February 14, 2016
February 14, 2016
St. Anne’s Catholic Church 215 W. Walnut St., Lodi, CA 95240 | P.O. Box 480, Lodi, CA 95241 Phone: (209) 369-1907 | Fax: (209) 369-1971 E-Mail: parishoffice@stanneslodi.org | Parish Website: www.stanneslodi.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/stannesparish | Twitter: @StAnnesParish1 1ST SUNDAY IN LENT | FEBRUARY 14, 2016 JOIN US FOR THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS Every Fridays during Lent In St. Anne’s Church At 2:15pm with St. Anne’s School At 6:30pm Bilingual Stations UÑATE A NOSOTROS PARA ELVÍA CRUCIS Todos los Viernes de Cuaresma En la Iglesia Santa Ana A las 2:15pm Con la Escuela Santa Ana A las 6:30pm Vía Crucis Bilingüe PARISH CLERGY Fr. Brandon Ware, Pastor Fr. Hung Joseph Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Fr. Jorge Arboleda, Parochial Vicar Deacon Porfi Cisneros Deacon Karl Welsbacher Deacon Tom Driscoll PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 5:00pm Closed everyday from 11:45am - 1:00pm for Prayer and Lunch WEEKEND MASSES SATURDAY: 5:30pm English, 7:30pm Spanish SUNDAY: 7:00am & 12:30pm Spanish 8:30am, 10:30am, & 6:00pm English (6:00pm Life Teen Mass) CONFESSIONS SCHEDULE DURING THE YEAR OF MERCY Mondays 6:00pm - 7:00pm in the Church Saturdays 4:00pm - 5:00pm in the Church (Other times available by appointment.) DAILY MASSES Monday - Friday: 8:00am & 5:30pm in the Church Saturday 8:00am Church ADORATION CHAPEL Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:30pm BAPTISMS 1st , 2nd & 3rd Saturdays in Spanish. 4th Saturday in English. By appointment only. Baptismal classes required. Please call Parish Office to register. Or visit www.stanneslodi.org/baptism OUR MISSION CHURCH: Mater MARRIAGES A six-month advance notice is required. By appointment only. Please contact the Parish Office to begin the process. Ceremony times available on Saturdays at 11:30am & 2:00pm ST. ANNE’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL Kindergarten - 8th Grade 200 S. Pleasant Ave. Lodi, CA 95240 Principal: Mrs. Sarah Smith-Gillum Vice-Principal: Mrs. Rose Herold Phone: (209) 333-7580 www.stanneslodi.org/school Ecclesiae Catholic Church 26500 Sacramento Blvd., Thornton, CA | Church Hours: Monday – Friday: 12:30pm - 5:00pm Sunday Masses: 9:30am Spanish | 11:00am English | Confessions: On Request Mass Intentions & Readings Mon 2/15 8:00 am **6:30 pm Tue 2/16 8:00am **6:30 pm Wed 2/17 Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 John Teresi, Sr.; Simile Construction Services; Pantxito Echandi+ uan L.Arellano; Manuel Borg; Clane Gekken; Alfredo; Sergio Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Eulogio Hernandez; Luz Calderon Mercedez Sanchez; Hal Newman Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 Erik & Sarah Rocha 9:15 am Living & Deceased Benefactors of St. Anne’s School Thu 2/18 8:00am **6:30 pm Fri 2/19 8:00am 5:30 pm Sat 2/20 8:00 am Herminio Carrizoza; Romulo Rifumban Sr.; Esther Rundert Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Alexis & Thomas Ward; Pietro Murdaca; JP; Isabella War Ventura & Andrea Jaime; Jesus Alvarado; Ricardo Cacabelos; Mariano Chua; James Oneto; Alejandra Plascencia; Francisco Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Lucia DePinto+; Rev. John Greb; Alvin J. Borba; George Dutra Pat Rooney+; Amanda Elrod; Alvaro Mora; Marcos Sandoval Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Fr. Hung J. Nguyen’s Anniversary to the Priesthood 5:30 pm Karen & Chris Elliott; Linda Bosche; Ed & Marge Degenstein 7:30 pm Santiago Arrendondo Sanhua+; Leonor Vega Sun 2/21 7:00 am A complete calendar of all of our activities can be found on our website at www.stanneslodi.org/all-calendars Monday, February 15 Parish Office, Church, and School CLOSED 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm John Brink+; Mrs. Delgado+ 7:00 am **6:30 pm St. Anne’s Weekly Calendar Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14; Phil 3:17 -- 4:1 [3:20 -- 4:1]; Lk 