St. John Vianney Catholic Church St. Paschal Catholic
St. John Vianney Catholic Church St. Paschal Catholic
St. John Vianney St. Paschal Catholic Church Catholic Church 503 North Walnut Road, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206-3830 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 141125, Spokane Valley, WA 99214 PASTORAL TEAM 926-5428 Senior Priest: Fr. Charles D. Skok Home: 325-5279 Pastor: Fr. Joseph W. Bell 926-5428 Home: 863-9266 E-Mail Deacon: Kelly Stewart 926-5428 Cell: 993-4425 SJV PARISH OFFICE 926-5428 Administrative Assistant: Bob Joy Accountant: Jerry Valley RE Coordinator: Rita Cosby 926-5553 Secretary: Mavourneen Daspit Music Coordinator: Dennis Rae SJV PARISH SCHOOL 926-7987 Principal: Sonia Flores-Davis Secretary: Joan Olson Receptionist: Kelly Witt School Fax # 891-9030 SJV YOUTH MINISTRY Deacon Kelly Stewart 993-4425 E-Mail SJV PASTORAL COUNCIL Fr. Joseph W. Bell 926-5428 Cathy Suda, Chair 891-5551 SJV FINANCE COUNCIL SJV ALTAR SOCIETY Shirley Grumbly-Walker 2523 North Park Road, Spokane Valley, Washington Mailing Address: P.O. Box 141125, Spokane Valley, WA 99214 UPS/Deliveries: 7404 E. Marietta, Spokane, WA 99212 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 Focus: What Time’s the Meeting? In our (overly) scheduled lives we can lose sight of the fact that the most important “meeting” we will have is one that we cannot put on any schedule. Living the Word 926-2587 SJV CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Sue Kappen 465-5962 SJV KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Steve Hammond 928-7555 SJV OUTREACH COMMITTEE Hilda Boyd, Chair 924-4299 SJV PARISH BLOOD CENTER CONTACT Gene Daspit 922-2805 SJV PARISH & SCHOOL WEB Email: Facebook: StJohnVianneyCatholic TO SCHEDULE AN EVENT, E-MAIL: Parish: School: SJV PRAYER CHAIN You may call one of the following numbers with your prayer need: Mona McDonald 924-9330 Pat Byrd 928-4340 BULLETIN DEADLINE MONDAY NOON SJV = St. John Vianney SP = St. Paschal CATHOLIC FAMILY SERVICE COUNSELING Call the Diocesan office 242-2308 SUNDAY MASSES SJV Saturday Vigil 5:00 P.M. SP Sunday 8:00 A.M. SJV Sunday 10:00 A.M. SJV WEEKDAY MASS Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M. Holy Days and Holidays as announced SJV EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Last Wednesday of the Month SACRAMENT OF PENANCE SJV Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 P.M. SP Sunday 7:15 A.M. Or by appointment SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION INFANTS: Baptism is scheduled once a month, usually at Sunday Mass. Call 926-5553 to schedule preparation. RCIA Contact Charles Pfeifer, 924-8791, Tom Crossan, 921-1041, Theresa Joy, 844-4115, or Mike Heywood, 999-8374 SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please call five months before desired date to allow time for pre-marital counseling and liturgy planning. SJV EUCHARISTIC HOME VISITS If you are home bound or ill and would like Communion, please call 926-5553. SP MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Dick Medley 995-5187 SP PASTORAL COUNCIL Kathy Foreman 928-4891 SP FINANCE COUNCIL Bill Trudeau 921-6838 SP PARISH CENTER COORDINATOR Irene Bailly 954-4008 SP EDUCARE DIRECTOR Mary Jo Paschall 922-7616 SP EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Kathy Foreman 928-4891 SP PRAYER CHAIN Rosalie Thompson 443-7268 SP KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS John Ammann 922-6037 SP ALTAR SOCIETY Barbara Vermillion 926-0889 Vivian Gregson 926-7404 SP PARISH BLOOD CENTER CONTACT John Ammann 922-6037 PARISH ASSISTANCE PROGRAM If you need assistance with food or utilities, please call the Parish Office Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 9 a.m. — Noon 1 Today’s Readings Wis 18:6-9 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 Lk 12:32-48 Loving God, you have chosen us as your people. Wake us up. Shake us up. Help us evaluate our lives to live the values of your Son, Jesus, in order to be ready to meet him with joy and peace every day you give us. 2015 Living the Word SJV MASS INTENTIONS SJV CALENDAR Sunday — August 7 10:00 AM Mass: All the People of the Parish Coffee Hour 1:30 PM: Book Club Monday — August 8 8:00 AM: Mass 6:30 PM: Scouts Tuesday — August 9 8:00 AM: Mass 9:30 AM: Altar Society Wednesday — August 10 8:00 AM: Mass 6:30 PM: Cub Scouts (gym) Thursday — August 11 8:00 AM: Mass Friday — August 12 8:00 AM: Mass Saturday — August 13 5:00 PM: Mass Sunday — August 14 10:00 AM Mass: All the People of the Parish ST PASCHAL’S CALENDAR Sunday — August 7 8:00 AM Mass: For all the People of the Parish Coffee & Donuts Wednesday — August 10 10:00 AM: Pinochle Group 7:00 PM: KC Meeting Sunday — August 14 8:00 AM Mass: For all the People of the Parish Coffee & Donuts I would like to thank everyone for the prayers, masses and concern for me during my hospitalization and recuperation. Thank you so much. Lillian White. Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Readings for the Coming Week Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c Mt 17:22-27 Ez 2:8-3:4 Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 2 Cor 9:6-10 Jn 12:24-26 Ez 12:1-12 Mt 18:21-19:1 Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 Mt 19:3-12 Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32 Mt 19:13-15 Next Sunday’s Readings Jer 38:4-6, 8-10 Heb 12:1-4 Lk 12:49-53 Aug. 8 Aug. 9 Aug.10 Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Offered For Requested By Bob & Theresa Joy (Wedding Aniversary) Lucille Manley-Parr + BD Gene & Mavourneen Daspit Bev Holman + Larry & Carol Hoyt Bill Zimmer + Pat Byrd Harold Warren + AD (8/13) Mary Ann Warren Shirley Cosby + AD Pavliska Family SJV Announcements Night Walk Ministries We continually need clean, used socks and underwear to distribute to the homeless. A box is in the foyer of the Church for your donations. SJV RCIA Inquiry The next class will be Monday, August 15, Mystagogy, at 6 p.m. in the SJV Parish Office. If you have any questions, you may call any one of the team members, Charles Pfeifer, 924-8791, Tom Crossan, 921-1041, Theresa Joy, 844-4115, or Mike Heywood, 999-8374. Photos Available If you had your photo taken for the Parish photo directory and did not place an order, you can pick up your free photo at the Parish Office. Call Bob, 926-5428. School Office Hours for the Summer Our office hours are Tuesdays, 10 a.m. — 2 p.m. We do check our voice mail and can be reached by emails. Families interested in registering for the 2016-2017 school year may call 926-7987 and your call will be returned. St. Paschal Announcements Ministry Scheduler Needed We are in need of someone to take over scheduling Eucharistic Ministers who visit Park Place on Sunday mornings. If you can volunteer for this ministry, please call Pete Ficalora, 926-8718. Saint John Paul II Foundation The Saint John Paul II Foundation is dedicated to supporting vocations in the Spokane Diocese through prayer and by financially supporting seminarian scholarships and vocation education programs. We are hoping to provide financial support to three seminarians this academic year. Please remember to send in your pledge forms and donation. Thank you for your support and prayers. SJV & ST PASCHAL’S JR & SR HIGH MINISTRY Our youth ministry Tuesday gatherings for grades 7—12 are over for a while. Deacon Kelly Stewart, Youth Minister, 926-5428 or 993-4425 or e-mail: Biking with Bishop Thomas Daly Students grades 6—12, join Bishop Thomas Daly for a 5 mile bike ride on the Centennial Trail Sunday, August 28, at 4 p.m. Mission Park North Shelter (Mission & Perry). BBQ following at Mission Park; bring a side dish to share. Call Deacon Kelly before August 12 if you are interested to go with a SJV & St. Paschal group. Registration is required. 2 In order to meet our budgeted operating expenses, we need Sunday Envelope collections of $8,500 per week. Thank you for continuing to support St. John Vianney Parish. St. John Vianney, July 31, 2016 Sunday Envelopes/Loose Building Fund School Special Projects (short $2,228.10) $6,271.90 $80.00 $90.00 $70.00 Votive $20.00 St. Paschal, July 31, 2016 Sunday Envelopes Building fund $1,084.85 Fuel $10.0 $15.00 Poor $7.00 Live Edition of “Time with the Bishop”: Bishop Thomas Daly will host another one-hour live edition of “Time with the Bishop” on Tuesday, August 9, beginning at noon on Sacred Heart Radio, KTTO 970 AM (Spokane). Please call with questions and comments and interaction with Bishop Daly: 327-3695. Immaculate Heart Retreat Center — 448-1224 Summer Senior Day, August 17, 11:30 a.m.