May 17, 2015 - St. Joseph Parish


May 17, 2015 - St. Joseph Parish
oseph Parish
Mission Church of St. Vincent de Paul
9961 Elk Grove Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 ● (916) 685-3681 ● FAX (916) 685-7254
Mission Church: 14673 Cantova Way, Rancho Murieta, CA 95683 ● (916) 354-2403 ● FAX (916)354-2404
We, the parish community of Saint Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove) and Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul
(Rancho Murieta), enriched by many traditions and cultures, come together to worship God in Sacrament, liturgy, and prayer.
We are committed to acting as One Body in Christ, and to living our One Faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. We
continually seek to reach out in loving service to others, both within our parish as well as in the greater community, in order to
spread the Good News of our faith.” (Parish Mission Statement)
Schedule of Services
Office Hours
Saint Joseph Parish
Saint Joseph Parish
Weekend Masses
4:30 PM
7:30 9:00 11:00 AM
& 1:00 PM (Español),
& 5:00 PM (Filipino Mass Every First Sunday,
English Mass - All Other Sundays)
Weekday Schedules (Monday to Friday)
Liturgy of the Hours
7:30 AM
Daily Mass
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
First Friday Mass
7:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
8:30 - 10:00 AM
Every First Friday
7:30 - 10:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Or By appointment
Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul
Weekend Masses
Weekday schedules
Daily Mass (Wednesday)
Service of the Word
Eucharistic Adoration
Every First Friday
Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
4:00 - 4:30 PM
Or By appointment
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Trina Koontz (Principal) (916) 684-7903, ext. 12
Tammy Babich (Preschool/EDP Director) (916) 691-4825
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Tuesday to Friday
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Visit us on our website:
See us on Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove, CA)
Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Parish Staff
Fr. Brian Atienza (Pastor), ext. 122
Fr. Carlo Tejano (Parochial Vicar), ext. 125
Deacon Larry Hiner, 916-685-3681
Deacon Ned Quigley
Aurora Fragozo-Aguirre (Parish Administrator), ext. 120
Sr. Ma. Imelda Grace Dañas, RVM (DRE of Faith Formation),ext. 124
Jerome Baybayan (Youth Ministry Coordinator), ext. 123
e-mail: jbaybayan
Julius Roberto (Database Administrator), ext. 121
Armida Gallegos-Lee (Administrative Assistant), ext. 128
Veronica Padilla Perez (Administrative Assistant), ext. 127
Bill DuVal (SVdP -Administrative Assistant), (916) 354-2403 ext. 129
Amy Roberts (Liturgical Music Coordinator)
Paul Seishas (Marriage/Family/Therapist) (916) 616-1800
Saint Joseph Parish
: 05/18 08:00am - Mary Ann Michael †
: 05/19 08:00am - Rober t Ar es (SI)
: 05/2008:00am - For the Parishioners of St. Joseph
RM 08:30am - For the Parishioners of SVdP
Thu: 05/21 08:00am - An end to abortions
Fri: 05/22 08:00am - All the Souls in Pur gator y
Sat: 05/23 04:30pm - Fred Schroeder †
Maria Martinez & Grandchildren (SI)
RM 05:00pm – Bob Davis †
05/24 07:30am – Robert Ares (SI)
09:00am - All the Souls in Pur gator y
RM 09:00am - For the Parishioners of SVdP
11:00am - Mariana Oliveira & Family †
Bill Garrison (SI)
01:00pm - Ramiro Salazar Jr. †
05:00pm - Missa Pro Populo
First Reading
Pray For Our Military Families
Steven Alsop
Josh Alonzo
Don R. Baker II
Robert Bohon
Solomon Bolt
Carl Ian Bravo
Jaclyn Buno
Mark Dollar
Benjamin Erwin
Matthew Farrell
Joey Feathers
Roman Fernandez
Serena Grandov
Graham Hebert
Valery Keaveny Jr.