9:28b-36 Confessions—Church Estudios Bíblicos - Dining Room Parish Lenten Mission (BILINGUAL)— Church Tuesday, February 16 10:00 am 1:30 pm 7:00 pm The Books of Psalms Bible Study— Youth Room Legion of Mary– Dining Room Parish Lenten Mission (BILINGUAL)— Church Wednesday, February 17 10:00 am Nutrition Class (Catholic Charities) Dining Room Thursday, February 18 6:45 pm Ministry Team Meeting—Dinning Room 7:00 pm Parish Lenten Mission (BILINGUAL)— Church AA Meeting (SPANISH) St. Anne’s Place 7:00 pm Friday, February 19 Stations of the Cross at 2:15pm & 6:30pm in the Church 8th Grade Confirmation Students on Retreat 8:30 am Dust Angels—Church 6:00 pm Clases de Formación de Fe para Padres de Familia—Dominican Hall 6:30pm Bingo—St. Anne’s Hall 7:00 pm AA Meeting (SPANISH) St. Anne’s Place Saturday, February 20 Community Weekend—Nametag Sunday 8th Grade Confirmation Students on Retreat 9:00 am Clases de Formación de Fe para Padres de Familia—Youth Room 9:00 am Baptisms (SPANISH) - Church Gracias Sr. de la Misericodia; Cosimo Germinario; Betty Ponce Dennis Taricco; Dorothy Baldi+; Rita Scheflo 11:00 am CYO Basketball Games—St. Anne’s Hall 10:30 am Parishioners; Brad & Lisa Coughlin & Family 11:00 am 12:30 pm Rosa Mendoza+; Marin Corona Cazares+; Ismael Valencia Josey Ferrer; Armando & Christina Moreno & Family Clases de Formación de Fe para Padres de Familia—Dominican Hall 8:30 am 6:00 pm Mater Ecclesiae Church—Thornton 9:30 am 11:00 am Intención Especial; Jesus Martinez; Enrique Parra Rosa Machado & Ruth Esteves; B. Tran 4:00 pm Confessions—Church 7:00 pm AA Meeting (SPANISH) St. Anne’s Place Sunday, February 21 Community Weekend—Nametag Sunday 8th Grade Confirmation Students on Retreat 6:00 pm Community Mass (BILINGUAL) MERCY MOMENTS BY: DEACON TOM DRISCOLL The third work of mercy Jesus specifies is “welcome the stranger.” (Matt. 25:35.) Our loving God has always required hospitality, ever reminding His children of their fundamental solidarity: “The stranger who sojourns with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Lv. 19:34.) God loves the stranger (Dt. 10:18), which is very reassuring, since we all, at one time or another, “a passing guest, a sojourner, like all my fathers.” (Ps. 39:12) Welcoming the stranger is often hard, yet we know in our hearts that opportunities abound: the stranger on the street seeking help of some kind; the family member or neighbor with whom we don’t speak; those with a culture or language different from our own. We put ourselves out to get ready for visits with family and friends to make sure they are comfortable and feel loved, but do we put ourselves out to show the same hospitality toward the strangers we encounter, whomever and wherever they are? We should “put ourselves out” for Christ in all our brothers and sisters. Mercy Challenge for the week: Smile and greet the strangers you encounter this week, don’t just walk by. \\ MOMENTOS DE MISERICORDIA BY: DEACON TOM DRISCOLL La tercera Obra de Misericordia que Jesús especifica es "dar la bienvenida al extranjero". (Mateo 25: 35). Nuestro Dios amoroso ha requerido siempre hospitalidad, recordando siempre a Sus hijos de su solidaridad fundamental: "El será para ustedes como uno de sus compatriotas y lo amarás como a ti mismo, porque ustedes fueron extranjeros en Egipto." (Lv. 19:34.) Dios ama al extranjero (Dt. 10:18), que es muy tranquilizante, ya que todos, en un momento u otro, hemos sido "un invitado de paso, peregrino, como todos mis padres” (Sal. 39:12). A veces dar la bienvenida al extranjero es difícil, pero sabemos en nuestros corazones que abundan las oportunidades: el extraño en la calle buscando ayuda de algún tipo; el miembro de la familia o vecino con quien no hablamos; aquellos con una cultura o idioma diferente de la nuestra. Nos preparamos para las visitas con familiares y amigos para asegurarnos de que estén cómodos y se sientan amados, pero ¿mostramos la misma hospitalidad hacia los extranjeros que encontramos, quienquiera y dondequiera que estén? Debemos mostrar la misma hospitalidad para Cristo en nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Desafío de Misericordia para la semana: Sonreír y saludar a los extranjero que encontramos esta semana, no solo pasar por enfrente de ellos. