August 21, 2016


August 21, 2016
August 21 – Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, August 20 –
Sunday, August 28, 2016
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
6:30 PM
8:30 AM
6:30 PM
8:30 AM
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
(August 20):
Doreen Kravetz by
parents Bob and Marge
(August 21):
Donna Ondrasik by family
Metro and Mary Sikorsky by family
(August 22):
Rosemary Johnson by daughter
(August 23):
JoAnne Nemeth by Cecilia Emerick
(August 24): NOTE: Time Change
Jack Sturm by
Michael and Marian Carty
(August 25):
Michael and Anna Hadinger by
(August 26):
Tyler Barr and family by
The Carty family
(August 27):
Anthony Rezeli, Jr. by
daughter RoseAnn
(August 28):
Peter J. Turko by
John and Marge Porambo
Antonio and Gloria Amorim by
Maria Dias and sons
If you have requested a Mass, we ask that you or a
family member bring up the Offertory gifts at Mass.
Please notify one of the Ushers prior to Mass that
you would be available to be our gift bearers.
Mass this Tuesday will be celebrated at Noon
(not 8:30 AM) in the Church. Our St. John
Neumann School faculty will join us as we
celebrate the Eucharist.
Let us continue to remember and pray for all our
deceased relatives, friends, benefactors and
parishioners, those serving in the military, those
struggling with addictions, the homebound and
those who are sick and have asked for our prayers,
especially Gerald Heydt. (Individual names will be
added to the list of Prayers for the Sick upon request
from the individual or from the sick person's Power
of Attorney.)
In Christ, faith is the response to God who reveals
Himself. It is a response in which man speaks to
God as his Creator and Father, a response made
possible by Jesus in Whom God speaks to each of
us and by Whom each of us can respond to God.
Jesus is the new beginning of everything. It doesn’t
matter who we are in this world or what we have
done. Eternal life is for those who seek Him, who
commit themselves to Him and who truly know
Him. So when Jesus says we are to believe, He is
also saying "to trust or depend" on Him.
Adult: As you wrestle with today's Gospel, what
signs do you see in your own life that you are "with
Child: How do you show that you are a follower of
Is 66:18-21; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Mt 23:13-22
2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Mt 23:23-26
Rv 21:9b-14; Jn 1:45-51
1 Cor 1:1-9; Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25; Mt 25:1-13
1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 25:14-30
The Sacrament of
Thursday: 6:00-6:20 PM
8:00-8:20 AM Penance is available
Saturday: 4:15-4:45 PM anytime upon request.
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
J. Uhnak
C. Cornmesser
N. Andress
Eucharistic Ministers
S. Missal/B. Missal
S. Jaroszewski/K. Hoffner
C. Chies/C. Papay
Cup Bearers
G. Duell/D. Horvath
M. Porambo/M. Hoffner
J. Bates/L. Koons
Altar Servers
A. Cornmesser/G. Bauer
T. Pengelly/E. Schisler
G. Duell
This weekend, we extend a
warm Sacred Heart welcome
to Father Anthony Nyari
who will celebrate our Masses this weekend while
Father Bill is away on vacation. Father Nyari is
Chaplain at St. Luke's, Bethlehem and a member of
the Apostles of Jesus Community.
Reminder: Register your child(ren)
after Mass today. Sign-up sheets for
Sunday Preschool (children preK-K)
and PREP Registration (children
Grades 1-8) will be in the Main Vestibule of the
Church after all Masses today. Tuition for PREP is
$100/child. Any questions contact Deacon Ed.
The Sanctuary Candle found in all Catholic
Churches as well as in some Anglican, Episcopal
and Protestant Churches and also in some Jewish
Synagogues owes its origin to Social Scripture
reference to the Lampstand Moses ordered before
the "Tent of Meeting." Light is a symbol of divine
presence while darkness is a symbol for the absence
of the divine. The perpetual burning of our
Sanctuary Candle is a reminder to us of God's
presence among us at all times in His word and in
the sacramental real presence of the Eucharist.
Moses ordered the Sanctuary priests to "Keep the
Flame Burning" (Ex 27:20) and so we maintain the
lit Sanctuary Candle as a constant reminder of
God's presence.
