Jan. 17, 2016 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jan. 17, 2016 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Parish of the Holy Cross 95 Nichols Road + Nesconset, NY 11767 + 631.265.2200 + www.pothc.org LET ALL BE WELCOMED AS CHRIST! “Jesus told them, ‘Fill the jars with water.’ …And…the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine…” John 2:7-9 Come and pray with us! Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 17, 2016 WE CELEBRATE EUCHARIST Monday—Thursday: 9:00 A.M. (Chapel) Saturday: 5:00 P.M. Sunday: 8:00 A.M. + 9:30 A.M. + 11:30 A.M. WE CELEBRATE BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated on the second and last Sunday of each month at 1 P.M. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. WE CELEBRATE RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:45 P.M.—4:30 P.M. or call Father Michael for an appointment. WE CELEBRATE WEDDINGS Couples should contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. We are here for you! 631.265.2200 + Fax 631.265.2229 + pothc@optonline.net Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (closed 12:15-1:00 PM) PASTORAL TEAM Rev. Michael F. Holzmann Deacon Ralph Rivera Pastor Pastoral Minister Ms. Ellen Fox Mrs. Elizabeth Shea Director of Religious Education Business Manager Mrs. Connie Calabro Mrs. Mary Anne Mc Culloch Mr. Brian Reich Director of Music Ministry Co-Coordinators of Parish Outreach Mr. Salvatore Finocchiaro Mrs. Judith Pickel Coordinator of Youth Ministries Pastoral Associate PASTORAL STAFF Mrs. Jane Wirth Dr. Vincent Mazurek Mr. James Reiss Parish Secretary Music Minister Religious Education Secretary (hcreled@optonline.net) Mr. Edward Guise Mr. Gerald Farrell Mrs. Mary Inghilterra Weekend Sacristan Custodians Celebrants for Next Weekend’s Masses January 23rd/24th 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Mass Intentions Schedule Week of January 17th, 9 AM Mass Mon. Maryann Biangar (living) Tue. Job Vibal Wed. Anne Geisel Thu. Astrid Lopez (living) & Liliana Donlon (living) Rev. Gil Lap Fr. Bob Fr. Bob Fr. Bob Scripture Readings for January 24, 2016 + Nehemiah 8:2-6,8-10 + 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 + Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 New Life Life New in Christ Christ in Saturday, January 23rd, 5 PM Mass Ann Keena, Catherine Henry, Sammy Mezrahi, Mrs. Nolan Sun., Jan. 24th, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Emily M. Schlote 9:30 AM People of the Parish 11:30 AM Thomas Hughes, Nicolo Amoroso Stewardship Corner St. Paul reminds us in today’s 2nd reading that each of us has been given gifts from the Holy Spirit. How do you use your gifts to build up the Kingdom of God in your home and in your community? The Parish Office is closed on Monday, January 18th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There will be a 9:00 Mass Monday morning. 2 Losing Tickets, Changing Rules, and Floating Fish by Father Michael Last week we had an office pool to buy tickets for the 800 Million Dollar Power Ball drawing. We won! Well, kind of. Three of our tickets had the single power ball, which pays $4. So, from our $2 investment each of us received back 60 cents in winnings. You may have noticed from the staff listing in the bulletin there have been no changes. No one was able to give up their job to enjoy new found riches. We will see what happens for the next drawing. Speaking of the bulletin, our publishing company has given us some new guidelines regarding the formatting of the bulletin. The length of the bulletin now needs to be in multiples of four pages. We used to be able to have single pages, but that is no longer an option. This presents a bit more of a challenge to Jane Wirth, our Parish Secretary who beautifully creates the bulletin each week. She would often be able to take a last minute notice and insert it. If she did this now, it could mean she would need to come up with another 3 pages of material. If your ministry needs space in the bulletin, please give as much advance notice as possible to assist in planning. Please understand if we cannot accommodate last minute submissions or we do not have room for all requests. I did not realize that the aerator on my fish pond stopped working. This is a little underwater gizmo that keeps blowing bubbles so that the water does not freeze. Last week when we hit those couple of bitter cold days, the surface of the pond froze solid. The fish need access to fresh air. I am sorry to report that Grouchy and Gertrude did not make it. (After the bird incident of last summer, I named the little guys.) Burial services were held last Sunday afternoon at the Community Garden compost pile. Deacon Ralph presided. I now have a new aerator, and the rest of the fish should safely hibernate through the winter. I had a fun day off last week. Connie Calabro tipped me off to an annual Christmas train show at the New York Botanical Garden. It is a unique layout of G-scale trains (the big ones) running through recreations of famous NY buildings. I had a fun time. I guess I am a train buff. Not only did I go see trains, but I got to ride a bunch of them to get there; the LIRR, 2 subways, and Metro North. I like a good train ride, but it must be a grind for those of you who make that trip every work day. I am so grateful that my “commute” is a walk through the woods. This weekend is the annual Telecare Telethon. I will be on the air for a few minutes on Sunday afternoon between 3:30PM – 4:00PM. I always get a kick out of the telethon and am very happy to participate. 