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Maria Fernanda Aceves, Linda Avitia, Debbie Azalde, Matt Babowal, Julia Barros, Jackie Best, Frank Bettencourt, Suzanne Bruns, Thelma Canales, Sal Castellon, Jack Clarke, Jos Clarke, Jim Clarke, Matthew Clarke, Bill Clarke, Sandra Contreras, Marge Degenstein, Lou Ann Edens, Annabelle Elazegui, Gloria Escalante, Leona Figone, Jose, Fuentes, Ramon Fuentes, Wendy Gallardo, Brian Gardner, Flora Garrison, Luis Garza, Justin Garza, Imelda Gaytan, Marina Gaytan, Richard Grich, Julie Hanks Krader, Guadalupe Hernandez, Servillano Hortizuela, Erma Hunnicutt, Randy James, Ken Lane, Dick Ling, Margaret Lobo, Cindy Louie, Linda Martin, Juan R. Mendez, Danelle Mittleider, Rosita Naeg, Al Nathe, Kate Nunes, Ann Orgon, Ermelinda Ortega, Jovita Padilla, Barbara Parker, Vilma Pelletti, Giuseppe Puccinelli, Fernando Ramirez, Ethan Ray, Colby Rees, Linda Rios, Yuenen Santiago, Annie Santos, Felix Sauseda, Angie Schatz, Norma Setum, Paul Shoemake, Frances Silva, Charlene Slack, Ryan Tadman, Sonya Thomas, Leonardo Torres, Francisco Tovar Jr., Marc Ulricksen, Carolina Vega, Thelma Welsbacher, Perry Westbrook, Kristen Wilson, Martha Wilson, Amy Ybarra-Rojas, and all sick members of St. Anne’s Church. You can submit names to bulletin@stanneslodi.org FEBRUARY 6-7, 2016 Sunday Collection: St. Anne's: $ 20,883.56 Mater Ecclesiae: $ 1,141.00 Building & Maintenance Collection: St. Anne's: $ 7,258.05 Mater Ecclesiae: $ 275.00 Next Week’s Second Collection: St. Anne’s Plaza Would you like to use your credit or debit card to give to support the Parish financially? You can through online giving! Just visit our website at www.stanneslodi.org and click on the Online Giving icon! Liturgy Youth & Young Adult OPERATION RICE BOWL: Join our Parish community and nearly 14,000 Catholic communities across the United States in a life-changing Lenten journey with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rice Bowl. Pick up a rice bowl little box in the vestibule. Remember, what you give up for Lent changes lives. For any questions, please contact Anita Oaxaca 663-5946. Social Justice WE NEED YOUR HELP! St. Anne’s Outreach ministry needs working helps. Outreach is the ministry that serves lunch to families after a funeral. This ministry needs women and men to volunteer to help set-up, prepare simple food, serve and clean-up. You need to be available during the day. Prayerfully consider this ministry. Contact the Parish Office at 369-1907 and leave your name and number. Thank you! Catholic Fellowship Young Ladies’ Institute Queen of Peace No. 91 Invite you to their annual Young Ladies’ Institute Mass Sunday, February 28, 2016 At 10:30am at St. Anne’s Family and Friends are welcome! For more information or to RSVP to the Lunch to follow, please contact Judy at Pret at 334-2239. The Knights of Columbus Council #8709 Present their annual DINNER & DANCE: A FUNDRAISER FOR EDUCATION OF SEMINARIANS Saturday, February 27, 2016 No-host Bar at 6:30pm | Dinner at 7:15pm Adults: $20 | Children Under 12 years of Age: $10 Menu: Chicken Marcellus dinner with pasta, salad, vegetables, and desert Music to be provided by David Allyn Graham. For tickets or information contact Jim Hickcox at 333-8230 or Jack Bridgford at 334-9612. Tickets also available at the Parish Office. Help raise awareness of vocations! All profits will benefit local Seminarians. Thank you for your prayers and support! Liturgy Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos OPERATION RICE BOWL: Únete a nuestra comunidad parroquial y casi 14,000 comunidades Católicas en los Estados Unidos en un camino de cambio de vida esta cuaresma con el Plato de Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Recoja