August 7, 2016


August 7, 2016
August 7 – Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, August 6 –
Sunday, August 14, 2016
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
(August 6):
Peter Shepherd by friends
(August 7):
Dorothy Lang by
Duane and Carol Costenbader
Anita Harry by
husband, children and grandchildren
(August 8):
(August 9):
(August 10):
(August 11):
(August 12):
5:00 PM
(August 13):
For the intentions of Gary Sander by
(August 14):
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hricik by
Mr. and Mrs. George Chupa and
Simon and Maria Pereira by
Ana Maria
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
As you plan for your Summer vacation,
please remember you still have the
obligation to participate at Mass. Start
now to find out where the local Catholic Church is
and its Mass schedule so you can include your
worship in your Summer planning.
The Psalms: St. Augustine wrote of his delight at
hearing the Psalms chanted in Church. However, he
cautioned that listening is not the same as praying.
We must learn to use the Psalms in our own
conversation with God, if not to express one's own
thoughts and emotions then to express the troubles
and concerns of others for whom we pray.
Let us continue to remember and pray
for all our deceased relatives, friends,
benefactors and parishioners, those serving
in the military, those struggling with addictions, the
homebound and those who are sick and have asked
for our prayers, especially Gerald Heydt.
(Individual names will be added to the list of
Prayers for the Sick upon request from the
individual or from the sick person's Power of
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is teaching His disciples to
always be ready for the Lord to come. He uses
parables to explain that we will not know when the
Lord will come again, so we must always be ready
to meet Him when He comes. Jesus reminds us to
think about what really matters to God in Heaven
and to make sure that we do not think of earthly
possessions as more important than God.
Adults: On a daily basis, what are some ways to
keep yourself "ready for God to act?" How do you
pay attention to God’s often-less-than-obvious
Children: Jesus tells us to always be ready to hear
Him. What are some ways that He speaks to us?
Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12; Lk
12:32-48 or 12:35-40
Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Mt 17:22-27
Ez 2:8-3:4; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
2 Cor 9:6-10; Jn 12:24-26
Ez 12:1-12; Mt 18:21-19:1
Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63; Mt 19:3-12
Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Mt 19:13-15
The Sacrament of
Thursday: 6:00-6:20 PM
is available
8:00-8:20 AM
Saturday: 4:15-4:45 PM anytime upon request.
Eucharistic Ministers
Cup Bearers
Altar Servers
5:00 PM P. Duell
Fr. /J. Banas
S. Missal/B. Missal
J. Missal/M. Quinn V. Polst
8:30 AM L. Beck
Fr. /K. Hoffner
F/K Kuhn
B/B Bates
11:00 AM T. Matsko Fr. /A. Gades
M. Stasko/S. Minnich J/N/M Matsko
Kistler Family
The Votive Candle on the Marian Altar will burn
this week in memory of: Andrew and Irene
Homyak by daughter Mary Ellen.
Candle Remembrance: If you would like to have a
loved one or special intention remembered, please
call the Rectory or place your request in the
Collection Basket. Sanctuary Candle cost is $10
and will burn for two weeks. A candle on the
Marian, St. Joseph's Altar or Guardian Angel Shrine
is $5 and will burn for one week.
Father Campion will be away on vacation for the
next two weeks. Masses will be celebrated by
Father Andrew Litigio the weekend of August 1314 and he will speak at all Masses on behalf of the
Franciscans for the Mission Appeal. Father Litigio
will also celebrate the Masses on August 15 for the
Feast of the Assumption. The weekend of August
20-21, Father Anthony Nyari will celebrate the
Masses. Father Nyari is Chaplain at St. Luke's,
Bethlehem and a member of the Apostles of Jesus
Community. We welcome both Priests and express
our gratitude for their assistance.
Monday, August 15, we celebrate a Holy Day of
Obligation. Please note Mass times for this Holy
Day have been changed. We will not have a
Sunday Vigil Mass. Masses will be offered on
Monday, August 15, at 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM.
Mass is required of all Catholics as we celebrate
this feast in honor of Mary, the Patroness of the
United States.
Would you like to teach religion to
our public school children who are in
P.R.E.P. (Parish Religious Education
Program)? Call Deacon Ed at 610-8262849 to make arrangements and learn about the
Diocesan Catechetical Training and Certification
Programs. Your help would be deeply appreciated.
PREP Registration for 2016-2017 will
be held after all Masses the weekend of
August 20-21. Tuition is $100/child.