— 1 p.m. Come enjoy lunch, a performance by the Hillyard Belles, a facility tour and social time. Cost is $10/person. Novena and Canonization Mass in honor of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta St. Patrick Catholic Church, 5021 N. Nelson St. 487-1325. Novena, 6—7 p.m., Friday, August 26, to Saturday, September 3. Canonization Mass, 1 p.m., Sunday, September 4. Luncheon to follow in the adjacent park. Married Singles Lifestyle - Retrouvaille is for any couple who would like to rediscover their marriage and improve communication. For confidential information or to register for the September 9 — 11, 2016, Spokane weekend, call 520-4118 or visit the web site at Beginning Experience Coping Class for separated, divorced, and widowed people of all faiths, Tuesdays, September 6—October 11, 7—9 p.m., St. Aloysius Parish Center. For more information, call Marlene Schuster, 534-1797. Golf Tournament Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church are sponsoring a golf tournament Monday, September 19, at Downriver Golf Course. Register at or call 509-448-9890. Please keep in your prayers all named below and all who are ill and in need of your prayers Jesse Achenbach, Msgr. Frank Bach, Louise Baker, Quinn Bell, Mary Alice Boeller, Dan & Ruby Casey, Rose Cheeney, Dorothea Christian, Jim Christnacht, Duane Costa, Harold & Margaret Cronk, Art Delbuono, Mike Doohan, Jean Frucci, Merle Gilmore, Sally Green, Terry Gunderson, Christy Harbison, Jackie Howerton, Marcie Kelly, Tom Knudson, Marion Lancaster, Tam Le, Katie Lund, Nash Lund, Julie Mathews, Sharon Mehaffey, Maureen Stevens-McClarty, Jack McLeslie, Judy Newman, Mark Newman, Betty Pierson, Marge Sauvé, Madge Schaff, Jack Schofield, Gerald Seubert, Chuck & Vicki Sevela, Abagail Shelton, Bill Simpson, Martha Smith, Barbara Vermillion, Jack Walker, Mary Ann Warren, and Priscilla Zaagman. Anyone desiring to have a name in the Prayers for the Ill, please contact the Parish Office, 926-5428 or 926-5553. News from St. John Vianney Catholic School — 926-7987 St. John Vianney Catholic School aspires to develop the whole student through faith, knowledge and service. We embrace and celebrate diversity within a nurturing environment. The faculty works in partnership with parents, students, the parish and the community to build a strong foundation for our children. We are St. John Vianney, forming future leaders to transform the world. Please Join Us Sunday, August 28, at the 10:00 AM Mass, Welcome Back to School All parents and students are encouraged to attend the 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, August 28. The school building will be open after Mass to drop off school supplies, pick up last minute uniforms and an opportunity to say “Hi” to old and new friends. First Day of School is Monday, August 29, at 8:00 AM Please continue to pray for our students and staff members as they celebrate the last days of summer break. Ways to Support Our School: Fred Meyer Community Rewards — enroll your Rewards Cards to designate St. John Vianney School: Our NPO number 93719. Clip out Box Tops & Labels for Education. We use the rewards from these for materials and resources for teachers and students. Designate SJV as the school to receive dividends from local stores: Office Depot and Staples. Purchase through Amazonsmile at: We are listed as: St. John Vianney Catholic Parish Spokane Valley.” Thank you for your continued support of our school ministry. Sonia Flores-Davis, Principal ST PASCHAL’S LITURGICAL MINISTERS August 14, 2016 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 8:00 AM D. Davenport J. Dunn K. Foreman S. Green PARK PLACE: P. Ficalora LECTOR Advertiser of the Week Pines Dairy Queen, Judy Bergland, Owner Please support our advertisers listed on the back of the bulletin. It is through their support that the parishes receive the bulletins at no cost. C. Stolp ST JOHN VIANNEY LITURGICAL MINISTERS August 13/14, 2016 5:00 PM 10:00 AM EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 1. T. Sokol 3. P. Heimerman 5. P. Schmidt 7. G. Stratton 1. P. Kirby 3. J. Williams 5. E. Wakeling 7. J. Sebert LECTORS ALTAR SERVERS USHERS/GREETERS 2. M. Sokol 4. R. Batchelder 6. J. Kappen T. Crossan J. Hiner J. Huntley C. Huntley D. Hernandez J. Gonzalez B. Meyers D. Morrison M. Tibbals 2. J. Greer 4. K. Strobridge 6. A. Spragg N. Durgan B. Joy H. Greer M. Greer E. Farrell N. Durgan D. Carson M. Heywood S. Carson 3
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