Freddie Koeller
Glenn Lewis
Kyle Linebaugh
James Lovello
Amber McGovern
Russell Miller
Mike Montini
Jared Ortner
Cherry Pangilinan
Dominic Peterson
Ian Rubstello
Michael Riehl
Jousha Shaffer
Zachary Schiele
Jason Stiles
Shawn Tostado
Jason Lee Tudor
Brien Warfield
Jaime Wong-Lopez
Jordan Wood
Jason Woodford
Diosdado Pangilinan Shai-Lin Ynacay
Military Prayer List Additions
To add new names of active military to our
military list, please send an e-mail to or call Pat at 916-686-5977.
Today’s Readings
— This Jesus who has been taken up
from you into heaven will return in the same way as you
have seen him going into heaven (Acts 1:1-11).
Psalm —God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare
of trumpets for the Lord (Psalm 47).
Second Reading
— God seated Jesus at his right hand
in the heavens (Ephesians 1:17-23) or Ephesians 4:1-13
[1-7, 11-13].
Gospel — The Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven and
took his seat at the right hand of God (Mark 16:15-20).
Readings For The Week
Mon: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab;
Parish Weekly Collection
Weekly Goal:
St. Joseph
$ 11,200.00
$ 2,600.00
Offertory this Week:
St. Joseph
$ 11,446.00
$ 3,156.00
FOR EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)
If you wish to contribute via EFT (electronic fund transfer)
please visit our parish website for more information.
“Thank you for your generosity and may God continue to bless
you with His providence.”
Memorial Day
Jn 16:29-33
Tues: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a
Wed: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab;
Jn 17:11b-19
Thur: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
Jn 17:20-26
Fri: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab;
Jn 21:15-19
Sat: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25
St. Joseph and St. Vincent
de Paul parish offices will be
closed on Monday, May 25th,
in observance of Memorial
Day. Please visit us on
Tuesday, May 26th, when the
office will be open again for
La oficina Parroquial de San José y San Vicente
de Paul estará cerrada la siguiente fecha: lunes, 25
de mayo Día Conmemorativo de nuestros
soldados caídos. Usted nos puede visitar martes,
26 de mayo de 2015 .
Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or
Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35,
27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39
Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34;
1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23
or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15
Saint Joseph Parish
Pastor’s Note—Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord - Year I, Cycle B
“Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up from you
into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven.”
The celebration of the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated in the liturgy during Easter, so that we
can we experience the last time the disciples saw Jesus after the Resurrection. It also brings us to an understanding of
where we are today as a Church. Jesus ascends in His resurrected body. He takes His place at the right hand of the
Father. We share in that place and glory as His body, the Church, through baptism. Yet, we remain here on earth. Jesus
leaves with a promise to return. When He returns, our own bodies will share in that same glory of the resurrection. We
remain so that we can be the experience of the resurrection for world. We bring that same message to others so that they
will come and be part of the same promise.
The disciples find themselves looking at the sky as Jesus ascended. When He was no longer in their sight, they kept
looking up. It shall not be so as they were reminded. We need to turn our gaze upon the rest of the world that have yet to
know the name of Jesus. We make this happen through the good that we do for others, the poor. We bring them life and
hope at moments they find themselves in despair. We make it happen when our life of prayer and worship is not a mere
fulfillment of an obligation but rather a recognition of its necessity in our lives and to never forget what lies before us.
We do so by coming to Mass every week not whenever it is convenient. Make prayer as a family a part of your daily
routine. A greater challenge before us is cultivating the need to study, learn, and deepen our understanding the teachings
of our faith. We do this so that it will further our confidence in sharing with others our faith.
I want to take a moment to extend my congratulations to our young brothers and sister who receive for the first time
the Body and Blood of Christ. The celebration of First Communion is good reminder for us of this great gift of Christ to
us. I thank the parents and guardians for continuing to fulfill the promises they made for these children during their
baptism --- being the primary teachers and examples of living the faith. We work together as an entire parish community
to ensure our First Communion candidates that they will see in us what the Eucharist means and does for us in our lives.
God bless!
Father Brian
Nota del Pastor- La Solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor
“Hombres de Galilea, ¿que hacéis allí parados mirando al cielo? Ese mismo Jesús, que os ha dejado para
subir al cielo, volverá como lo habéis visto marcharse.”