Please plan to register your child at this time.
Our R.C.I.A. Program First Inquiry Class will
be held at 7:00 PM on
September 1 in the Parish
Center. We encourage our parishioners to extend
an invitation to anyone you know who has
expressed interest in learning more about the
Catholic faith to join us. R.C.I.A. is a way of
welcoming, forming and initiating new members
into the Church. Any adult seeking information
about becoming Catholic or are unbaptized or those
who have been baptized in a different faith or those
who have not yet received the sacrament of the
Eucharist and/or Confirmation is invited to become
part of the R.C.I.A. experience. Sessions begin in
September and run through Pentecost. For more
information call George or Peg Duell at 610-8268009 or Father Campion at 610-826-2335 to set up
an appointment.
The Parish gratefully acknowledges the following
contributions to the Sacred Heart Memorial Fund:
In memory of James Milkowich by:
Mary Ann Milkowich
In memory of Mary Madar by:
Mrs. Antoinette Homlak and family
Volunteers are needed to help prepare the
cabbage for our Haluski that is sold at the
Palmerton Festival. Can you help August 17
and/or 18 with cabbage prep in the auditorium
between 9:30 AM and 3:00 PM, an hour or two or
all day? Sign-up sheets are at all Parish writing
desks. Please call Carol Eckert at 610-824-4590
with questions.
Your help will be greatly
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is in need of:
mac and cheese, spaghetti sauce and canned
vegetables. Food donations can be dropped off in
the Main Vestibule. Every donation is greatly
Thank you for helping us help our neighbors!
Please consider serving in these very important
Parish Ministries:
Become a Lector. Help Proclaim the Word of God.
Would you like to share in proclaiming the Word of
God with clarity and devotion at our Liturgies? If
you are of high school age or older and wish to
participate more fully in Mass, contact Deacon Ed
Girard at 610-826-2849 to schedule a time to train
to become a Lector.
Become an Altar Server. Assist Father at Mass.
We have lost a few Servers who graduated and are
off to college. Altar Servers assist the Priest at
Mass and other liturgical celebrations as needed.
They take part in carrying the Cross or candles in
procession, ringing the Altar bell, holding the book
for the Presider's prayers, assist with setting and
removing items to and from the Altar table and
serve as role models for participation in the Mass.
Boys and Girls in grades 3 to 12, who have received
their First Communion, are eligible. Training is
required and provided. Contact: Deacon Ed Girard
at 610-826-2849.
Offertory Gift Bearers have the privilege to carry
the wine, hosts and collection to the Priest at Mass
for consecration! The bread, wine and water that
will be miraculously transformed into the Body and
Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Three people are
welcome to bring the gifts forward. No special skill
or permanent ministerial duty is required. This is a
simple way to increase one’s own participation in
the Liturgy and is such a beautiful and significant
part of the Mass performed by lay people. If you
would like to be a Gift Bearer at the Mass you are
attending, please let an Usher know. Families are
invited to bring the gifts at the Mass that they
Reminder: All Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors,
Altar Servers, Greeters: I am in the process of
preparing our next Ministry Schedule. Please
contact Sandy, at the Rectory Office, with any
requests or scheduling conflicts no later than this
Monday, August 8, via email: or
phone: 610-826-2335.
Thanks for your
Collections this week (8/6-8/7)
First Collection:
In Support of the Parish
Second Collection: Improvement and Repairs
Collections next week (8/13-8/14)
First Collection:
In Support of the Parish
Second Collection: Mission Co-op
Thank you to all those who have
contributed to the Bishop's Annual
Appeal. We are getting closer to our
goal of $27,549. As of August 1,
$26,786.70 has been donated. 196
Parish families contributed which represents
38.74% participation rate.
Visit the Appeal
website at for info
regarding the Appeal.
Your support of this
diocesan fundraiser is greatly appreciated.
Advent by Candlelight: Yes,
it is August and we need to
begin the planning process for
our Advent by Candlelight
December 3. This program is a wonderful spiritfilled evening for women and is well received and
enjoyed by all that attend. This event has grown
from 50 women to well over 150. For this program
to continue, Tricia is in need of your help. She is
looking to form a committee of 5. Please contact
Tricia Matsko via email at: for
Men needed too! Can you help with the set-up and
breakdown of tables? Please email Tricia Matsko
Consider giving your child a Catholic education:
Marian High School is accepting registrations for
2016-17 school year. Busing is available from
Palmerton. Registration application fee for a
Freshman student is $125. Transfer fee for upper
classmen will be covered by a Grant. For more
information, please call the Director of Admission,
Teresa Sheer at 570-668-2225 ext. 2217.