una cajita de Rice Bowl en el vestíbulo. Recuerde, lo que ofrece en la Cuaresma cambia vidas. Para cualquier duda, póngase en contacto con Anita Oaxaca al 663-5946. Justicia Social ¡NECESITAMOS TU AYUDA! El ministerio de Outreach de Santa Ana necesita ayuda. Outreach es el Ministerio que sirve comido a familias después de un funeral. Este Ministerio necesita hombres y mujeres para voluntarios para ayudar a acomodar mesas y sillas, preparar comida sencilla, servir y limpiar. Necesitamos a personas que pueden estar disponibles durante el día. Por favor consideren este Ministerio. Póngase en contacto con la Oficina Parroquial al 369-1907 y deja su nombre y numero. ¡Gracias! Young Ladies’ Institute Queen of Peace No. 91 Las invitan a su Misa Anual del Young Ladies’ Institute Domingo, 28 de Febrero de 2016 A las 10:30am en Santa Ana Familia y amigos son bienvenidos! Para mas informacion o confirmar su asistencia para el almuerzo a seguir, por favor pongase en contacto con Judy en Pret en 334-2239. Compañerismo Católico Los Caballeros de Colón Cosejo #8709 Presentan: BAILE Y CENA: RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS PARA LOS SEMINARISTAS Sábado, 27 de Febrero del 2016 Bebidas Sin Anfitrión 6:30pm | Cena 7:15pm Adultos: $20 | Niños Menos de 12 Años: $10 Menú: Pollo Marsala con pasta, ensalada, verduras y postre Música presentado por David Allyn Graham. Para Boletos e Información comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial. Ayudemos a que otros conozcan las vocaciones. Las ganancias beneficiarán los Seminaristas locales. Gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo! PANTHER PAUSE GOSPEL REFLECTION On Luke 4:1-13 “I think this gospel passage means to not get tempted by the devil and worship only one God. I think the gospel passage also means to not trust the devil in anyway. It also means to not put anything before God in your life. It also means never obey the devil and disobey God always try to Obey God.” “This gospel passage is saying that the devil is tempting Jesus just like he tempts us. We have to try and be like Jesus and try to ignore him. This means instead of doing what you know is wrong you should do what is right.” This week we present the reflection of some of our 3rd Graders at St. Anne’s Catholic School. What did the Gospel say to you? “I think this gospel passage means to listen to your heart and not do mean or bad things. In the gospel passage Jesus says, “one does not live on bread alone.” That means that you do not live all on food you live on Gods love too. The devil tries to tempt me too like the devil tempts me to hit my sister but I don’t. Tanner Grove, 3rd Grade McKenzie Dobbins, 3rd Grade PARISH OFFICE & CHURCH CLOSED In observance of President’s Day, The Parish Office and Adoration in the Church will be closed on Monday, February 15th OFICINA Y IGLESIA ESTARÁN CERRADOS La Oficina Parroquial y Adoración en la Iglesia estarán cerradas el Lunes, 15 de Febrero para el Día de los Presidentes. Your Invited to Ministry Day 2016 Saturday, March 12, 2016 at St. Joseph’s Church in Modesto, CA Be the first one to register for Ministry Day 2016! It will be at St. Joseph’s Parish, in Modesto on Saturday, March 12. It will feature several keynote Speakers: Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, Kathy Hendricks, Rev. Juan Carlos Aguirre-Borchardt, Ermelinda Zamora, Maria G. Covarrubias, Katelyn Roedner Sutter and Edgar Garibay with 20 breakout sessions lifting up Pope Francis’ Jubilee Year of Mercy and Laudato Si, On the Care of our Common Home, in English and in Spanish. Registration is only $25.00 until February 25th and with every 5 registrants a 6th person may come totally free. Go to www.stocktondiocese.org to see the entire program and to access the Registration form. All Adults are welcome! Call Sr. Gloria DeJesús 209-466-0636 ext 622 to volunteer for an ‘in house ministry’ on 3.12.2016 Premier Painting 209-327-0908 Re s . & C om . / Int . & E x t . L IC . # 7 8 8 9 4 3 Par i shion e r s in ce 1 9 9 4 ZEITER EYE A-1 LAUNDROMAT MEDICAL GROUP, INC. EYE DISEASES AND SURGERY www.zeitereye.com Buy 1 Pair of Glasses, Get The 2nd 50% OFF 308 N. 