Tribunal Fees for an annulment (formal case) is
$450 and for Lack of Form case ($75). Lack of
financial means will not prevent anyone in need
from receiving these services. If you are in a
marriage that needs to be convalidated or need to
seek an annulment to enter a valid marriage, please
contact Father Bill at the Rectory for an
Candle Remembrance: If you would like to have a
loved one or special intention remembered, please
call the Rectory or place your request in the
Collection Basket. Sanctuary Candle is $10 and
will burn for two weeks. A candle on the Marian,
St. Joseph's Altar or Guardian Angel Shrine is $5
and will burn for one week.
Two of 1001 Reasons why its great to be Catholic!
 The Catholic Church is not only a "Bible
believing" Church, but also the Church of the
 The Eucharist not only bestows grace but
contains the very Author of Grace Himself –
Jesus Christ!
Saint John Neumann Regional School – Back to
School Picnic will be held Sunday, August 28, from
Noon to 3:00 PM at Eagle Park in Slatington.
Join us on September 1 at
7:00 PM in the Parish
Center for our R.C.I.A. Program First Inquiry
Class. R.C.I.A. is a way of welcoming, forming
and initiating new members into the Church.
Sessions begin in September and run through
Pentecost. For more information call George or Peg
Duell at 610-826-8009 or Father Campion at 610826-2335 to set up an appointment.
As you plan for your Summer
vacation, please remember you still
have the obligation to participate at
Mass. Start now to find out where the local
Catholic Church is and its Mass schedule so you
can include your worship in your Summer planning.
Mercy School For Special Learning in Allentown
has the following positions available: a full-time
classroom assistant and a part-time person who can
handle maintenance and other related projects
around the school. For details on either position,
call Beth Grys at 610-797-8242 or e-mail:
Collections this week (8/20-8/21)
First Collection:
In Support of the Parish
Second Collection: Palmerton Festival
Collections next week (8/27-8/28)
First Collection:
In Support of the Parish
Second Collection: None
Parish children should use their weekly envelopes
each week. If your child has misplaced, lost or did
not receive envelopes, please see Deacon Girard or
stop by the Parish Office to receive a box for your
4th Quarter Parish Sunday Offering Report
April 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016
Regular Income: (Sunday, Children’s Envelopes &
Annual Budget:
April Collection:
$ 19,146
May Collection:
$ 23,105
June Collection:
$ 17,488
Sunday Year-to-Date Income:
We express our gratitude to everyone who
contributes. Your stewardship of treasure is
greatly appreciated.
Please remember when you are making or
updating your Will or Trust to consider including a
bequest to Sacred Heart. For more information
contact your lawyer or Father Bill for assistance.
$537.30 needed to reach
our goal of $27,549!
Thank you to all those who have
contributed to the Bishop's Annual
contributed which represents 39.13% participation
at for info regarding the
Appeal. Your support of this diocesan fundraiser
is greatly appreciated.
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is in need of:
tuna fish, peanut butter and cereal. Food donations
can be dropped off in the Main Vestibule. Every
donation is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for helping us help our neighbors!
Advent by Candlelight: Yes, it is
August and we need to begin the
planning process for our Advent by
Saturday, December 3.
This program is a
wonderful spirit-filled evening for women and is
well received and enjoyed by all that attend. This
event has grown from 50 women to well over 150.
For this program to continue, Tricia is in need of
your help. She is looking to form a committee of 5.
Please email Tricia Matsko at: for
Men needed too! Can you help with the set-up and
breakdown of tables? Please email Tricia Matsko
Palmerton Community Festival
September 9-11 is fast approaching!
How can you help?
1. Thank you to all those who helped to prepare
the Haluski this past week.
2. Stand set-up in the park. A few muscles is all
it takes. Meet in the Palmerton Park on
Saturday, August 27, at 10:30 AM to set-up the
Stand (approximately 1 hour of your time
depending on number of volunteers.) Call Cass
3. Kitchen or Stand help during the 3-day
Festival. Sign up early to get your desired time
and shift.
4. Help Cass Chies, be a Co-Chair. Call Cass at
484-515-7319 for details.
Sign-up sheets are available at all Parish writing
desks. Please call Carol Eckert at 610-824-4590
with questions regarding kitchen help and Cass
Chies at 484-515-7319 with all other questions.
Your help is needed and greatly appreciated.