La celebración de la solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor se celebra en la liturgia durante la semana Santa para que
podamos experimentar la última vez que los discípulos vieron a Jesús después de la resurrección. También nos ayuda a
entender dónde estamos hoy como iglesia. Jesús asciende en su cuerpo resucitado y toma su lugar a la derecha del
Padre. Compartimos en ese lugar y gloria como su cuerpo, la iglesia, a través del bautismo. Todavía seguimos aquí en la
tierra. Jesús se va con la promesa de volver. Cuando El regrese, nuestros propios cuerpos compartirán la misma gloria
de la resurrección. Mantengámonos así para poder tener la experiencia de la resurrección para el mundo. Llevamos ese
mismo mensaje a otras personas para que ellos vengan y sean parte de la misma persona.
Los discípulos se encuentran mirando el cielo cuando Jesús ascendió. Cuando El ya no estaba a su vista, se
mantuvieron mirando hacia arriba. No sería así como ellos lo recordarán. Debemos volver nuestra mirada sobre el resto
del mundo que todavía no conoce el nombre de Jesús. Hacemos que esto suceda a través de nuestras buenas acciones
que hacemos para otros, los pobres. Les traemos vida y esperanza en los momentos cuando se encuentran en plena
desesperación. Lo hacemos cuando nuestra vida de oración y adoración no es un mero cumplimiento de una obligación,
sino más bien un reconocimiento de su necesidad en nuestras vidas y nunca olvidar lo que nos espera. Lo hacemos al
venir a misa cada semana, y no solo cuando nos es conveniente. Hacer oración como familia debe ser parte de su rutina
diaria. Un mayor desafío que tenemos ante nosotros, es cultivar la necesidad de aprender y profundizar en las
enseñanzas de nuestra fe. Hacemos esto para fortalecer aún más nuestra confianza al compartir con otros nuestra fe.
Quiero tomar un momento para extender mis felicitaciones a nuestros hermanos y hermanas jóvenes quienes reciben
por primera vez el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. La celebración de la Primera Comunión es un buen recordatorio del
gran regalo de Cristo para nosotros. Agradezco a los padres y tutores por continuar cumpliendo con las promesas que
hicieron a estos niños durante su bautismo—siendo los primeros maestros y ejemplos para vivir la fe. Trabajamos juntos
como una comunidad parroquial completa para asegurarnos que nuestros candidatos de Primera Comunión vean en
nosotros lo que la Eucaristía significa y hace en nuestras vidas.
Dios les bendiga,
Padre Brian
Saint Joseph Parish
Second Collection
Today, our second Collection is for Catholic
Communication Campaign (CCC). This collection
communicates the Gospel through Catholic social
media activities and enriches our faith through
podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Please
be generous in this week’s collection and support
this important work. Remember, half of your
donation stays in our diocese to support local
communication needs. The CCC is how we share
our experience of faith, worship and witness.
Associate Director for Lay Ministry
Formation, Sacramento
The Diocese of Sacramento is looking for a
driven, energetic, passionate bilingual (English/
Spanish) bridge builder to supervise a staff and
coordinate programs to recruit and train the next
generation of lay ministry leaders for the Diocese of
Sacramento. Responsibilities include coordinating
formation and training program for lay ministry
leaders and Master Catechists in English and
Spanish, supervising a staff of three, creating a
campaign to promote formation opportunities to
young adults, providing on-going training, and
training, orienting and supporting Catechetical
leaders. The ideal candidate will be bilingual
(English/Spanish), have at least five years'
experience coordinating formation programs for a
diverse group of ministers, experience supervising a
staff, an understanding of and ability to work well
with Catholics from different cultures and
ideologies, and a Master's Degree in Theology,
Catechesis, Pastoral Ministry or related field.
Opening is immediate, starting date is negotiable.
Full time, exempt, salaried position with full
benefits. Email cover letter and resume to Kevin
Staszkow, Director of Evangelization and Catechesis,
Diocese of Sacramento at Please
check out
job_announcements.html for more information.
