US Navy), NNPTU, Ballston Spa, New York (son of David & Betty Robben) SR Brooke Georges (US Navy), training at Ft. Sam Houston, TX (granddaughter of Jim & Jane Lammert) Bernardo Silverio Jr. (US Air Force), stationed at Scott Air Force Base (son of Bernardo and Nereida Silverio) Kenneth Rufkahr (US Army), stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska (grandson of John Rufkahr) If anyone in the parish would like prayers for their loved one in the military, please contact the church office at 946-1893. We will be happy to list their name in the bulletin. Invitation to Divorced and Separated Catholics There is hope and healing after divorce. Whether you’re in the middle of the legal process, divorced many years, or somewhere in between, you are invited to The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide. The 12-week DVD program features Catholic experts, and lay men and women who share their journey to healing. Topics include denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, money, the kids, the ex-spouse, spirituality, annulment and much more. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in St. Charles is hosting the program beginning September 4, 2014. Contact Donna at or 636-2882417 for more information. Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 2014 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO SCHOOL CORPORATE MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM Did you know that... there are over 40 corporations locally that offer Matching Gift Programs for private elementary schools, and St. Charles Borromeo School certainly qualifies? Did you know that… by designating your weekly/monthly contributions to the school and with the Matching Gift funds St. Charles Borromeo School receives, the parish subsidy for the school is reduced? Did you know that… all contributions will be reported on your year-end statement by the parish and are tax-deductible? Over the past 9 years, St. Charles Borromeo School has been the recipient of over $587,000 in corporate matching gifts. Corporations typically view this as partnering with their associates in an effort to contribute to the communities in which their employees work and live. This aspect of corporate stewardship is certainly welcomed and greatly appreciated. There are over 1000 corporations nationwide offering matching gift programs for their employees and retirees. Corporate Matching Gift Programs help qualified organizations to fund specific accounts. Listed below are a few of the local corporations that currently offer Matching Gift programs for private elementary schools: Abbott Laboratories Ameriprise Financial Boeing MasterCard Monsanto Progressive Insurance St. Paul Travelers Ins. Western Union American Express Bank of America Covidien Elsevier Foundation Microsoft Pfizer Quest Diagnostics Verizon Xtra Corporation Note: A complete list of local corporations that offer Matching Gift Programs is available on the school website ( For further information call the parish office or Ken Kapeller at 636-946-3356. Pancake Breakfast at St. Robert St. Robert Bellarmine Knights of Columbus 12027 is having all you can eat Pancake Breakfast TODAY, Sunday, June 29 from 8am to 11:30am. Cost is: Adults $6, children $3. Includes: eggs, pancakes, biscuits/gravy, sausage, coffee, milk, juice. Setting the Captives Free: Embracing Christ in the Victim, Offender, & Community July 20-24 @ Washington University co-sponsored by: Roundtable: Association of Catholic Diocesan Social Action Directors Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Saint Louis United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Catholic Charities USA Catholic Relief Services Hear the voices of restorative justice from the perspectives of victims, offenders, and community members. Deepen your understanding through lectures and workshops on (1) Restorative Justice and (2) Catholic Social Teaching. Immerse yourself in a wide spectrum of restorative justice efforts and ministries with day trips to community organizations and correctional facilities in IL and MO. Witness CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development) working on the margins through community and economic development projects. Network with social action/parish social ministry colleagues from around the USA. Reflect on your work for social action through worship, prayer and daily Mass. Participate in some of the 16 skill building workshops offered. Hear of a national project on restorative justice with St. Vincent de Paul and CCHD. Begin with celebration of the Mass with Bishop Emeritus Ricardo Ramirez of Las Cruces, NM. FEATURED SPEAKERS Mark Umbreit, University of Minnesota’s Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking Janine Geske, Director of the Marquette University Law School’s Restorative Justice Initiative Father Ron Chochol, Archdiocese of St. Louis Christi Griffin, Founder of the Ethics Project and author Father David Link, Chaplain of Indiana State Prison, author, lecturer, lawyer For more information, view the agenda or to register, visit Full registration: $300 2-Day registration: $165 1-Day registration: $120 For information about scholarships, contact Meg Olson, Catholic Charities of St. Louis: or at 314 -367-5500 x 1128. Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish! bouncer, biker, bird man 10 things most people don’t know about Pope Francis from Catholic News Service When then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was elected pope on March 13, 2013,not many people outside South America had heard of him. Now, just one year since his March 13, 2013 election, there are still many things most people do not know about the 265th successor of Peter. Among the interesting things about our pope: Has a way with birds: Pope Francis expertly handled a white dove and a green parrot during different general audiences in St. Peter’s Square. According to the pope’s sister, Maria Elena Bergoglio, the future pope had a parrot when he was in the seminary. And because he loved to play jokes, she said, “I wouldn’t put it past him that he taught the little beast a swear word or two, instead of how to pray.” Has colorful work experience on his resume: In addition to having worked sweeping floors in a factory and running tests in a chemical laboratory as a teenager, the pope also used to work as a bouncer. Later, when he was no longer kicking troublemakers out of clubs, he taught high school literature and psychology, which, he said, helped him discover the secret to bring people back . . . to church. Was a Jesuit Oskar Schindler: When then-Father Bergoglio was head of the Jesuit province in Argentina, he ran a clandestine network that sheltered or shuttled to safety people whose lives were in danger during the nation’s murderous military-backed dictatorship. According to witnesses, the future pope never let on to anyone what he was doing, and those who were helping him find rides or temporary housing for “guests” never realized they had been part of his secret strategy until years later. Is a homebody with missionary zeal: Even though he has traveled extensively, the future pope considers himself “a homebody” who easily gets homesick. However, he wanted to join the Society of Jesus because of its image as being “on the frontlines” for the Church and its work in mission lands. Has an achy back: When the pope was 21, the upper half of his right lung was removed after cysts caused a severe lung infection. While that episode never caused him further health problems, he said his current complaint is sciatica. The worst thing to happen in his first month as pope was “an attack of sciatica,” he said. “I was sitting in an armchair to do interviews and it hurt. Sciatica is very painful, very painful! I don’t wish it on anyone!” Was the strongest contender behind then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in the 2005 conclave. If the Argentine had been elected pontiff then, he would have chosen the name John after Pope Saint John XXIII and taken his inspiration from “the Good Pope,” ac- cording to Italian Cardinal Francesco Marchisano. However, during the 2013 conclave, Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes told the newly elected pope, “Don’t forget the poor,” and that, the pope said, is when it struck him to take the name of St. Francis of Assisi, “the man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and protects creation.” Starts his day at 4:30 a.m. “I pray the breviary every morning. I like to pray with the Psalms. Then, later, I celebrate Mass. I pray the rosary,” he has said. His workday includes reading letters, cards, documents and reports, as well as meeting cardinals, bishops, priests and laypeople. He eats lunch between noon and 1pm, then rests for about 30 minutes before returning to work. But his favorite part of the day is Eucharistic adoration in the evening, when he often falls asleep in prayer. “Between 7 and 8 o’clock, I stay in front of the Blessed Sacrament for an hour in adoration. But I pray mentally even when I am waiting at the dentist or at other times of the day,” he said. Can juggle a lot of plates: Jesuit Father Juan Carlos Scannone, the pope’s friend and former professor of Greek and literature, said the pope is “a one-man band” who can juggle many different tasks at the same time. “Once I saw him writing an article on the typewriter, then go do his laundry, then received someone who needed spiritual guidance. Spiritual work, a technician and a manual laborer all at the same time and with the same high quality,” the priest said. Travels light: When he boarded the papal plane for Brazil last July, people were stunned the pope was carting around his own carry-on bag. What’s inside? “It wasn't the key for the atom bomb,” he told journalists. “There was a razor, a breviary, an appointment book, a book to read, I brought one about St. Therese, to whom I have a devotion. I have always taken a bag with me when traveling—it’s normal.” Had his “Hog” help the homeless: Pope Francis briefly owned what became the most expensive 21st century Harley-Davidson motorbike in the world. Though he prefers walking and cheaper car models, Harley-Davidson gave him a brand new Dyna Super Glide last June that the pope autographed and put up for auction, raising a hefty $326,000 for a Rome soup kitchen and homeless shelter. Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 2014 Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
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