Palmerton Festival Treasure Chest Raffle
Tickets on sale in the Rectory Office for $5.00 per
ticket. Drawing will be held Sunday, September 11,
at 5:00 PM. 5 cash prizes will be awarded.
Proceeds benefit Palmerton Festival and the
Palmerton Halloween Parade. Call the Rectory
Office for your ticket today.
Sunday, August 21, Palmerton Borough Park
Concert beginning at 7:00 PM, The Palmerton
Community Band sponsored by the Bandstand
Committee, will be performing in the bandstand.
Bring your lawn chair and enjoy the last scheduled
Summer evening in the park.
We welcome our Family Promise Guests this
week (Sunday, August 21 to Sunday, August 28.)
We thank all of our volunteers who are giving of
their time and talent to help with the homeless of
Carbon County. If you would like to help, please
call Barb Missal at 484-464-3503.
All are invited to the Franciscan Family Day at
St. Francis Retreat House (Easton) this Sunday,
August 21, beginning at 1:00 PM with a Polka
Mass. Come out and enjoy the day with the
Franciscans. Contact Anne Houston, 610-2583053-ext. 24 or for details.
Annual Diocesan Anniversary Mass is Sunday,
September 18, 3:00 PM at the Cathedral of St.
Catharine of Siena, Allentown, celebrant will be
Bishop John Barres. Couples celebrating 5, 25, 40,
50, 60 or more years of marriage are invited to join
in this diocesan celebration. Registration deadline
is September 9. For additional info call: 610-2898900, ext. 228 or you can register online at:
Sunday, September 25, Festival for Families at
Steel Stacks, Bethlehem. The festivities will begin
with a 5K Charity Run/Walk benefiting Catholic
Charities followed by an outdoor Mass with Bishop
Barres. A fun day for the entire family.
Celebrate Life Banquet, sponsored by Pennsylvania
Pro Life Federation, September 29, 2016 in
Harrisburg. Archbishop Chaput will be the guest
Speaker. Tickets are $50 per person. If interested
contact Gisele Bauer at 610-381-5774. The last
State gathering 4 parishioners attended. Perhaps,
this year, we can have even a larger number of
parishioners in attendance. Think about it!
BUS TRIP to Washington, DC. Join us for the
Diocesan Pilgrimage on October 20. Seats are
now being reserved for our Parish bus. Price is $61
which includes bus to Washington, all gratituties
and a buffet dinner. To reserve your seat call the
Parish Office. Bus will depart Sacred Heart Parking
Lot for Washington, DC at 6:00 AM and estimated
return home time is 10:00 PM.
Cemetery Rules and Regulations and the Fee
Schedule have been revised effective August 1,
2016. Rules and Regulations are at entrances to the
Church, if you would like a copy. Please call the
Rectory Office with any questions.
Consider giving your child a Catholic education:
St. John Neumann Regional School is accepting
applications for the 2016-2017 school year. First
day of school is Monday, August 29, 2016. Call the
School Office at 610-826-2354.
Best Wishes to all of our College parishioners as
they return to their various institutes of learning.
Remember to find your Neumann Center or local
Parish so you can fulfill your Sunday obligation
when you are away at school. Know you are
remembered often in our Parish's thoughts and
prayers and you have our best wishes as you
prepare for the future.
Volunteer’s Required Documents
Over the past several months the State of
Pennsylvania has enacted twenty-three (23) new
pieces of legislature in reference to child abuse. It
is now the law that every volunteer (and employee)
in the State of Pennsylvania who will at any time
come in contact with children while involved in
their volunteer activity (or employment) must have
a State Police background check, child abuse
history check and fingerprinting. They must also
complete two trainings: Protecting God’s Children
and Mandated Reporter Training. In addition,
acknowledgement forms must be signed that they
have read the Diocesan Code of Conduct and
Sexual Abuse Policy.
This information has been distributed to volunteers
of Sacred Heart Parish. If you are a volunteer and
have not received your packet of forms to complete,
please call or visit the Parish Office, asking for
Bonnie. Since the above is State Law, every
volunteer must comply with these requirements in
order to continue participating in their area of
ministry. Please complete the packet of information
and return to Bonnie in the Rectory Office as soon
as possible.
While this may seem like a lot to ask of a volunteer,
we probably would all agree that it is a small price
to pay to try to ensure the safety of our amazing
children and teens.