Vocations Dinner
May 30, 2015 beginning at 6:00pm. The Office
of Priestly & Religious Vocations invites you to an
upcoming Vocations Dinner at Our Lady of Grace
Parish in West Sacramento. The dinner will be
sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Northern
California Chapter. To purchase tickets or for more
information, please contact the Knights of Columbus
of your parish or the Office of Vocations at
916-733-0258 or by email to
Segunda Colecta
Hoy realizaremos la Colecta para la Camaña
Católica de la Comunicación (CCC). Esta colecta
comunica el Evangelio a través de actividades en los
medios sociales católicos y enriquece nuestra fe a
través de los podcasts, la televisión, la radio y la
prensa escrita. Por favor, sean generosos en la colecta de esta semana y den su apoyo a esta importante labor. Recuerden que la mitad de sus
donaciones permanece en nuestra (arqui) diócesis
para financiar las necesidades locales en el campo de
la comunicación. A través de la CCC es como compartimos nuestra experiencia de fe, veneración y testimonio.
Don't wait to the last minute to reserve your
tickets. "Brighter than the Stars" is our theme this
year. The dance will be on June 27th from 6:00 10:00pm in the Social Hall at St. Joseph Parish.
The tickets are already on sale, however the
Challenge girls will have tickets for sale after
Sunday masses on May 31st and June 7th.
You can also reserve your tickets by calling
Amelina at 916-346-0280 or email Don't miss
out on the fun and an awesome opportunity to spend
it with your precious one.
Immaculate Heart Radio
Needs Your Help! May 18th – 21st
Have you ever considered volunteering a few
hours of your time to assist us in answering phones
during our Pledge Drive? You can meet the
announcer staff, enjoy special food, and fellowship
with other volunteers. You may even win some great
books and CD’s from the radio station prize closet.
To join us contact Nicole Cardin today: or call 888-887-7120.
To Celebrate the Sacraments of Marriage
and Baptism, please visit or call the parish office.
Or visit our parish website:
Saint Joseph Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Society News
Noticias de la Sociedad de S.V. de Paúl
The Society of St. Vincent de
Paul is sponsoring the Sacramento
Life Center during the month of
May. Their mission is to offer
compassion, support, resources and
free medical care to women facing an unplanned or
unsupported pregnancy.
We will be collecting new or very gently used
clothes from 0 to 2T, blankets, diapers, bottles,
serving utensils, anything a baby or toddler may
need. Please keep them unwrapped and with the
price tag still attached (for our purposes). We have a
display located outside in the vestibule. We want to
thank you for any help you can offer.
We will start to collect your unwanted, but
useable items to sell for Granny's Attic starting
May 25th. Please do not leave any items until that
date. This is our biggest fundraiser for the year and
all proceeds go to the people in need whom we
If you or someone you know needs help with
food, clothing, utilities, please call our confidential
hotline at 916-667-2779. One or our volunteers will
return your call to schedule a home visit to discuss
your needs. Have a beautiful day and God Bless.
Nuestra Sociedad está patrocinando el Sacramento Life Center durante el mes de Mayo. Su misión es
ofrecer compasión, apoyo, recursos y cuidado médico gratis a mujeres enfrentando un embarazo no
Estaremos aceptando donaciones de artículos para bebé, nuevos o poco usados, talla 0 a 2T, como
cobijas, pañales, biberones o cualquier artículo que
un infante o un bebé puedan necesitar. Por favor deposite sus donaciones en la cuna, en el vestíbulo de
la Iglesia,no los envuelva y deje las etiquetas pegadas (para nuestros archivos). Les agradecemos de
antemano su ayuda.
Estaremos recibiendo sus donaciones de cosas en
buena condición que podamos vender en Granny's
Attic, empezando el 25 de Mayo, en el Salón Social.
Por favor no deje nada hasta ese día. Ésta es nuestra
mayor recaudación de fondos, del año, que usamos
para ayudar a los necesitados.
Si usted o alguien que usted conoce necesita
ayuda de comida, ropa, muebles u otros gastos de la
casa, por favor llame a nuestra línea confidencial al
916-667-2779 y deje mensaje. Cuando le regresemos
su llamada, platicaremos sus necesidades en su casa.
Que tengan un hermoso día y que Dios los bendiga.