3 WINTER CARNIVAL! The Parish of the Holy Cross is hosting a Winter Carnival for all Level 1 and 2 students and their families. Date: Friday, January 29th Time: 6pm-9pm Place: Parish of the Holy Cross Atrium Come join us for games, crafts, refreshments, prizes and fun! Please RSVP by January 20th 631-265-2200 x11 or x12 or hcreled@optonline.net We look forward to seeing you there! YOUTH MINISTRY Sunday, January 17: No Youth Day or Night Event due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend! Sunday, January 24: 11:30AM Mass with the Core Band and a Youth Day Event from 12:30PM to 2:30PM. If you are thinking about coming to the church to see what we are all about. . .do it! You will not regret it. Come with a friend or family member, and join us as we continue to grow in the endless love of Christ. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Sal Finocchiaro, the Coordinator of Youth Ministries, at HCyouthgroup@hotmail.com, or call the parish office. :-) 4 PARISH OUTREACH Is This a Way to Share Your Gifts? In March, the Diocese of Rockville Centre is offering Bereavement Facilitator training. Holy Cross currently does not have a parish bereavement group. If this is something you might be interested in pursuing, please call Mary Anne or Connie in the Outreach office at 265-2200 x13 for further information. COMMUNITY NEWS The Beginning Experience The loss of a spouse through death, divorce or separation is one of life’s most traumatic experiences, often resulting in feelings of loneliness and grief. When those feelings remain, it can be overwhelming and hard to move forward. The Beginning Experience weekend is time to focus on you… to feel understood by peers and experience a sense of peace and a renewed hope for the future. The next weekend is on Long Island in Bay Shore, February 26-28, 2016. For information and reservations, call Mary at 516-413-6209; Jean at 631-903-0973; or John at 516-822-0635. Or, email to BeginningExperienceLI@hotmail.com Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille A lifeline for married couples Another marriage saving Retrouvaille weekend will be offered January 22, 2016. You Can Help Heal Your Marriage. Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, January 22nd, 2016 at the Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington, please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. 5 CASH CALENDAR 6 ANNUAL TELETHON MEETINGS THIS WEEK Monday, January 18th MORNING MASS 9:00 AM Chapel Telecare Telethon 2016! (The Parish Office is closed for the holiday.) The Telecare Telethon is the weekend of Saturday, January 16th from 2PM -10PM and Sunday, January 17th from 12PM to 10PM. Tuesday, January 19th CO-CHAIRS VISIONING MEETING 7:00 PM Atrium Wednesday, January 20th SENIORS 11 AM-2:30 PM Atrium Thursday, January 21st RCIA 7:00 PM Fr. Joe Room Saturday, January 23rd RCIA DISMISSAL 5:00 Mass Fr. Joe Room Sunday, January 24th HOSPITALITY YOUTH DAY EVENT After 11:30 Mass Atrium 12:30-2:30PM Atrium We’ve changed back to our old website address! We are now at www.pothc.org Please tune in on Cablevision channel 29/137 or Verizon FiOS channel 296 to support our Diocesan Television Station. It will be 18 hours filled with many guest “stars” including many of the clergy, religious and dedicated lay people of our Diocese and across the country. Additionally, visits from some celebrity chefs, musical groups and New York sports teams will help fuel the enjoyment. Join Msgr. Jim Vlaun and the priests of our Diocese and beyond for the 24th annual Telecare Telethon celebrating Catholic evangelization through Television! Consider making a donation by phone or a secure donation over the internet at www.TelecareTV.org ST. JOSEPH RENEWAL CENTER The following programs will take place in February at St. Joseph Renewal Center, 1725 Brentwood Rd. Bldg. #4, Brentwood, NY 11717. If interested, please call 631-273-1187 Ext. 123. Gathering of Women – Feb. 2, 10AM-12:00 noon, Offering $15, Facilitators: Tina Cafaro & Joan Vessio Living with Alzheimer's & Dementia – Feb. 3, 1-2:30PM, Free will offering, Presenter: Josephine Daspro, CSJ Guided Meditation for Inner Healing – Feb. 3, 7-8PM, Offering $15 ($25 for individual session by appointment), Presenter: Irene Moore, CCH/Meditation Therapist Deepening your Spiritual Practice through the use of FOCUSING – Feb. 3, 7-9PM, Offering $15, Presenter: Kathy Porter Ash Wednesday Day of Prayer “Walking with a Fearless Heart” – Feb. 10, 10AM–3PM, Offering $45 includes lunch, Presenter: Josephine Daspro, CSJ Men 2 Men Gathering – Feb. 13, 8-9:30AM, Offering $20 includes breakfast, Presenters: Michael Dunne & participants from the group 7 8