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Harney Lane at Highway 99 (209) 334-9613 • Lodi (209) 944-9898 • Stockton (209) 239-0928 • Manteca FD 1657 523248 St Anne Church FD 1672 Garden of the Holy Family www.jspaluch.com is the premium provider of Services Include: In-Home Care Up to 24 Hour Care • Hygiene Assistance • Live-In or Live-Out Services Light Housekeeping • Flexible Schedules • Day or Night Care • Meal Preparation for the Rewarding Companionship • Errands/Shopping • Respite for Family Caregivers San Joaquin Experienced Caregivers • Temporary or Long Term Valley Area! ★ EMPLOYEE BASED ★ SCREENED ★ BONDED ★ INSURED Call Today for your FREE No Obligation consultation! (209) 952-3585 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Parish Lenten Mission Mon., Feb. 15th— Thurs., Feb. 18th In the Church Who me? Why me? What should I do? What should I say? Where should I go? But what if…? If truth be told, by the time we are young adults we have asked God hundreds, if not thousands, of questions, particularly when we don’t know what to do. And why not? Who else should we turn to when we have questions if not to God? This Lent however God wants to ask you a few questions of His own. Why would God, who knows everything already, want to ask me questions? Abbot Damien will offer a reflection on 4 different questions (1 each night) that God Himself has asked in Sacred Scripture. These questions will encourage you, challenge you and draw you deeper into the love God has for you as you prepare for the solemn celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. Join us for our Parish Mission this Lent! Each evening will begin at 6:30pm with a Bilingual Mass and will be followed by a talk. Ejercicios Espirituales de Cuaresma Lunes, 15 de Febrero — Jueves, 18 de Febrero En La Iglesia ¿Yo? ¿Por qué yo? ¿Qué debo hacer? ¿Qué debo decir? ¿Dónde debo ir? ¿Pero qué pasa si...? La verdad es que cuando llegamos a ser adultos jóvenes le hemos hecho a Dios cientos, si no miles, de preguntas, especialmente cuando no sabemos qué hacer. Y ¿por qué no? ¿A quién más nos debemos de dirigir cuando tenemos preguntas si no a Dios? Sin embargo, esta Cuaresma Dios nos quiere hacer unas preguntas. ¿Por qué Dios que ya lo sabe todo, me pregunta? El Abad Damien ofrecerá una reflexión sobre 4 diferentes preguntas (1 cada noche) que Dios mismo ha preguntado en las Sagradas Escrituras. Estas preguntas le animará, retará y le llevará más profundamente en el amor que Dios tiene para usted mientras se prepara para la celebración solemne de la resurrección de Jesús. Únase a nosotros y participe en estos Ejercicios Espirituales de Cuaresma! Cada noche comienza a las 6:30pm con una Misa bilingüe y será seguido por una platica. About our Presenter: Abbot Damien Toilolo is a Benedictine monk of St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, California. Abbot Damien has served his monastic community in various roles including novice master, postulant master, sub-prior and prior-administrator. He is currently in his 6th year of an eightyear term as Abbot, and is on staff as a spiritual director at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, CA. He received his theological and priestly formation at Mt. Angel Seminary in Oregon. Acerca de Nuestro Presentador: Abad Damien Toilolo es un monje Benedictino del Monasterio de San Andrés en Valyermo, California. Abad Damien ha servido en su comunidad monástica en varios papeles como maestro de novicios, maestro postulante, sub-administrador y administrador principal. Actualmente está en su 6º año de un periodo de ocho años como Abad y es el director espiritual del personal en el seminario de San Juan en Camarillo, CA. Recibió su formación teológica y sacerdotal en el seminario - Mount Angel en Oregon.