Granny’s Attic
GRANNY SAYS: “Many hands make light
work”. And it’s fun, too, when we work together to
set up Granny’s Attic. Setup will begin Monday, and
continue through sale days. We work weekdays
between 8:30am and 3:00pm in the Social Hall. Put
it on your calendar now and come help when you
Del Ático de la Abuelita
"Muchas manos hacen el trabajo ligero". Y es
divertido, también, cuando trabajamos juntos para
organizar el Ático de la Abuelita. La preparación
iniciará el lunes. Trabajamos de lunes a viernes de
8:30am a 3:00pm en el Salón Social. Anótalo en
tu calendario ahora y ven a ayudarnos cuando
Submit bulletin Articles by Friday 12
(one week prior ) to:
Catholic Forum
"The Wisdom of Genesis." An examination of
the opening chapters of Genesis in light of
commentaries by St. Augustine and St. Thomas. In
this talk, Dr. Paul O’Reilly, Thomas Aquinas
College, will explore how a look at Genesis through
the eyes of St. Augustine and St. Thomas reveals the
depths of meaning in the opening book of the Bible.
It is crucial for Catholics to understand, as St. John
Paul II put it, “The word of God is not addressed to
any one people or to anyone period of history.
Similarly, dogmatic statements, while reflecting at
times the culture of the people in which they were
defined, formulate an unchanging and ultimate
truth.” The presentation will be at 12:00pm on May
21, 2015 at the Red Lion Woodlake Hotel and
Conference Center, 500 Leisure Lane Sacramento.
Check-in begins at 11:30am. Cost: $30.00 pr epaid
online or $40 at the door.
Saint Joseph Parish
Youth Ministry News
High School Youth Group:
Will meet again on May 17th from 6-8pm in the
Youth Room.
¡Noticias Del Ministerio Juvenil!
El Grupo de Jóvenes de High School
Se reunirá de nuevo el domingo 17 de mayo de 6 a
8pm en el Salón de Jóvenes.
will resume again in September.
Iniciara de nuevo en Septiembre.
1:8 Program May Confirmation Dates
Programa de 1:8 Fechas para el mes de Mayo:
YR 1 Confirmation is on Sunday May 17th from 34:30pm in the Social Hall.
Año 1 Confirmación: la sesión ser á el domingo 17
de mayo de 3 a 4:30pm en el Salon Social.
Confirmation Mass Rehearsal
Ensayo para la Misa de Confirmación
Wednesday May 20th, 2015
6-7:30pm inside of the chur ch.
miércoles 20 de mayo, 2015,
6-7:30pm dentr o de la Iglesia.
Misa de Confirmación
Friday May 22 , 2015
6-8pm at St. J oseph’s Church
Confirmation candidates arrive by 4:30pm
Youth & Children’s Choir
Children of all ages are welcome to sing with our
children’s and youth choir! Our next rehearsal will
be on May 21st from 6-8pm in the chur ch! Our 2nd
rehearsal will be on May 24th from 9-10:30am
before we sing for the 11am mass that day.
viernes mayo 22, 2015
6-8pm en la Iglesia de San J osé
Candidatos al Sacramento de Confirmación
llegar a las 4:30pm
Coro de Niños y Jóvenes
Los niñ os de todas lasedades son bienvenidos para
cantar en el coro de niñ os y jó venes! Nuestro
pró ximo ensayo será el jueves 21 de Mayo de 6 a
8pm en la iglesia! Nuestro segundo ensayo será
Attention CFF Families
Is May 26, 27, 28 Only!
You will have the opportunity to fill out the form online AND BRING TO THE PARISH WITH YOUR
PAYMENT on any of the above dates in or der to secur e your child’s spot for the classes, or come and fill
out your registration form on May 26th (12:30pm-7pm), 27th, (10am-4:30pm) and 28th (12:30-7pm),
ONLY, with your tuition payment for the year 2015-2016. These dates will be the only registration
dates for the next school year. Tell your families and friends!!! We will be accepting payment with cash
or check only.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call 916-685-3681 or contact Sr. Grace RVM or Jerome
Baybayan by email: or
Atención Familias del Catecismo
Inscripciones Abiertas para
el Año 2015-2016 Solo los días 26, 27,28 de Mayo
Puede llenar el formulario que se encuentra en nuestra página de internet Y TRAERLO JUNTO CON LA
CUOTA o venir y llenar lo aquí SOLO los días 26 (12:30pm-7pm), 27 (10am-4:30pm) , 28 (12:30-7pm),
de mayo. Estos son los únicos días de inscripción para el próximo año escolar, recuerde debe pagar la
cuota del año cuando inscriba a sus hijos.