SJNRS Summer Office hours:
Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM or
call 610-826-2354 and your call will be returned.
CYO Volleyball Registration: Girls from 4th-8th
grade that are enrolled in CCD or in Catholic
School are eligible. Please call Paula Vinson at
610-703-9396 immediately to register. Registration
Cost: $55. Practices begin in August and are held
twice a week at SJNRS gym and/or Palmerton
Middle School gym. Please note: Palmerton High
School will be starting a high school program for
Volleyball this year. Great way to prepare for high
school competition.
In search of a Volleyball Coach or Coach
Assistant. Contact Paula Vinson at 610-703-9396
for additional info.
Sunday, August 7, Palmerton Borough Park
Concert beginning at 7:00 PM, The Pennsylvania
Villagers sponsored by the Palmerton Lions Club,
will be performing in the bandstand. Bring your
lawn chair and enjoy a Summer evening in the park.
Sacred Heart will host Family Promise beginning
Sunday, August 21 to Sunday, August 28. We
thank all of our volunteers who are giving of their
time and talent to help with the homeless of Carbon
County. If you would like to help, please call Barb
Missal at 484-464-3503.
Annual Diocesan Anniversary Mass is scheduled
for Sunday, September 18, celebrated by Bishop
John Barres at 3:00 PM at the Cathedral of St.
Catharine of Siena, Allentown. Couples celebrating
5, 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years of marriage are
invited to join in this diocesan celebration.
Registration deadline is September 9. Register at:
call 610-289-8900, ext. 228.
Sunday, September 25, Festival for Families at
Steel Stacks, Bethlehem. The festivities will begin
with a 5K Charity Run/Walk benefiting Catholic
Charities followed by an outdoor Mass with Bishop
Barres. A fun day for the entire family.
Join us for the October 20th, Diocesan
Pilgrimage. Seats are now being reserved for our
Parish bus. Price is $61 which includes bus to
Washington, all gratituties and a buffet dinner. To
reserve your seat call the Parish Office (seating
limited). Bus will depart Sacred Heart Parking Lot
for Washington, DC at 6:00 AM and estimated
return home time is 10:00 PM.
Sacred Heart received a rebate check from
SJNRS for $119. Thank you to all who purchased
cards through the Scrip Program. Scrip gives back
without you having to spend a single additional
penny. Consider purchasing your (grocery, gas,
dining-out) cards through Scrip. For info on Scrip
or to purchase cards, contact the School Office at
610-826-2354, a parent or student of SJNRS or the
Rectory Office. It is a win, win situation.
Palmerton Festival Treasure Chest Raffle
Tickets: In lieu of the Duck Race at the Palmerton
Festival, each vendor, including Sacred Heart, has
been given 20 Treasure Chest Raffle Tickets to sell.
Drawing will be held Sunday, September 11, at 5:00
PM. 5 cash prizes will be awarded. Tickets are
available at the Rectory Office for $5.00 per ticket.
Proceeds benefit Palmerton Festival and the
Palmerton Halloween Parade. Call the Rectory
Office for your ticket today.
For many Catholics, Confession is just a means
to an end: Cleaning up from sin so we can receive
But as Pope Francis tells us,
"Confession is much more than 'going to the
spiritual dry cleaner.' It is an encounter with Jesus,
Who waits for us as we are." This Summer
consider encountering the Lord in this special
sacrament of His love and mercy.
Grief and Loss Support Group is for adults
grieving the loss of someone significant in their
lives and provides an opportunity to come together
with others who have experienced the loss of a
loved one. The group will meet on Wednesdays
from August 17 through September 21 from 3:30 to
5:00 PM at St. Luke's Priscilla Payne Hurd
Education Center, 801 Ostrum Street, Bethlehem.
Registration is required, please email at: or call 484-526-2514.
The U.S.C.C.B. (United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops) has offered its teaching document
on the political responsibilities of Catholics entitled,
"Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship."
To order a copy, call the USCCB office at 202-5413000 and request publication 78-528. With the
important upcoming election approaching, we
should be looking to support candidates of principal
and those who will protect religious rights and
dignity of all people, including the most vulnerable;
the unborn, the poor, the disabled and the elderly.