Por favor, dígale a sus familiares y amigos!!! Aceptaremos pagos cheque o en efectivo. Si tiene
alguna pregunta puede comunicarse a la oficina de la parroquia al 916-685-3681.
May Is Baby Month
SVDP Society is sponsoring a Baby Items Collection for the whole month of May for the Sacramento
Life Center. They are in need of new or very gently used clothes from 0 to 2 T, blankets, diapers, under
garments, bottles, serving utensils, bibs etc. Please place unwrapped items in the Anderson Hall with prices
or tags let on. Any questions, please contact Lynn King at 687-6442 or email:
Granny’s Attic
GRANNY SAYS: “Time to clean out your toys (golf clubs), clothes, garage, and cupboards.” You
may start bringing your donations May 25th through June 7th and leave items in the driveway next to the
Social Hall at St. Joseph’s Church. Please no car seats or r ecalled items. Help is needed to sor t items
after Mass at St. Joseph’s Church starting on May 25th, please come if you can. Granny’s Attic Parishioners
Only Night will be Thursday,
June 11th
The gener
al public sale will be open Friday, June
& Auction
12th from 8-12 noon and 4-7pm; and Saturday, June 13th fr om 8-12 noon. Pr oceeds will be used by our
A Blackde
Life will
held on Saturday, November 8 at the Hyatt Regency
St. Vincent
benefit theofneedy
of our
Ballroom. Guest speaker for the event is Abby J ohnson a for mer dir ector of the lar gest Planned
Parenthood in the US and now a nationally recognized Pro-life author, Leader and Advocate. Come and
Catholic Forum
hear her story. Cost is $135 or $1300 for a tablet of 10. If you are interested in going, please contact Lynn
Wisdom of Genesis." An examination
or 687-6442.of the opening chapters of Genesis in light of commentaries
by St. Augustine and St. Thomas. In this talk, Dr. Paul O’Reilly, Thomas Aquinas College, will explore
how a look at Genesis through the eyes of St. Augustine and St. Thomas reveals the depths of meaning in
V for
o cCatholics
a t i o ntos understand,
C r o s s as St. John Paul II put it, “The word
the opening book of the Bible. It is crucial
of God
A thank
is notyou
to Rosie
to Stomsvik
any one people
for taking
or to the
period Cross
of history.
in September
for Ceres
while reflecting
at times
of theyou!
people in which they were defined, formulate an unchanging and
for taking
it inthe
ultimate truth.” The presentation will be at 12:00pm on May 21, 2015 at the Red Lion Woodlake Hotel and
Conference Center, 500 Leisure Lane Sacramento. Check-in begins at 11:30am. Cost: $30.00 pr epaid
online or $40 at the door.
Potluck News
Please join us for a Potluck dinner on Saturday, June 6th in the Anderson Hall to wish Father Resti good
luck in his new assignment. Bring a dish to share and your own beverage. A sign up sheet will be posted for
you to indicate whether you are bringing a main dish, side dish, a salad or desert, and the number attending.
Cold dishes will be refrigerated and hot dishes will be placed in the warming oven for those attending Mass
that evening. Please join us for an evening of friendship, fun and good food.
ST. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop Needs
The SVdP Thrift Shop needs your used, unused or new furniture, clothing, jewelry, shoes, books, children's clothing, toys, computers and appliances in good repair for its Sacramento Thrift Store. Your donations will either be sold to generate revenue for the Society of St Vincent de Paul's good works or directly
aiding individuals in need. Our SVDP truck is in Rancho Murieta every Friday. Call 916-972-1212 to
arrange for a pick up. Thanks!
Attention: St. Vincent de Paul CFF FAMILIES
Open Registration for CFF 2015-2016 is on Sunday, May 31, 2015 after mass. You may fill out the
form online and bring to the office with your payment or come and fill out your registration with your
tuition payment for the year 2015-2016. This date is the ONLY registration date for the next school year.
Tell your families and friends! If you have any question’s, please feel free to call 916-685-3681 or contact
Sr. Grace, RVM or Jerome Baybayan by email: or
SVDP Youth Ministry
EDGE will resume again in September.